To all Ministers of Gods VVord, Church-wardens, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, Tything-men, and other Officers whatsoever, To whom these may concerne, Greeting.

WHereas the Bearers hereof John Idsforth with his Wife and Children, living at Walton in the County of Lancaster, (by profession a Chandler) and Richard Dyneley of the same Towne and County Tanner, with his Family, people of good esteeme and repute amongst their Neighbours, were (by the Scottish and English Armies meeting together upon the place of their Residence) grievously wounded, utterly ruinated and undone, their dwelling Houses being burned downe to the ground in the battaile that was fought the Seventeenth day of August last past, before the date here­of, by the said Armies, and all the rest of their Goods, graine and pro­vision then spoylod, wasted, consumed and brought to nothing, so that by this lamentable accident, the sad and heavie visitation of Sicknesse, the extreame Dearth and Scarcity that is amongst the Inhabitants of that County, and the Countries mighty impoverishment, these poore Bearers grievances are become very great not being able to relieve themselves or others as formerly, and their losses amounting to Nine hundred pounds and upwards. Now wee whose Names are here subscribed, at our gene­rall meeting holden at Preston in Andernesse this third of June 1649. pro­fessing our selves willing to requite kindnesses of this nature, certainly knowing the truth and reality of all these things, and the honest and good meaning of these Bearers, have thought good to certifie the truth hereof under our hands, humbly requesting and recommending these to the favourable protection and assistance of the Honourable Court of Par­liament assembled at Westminster, for and towards these Bearers quiet, free and safe passage from one place to another without molestation by Soul­diers or others, and also the courtesie, love and charity, prayers, Collec­tion, reliefe, and Contribution of all pious and well-affected Ministers, Parishes, and people wheresoever these miserably distressed Bearers shall come, towards their great losses, and their present and future maintainance and livelihood, none knowing how soone they may fall into the like or greater Calamities: We have hereby granted that the Bearers hereof may have these Published on the next Lords day after the Receit thereof, and also we have granted the said Bearers Twelve moneths after the date hereof for their said travels and Contribution, the said Bearers promising to be truly thankfull, as in duty bound. Given under our hands at West­minster this tenth of June, 1649.

  • SAVILL RATCLIFFE, Justice of Peace and Quorum.
  • WILLIAM STARKY, Justice of Peace.

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