THE TRUE NARRATIVE OF THE CONFESSION AND EXECUTION Of Francis Nicholson Who was Executed this present Wednesday, being the 27th of this instant October, 1680. And Hang'd up in Chains AT Hownslow-Heath, For Murthering of one John Dimbleby AT HAMPTON-COURT This being his own true Confession both to the Ordinary of New­gate, and several other Ministers and others who came to him whilst he continued in Prison, and have hereunto subscri­bed their Names to attest the Truth of this Relation.

MY Father was a Malster in Lancashire who lived in good reputation, my Mo­ther is now a Widow, that liveth in credit and is well beloved, and they gave me good Education, but I was a disobedient and unruly Son to a loving and tender Mother. I never heard of any of my Kindred that was guilty of Theft Murder, or any such horrid Crimes before my self, for which I have justly brought this death upon me, nor did I ever hear of any of my Relations that were ever cast into any Goal or Prison before.

My neglect of duty to my Mother, caused me to fall into the acquaintance of ill com­pany of other lude fellows in whom I took too much delight, and the more sleighted the care and counsel of my Mother.

By frequenting such bad company I fell with them to drinking, and to spend my time and money vainly at the Alehouse; though my Mother and Friends sought to draw me from it, for the bad acquaintance I had prevailed more with me.

And then we fell to breaking the Sabbath day, by our meeting at the Alehouse, and other bad places, when we should have been at Church serving God, to the grief of my tender Mother.

And by these evil doings I got so bad an habit, that I grew careless how to put my self into any way to live in any good course of Life.

And being thus unsetled in my mind I did consent to a young man of my unhappy acquaintance to joyn with him in stealing of an Horse, for us to ride to London and seek for some imployment there.

I had very little money to carry me up, and was too stubborn to seek to my Mother: but helping a Drover whom I overtook with Beasts, I had Diet and Lodging in my journey till I came to London with him.

But I had money and necessaries sent after me, by my Mother to London, of which I was very glad for I knew not what course to take

And then I put my self Apprentice to a Carpenter a very honest good man, who was a loving Master to me; and gave me good edueation, and was a loving Master to me and to whom I was much obliged for his care of me, and well pleased with his Ser­vice.

And though he had divers pieces of Plate about the house, and other good Goods yet I did never wrong him of any thing by any Theft or Pilfering.

But I robbed both God and my Master of too much time with naughty company that I found out, in drinking, and merry meeting, and lewdness, and sin.

And I did greatly profane the Sabbath day by neglecting the Church, and meeting with my acquaintance, walking about and sitting in an Alehouse, and a very bad life, so that I have some times thus spent the whole Sabbath day, from nine a clock in the morning until midnight, and then have come home drunk.

And in all this I was not sensible of my miserable condition, by thus provoking God by my Sins, in which it was Gods mercy to spare me, and give me time to repent had I had grace to have improved it.

But that which is most dreadful upon my Conscience is, this bloody Fact for which I am to die, which lieth as a very sore and heavy burden upon my Soul; and for which I can give no reason why I did it, but the instigation of the Devil tempting to it when I was drunk, and not having the fear of God before mine Eyes, and my Senses gone with drink, I was thus overcome of Satan, and took up my Hatchet, and (oh my Soul bleeds to think of it) I murdered that man that never did me injury.

I was there at work for my Master, and had opportunity (being from home) to spend my time more ill, and not having God in my thoughts, I lived profane and lewdly.

But this I can say ( I thank God) I never did commit Whoredom with any Wo­man; but ill company, Sabbath-breaking, drunkenness, disobedience to Parents, profaness, and other Sins I have been deeply guilty of. The Lord be merciful to me, and pardon and forgive me for the sake of my dear Saviour Jesus Christ.

When I had committed this horrid Murder for which I am to die, there was ano­ther young man that was suspected to have done it, and was apprehended upon that suspition.

But when upon further inquiry I was found out (by a Watch I took out of his Poc­ket) to be the man that did it; I was apprehended, and confessed that it was I that murdered him.

Then I was asked if the other young man in custody upon suspition, did not joyn with me, or hire me, or set me on do it, and whether he had not some hand with me in it.

To which I (like a wicked Wretch) affirmed that he hired me, and promised to give me forty shillings, and a better thing; and so he came to be indicted with me, and put in danger of his Life.

But this wrong that I did to him hath much troubled me, and I thank God that the Jury did acquit him: And though he was acquitted, yet I could not be quiet in my mind till I sent for him, and I thank him that he came to me, and when he came to me, I heartily asked him forgiveness, and he hath as freely forgiven me.

