A CALL Into the Way to the KINGDOME. This is written to go abroad into the World, for the good of poor soules, that they may know the Way to their Soules rest.

Written by Thomas Stubbs, one whom the people of the World scornfully calls Quakers; which word Quaking I willingly own, else I should deny the Scriptures: for Moses and the holy Men of God quaked and trembled at the presence of the Lord, Heb. 12, &c.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man cometh to the Father but by me,

John 14.5, 6, 7.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my words, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life,

John 5.24.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live,

John 5.25, 28.

Marvail not that I say unto you, Ye must be born again.

Joh. 3.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert, 1655.

A CALL into the WAY, AND Into the Kingdome.

MAny there are seeking rest to their soules and finds it not, Rev. 17. Rom. 10.6, 7, 8. but are deceived by the aspiring wisdom of the Whore, and the Merchants of Babylon, which draw out of the Way, and to look for the coming of Jesus Christ only without, put­ing the day of the Lord afar off, and looking for the Kingdome of God in outward observations, still putting the day afar off; but therein they are deceived, being led out of the way from their guide and resting place: for that which drawes out must be judged, John 1.9. Acts 4.11, 12. Luke 17.20, 21, 22, 23. Heb. 4.15. and Babylons building must fall; for the Way is within, which is that of Jesus Christ in the conscience, which convinces of sin, and lighteth every one that cometh into the world, which is the alone way to the Kingdom; and the Kingdom of God cometh not by observation, for the Kingdome of God is within you; and as the lightening cometh from the East, and shineth to the West, so is the appearing of the Son of Man in his day: and this is the day to them who hear his voice and enter into rest; but this is wit­nessed thorow death in following Jesus Christ through the regeneration, Iohn 5.24, 25, 38.

