AN Exhortation to Friends In and about the County of WORCESTER, and elsewhere.
NOW Dear Friends, there is something upon my Mind to writ unto you. Viz. That you Be all Diligent to Meet Together to Wait upon the Lord in your Spirits; for the Lord hath Appeared to you for that End to Gather you Near unto Himself, to Worship him in Spirit, and in Truth, in this the Day of his Great Power, that hath Made many of You willing to Bear Reproach for his Heavenly names Sake; Esteem the Reproach for Christ's Sake Great Riches, and lend no Ear to the Unfruitful Works of Darkness of what name soever they may be, or how fair soever they may speak; nor to the Unfruitful Works of Darkness in your selves, but rather Reprove them, and Keep you Ʋnder the Cross of Christ, which is the Power of God in You, that would Crucifie Every Evil Thought, Word and Work in You, that through the Cross you may all come to be Heirs of the Crown Immortal; that your Souls being Risen with Christ, you may seek those Things which are Above, Where Christ is at the Right Hand of God, Administring Eternal Life to Every Hungry, and Refreshing Every Thirsty Soul with his Heavenly Divine Presence, thereby to Grow in his Strength over the World, and the Evils therein; The Pride of Life, the Deceitfulness of Riches and the Praise of Men.
And Friends, trust not in Man, nor in the Favorableness of Times, But Trust you in the Lord; for in his Almighty Power is Everlasting Strength, which will Strengthen your Immortal Souls to live and Love His Heavenly Appearance, in which is Eternal Life.
And what Christ said unto One, he said unto All, Watch; So Friends, be Ye Watchful, and Wait with Retired Minds on the Lord, that you may Receive Daily Bread from the Hand of your Heavenly Father, By which you Will Grow up into A Good Ʋnderstanding in the Things of God's Kingdom, wherein you may give Answer to the Men of this Generation that may ask you Questions of the Hope in you; You may Answer with Meekness and Godly Fear, Having your Eye to the Seed of God in you.
What we have heard, what we have seen, what our Hands have Handled of, Viz. The Good God of Life, that we shew unto you.
And as you Keep your Eye to the Seed of God in You; it will Keep you from desiring Discourse with Men of Corrupt Minds who are Destitute of the Faith of God's Elect; yet Rich in Profession, Fair in Discourse, full of Deceit to Draw your Minds by little and little, to Love and Affect them and Their Doings; So may you Lose God's Kingdom by Flattery, and become Vain.
Now the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Keep your Minds staid in Him; that when you are Absent one from another in Body you may be Watchful, that your Soul's Enemy Prevails not over You, To the Wounding of your Innocent Life;
And when you are Assembled Together to Wait upon the Lord, Be Diligent and Watchful, that A Spirit of Slumber or Sleeping get not over you, but like Good Servants and Diligent Waiters in true Silence for their Lord's Coming, for as much as you have Found your Labor hath not been in Vain in the Lord,
Published on the behalf of Truth in the Year 1689, the Prisoner being yet retained.