A Petitionary EPISTLE Directed to the LORD PROTECTOR, AND People of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to continue in unity.


FOR so You are, God having exalted You to be the absolutest Imperial Chiefe, that hitherto hath Headed these Nations; our preceding Bles­sings fils us with hopes of future Suc­cesses; our Faith cannot miscarry if diffidence in You, & disobedience in the Peeple, prove not the Rocks to split this glorious Vessel of Englands Commonwealth, and its chiefe Commander, upon their en­trance [...] [Page 2] and into the Harbour of Peace and Honor: Therefore in the love of Christ I beseech you not to take amiss my ho­nest plainness, which will keep at distance from indecent rudeness.

Though in the cure of these distempers I lanch deep into the sore of corruption, and apply Corrosives to cleanse it, you shall have balm to heal it without a scar, and Cordialls to cherish and strengthen the Vitals.

My Lord, I address to you, Recollect what you were, con­sider what you are; who hath chosen you, and what you are to do for him, read Deut. 17. from Ver. 14. to the end, your Office is there bounded. Peruse the 18. of Jeremiah, and turn over the Records of Jeroboam and Jehu; let their sleigh­tings of the Promises annexed to their preferment, and the superstructures of their owne devices added to the Lords foundation, be ponder'd by you: The Lord hath given you a heart and head sutable to the work he hath design'd you for; The world will witness while it continues, that you have an immense portion of prudence and courage, yet you have not done the work that is expected from you; the heady, stiff-neckt disobedience of the people forcing you to run in­to your self, which will never do the work.

You have been excellent in modelling, framing and regu­lating of Armies; but how fruitless hath been your purging forming, and creating of Parliaments? the Lord having blasted all your undertakings in that kinde, the reason bee­ing not seen, if discern'd, not desired. My Lord submit onely to the Lord Almighty in this particular, and he will give your Subjects hearts to maintain you in that Throne he hath made their hands to lift you into: My prayers and la­bours have been, and are, that your Glory may not onely continue, but increase.

A great contest is between you and the People, as to the Election of a Parliament, God can and will onely umpire it; trust him with both your interests, and make your Ele­ctions by lot; divide and rule, is Machivil's Maxime; but [Page 3] division is the mother of destruction, is Christs Assertion.

Brethren of this united Common-wealth, of what judg­ment soever you be, in all Christian love I come to you, and wish that as so many beautiful and sweet flowers growing in the Lords garden, you may be chosen in your several varie­ties, gifts and operations, to be included in the silken bond of Peace to make a Poesie that may be pleasing both in the eyes and nostrills of the Prince of Peace.

What are you weary of your well-being? David's com­plaint was, Lord where are thy loving kindnesses? hast thou for­got to be merciful? But instead thereof, the Lord complains, How are my mercies and deliverances forgotten? Have I not freed you from servitude both spiritual and temporal? have I not cleansed you from your own blood you lately wallow­ed in by a civil war? Have I not remov'd the Pestilence from you, and not suffered the Famine to approach you? Have not I given you faithful, wise and couragions Gover­nors that have made you quiet at home, feared abroad, and famous to all Nations? But what hath been your return un­to him for all these mercies, except pride, covetousness, hy­pocrisie, and disobedience? for which you must expect fear­ful judgments, unless a timely return by repentance and a­mendment be speedily made with all submission to the Lords Ordinance by himself constituted, continued and approved; the neglect and breach of which hath brought you into all these contentions; greater calamities are you falling into, un­less you agree to prevent them in leaving it to beidecided by our merciful Lord God, who onely can compose it.

Parliaments are like the brazen Serpent; once your cure, now your idol; see, what have they done, since the first Scottish Kings reign, till this time: Say, if any one begun & ended to the Prince and peoples content; what inconveni­ences have not some brought? how have you esteemed of of them? How have some of them acted that which they condemn'd unlawful in the Star-chamber-practice upon Burton, Pryn, and Bastwick? How have their Acts been late­ly [Page 4] violated? witness the last Act for Prisoners, suspended at the arbitrary pleasures of some during the intervals of Par­liaments Sessions: And those Acts which provide for the dispose of treasure, broken by factious persons, and when complained on, not onely connived at, but also countenan­ced by some in Parliament; which if you be not carefull to preserve those Laws you finde, you teach the people to break those you make. How can you hope for any good to be ef­fected by Parliaments as now elected? Have you not seen sometimes the Presbyterian, otherwhile the Independent? nay, have you not complain'd of a Cavalier-prevailing par­ty in them? You know it is a remnant that is faithfull: How oft have you suggested the major part to bee corrupt, which hath caused you to purge Parliaments, and gave you an entrance into Scotland; And can you forget how in the last Parliament in the very beginning by those factious Ele­ctions they had chosen Members, which if the Lord in mer­cy had not restrained them, before this time we should have been plunged in blood and destruction. I tremble when I think on the Hazlerig-troop of secluded Remonstrants in the beginning of that Parliament, did term him whom the Lord chose, and themselves fought with in the same cause for their Countrys redemption, Tyrant and Usurper. How have they by ther murmurings and provocations caused him (like Moses) to strike when he should but speake? and by their frowardness and ragings, forced him (as Aaron) to make a Calfe like the Aegyptian Ox, an other House instead of a House of Peers? But we hope the vanity of Messages and Messengers during the last fortnights sitting, wil for the future free us from the like mischieves.