And likewise many there be that say they, shall be sa­ved by Christ when they die, and live in vanity, sin and [Page 2]uncleannesse, fulfilling the lust of the flesh, and of the vain mind, running on the broad way that leads to de­struction, and never come into the narrow Way which leads to life eternal; but these are deceived: for who live in the first nature in their vain and lustful minds, hoping therein to be saved, Job 8.13. that is the hope of the hypo­crites and of vain persons which will perish; for except ye be regenerate and born again ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of heaven, but perish; therefore every one in particular, search and examine your conditions within, what assurance you have of your calling and election; Rom. 8.5, 6, 7, 8. there is that in your conscience if you will hearken to it, that will tell you truly, that if you be not guided by the Spirit of Christ, ye are none of his, but are out of the Way, in the world, in the first nature, in the lust of the flesh, and vain and carnally minded, which is death, ye need no further witness, but the light of Jesus Christ in the conscience; therefore let none deceive you with vain words, in telling you that ye shall be saved by Christ, while ye are here living in the lust of the flesh, in sin and uncleannesse; therein they deceive you, and daub up with untempered morter; for God will not be mocked, Ephes. 5.6.1 Cor, 6.9. for such as you sowe, such shall ye reap, and if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleannesse, lasciviousnesse, Idolatry, witch­craft, hatred, variance, strife, emulations, wrath, strife, se­ditions, heresies, Envyings, murthers, drunkennesse, revel­lings, and such like, Gal. 5.19, 20.21. and no whore­monger nor unclean person, nor covetous man who is an Idolater hath any inheritance in the Kingdome of Christ and of God; for because of these things the wrath of God is for the children of disobedience; and all such are out of the Way: thou that art covetous, being car­nally minded, thou art out of the way in the world, thou canst not hide thy self with all thy profession in words, that in thy conscience finds thee out to be a worldling [Page 3]and a hypocrite, thou that lives in pride, worldly plea­sures, and vain-glory, Isa. 5.11, 22, 23. seeking honour and preferment of men, thou art out of the way; drunkard▪ thou art out of the way, there is that in thy conscience that tells thee Thou should not be drunk: 1 Thess. 5.7. Joel 1.5. Thou that lives in whoring or theeving in the night, thou art out of the way, though thou lie and deny it in words to hide it from men, that in thy conscience reproves thee and finds thee out, and bears witnesse against thee, and tells thee both time when, and place where thou didst commit such things, either commit adultery, or steal from any: swearer; liar, and filthy speaker, and who delight in filthy talking, Prov. 19, 5. and foolish jesting, and who delight in vanity, ye forget God, and ye are out of the Way; and the wicked must be turned into hell who forget God. And false accuser thou art out of the way, thou that lives in crossenesse, peevishness, perversness, hastiness, and passionatenesse through thy own will, thou art out of the way; thou that art guided by thy own will, not being guided by that in the conscience which would submit to the Will of God, thou art out of the way: thou quarreller and envious person, thou runs before thy guide, thou art out of the way: Thou great and fat one, Luke 12.15, 16, &c. who fares delici­ously every day, pleasing thy vain and lustful mind Dives like, thou canst not hide thyself with a profession in words, thou art found out of the way: Psal. 49.11. thou that pulls down thy houses to build faiter and greater, and thereto adding field to field in oppressing the poor, striving to make thy name great upon the earth, thinking these things will never fail thee, Oh thou fool, thou art out of the way and deceived, thou canst not hide thy self with a vain profession in words, thou art found to be out of the way, and a worldling, whom the god of this world hath blinded, one whose mind runs after covetousness and vain desires of things which perisheth: Jude 16. Isa. 10.1, 2, 3. Thou that art in office and doth not Justice, seeking self-ends, and respecting persons of men because of advantage, thou [Page 4]canst not hide thy self, thou art found to be out of the way, Deut. 16.18, 19. and one that pervert; Justice and true Judgment, seeking after gifts and rewards which the Lord hateth, thou needs no further witnesse but that in thy consci­ence, which bears witness against all thy unjust doings: all worldling, vain and prophane persons, all your pro­fession in words is nothing worth, it's but like Esau and Cains sacrifice which is not accepted: Oh ye earthly ones, and corrupt trees, woe is unto you, ye are to be cut down,; Isa. 2, 11, 12. why cumber ye the ground, ye proud and losty ones, who oppresse the poor through your stout and stubborn wills; Luke 11.18, 19, &c. ye are out of the way, ye cumber the ground, ye must be cut down, ye cruel oppressors and corrupt cursed Lawyers, who care not how ye get money and other carnal things, nor from whom, if ye can but get it, ye count it your gain, ye are as corrupt trees which are to be cut down; ye are out of the way, ye cumber the ground, ye cannot hide yourselves, woe. woe is unto you, ye sill up the measure of your fathers iniquities, being in the way of Cain, and running gree­dily after dishonest gain: and ye who are as proud Ham­man, who strive to make all people bow to your wills, because ye are in office; Esther. 