THE Humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Alder­men, and Commons of the City of Lon­don, in Common Councell assembled.

Printed by James Flesher, Printer to the Honourable City of London. 1653.

TO THE Supreme Authority of the Nation, THE PARLIAMENT OF The Commonwealth of ENGLAND.
The humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Alder­men, and Commons of the City of London in Common Councell assembled.


THAT your Petitioners doe in all humi­lity, and thankfulnesse acknowledge the infinite goodnesse of God to this Nation, in the free passage of the Gospel for neer one hundred years together; and the Peace, Plenty, and Prosperity that it hath brought with it: and that all along God hath raised up Pious, Learned, and Painfull Preachers of the Gospel, whose labours God hath blessed in the converting of Thousands, and de­fending of the truth against Popery, Errors, and He­resies, although very much opposed and persecuted by a Popish, Prelaticall Party.

Your Petitioners doe likewise acknowledge (a­mongst many worthy things done by the late Parli­ament) the tender care they had of all able, faithfully godly Ministers, in setting them at liberty from their former Persecutors, and giving them all Incourage­ment in the Exercise of their Ministery, and by ad­ding towards their maintenance a considerable Re­venue over and above what was anciently setled by Law; They also incouraged Learning, by reforming the Unive [...]sities, and increasing the maintenance of the Governours of Colledges, where there was need; And what a mercy is it like to prove to the Nation, there being so many hopefull Plants, that in a short time (by the blessing of God) may be fit for publike service: And while they were thus promoting the Interest of Christ, how did the Lord blesse their Councels and Forces by Land and Sea, to the admira­tion of their Friends and Enemies both at home and abroad?

But as heretofore there never wanted Instruments to vilifie, oppose, persecute or undermine the faith­full Ministers, and preaching of the Gospel, so of late years, yea, at this day, what scorn and contempt is cast upon them? and what endevours are used by Petitioning and otherwise to destroy the Universities, and undermine the Preaching of the Gospel, by ta­king away that ancient setled Maintenance which hath been Owned and Acknowledged as their due, by all Parliaments and Courts of Justice time out of minde: And if the Jesuites, and those that are Po­pishly affected (of which we have cause to fear there are many in this Nation) succeed in their present [Page 3] Councels and Practices and disaffecting the Nation, to the Universities and Learning, and the profitable use of it, in the Preaching of the Gospel, and confu­ting errors; And likewise shall prevail in removing the present setled maintenance which is earnestly en­devoured by them; And perswade that the Civil Ma­gistrate hath nothing to doe in matters of Religion: They will then be in a very great forwardnesse to at­tain that design they have had against this Nation, ever since the first Reformation from Popery.

Now though the Consideration of all these things lies sad upon our hearts, we cannot but with than [...] ­fulnesse acknowledge that there is a supreme Power over us, to whom we have incouragement to make our humble addresse; Who have been pleased so publickly and affectionately to declare, That you will be as tender of the Lives, estates, Liberties, just rights and proprieties of all others as ye will be of your own and of your Posterities. And further that you cannot but acknowledge that ye are not yet at rest, nor can believe ye have yet enjoyed or seen enough to accomplish the end of God, or satisfie the thoughts of men, for that vast expence of blood and Treasure which could not have been endured with any patience; But in hope, that at length those bit­ter pangs and throwes would make some way for that long expected birth of Peace, Freedome, and Happinesse, both to the souls and bodies of the Lords people; And while we are waiting for the fruit of such pious resolutions, it cannot but be much grief of heart, and regret of spirit to your Petitioners, to have this Parliament unworthily traduced and reflected [Page 4] upon by some persons which we humbly conceive, do directly tend to the gratifying of the common enemy, the raising of Sedition, disturbing of the present Go­vernment, and destruction of this Common-wealth.

The premises considered,

Your Petitioners doe humbly pray, that care be taken that the pretious truths of the Gospel, which hath been the blessed portion of this Nation so many years, may be preserved in their purity, that the faith­full dispensers thereof, being men Learned, Godly, and void of offence, may receive all due incourage­ment. And that such (being so approved) may be sent forth to preach the Gospel.

That the setled maintenance by the Laws of the Land for them, may be further confirmed; And that the Acts and Ordinances of Parliament formerly made to this purpose may be put in execution: and such other provision made that their just proprieties may be preserved.

That the Universities also that are the Seminaries of all sorts of Litrature, so eminently usefull for this Common-wealth; both in respect of Civill Govern­ment, and also the propagating and defending the blessed truths of the Gospel, may be zealously coun­tenanced and incouraged,

All which we humbly submit to your Grave and Pious consideration And shall ever pray.

THE Petitioners were called in, and being come to the Barre M r Speaker by Command of the House did return thanks to the Petiti­oners for their good affections to the Parliament, and acquainted them that some of the matters in the Peti­tion are under consideration, and as touching that which concerns the traducing the Parliament, the Petitioners are referred to the Councell of State to give Informations to them therein, and that the Parliament doth not doubt but they will continue their care of the Peace and safety of the City.

Hen: Scobell Clerke of the Parliament.

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