Somerset-shire and elsewhere.
Read and Consider, and the Lord give you an understanding Heart.
THis day passing by your City, I was moved of the Lord God to come amongst you, to proclaim the terrible, great and notable Day that's hastening on apace upon this and other Nations: And since I came from you, I felt a concern upon my Spirit, to Communicate this and send unto you as Good Counsel; and which may prove (if duly regarded) a seasonable warning both to Priests, Professors, and Prophane, That you all may be humbled this day under the mighty hand of God, and unseignedly Repent of the Evil of your ways, and turn therefrom. Oh hasten, hasten speedily to meet the Lord in the way of his Righteous Judgments, by the which he is bringing down the haughty looks of proud Flesh, abasing that which is exalted, and raising up that which is of a low degree; hearken diligently to his Call, and be concerned to answer him, whilst he cries unto you both inwardly and outwardly, to be Reformed from those many gross, abominable, unworthy practices you are found guilty of; for which the Good Spirit of the Lord strives in you to be Redeemed; and because of which, the weighty vengeance and fierce wrath of God is ready to break forth upon you: aed though he hath spared long, and may hold it off for a time, yet assuredly at last he will be provoked; and when it comes, then it's so much the heavier by how much the longer he hath waited to be Gracious; as its said, Because sentence against an evil Work is not executed speedily, therefore the Hearts of the Sons of Men are fully set in them to do Evil. Oh! I beseech you in the tender love of God, consider and follow these things now in time, that belongs to your Eternal welfare, least they be hid from your Eyes; as it did befall that great City Jerusalem, over which the Lord Jesus wept, and said, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, &c. so they had their day of Gracious Visitation; but because they knew not the time thereof, so as to be gathered by him who often would have gathered them, even as a Hen doth gather her Chickens under her Wings, but they would not; and therefore that dreadful desolation came upon them, as the Consequence of their grievous Rebellion and continued Provocations.—Now observe; if you do not regard the Lord in his time of Love afforded to you, in which you are rendered capable to be Gathered by his Divine and Almighty Power, out of all the Vanities, Pollutions, Hypocrisies, Formalities, and Will-worships of the World, into Holiness, and those Virtues of true Christianity. If you do not now remember the Lord, and heat his Voice, whilst [...]s called to day, I tell you of a certain truth, you may in your own time (when Distress, Anguish, Terrour, Sorrow, Wo and Misery overtakes you) cry loudly in his Ears, and call earnestly upon him, but not heard or regarded by him; as its said concerning those who hate the Good and love the Evil, If they cry unto the Lord he will not hear them, he will even hide his Face from them at that time, as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings; see Micah 3. verse 4. and read Prov. 1. 22, &c. Because I have called (saith Wisdom) upon you simple ones, Fools and Scorners, but you refused, I have stretched out my Hand and no man regarded; but ye have set at nought all my Counsel, and would none of my Reproof, (mind now what follows) I also will laugh at your calamity, I will mock when your fear cometh, (how cometh) even as desolation, and your destruction as a Whirlwind, you know that's a sudden thing, Then shall they call upon me but I will not answer, &c. and the sad conclusion of all is, Therefore shall they Eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices; for the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of Fools shall destroy them. Certainly such as every one Sowes, of that must they Reap; wherefore all High and Low, Rich and Poor, Fear the great God, and give Glory to him; for the hour of his Judgment is come: and Worship him that made Heaven and Earth, and the Seas and Fountains of Water, whose overflowing scourge, and dreadful Beasom of his sore displeasure, must pass over, and sweep away this Prophane, Atheistical, Hypocritical, and Hard-hearted, Persecuting, Perverse and Adulterous Generation of Vipers, whose Cup now is almost quite filled up with all manner of Abominations, and the Consumption determined on the Earth must be accomplished; therefore be not Mockers least your Bands be made strong; and surely the terrible overthrow of the powers of Death and Darkness is begun, and will more and more appear; so that all must be overturned and brought to an utter desolation, which opposeth (either through the Rage, Malice and Envy of the Devil, that Grand Persecutor, or of the Violence and Cruelty of his wicked Agents, who oppress the Lords faithful innocent People) and would stop the Glorious advancement of the peaceable Kingdom of holy Jesus, and of his Righteous Government, whose right it is to Raign and Rule spiritually in the Hearts of the Sons and Daughters of Men; and of the increase of whose Peace and Dominion there shall be no End: Which is over all opposition prevailing, and shall more and more, and that universally, (in the Lords due time) be exalted, to the great shame and confusion of all his Enemies, to the unspeakable Joy and satisfaction of the Righteous, and to the Glory, Praise, Honour and Renown of his worthy. Name for ever and evermore, Amen.
This is the Word of the Lord God Everlasting, whether you will hear or forbear, from his Servant, and your sincere well-wisher, and who heartily prays for the good of all
LONDON, Printed for Benjamin Clark in George-Yard in Lombard-street, 1683.