3.5. and are counted great ones, be­cause ye have abundance of the earth: and who will not bow to your wills, ye oppress them, or put them in prison: Oh ye of a crooked and perversege neration, how can ye escape the damnation of hell, woe is unto you, ye cannot hide your selvs, though you think none seeth you; but you will do what ye will do because ye are in office, Psal. 94.1, 2, 3, &c. Luke 18.7, 8. and no man there above you, nor dare reprove you; but the light of Jesus Christ in the conscience doth find ye out, and it will be a swift witness against you, though ye now hate it, when every one hath his reward, & the Lord will plead the cause of his people, and avenge his own Elect: And all ye great and lofty ones who act unrigh­teously through your wills, shall be overturned; for now is every Mountain and high hill to be thrown down, [Page 5]and the crooked wayes to be made straight, and the rough wayes to be made smooth; therfore repent, repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand, which cryes, Return from the evil of your doings, ye proud and lofty ones, and who live in sin and unrighteousness, the witness is nigh unto you, which is the light of Jesus Christ in the conscience, though ye hate it, no doubt the Kingdom of God is come nigh unto you; Mat. 3.7.8, 9, 10. Oh ye generation of vi­pers, Pharisees and hypocrites, whither can ye flee from the wrath to come! ye are found to be out of the way, that in the conscience ye cannot run from, nor do any wickedness but it finds ye out, and reproves you, and will be your condemnation, hating it; therefore amend your waies and your doings, and now bring forth fruit meet for repentance: and think not to say within your selves ye are Christians, when ye walk contrary to Christs doctrine; though ye can talk of Christ and the Scriptures in your worldly wisdom, living in sin and un­cleanness, and in hating the light of Jesus Christ, ye are found to be out of the way, and not yet come into the Way which leads to Christs Kingdom: Oh ye genera­tion of vipers, ye must first come to the light before ye be Christians, and know Christ in the Kingdom. Ezek. 22.12. So cease from all your profession of God and Christ in words, while ye live in cover ousness, running greedily after dishonest gain, and in pride and oppression, and in all manner of unrighteousness, you are out of the way in the world, while ye live in the first nature and act such things; Joh. 8.44. Rom. 6.16. Jer. 5.21, 22. Micah 6.8. ye are of your father the Devil while ye do his works, therefore fear and tremble ye workers of iniquity, and seed of evil doers; and cease ye hypocrites from a vain profession in words, and deal justly with your soules, every one in particular: now see how thou walkest humbly with God in obedience to the light of Jesus Christ in the conscience, which bears witness against all vain and carnal delights and unrighteousness: So see what thou dost possesse of union with God in Rom. 3.9. [Page 6]Christ, and profess no more then thou doest possess; so will all flesh be silent, and every mouth stopped who live in the first nature; for all vain profession is but as dust: and what abundance of vain professors there are? carnal covetous men will profess much, Isa. 29.13, 14, 15. and proud men will professe; cruel oppressors and corrupt cursed Law­yers will talk of the Scriptures, and profess much before men; envious persecuting ones will profess, Pharisees and hypocrites will professe much; vain and prophane persons will profess and talk of the Scriptures in their vain and carnal minds: all these sorts of men will pro­fess, who are all out of the way, and hating the light of Jesus Christ, they are not come into the way, nor into the first principle of Religion: Oh will not the Lord be avenged on such a people as this, who make a profession of God and Christ, but are all out of the way that leads to Christs Kingdome, acting unrighteously, and living in sin and uncleannesse: now Broad is the way that leads to destruction, Note: PLACE="marg" Matth. 7.13, 14. Rom. 2.16. and many there be that go on it; because narrow is the way that leads unto life, and the gate strait, and few there be that find it: Now there are many corrupt, carnal, cove­tous worldly ones, & vain prophane wanton ones, who run on the broad way; there are many drunkards, swea­rers, liars, theeves, whoremongers, vain and prophane persons, and who live in filthinesse and foolish Jesting, who run on the broad way to destruction; but all are left without excuse, and none can hide themselves, that light of Jesus Christ in the conscience of every one doth find them out; though they hate it, it reproves them secretly, John 4.29. and bears witnesse against them for the evill of their doings. Surely this light is of Christ, that rells every one what they have done, that tells the whore­monger, and the theef, and the liar of their deeds, and all who live in sin and wickedness, and who act unrigh­teously, it reproves them; this light hath enlightned eve­ry one that cometh into the world, Joh. 3.19, 20, 21. though the one love it, and the other hate it; but by it every one is left [Page 7]without excuse, and he that hateth it, it bears witness a­gainst the evil of his doings, and it will make him con­fess of his evil deeds, when he hath his reward: this light of Jesus Christ in the Conscience of every one, Mat. 6.33. judgeth the world in righteousness, and the wicked who hate the light, cannot stand in judgement: this cries in the Conscience secretly within, First seek the Kingdom of God, and the righteousness thereof, before all things. Now all covetous worldlings, and who live in unrigh­teousness, this reproves them, Mat. 5.28. and