The true manner of the Kings Tryal at Westminster-Hall, by the high Court of Justice, from the twentieth day of January 1649, to the seven and twentieth of the same Month. Also the true manner of his being put to Death at White-hall, near the Banqueting House the 30 of January, with his Speech made upon the Scaffold before hee was beheaded.
To the Tune of, Aim not too High.
Charls was once a Prince of a great state,
But yet he dyed a Death unfortunate,
Oh, he is gone, and now hath left us here,
And God doth know what courses we shall stéer.
Now my sad story to you Ile relate,
Westminster was call'd a Court of State,
Where Serjeant
Bradshaw was Lord President,
The Court being full, then for the King they sent.
There to the Bar a Guard did him convey,
Januaries month the twentieth day,
Whereas Soliciter
Cook did read at large
The order and the manner of his Charge.
The Kings Charge.
Charls Stuart once admitted
Englands King,
Which did such woes upon the Nation bring,
In setting up thy Standard in the field.
Which was the cause that so much blood was spill'd
Whereas thou didst raise Arms within the Land,
Also against the Parliament did stand,
The peoples Rights and Liberties inthrall,
All these and more, thou didst Tirannical.
Therefore you guilty are of these sad times,
As Treason, Murther, and of such like crimes,
For which at Bar a Prisoner you are,
And in this Court you shall have Tryal fair.
Here is your Iury, for it must be so,
You be heard your Charge, plead guilty, I or no.
What is it thus (then answered the King)
Was it for this you, did me hither bring?
The Kings Answer to the Charge.
As for your Charge a Rush I do not care,
I do desire those things are right and square,
It was for my peoples fréedom I did stand
The Liberty and Laws of all the Land.
I do desire to me you would unfold
By whose Commission you this Court do hold,
To whom the President did straight reply,
Sir, you shall know by whose Authority.
This Courts prerogative whereon we stand,
Ordained is by the Commons of the Land
It is not for Prisoners to dispute the same
Answer to that for which you hither came.
Then their Authority he quite deny'd,
And said by them he meant not to be try'd,
At which the Court their Verdict then did pass,
(Not answering that he then guilty was)
Then by the Clerk his Sentence there was read
Charls Stuart, thou shalt lose thy head,
For Murther, Treason, and for Tyranny,
And to the Land a publick enemy.
Being condemned, one thing he did crave
That Doctor
Iuxsons presence he might have,
To preach and the Communion him to give,
And see his two sweet Babes whilst he did live.
The which was granted, all performed and done,
And he did see his Daughter and his Son,
(It would have burst a stony heart to see
The weeping joy that was between them three)
He blest them both, and for them he did pray,
Mourning at parting, then they go their way,
Father from Children, 'twas a grief full sore
Each other in this world to see no more.
Tuesday the thirtieth of
January last,
He from Saint
Jameses unto
White-hall past
Having a Guard of flying colours spread
And rattling Drums as to a battle lead,
With cheerful countenance and courage bold
He said, march faster, for the day is cold
Then to the Scaffold was he straight conveyed.
The which with mourning cloath was overlaid.
The Kings Speech upon the Scaffold.
Mounting the same (quoth he) Ile little say,
For in this World I have not long to stay
It is my duty first with God to clear
My conscience free, next to my Country dear.
Vnto the Parliament I nere thought ill,
Their Priviledges never sought to spill,
Ill Instruments on both sides bred the strife
Who were the cause so many lost their life.
The greatest enemies that sought my death,
I do forgive, before I lose my breath
I wish the Kingdoms peace, and Churches bliss,
For now religion ont of order is.
Lawful Succession I do hope shall be
(Granted by Parliament) now after me,
And for my conscience and religion
I dye a Protestant and a Christian.
To Doctor
Iuxson then his George he gave,
Willing pr.
Charls his Son the same might have
His walking staff unto himself did give
(And for his sake) to keep whilst he did live.
Likewise he gave the Duke of
Richmond then
One Watch, another to a Gentleman,
With eies lift up to heaven he made a Prayer
And then for Death did instantly prepare.
(Saying, my earthly Crown I here must leave
Hoping a heavenly Crown I shall receive)
Then on the Block his Neck he there did lay
And to the Heads-man then these words did say;
VVhen as my hands and arms open stretch,
Strike home, be sure that tho
[...] right blow fetch,
I come, I come, Lord Iesus the
[...] the cry'd,
One blow his head and body di
[...] divide.
Thus like a Lamb his Death he there did take
And presently this World he did forsake,
VVhose soul I trust is with the Lord on high
And thus I end this mournful Tragedy.
London, Printed for R. I. And Entred according to Order.