THE DOCTRINES AND PRINCIPLES: THE Persecution, Imprisonment, Banishment, Excommunicating of the Saints of God, By the Priests and Magistrates of SCOTLAND, Contrary to the Doctrine of CHRIST and the APOSTLES.

Here all may see, The Priests of Scotland, and their Church, and their Persecution, Imprisonment and Ba­nishment, and Excommunicating of the Saints, and Lambs, Servants, and Children of God, which the Lord moved to go amongst them, to visit the Seed of God, in that dark wilderness-country, who has been as Sheep among Wolves.

Also, How pure Religion is turned upside-down, and vain Religion got in its place. And the pure Doctrine of Christ and the Apostles, which saith, Entertain Strangers, Love Ene­mies is lost amongst you; In stead of entertaining strangers, and loving of enemies, they Imprison and Persecute, and have made their Church unsavory: And the Teachers fruits declares to be false, who are wrestlers against flesh and blood, and strikers at creatures, which Christ and the Apostles did not.

  • George Weare
  • John Hart
  • William Grey
  • William Stockdale
  • William Mitchell
  • Richard Ismead

LONDON, Printed for Robert Wilson, at the Signe of the Black-spread-Eagle and winde-Mill in Martins-lane near Aldersgate, 1659.

THE DOCTRINES AND PRINCIPLES Of the Priests of Scotland, &c.

FIRST, These Presbyterian Priests of Scotland which Excommunicate and puts out of the Syna­gouges, knowes not the Father and the Son, John 16. so no true Christians; for how can they be true Christians that knows not the Son of God, nor the Father?

Secondly, They are no Ministers of Christ; for Christ saith, When they curse, blesse ye; so they be out of Christs doctrine and teaching, not blessing, but cursing, and giving forth curses, and all the people must say Amen to their Curses.

Thirdly, They be out of the Apostles doctrine, who saith, Blesse, and curse not, Rom. 12.14. so are no Ministers of Christ that curseth, and gives forth their Curses to the people to say Amen to them: and here they are shut out of the Apostles doctrine, and Christs, all people mark, and take notice, them they are that curse, which the Apostle saith, Blesse, and curse not; these are the Cursers, and not [Page 2]Blessers, that Excommunicate you out of the Syna­gogues.

  • Hugh Archball, Priest of Stravan.
  • John Hume, priest of Les­mahagow.
  • William Hambleton, priest of Glasford
  • James Durram priest of Glasgow
  • John Castaires, priest of Glagow.
  • Francis Ard, priest of Discert.
  • Matthew Mackel, Priest of Bothwel
  • Henry Foreside, priest of Lingiah
  • James Nesmith, priest of Hambleton
  • Robert Semple, priest of Losmahagow
  • Thomas Garony, Priest of Edenbrough.
  • John Burnet, priest of Kilbroid

A short Relation of the Ʋnjust sufferings of the People of God, called Quakers, by those un­reasonable cursing Priests, who covet after in­nocent blood, as the Reader may finde in this ensuing Treatise.

WILL. OSBƲRNE was Excommunicated by William Sterling Priest, because he gave his testimo­ny against him, and the rest of the Priests.

Margaret Hambleton was Excommunicated by Lewis Se­merell, Priest of New-monkeland, for entertaining the peo­ple of God called Quakers, and the denying the tyranni­call power of the Presbitery.

John Hutchison was Excommunicated by James Nesmith, Priest of Hambleton, and the Priest would not give him any account for what he did it.

George Weare was Ecommunicated by John Hume, Priest of Lesmahagow, and the rest of the Presbytery of Lenarick, for entertaining the people of God called Quakers.

William Michel, John Michel, Robert Todd, Mary Inglish, Elizabeth Lappy, Marian Michel: these were Excommuni­cated by Peter Kid, Priest of Douglass, and the rest of the Presbytery of Lenarick, for denying that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John was the Gospel, they witnessing the Power of God to be the Gospel.

Thomas Jacke, Gabriel Hood, James Cooke, Gavine Sceven­son, John Hambleton, Alexander Hambleton, Jannett Hamble­ton, Barbarah Hambleton, Jannett Hambleton, Andrew Ham­bleton, Jane Hambleton, Katherine Hambleton, Katherine Hart, John Allene, James Hambleton, William Hambleton, Margaret Hambleton, John Hart, James Actkine, John Hart, Alexander Hart, Jean Hart, Gavine Hart, John Lacoke, Jannett Brown, Jeanet Hambleton, Andrew Brown, Jean Brown; Thomas Craiqqe, John Torrens, Katherina Hambleton, Katherina Weare, Jeanet Weare: These were Excommunicated by Matthew Mackell, Priest of Bothwell, and the rest of the Presbitery at Hambleton, for saying that Priests that preacheth up Sin for terme of life, be Mini­sters of the man of Sinne.

James Finly, William Gray, and many others have been Excommunicated by those Priests in that manner.

And after those Priests had Excommunicated these a­foresaid persons, they caused a general Synode to meet at Glascow, and made an Order, and published it in all their Masse-houses, that none of those people called Quakers should have any entertainment, and that no people should have any dealing with them in any Civil affaires, not to give cursed men work (as they styled our Friends) and hindring men to work for them, and that under pain of Excommu­nication; the extent of which Order, is that they should neither buy nor sell, eat, nor drink with them in the Nation.

William Stockdale, and John Boweram, being moved of the Lord to go to Strahavan in Evandale, and declaring the word of truth there one a Market-day to the people, was oftentimes knockt down with stones, and stoned out of the town with violence by the wicked people.

William Stockdale, John Gill, and several others having a Meeting in Strahavan, a company of the Priests hearers came, and fell upon them with staves and stones, broke up their Meeting, and stoned them above a quarter of a mile out of the town, insomuch that some bloud was spilt, and many were sore bruised.

William Stockdale was knockt down in the Steeple-house yard of Damanoy, and the people set their feet upon him, and pulled much hair off his head; insomuch that some of them cried he is kild, for he could not speak, nor rise off the ground for along time.

George Weare, and several others had their Bonnets taken away from them at a Meeting, and they laid it be­fore William Lowery, called Justice; but he instead of do­ing Justice, threatned them, saying, If they went to that place to meet again, he would have them whipt, or else he would whip them himself.

Richard Gollon, Bayliff of Leanarick, took away Wil­liam Michels Bonnet by order of William Jacke, priest of Carlooke; and the Priest would not let him have it again, neither would he let the said William, and some others stay in the Town all night, although the night was stormy, and the Priest and the Bayliff had his Bonnet.

Mary Inglish, for going to ask Peter Kid, priest of Dou­glass, why he warned them to the Sessions, and did not appear to accuse them there, was shamefully abused, and beaten by the Priests wife and others: here's the Priests fruits.

George Fox the yonger, Elexander Parker, and others, had their letters taken from them, and broke up by George Monk, and the Council of Scotland, and never returned to them again; also ten pounds worth of true books taken a­way from the people of God called Quakers, by George Monk, and the Councell of Scotland, and never was given back to this day, it being two years since.

Alexander Parker was cast in Prison by order of George Monk, and the Councell.

George Fox the younger banished, and sent from Con­stable [Page 5]to Constable, by order of George Monke and the Councell.

George Wilson, George Fox the younger, and Richard Ismead, was banished from the Isles of Orkney by George Monks Comand, and the rest of the Councel of Scotland.

Alexander Parker, and severall others were comanded and sent out of Scotland by George Monke, and the order of the Councell of Scotland.

Francis Howgill, Thomas Robbinson, and one more were ap­prehended at Dumfreize by the souldiers and magistrates of the town, whereupon the said Souldiers rifled them, and their Port-mantles for Letters, but when they could not finde any to accuse them withall, the Magistrates cast them into prison as Vagrants, and did intend to have sent them into England again by Constables, but it being proved that they were no Vagabonds, the Magistrates and Souldiers was faine to let them go, after all the wrong they had done them, though it was to their own shame.

Christopher Fell was put into prison in Parsley for speaking to the Priest after the Priest had done, and the people did threaten that if any Quakers did come again to their Church (as they called it) they would carry knives with them to stab them, to which threatning John Dove, who was then Lieftenant of a Troop of Horse, and quartered in that town, said, If they did do as they said, he would bring the Troop of Horse, and be-set them in their house, so to preserve the peace.

Thomas Holmes, and Elizabeth his wife, was shamefully abused in severall places in Scotland.

Richard Pinder was put in prison four dayes, and in the Stocks five houres, and banished out of the Land, for speaking to the people in the Steeple-hous-yard of Kilbryde, between the Priests Sermon time.

Richard Ismead for bidding James Nesmith Priest of Ham­bleton prove himself to be a Minister of Christ, was put in prison there, and from thence sent prisoner to Glascow, there put in the stooks with a gagg in his Mouth, and a pa­per pinnd on his brest, and was commanded to depart the Land.

William Stockdall, was put in prison four dayes in a hole where he could scarce get room to lye down, for speaking to James Nesmith, Priest of Hambleton.

James Lanchester, and others was severall times put in prison for speaking in the streets of Hambleton.

John Hart, Andrew Browne, and John Lacoke, was impri­soned severall weeks in Glascow, for going to the Priests house to speake to him, and the priest, excommunicated them in the mean while.

Thomas Jack, was put in prison some dayes for going to the priest to aske why he would excommunicate him, the said Thomas Jack was put in prison, and kept from his Trade, he being a poore man, and his wife lying in Child-bed:

James Lanchester, and Robert Withers was banished out of Scotland.

George Were, was put in prison twenty three dayes, and nothing laid to his charge justly.

Will. Michell, was put in prison above twenty nine days for taking a wife contrary to the Priests will.

John Robberton called Lord of Ornock publikely refused to enter Andrew Hambleton in Shawton Hill in his prossession under him, because he was excommunicated by the Priest, wittnesses of this, Alexander Hambleton, John Strandders.

William Gray, James Finly, Robert Gray, Robert Smally, John Robbins, all five were put in prison because they could not break Christs command.

John Hart, and Jeannett Browne, was put into prison for entertaining the people of God called Quakers.

Three taken out of an Inn by force in the night season, between the tenth and eleventh houre, and stoned out of the Town: these and many more whose names are not here written have suffred much by this persecuting generation of Priests, whose throates are open sepulchers to swallow down the bloud of the Saints, and Servants of the most high God.

Hugh Archballs Doctrine and Principles, Priest of Stravan in Evendale, These are his Prin­ciples as follow.

Pr: THat Christ hath not enlightened every one that comes into the world.

Ans. Which is contrary to Johns doctrine John 1.9:

Pr. That Christ doth enlighten none but those that do receive him.

Answ: Contrary to John 3: speaking of them which hath the light, and are enlightened, and will not come to it, be­cause the light will reprove them; so he that hates the light is enlightened, and will not receive Christ.

Pr: That it is blasphemy to say, that the true light doth en­lighten and condemn the world.

Answ: Contrary to John 1:9: and 3:19: that saith, This is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. And this is the Condemnation of the world, that light is come into the world.

Pr: To say, that which reproves for sin is from Heaven, is blasphemy.

Answ: Contrary to John 16:8: which saith it is the spirit that reproves, which comes from the Father, and the Son, which is from Heaven.

