The humble PETITION OF THE Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Com­mons of the City of London, in Common Councell Assembled.

With an humble Representation of the pressing Grievances and important Desires of the well-affected Freemen, and Covenant-engaged Citizens of the City of London, to the Lords and Commons assembled in high Court of PARLIAMENT.

Together with the severall Answers of both Houses of Parliament to the said Petitions and Representation.

LONDON, Printed by Richard Cotes, Printer to the Ho­nourable City of London. 1646.

Die Sabbathi 19. Decemb. 1646.

IT is Ordered by the Lords in Parliament Assembled, That the City Printer shall print and publish the two Petitions pre­sented to this House this day; the one en­tituled, The humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London in Common Councell As­sembled: and the other entituled, An humble Representation of the pressing grievances, and important desires of the well-affected Freemen, and Covenant-en­gaged Citizens of the City of London, and the Answer of the Lords in Parliament made this day unto them both.

Jo. Brown Cleric. Parliamentorum.

Die Sabbathi 19. Decemb. 1646.

THe Lords are so fully satisfied with the constant and reall expressions of the fidelity and good affections of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Common Councell, and Citizens of the City of London, as they have commanded me to give hearty thanks upon the whole matter of the Petitions presented by you from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Common Councell, and Citi­zens of the City of London, and to let you know that they will take the particulars of your Petitions into their speedy conside­ration.

Jo. Brown Cleric. Parliamentorum.

Die Sabbathi 19. Decemb. 1646.

THe House being informed, That divers Alder­men and Citizens of the City of London were at [Page 4] the Doore they were called in, and Master Alderman, Bunce presented to the House a Petition, entituled, The humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Com­mons of the City of London, in Common-Councell Assembled, Together with an humble Representation of the pressing grie­vances, and important desires of the well-affected Free-men, and Covenant-engaged Citizens of the City of London, thereunto annexed: The which (the Citizens being withdrawne) were both of them read And it is

Resolved upon the Question, by the Commons As­sembled in Parliament, That this Petition, and the Representation annexed, be taken into consideration on Tuesday morning next, notwithstanding any for­mer Order.

Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parlia­ment, That Master Speaker do give the Petitioners thanks for their constant good affections.

The Petitioners were againe called in, and Master Speaker accordingly, by Command and Order of the House did give them thanks for their constant good affections, and did further acquaint them, That they had read their Petition, and the Representation annexed, and that they have appointed a very short day to take them into consideration.

H. Elsyng. Cler. Parl. D. Com.

TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS and COMMONS ASSEMBLED In the High Court of PARLIAMENT: An humble Representation of the pressing grie­vances, and important desires of the well-affected Freemen, and Covenant-engaged Citi­zens, of the City of London.

OUt of our zeale to Gods glory, so ex­ceedingly prophaned; our love to Gods truth, so wofully corrupted; our com­passionate affection to our Brethren op­pressed; the grievous calamities that lye upon our selves, and are still more and more growing upon us; together with the sad fears which do daily possesse and afflict our hearts, because of Divine ven­geance and displeasure so imminently impending over our heads, [Page 2] and even ready to seize upon Church and State, Wee have been forced yet once againe in the discharge of our Consciences, to take the humble boldnesse to poure forth into your bosomes the sorrows of our hearts, and to present unto your Honours the conceived causes of our Miseries; trusting, that in your grave Wisdomes, you will both see into them, and in your Justice give remedy against them. For who can see Religion, Lawes, Liberties, (things of so great and precious concernment,) not onely assaulted, but even overwhelmed, and the Unity, Peace, and Prosperity of the Kingdomes violated, and almost destroy­ed, and by a treacherous and cowardly silence continue to hold his peace? Wee cannot, wee dare not, the oath of God with a curse lyes upon us, if wee shall so basely yeeld to a spirit of in­differency and neutrality, in a Cause which doth so much con­cerne Gods glory, and the Kingdomes good, and shall not (especially in such a time as this) zealously and constantly in our places and callings according to our power, apply our sin­cerest endeavours, notwithstanding all lets and oppositions, to promote the same.

