Two Great Victories: ON Obtained by the Earle of DENBIGH at OSVVESTREY: And how he took

  • 20 Gentlemen of Wales.
  • 1 Lievtenant Colonell.
  • Divers Captains and other officers
  • 200 Prisoners.
  • 100 Musquets.
  • 500 pound composition.
  • 300 Cows and Welch Roonts.
  • Many Swords and Pistols.
  • Divers Arms.
  • 1 Barrell of Powder.
  • A quantitie of Ballets.
  • The Church.
  • The Towre.
  • The Castle.
  • Besides divers hurt.
  • Some slain.

Certified by Letters from the Earl of Denbigh his Quarters.

The other Victory by Colonell Mitton, with a List of the Prisoners by him taken:

Certified by Letters from Colonell Mitton.

Published according to Order.

LONDON, Printed by I. Coe, 1644.



I Came hither about eleven of the clock upon Tuesday night, I had not been in bed on quarter of an houre, but a friend came to mee, and informed me that there were Carriages summo­ned to be in Oswestree by nine of the clock, yesterday to car­rie Ammunitiun to Prince Rupert, which we heare he stand­eth in need of verie much, I drew out all the small forces could be spared hence, and marched towards Chirke to surprise it. I went on with the horse to a place so appointed one to meet mee, to give me farther intelligence, who when he came did assure me that a par­ty was gone out of Oswestree that morning, to convey it thither. I cannot learn that it is yet gone past, I have sent to the Earle of Denbigh to give him notice hereof, who as I even now received in­telligence, that he hath sent forces towards me, if they come before the Ammunition be past, I intend by Gods helpe to fall upon the Town, which they are about to fortifie very strongly. Yesterday I took 2. of Major Sachaverels Troopers, who-upon examination con­fessed, that a Lievtenant of foote with 20 Musquetiers were gone a mile past, as we being at Saint Martius, they going towards Bangor, I followed them as fast I could with 25 horse, and as many Dra­goons when wee came in sight of them, they not seeing as the Dragoones alighted to charge them in the Reare, the place [Page]being inclosed ground, full of Woods, and very uneven, instead of 20 we found 54: one of our Troopers discharged a Pistoll, how or wherefore I cannot learne, but it gave them such an Alarume, whereupon we discharged them with our horse, routed them, took prisoners according to the note inclosed, blessed be God for all his mercies, hee is the only giver of all Victories, and whom I trust will never forsake them that are faithfull in his service: I thank my God I have not one man slain in any fight, since I parted last from you.

A List of the Prisoners taken at Duddleston, JUNE 19, 1644.
  • Bartholomew Fuller Marshall.
  • Owen Jones Quartermaster.
  • Richard Foulks Serjeant.
  • Robert Iones.
  • Ioseph Jones.
  • Owen Lewis.
  • Richard ab David.
  • Richard ap Thomas.
  • Thomas Owen.
  • Richard Treuard.
  • Morgan ap Richard.
  • Hugh ap Thomas.
  • Iohn Henrey.
  • Richard Jones.
  • Robert Davies.
  • Morgan ap Robert.
  • Edward Jones.
  • Thomas Rogers.
  • Iohn Steel.
  • Thomas ap Thomas.
  • Robert Iones.
  • Randby Stocton.
  • Edward Philip.
  • Iohn Roberts.
  • Richard Davis.
  • Edward Williams.
  • Iohn Owen.

Upon Saturday last about two of the clock in the afternoon my Lord with his horse, and 200 foot fell upon this Towne, my Lord by reason of his command into Lancashire, could not spare any of his foot, therefore we are constrained to take this small force out of [Page]Weme, which God so blessed, that before five of the clocke wee entred the Towne, wee were forced first to take the Church, wherein there was 25. The next morning. the Castle was surren­dred, the particulars I refer to my Lords Relation.

Thus far the Letters from that Heroicke Conquerour Colonell Mit­ton.

Now followeth other Letters from the Earle of Deneigh his quarters, of the particulors, of the victory at Oswestrey.


I Desire you to joyn: with us, and for us, in praises to God, who hath done greate things for us, and by us.

Upon Thursday last wee came out of Stafford, horse and foote, to intercept some Amunition, going to Prince Rupert, by the way of Wales, over the river of Comerah. That night wee merched not farr by reason of greate raine: but my Lord of Denbigh, early the next day got to horse, and leaving all our foot at Draiton, wee marched to wem, and our horse to Elsmore, and 200, foot and a troope of horse under the command of Collonell Mitton: Wee early next day overtooke our horse and those foote and by 12 a clock on Saturday wee beleaguerd the enemyes garirson towne of Oswestrey, which is (a walled towne) and in it the Church well manned and the Castle.

They gave us a hot salute, and our men as gallantly entertained it and returned an answer.

Captaine Keme undertooke to make good Chester passage, and Chirke Castle roade, with these Troops, viz: Captaine Kems on Toope, Collonell Bartons, Captaine Noakeses, Captain: Tompsons, and Captaine Broothers.