Pr. He cryeth up a naturall light, as Sun, Moon, and Stars, and the light of Christ was before these was made, and saith, it is blasphemy to say, they that did the things contayned in the Law was blessed in the deed, and the Apostle said the doers of the Law was justified; and said he would leave the Friends that speake to him, to the mercy of the people.

Answ: Upon which they struck bitterly with books, fists, and stones, to destroy, but that same moderate people and Souldiers stayed the Persecution.

John Hume, Priests of Lesmahagow, His Prin­ciples as followes, who got into a Steeple­house, and shut the door upon him; thus he taught the people.

Pr: THat which was to be known of God, was manifest by the things that are created.

Answ: Contrary to the Apostles doctrine, Rom: 1:19: For whatsoever may he known of God is manifest in them, for the invisible things of him from the Creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and God-head, so that they are without excuse: So with that of God in them they know the invisible things from the foundation of the world and with that they see the God-head.

Pr: That God was to be known by the things that were made, as the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Answ: But Jesus Christ said, Mat: 11:27: No man knowes the Father but the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him, and the heathens know not God, nor the Jewes had not seen his shape. And his servants and work­men did throw water, stones and lime, and persecuted, and dirtted, and abused the people called Quakers, and threw a pan full of water in a Souldiers neck, and the said Priest never reproved them; and these be the fruits of him, and his own Family, in stead of gravity: well may the whole Parish be out of order, when his own Family is thus. So he is one that is reproved by the Apostles doctrine. 1 Tim. 3. which saith, If you cannot rule your own Family, how can you take care for the Church of God?

Henry Foreside, Priest of the Parish of Lingee in Dunbarton-shire, said in his Preach­ing to the People.

Pr. IF they had any Christian zeal, they would stone them whom they call Quakers.

Answ. It is the blind zeal that stones, not the Christian zeale, that have the life of Christ; for the Christian zeal is to pray for them that persecute, Mat. 5.44. and not to stone them, and to love enemies: it was the Jewes zeal that took up stones to stone Christ, John 8.59. they stoned Steven, Acts 7.5, 8. and stoned the Apostles, Acts 14.19. In this the Presby­terians have proved their Christianity to be out of Christ and the Apostles.

Pr. If Paul and the rest of the Apostles had been alive, they would have stoned the Quakers.

Answ. Here all may see his work to be the envious man in Cains way, Jude 11. who would murther, and wrongs the Apostle, who never taught nor intended any such doctrine, but said, Overcome evil with good, Rom. 12.21. and love bears all things, 1 Cor. 13.7. Now see whose Mini­ster this man is, that cannot bear, but would have them stoned, and would have the Apostle as bad as himself, which Apostle said, Christ was his example, who laid down his life for his enemies, Rom. 5.8. who suffered the contra­diction of sinners, we will render evill to no man, but say the contrary, the Lord Jesus forgive them, Luke 23.34. and the Apostle said, they wrestled not against flesh and blood, Ephesians 6.12. but them and you that stone, do ye not wrestle against flesh and blood? But if the Apostles would have stoned, would they not have wrestled against flesh and Blood? And if the Apostles should have stoned all that were contrary to their mindes, and bidding the people stone them, and told them it was Christian zeal, [Page 10]what work would they have made? as the said Henry Foreside, called Minister, doth, where would have been long suffering, Gal. 5.22. and loving enemies? Mat. 5.44. and where would he have had any to have converted and who would have been persecutors? and who would have prayed for persecu­tors? ye may see what a pit ye are fallen into, and how should they have convinced gain-sayers, Tit. 1.9. and loved them whem they had stoned them.

And this is the Presbyterians zeal of Scotland, and not Christian zeal, who would stone, and stir up his congrega­tion to do so; for Christ, who is clothed with zeal, Isa. 59.17 said, Love your Enemies, but ye are cloathed with madness and folly: And the Apostle that was in his zeal according to knowledge said, Overcome evil with good, Rom. 12.21. amd vengeance is the Lords, and he will repay it, Rom. 12.19. and love bears all things, but his blind zeal cannot bear any thing, but cryes stone them out of the way, and so wickedly and devilishly calls it Christian zeal, which is false that is, the Devils zeal. Now the Apostles wrestled not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of darkness, Eph. 6.12. but the Presbyterians called Ministers are striking against flesh and blood, whilst ye would stone them, whilst that time spirituall wickednesse lies within you. So ye Presbyterian-Priests are as a troop of robbers that would murther in the way by consent, Hos. 6.9.

James Dorram, called Minister of Glascow, his Principles.

Pr. THat the believers, even the reall godly, are not with­out sin in this life.

Ans. Here is one that is charging the elect, and laying sin to the elect that God justifies, Rom. 8.33. that in the god­ly there should be sin. Sin is out of the godly, in the un­godly, which turne the grace of God into wantonness; and and what good doth his preaching doe them, if they must [Page 11]never be without sin whilst they are upon earth, they can be but in their sin, if they never preach to them: But the Scripture saith, He that believes is borne of God, and he that is borne of God cannot sin, because his seed remaines in him; 1 Iohn 3.9. But this is of another world to him, who is called James Dorram Minister of Glasgow, Minister of darknesse, who puts no difference betwen the children of God, and the children of the Devill, 1 Iohn 3.10. They would have sin whilst they are upon the earth, and it is darknesse, but the Apostles said they were made free from sin, Rom. 6.22 whilst they were upon the earth.

Pr. Christ being sinlesse, seperates him from all others.

Answ. Christ being separated from sinners, Heb. 7.26. who are in Christ are separated from sinners and sin both, 2 Cor. 6.17. But this Ja Dorram hath made the offering of none effect, Heb. 10.14. which hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified; And hath made the blood of Jesus of none effect, which cleanseth from all sin, 1 John 1.7. And he hath made the everlasting Covenant of none effect which blots out all sins & trespasses: And he hath made the faith of the Son of God of none effect, which purifies the heart, and gives victory over the world, Acts 15.9. 1 Ioh. 5.5. Thou dost herein preach & hold up sin, and doth not preach it down; and yet thou saiest thou preachest not to hold it up, and yet thou preachest they must have it whilst they are upon the earth; here is confusion in thy tongue; Pro. 17.20. Thou shouldst have preached it down, and have brought them to a Church where there is neither spot nor wrinkle, nor blemish, nor any such thing. Eph. 5.27. if thou were a true Minister, but your Church is full of spots, and blemishes, and wrinkels, whilst ye are preaching up zeal to stone people, and sin while they live, as Henry Foreside, and James Dorram doth.

Pr. God be thanked, the scripture speaks nothing for freedom from sin and perfection.

Answ: Thou thankest God that thou maist live in thy sin and imperfection, and art glad of thy false hope; but thou art a lyar, thou art out of the truth in this, for the Scripture [Page 12]saith they were made free from sin, Rom: 6:26: and they preached wisdom among them that were perfect, 1 Cor. 2:6: and he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified, Heb. 10:14: So the scripture speakes of freedom from sin and perfection, and be perfect.

Pr: That the condemning power of sin is taken away.

Answ: The believer doth not sin, 1 Iohn 5:1: 1 Iohn 3:9: but he that the believer overcomes commits sin, 1 Io: 3:8: and 1 Io: 5:5: and if the believer commits sin, who overcomes the believer? and so he that commits sin is under the con­demning power of sin which thou saist not: which thou and all other shall witnesse.

Pr: The believer is not in sin as the unbeliever is, he sins not as the unbeliever doth and in an other place he saith, the Law is the same to the believer, that it is to the unbeliever.

Answ: Here any may read thy confusion, but I say unto thee, he that believeth doth not commit sin, but the unbe­lief is sin, Rom: 11:20: and Christ is the end of the Law to every one that believes for righteousness sake, Rom. 10.4. and yet thou puts both believers and unbelievers under the Law.

Lodowick Simerell, Priest of the new parish of Munckland, his Principles and Doctrines.

Pr. THat it is blasphemy to say that the light in man, which reproves of sin, is the light of God, is perfect, is the gift of God.

Answ. Contrary to scripture, contrary to Christs words, and contrary to the Apostles words is thy doctrine and Principles, for every gift of God is perfect, Isa. 1.17. Isa. 49.6. Joh. 1.3. Joh. 4. For Christ is the gift of God, and he hath given him for a Covenant of light to the Jews and Gentiles, which doth enlighten every man that commeth into the [Page 13]world, which every one that doth truth comes to it, which every one that doth evil hates the light, and will not come to the light, because the light will reprove him; and so, This is the condemnation of the world, that light is come into the world, and men love darkenesse rather then light, be­cause their deeds be evill. So this light is perfect, which doth reprove every man of sin, and is from above, and it is the gift of God, and thou art blind and in darkness that comprehends it not: And the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, Christ Jesus the gift of God, him by whom the world was made: this light was before any naturall light was made, Sun, Moon, or Stars; for all things that was made, was made by the light, which came a light into the world, that all through him might believe, for he that believes not in the light, is con­demned already; and he that does believe in the light hath the witnesse in himself, to set to his seal that God is true, and the spirit of truth that doth reprove the world, is perfect, and of God.

The light which every one that cometh into the world is enlightened withall, is not conscience, for the light was before any thing was made, or conscience named: So the light is that which exerciseth the conscience towards God, and towards man, where it is loved, and the voice heard; but where it is hated, and the voice not heard, the consci­ence is seared, and the light is their condemnation, whose consciences is seared, which light was before conscience was.

The Priest would not have thee and thou to be to a single person, and so is the man that would not indure sound words, that cannot be condemned, thee and thou was the language between God and his Saints, and one another, and you is to many, and thou was to one, and this was the language between Jeptha and his daughter, and between the Saints and the Kings, this shewes thou hast not learned the Accidence nor Bible, nor art come to the form of sound words. [Page 12] [...] [Page 13] [...]

John Castaires, called Minister of Glascow, his Principles.

Pr. TIs naturall folkes duty to pray to God, and worship him, although they sinfully keep themselves under a sinfull necessity to sin against God through ignorance.

Answ: This hath been your worke to keep people in ig­norance, which you may be ashamed of. A natural man cannot worship God, for he cannot receive the things of God; nor a sinfull man, but worship the Devil; for he that commits sin, serves him; and he that serves sin, serves the Devill, and worships him, Iohn 8:34: And Christ said the Pharisees should receive the greater damnation, for their pretended long prayers, Mat. 23:14: and so he did not justifie them in their long prayers, but rebuked them, and said, Wo unto them who draw near with their lips, when their hearts were far off, Isa. 29:13: And they that pray and worship God, must pray in the spirit, 1 Cor 14:15: and worship in the Spirit, which the Devil is out of, John 4:21:

Pr: If the first Command be in force, and if it be in force negatively, it is also in force, positively, thou shalt have me for thy God, and oughtest to worship me, and if they pray not as they should, let them answer for it, for it is not sin of it self.

Answ. The children of Israel that the Commandments were given unto, knew God, but the Heathen knows him not: here all may see what measure thou measures withall. And further thou sayest, if they pray as they should not, and yet not sin, is praying as they should, and as they should not, one? by this to call upon God with their lips, and the heart not right, and the prayers and sacrifice of the wicked is justified, Prov. 15.8. and if any pray as they should not, are they not condemned for it? and if in praying as they should not, be not sin, then they doe as they should.

