The True LIST OF THE Lords Temporal, and Spiritual Knights, Citizens, Burgesses, and Barons of the Cinque Ports, Summoned by the LETTER of His Highness the Prince of Orange, To meet at Westminster, the 22 d. of January, 1688/9.

  • Henry Howard, Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marsh. of England.
  • Charles Seymour, Duke of Somerset.
  • Henry Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle.
  • James Butler, Duke of Ormond.
  • Charles Fitz Roy, Duke of Southampton.
  • Henry Fitz Roy, Duke of Grafton.
  • George Fitz Roy, Duke of Northumberland.
  • Charles Beauclair, Duke of St. Albans.
  • Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort.
  • Charles Pawlet, Marqu. of Winchester.
  • George Savile, Marquess of Hallifax.
  • Robert Bertie, Earl of Lindsey, Lord Great Chamberlain of Engl-
  • Aubery de Vere, Earl of Oxford.
  • Charles Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury.
  • Anthony Grey E, of Kent.
  • Will. Stanley, E. of Derby.
  • John Manney, Earl of Rutland.
  • Will. Russel, Earl of Bedford.
  • Thin is Herbert, Earl of Pembrook.
  • Edward Clinton, Earl of Lincoln.
  • James Howard, Earl of Suffolk.
  • Charles Sackvil, Earl of Dorset.
  • John Cecil, E. of Exeter.
  • John Egerton, Earl of Bridgwater.
  • Philip Sidney, Earl of Leicester.
  • George Compton, Earl of Northampton.
  • William Cavendish, Earl of Devonshire.
  • William Feilding, Earl of Denbigh.
  • John Dilb [...], E. of Bristol.
  • Gilbert Hollis, E. of Clare.
  • Oliver St. John, Earl of [...]
  • [...], Earl of Cha [...]merland.
  • Charles Montaague, Earl of Manchester.
  • Thomas Howard, Earl of Berk-shire.
  • Thomas Savage, Earl Rivers.
  • Thomas Grey, Earl of Stamford.
  • Heneage Finch, Earl of Winchelsea.
  • William Perpoint, Earl of Kingston.
  • Charles Dormer, Earl of Carnarvan.
  • Philip Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield.
  • [...]homas Tufton, Earl of Thanet.
  • William Wentworth, Earl of Strafford.
  • Henry Hide, Earl of Clarendon.
  • Robert Leke, Earl of Scarsdale.
  • John Greenvil, E. of Bath.
  • Charles (now Edward) Howard, E. of Carlisle.
  • William Craven, Earl of Craven.
  • Robert Brace, Earl of Alesbury.
  • Richard Boyl, Earl of Burlington.
  • Edward Henry Lee, Earl of Litchfield.
  • Thomas Osborn, Earl of Danby.
  • Thomas Lenard, Earl of Sussex.
  • Lewis de Duras, Earl of Feversham.
  • Lawrence Hide, Earl of Rochester.
  • Charles Gerrard, Earl of Macelesfield.
  • John Roberts, Earl of Radnor.
  • William Paston, Earl of Yarmouth.
  • George Berkley, Earl of Berkley.
  • D [...]niel Finch, Earl of Nottingham.
  • James Bertie, Earl of Abbingten.
  • Edward Noel, Earl of Gainsborough.
  • Coney d' Arcie, Earl of Holderness.
  • Anthony Earl of Shafts­bury.
  • William Frennes, Viscount Say and Sele.
  • Thomas Bellasis, Viscount Falconbergh,
  • Charles Mordent, Vis­count Mordent.
  • Frances Newport, Vis­count Newport.
  • Thomas Thynn, Viscount Weymouth.
  • Christ. Hatton, Viscount Hatton.
  • Charles West, Lord la War.
  • Thomas Parker, Lord Morley.
  • Robert Sherley, Lord Ferrers.
  • Henry Yelverton, Lord de Grey.
  • Coniers D' Arcie, Lord Coniers Son to the Earl of Holderes.
  • Vere Essex.
  • Ralph Eure, Lord Eure.
  • Philip Wharton, Lord Wharton.
  • Thomas Willoughby, Lord Willoughby, of Parham.
  • William Pagett, Lord Pagett.
