To his Excellencie the Lord Charls Fleetwood, and the rest of the Officers of the ARMY.
HAving obtained favour from the Lord in this day of Apostacy to be faithfull to him in the promotion of righteousnesse, so long contended for, which for sometime past, to the grief of our hearts, hath been slighted and publickly denied, by those, who formerly had solemnely (before the Lord and his people) engaged for it; and now after our so long waiting upon the Lord, he hath been pleased to give us some grounds of hope, that we shall live to see the reviving of the good Old Cause, by the taste you have given us of your willingness to appear for it, in some of your late expressions. The understanding of which (together with what we have observed by tracing the foot-steps of providence in your late transactions) giveth us ground to believe that you are returning in good earnest; the thoughts, of which, incourageth us to present unto you, vvhat the Lord hath powerfully put upon our spirits, as the result of our several meetings, wherein we doubt not but we have met with God.
1. That you consider when and where you turned aside from the way in which God was pleased eminently to own you; and also whether you have not found a want of that presence of the Lord going along with your Counsels and Affairs, which in former times you were guided by, when that you appeared singly for God and your Country.
2. Secondly, that you would take a re-view of that Declaration of that memorable Parliament, published in the year 1648, March 17. wherein they express the grounds of a Free State; and that the same Parliament (who changed the Government from Kingly to a Commonwealth) may assemble themselves together, for the exercise of the Supreme Trust committed to them, in the prosecution of which on April 20. 1653. they were interrupted.
3. Thirdly, that you would consider who they were that from time to time have obstructed the faithful proceedings of those that are among you, whose hearts God hath touched with a sense of the great neglect of their Duty to God and their Country; and be admonished forthwith to dismiss them, out of your Councils and Armies for time to come.
4. Lastly, that you would consider who they are that have been ejected the Army, or otherwise forced to forsake it, for their Faithfulness to the Cause of God and his People, in bearing their testimony against Tyranny and Oppression, and with all speed call them to their Places, and admit them to your Councils.
In the doing of these things you vvill strengthen our hopes, that you are in reality and truth for God and his people, vvho vvill be thereby engaged to encourage and stand by you vvith their lives and Estates; otherwise our Fears will be enlarged, that you are but daubing with untempered mortar; and you may assuredly expect, that then the Lord will depart from you, and all the Faithful decline you.
From several Thousands of faithful Friends to the Good old Cause, in and about the City of London.
London, Printed by J. C. for Livewel Chapman. 1659.