Pr. If folks should not pray because they are uncapable, then [Page 15]a believer not finding himself in a good frame, may let his pray­ers alone.

Answ: A Believer is ababe of God, and his cry is right, his prayer is right, and his groan is right, 1 John 5.1. And every man that cometh into the world, being enlightned, and coming into the light which hath enlightned him, 1 John 1.7. in that he is to watch and pray, which leads him beyond naturals, which will be accepted in the degree, but he that hates the light, his prayer is not accepted, but is in the hypocrisie.

Pr. The Apostles bad Simon Magus, an old witchcarle, pray, and now is there any reason to say we are bidding folk sin when we bid them pray, although they be grosly ignorant?

Answ. The Apostle bad him Repent, Acts 8.22. and he was sensible he had sinned: and that which makes a man sensible of sinne, brings him to pray aright, and turnes him from witchcraft, and so thou dost put no difference between the precious and the vile, Ezek. 22.26. the accepted and un­accepted.

And Hen. Foreside, who would have had his people to stone the Quakers, and calls it Christian zeal, he would have his wall up that he might live in safety, who murthers, and would be preserved in the murtherous estate, and would have the powers of the earth to be his Executioners and pack-horses, but the Lord is opening of their eyes, that they will not execute their malice, though he is stirring up the people to do so; so all may see this is not the work of our Lord Jesus Christ, but the work of the Murtherer, and one that makes himself drunk with the blood of the Saints, Rev. 17.6. till he reel again in his madnesse. And Christ called them that took up stones to stone him, of their Father the Devil, for doing his lust, John 8.44. And thou who would have the people to stone, and calls it Christian zeal, thou hast manifested thy Father, and to be of the Devil, who was a Murtherer from the beginning, but you are the Serpents and vipers that would kill to fill the measure of your Fathers, Mat. 23.32. and persecute from City to City, and hale out of the Synagouges, John 16.2. that [Page 16]all the unrighteous blood, shed from righteous Abel, might come upon you, Mat. 23.35. and you are they that kill the bodies of the Saints, and are sheders of the righteous blood, (Mark, the righteous blood) that the righteous blood might be upon you. And Cain slew Abel, because Abels sacrifice was accepted, and his not, Gen. 4. So it is about the Sacrifice, and worship, ye would murther and slay: So ye are in Cains way, a company of vagabonds, whose Sacrifice God hath no respect unto; if we were enemies, you would not teach the people to stone us if ye were Ministers of Christ, but love us, Mat. 5.44. And do good to us. If the Apostles should have taught the people to stone all that were contrary to their minde, and Christ should have taught his Disciples to stone all that were contrary to their minde, and tell them that were Christian zeale, but ye may see Christ and his Apostles taught another doctrine, Love your Enemies, and thou teachest to stone them, contrary to Christ, and his Apostles, we do conclude it to be the Doctrine of the Devil, and not the Doctrine of Christ, who are in scorne called Quakers. For the true Christian zeal never taught to stone, but were stoned.

The Priests called Presbyterians summoned some people called Quakers to come before them, and they came into the Steeple house where they met, and James Nasmith, Priest of Hanbleton bad them remove, or else he would make them remove by Club Law, and they asked the presbyte­rian Priests for their accusers, and Francis Ard one of the Priests said, they were both accusers and Judges; now whether this be equity, that the same should be both accusers, and Judges that summons; and when they have summoned, accused, and judged, saith they will make them remove by club Law: whether these be not bruits, and beasts, and not Justices, and are not fit to Judge, nor to have the name of Ministers, and Judges that will remove people by club Law; and the said Quakers could not own them as Judges, nor doth look on them as men of equity, but would have had them to have given them a [Page 17]meeting in any place, whereby the truth might be cleared, which they had scandalized, and come to light, which they refused, and that lawful witnesses might hear, but they did refuse, and caused them to be put in prison by the hand of a Baliffe, by name Nasmith.

And this is the authority of the Presbyterian Priests, who hath summoned with club Law, but it is denyed by the Apostles Doctrine, 1 Tim. 3. they must not be strikers, nor false accusers. These are the Presbyterian Priests of Scot­lands weapons, club Law, which is contrary to the Ministers of Christ, they said, We wrestle not against flesh and blood, and they must not be strikers, Eph. 6.12. and after they had done violently, they thrust them into prison; after their wills were satisfied with violence, they thrust them out again, there ye may feel the Spirit of wickedness.

And these Presbyterian Priests, (are people) petitions the Magistrates, with a pretence, they might not be guilty of others blood, which pretence is in their Petitions, to take away their fear, that their wicked peace might not be disturbed, not regarding their blood: witnesse James Na­smith Priest, who would make them remove by club Law. So their Petition is but flattery and deceit, in pretence of not being guilty of their blood, in whose heart it is to shed blood, as witness Henry Foreside Priest, who stirred up the people in zeal to stone them.

Those Presbyterian Priests that set up club Law and per­secution against the Quakers, who would not have any to receive them into their houses. So this is abominable Doc­trine, contrary to the Apostle, whose Doctrine you have troden under your feet, who said, Be not forgetful to enter­tain Strangers, for thereby some have entertained Angels un­awares, Heb. 13.2.

And they say again, They have no certain dwelling places. Here these Presbyterians with their club Law and Excommunications, which say the Quakers have no cer­tain dwelling places, they may inform against the Apostles, which had no ceartain dwelling places, and against Christ, who had not whereon to lay his head, Luk 9.58. and against [Page 18] Abraham, who had not a foot of ground, Gen. 12. but Cain built a City, the vagabond, of whose stock and off-spring you are, Gen. 4.17. and said David, Let their Children be vagabonds, Psal. 109.10. and so this is fulfilled upon you.

And you Presbyterian Priests with your club Law, who would club those people scornfully called Quakers, away; you would have an Order from the Justices, that none should receive the Quakers into there houses, and stop them of their liberty; and this is contrary to the Law of the Nati­ons: And this is damnable doctrine, wherewith ye poison the people, and stirs them up with madness and folly. And in stead of teaching of them peace, you teach them strife, and in stead of loving one another, you teach them to fight one with another.

And Henry Foreside Priest cryes stone them. And James Nasmith Priest cryes for club Law. And William Hambleton Priest of Glasford said to Andrew Brown, if the Lawes were right, they would chop off all the Quakers heads: by William Hambletons words the Law is wrong, because it doth not fulfill his purpose and envy.

Here all may see that you are doing the Devils work, hunt­ing after blood, whose envy, madness and folly appeares to all men; what ye cannot do your selves, ye exhort the peo­ple to do; and what ye and the people cannot do, ye Pe­tition the Magistrates to do, that all the righteous blood may come upon you, Mat. 23.35.

Alas for you, ye poor filly Priests, and mad Presbiterians: Is this your work to set them to stone, and cry up club Law, and Law to chop off their heads? is this the way to con­vert them? is not this the Popish way of converting them? ye should go to convert them, instruct them, convince them, love them, heap coals of fire upon them, Mat. 5. Rom. 20. Overcome evil with good, Rom. 12.21. Pray for them, Mat. 5.44. No cry you, chop off their heads, begging by pe­titions that none may receive them into their houses, stone them, fall upon them by club law, that your folly and madness may be made manifest; and yet imprison them, and such as receive them into their houses: As for [Page 19]instance, ye caused John Hart of the heads of Glasford, and Jennet Hambleton widdow of Westmanes, to be impriso­ned for entertaining them into their houses. Here ye have proved your selves to be the Wolves the sheep are sent a­mong, Mat. 10.16. that are ravening to devoure them; which is one of the markes that ye are the false Prophets Christ said should come Mat. 7.5. And another haling out of the Synagogues, and Excommunicating, and ye never shew for what; which practice ye are in, which is a work of darknesse.

and upon this bargaine that the Magistrates would grant them an order, that none should receive them into their houses, and that they might not have their liberty, and their servants would be much refreshed, who cry stone them, let us have a Law against them, and if the Laws were right, they would chop off their heads, and make them re­move by club Law; but how was these Priests the Magistra­tes servants at Dunbar Fight, when they excommunicated and cursed their now being army and Magistracy? but now they would be their servants, if they would execute their wills upon the innocent: Surely these things cannot but stinck to all Magistrates that feare God.

These are the servants and servers of the times, that the Prophets calls inchanters, Lev. 19.16. and for their own false ends; ye can never read that the Apostles nor Christ did ever teach any such doctrine that the people should be stoned, or have their heads choped off, or driven away by clup Law, which shewes you are Apostatates, from the A­postacy, and of the Jewish nature.

The Synod at Glasgow, in the second moneth, did ordain concerning these persons in Clidsdale, formerly Excommu­nicated, who are called Quakers, that no other people in other parishes should bargain with them, or suffer them to come within their houses, or have entertainment for mony: Upon which the people persecuted, and stoned them, & ha­led them out of their houses in several places, viz. Three of them people called Quakers, were in the night time between the 10. and 11. hours, drawn by force out of an Inne, in the [Page 20]Town of New mills in Aire-shire, and stoned out of the town into the Fields to shift for their lodging. And others, three severall times were beaten, stoned, and shame­fully intreated, and persecuted in Stravan. And others at Lithmahaga. And others shamefully abused in the Town of Kirkantillough. And others stoned at Kilbride. And others pi­tifully stoned, beaten and abused; and some blood shed at Glasford: And at many other places much harme hath been done. These be the Priests fruits, the bloody Presbytery, who would have them stoned, and their heads chopped off; some of the Magistrates did stop the people for abusing of them, so that the Priests malice was not altogether satisfied.

Andrew Brown, and John Lacock of Glasford, were cast in­to prison, for asking him a question when he was Catechi­sing, and admonished them when they were far absent, and if they come before them, they will cast them into prison; this makes them peepers and mutterers, to admonish them when they are not present, and is this like to change them, or do they intend to change them, who admonish them when they are out of hearing, and did Excommunicate them when they were in prison? what an unhumanly part is this wicked, develish, envious, and unchristian Ministry.

And John Hart went to a steeple house to here the Priests admonishment, for the Priest said he would admonish him, and he went to hear him, and when he had admonished him, he spake to him, and bid him prove himself in the doc­rine of Christ, and they who he admonished out of it, and then give them a bill of divorsment: but the Priests went to the Court, and got a warrant from the Justice, and so cast him into prison, and when he was in prison, Excom­municated him, and said he disturbed him; And here his devilish wicked art & doctrine appears, which shews him of Cains flock, where is nothing but persecution, murther, and envious-slayers, vagabonds, & cursed speakers that went on in the way of Balaam, or Core; that makes merchandize of the people through their covetousnesse, and feigned words to the people; And gives forth their Curses in their Con­gregations, and all the people are to say Amen to them as followeth.

The Priests first Curse that all the people were to say Amen to.
Cursed be all they that say Grace is free, and let all the people say, Amen.

Answ. ANd so they curse the Apostles, and the Apostles doctrine, and all that witnesse to it, who said, The free grace of God which bringeth salvation hath appear­ed to all men, Tit. 2.11. and was the Saints Teacher; these things the Apostles commanded to teach with all authority, Tit. 2.15. but the ungodly men turn this grace of God in­to wantonness, of old ordained for condemnation.

