TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORDS ASSEMBLED IN HIGH COVRT OF PARLIAMENT: The Humble PETITION of the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Councell Assembled.

TOGETHER WITH An humble Representation of the pressing grie­vances, and important desires of the well-affected Freemen, and Covenant-engaged Citizens, of the City of LONDON.

LONDON, Printed by Richard Cotes. 1646.

TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE THE LORDS Assembled in High Court of PARLIAMENT; The Humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common-Councell Assembled,


THat the loud and unanimous cry of many thousands of our fel­low-Citizens, as well as our own sense and fellow-feeling, hath obliged us to make this present Interposition, amongst other your publique and weighty Affairs; We do in the annexed, humbly offer unto your L p [Page 4] their own words and expressions, with some omissions and few alterations, as they were de­livered unto us by a great number of considera­ble Citizens of known worth, and of appro­ved integrity to the Parliament; that your Lordships may the more clearly see the deep sense they have of the growing miseries and en­creasing distractions of these times; The chief matter thereof is the same with our late addres­ses, unto which we humbly hope your L ps will still finde the same reasons to give your favou­rable acceptance and noble regard, as we hum­bly and thankfully acknowledge you readily shewed unto the same when we rendred them unto your Lordships, as the representative Body of the City alone. The obligation that lyes upon us to them, the duty we owe to the Par­liament, and the interest this City hath in the Peace of the whole Kingdome, would not per­mit us either to reject their Petitions, or to conceal their Grievances from your Lordships, neither yet can we our selves but both own their griefs and fears, and so humbly joyn with them in the same desires.

But to those Reasons in which we have concurred with our said Fellow-Citizens, for the more speedy disbanding of that Army a­mong others, which hath in the sight of the Kingdome by Gods blessing obtained so many signall Victories; We humbly crave leave, that [Page 5] as we detract not from their merit, so we may also adde thus much, which is daily complai­ned of, That there are some Officers, and ma­ny common Soldiers of that Army, who ei­ther have never taken the Covenant, or are dis­affected to the Church-government held forth by the Parliament; That the Pulpits of divers godly Ministers are often usurped by Preach­ing Souldiers, and others, who infect their Flock, and all places where they come, with strange and dangerous Errrours; And then we humbly submit it to your Lordships to consi­der, what security or settlement can be expect­ed while they are Masters of such a power; and what example, if not encouragement, the people may take from them, to refuse the Co­venant; or if they have taken it, to contemn the same, to the great derogation of that Church-Government, which the Parliament hath decla­red. We humbly hope, that although such were dismissed, the Parliament by their authority may otherwise, if occasion sh [...]ll require, sufficient­ly provide for the safety of the Kingdome.

But this great work, as also that which is of so high concernment to the establishing of a perfect and well grounded Peace, (The bring­ing home of his Majesty) we doe humbly and wholly submit, and commit next to the Al­mighty hand of Gods Providence, unto the Wisdome of both Houses of Parliament, being [Page 6] confident that they will preserve and defend His Majesties Royall Person, and Authority, in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdome, according to the Covenant.

To that also which concernes the Estates of Delinquents which are under Sequestration, or are or shall be either wholly confiscated, or else compounded for, We humbly desire leave to adde this Petition in behalfe of our selves, and many thousands of our fellow-Citizens and all others who have adhered to the Parlia­ment, That all just Debts may bee first paid and satisfied, and to that end that no Com­mittees of Sequestration or Sequestrators may interrupt just proceedings at Law for recovery of such Debts. And that the Heires and Estates of those who have died since these Warres on the Enemies Par [...], may be yet liable to pay just Debts, notwithstanding any Entailes or Deeds in Trust, made since the beginning of these generall Distractions, which are conceived to have been made purposely to defeat the Creditor. And because of the long continu­ance of these Warres and Divisions, that the Statute may not be pleaded to any Book Debt for not being demanded within sixe yeares since the beginning of the Parliament, otherwise there are none in the Kingdome like to suffer more then the well-affected, and such as [Page 7] have adhered to the Parliament.

Lastly, We humbly conclude with this Peti­tion in behalfe of this City, That as this Court as the Representative Body of the City, hath hitherto by Authority of Parliament had the nomination of the Persons intrusted with their Militia, so now also we may by Ordi­nance of Parliament be authorized to elect and choose fit Persons for that Charge once every yeare, agreeable to the Practice and Custome of the City in all other chiefe Offices and Trusts concerning their Government.

And now whatsoever Expressions or De­sires our Cares and Feares have led us unto, or what ever we or our fellow-Citizens have presumed to take notice of, or touch upon, Wee humbly pray both for our selves and them, That your Lordships will remit all to our and their great ze [...]le for Gods Glory and the Peace of the Kingdome. And that it may be remembred, That wee and they are those whom you have with your selves engaged in one Covenant, to whom God hath given Hearts as well to adventure all for your Ser­vice and preservation, as to be ever thankfull for the continuall protection and great deli­verances they have received by Gods blessing through your constant Endeavours, and whose hands God hath strengthened to fight his and [Page 8] your Battels; We doe humbly assure your L ps that wee and they have still the same dutifull hearts, and in the sincere pursuance of our solemne League and Covenant, no In­terest or influence shall (with the blessing of God) be ever able to withdraw our obedience, or divert our affections from the Parliament of England.

We humbly submit all to your L great Wise­domes, and shall daily pray, &c.

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