I. It cannot but be acknowledged, most worthy Senators, that the Churches of God in times of Reformation, have ever thought it the fittest season of all others, in some extraordinary manner to oblige themselves unto Almighty God, as the Divine goodnesse hath put it into your hearts (according to the lauda­ble practise upon all occasions of the most godly and religious Governours) to strike a solemne Covenant with him, and by your Authority to enjoyne the same to the Kingdomes, for the reformation and defence of Religion, Lawes, Liberties, as an excellent means to acquire the favour of God, and the uniting and strengthening of the three Kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, against the common enemies of the true Reformed Religion, peace and prosperity of the Kingdomes, to the appa­rent manifestation of your most Christian zeale and piety to God and to his truth; wherefore we cannot here but make our sad complaint unto your Honors in the express [...]n of our deepest sence of that great dishonour which is done unto the heavenly Majesty in the most horrible slighting and treacherous infringe­ment [Page 3] of this most sacred Oath, and that bold contempt which is offered at this day to the authority of this Renowned Parlia­ment, in this their so Religious undertaking and injunction, on the one part by those that altogether refuse to enter into this ho­ly Covenant of God and the Kingdomes, and on the other part by them which declaime against it, and cast disgracefull aspersi­ons upon it; That we cannot looke at these persons (whatso­ever their pretences bee) as any other then either malignant Enemies to the Parliament, or the Peace and Union of the King­domes, and the Reformation of Religion, nor can we promise to our selves any security, so long as they are suffered undiscovered, or unpunished, to live among us. We therefore make it our hum­ble prayer unto your Honors that you would bee pleased (as in your pious wisedome you shall thinke most fit) to find out and appoint such wayes or meanes, to discover and bring so great misdoers and offenders against God and your Authority to con­digne punishment, as may bee most agreeable to the merit of their so crying offences, and that as you have long since enjoy­ned by Ordinance of Parliament the taking of this Sacred Co­venant, (which notwithstanding is not yet done in many pla­ces of this Kingdome) so you would countenance and defend it inviolable from neglect, infringement, scorne, and defamation, and by your Civill sanction effectually impose it to bee sworne by all without exception, under some certaine penalty, as best shall seeme unto your Honours to bee duly inflicted by your Religious Justice upon the wilfull contemners of the same. And here give us leave in all humility to offer what seems to us both just and necessary; That such persons as have not taken, and shall not take the Solemne League and Covenant, or having ta­ken it, are manifestly disaffected to the ends therein expressed, especially in point of Religion, may not bee countenanced, im­ployed in, or advanced to places of publike Trust, as being a discredit to your Government, dangerous to the Kingdomes, and a hindrance to the Reformation of Religion. By so doing you shall preserve this great Oath of our God from contempt & violation, a sin, which we humbly conceive is the chiefest cause of most of those miseries and calamities that Gods just hand hath brought upon us.

[Page 4]II. When you did at first conclude upon that Sacred Cove­nant, (wherein now you have solemnly engaged both your selves and us) how glad were the hearts of all the faithfull in the Land, and what rejoycing was there at the Oath, as in the dayes of Asa? Wee hoped then that our Religion (more pre­cious then our lives, which was that, the truly godly had chiefly in their eye) had beene so secured, that all the malice, power, and policy both of men and divells should never have beene able to overturne the same; But with bleeding hearts we speake it, how is it, that for all this, such an inunda­tion of errors, Schisms, Heresies, is broken in upon us, which if not speedily prevented by your Wisdomes, and opposed by your impartiall Justice, wee feare will have its dreadfull effect to the totall subversion of the power of godlinesse? Wee are even strucke with astonishment, that after such a Covenant, there should such blasphemies bee uttered to Gods highest dishonour; that such Hereticall opinions should bee broached, to the never so much vilifying of the truth; that such Schismes should bee acted and fomented, to the renting and dividing of the Church; that the Government established should bee so much defamed, and opposed to the contempt of the Parliament, in words, in bookes, in practise, by the Sectaries of these times, who yet seeme as men under San­ctuary, finding nothing done unto them, for the hindring of these mischiefes, or the punishment of these enormities. God hath done great things for us, and hath shewed us great Salvation as at this day, then woe be unto us if these be our re­turnes for so great blessings. Trusty and Right Worthy Patriots, wee know not whither to goe in these our sad distempers, but unto you whom God and this Kingdome hath betrusted with what is most precious unto him, and dea­rest unto us, the protection of Religion, the preserving of it in Doctrine pure, and in Discipline from contempt and scorn, is that for which above all things else wee beseech your Honours againe and againe. Here wee would lay the stresse of our desires, and expresse the urgency of our affections, Wee [Page 5] thinke wee can never say enough for our God, and for his Truth: What are our estates, our liberties, our lives unto us, if the Arke of God be taken? if that bee gone, the glory, yea, the life of our lives is departed from England. Wee tremble to thinke, if a remedy bee not suddenly applyed, what will be the issue of these things. Wherefore our humble desires are renew­ed to your Honours, That you would be pleased to give Autho­rity to suppresse all such from publike Preaching, as have not duely beene Ordained, whereby their gifts for the Ministery, and their soundnesse in the Faith might be evinced: As also, separate Congregations, the very nurseries of all damnable Heresies: That an Ordinance be made for some exemplary punishment to be in­flicted upon Heretiques and Schismaticks, that your utter dislike of them and their proceedings may be manifest to all the world, which had beene made long since to appeare by a well-setled Reformation, had not his Majesty denyed his consent to the Bill for the Assembly, so often presented to him by both Houses, ac­cording to your owne Declaration in answer to his Majesties of the 23 of October 1642.

