Of a Strange Monster born at Grasly in Nottingham-shire, three miles from Nottingham, with a relation of his strange and wonderful shape, the time his Mother was in Travail with him, with several other things of note.

TOGETHER With a brief Relation of several Mon­strous and Prodigious births which happened heretofore in this our Nation.

Licensed accordording to Order.

Printed by Peter Lillicrap living in Clerkenwell-Close, 1668.

[depiction of conjoined twins]
Corpora Binarum sic concrerere Sororum.
Non nisi Divinâ dissocianda manu.
SEÖNY Patria est, vicus COMORAE conterminus Arci,
Qva nunquam Luna paruit Imperio.
Amplexa est ulnis HELENAM Lucina priorem,
Horis deinde tribꝰ nata JUDITHA fuit.
Exitus Urinae patet unicus, unicus alvo,
Observant numerum catera membra suum.
Misit ad Ignotos tenuis Fortuna Parentum,
Neu pereat tantae Fama stupenda rei.
InterIora Latent, neqVeVnt abstrVsa VIDerI
EXIgVo totVM CorpVs In are patet.

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