How at present do we plunge him to preserve us? Alas! the quarrell is between Christ and Antichrist: Are not He and the King of Sweden the prime Champions or Christen­dome that stand for the reformed Religion? Look round about you, and see if you are not in the midst of flames; you will finde Tinder-boxes and Fuell from all parts to in­crease [Page 5] them, and factious bellows to blow them higher, but few to bring a bucket of water to quench them. Consider what condition you are in; you have yet peace at home, the Portugal, French Dane, Dutch and Spanish have for their affronts sought compliance, or suffered for not doing of it: What would you have him to do? how support the Armies and Navies? hath he had Kings, Bishops, Deans and Chap­ters with Delinquents Lands? Or, are they dispersed among the people? How hath this Citie lately in a manner had cities added to it? Where are his banks, favourites, riots, works of ostentation, for which he extorts your treasure, and mis-imployes it? You Citizens, can you bee wise and provident in your particulars, as in adventuring your wealth to sea, engage your credit, and with patience expect a gainful return; and you Countrey-men the like in your crops; and will it not perswade you to the like cheerfull pa­tience when the welfare and honor of the Publike is con­cern'd? Will you when you are by your skilful stout Pilot whom the Lord enabled to steer you safely in all your by­past storms and dangers, and hath brought you even to your desired Havens mouth, the windes rising high and the rocks in his way, will you then binde your Pilot hand and foot, and wilfully cast him, and your selves away? You see your dan­ger, and necessity, and be assured no Forrainer sides with any that are declared enemies to this Nation, but for their own advantage, our destruction. To prevent which, stand upon your Guards both by Sea and Land, enable our Pro­tector accordingly, you have had long experience of him, and the Lords love to him; Petition him speedily to settle all differences, by calling of a Parliament, in which improve your reason and prudence to exempt malignant and lewd persons, and such as are factious, and according to your judgements and affections, make choice of such as shall best like you, and though they have never so few voices let them come to the lot; you have no other way then this left you, it will give quiet, and the Lord will bless it, for the excel­lent [Page 6] and frequent use of it, read how the Land of promise was divided by it, Achan discover'd, Saul elected King by it, Ionah detected; it periods all differences, it preserves Christs Coat whole, which you Episcopal, Independent, Rebaptized, Presbyters, Quakers, & others, do all pretend to, & are ambiti­ous to ingross, & so tug & contend for it, that you wil tear it in pieces unless you are as wise and civil as the souldiers who cast lots for it. Yee are all alike aspiring like the sonns of Zebedee, to sit at the right and left hand of Christ; to have the Magistracy and Ministerie in your power; but the Lord by this will dispose them to such as himself can onely search and findes to be upright-hearted: This was the way the A­postles followed after their wisdomes and affections had vo­ted two Competitors, one of them must supply Iudas his vacancy, and Mathias by it was admitted to the Apostleship; This way the Lord will continue till the end of time; for in the end of days Daniel shal stand in his lot, Dan. 12.13.

Now that you may be perswaded to imbrace this Ordi­nance, give me leave to shew you where the Lords displea­sure hath gently chastised the infringement of it: Call to minde when succours were to be sent to relieve our distres­sed Brethren in Ireland, the supplies were drawn forth by lot, the Lord Lambert and Col. Scroop, both gallant and faithful persons were chosen by it, the Lord Lambert for reasons best known to the then Governors, did not go when God by it said Go; but after when he would have gone in splendor he was eclipsed and with-held, and Col. Scroop who had submitted to the Lot, and after Election refused to go, his Regiment suddenly broke and moulder'd away. Lay these gentle corrections to heart, and joyn all by prayer to God, and petition to the Protector that you may thus elect a Par­liament; it wiil quiet all distractions, and unite the Mem­bers with their Head; none dare or can oppose it, but such whose consciences judge themselves unworthy of it; whose hearts tell them the Lord knows them, and will not admit [Page 7] them by it Consider you are a People blest by God, the wonder of the world, and that the Lord hath given you a CHIEF which hath exceeded all Presidents, and will bee a pattern to Posteritie. The Lord in his abundant mercie in­grave upon your hearts and bring the meditation often to your mindes of Samuels warning to the Israelites, 1 Sam. 12.24, 25. Onely fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart; for consider how great things he hath done for you.

But if you shall still do wickedly, yoe shall be consumed both ye and your King. Which the Lord for the love of his Son Christ Jesus avert, is the fervent prayer of

Your obedient subject and christian brother, N. T


THis piece is like the wedding supper; see Luk: 14 from Ver. 24. to 26. it was intended to the Go­vernors, but could not get admittance; the governed are equally loved and concerned, and therefore invi­ted: the seed is from above, 'tis now sown (though by a weak hand,) God in his time will bless it with increase: The sowers reward will bee as the poore man's that sav'd a city, Eccle. 9.15. But I have done my duty; and that's my comfort.

Est modus in rebus, sunt certi deni (que) fines,
Quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum.
In things there is a measure, and an end,
Which RIGHT on this, or that hand will not bend,

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