Since I have been condemned to die, I have been much troubled in Conscience for all my-sinful and naughty Life, especially for this bloody and wicked murder, which is a ve­ry great terror to me, fearing lest God will not pardon so vile a Sin, yet not despairing, so that I have been greatly dejected; and my Soul dead, stupified, under the terror and wrath of God, not knowing what to do.

But since the help I have had from the Ordinary, and other godly Ministers, who have conferred with me, and prayed with me, and for me and instructed me out of Gods word, both together with other condemned Prisoners, and privately with my self, (the Lord requite them for their great pains) I have found some hopes of mercy from God through Christ Jesus my Saviour, who died for me, which I prize more than my life. I am very sensible of Gods mercies to me, a wicked wretch that deserve not what I have alrea­dy received, though like a wicked unthankful creature I have not improved but abused them heretofore, but do now in deep sense of them, magnifie Gods goodness therein. I confess it is a great mercy from God to me (praised be his holy Name) that my life hath not been cut off in the midst of the very act of Sins, and been cast into Hell tor­ments for ever, but that God spared me and gave me time to repent; and offered me the blessed means and helps that I have found here in Prison. I confess it is Gods great mercy to me (by means of those worthy Ministers that have visited me) to assist, teach, counsel, and comfort me in the way of peace, and reconciliation with God through Christ; in which I have found a great change in me and hope of mercy. I confess that it is a great mercy and favour to me to move the heart of the Recorder and others that have given me so long time of repentance, after the sentence of Death passed upom me, before my Execution too, methinks I find my heart dayly more and more humbled, my sorrow for my Sins to encrease, and my hopes of mercy and pardon of my sins, and of the salvation of my Soul move more lively in me. And I thank the Lord that by his providence and grace, he hath under this sad dispensation of Death, brought my mind into a willing and hearty submission to his Will.

I am not troubled that I must die in submission to Gods providence, I do not much de­sire to live any longer, only to settle my peace with God, hoping when I die, through Gods mercy to enjoy Life Eternal through Jesus Christ my Saviour. It is not Life in this World, nor any thing of this Life that I wrastle with God for; I thank God I hang loose to all Worldly things. But it is the mercy of God to my Soul, and the blood of Christ to wash away my sins, and to save my Soul that I labour for, peace of Conscience and Eternal Life that I earnestly seek for. Oh my sins, my Sins, these are my sorrows, therefore I beg unto God day and night in the dark Dungeon where I lie in Fetters of Iron, what ever the Lord doth with me in this Life and what ever I suffer, that my sins may be pardoned and that my poor sinful soul may be saved, and I do hope to find mer­cy from God, who hath promised mercy to those that confess their sins and repent and call upon him, and though my sins are very great, yet my comfort is that his mercies a­bound more and are greater than my sins, and the mercies of God towards me aad his great working upon me since I have been condemned, makes me also to hope that the Lord intends in mercy to save me though I have been so great a sinner. I do spend my time in my dismal Dungeon I thank God in much prayer in which I find great Comfort from God to my Soul, and sequestring my thoughts from the things of this world that I may more comfortably injoy God. I desire all young men to take warning by me, that you may not bring the wrath of God upon you in the like Judgment that I am under, or some other as dreadful or more bitter. Had I been Dutiful to my Parents I had not needed to have taken such desperate Courses as I have done. Had I kept the Sabbath holy I had not fallen in such lewd profane company as have brought me to this miserable end. Had I not been drunk I had not committed this horrid Murder. And had I refrained ill company I had not lain under so great temptations to Sin. Had I had grace and wis­dom I might have lived as comfortably and as happily as others of my degree. Had I been dutiful to a careful Mother, or obedient to a good Master, I had not come to this sad end, but might have lived to have seen happy days. I pray God I may be a warning to all Children to teach them duty to their Parents, to all Apprentices to teach them to mind first their duty to God, and then the Business they are intrusted by their Ma­sters. And to all young Men to take heed of ill Company, such as delight to Sin: To all Sabbath-breakers to amend and turn to God, lest he leave them to Satan and they fall into some dreadful Sin. And to all Drunkards, whose sin therein maketh them Slaves to Satan to commit any desperate wickedness that he tempts them to.

This is truly my Confession, witness my Hand Francis Nichollson. Witness H. Walker, Minister. Richard Paxton, Richard Hawker, Officers.

LONDON Printed by D. Mallet, 1680.

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