TO THE KING'S Most Excellent Maiesty.
The Humble Address of the SOCIETY of the
VVITH hearts full of unspeakable Joy We presume to approach your Royal presence, and with all our Souls bless Almighty God for the wonderful discovery of the late hellish Conspiracy begun and carried on by desperate persons of Fanatical, Atheistical and Republican Principles, who impudently assuming to themselves the name of True Protestants and Patriots, did at first by Popular Insinuations and other Artifices, project the undermining the best Religion and Government in the World; and afterwards being therein prevented by your Majesties unwearied Care and admirable Conduct, proceeded to contrive the horrid Parricide of your Sacred Person, the barbarous Assassination of your Royal Brother, the dear partaker of your Sufferings, the involving these Nations in Blood and Confusion, and the utter destruction of this Monarchy.
As this Society has been eminent for its Loyalty and early tokens of Duty and Affection, particularly in their humble thanks for your Gracious Declaration, and their Abhorrence of the late Accursed and Traiterous Association, which we look upon to be a part of this Damnable Conspiracy, so we shall do our utmost to bring the Villains to Justice, especially those of this Society, who to our great Sorrow are in the number of the Conspirators.
And We do repeat our solemn Protestations to stand by and defend Your Sacred Majesty and lawful Successors with our Lives and Fortunes, and beseech Almighty God to cover with confusion the faces of Your most secret Enemies, that Divine Vengeance may overtake such of the Traitors as by flight escape the Justice of Humane Laws, whose Guilt proclaims it self so loud, that they dare not trust even that Mercy of which they have had so long experience. And as Providence did never so signalize it self on behalf of any Prince as of your Majesty through the whole course of Your Reign, so may Heaven showr down and continue its Best Blessings on the Best of Kings, and be never weary of working new Miracles for Your preservation.
LONDON, Printed for Jacob Tonson at the Judges Head in Chancery Lane near Fleetstreet, 1683.