Captaine Keme immediatly fixt his guards, and sent out parties into the mountaines and scouts every way, who returned with newes of one Collonell Marrowes appearing with a body of horse, but they never came up, though expected.

[Page]My Lords horse commanded by Major Frazer had the guard of Shrewsburie, road and Morton: Our Foot made an onslaut on the Church being but 200, and in an half houres sore fight entred the Church, the Enemie fled into the steeple, thence they fetcht them down with a powder; there we took 27. prisoners; then we brought up a Sacre to the gate through the suburbs, and a party of Horse were called off the guards both of my Lords, and ours, and my Lords Lifeguard; we shot the gate through at two shot, and they fired from the gate at our men: but one of our shot shooting a wo­mans bowels cut, and wounding two or three, put them in a feare, that they betook themselves to the Castle. We forced open the gates, and the horse entred resolutely, and so by 3. aclock were pos­sessed of the Town, as good a peece of service, God have all the pra [...]se, as this yeer hath produced. My Lord himselfe entred the Town with the horse, neglecting thoughts of his own safety: Our men minded not the plundring the Town (which was their right in raking it in this way) but followed on to the Castle where they fiercely fiered on us every way being well mann'd. We made some shot with the greatest Sacre, but took little effect.

Onely some timerous men got over the wals, one broke his arme falling, others Captain Kemes horse lighted on, took them prison­ers, Captain Keme sent my Lord from his guard 14. prisoners into the Town, besides one Captain which his Scout took by Chirke Castle with his Commission under his Majesties hand, and sent it to my Lord also.

My Lord at night called a Councell of Warre, and ordered a strong guard, and designed a party of Troopers to venter to fire the Castle gates with pitch; but our men wearied out, slipt the oppor­tunitie: My Lord by break of day waking, came to Captain Keme in the same house with him, and designed him to go forward the de­signe, which immediately he did with great chearfulnesse and va­lour: but on his way there met him a party of women of all sorts down on their knees, confounding him with their Welch howl­ings, that he was fain to get an Interpreter, which was to beseech [Page]me to intreat my Lord before he blew up the Castle, they might go up and speak to their husbands, children, and the officers; which he moved, and my Lord condescended to, so Captain Keme might go with them and a Trumpet, which he did couragiously, and car­ried this message. Then my Lord to avoid the effusion of blood yet offered them mercy, if they would accept of it; they threw down this paper, viz.

To the Right Honourable the Earl of Denbigh.
Propositions propounded by us for the delivering up of the Castle of Oswestry.

FIrst, to march away with our Armes, bag and baggage, Officers and Souldiers, and all other persons whatsoever being in the said Ca­stle. And,

Secondly, that we the said Officers, and all other persons whatsoever, being within the said Castle, may be guarded thorow your Quarters to Mountfords bridge, or quietly to abide in our own habitations.

Thirdly, that we may march out of the said Castle over the said Bridge with our Muskets charged, light matches, and balls in our mouthes.

These Propositions being granted, the Castle shall be delivered by the Officers subscribed.

  • Iohn Birdwell Lieutenant Collonel.
  • Iohn Warrin Captain.
  • Nicho. Hooks Lieutenant.
  • Thomas Davenport, Lievtenant.
  • Hugh Lloyd, Ancient.
  • Lewis Morgan, Ancient.

Captain Keme returned, leaving the women, my Lord refused to condescend; at last the women prevailed, and cried to me to come up: then the two brave Champions, Collonel Mitton, and Captain Keme went up, and they said they would repose themselves on such quarter as my Lord would signe to, which was their lives onely.

[Page]So they marched out, and we found, 100, good muskets, besides o­thers stole away 8, Halberts, and Officers to them, 1 barrell of powder, and sutable match, many swords, and some few pistolls, 20, Gentlemen of wales, and Shropshire, divers Officers, and 200, Prisoners, besides what were lost.

Immediatly (it being the Lords day) my Lord called away all to go to Church to praise God, which was done, and our dead buried.

In all this service we had but 2 Souldiers slaine, and 1 horse and but 4, wounded, blessed be God.

This Towne is of great concernment. Wee had a Councell of warr at 1 a clock, at which my Lord Generall (the Earle of Denbigh) made Colonell Mitton Governour of Oswester: And wee have resol­ved upon a great designe, which is to joyne with Cheshire forces, where Sir Thomas Middleton is novv at Namptvvich, and hath been these four days, and goe against Prince Rupert into Lancashire: I pray commend us especially novv in your constant prayers to the Lord, be doing as vvell as vve: and praise God for his miraculous love by us a poore weak Aamie.

This day my Lord received thanks from the Committee of both Kingdomes for the last service at Tipton Greene: It is a sad sight to behold the ignorance of these Welch in these parts, and how they are inslaved to serve: we shall leave a Garrison here, and Colonell Mitton, and march to our foot on Wednesday next with our body of horse. Colonell Fox is with us here: our men fetcht in 300 Cows and Salt Runts of the Mountains, and sell good penny worths: This Town to avoid plundering are to give 500 pounds to the Souldiers.


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