To the Supreme Authority of England, The High Court of Parliament assembled at Westminster; The humble Petition of Richard Truelove and Henry Truelove, of the Town of Ipswich, on the behalfs of themselves and others, Heirs at Law to Thomas Causton, late of Thundersley in the County of Essex, Gent. a Martyr:

In all humility shewing,

THat the said Thomas Causton was in his life time scised in Fee of divers Freehold and Copyhold Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, in Essex and elsewhere.

That the said Thomas Causton, 7 o Novembr. 1 o and 2 o Phil. & Mar. surrendred all his Copyhold Lands in Tillingham, to the use of William his Son, which Lands have ever since been enjoyed by the said William, his Heirs and Assigns.

That afterwards the said Thomas Causton, in those times of Persecu­tion in the days of Queen Mary, was burnt as an Heretick, for his faithful adhering to the Protestant Religion, as is Recorded in the Book of Martyrs, fol. 194. and thereupon all other his Lands, Tene­ments and Hereditaments, were seized into the then Crown, and have been, and to this day are held and enjoyed, either by Leassees from the late Kings and Queens, or by such who without any Title enjoy them, to the great prejudice of your Petitioners.

That William the Son of Thomas Causton, dyed without Issue, and the said Copyhold Lands surrendred after his decease, desended on Elizabeth his onely Sister, who then was the onely Heir of the said William, and of the said Thomas their Father.

That the said Elizabeth married William Truelove your Petitioners Grandfather, who enjoyed the said Copyhold Lands, and ought like­wise to have enjoyed all other the Lands and Tenements, Freehold and Copyhold of the said Thomas Causton, which ought to descend on your Petitioners.

That your Petitioners have faithfully served and adhered to this Par­liament, ever since the beginning of these Troubles, both in their Per­sons and Estates.

And now they are humble Suiters unto your Honors, That for the glory of God, the honor of the Parliament, and encouragement to true Professors of Re­ligion, your honors will please to restore to them the lawful and rightful Inheritance of their Ancestors, so wrongfully detained from them; and that to this purpose, your Honors will refer the examination of the Pre­mises, to the Right Honorable, The Councel of State, or such other Com­mittee as your Honors shall please, and that in the mean time none of the said Lands may be sold.

And your Petioners shall daily Pray for your Honors, &c

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