Ye are the raging waves of the Sea, sending and foming out your own shame, whose fruits wither, neglecting the com­mon salvation, read Jude. Ye are like to Sodom and Egypt, clouds without water, who run greedily after the wages of Balaam, going on the way of Cain, and shall perish in the gain-saying of Core, and walking despitefully against the spirit of grace; and they that turn the grace of God into wantonness, denies the Lord that bought them, 2 Pet. 2. Jude 11.

Ye are the trees without fruit, wells without water, car­ried about with tempests, cursed speakers; teaching the people to say Amen to your cursing the Apostles doctrine, and so willingly ignorant, that your damnation may be just, that your madness and folly might appear to all, and so sensual, having not the spirit, waves of the Sea, wan­dring stars, received for darkness of blackness, read Jude. The grace of God which bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Tit. 2.11. So that which brings salvation, and hath appeared to all men, ye curse that which is the grace of God, which ye with your damnable doctrine, and doctrine of Devils, curse them that witness it, 2 Pet. 2. 1 Tim. 4. upon whose consciences the hot Iron hath come, [Page 22]hardned them that went to the doctrine of Devils, went to them that did not hold forth the Saviour of all men, but especiall them that beleeve, 1 Tim. 4.10. These things command and teach, let no man despise thy youth.

Now they that went to the doctrine of Devils, from the Saviour of all men, but especially them that believe, and from the grace of God which hath appeared to all men, which brings salvation; are they which have turned the grace of God into wantonness, ordained of old for con­demnation, which is the light, Jude 4. Such be in Cains way from the command of God, Cores way from the truth, and Balaams way from the spirit, those be the clouds and tempests upon whose heads comes the Woe.

The Priests second Curse, which all the People were to say Amen to.
Cursed be all they that say, the Scriptures is not the Word of God; and let all the people say Amen.

Ans. HEre they have cursed Luke, who calls the Scripture a Declaration of the Word, Luke 1.1. and Acts 1.1. where it is called a Treatise; and they have cursed their own company who say the Scriptures signifies writings; and they have cursed John, who did not say the Scripture was the Word, who said, In the beginning was the Word, Joh. 1.1. and the Scripture is words, as Revel. the last, He that addeth to the words; and Christ his name is called, The Word of God, Rev. 19.13. And the Scriptures are words, not a word, Exod. 20. and which words Christ came to fulfill.

The Priests third Curse, to which all the people were to say Amen.
Cursed be all they that say Faith is without sin, and let all the people say Amen.

Ans. FAith is the gift of God, and the gift of God is without sin, Eph. 2.8. Faith is that which gives the victory, John 3.4. And that which gives victory is with­out sin. And here they have cursed the Apostles and their Doctrine, who saith, Faith is without sin, and Faith is pre­cious, 1 Pet. 1.7. and that which is Precious is without sin. Faith is the gift of God, and the gift of God is per­fect, and that which is perfect is without sin, and gives victory over sin: Without Faith a man cannot please God, and that which men please God in, is without sin, Hebr. 11.6. And so ye have cursed the Apostle and his Doctrine, the just and that which is pure, that by which they were healed, through Faith they were justified, Rom. 3.28. and what is not of Faith is sin, Rom. 14.23. So what is of Faith is not sin, and what is righteous is not sin, and the Scri­pture speaks of the righteousness of Faith, Rom. 4.13. Faith is not of sin, but what is not of Faith is sin, Faith gives victory over sin, 1 John 3.4. in which Faith man is justi­fied, and hath peace with God, Rom. 5.1. and it is a my­stery held in a pure conscience, 1 Tim. 3.9.

The Priests fourth Curse, to which all the people were to say Amen.
Cursed are all they that say every man hath a light sufficient to lead him to Christ, and that within him, and let all the people say Amen.

Ans. HEre they have cursed the Apostles Doctrine, who said God would dwell in them, 2 Cor. 6.16. and Christ in you the hope of glory, Col. 1.27. and God is light, 1 John 1.5. And they have cursed the Prophets, who said, I give him for a Covenant, a Leader of the people: I will dwell in them, and walk in them, saith God, Jer. 31.31. Hebr. 10.16. And he saith, I will send you the Spirit of truth, and it shall lead you into all truth, John 14.17. John 16: 13. And I will be their God, to rule them, and they shall be my people, Jer. 31.33. Thy curses are but winde, for we are redeemed from the curse; and the Apostles said, the light that shined in their hearts was to give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 4.6. and they that are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God, Rom. 8.14. and the light to guide our feet in the way of peace, and he that hath the Son hath the Father also; and if any bring another Doctrine, receive them not into your houses, neither bid them God speed, 2 John 9, 10. You have here shewed your selves in the cur­sed estate, out of the Apostles rule, the same spirit of truth that led the Disciples into all truth, that shall reprove the world of sin, John 16.8, 13.

The Priests fifth Curse, to which all the people were to say Amen.
Cursed be all they that deny the Sabbath-day, and let all the people say Amen.

Ans. HEre thou hast cursed thy self, and all the Apostles, and all the Saints, and their own generation; hast not thou and thy own generation denied the Sabbath day, the Jews met on, which is the Sabbath day according to the Scripture? do not ye meet together upon the first day? and was not Christ crucified on the sixth day? and did not he arise on the first day? and did not the Saints meet toge­ther on the first day? and not keep the Jews Sabbath-day? do not you work upon it your selves, and keep Markets and Fairs on it? but as it is said before, we are Redeemed from the curse.

These are the particular Sentences whereupon Matthew Mackell, and the rest of the Priests present with him, did excommunicate those people called Quakers in the pre­sence of many witnesses, and he required his Hearers to say Amen to every particular sentence.

John Humes, Priest of Lismahagow, his Principles.

Pr. THey who have not the Scriptures, knowes not the At­tributes of God by the light of nature, but the Scrip­tures declare the great mystery of the three persons in Trinity, which they who want the Scriptures knowes not.

Ans. Thy Principle is a lie, and they that had not the Scri­ptures knew God and Christ, as Abraham and Enoch, and [Page 26]the Scripture doth not declare of the three persons, nor of the Trinity, and the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God.

Pr. That the Scriptures reveal the great mystery of Election, the great works of the Creation, and the work of Redemption.

Answ. There thou hast set up the Scripture instead of God, and before God and the Son, for it is God that doth re­veal to babes and sucklings, Mat. 11.25. and God did reveal by his Spirit, 1 Cor. 2.10. and God shall reveal, Phil. 3.15. and the things of God are hid from the wise and prudent, Mat. 11.25. that have the Scriptures; the Jewes had the Scriptures: and God reveals his secrets to the Prophets his Servants, Amos 3.7. no man knowes the Father saving to whom the Son shall reveal him, Mat. 11.17. now the Son reveals, and the Father reveals, and the things of God are revealed by his Spirit, 1 Cor. 2.10. the Jewes had the Scrip­tures, and knew not the Son, 1 Cor. 2.8. nor the Father, as in John, nor the things of God by a natural light, as they call it; the Jewes had the Scriptures, and did not know the Election, Isa. 24. because they were from the Spirit. So it is God that reveals the Son, and Redemption, and Ele­ction, and not the Scripture, the Scripture was given forth from them that had the Revelation from God.

Pr. That wee and the Papists and Jesuites, and Priests, do agree all together, that the Scripture is the word of God that liveth and endureth for ever.

Answ. I do believe that you and the Papists and Jesuits, agree all in one; but ye did not agree with the Apostles and Ministers of the word, for the Ministers of the word calls the Scripture a Declaration, as ye may read Luke 1. and ye do not agree with them that set forth the Acts, that called it a Treatise, Acts 1. likewise ye do not agree with some of your own, who say the Scriptures signifies writings, and wri­tings will not endure for ever, so ye are Babylon, and do not agree with Christ, and ye do not agree with John, Bev. [...]. who saith the words; nor with Moses, nor God, who spake all these words, Exod. 20. In the beginning was the word, and the word is God, and the word liveth and abi­deth [Page 27]for ever; but the Scripture is words, and the Scrip­ture cannot be broken.

James Nesmith Priest of Hambleton, his Principles.

Pr. THat the soul of man is a reasonable sinfull substance.

Answ. How can that which is sinful be reasonable? and if that which is unsinful be reasonable, and sinful be reaso­nable both, then they are one in unity: The Lord will take the soul for an offering for sin; doth the Lord take that which is sinful for an offerring? Isai. 53. see how thou and the Prophet agrees here; But what is that soul that the wicked is not able to kill? is it not that which God hath in his hand? and this is a lye, to say that which is reasonable is sinful, of one that puts light for darknesse. God breath­ed into man the breath of life, and he became a living soul, who hath all souls in his hand, and the soul is immortal, and Christ the Bishop of it is immortal, and God hath it in his hand which goeth against him that doeth evil, whose hand is immortal, but man transgressing against the com­mands of God, the soul lies in death; so Christ is the Bi­shop of the souls, so they that came to know Christ, their souls rejoyce in God their Saviour, Luke 1.

Pr. That the evil Spirits are both sinfull and reasonable.

Answ. This is a lie for reasonable is not sinful, and un­reasonable is sinful, 2 Thes. 3. they have not the faith: and if the evil Spirit be reasonable, and the good reasonable, they are both one, who then is unreasonable? If the evil Spirit be reasonable, thou pots no difference between the precious and the vile; thou hast the Mark of a blind guide, and a false Prophet in thy so ehead.

Pr. That one of them Quakers is worse then the Devil.

A. This is a lie with his strange wonder, for there is nothing worse then the Devil, whose children you are for when he speaks a lie he speakes of himself, and he is the Father of it.

Henry Foreside Priest of Lingiah in Dunbarton shire, His Doctrine and PRINCIPLES.

Pr. THat God commands all every where to repent, to the end that they should not have it to say but they were warned, but not that he would give them grace to repent.

Answ. Here thou makes God that he does not intend that he speaks, and so thou would make him unrighte­ous, though the Lord commands all men every where to repent, Acts 17.30. who hath made all Nations of men of one blood to dwell upon the Earth, and all being concluded under sin and unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all. Rom. 3.9. For both Jewes and Gentiles all were under sin, and none of them did good, no not one. And Gods intent is, that when he calls men to repentance, they should re­pent, when he calls them, and many did repent; and you are not fit men to be Ministers of Christ or God.

Now if God command all men every where to Repent, and, as thou sayst, does not intend they should Repent, thou and you go about to make God unjust. First the Lord he desireth not the death of a sinner, but that he should turn from his wickednesse and live, Exod. 33.11. Now in the turning from his wickednesse he lives, but in going on in his wickednesse he dies; so Repentance was Preached from dead works, to serve the living God. Heb. 6.1. & Christ came to call finners to Repentance, not the Righteous; for the whole needs not the Physitian, but to the sick, Mat. 9.12, 13.

And as for saying, God did not intend to give them grace, though he calls them to repentance: That is a lie, & unrigh­teous doctrine, for the grace of God hath appeared to all men, which brings Salvation, Titus 2.11. and so as he calls them to repentance, he gives them grace, that grace which brings salvation, which men are justified by; so it is saving grace that brings salvation, and teacheth to deny ungodlinesse.