there is their con­demnation hating ill, and this searches the secrets of the heart, and reproves for disobedience: this witnesseth against the Adulterer: if thou looketh upon a woman, and lust after her, this bears witness, thou hast commit­ted adultery with her in the he art: this in the Consci­ence saith, Thou should love the living Lord God, with all thy heart, and with all thy minde. Now who are in the first Nature, who delight in vain things of the world: there is that in the Conscience which witnes­seth against them, 1 Joh. 2.15, 16, 17. that the love of the Father is not in them: this light of Jesus Christ in the Conscience, is the alone way to the Kingdom, where no unclean thing can enter; for no unclean person can enter into the Kingdom of God, and who live in the lust of the flesh, and of the minde, in sin and uncleanness, is as in Egypt, out of the Kingdom; and flesh and blood must not enter into the Kingdom of God. 2 Cor. 13.5, 6. So let none deceive you any longer with vain words; for the light of Jesus Christ in the Conscience, is the alone way; and who are not guided by the Spirit of Christ are none of his, but are out of the way, who hate it: so search and examine how it is with you: And furthermore this is witnessed, that who drawes you from watching, and taking heed to that of Jesus Christ in you, they shut the way of the Kingdom of God against you, and drawes you from your guide and strength, and resting place: therefore all minde the Call of the Lord, which is the light of Je­sus Christ in you that convinces, which is the alone way to the Kingdom, that which convinces you of sin, Isa. 30.15 and [Page 8]bears witness against the evil of your doings, Acts 4.11, 12. either when you lie, or swear, or use any deceit in your Call­ings, or do any unrighteousness, though ye do it never so secretly from the sight of men: there is that in the Conscience that checks & reproves you, & tells you that ye should not do so: so ye cannot flee from that in the Conscience, nor do any wickedness, but that in the Con­science reproves you: & is your condemnation disobey­ing it: so by it you are left without excuse, & that is their teacher & guid, who love it, & they who hate it, & live in sin, run out to men for teaching, and to such as are call­ed of men Master, who hath the chief place in the As­semblies, stands praying therein, devoures Widdows Houses, who shut the Kingdom of Heaven against men. Such Christ forbad, and cryed woe against, therefore now cease from man, whose breath is in his nostrils, and every one in particular, now minde the call of the Lord, which is the light of Iesus Christ in the conscience. Loving this, it will lead thee out of the wayes and works of darkness, and it will shew thee the vanities of the world: now what will it profit any, to gain the whole world, Mat. 23.8.13, 14, &c. Isa. 2.22. and loving this light of Iesus Christ, it will teach you to deny your selves, and take up the Crosse daily, and follow the Lord Iesus Christ through the regeneration and watching to be guided by it, the pure Law of God will be set up in thee, and judgement will passe upon the vain, earthly, carnal part in thee, and thou must give an account for e­very evill deed done in the body, Mat. 12.36, 37. 1 Psal. 39. and as the book of thy conscience is opened, thou must give an account for e­very idle word, and that will cause thee to set a watch before thy mouth, that thou offend not with thy tongue, and if thou do offend either in words or actions, there is a witness in thee that bears witness against thee: Isa. 30.20, 21. so thou needs not run out for mens teaching without thee; for thy teacher shall no more be removed into a corner, but watching and waiting within to be guided by it, thou shalt heat a voice behinde thee, saying, when [Page 9]thou turns to the right hand, or to the left, Deut. 30.19. this is the way, walk in it; here is death and life set before thee, chuse whether: and loving this light in thee, in thy measure, being guided by it, it will keep thee in the way of peace, to have peace with the Lord walking with it, being obedient to it, and it will call you out of E­gypt, towards the Land of Canaan, Note: PLACE="marg" Exod. 7.3.13, 14. out of all carnal de­sires, & fleshly lusts, and thou wilt come to see the hard­ness of Pharaohs heart, that doth oppress the righteous seed; and waiting within to be led, and guided by it, Rom. 9.18 Exo. 13, 14 the light of Iesus Christ alone thou wilt come to see the narrow way, and it will lead thee through the suffer­ings and death of Christ, Isa. 25.8, 9. Isa: 26.1.8. and to the judging and cruci­fying of the old man with his deeds, and bring the car­nall man to judgement. O the first born in Egypt must be slain, and passing forward at Moses call, thou wilt see Pharaoh with his Hoast pursuing; but waiting within in the way of the judgements of the Lord, till judge­ment be brought forth unto victory, Exod. 15.1, 2, 3, &c. So shall Pharaoh with his Hoast be overthrown and destroyed, then thou mayst sing the Song of Moses, the Servant of the Lord seeing his salvation appeared, and the righteous seed being raised up; and delivered by the manifestation of the mighty power of the spirit of God, then thou wilt finde some Scriptures fulfilled in thee, Joh. 4.23, 24. and see that God is a spirit, and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth; and as many as are led by the spirit of God, are the Sons and Daughters of the living God: this is known in the confirmation of the new Covenant, in the new Creature, and that will make thee to rejoyce. Now all who read these things, take heed of getting them in­to comprehensions, and