  • Charles North, L. North.
  • James Bruges, Lord Chandois.
  • Robert Carey, Lord Hunsdon.
  • John Now.
  • Toulk Grevice, L. Brook.
  • Ralph Mountague, Lord Mountague.
  • John Lovelace, Lord Lovelace.
  • William Maynard, Lord Maynard.
  • John Coventry, Lord Coventry.
  • William Howard, Lord Howard of Escrick.
  • Henry Herbert, L. Her [...]ert of Cherbury.
  • Tho. Leigh, Lord Leigh.
  • Thomas Jer [...]nyn, Lord [...]
  • Wil [...]am Byron, L. Byron.
  • John Vaughan, Lord Vaughan, and Earl of Carbury, in Ireland.
  • Edw. Ward, Lord Ward.
  • Thomas Lord Colepeper.
  • Jacob Astley, L. Astley.
  • Char. Lucas, L. Lucas.
  • Edward Watson, Lord Rockingham,
  • Rob. Sutton, Lord Lex­ington.
  • John Berkley, Lord Berkley.
  • Francis Holles, Lord Holles.
  • Ch. Lord Cornwallis.
  • Henry Booth, Lord Dela­more.
  • Tho. Crew, Lord Crew.
  • Richard, Lord Arundel, of Traries.
  • Hugh Clifford, Lord Clifford.
  • Richard Lumley, Lord Lumley in Ireland.
  • George Lord Carteret.
  • George Legg, Lord Dart­mouth.
  • John Bennet, Lord Os­selstone.
  • Giles Allington, Lord Al­lington.
  • Ralph Stawel, Lord Stawel.
  • Sidney Lord Godolphin.
  • Lord North.
  • John Churchill, Lord Sanbridge.
Arch-Bishops, and Bishops.
  • Dr. William Sandcroft, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury.
  • Dr. Thomas Lampleau, Lord Arch-bishop of York.
  • Dr. Henry Compton, Lord Bishop of London.
  • Dr. Nathaniel Crew, Lord Bishop of Durham.
  • Dr. Peter Mew, Lord Bishop of Winch [...]ster.
  • Dr. Herbert Crofts, Lord Bishop of Hereford.
  • Dr. William Lloyd, Lord Bishop of Norwich.
  • Dr. Thomas Wood, Lord Bishop of Litchfield & Coventry.
  • Dr. John.—Lord Bishop of Chich [...]s [...]
  • Dr. Humphrey Lloy, Lord Bishop of Bangor.
  • Dr. Thomas—Bishop of Peterborough.
  • Dr. Thomas Barlow, Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
  • Dr. William Thomas, Lord Bishop of Worcester.
  • Dr. William B [...]aw, Lord Bishop of Landaf.
  • Dr. William Lloyd, Lord Bishop of St Asaph.
  • Dr. Robert Frampton Lord Bishop of Glou­cester.
  • Dr. Francis Turner, Lord Bishop of Ely.
  • Dr. Thomas—Lord Bishop of St. Davids.
  • Dr. Thomas Smith, Lord Bishop of Carlisle.
  • Sir Jonathan Trelauny, Lord Bishop of Bri­stol.
  • Dr. Thomas Sprat, Lord Bishop of Rochester.
  • Dr. Thomas Kenn, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells.
  • Dr. Timothy Hall, Lord Bishop of Oxford.


Barkshire 9.
  • LOrd Norris,
  • Sir Hen. Winchcomb.
  • Burough of Windsor.
    • Sir Christopher Wren,
    • Henry Powel Esq;
  • Burough of Reading.
    • Sir Henry Fane,
    • Sir William Rich.
  • Borough of Wallingford.
    • —Tipping Esq;
    • —Jennings Esq;
    • —Dormore Esq;
  • Borough of Abington.
    • Tho. Medsicot.
Bedfordshire 4.
  • Edward Russel Esq;
  • William Duncomb Esq;
  • Town of Bedford.
    • Thomas Christy Esq;
    • Tho. Hillersden Esq;
Bucks 14
  • Thomas VVharton, Esq;
  • Sir Thomas Lee,
  • Town of Bucks.
    • Sir Richard Tomple, Bar.