And that all Godly and Orthodox Ministers who labour in Gods husbandry, may have encouragement, some course being thought upon in your Wisedomes for their competent mainte­nance, the Lord having so ordained, That they which preach the Gospel, should live of the Gospel; so shall Religion flourish, the wrath of God be averted, the lips of the just shall blesse you, and a gracious recompence of reward from Gods most bounte­ous hand shall surely wait upon you.

And forasmuch as the welfare and safety of this Kingdome doth next under God in the preservation of true Religion, de­pend upon the fundamentall Constitutions of the same, and the maintenance thereof, which fundamentall Constitutions doe most eminently appeare in the calling of that Great Councell the Parliament, and in electing of Members for the same, where­in most conspicuously doth shine the Liberty and Property of the Subject, here wee can doe no lesse, then make it our hearty prayer unto your Honours, that you would be pleased to give strict order, that Writs for a free election without delay may [Page 6] be issued to all places, where Knights and Burgesses for Parlia­ment are yet to be chosen, and to provide that the people bee not prejudiced in their free choice, either by force, feare, letters, promises, or sollicitations of any; That the Subjects liberties being defended and preserved, they may be encouraged and bet­ter enabled to serve your Honours and the Publike.

IV. And here wee not omit to hint unto your Honours, the exorbitant practices of many Committees and Committee men, who have such an influence by meanes of their Authority upon the people, they being at their wills, and in their power to doe them a displeasure, that they dare not doe otherwise then obey their unlawfull Commands, without the inevitable hazard of their peace and safety, through which meanes tyranny is exer­cised by one fellow subject upon another, and justice and equity cannot enter, The cries of all sorts of people throughout the Land are growne so loud against the people of this vocation and profession, by reason of those grievous oppressions that are con­tinually acted by them, that in tendernesse of affection towards our brethren, not being ignorant or insensible of our owne suf­ferings in this kinde, and the great dishonour accruing to the Parliament therby, that we cannot but be earnest suitors to your mercy and justice that they may be dissolved.

V. The God of your salvation through the timous helpe of his willing people hath now expelled your adversaries, and brought us safe through the Red sea of our feares and troubles, to the borders of that sweet Canaan of our desired peace, and what now remaines most worthy Patriots, but that in thank­fullnes to God for his mercy, and in gratefull acknowledgement of the loving affections of his people in their so cheerefull ad­ventures in the Cause of God and the Kingdome, But that the heavy yoakes should be loosed to which they so readily did sub­mit their necks, nay desired you to put upon them for your se­curity and the Kingdomes weale? Which therefore is our hum­ble request that the enemies being now subdued, the Armies may be disbanded, that the so much complained of oppressions by their meanes may be redressed, and taxes for their support may be released, and the Militia of the Kingdome settled, so [Page 7] shall you make it appeare to the shame of slanderous tongues that this warre hath not beene intended as a trade, but as a meanes of regaining our lost peace, and that you had no other designe in prosecution of the same, then the securing of our Re­ligion, Lawes and Liberties, so desperately invaded by tyranni­call Oppressors; and shall indeare the affections of this people to you for your future assistance, when in a time of neede their helpe shall be required, and they will become yours and the Kingdomes servants for ever.

VI. And now since God hath holpen us in our distresse, it will not be unacceptable service unto him, that we should put forth the bowells of our Compassions to our distressed brethren, as being the most kindely fruits of Gods mercifull dealing with our selves; And what an object is Ireland for this purpose? Most noble Senators, since God hath shewen you mercy, in sub­duing your enemies here, let us be your earnest Petitioners for gasping, dying Ireland in this their great extremity: for in thoughts of their calamities our bowells are rowled within us, never did their necessities call lowder to your mercy then now they doe.

VII. And certainely one singular meanes to procure so great a blessing, must needes be the firme and establisht union of these Kingdoms according to our Covenant: in which respect we can­not but with sorrowfull and perplexed hearts, resent the hellish devices of malignant, factious, and seditious spirits, who make it their daily practise, & surely would rejoyce in it as their Master­piece, if they could once effect to divide these Kingdoms of Eng­land and Scotland so firmly conjoyned by a blessed, and we hope everlasting union. Therefore we returne againe unto your Ju­stice, that according to our Covenant, condigne punishment may be inflicted upon such firebrands, the greatest enemies to Church and State, and that your Honours would readily apply all tenderest care in your most faithfull and diligent endeavours for the preservation of that happy union by solemne League of these two Kingdomes, which is so much the envie of our ene­mies, the strength and glory of Great Bri [...]me, and the greatest security of our Religion, Peace and Prosperity.