Now they that live ungodly, turnes the grace of God into wantonnesse, Jude 4. and these are the wells without water, in Cains way, Balaams way, and Cores way, Jude 11. speaks the high words in hypocrisie; and these are they that separate themselves from the Apostles, sensual, having not the Spirit, Jude 19. and are of old ordain­ed to condemnation, who separated from the light, which turnes the grace of God into wantonnesse; so these are they that neglect the common salvation, it was the charge of the Apostle to Timothy before his decease, 1 Tim. 4.2. 2 Tim. 4.7. Then told him perillous times should come, and Doctrines of Devils, and men speaking lies in hypocrisie; he said unto them, that they should trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, and especially of them that believe, 1 Tim. 4.10. But the Devils Doctrine leads them from their Saviour, and from the grace, 2 Tim. 4.1. And they that are not in the Doctrine, are from the light, which Christ hath in­lightned them withall, John 1.9. And have turned the grace of God into wantonnesse, and pernitious wayes, and drawes others from it, and we do conclude that to be the Doctrine of Devils, which sayes God calls all men to repent, and intends not to give them grace, nor would not have them to repent: as thou Henry Foreside doth say, for it was the charge of the Apostle to Titus to speak sound words, and sound Doctrine, and could not be condemned, Titus 2. and told him that the grace of God which brings salvation had appeared to all men, which taught them to deny ungodlinesse and worldly lust, and to live godly, soberly and righte­ously in this present evill world, these things speak and exhort with all authority, Tit. 1. But as I said be­fore, ungodly men that turn the grace of God into wantonnesse, are of old ordained to this condemnati­on, and this the is condemnation of the world, that light is come into the World, and men love darknesse ra­ther then light, because their deeds are evill, John 3.19. he that loves the light, the light is his Saviour, but he that [Page 30]hates the light, it is his condemnation.

Pr. That the two parts of the Church must be prophane and godless.

Ans. The Church is the Pillar and ground of truth, 1 Tim. 3.15. The Church of the living God; for the ungod­ly are out of its grounds, and that which is ungodly; the pillar and ground of truth, there is no ungodly in it, and the Church is without wrinkle or spot, holy, without ble­mish, Eph. 5.27. and the Church is in God, 1 Thes. 1.1. That which is in God is in the light, and out of the un­godly.

Pr. That God before the world was, had ordained one little part of the people for eternal life; that sin, or do all the evil they could, they could not loose that which was ordained for them.

Ans. Here thou goest about to make Christ a lyar, for he that commits sin is the servant of sin, 1 Joh 3.8. saith, He that commits sin is of the Devil, saith the Apostle, and thou wouldst make God partial, and hast taught a Doctrine con­trary to the Scriptures, For God is no respecter of per­sons, Rom. 2.11. Who will give to every one a reward ac­cording to their works, Psal. 62.12. And he that works ini­quity must depart cursed from Christ, Mat. 7.23. Mat. 25: 41. And he that sinneth after he hath received the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sin, but a fearful look­ing for of judgement, Hebr. 10.27. And the elect doth not commit sin, and who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect, Rom. 8.33. and the Elect is Christ, Isai. 42.1. who was elected before the world was, he that is born of God doth not commit sin, neither can he, because his seed re­mains in him, 1 John 3.9. And he that commits sin is of the Devil, and never knew God, vers. 6: And here is the chil­dren of God maniest, and the children of the Devil, 1 Joh: 3:10: and God hears not sinners, and them that regard iniquity, Psal. 66.18. Joh. 9.31. Prov: 15: 8:

Pr: That the great part of the world was ordained for Hell, that repent or do all that they are commanded to doe, they would not obtain salvation, because God had ordained them to Hell.

Ans. Then he was asked wherefore he preached? His an­swer was to save the elect: he was answered again, if it was so, there was no need of that, seeing they could not be lost; Then he was asked before he preached to them that were ordained to Hell: he answered to make their damna­tion hotter; it was answered them again, that they had small friends of them, and they could not make it hotter, seeing they were ordained before; the Priest aforesaid was asked, who had the blame that men went to Hell.

His answer was, Seeing ye desire to know, I shall tell you, there is one part of the blame in man, and another part of the blame in the Almighty, that men went to Hell.

Ans. In this here is confusion, thou sayest, God hath or­dained them, thou sayest God has done it, (then mark) then thou sayest, there is part in man, and thou sayest before it was in God; now if it be in God, as thou sayest, that he hath ordained them to hell, repent or do all that they are commanded to do, thy preaching is needless; and thou cannot add to Hell hotter or colder: Therefore thy preach­ing is done and ceased: And thou saist part of the blame that men go to hell is in God; here thou wouldest make God unrighteous, who desires not the death of a sinner, God is not to be blamed in any thing he doth, but praised, and righ­teous in all his judgements; and God is not to be blamed, for God is truth, so let God be true, and every man a ly­ar, Rom. 3.4. thou wicked one, mans destruction is of him­self, Hos. 13.9: and God wills not the death of a sinner, but rather that he would repent, so no fault in God, who saith, let the unrighteous man forsake his unrighteousness, and he shall live; so let the righteous man forsake his righte­ousnesse, and he dies, Ezek. 18.22. So my ways are equall, the Lord hath no pleasure at all that the wicked should die, but that he should return and live, so mans destruction is of himself: And whereas thou sayest, God hath ordained a great part to Hell, what makest thou of Christ who came to be a Saviour of the world? John 4.42. he doth not say the Elect onely, but to save the world, and not to condemn it, and God so loved the world (mark the words) John 3.19. [Page 32]he doth not say, so hated it, that he gave his onely be­gotten Son into the world, that whosoever believed in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life; and he came not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might have life, but they that hate the light, and do not beleeve in it, are with the light condem­ned, but thou sayest otherwise, that he condemns a great part of the world, and he doth not say he loves the Elect onely, but God so loved the world, and God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, 2 Cor. 5.19. he does not say the Elect onely; and he through death hath destroyed the power of death, the Devil, Heb. 2.14. and thou art to be reproved for thy judgment, for thy unbelief, for thy righteousness, for thy sin, because of thy unbelief, for thy judgment, because the Prince of this world is judg­ed, Joh. 16. and so Christ doth not say I am the light of the Saints, of the elect onely, but I am the light of the world, Joh. 8.12. and saith, that light is come into the world, and this is the condemnation of the world, that light is come in­to to the world, and men love darkness rather then it, because their deeds are evil, Joh. 3.19. So its unbelief that shuts out, Rom. 11.20. So the gates stand open night and day, and e­very one that doth evill, hates the light and will not come to it, because it will reprove him, and he will not come in to the gate, for he that comes to the gate comes to the light, and he that comes to the light, comes out of condem­nation, and comes to be a child of the light, he that hates the light will not come into the kingdome of God: And for thy saying, God hath ordained a great part of the world to Hell, let them repent, and do all that ever he hath commanded them; he that doth the things that Christ commands, enters the Kingdome; he that repents his mind is changed, and whosoever beleeveth shal not perish, and this command is general, Joh. 10.28. through the whole world, therefore thou with the Devils doctrine, shuts up the kingdome of Heaven against others, and wilt not go in thy self, who saies let men repent, and do all that ever they can, they must go to hell, when God [Page 33]wills not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live, Ezek. 33.11. but he is merciful, and judges not as thou dost, whose eyes are blinded, and hands full of blood; so I say, whosoever re­pents, and doth the things they are commanded, they shall be saved, and that which thou sayest to the contrary, we conclude to be the Devils doctrine, and whosoever re­sists the thing that is commanded, that will be their condemnation, but hates the light which was before the world was, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, that all through him might beleeve, for he that beleeves in the light shall not abide in darkness, John 8.12. shall not come into condemnation, shall come to be a child of light, John 12.36. and they shall have the light of life, and so the light is sufficient to save them, and condemn them that beleeve not, John 3.18.14. James 4.12. and every one that cometh into the light, that they are inlightned withal, such come into the election, and into the Covenant of God, and evill consciences thou mayest frighten, them that hates the light, which is their condemnation; but the elect thou canst neither save nor deceive, thanks be to God Christ reigns, who will give to every man according to his works, who doth en­lighten every man that cometh into the world, not belee­ving is condemned, and shut out, and such turn the grace of God into wantonness, and are ordained of old, that hate the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, and such be in Cain & Balaams way, persecutors and murtherers, and turns the grace of God into wantonness.