the light minde speak of them, Dan. 9.27. Isa. 30.1.2 Mat. 5.13. therein is danger; but all examine how it is with you, and where you are in the way, and what ye can witness fulfilled in you; and you who are so far, come on your journey, as out of Egypt to rejoyce; Now take heed lest your wills get into liberty, in thinking all is done, and [Page 10]then high thoughts of self get up, that leads thee above the Crosse, and drawes from the fear, and the carnal part gets strength again, and thou losest the Saviour, and would look back at what thou formerly hast injoy­ed, 2 Cor. 10.3, 4. thinking to fetch something back from thence; but there is danger while the will hath its liberty: there­fore watch and wait low daily in thy measure, to be guided by that which is pure and eternal, which keeps in the fear of God, and in the Saviour: so minde the warfare; for there are many enemies to be fought with after ye come out of Egypt: there is the uncircumci­sed Philistins, and tryals in the Wilderness, where there is much drought, and the Countries of the Ama­lekites, and many more, to be passed through, before ye come to Canaan, Note: PLACE="marg" Deut. 8.11.14. the land of rest; and who are thi­ther come take heed, least thou forget the living Lord God, who hath done these things for thee; but daily be watchful to dwell in that which is pure and eternal, to serve the only true and living God, and walk in his fear, and sing Halelujah to the highest in the beauty of holi­ness, because the Lord God omnipotent raigneth: that which we have heard and seen, declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father and the Son Jesus Christ; and these things write we unto you, that your joy might be full. Now all who desire the welfare of your souls, prize your time, and minde where you are, and cease from all your outward teachers, who are deceivers, which leads you out of the way, and to look for the Kingdom of God in outward observations; and they tell you, 1 Joh. 1.3, 4. ye cannot finde it, till you depart out of this world; but they are liers and deceives you, they are not in the Kingdom of God themselves, and they shut the way to them that would enter, who follow them, by drawing them from taking heed to the light of Jesus Christ within, which is the alone way to the Kingdom; and so they keep people alwayes learning, that they ne­ver [Page 11]come to the knowledge of the truth, 2 Tim. 3.8, 9. leading them from Mountain to Hill, and from their resting place; but cease from them, for this is witnessed, that the King­dom of God is found within: Jer. 50.6. now of all the Children of the Lord, who are new Creatures, being born again, and taught of the Lord: So all you dear hearts, Joh. 6.45. who are weary and heavy laden, seeking rest to your souls, to you this is the word of the Lord: now return, 2 Cor. 5.17 return within unto the Lord, where a fountain of living love and life is found. Oh every one that thirsteth, Mat. 11.28, 29, 30. come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money, come buy and eat, yea come buy wine and milk without money, and without price; Isa. 55.1.2, 3. wherefore do ye spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which satisfies not. Hearken diligently unto me, saith the Lord, and eat you that which is good, and let your soul delight it self in fatness, encline your eare, and come unto me, hear and your souls shall live, Joh. 10.4.9, 27, 28. and I will make an everlasting Covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David, while ye run to men without, which are broken Cisterns, which led you out of the way, Heb. 4.15. and from the Fountain, ye were not satisfied; for within it is found of all who hear his voice, and they finde pa­sture and refreshment in the fountain of his free love, Jer. 12.16 My sheep hear my voice, saith Jesus Christ, and they know it, and I give unto them eternal life; and to you weary ones, this is the day, if you will hear his voice, so will you enter into rest; and let the wicked forsake his way, and the ungodly man his thoughts, Isa. 55.7, 8, &c. and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon; for my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your wayes my wayes, saith the Lord; but if ye be wicked and rebel, ye shall not have peace, and be consumed. This then is the Message that we have heard of him, 1 Ioh. 1.5, 6, 7. 2 Cor. 4.2. and declare un­to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all, all prayses, prayses everlasting, prayse, honour, and [Page 12]glory be unto the Lord God Almighty, 1 Ioh. 1.1, 2, 3, 4. to him it be­longs now and evermore, and if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanseth us from all sin: therefore minde the seed of God, and the light in you, this is no other truth, but that which was from the beginning, and which the Scripture & the Apostles testified of, and which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the word of life; for the life was manifest, and we have seen it, and bearwitness, and shew to you eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us; So, all friends, minde the light in you, in the Conscience every one in your measure, to be guided and led by it, and see where you are in your journey, and what ye can witness fulfilled in you: lo­ving this light of Christ, it will keep you in the way of peace, and in following him to have life eternal; but hating it, you run out of the way from God, and the light is the condemnation: So be watchful, and God Almighty be with you, Ioh. 8.12. Ioh. 3.19, 20. and preserve you in the way, and and into his heavenly Kingdom: so I rest, a lover of your souls, called