    • Sir Ralph Verney,
  • Burough of Chip VVicomb
    • William Jelphson, Esq;
    • —Lewis, Esq;
  • Borough of Aylisbury.
    • Richard Beak, Esq;
    • Thomas Lee, Esq;
  • Borough of Agmondesham
    • Sir VVilliam Drake,
    • Edm. VValler, Esq;
  • Borough of Wendover.
    • Rich, Hamden, sen, Esq;
    • Rich, Hamden, jun, Esq;
  • Borough of Great Marlow.
    • Ld Falkland
    • Sir John Burlace
Cambridge, 6
  • Sir Ralph Cotton,
  • Sir Levinus Bennet,
  • Ʋniversity of Cambridge.
  • Sir Robert Sawyer,
  • Isaac Nubton.
  • Town of Cambridge.
    • Sir Thomas Chichely,
    • John Cotton, Esq;
Cheshire, 4.
  • Sir Phil. Egerton,
  • Tho, Colmondly, Esq;
  • City of Chester.
    • Coll. Whitby,
    • Alderm. Manwaring.
Cornwal, 44.
  • Sir John C [...]red,
  • Hugh Bofcaven, Esq;
  • Borough of Dunhivid, alias Lanceston.
    • William Hurlow, Esq;
    • Edward Russel, Esq;
  • Borough of Leskard.
    • Sir Bourchier Wier.
    • John Butler, Esq;
  • Borough of Lestwithiel.
    • Francis Rocerts, Esq;
    • Walter Kendal. Esq;
  • Borough of Truro.
    • —Manhy, Esq;
    • —Tridenham, Esq;
  • Borough of Bodmyn.
    • Sir John Cutler,
    • Nicholas [...]ly [...]n.
  • Borough of Helston.
    • Sir John St. Awbin,
    • Charles Go [...]o [...]phin, Esq;
  • Borough of Sal [...]ash.
    • Sir [...]yrill Wyche,
    • Edmurd Waller, Esq;
  • Borough of Gamelford.
    • Nicholas Courtney, Esq;
    • Huwphry Langford, Esq;
  • Borough of Port-pingham alias Westlow.
    • Henry Trelawney, Esq;
    • Mr. William Tarindgton
  • Borough of Grampound.
    • Edward Hirle, Esquire,
    • Anth. Tanner, Esquire,
  • Borough of East-low.
    • Capt▪ Trelawny,
    • Capt Kendal.
  • Borough of [...]enryn.
    • Anthony Row, Esq;
    • Alex. Pendar [...], Esq;
  • Borough of Tregoney.
    • Hugh Forlesque, Esquire,
    • Charles Buscowen, Esq;
  • Borrough of Bossiney.
    • Sir Peter Colleton, Bar,
    • Humphrey Nicol, Esq;
  • Borough of St. Ives.
    • Major Prade,
    • Walter Vincent.
  • Burough of Foway.
    • Beville Greenville, Esq;
    • John Treffery, Esq;
  • Burough of St. Germans.
    • Sir Walter Moyle,
    • Daniel E'yot, Esq;
  • Burough of St. Michael.
    • Charles L Visc. F [...]nshaw,
    • Francis Vivian, Esq;
  • Burough of Newport.
    • John Speccot, Esq;
    • William Morice, Esq;
  • Burough of St. Mawes.
    • Sir Josua Tredenham,
    • Sir Edward Seymer,
  • Borough of Kellington.
    • *
    • *
Cumberland 6.
  • Sir George Fletcher,
  • Sir John Lowth.
  • City of Carlisle.
    • Sir Christopher Musgrave,
    • Capt. Jeremy Bubb.
  • Burough of Cockermouth
    • Sir Henry Capel,
    • Henry Fletcher, Esq;
Derbyshire 4.
  • Sir John Gell.
  • Sir Robert Clarke,
  • Town of Derby.
    • Jo [...] Cok [...], Esq
    • William Alestree, Eqs;
Devonshire 26.
  • Samuel Roles, Esq;
  • Francis Courtney, Esq;
  • City of Exeter.
    • Sir Edward Sermour,
    • Pallexfen, Esquire,
  • Borough of Totness.
    • Thomas Lord Tilliar,
    • Edward Seymour, s (que)
  • Borough of Plymouth.
