A true Relation of His Majesties private departure from Hampton Court, the eleventh of November, betweene foure and five of the Clock in the After-noone.
As it was delivered to the House of Commons this morning, Novemb. 12. by Sir Iohn Cook, and Master Crew, two of the Commissioners. With the Houses Resolution thereupon.

Novemb. 12. 1647.

THe Speaker had a Letter from Gen: Cromwell late last night, that His Majesty was escaped, but no particulars. This morning Sir John Cooke and master Crew, two of the Commissioners, came to the House, and delivered the particulars thus: Yesterday in the afternoone His Majesty shut himselfe up in his Chamber, and commanded that no body should come to him: when it grew dark, he called for a Candle, and afterwards for Snuffers; he came not out to Prayers, as he was accustomed; which after some time, bred some mistrust: Then one of the Commissioners knocked at his chamber doore, and no body answering, went in, and found no body there, the back-doore open, and His Majesties Cloak lay in the midst of the roome on the floore, which for the present caused some feare that somewhat had been at­tempted on his person; but looking farther, found three Letters upon the Table, written with His Majesties owne hand, which argued that he was well. The first was a kind of Declaration or Remonstrance, which he desired should be communicated to both his Houses of Parliament, to this effect, That He had as much as in Him lay, endeavoured to give His Houses satisfaction, and to re-establish a setled Peace; but He saw that nothing reasonable would give them content, That He had certain information that the Agitators, or some of that Faction, had an intent speedily to murder Him, and that Master Peters had lately expressed so much to an intimate friend of his: Therefore His Majesty was resolved to retire to some private place for a time, for His owne Pre­servation, &c.

The second Letter was to my Lord Mountague, and the rest of the Commissioners to give them thanks for their civilities to him, since his com­ming to Hampton-Court. The third, to Collonel Whalley of thanks likewise for his civilities, for he had that morning given charge to the Guards and others to have a care of his Majesty, having likewise had some intimation of an intended attempt that day upon his Majesties Person.

A fourth Letter was found upon his Majesties Table, subscribed For his Majesty, without any name to it more then two letters. In this Letter his Majesty was warned of the said attempt on his Person, and earnestly beseeched to retire to some place of privacy for a time, and Broad-street in London was proposed as a place of security.

The Commissioners could make no probable conjecture as then, whether His Majestie should be gone, That the Scotch Commissioners had been there the day before, but were yesterday come for London. Hereupon the House ordered a Committee, to examine the whole businesse, and the neg­lect of those that guarded him, and likewise ordered a stop of all the Ports, and a search to be made in London for him. Some beleeve he is gone for Scotland; others, that part of the Army have conveyed him away: but this day at 12. of the clock there was no certainty of either, but wheresoever he be, God blesse him, and preserve him out of the hands of his Enemies. And let all good men say, Amen.

Printed for Richard Royston. 1647.

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