YOur Maiesties Loyall, and peaceable Subiects, the Barronets, Knights, Esquires. Free-hol­ders, and other Inhabitants of the County and Town of Derby. Humbly crave leave, to shew and pray, as followeth.

VVHereas, we are distracted with the generall Fears of the Kingdome; that your Majesties Removall from Your Parliament, will be a dissolu­tion of your Gracious Intents, and Pious Endeavors; for the Reforma­tion of this your Grievances, which had crept both within the Church and Com­mon-wealth. And likewise an Obstruction to the Relief of these Pressures, under which we groan; And an absolute hinderance of the Calamities, Distresses of Your Majesties Subjects of Ireland.

WIth bleeding hearts, We humbly beseech Your Majesty; That you will be plea­sed to return unto, and reside neer the Parliament, your supream Court and Coun­sell; Wherby we conceive your Royall Crown established upon your Self and Poste­rity; Our Religion, Lives, and Liberties secured unto Us, and Ours. And is the onely Means to expediate Relief to your Majesties said Protestant Subjects in Ireland: with­out which, we can conceive no Possibility of safety to your sacred Majesty to then, or us; Who shall most readily, according to Our Protestation, with our Lives and for­tunes, maintain, and defend your Majesties Royall Person, Honour, and Crown, the Power and Priviledges of Parliament, the Rights and Liberties of the Subject; And the Power and Purity of the Protestant Religion.

And Wee shall ever pray, &c.

LONDON. Printed for Andrew Coe. 1642.

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