    • Rich. E of Ranelagh,
    • Bern. Greenville, Esq;
  • Town and Burough of Okehampton.
    • —Carie, Esquire,
    • —Norley, Esquire
    • —Cary, Esq;
    • —VVorley, Esq;
  • Burough of Barnstable.
    • William Stawell Esq;
    • Edward Yard, Esq;
  • Burough of Plympton.
    • Sir George Treby,
    • John Polexfen, Esq;
  • Burough of Ho [...]yton.
    • Richard Courtny, Esq;
    • Edmund Wallington, Esq;
  • Burough of Tavistock.
    • Sir Francis Drake,
    • —Russel Esq: Town of Ashburton.
  • Burough of Clifton, Dart­mouth and Hardness.
    • Charles Bovne, Esp;
    • William Hayne, Esq;
  • Burough of Beeralston.
    • Sir Benj. Bathurst,
    • Mr. Serjeant Maynard,
  • Burough of Tiverton.
    • Sir Hugh Akland, Bar.
    • William Coleman, Esq;
Dorsetshire, 20
  • Coll. Strangeway,
  • Thomas Freak, Esq;
  • Town of Pool.
    • Henry Trenchard, Esq;
    • Thomas Ch [...]ffin, Esq;
  • Town of Dorchester.
    • Thomas Trenchard, Esq;
    • Gerrard Napier, Esq;
  • Burough of Lime-Regis.
    • John Poole, Esq;
    • John Lidge, E [...]q
  • Burough of Weymouth.
    • Sir John Mor [...]en,
    • Sir Richard Napier,
  • Burough of Mel [...]om-Regis
    • Sir John Morden,
    • Sir Robert Napier,
  • Burough of Bridport.
    • Henry Henning, Esq;
    • Michael Harvey, Esq;
  • Burough of Shaftsbury
    • Sir Matthew Andrews,
    • Edward Nicolas, Esq
  • Burough of Wareham.
    • John Burry, Esq;
    • Coll. Poole.
  • Burough of Corf-castle.
    • Richard Brodros, Esq;
    • Major Manly,
Durham 4.
  • Christ. Bierley, Esq;
  • William Lambton, Esq;
  • City of Durham.
    • Henry Liddle, Esquire,
    • George Moreland, Esq;
Essex 8.
  • Coll, Mildmay,
  • Capt Wroth, Burough of Colchester.
  • [...]ir Thomas Dasey,
  • Charles Montague, Esq;
  • Burough of Chelmsford.
    • Coll. Wildman,
    • —Wrath, Esq;
  • Burough of Harwich.
    • Sir John Bramston,
    • Sir Thomas Darcy,
  • Burrough of Malden.
    • *
    • *
Gloucestershire (8)
  • Sir John Guise,
  • Sir Richard Dutton,
  • City of Gloucester.
    • William Cooke, Mayor,
    • Sir Duncamb Colchester.
  • Burough of Cirencester.
    • Thomas Masters, Esq;
    • John How, Esq;
  • Burough of Teusbury.
    • Sir Francis Russel,
    • Richard Downswel, Esq;
Herefordshire 8
  • [...]ir Edward Harly,
  • Sir John Morgon.
  • City of Hereford.
    • Sir William Gregory,
    • Paul Faley, Esquire,
  • Burough of Lempster.
    • Tho. Conningsby, Esq;
    • Rob. Cornwall, Esq;
  • Borough of Webley.
    • *
    • *
Hertfordshire 6
  • Sir Tho. Pope-Blunt,
  • Sir Charles Caesar.
  • Borough of St. Albans.
    • Sir Samuel Grimston,
    • Capt. Churchill.
  • Borough of Hertford.
    • Sir William Cooper,
    • Sir Thomas Bides.
Huntingtonshi. (4)
  • Robert Montague, Esq;
  • Sir Robert Bernard,
  • Burough of Huntington.
    • Oliver Mountague, Esq;
    • Lyonel VValden, Esq;
Kent 10.
  • Vere Vane, Esq;
  • John Knatchful, Esq;
  • City of Canterbury.
    • Sir William Honywood,
    • Coll. Henry Lee.
  • City of Rochester.
