The humble Petition of the Company of Brewers of the Citie of London.


THat your PETITIONERS are an ancient Corporation of great use in the Citie of LONDON for Service both for Sea and Land, and doe imploy in their Calling many thousands of poore Families in and about the said Citie, who yet have beene for about 30. yeares past mightily oppressed with many grievous Payments, purveyances and impositions to his Majestie contrary to Law; and the like wher­of no Corporation nor calling whatsoever hath suffered. All which have beene infor­ced from the abused sense or ill pursuance of a Statute 23. Hen. 8. which as it directs the Justices of Peace at their quarterly Sessions to order at their discretions the pri­zes of Beere and Ale; so it limits the Brewer not to exceed the said rate under the penaltie of sixe shilling for every Barrell.

That your Petitioners humbly conceive the intent of the said Statute was, that the prizes of Beere and Ale should be regulated by the said Justices and varied according to the prizes of Mault Hopps, and Fuell sutable to that ancient and unre­pealed Statute of 51. Hen. 3. and which wee find was accordingly practized by the said Justices till about 30. yeares past at which time an imposition of foure pence for every quarter of Mault to the Kings Majestie was projected by some evill Members, and accordingly exacted with all rigour and severitie to the undoing of divers Brewers, their Wives and Children.

That the Justices of peace in London and the neere adjacent parts have not for about 30. years past taken any con­sideration at all of the prizes of Mault, Hopps, and Coles being of late yeares much dearer then in former times, nor of the great increase of charges by servants wages house-rent, and caske necessarily used by the said Brewers, but (as your Petitioners humbly conceive) to countenance and continue the said imposition, have refused to set such a rate as at which the Beere and Ale might be serviceable and your Petitioners have any subsistence in their Callings.

That upon complaint in the Parliament, Anno tertio Reg. Carol. the said imposition was voted illegall and so sup­pressed, but the said Parliament was no sooner dissolved but your Petitioners were sued by information on the same Statute of 23. Hen, 8. for very great summes of money, and had also their Beere taken by purveyance in great quanti­ties and no money paid for the same, but after tedious and chargeable attendance, and for refusall were some of them a long time imprisoned; by which then unresistable violence your Petitioners were drawne in [...]o a new composition for almost 3000. l. per annum towards the charge of furnishing his Majesties Houses with Beere and Ale, which con­tinued till the beginning of this present Parliament, at which time your Petitioners not doubting but to have reliefe against so insupportable a grievance did refuse to pay it any longer, and did for remedy bring in a Bill long since into this Honourable House.

That in Trinitie Terme last past severall new informations were brought by one Lionel Farington in the Courts of Exchequer and Common Pleas against your Petitioners upon the said Statute of 23. Hen. 8. it being to many of your Petitioners for more then their whole Estates are worth, and for which hee will have a Tryall against some of them within 20. dayes.

Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray, that the Bill brought long since by them into this Honourable House may be speedily read and committed, and that such course may be taken by the great wisedome and fa­vour of this Honourable House, that as your Petitioners may for the future be preserved from the like misera­ble grievances and troubles; so for the present they with their Families and thousands more that depend upon them may be delivered from utter destruction.

And they (as in all dutie and conscience bound) shall ever pray for the prosperous successe of your unwearied in­deavors, &c.

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