Pr. From the words of Jude 4. they were of old or­dained; from these words he said, That God had prede­stinated one to life, without any cause in the creature lesse or more, and the other wicked man to Hell without any cause in the creature lesse or more; and both wicked men: And before thou said part of the cause that God cast into hell was in the man, and part in God; In this seventh principle and doctrine, thou saiest there is no cause in the creature, that God cast into hell and condemns him, and [Page 34]in the other thou said, there were part blame in man, and part in God; and here is the Devils Doctrine, a lie found in thy mouth, and thou hast wrested, perverted, and wronged that Scripture in Jude who saith, their is no part in man causeth condemnation; that all may see you are ly­ars, he saith, they were ungodly, they turned the grace of God into laciviousness that brings salvation, that denyed the Lord that bought them, Jude 11. 2 Pet. 2.1. They were covetous, made merchandize of the people, through fained words, so no covetous nor Idolater shall enter into the Kingdome of God, 1 Cor. 6.9. and all they deny the Lord that bought them, but who owns the light that comes from him, which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, and none sees him, but with the light that comes from him, and they goe in Cores way, and gain-sayeth the truth, who goe from the light that Christ hath enlightned them in the particular, and he that gain-sayeth the truth, there is a fault in him, and they goe in Cains way that are from the command of God, who said if thou dost well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if he did not well, fin lay at the door; now these were of old ordained unto condemnation, which turned the grace of God into wantonnesse, were in Cains way, Cores way, and brake the commands as Cain did, in Balaams way, erred from the spirit, and admired mens per­sons because of advantage, which Balaam did, and loved the wages of unrighteousnes, and so these did not do the things they were commanded; Cain he did not doe the thing that he was commanded, nor Core that offered strange fire, and his company, Num. 16. So these of old were ordained for this condemnation, which condemnation is the light, Io. 3. light foresees them, and sees over them, and condemns them, when they arise and goes out from the spirit of God in them; and here all may see, here was fault worthy of condemnation, and those were they that sensually separa­ted themselves from the Apostles, and had not the spirit, Jude 19 in their dayes: which were covetous, which went for the gift and reward, which were like raging waves of the Sea, which were spots in feasts of charity, feasting, [Page 35]feeding without fear, 2 Pet. 2. Which admired mens per­sons because of advantage, and spoke the high words in hy­pocrisy, Wells without water, Trees without fruit, raging waves of the Sea, foming out their own shame, clouds with­out water carryed about with tempests, spots in the feasts of charity, like unto Sodom and Gomorah in filthiness, which goe from the light that does convince them: so there is the self separation, and their is the condemnation that comes over them, the light; and these are they that separa­ted from the Apostles; which said love your enemies, Mat. 5.44. Which are men gone into the world, which be in Cains way in envy, in Cores way gain-saying the light, they are like raging waves of the Sea, foming out their shame in their pulpits, so you are the men that separates from the Apostles, that be in Cains way, who be out of the life, and sacrifice the Saints were in, that would murther, and Cores way that gain-sayeth the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, so against the common salvation, and ye be like Cain foming and raging in your Pulpits, and would murther all that are contrary to you, whose Sacrifice God acceptes, & yours he does not, & God would have accepted of Cain, if he had done well, Gen. 4. So God is merciful, & a just God, but Cain he did not well; there­fore wo went out from God against him, and so there was fault in him & not in God, which was the cause of his con­demnation: so you that be in Balaams way; for the wages of unrighteousness, admiring mens persons because of advan­tage, Ye are out of the faith that is held without respect of persons, Iam. 2. and so separated from the Apostles, to whom Christ said, Freely ye have received, freely give, and you will not give freely, who are rageing and foming, without you have augmentations, stipends, gleabe Lands, or Tythes, great sums of money, gifts of rewards from great houses, so you deny the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the would, so gain-sayes the common sal­vation, Jude 1. You gain-say the truth, that doth enlight­en every man that cometh into the world, so in Cores way you are, and would have the persons of the Saints mur­thered, [Page 36]so in Cains way, as ye confess that ye have not the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, so in the self separa­tion, and ye deny the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, which is the Lord, John 8.12. And so denies the Lord that bought you, 2 Pet. 2.1. And so are for condemnation, who are of that flock that separate themselves from the Apostles, sensually, having not the spirit, who are in Cains way, that would kill and murther, and out of the Apostles way, who said love your enemies; who are in Balaams way, for gifts and rewards, and admi­ring mens persons because of advantage, to them speaking high words in hypocrisy, and out of the Apostles way to whom Christ said, Freely ye have received, freely give, Mat. 10.6. And out of the Prophets way, who said, come without a price, Isa. 55.1, 2. And ye will have the price, or else you will not come, let all that can read Iude over, and see if their was not cause in man of his condemnation, and not in God; and so have not you proved your selves in the Doctrine of Devils, and in lyes, and would make God un­righteous, and the Apostles unrighteous? for their was fault in Cain, fault in Balaam, and fault in Core, and fault in So­dome, and fault in them that turned the grace of God into wantonnesse, which were of old ordained for this condem­nation, Iude 4. which condemnation is, that light is come into the world, and men love darknesse rather then light, because their deeds are evil, and so the Apostles taught that their was fault in man, as ye may read Iude, and thou hast taught there is none; so then thou art unrighteous, who would make God and the Apostles unrighteous, like thy selfe, let all that fear God judge of it, who are now come to the judgment Seat before the Almighty God, who have been them that erred from the Apostles Doctrine, with it is judged, and are judged, and you must have a reward according to your works, and he that comes to life, comes out of his wickednesse, and not the wicked man enters into the kingdom of God, Rev. 21. and the promise is to the seed, and he that works iniquity departs from the seed, Gal. 3.16. And the Election obtaines it, Rom. 11.7. Not [Page 37]him that wills, nor runs, But God that shewes mercy; And whereas thou sayest the wicked manis ordained to life, with­out any cause in the Creature, less or more, This is just the De­vils Doctrine again, & to bring every one to hide his Talent and none neither to watch nor pray; for this is the crea­ture, that brings him to lay a side wickednesse, and to de­part from sin and iniquity, which lets him see it, and covetous and drunkennesse so through the obedience of the Spirit, and that is in the Creature that brings him to confesse his sin, and for sake it, whereby mercy is shewed; the power of God worketh in us saith the Apostle; And as they had been servants to unright cousness, so came to yeeld themselves servants unto righteousnesse, Rom. 6. How comes the commands of God to be obeyed, if there be not somthing in the creature that cause him to obey it? For thou sayest without any cause in the creature, why were all these expressions spoken in scripture, that they should obey all things that Christ commanded, Mat. 28.20. And all the statute, and Ordinances spoken of in the scriptures if there be not something in man to cause him to obey it: but thy intent is to make God unrighteous who respects no mans person, but gives to every man a reward accor­ding to works, Rev. 2.23. The one as well as the other, and all shall appear befor the judgement of Christ, 2 Cor. 9.10. He will judge the world in righteousnesse; but there is something in the creature; for every man that cometh into the world being enlightned, whereby he is capable of obeying or disobeying, and not believing comes to be con­demned, and in believing he is saved, he hath the witnesse in himselfe, John 3.8. 1 John 5.10 For he that commits sin is the servant of sin, John 8.24. And there is no re­spect of persons with God, but whosoever doth righteous­ness is accepted of him, Acts 10.34, 35. The Apostle said, He perceived God was no respecter of persons, but whosoever doth wickedly he hates the light, and is condemned, but who­soever doth the truth, cometh to the light, John 3.21. and so out of condemnation, so thou teachest another Doctrine, so as I said before, The promise is to the seed, the seed is [Page 38]Christ, and Christ all and in all, 1 Cor. 15.28. And all un­godly and wicked men are shut out of the Kingdome of God, where no wicked men enters, one nor other, and man must be turned again from wickedness, before he en­cers, Rev. 21.8.

Pr. He being asked what he would do with Quakers, and he said if he had been a Civil Magistrate, he would have thought it good service to have cut off all their heads.

Ans. There ye may all see if he be not of Cains stock, and what an envy proceeds out of his mouth, and unchri­stian Spirit, and how would he convert them if they were out of the way? and how would he convince them, who would cut off their heads? hath not this proved the Qua­kers to be in the truth, and he out of it, and is not the command of Christ that ye should love your enemies? Mat. 5.44. Now ye may see he is out of the command and example, but followed the example of Cain the murtherer, and doth not his envie show as much against the Magi­strates as against the the Quakers, because they will not ex­ecute his malice, and slay them for him, and be his exe­cutioners? and were not these Priests as mad against the Magistrates, (as they are now against the Qua­kers) at Dunbar fight? and would not they have had their heads off? let their Pulpits witness, though now they admire their persons because of advantage, Jude 16. Who cannot hold in, but their shame must be uttered forth, who would slay the persons of men as Cain did; so wo from the Lord is gone out against you, who are envious, and strives to make the people envious, but the life of God is risen in the hearts of his people, with which they shall see you all, and the Quakers be out of the way of Cain, who be in the light of Christ Jesus the Saviour of the soul, in which they come to have a habitation in God, the Saviour of all men, especially of them that beleeve, 1 Tim. 4.10. So you that be out of the light be Vaga­bonds, though ye have great habitations in the earth, for Cain built a City yet a Vagabond, Gen. 4.

Pr. It was asked him of a fore-ordained number to de­siruction, [Page 39]and for what Christ wept over Jerusalem. He said, as he was humane he mourned, and his Godhead decreed them to Hell.

Ans. This is a lying Doctrine of the Devil, for after ma­ny of them of Jerusalem came to be converted, as ye may read in Acts 2. And many of the Priests came to be obedient to the Faith, for all being gone astray both Jews and Gentiles, Rom. 3.9. concluded under sin, the pure, the eternal tendred over them; who had stopped their ears, and closed their eyes to that which was pure of God in them, that they might have come to that which is pure, and have been gathered under Christs wings, Mat. 23.37. who is pure, and so have been converted and healed, and have heard with their ears, and have seen with their eyes. And as for the word humane, that is not Scripture language, it speaks not that language, and there were converted ma­ny thousands of the Jews, and they were pricked to the heart, when that the Apostle said, that was both Lord and Christ whom ye have crucified, Acts 2. (mark ye) here thou mayest see thy self to be a lyar; for here was of the Jews and of Jerusalem, that he had wept over; thou sayest he had ordained them them to Hell (as he was God) which were converted afterwards; so thou wouldst make God unequal, that the Son is not in the Father, and divideth them, that the Son should weep over them, and the God­head decree them to Hell, and did not Christ command his Apostles that they should not depart from Jerusalem? and was not the mighty conversion at Jerusalem? so hath not Christ wept over Jerusalem, and after was there not a mighty conversion there? And thou sayest he con­demned them as God to Hell; there thou mayest see thy self in the Devils Doctrine, 1 Tim. 4.1. Many thousands were converted at Jerusalem, which Christ wept over, be­fore the Apostles departed from thence, where he gave them command to stay; so see thy Doctri [...]e is damnable, and thou errs from the Scriptures, let thy-mouth for ever be stopped: and are not ye found in the steps of them, Matth. 23. that Christ gives the mark of blind-guides to [Page 40]the multitude, unto the Disciples, which marks were such as the multitude might take notice of, and I beleeve the multitude will take notice of, and know you; first ye bind heavy burthens upon mens shoulders, ye are sayers and not doers, and all their works they do to be seen of men, Matth. 6. they love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chiefest seats in the Assemblies, greeting in the Markets, stands praying in the Synagogues, called of men Masters, they were swearers, they should scourge you in their Sy­nagogues, and persecute, do not ye put out of your Syna­gogues? Christ should send Prophets and wise men among them, and they should persecute, and put out of the Sy­nagogues, Mat. 23.34. They should shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men, and do not ye do so that do deny the light, that lighteth every one that cometh into the world? do any come to the Kingdome, but who come to the light, which every man that cometh into the world is enlightned withal? may not the multitude take notice of these things, called of men Master, stand praying in the Synagogues, having long Robes, salutations in the Markets, uppermost rooms at feasts, puts out of the Sy­nagogues, and swearers, and Christ said, swear not at all, Mat. 5.34. And be ye not called of men Master, for one is your Master, even Christ, and ye all are Brethren; now here is the marks of the blind guides, as ye may read, Matth. 23. Are they not a company of Swearers, and will they not swear for their own advantage? and were not the Priests always envious, and false accusers, provoking the Magistrates against the Disciples, against Christ, and against Jesus? did not the Priests say Jesus should die for crying against them, Jer. 26. And were not the Priests at work when any of the Saints were murther­ed, to stir up the multitude against them, or the Magi­strates? Was not the chief Priests and Elders seeking false witness [...] out Jesus to death? Mat. 26.39. And did not the High Priests say he had spoken blasphemy? it was Pilate that put him to death, did not the chief Priests perswade their multitude to ask Barrabbas, Matth. 27.20. [Page 41]and crucifie Jesus, and did not they mock him? See how the Priests were alwayes busie for blood, that all the righ­teous blood might come upon them, shed upon the earth, Matth. 23.35. And did not the Priests give money to Ju­das to betray Christ? and did not the Priests give large money to the Souldiers to tell a lie, and say his Disci­ples stole him away by night? Matth. 28.11, 12, 13. had not Paul authority from the High Priest to persecute? Acts 9.1, 2. and so get you your Authority from the Magistrates, and the people their Authority from you to persecute, and would not the chief Priests have mur­thered Paul afterwards, when he was converted, Acts 23. Acts 2.7. Did not a company come with swords and staves from the Priests with Judas to take Christ? Mark 14.13. as a troop of Robbers wait for a man; so doth a company of Priests murther in the way by consent, and have not ye consented together? Hos. 6.2.

Pr. That Christ scorned men when he bad them be persect because he knew it was impossible for them.

