To the Right Honorable, The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: THE HVMBLE PETITION OF The Captains, Officers, and Souldiers of the Trained Bands, and Voluntiers of the County of BUCKINGHAM, assembled at Alesbury, June 17. 1642.
THat they give you thanks from the depth of their hearts, for the great and main benefit they have already received, from Your no lesse chargeable then Indefatigable pains; And in particular, for your necessary Ordinance of the Militia, of which, as we conceive, (under God) our safety doth depend; unto which we most cheerfully submit, as is manifest by this dayes appearance; not onely of the Trained Bands, but of well neere 1000. Voluntiers, that made all demonstration of obediĀence, aswell to this, as to all other Commands that shall come from Your Honorable Houses, in opposition to the Popish or Malignant partie at home, or any other power from abroad; Notwithstanding the main visible discouragements from ill-affected persons, that made it their businesse, to blemish the validity of your Authority; as also, by the Lord Lieutenants absence, contrary to the Trust reposed in him.
Therefore we humbly implore the continuance of your care for our safety, and to appoint such a Lord Lieutenant in whom we may confide, as surely as you may in us, who are resolved to lay our Lives and Fortunes at your feet, in defence of the King and Parliament.
And we shall pray, &c.