    • Sir John Banks,
    • Sir Roger Junsdon.
  • Burogh of Maidstone.
    • Sir Thomas Taylor,
    • John Banks, Esq;
  • Burough of Queenborough
    • Capt Robert Crawford,
    • Jam [...]s Harbold, Esq;
Lancashire 14
  • Sir [...]oger Bradshaw
  • James Holt, Esq;
  • Burough of Lancaster.
    • Roger Kirby, Esq;
    • Henry Crisp, Esq;
  • Burough or Town of Preston.
    • —Stanley Esq;
    • —Patten, Esq;
  • Burough of Newton.
    • Sir John Chicheley
    • Peter Leigh, Esq;
  • Burough of Wiggan.
    • Sir Edw. Chisnal
    • William Banks, Esq;
  • Burough of Clithero.
    • James Stanley, Esq;
    • Coll. Edmond Ashton,
  • Burough of Leverpool.
    • *
    • *
Leicestershi. 4
  • Lord Sherwood,
  • Sir Thomas Haliford,
  • B [...]rough of Leicester—
    • —Bothby, Esq;
    • —Verny, Esq;
Lincolnshi. 12
  • Lord Castelton,
  • Sir Thomas Hussy.
  • City of Lincoln.
    • Sir Henry Monson,
    • Sir Charles Nevil,
  • Burough of Boston.
    • Lord Willoughby,
    • Sir William York,
  • Burogh of great Grimsby
    • Sir Thomas Barnardiston,
  • Sir Edward Ayscagh.
  • Town of Stamford:
    • Charles Bertie, Esq;
    • Capt. Hide.
  • Burough of Grantham.
    • Sir William Ellis,
    • Sir John Brownlo.
Middlesex 8.
  • Sir Charles Gerrard,
  • —Hawtry, Esq;
  • City of LONDON.
    • Sir Robert Clayton,
    • Sir Patience Ward,
    • Thomas Pilkington, Esq;
    • Alderman Looe.
  • City of Westminster.
    • Sir William Poul [...]ney,
    • Phillip Howard, E [...] (que)
Monmouthsh 3
  • Char. Ld. Marquess of Worcester.
  • Sir Charles Kemys, Bar.
  • Burough of Monmouth.
    • Sir James Herbert, Bar
Norfolk 12.
  • Sir Henry Hobart,
  • Sir William Cook,
  • City of Norwich.
    • Sir Nevil Catlyn,
    • Thomas Blofield, Esq;
  • Town of Lyn Regis.
    • Sir John Turner,
    • Sigismond Grafford, Esq;
  • Town of great Yarmouth
    • John Fuller, Esq;
    • George England, Esq;
  • Burough of Thetford.
    • Henry Hevingham Esq;
    • William de Grey, Esq;
  • Burough of Castle-rising.
    • —Howard Esquire,
    • —Warpoule, Esq;
Northampton (9)
  • Ed. Montague, Esquire,
  • Edward Harvie, Esquire,
  • City of Peterborough.
    • Sir Walter Bogate,
    • —Dolbin, Esq;
  • Town of Northampton.
    • Sir William Langham,
  • Sir Justiuiam Isom.
  • Town of Brackyle.
    • Sir Richard Wenman,
    • James Oriffin, Esq;
  • Burough of Higham ferrers.
    • Sir Rise Rude,
    • Sir John Fenwick
Northumberl 8
  • William Og [...]e. Esq;
  • Sir Nathaniel Johnson
  • Town of Newcastle.
    • Sir William Blacket,
    • Sir Ralph Cair,
  • Burough of Morpeth.
    • Coll Sidney,
    • Roger Fenwick, Esq;
  • Town of Berwick upon Tweed.
    • Francis Blake, Esq;
    • Phillip Babington, Esq;
Nottingham 8
  • Lord Hought [...]n,
  • Sir Scroope How,
  • Town of Nottingham:
    • Francis Pierpoint, Esq;
    • William Birnal, Esquire,
  • Burough of Eastretford.
    • Sir Edward Nevil,
    • Mr. Serjeant Millnigton
  • Burough of Newark.
    • The Lord Elaud,
    • —Sanderson, Esq;
Oxfordshire 9.