Answ. This is wickedness and impudency to say Christ scorned men when he bad them be perfect. This is Anti­christ and the Devils Doctrine, for to say that Christ did command that which men should not come to, for Christ nor God commanded nothing but what should be attained unto, and it will be attained unto, and hath been attained unto; Christ said, Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect, Mat. 5.4. he knew that they might be perfect if they come into the Kingdom of God, for there no unperfect thing must enter, Rev. 21. and so he did speak that which he knew people should come into, but they should come into it, if ever they came into the Kingdome of God; what is this to thee which cannot love enemies? for they that love enemies shall know perfection, and per­fect love and patience have its perfect work, Jam. 1.4. the Apostles speak wisdome to them that were perfect, but not the worlds wisdome which comes to nothing, 1 Cor. 2.6. and the work of the Ministry was for the per­fecting of the Saints, till they all come into the unity [Page 42]of the faith, unto the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, and unto the measure and stature and ful­ness of Christ, Eph. 4. and they should not be any more tossed to and fro with the windy Doctrines of men, nor cunning craftiness wherewith they lie in wait to deceive, and there art thou tossed up and down with every wind, and far off the work of the ministry, when thou saist blas­phemously, Christ scorned men when he bad them be perfect; Christ did not scorne them, but thy doctrine, it is imper­fect, and thou and you that transgress and abide not in the doctrine of Christ, thou and you are Anti-christs, as ye may read, 2 John 9.10.

Pr. When it was asked him, of the words that Peter spake of, concerning them that brought in damnable Heresies, and de­nyed the Lord that bought them, he said they did but think the Lord had bought them, but they were not bought, but they thought they had been so.

Ans. Here thou again with thy damnable Doctrine, dost go about to make Peter and Jude lyars, who speaks contrary to scripture, and perverts their Doctrine, and the words of Peter are thus, even denying the Lord that bought them; 2 Pet. 2.1. and the words of Jude 4. denying the onely Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ; and thou saist the Lord had not bought them, but they thought he had bought them, wo and misery, man, will be thy portion, that thou should so wickedly pervert the Apostles Doctrine and Scripture, Acts 13.10. and bring in such damnable Doctrine, and devi­lish Doctrine, and speaks such lies in hypocrisy, whose con­science is seared with a hot Iron, 1 Tim. 4. it is time for people to turne away from you, who have so long deceived them.

Pr. Concerning these words of Ezek. 18.28. If the righteous man turn away from his righteousness, his former righteousness shall be no more remembred; and he said the meaning of that scripture was, they thought they had been righteous, but they were not, but supposed it had been so.

Answ. Here in this thou art a minister of unrighteousness, thou goest about to make God a lyar, and the Prophets, [Page 43]and perverts the scriptures, for if he forsakes his righteous­nesse, and commits sin and iniquity, and trespasses, he shall die, and not live in the righteousnesse; but if he forsake his sin, trespasses and transgressions, in the righteousnesse that he hath done and doth, he shall live; so Gods wayes are equal, Ezek. 18. And thou sayest they thought they had been righteous, but it was not so: And the Lord by the Prophet saith it was so, that they should live in their right­eousnesse, and dye if they depart from it, and transgressed here thou art a diminisher from the Prophets and Apostles words, whose name is diminished out of the book of life, read Rev. 22.19.

Pr. He denyed that Christ dyed for all men, but for the Elect.

Answ. Contrary to Johns Doctrine, who saith, he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for our sins onely, but for the the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2.2. and so it is the unbeliever that is shut out; and not believing in the light that men are enlightened withall, with which light they might see the one offering, who tasted death for every man, Heb. 2.9. and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that all through him might believe; and they that believe not in the light are condemned, Joh. 3.18. but believing in the light, shall come out of condemnation, and he is the Saviour of all men, but especially of them that believe, 1 Tim. 4.10. and the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men, which was the saints Teacher, Titus 2.11, 12. and they that turn it into wantonnesse, shall with it be condemned Jude 4. and they that set up a heap of teachers, 2 Tim. 4.3. after their own lusts, and went out from the Apostles doctrine, before the Apostles decease, 1 John 2.19. and have turned the grace of God that brings salvation, into wantonnesse, ever since, and saith it hath not appeared unto all men, which brings salvation, which is saving grace, and Christ Jesus doth en­lighten every man that cometh into the world, that they might believe, and walke after him, and saith, they that follow him shall not abide in darknesse, but shall become the children of light, and have the light of life, John 8.12. [Page 44]Now say they that hate the light, it is not sufficient, it is not a saving light, but they shall find it sufficient to con­demme them, and their unbeliefe, for not believing in it; for believing in it, they come to have the light of life, John 8.12 and John 12.36.

Pr. He being asked who were hirelings, if they were not that did take hire? his answer was, they were hirelings that did not take hire, and to prove it, he brought that scripture in Philipians of them that preached Christ of envy and strife.

Answ. Now all may see what doctrine he brings, to pervert or rest the scriptures, Philip. 1.15. to prove them hirelings that do not take hire, that in the Philipians doth not prove that they were hirelings, neither did they take hire: so that for his purpose makes nothing, though for this pur­pose he brings that scripture, but that his folly and dark­nesse might appeare, and be made manifest by the light, for now to it his deeds are come, who is unfit to talke of the scripture.

Pr. He said it was the cleare mark of the Devil to go up and down from place to place to preach as the Quakers doe.

Answ. Now here in this he may charge all the prophets, Christ and his Apostles, which went up and downe from place to place, Heb. 11. that this is the marke of the Devill, but this is too manifest to bring to light, and dis­cover the Presbyterian Priests of Scotland, who lies in Dens and Corners, and fat benefits, and there stick in the earth, and are crept into houses, who say it is the Devills marke to go up and downe to preach; but this is that they may manifest themselves to be judged by the practice of Christ and his Apostles, that their folly might appear unto all men, Luke 9.5.8. Heb. 11. likewise the Presbyterian Priest are turned like ranters, who saith whatsoever man doth, God hath a hand in doing of it, whether Good or Evil, if a man commit never so much sinne, and live never so wickedly he shall go to Heaven if he be ordained there to come; how was God greived when David sinned? the Lord was angry; the Lord was wrath, when the chil­dren of Israel sinned against him, it greived the Lord that [Page 45]he had made man, when all flesh had corrupted his way, Gen. 6.6. and thou and you go about to make God the au­thor of sin, and saith God hath a hand in it, whatsoever a man doth here: again you and thou be in the doctrines of Devils, what shall we say that God is the author of sin? God forbid, Rom. 6. they that transgresse the command­ments of God, provoke him to anger, and though God crea­ted the evil, Isa. 49.7. yet his commandments was to man, that he should not go into it, Gen. 2.17. Gen. 4.7. Ezek. 18. but when he did, he transgressed the command of God; so he who saith if ye murther, God is the author of it, if ye per­secute, God is the author of it, if ye do unrighteously God is the author of it: you that murther, persecute, and do not righteously, are of him that kept not the command of God, of whom ye are, Joh. 44. that would persecute and murther, thou art gone out of the command of God, and joyned with the Devil, 1 John 3.8. that went out of the truth, the Devil he went out of his estate, and the woman hearkned to him, and went out of her estate, and man to the woman, Gen. 3. The Jews went out of their state, when they persecuted, Mat. 27.25. Cain went out of his state, when he murthered, Gen. 4. The Christians went out of their estate, fince the daies of persecution, who had the name of Christianity; Cain went out of his state when he murthered, and Balaam went out of his state, when he coveted the wages of unrighteousness, and admired mens persons, Numb. 22. Jude 11. Core went out of his state when he gain-said the truth, Num. 16. Jude 11. the false Prophet, and the Antichrist which is the Beast, and the mother of Harlots, went forth from the state of the Apostles, 1 John 2.19. which hath been fince the daies of the Apostles, and so all wars, and fightings, and adver­saries, is because of being out of the truth, fallen out of it, James 4. there is pride and Lucifer, Isai. 14. and that is it that is of old ordained to condemnation, Jude 4. and to be kept down, and to be condemned everlastingly; and there the time that shall be witnessed fit for the fire, and Death and Hell; and the false Prophet, and the Dra­gon [Page 46]and the Serpent cast into it, Rev. 20.14. but leaven is known that leavens into the new lump, 1 Cor. 5.7. the everlasting fire that burns for ever, Mark 9.46. how are the professions, formes, and religions fallen from the state, and lost the state, and out of the state that Christ was in, the Prophets were in, Abraham was in, David was in, Moses and the Apostles was in; and remains in a form of their words, 2 Tim. 3.5. and murthers them that enjoys their life, and persecutes them; The Devil abode not in the truth, John 8.44. Adam and Eve abode not in the truth, but transgressed, Gen. 3. Cain abode not in the truth when he murdered Abel, Gen. 4. The Jews abode not in the truth, but crucified the just, Jam. 5.6. The Antichrist, and the false-Prophets, since the daies of the Apostles, and the Beast abode not in the truth, 1 Iohn 2.19. that made the war a­gainst the Saints, Rev. 13. And here is the murderers, envious, and persecutors, warring, and fighters, and their sacrifice God never accepted, Gen. 4.5. in all ages: and these are them that persecuted those that was in the truth, whose sacrifice God accepted, to the witness of God in you all I speak; that you may see your fall from the truth, out of the Prophets life, Christs life, and the Apostles life; so be out of the commands, and fallen from God, and say that none can keep the commandments: that is the Word that shall stand for ever, so ye are they that loves not not God, Joh. 14.13. 1 Joh. 2.4. but are of the Beast and false Prophets that makes war against them that keep the commands of God, Rev. 22.11. so that which saith, none can keep the Commandements, is fallen out of the truth, and the Commandments of God, 1 Iohn 2.4. Ioh. 8.44. And to him the truth is death, and the commands of God in which the Saints live, to whom the Commandments are not grievous, 1 Iohn 5.3.

Thomas Garwine, Priest of Edenborough, his Doctrine and PRINCIPLES.

Pr. THat the Childe that is not sprinkled with outward wa­ter is in a damnable state, and worse then an infidell.