Thomas Stubs, a prisoner of the Lord at Carlile, for witnes­sing the truth.

As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good Stewards of the ma­nifold grace of God, 1 Pet. 4.10, 11.

If any man speak, let him speak as the Oracles of God, if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth him, that God in all things may be glorifi­ed through Jesus Christ, to whom be prayses and domi­nion, for ever and ever, Amen.

To those who are called Justices, Rulers and Magi­strates, within the County of Cumberland, and else­where, [Page 13]to whom this may come, the word of the Lord which came to me in prison at Carlile, concerning you, and moved of the Lord to give it forth for the good of your souls, with a word of warning to the wicked, and joy to the righteous.

Friends, Beware that ye do not act according to your own wills, contrary to the Law of God, either in respecting persons in judgement, or in taking a gift, and turning Ju­stice and true judgement backward: if ye do these things, then you are called such men as you are not; for such men as were set to rule over the people by the Law of God, they were to judge the people at all seasons, they were not to re­spect persons in judgement, they were to be men of truth fear­ing God, and hating covetousness, they were to judge the cause of the poor, as well as the rich, they were not to take a gift; for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wise: herein I have shewed you your duty, what ye ought to do; and if ye be not such men, and do these things, then you judge not for the Lord, and are not for his people, and the Law of God is a­gainst you: to you this is the word of the Lord: and ye that are corrupt Lawyers and Magistrates, which act ac­cording to your own wills, contrary to the Law of God, in doing unjustice, and persecute the innocent, and let the of­fenders go free, ye that do so, ye shall be hewed down and cut in pieces; ye hypocrites, who pret end to do justice and do not, ye shall be over turned as your fore-fathers were, which were corrupt; for the Law of God respects no mans person, and it is not for the righteous, but it is against all transgressors: so you that act contrary to the Law of God, them who witness the Law of God, and suffer by your wills, they for consci­ence sake suffers and submits to God, who is the righteous Law giver, and thereby did the righteous seed ever suffer, by that which was not subject to the Law of God; and he that was born after the flesh, persecuted him that was born after the spirit, even so it is now.

T. S.

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