  • Sir John Pope,
  • Sir Rober Jenkinson, University of Oxford.
  • Heneage Finch, Esq;
  • Sir Thomas Clergis.
  • City of Oxford.
    • Sir Robert Jenkenson,
    • Sir John Cope.
  • Burough of New Wood­stock.
    • Sir Thomas Littleton,
    • Sir John Deyley.
  • Burough of Banbury.
    • Sir Alexander Gibbs,
    • Sir Will. Whitmore,
Rutlandshire 2
  • Sir Thomas Mackworth,
  • Bennet Sherrard, Esq;
Shropshire 12.
  • —Kineston, Esq;
  • Richard Neford, Esq;
  • Town of Shrewsbury.
    • Sir Fr. Edwards,
    • Andrew Newford, Esq :
  • Burough of Bridgenorth
    • Sir William Witeaire,
    • Sir Edward Acton,
  • Burough of Ludlow▪
    • James Gibbs, Esq;
    • George Weld Esq;
  • Burough of great Wenloc
    • *
    • *
  • Town of Bishops-castle. k
Somersetshie 18
  • Sir George Horner,
  • —George, Esq;
  • City of Bristol.
    • Sir John Knight,
    • Sir Richard Hart.
  • City of Bath.
    • Lord Fitz-Hurding,
    • Sir William Basset.
  • City of Wells.
    • Coll. Edward Bartley,
    • Coll. William Windam.
  • Burough of Taunton.
    • Sir Williaw Partman,
    • —Trenchard, Esq;
  • Burough of Bridgewater,
    • —Bull, Esq;
    • Sir FrancIs Warre,
  • Burough of Mine-head.
    • Francis Lutterel, Esp;
    • —Palmer, Esq;
  • Burough of Ilcester.
    • Sir Edward VVindham,
    • William Hil [...]ear, Esq;
  • Burough of Milbourn-port
    • John Hunt, Esq;
    • Thomas Sanders, Esq;
Hantshire 26.
  • Lord Wiltshirer
  • Lord William Pawlet,
  • City of Winchester.
    • William Pallet, Esq;
    • Francis Morley, Esq;
  • Town of Southampton.
    • Major Brite,
    • —Newland, Esq;
  • Town of Portsmouth.
    • Coll. Norton,
    • Major Slingsby
  • Burough of Yarmouth.
    • Sir Robert Holmes,
    • Fitton Gerrard, Esquire,
  • Burough of Petersfield,
    • Thomas Billson, Esq;
    • Robert Mitchel, Esq;
  • Burough of Newport, a­lias Medona.
    • Sir Ralph Dillington,
    • Sir William Stephens,
  • Buroug of Stockbridge
    • Wil, m Brathwait, Esq;
    • Thomas Donne, Esq;
    • Burough of Newton.
    • Sir John Chichley,
    • F. Chalmondeley, Esq;
  • Burough of Christchurch.
    • James L, Russel,
    • Henry Wallop, Esq;
  • Burough of Whitchurch.
    • John Wallope. Esq;
    • —Russel, Esq;
  • Burough of Limington.
    • Sir John Collins,
    • Col., Robert Phillips,
  • Burough of Andover.
    • John Pawling, Esq;
    • Fran. Pawlet, Esq;
Staffordshire 10
  • City of Litchfield.
    • Thomas Orm, Esq;
    • Kichar P Levison, Esq;
    • Burough of Stafford.
      • Sir Walter Baggot,
      • —Gray, Esq;
  • Burough of Newcastle.
    • Will. Leves [...]n Gower, Esq;
    • John Lewtan, Esq;
  • Burough of Tamworth.
    • Coll. Sidney,
    • Sir Jeremy Gough,
Suffolk 16
  • Sir—Rouse,
  • —Cordual, Esq;
  • Burough of Ipswich▪
    • Sir John Barker,
    • —Thraford, Esquire,
  • Burough of Dunwich.
    • Sir John Barker,
    • Peywn Ventress, Esq;
  • Burough of O [...]ford.
    • Sir John [...]ake,
    • Tho. Glemham, Esq;
  • Burough of Alborough.
    • Sir Henry Johnson,
    • —Johnson, Esq;
  • Burough of Sudbury.
