To the Kings most Excellent Majestie.
The humble Petition of the Gentry, Ministers and Free-Holders of the County Palatine of Chester, and of the Inquests serving at the Assizes for the body of of the said County. Presented to His Majestie at Yorke, MAY 7. 1642.

Humbly sheweth,

THat though our heart breaking Griefes have beene many and great, though a lively apprehension of our woefull dis­stractions, which have beene of late much increased by this long night of your absence from your great Councell; yet we have had some surviving reliques of hope, that the sighes and groanes, the teares and prayers of so many du­tifull and well affected subjects from all parts might (in time) have been accepted and at lenght haue proved power­full to have melted your royall brest into Compassion, and with (such a loving and pleasant violence) might have wonne you to imbrace againe with all tendernesse Your whole Kingdome, as it is at this presen [...] represented in Parliament.

But now we lament that even those hopes appeare to us gashly as brea [...]hing their last, having little vigour re­maining in them to uphold our hearts for our sorrows are doubled our feares multiplied, by the report of your Ma­jesties Resolutions to undertake a dangerous) voyage into your Kingdome of Ireland, whereon we looke with much wonder and astonish­ment, farre be it from you (dread Soveraigne to blame our hearts, which (guided by the strength of law and dutie) cannot consent to a Journey so perillous, by which your Royall person (wherein we challenge so great an Interest, that it is no more Yours than ours) shall undergoe varietie of dangers by Sea and Land, wind and waters, having no difference betwixt a King and his meanest vassall.

And if God (the Guardian and preserver of Princes) shall safely waft you over, what valuable securitie can be given us of Your life being amongst such Papish, barbarous, and cruell Rebbels, as (having banished the sense of all Religion, Pietie, and Humanitie, and re­jecting God, and You their King from raigning over them,) doe continue to murther daily Your innocent and Protestant subjects, of all ages, sexes, and conditions, and which they would perswade the world they doe act by Your Authori [...]e, Approbation and Command, thereby heaping vengeance upon their owne heads, and rendring them uncapable and unworthy, the thoughts of the least grace and favour, let Your Iustice, we beseech Your Majestie have its proper worke upon them, and your mercy upon Us, by granting our most humble pray­ers to these particulars.

To comfort our hearts by your residing where you may with best Conveniencie Consult with your great Councell before you thus hazard your person and your people.

To Consider to what danger hereby you expose us by the popish faction, when your Majesty shall leave us naked, and not put in­to a posture of defence, to repell the rage and attempts of the enemies to our religion when we have too just cause to feare that they do but waite for an opp [...]rtunity to bring to birth their Cruell Conceptions. And what so great advantage can they hope for, as would be this of your absence.

To advise whether this Journey would not much retard the intended reliefe for Ireland since (upon the first rumour) many who were minded to subscribe thereto, doe demur in their proceedings, and others wish they might recall what they have subscribed.

Not to deprive Us at once of that poor remainder of hope we have to reape further good by the endeavours of Your Parliament whereof we shall dispaire when Your presence shall be wanting to infuse life in their life proposalls and Conclusions.

To believe that a Journey to White-Hall will be the more for Your Honour and safety, and farre more acceptable to Your truest Subjects then a Voyage to Ireland.

To view at our humble intreaty that part of King Davids story, who being resolved in person to Warre against his own Rebels, acquainted the people with his Intention in these words of Resolution, I will goe with you my selfe also, but his best Subjects (that were ready to hazard their lives for him, would not suffer him to venter his regall Person which was to them so perilous) opposed him these Tearmes, Thou shalt not goe forth, neither did David reject them as presumptious, knowing that their confident expression in that particular was the issues of their duty and love, but gave them this milde and satisfactory reply, (which we humbly beg may be Your Majesties Answer to Your Parliament: Us, And all other Your good Subjects) what seemeth You best, that will we do,

So shall Wee ever pray, &c.

London Printed for Richard Lownes at his shop adjoyning without LƲDGATE 1642.

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