A short view of the Miseries of Warre, and the necessity of Peace.
O England! thou hast need to study to be quiet; truly this work is a very seasonable worke, especiall in these times of distraction; but if not considered it will prove thy utter ruine, whereof in some part thou hast already felt: Let all therefore as one man, from the greatest from the greatest to the least, both Prince and Subiects, Noble and simple, Church, and State, Iudges and Councellors, Lawyers and Clients, City and Country. Ministers, and people, Parents and Children, Masters and Servants Rich and poor, (let all I say) learne this lesson, to study to be quiet; and not onely learne it, but put it in practice, Nature teacheth us, especially holy writ commands us this duty: of studyng to be quiet: in which there are such infinite Exhortations, and Incitations, to this worke, of quietnesse. Peace, Loue, Unitie, that had I the tongue of men and Angels, it were imposible for me to declare or set forth the worth of it: and that I may spur you on to this duty; of studying to be quiet: let me give you a little instance of the miseries of Warre; that you may with a more ready and willing minde, sue for Peace and study to be quiet. What desolations hath Warre brought in other places, Countryes & Kingdomes: we our selves are sensible in some measure of it, for have we not heard the murthering Cannons about our eares, haue not our houses bin burnt, and Churches spoyled, the worship of God neglected, have there not bin [Page] Rapes and outrageous violences committed upon our Wives and Daughters; and had we not need to study to be quiet; have we not seene our goods taken from us and our houses ryfled by unruly souldiers? Have we not heard the cryes of the wounded, the fields and the high wayes scatred dead carkasies, have we not heard despeiate souldiers cry kill, kill; was not the young in [...]ant snatcht from the Mothers brest and throne against the stones, or tossed on the top of pikes? have we not seene men and horses wallow in their bloud: and had not we need study to be p [...]et: could the Country man follow the plow where an Army was, did they not leave soing; was not the standing corne burnt downe, or troden under feet, or eaten up by horses, was not the cattell destroyed, and wast made of that which was kild and of all other things, a way to bring in a famine; and had we not need to study to be quiet: what profit is got by Warres, the Lawes are silent, outrages are committed, trading ceaceth, want increaseth, learning abolished and almost all manner of sin perpetrated; the son feares not his Fa [...]her, nor the servant his Master and should we not study to be quiet againe? here cryes the Wife for her dead husband, here a child laments for his Father, and a Father for his child, for how many are the Fatherlesse and the widowes: heres one lyeth kild, another hath his braines shot out, a third lost his arme, a fourth hath lost a leg and a fift hath a bullet shot in his body and cannot be got out and indures a world of misery; some can neither dy nor live, with an infinite other calamities that follow, and whose heart would not lament and mourne to see and heare these things, and to behold such sad spectacles: and had we not need to study to be quiet: and finde out a way that our miseries may be put to a period, that every one may sit under his own Vine, and eat of the labour of his hands in peace and quiet, with giving thankes to God: for which peace and quietnes let us all pray: In the meane time, although I cannot finde out a way to end our troubles, yet I will describe to you the character of a quiet man, by whose example every man may study to be quiet.