    • Dr John Poley,
    • Sr, Gourdon,
  • Burough of Eye.
    • Henry Paley, Esquire,
    • Thomas Knivet, Esq;
  • Burough of St. Edmonds­bury,
    • Sir Thomas Harvey,
    • Sir Robert Davers,
Surrey 14.
  • George Evelin, Esq;
  • Richard Ounslo, Esq;
  • Burough of Southwark.
    • Sir Peter Rich,
    • Sir John Arnold,
  • Burough of Blechingly.
    • John Gleidd, Esq;
    • —Howard, Esq;
  • Burough of Rygate.
    • Sir John Persons,
    • —James, Esq;
  • Burough of Guilford.
    • George Reves, Esq;
    • Foot Ounslow, Esq;
  • Burough of Ga [...]n.
    • Sir John Thompson,
    • —Starge, Esq;
  • Burough of Haslemere.
    • Sir Henry Whitetisborn
    • Denlow Aulow, Esq;
Sussex 20.
  • Sir Thomas Pelliorm,
  • Major Bridges, Esq;
  • City of Chichister.
    • Thomas May, Esq;
    • Thomas Miller, Esq;
  • Burough of Horsham.
    • Auth. Eversfield, E [...]q
    • John Meacham Esq;
  • Burough of Midhurst.
    • Sir William Morley,
    • John Lewkner, Esq;
  • Burough of Lewes.
    • Thomas [...]ellh [...]m, Esq;
    • Major Richard Bridges.
  • Burough of Newshore­ham.
    • Sir Edward Hungerford
    • John Mouse, Esq;
  • Burough of Bramber.
    • Coll. John Alford, Esq;
    • Charles Goring, Esq;
  • Burough of Steyning.
    • Sir John Fagge,
    • Sir James Morden,
  • Burough of East-grim stead.
    • Sir Thomas Dyke,
    • *
  • Burough of Arundel.
    • Will Morley. Esq;
    • William Garway. Esq;
Warwickshire. (6)
  • Sir Richard Varney,
  • Sir Richard Nudigate.
  • City of Coventry.
    • Sir Roger Cave,
    • —Stratford Esq;
  • Burough of Warwick
    • Lord Digby,
    • John Colemore, Esq;
Westmoreland (4)
  • Sir John Lowther,
  • Henry Wharton, Esq;
  • Burough of Appleby.
    • Philip Musgrove, Esq:
    • Richard Lowther, Esq;
Wiltshire 34
  • Lord Cornbury,
  • Sir Thomas Mumpeston.
  • City of New-Sarum.
    • Thomas Hobey, Esq;
    • Giles Eyes, Esq;
  • Burough of Wilton, alias Salisbuy.
    • Thomas Windham, Esq
    • Thomas Peurndick, Esq;
  • Burough of Downton.
    • Sir John Nicolas,
    • Coll Oliver Nicholas
  • Burough of Hindon,
    • *
    • *
  • Burough of Westbury.
    • Robert Hide, Esq;
    • Coll Thomas Lambert
  • Burough of Hetsbury.
    • Richard Lewis, Esq;
    • James Herbert, Esq;
  • Burough of Calne▪
    • *
    • *
  • Burough of the Devizes
    • Sir William Pisen,
    • Walter Grub, Esq-
  • Burough of Chippenham
    • Henry Baynton, Esq;
    • William Baynton, Esq;
  • Burough of Malmsbury.
    • Sr John Talbot,
    • Walter Grub, Esq;
  • Burough of Crickdale.
    • *
    • *
  • Burough of great Bedwin
    • Sir Edward Wainford,
    • John Wildman, Esq; i.
  • Burough of Lugdersal
    • John Dean Esq.
    • John Smith, Esq;
  • Burrough of Marlborough
    • Sir Iohn Ernly,
    • Sir George Willowby,
    • Sir James Hays,
    • John Wildman, Esq;
  • Burough of Old Sarum
    • Thomas Pits, Esq;
    • John Young, Esq :
  • Burough of Woo [...]on-basset
    • Thomas Neale, Esq:
    • Henry Clarke, Esq;
Worcestershire. (9)
  • Sir John Packington,
  • James Pitts, Esq;
  • City of Worcester,
    • John Somers, Esquire,
    • William Bromley Esq;
  • Burough of Droitwich
  • Burough of Evesham
    • Henly Parker, Esq;
    • Sir John Mathews,
  • Burough of Bewdley.
