THE SEVEN WOMEN CONFESSORS, OR A DISCOVERY OF THE Seuen white Divels which liued at Queen-street in Coven-Garden.


  • Katherine Wels,
  • Susan Baker,
  • Anne Parker,
  • Katherine Smith,
  • Elinor Hall,
  • Mary Iones,
  • Dorathy Marsh.

WHOSE ARTICLES ARE HEREIN DECLARED, AND their mad pranks presented to the view of the World.

DISCOƲERED By Iohn Stockden a Yeoman. Jan. 22. 1641.

London. Printed for Iohn Smith.

THE SEVEN WOMEN Confessors. OR, A DISCOVERIE OF THE SEVEN WHITE Divels, which lived at Queen-street in Coven-garden.

ROman Papists are dai­ly complain'd of, their names of late have bin so odious unto each Prote­stant, that they cry up and down Eng­land, down with them down with them.

Nor is their cry unjust, so many distracti­ons by them being caused, Iesuits, Priests, and Friers, were once in England, as plenty as Patientees, Promooters, or double feed Attor­n [...]ies. At which, was very much murmuring, many just reasons being given to the Parlia­ment how prejudiciall their staying would be to the kingdome.

Whereupon the Honourable Court of Par­liament took it into their wise considerations, and one of the first things which they establi­shed was their banishment, against the time specified in the Proclamation, and those which were found slack in obeying the aforesaid Proclamation, were to suffer according to the Lawes of England: some were suppos'd to fly away, but many were known to be left be­hind, wherof one is executed, and eight at this time are prisoners in New-gate. Not one of them being uncondemned: one of which was tryed upon Munday being the 17. day of Jan. who being called to the Bar, he was asked whi­ther he were a Jesuit or no: at which he see­med to answer with a push, why was I b [...]ought [...]i her else; yes, I confesse to you all, that I have bin a Jesuit above thirty years, and say unto you all, J think in my conscience that there is no such law, is to condemn a man for his conscience.

Wherupon a Jury was called, who sat up­on [Page]him, guilty of death: whereupon hee was condemned to be drawn, hang'd and quarter'd, at which he seem'd not so much as to change his countenance, hoping to be reprieved as the rest before were.

But leaving him to his fortunes: by all good womens favours, I will treat of a late Discovery of some women Confessors, whose title although it be rude, yet is this Relation true.

Some certain women belonging to the Po­pish crew, perceiving that Iesuits, Priests, nor F [...]yers did dare publickly to shew their faces, impudently resolved to supply their places, and privatly proclaimed themselves Confes­sors, ordained by Father Ciprian, their abode was in Queen-street at Coven-garden.

Unto whom did daily many assemblet hem­selves, not onely for absolution, but distracti­on.

Their Names are these:

  • Katherin Wels,
  • Susan Baker,
  • Anne Parker,
  • Katherin Smith,
  • Elinor Hall,
  • Maior Iones,
  • Dorathie Marsh.

The manner of their absolution was thus. [Page]He or she which came to be confessed, brought a piece of silver in hand, which was paid as an offering to the chiefe Matron Katherine Wels, then of all the seven might he chuse his Con­fessor, which goes presently into a room with them or her, but this by the way must be made known, that amongst these seven female Con­fessors was there but one old woman, which was Mistris Wels, the other young and hand­some.

Either of which being privately confessing one, it was ten to one (unlesse she knew him well) if she did not make him confesse that his purse was gone: and to come thither to com­plain for it, no man durst, for fear of a good-Fridays whipping out of Lent; for why, each of them were sworn to keep these Articles.

I. FIrst, never to declare any thing to Hereticks, which belong to their sacred Order.

II. Secondly, never again to come unto them, unlesse in the dark.

III. Thirdly, that he should not question their holy Au­thoritie.

IV. Fourthly, that wickednesse was never committed in that house.

V. Fiftly, to confesse all things to them, nothing being hid.

VI. Sixtly, never to be confessed, by any man after­wards.

And lastly, if it were his fortune to ingonder with any of the female Confessors, not to tell it to any of the rest.

And so the Pope must help him: by which way they stuffe their purses with gold, and their bellies with children, and then did they against their wils forsake their cheating Nun­nery, the chiefe cause being discovered, by John Stockden, a plain Country fellow, who was willing to have a wench, but not to swear to their Articles.


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