Strange and Miraculous NEWES from TVRKIE. Sent to our English Ambassadour resident at Constantinople. Of a Woman which was seene in the Firmament with a Book in her hand at Medina Talnabi where Mahomets Tombe is. Also severall Visions of Armed men appearing in the Ayre for one and twenty dayes together. With a Propheticall interpretation made by a Mahumetan Priest, who lost his life in the maintenance thereof.

[depiction of a female figure holding a book, floating in the air surrounded by a circle of light or the sun; below seven male figures, Turks, or Muslims, with turbans, moustaches, and curved swords or scimitars]

LONDON, Printed for Hugh Perrey neere Ivy-Bridge in the Strand, June 13. 1642.

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