    • Henry Herbert, Esq;
Yorkshire 30
  • Lord Fairfax,
  • Sir John Key.
  • City of York
    • Lord Dunblain,
    • Sir Henry Thompson.
    • Lord Fairfax,
    • Coll. Duffe,
  • Town of Kingston upon Hull.
    • William Gee, Esq;
    • John Ranisden, Esq;
  • Burough of Knarsborough
    • Lord Latimer,
    • Wil. Stockdale, Esq;
  • Burough of Scarsborough
    • *
    • *
  • Burough of Rippon
    • —Stockdon, Esq;
    • —Fackes, E [...]q
  • Burough of Richmond
    • John Darcy, Esq;
    • Thomas York, Esq;
  • Burough of Heydon
    • Henry Guy Esq;
    • —Ayliard, Esq;
  • Burough of Burrobridge
    • *
    • *
  • Burough of Malton
    • Wiiliam Paines, Esq;
    • Sir—Strickland,
  • Burough of Thirske
    • *
    • *
  • Burough of Alborough
  • Burough of Beverlley
    • Sir John Hatham,
    • Sir Michael Warton,
  • Burough of North-Aller­ton-
    • Thomas Lascells, Esq;
    • VVilllam Robinson, Esq;
  • Burough of Pontefract
    • Lord Viscount Downe,—Yarborough.

WALES (24)

Anglesey 2
  • Rob. L. Viscount Bulkley
  • Town of Bea [...]maris
    • Sir William Williams,
Becnockshire 2
  • Edward Jones, Esq;
  • Town of Brecon
    • Thomas Morgan, Esq;
Cadiganshire 2
  • John Lewes, Esquire,
  • Town of Cardigan
    • Hector Phillips, Esquire
Carmarthan 2
  • Sir Richard Rudd,
  • Town of Carmarth.
    • Richard Vaughan, Esq;
Carnarvansh. (2)
  • Thomas Bulkeley, Esq;
  • Town of Carnarvan
    • John Griffith, Esq;
Denbyshire 2.
  • Sir Richard Middleton,
  • Town of Denbigh
    • Edward Breteton, Esq;
Flintshire 2
  • Sir Roger Philston,
  • Town of Flint
    • Sir John Hanmer Bar
Glamogansh. (2)
  • Sir B [...]ssey Mansell,
  • Town of Cardiff
    • Thomas Mansel, Esq;
Meionethsh. 1
  • Sir John Wyn, Bar.
Pembroksh▪ 3
  • William Barlow, Esquire
  • Town of Pem [...]roke
    • Arthur Owen, Esquire
  • Town of Haverford We [...]
    • William Wogan, Esquire
Montgomery [...]
  • [...]dward Vaughan, Esq;
  • Town of Montgomery
    • Will. Williams, Esquire
Radnorshire [...]
  • Sir Rowland G [...]in.
  • Town of Radnor
    • Mr. Serjeant Williams

BARONS OF THE Cinque-Ports. (16)

  • Port of Hastings in Sussex
  • Sir Deuny Ashburnham,
  • John Ashburnham, Esq;
  • Town of Winchelsea in Sussex
    • Charles E. of Middleton
    • Col. Creswel Draper,
  • Town of R ye in Sussex
    • Sir Thomas Jenner,
    • Thomas Frewen, Esq;
    • Port of New-rumney, K.
    • Sir Benj. Barthust,
    • [...]ir William Gulstop.
  • Port of Hyeth in Kent
    • Coll. Heneage Finch▪
    • Mr. Deeds,
  • Port of Dover in Kent.
    • Sr Baswall Dixwall,
    • Thomas, Papillon, Esq;
  • Port of Sandwich in K-
    • Sir James Oxoidon,
    • John Thurbane, Esq;
  • Port of Seaford in Kent
    • Sir Edward Selwyn,
    • Sir William Thomas,

With Allow­ance.

LONDON: Printed for E. Golden on London-Bridge, 1689

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