To the noble, and right honorable Lords, and the ho­norable Knights, Citisens, and Burgesses in the high Court of parliament assembled
The humble Petition of Christofer Syms touching a book enti­tuled Great Britans Al-arm by him to them dedicated.

Humbly sheweth

THat his former Petitions frequent above four years for licence to print the same book, and his not printing it without licence are ample evidence of the Petitioners submissive duty, and vehement zeal, his sincere heart beareth to this high Court, and therefore of his love to his country, which hath induced him aswel for the Kings Majesties sake, as also for this high courts sake after licence obtained upon perusal with mature deliberation of several grave, and learned Ministers of the Synod to print the same book at his own charge the Statio­ners staggering therat in respect it is misterious concerning both King, and Parliament.

Now becaus therin is couched a weighty concernment pressed with valid, and forcible rea­sons, and motives, that is, reconciliation of King, and Parliament for the renown, glory, and hap­piness of both, and the whole nation without one syllable therin seditious, schismatical, or de­rogatory, The petitioner being confident that the same reasons, and motives wil perswade, and incline the King to compliance with his Parliament, if it may appear to bee presented unto him with your licence, or rather order, (which the petitioner humbly-prayeth) and also that after rea­ding your honorable selves wil not contemn it, hath humbly presented one book to the right hono­rable Speaker of the hous of Peers, and another to the honorable Speaker of the hous of Commons, and humbly offereth one to every several noble Lord, and other honorable member of this high Court before hee prostitute the same to bee publickly vended.

The Petitioner having done his duty humbly prayeth each several noble Lord, and other hono­rable member of this high Court for the concernments aforesaid to peruse one of those books with the Petitions to his Majesty, and Dedication to your selves.

And what al, or any of yee shal joyntly or severally direct for bringing to each of your noble, and honorable hands a book, the Petitioner wil humbly and duly observe,

And wil ever pray for unity, and amity betwixt King, and Parliament.
Christofer Syms.

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