FIve English Protestants intending their journey for Ireland, purposed to take ship at Miniard, a place some 40. miles beyond the City of Bristoll.
After they had travelled above a hundred miles, with many a weary step, drawing nigh to Miniard, even within sight of the town, though scarce to be discerned, in regard the day was spent, and now one houre within night, they met with a company of Papists, to the number of fifteen, every man with a good sword by his side, and a good cudgell in his hand. At the sight of whom, they were somewhat apal'd: yet tooke some courage, in regard they were not far off the Town, and thought that therefore they did not dare to offer them violence.
But it fell out contrary to their expectation, For being met together, the event well shewed that they had some ground and just occasion of their feare. The first salutation was this, Gentlemen well met, pray from whence came you, and to what place do you travell: we ask not for any harm we mean to you, but only are desirous to know. These were smooth words you will say. Well, the poor men thought no hurt, for true Charity will favourably conster all things: and therfore plainly told them that they came out of Kent, and were going to Miniard, and so they purposed (if the wind served) to go for Ireland. To Ireland, said they, why? that is strange you would go thither, knowing the estate of the kingdome, how all are up in arms, and the Protestants in fear to have their throats cut every hour; and now seeing we know so much, we wil understand before we part of what Religion you are; for we promise you, we may well suspect that you are not right: for there is something in the wind that moves you to go for Ireland, in a time so dangerous, and troublesome. If it be so, said the Protestants we are not ashamed of our Religion we are (to tell you the truth) protestants, and go not to side with the Rebels, but to see some friends of ours in Dublin. What do you say, said they, do you call the Kings subjects rebels: by St. Peter, you are some of those that would banish us Papists out of England, but wee will bee even with you ere we part: and so drawing their [Page]swords fell upon them, and bloudily sheath'd them in each mans bowels▪ whilst they pittifully cryed out for mercy: but what mercy could be expected from men of bloud, whose hearts were as hard as adamant, and their minds as cruel as Pr [...]gne, who bloudily slew her own Son. The m [...]rder done, a Gentleman on horseback riding by and seeing so pittifull an object, returned back to Miniard in sight of the murderers, who would fain have taken him, if they could; and so raised the Country with all speed, who tooke them in a wood, as they were at their Orisons on their beads. O how they looked then one upon another: what a sudden palenesse came into their faces. All their devotion was gone in a moment, and they readier to take them to their heels, then pray a minute longer; knowing well enough, that it was but lost labour to implore the aid either of Peter or Paul. To be briefe, they were all carried to Bristow, and upon examination confessed the deed, and so were worthily adjudged to bee hang'd in chains the next Sessions, where we will leave them, and come to the Copy of a Letter which was found quilted in one of their doublets, not any of them knowing one word within it, else they would not so carefully have preserv'd it.