A VINDICATION from Colonell SANDS: Being the true Copie of a Letter sent from Colonell SANDS to His Excellence the Earle of ESEEX from Worcester the 8. of October.

Wherein Colonell SANDS doth declare his Resolution to maintaine the Cause hee hath be­gun, with the hazard of his Life and Fortunes.

Also manifesting to the world, that those reports of his being slaine, with the contents of the Lord Faulklands Letter, to be false and scandalous.

With his humble desire to his Excellence, that the Coppie of his Resolution might be presented to the Parliament, that they might be satisfied concerning his fidelity.

Read in the audience of both Houses of Parliament, and by them approved of.

VVhereunto is annexed seven Ar­ticles of impeachment of high Trea­son, Exhibited in Parliament, against Sir Edward Heron, High Sheriffe of the County of Lincolne.

London, Printed for T. Fawcet, Octob. 14. 1642.


TUesday the 7.th day of this instant October, was read in the House of Commons, the Coppie of a Let­ter, directed from Col [...]onell Sands to his Excellency the Lord Ge­nerall, who is now resident with his Army neere Shrewsbury, the effect whereof is as followeth.

By which is made mainfest, the most scanda­lous Aspersion raysed upon the said Collonell, by the ill-affected party, of his recantation and sorrow before his death (who is yet living) for [Page] taking up Armes on the Parliaments side a­gainst the King.



MAy it please Your Excellency to par­don my presumption in writing these few lines of the condition I am in, and how J have continued since your Excellencies departure from Worcester: The wounds J received are dangerous, but the Chyrurgi­ons put me in comfort, not mortall, but within some time of rest; J may againe re­cover my strength, I have been in much an­guish and paine, but am of the mending hand, thanks be to God. (Sir) J am em­boldened to informe your Excellency of my resolution, (if it please God to restore me to my former Health) to doe the King my Liege Lord and Soveraigne, and his great Councell of Parliament, representing the whole State of the Kingdome, the best service J shall be able to performe, to the losse of my Life, or that J see peace in this our Israel setled, this expression of my Resolution, is [Page] to vindicate a most scandalous aspersion of late raysed and cast upon me, by the wick­ed and envious party, that J should be dead, and before my death did much repent me of taking up Armes against his Majesty, on the Parliaments side, which if I should have done directly against his Majesty, it would repent me, but in that it was by or­der from both Houses, and for the preser­vation of the Peace, Religion and Lawes of this Kingdome, and of his Majesties owne Royall person, with his Kingly Of spring, J never had a thought of changing my re­solution to persist in maintenance of that cause your Excellency hath undertaken, to the losse of Life and fortunes, (Sir) J most humbly desire that this my Resolution may be presented to the Parliament, that they hauing good testimony of my fidelity to­wards them, may not be drawne to conceive the contrary of me and my actions, and not beleeve the false and scandalous aspersions raised against me.

Your Excellencies in [...] SANDS.

Articles exhibited in Parliament, against Sir Edward Heron, High She­riffe of the County of Lincoln.

AFter the reading of this Letter in the Lords house, it was sent downe to the Commons and in their House read, and after some debate of the same, the House fell into consideration of the many abuses of Printing scandalous and libellous Pamphlets against many Gentlemen of good worth imployed by the Parliament in the service of the State, to the disheartning and discouraging of them and other well-affected to proceed in preservation of the Peace of the Kingdome, and procuring the punishment of Delinquents. Now many Pam­phlets are and have beene printed against the Pro­ceedings of Parliament, as a Paper intituled The Kings vindication, &c.and against the proceedings of our Army, as the Paper intituled A Letter from the Lord Faulk land of the Fight at Worcester, and many other of the like nature, and after the House had debated thereupon, they appointed a Commit­tee to sit every afternoone, to receive information against the Authors of such Pamphlets, and the Printers and sellers thereof, and to report the sence of them to the House, that they may receive con­digne punishment according to their deserts.

Then the Committe appointed for the drawing [Page] up the charge of Treason against Sir Edward Heron, high Sheriffe of Lincolne, Presented the same to the House, containing these Articles.

  • 1. That the said Sir Edward Heron, upon three seve­rall summons of both Houses of Parliament, refused to make his appearance before them, but in a slight and scornefull manner returned answer; he had a counter­mand from his Majesty, and could not obey the Orders of the House.
  • 2. That in a traiterous manner the said Sir Edward Heron procured many of the Gentry of that County to subscribe to a seaitious and scandalous Petition, by his direction framed against the proceedings of Parlia­ment, in defence of his Majesties proceedings, and sent the same by his man to the Parliament.
  • 3. That being sent for by Messengers from the House of Commons as a Delinquent, to answer the framing of t [...] said Petition to the House, hee refused not onely so t [...], but Apprehended and arrested the Messengers [...] committed them to Prison.
  • 4. That in a trayterous and Rebellious manner hee hath raised about one hundred men of the Inhabitants of that Country, and actually leavied warre vpon the Kings good subjects apprehending, fining, and Imprisoning all such as he could, which indeavoured to oppose his tray­terous actions and d [...]signes.
  • [Page] 5. That being commanded by a Warrant from the Lord and Deputy-Lieutenants of the County of Lincolne, to lay downe his Armes and make his Appearance before them, and answer his Contempt in not obeying the sum­mons of the House, he returned a slight answer and re­tired with his Company to his house, where he fortified himselfe with Armes and Ammunition, and stood out against the Parliament.
  • 6. That he hath bought of Recusants, and ill-affected persons of that County, Armor, and privately convaid to his House ther Armes of professed Papists, because they should not be disarmed, fostering and maintaining Priests and Papists in his house.
  • 7. That he procured a Cart-load of Armes more to be brought to his house on Tuesday the fourth of this in­stant Moneth, and the same being seyzed upon by the Parliaments Forces, he in a trayterous manner, with about fifty persons issued out of his house armed, and assaulted those that had seyzed the said Armor, and be­ing demanded to yeeld himselfe, and goe with them to the Parliament, he refused and stood upon his guard till he was taken by force, and brough to the Parlia­ment.

These Articles being read in the House of Com­mons, and some debate upon the same, they were appointed to be read againe the next morning the second time.


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