[Page 8]VIII. And whereas the hand of the Almighty hath so eminently appeared on your side, that your enemies are falne under you, and hath given the troublers of yours and the King­domes peace into your hands: Wee doe beseech that according to the severall qualities of their Delinquencies, your Justice may goe forth against them with speedy execution. And with­all, that now you would bee so mindefull of your great ingage­ments, in the full and effectuall discharge of the Kingdomes debts (who have shewed themselves such free Contributers, and also have beene such extreme sufferers for your assistance in the Kingdomes cause) as to provide that a faithfull improvement of the estates of these notorious enemies of the Kingdome may be made by a right conversion of them unto publike use. And that those streams of wealth, which daily are flowing in by Composi­tions of Delinquents, may according to your solemne promises, runne in the right channell, and returne back into that Ocean whence at your desire they did so freely issue forth.

And whereas in your Wisdomes, your Honours have made so good provision, that men of estates and fortunes in the world, may be repayed their disbursements upon the loane of so much more, as in your Ordinance for the sale of Bishops Lands doth more fully appeare: Wee doe intreate that you would please to take into your further consideration those well-affected per­sons who have so freely and fully laid out themselves, as that they have not been able to make that addition required in the aforesaid Ordinance, but must now be forced for the reliefe of their great necessities, to sell at great losse, their very principall lent upon the publick Faith, to their great discouragement and discontent, which we feare may prove no small impediment to your future assistance, if neede thereof should be, unlesse remedy herein shall by your Honours be provided.

IX. And for Protections wee neede say little, so much having beene said before in our Remonstrance, that wee hope your Honours are so sensible of the sufferings of those Credi­tors who have great summes of money owing by some of your Members, and of the injustice of those among them, that have Estates to satisfie their ingagements, yet will not, but stand up­on [Page 9] their priviledge, as there needs no other argument to move your Honours to doe us justice in this behalfe.

X. And because wee are obliged to indeavour the preservation of the Liberties of the Kingdome, therefore that wee may performe our engagements as to God and you, so likewise to the Subjects of the Kingdome, whose sufferings in matters that concer [...]e their Rights are our owne; wee hold our selves bound, in all humility, to signifie unto your Honours, that contrary to the Rights and Liberties of the Subjects, on Friday evening the 4. or this instant moneth, there was an il­legal Warrant signed by Sir William [...], served upon three of our fellow Subjects, and fellow Citizens, by name Patrick Bamford, Nicholas Widmerpoole, Valentine Fyge, to bee taken into custody and committed to a Serjeant at Armes, which thing was also done contrary to the Order of that Honourable House, as by some of the Committee themselves was acknowledged. Wherefore wee doe humbly pray, that the aforesaid Warrant with the manner of its issuing forth, may bee taken into your serious consideration for the vindication of the Honour of the Parliament, which is herein so much concerned, and mainte­nance of the Subjects Liberty and to make such reparations to the persons wronged as may stand with justice, and in your wi [...]edomes shall seeme fit.

And now renowned Worthies, wee trust that in your wonted goodnesse, you will not entertaine any misconceptions of us, for that wee have endeavoured to bee a little more patheticke and pressing in our phrase of speech then heretofore; but that in your wisedomes you will throughly weigh our feares and sorrows with our pressing burdens, which have even forced us as against our wills to these expressions; and that looking upon the sincere affections of your Petitioners you will please to make so benigne an interpretation of what wee have here represented in the urgency of our afflicted spirits, as not to thinke wee had the least aime to reflect upon the Hon [...]ur of this famous Parliament: but that the sense of our miseries in our approa­ching dangers might stand more conspicuously before your eyes, and as by the most forcible argument wee could thinke [Page 10] upon, effectually to move your Honours (the great Physi­tians of our Church and State) to apply your most sea­sonable and speedy helpe. The Glory of God, the safety of our Religion and Liberties, and the Kingdomes welfare, is that wee levell at in this our undertaking, If through your fa­vourable acceptation of these our humble addresses wee may obtaine the security of these, wee have our utmost aime; And you shall bee called the Repairers of the breaches, the Resto­rers of paths to dwell in, you shall raise monuments of your eter­nall praises, the Churches of God shall call you blessed, and you shall for ever engage us not to thinke our estates or lives too deare to serve your Honours and the Publique so long as wee have breath and being.


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