Answ. Now here he and the rest of the Presbyterian Priests of Scotland may say Abraham was in a damnable state, Isaac was in adamnable state, Jacob was in a damnable state, and Joseph was in a damnable state, and David was in a damnable state, and John the Baptist was in a damnable state, which were not sprinkled by a Priest with outward water, nor named by the Priest, so thou and you with your tradi­tions, that say a Child is in a damnable state, if ye do not sprinkle it with water; and the Apostle bids them not look at the things that are seen, and you are in the damnable state, and the damnable doctrine, teachers of lies; and many simple people have been deceived by you, and given over to believe you, but God hath taken the vail off their hearts, that you begin to be seen: and their salvation shall they know stands not in elements, as though you, with your sprinkling Infants with outward water, could bring out of the damnable state; Oh ye deceivers, did not the Apostle say, they that were Circumcised, Christ profited them no­thing? Gal. 5.2 ye have long deceived people with your beg­gerly rudiments, and elements, and doctrines, and tradi­tions, Col. 2. hatched up at Schools, and never commanded of God; and say, if people will not observe your traditions, or your elements which you call (a Papist word) Sacrament, and perishing, they not observing it, are in a damnable state, and worse then the Heathen and Infidels; an Infidel, is an Heathen, one that knowes not God; But your genera­tion says it is blasphemy to say any hath known God, and hath seen God, and spoken to God: so they themselves have concluded to be Heathen: The Heathen know not God: The Heathen observes traditions; and they that know [Page 48]God cannot observe the traditions of the Heathen: but obeys the Apostles doctrine, and touches not, tasts not, nor handles the traditions of men and Ordinances which will perish, so not saying; so they that observe not traditions are not worse then Heathens: but they that observe traditi­ons are as the Heathens, and be out of the Apostles doctrine in their own traditions and rudiments, and are offended at those that will not touch them. Robert Semple Priest of Lasmahagow came to George Weare of Saffield to reason with him, and he laid down these following things for his do­ctrine and principles, His first doctrine and principles was to prove the lawfulnesse of being called of men master; standing praying in the Synagogues, going in long Robes, and he mentioned Ezras Pulpit of wood upon which he stood, and read the Law to the people; and for the rest he said nothing, for his mouth was stopt concerning these things, being found in the steps of the Pharisees, Mat. 23. we do grant that Ezra had a Pulpit of wood, but you pro­fess your selves Ministers of the Gospel and plesbyterians, and are ye sain to run to Ezra, in the Law for a Pulpit? now you have shewed your selves what you are; and brought your deeds to the light; but the Priesthood was made by the Law of God: so were you never; that priesthood changed, and the Law changed also by which it was made, and pulpit and Tythes ended; and Christ the everlasting Priesthood witnessed; so thou and you have proved your selves no Ministers of the Gospel, Christ Jesus, the power of God, and the wisdom of God, the ever lasting Priest-hood, who is the end of Priests, Pulpits and Tythes, that was true in their place. So you that have got up another Pulpit, Tythes, Temple, like Readers of the Law, and not like ministers of the Gospel, and Priests, are separated from the Apostles in the delusion, and from Christ the everlasting Priesthood, Heb. 7. and are them that Jude 19. and 2 Pet. 2. speakes of, That separates themselves, having not the Spirit that they were in who witnessed against Pulpit, Tythes, and Priest-hood, and witnessed Christ the everlasting Priest-hood, which Pulpit, Tythes, and [Page 49]Priesthood ye are crying up, and so Antichrist.

George Weare bad him prove his practice for sprink­ling of Infants, and whether or no they were not to believe before they were Baptized. He said the promise was to Abraham and his seed; George answered him, it was not to seeds, as to many, but to thy seed which is Christ. Robert the Priest said, That seed Christ, was natural, contrary to the Apostles doctrine, Gal. 3.16. who said Christ was the power of God, 1 Cor. 1.14, 15. and Christ the mistery, Col. 1.2.7. The first man is of the earth earthly, the second man is the Lord from Heaven heavenly, 1 Cor. 15. the spirituall man judgeth all things, 1 Cor. 2.15. The seed of the woman bruiseth the serpents head, Gen. 3.15. and the promise is to the seed, and the seed is Christ the power of God, And Christ the seed is the spiritual man and so not natural, but the Priest said the seed is natural. Now let all see in this whether he be not given up to delusion, to speak lies in hypocrisy, 1 Tim. 4.1. to delude and deceive people for dishonest gain, Ezek. 22.13. Which seed he and all the Presbyte­rians shall finde spiritual to judge them, and bruise the heads of them, and break their wicked cords and bonds of iniquity which they have laid upon the people, Mat. 23. Ezek. 34. Acts 15. The day is at hand that their judgement is come; by that man whom God hath ordained, Acts 17.31. and to judge the world in righteousnesse, and to give to every man a reward according to his works, Ps. 62.12. Rev. 22.12. who shall give to him an account for every idle word they shall speak in the day of judgement, Mat. 12.36. And William Kenedie came to George Weare, and promised him that he should have a publick hearing, he hearing what the Priest and the rest of the Elders charged him withall, And when he came they would not give him a hearing; and so found them truce-breakers that are to be turned away from, 2 Tim. 3. and such as creep into houses, and be of them­selves, boasters, proud, high-minded, as Jannes and Jambres, who have a forme of godliness, and denys the [Page 50]power, which are to be turned away from: And after that the said Priest did excommunicate George Weare in in another parish without any hearing, nor would not let him know for what they excommunicated him, which was a work of darknesse to make the peoples minds envious against the just: upon which George Weare went to their meeting place to read a paper to him, to shew why he denyed him; and two Priests, Robert Semple, and John Hume being there, bad the people to knock down that excommunicated (Swinger) which is in En­glish (Rogue) upon which the people did obey the Priest, and did beat, and knock George Weare down to the ground; and might have murthered the man, had not the Lords mercy been seen, so they be in Cains way, in envy; Gen. 4. Jude 11. And George got up again, and the Priests bad the people strike him; and they did beat him, and pluck him by the hair of the head; and the Priests bad beat them away; and they did so. And after the Priest summoned George to the Court; and told the Bayliff he would prove it by the Scripture, he must be stoned to death; now here is the murthering Jewes nature, that stoned the prophets, and stoned the Apostles; and stoned Steven, and took up stones to stone Christ, Mat. 23.24. John 8.59. Acts 7.58 And bloody Butchers, man­slayers, no Ministers of Christ: did not the false pro­phets go alwayes with the beast to war? Rev. 13. Rev. 16. against Saints and the Lamb; and did not the cheif priests stir up the rulers against Christ, and had not the priests a hand to murther? and was not the priest at the examination of Steven, and the Councel gave order that he should be stoned to death? and did not the Priests stir up the Rulers and Magistrates, though they themselves did not often do it, which had not the power, but they stirred up the Magistrates to do it? And they came to be their slaughterers, to execute their malice, and be their executioners; ye do not, ye may say, it is the Magistrates which ye stir up to do it. It is not said, the Priests did slay and crucifie Christ, but Pilate, but the Priests had [Page 51]power amongst the multitude to perswade the multitude to aske the murderer, Mat. 27. (which had murther in their hearts) and Pilate did the thing; and did not God overthrow Jerusalem, and destroy the power of the Magistrates there, and priests both? and hath not God done it in many ages for executing the Priests malice, and their envy against the just, and his anointed? have not ye many examples set down in the scripture, which ye may all take notice of it.

Therefore take heed all ye Magistrates, how you execute and avenge the malice and wickedness, and envy, of any one against the just: for the envie of the envious, and the wickedness of the wicked shall slay himself, Psal. 34.21. and the righteous shall see it. Therefore you that are called Christian Magistrates, execute not, neither be ye executio­ners of their madness, and envy of those who calls them­selves Ministers of Christ. That would have you to slay, to stone, to stocks, to prison, and to put to death them that be contrary to them; those be murtherers in Cains way, man-slayers, wrastlers against flesh and blood, and not Ministers of the Gospel which saith, Love enemies, and render to no man evil for evil, Mat. 5.44. and this dif­fers from the Scribes and Pharisees who loved their own, and persecuted others, and stoned others, and drew the Magistrates to do it, which saith the Ministers of Christ, we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against prin­cipalities and powers, and spiritual wickednesses in high places, Eph. 6.12. Now those Ministers that would have the persons of men slain, are like Cain and Jezabel, the beast and false Prophets, that slew Abel, Gen. 4.1 Kings 21. the persons of men stoned, imprisoned, and put to death, are as the Jewes Priests, and those Magistrates that exe­cutes their malice, are as the Jews Magistrates, unchristi­an Magistrates. And so those are they that are wrest­ling, stoning, striking and imprisoning against flesh and blood. And in the mean time spiritual wickedness rules among them, and rulers of darkness in high places, where flesh and blood are wrestled against; so in this state both [Page 52]Ministry and Magistracy are blind, that be out of the fear of God; they turn their sword backward, whilst they are executing the Priests malice, and the Priests will strength­en the hands of evil doers; and provoking to slay, and against flesh and blood wrestling, and do not profit the people at all, and stirres up the multitude against the just; that he may keep himself in his place for his own ends, and admiring the Magistrates persons, and mens, be­cause of advantage, Jude 16. & respects their persons, which shews they be out of the faith, Jam. 2. which gives victory over the world, 1 John 5.4. and out of the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles; now the Magistrates is for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well: which walks in the life, which he that doth evil goes from; where the rulers of darkness and spiri­tual wickednesses are; and this Magistrate he can see, he turns not the sword backward, he answers that of God in every one; and is for a praise to them that do well, 1 Pet. 2.14. so every evil doer acts contrary to that of God in them; now a Minister of Christ wrestles not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickednesses in high places; so every one that doth evil acts contrary to that of God in him, so the higher power goes above him; Rom. 13.1. So the higher power is above him, and before he was, all power in heaven and in earth is given to the Son of God, Iohn 5.22. above all the powers of the earth, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, Iohn 1.9. but they who does evil, goes from the light, and so the higher power goes against him. The Magistrates that be in the power, is a terror to the evil doers that acts contrary to the light wherewith every one that cometh into the world be enlightned, The Magi­strates be in that power which goes over him, and is a praise to them that be in the light, and the Ministers of God is to bring from under the occasion of the Magistrates sword.

George Weare being with his friend standing in the field neer Foord meeting-house, as they call it, he neither speaking, nor acting any thing against any man, but stand­ing [Page 53]in the fear of the Lord with his friend; William Lowry, and John Hambleton called Justices, committed him to pri­son, where they lay twenty and three dayes; and here is his innocency preached.

The original righteousness was before the fall; The original of self-righteousness was that which fell, and is in the fall; that transgressed.

And in the Catechism which is tollerated by the gene­ral Assembly, and in the Catechise of Scotland, called, A Short Catechism, They say that the Word of God is contained in the Scriptures.

Answ. And the Scriptures are writings; and it saith, God is the Word, John 1.1. 1 Kings 8.27. Solomon saith, The Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him, and you say he is contained in the Scriptures with his writings: and you say there is Three persons; and the Scripture doth not speak of Three persons, and the Jewes had the Scriptures, and knew not Christ, the Word of God: Then ye tell people of an outward ordinary meanes, by which Christ Communicates the benefit of Redemption; The word Sacraments; the Scripture doth not speak of Three Persons, and Sacra­ments, they are Papists words; of them ye have learn­ed them; the meanes of salvation is not ordinary, or outward; but Christ is the salvation, who is Eternall, Heb. 5.9. and they that come to him, come to the end of the outward, Col. 1.27. Ye say the Sacraments are the Effectuall meanes to salvation; and ye say a­gain, they are not as they are themselves: (so here is confusion) but onely by the blessing of Christ, and his spirit in them. How do ye differ from the Papists? for they say he is in them; and ye say his Spirit is in them, and where his Spirit is, is not he? Oh blinde, are ye found out? go ye home to your Mother the Papist; where Christ Spirit is, he is. And ye say your two Sacraments, is Baptisme, and the Lords Sup­per. The Scripture doth not call Baptisme, and the Lords Supper, two Sacraments; which Names you and [Page 54]the Papists adore and worship, which you have given to them; again, you in your Catechize call the First day in the week the Sabbath-day: Where did ever any of the Ministers of Christ, or Christians, un-apo­statized call it so? are not you come unto the breach, and guilty of your owne judgement? Of the third Commandment, when ye give another Name to the Scriptures, then they give themselves, in calling them the Word, and calling Baptisme, and the Supper, the Sacraments? Exodus 20. Moses saith, God spake all these words, when he gave forth the Commandements, (mark words) and the words of Christ are Spirit and Life, John 6.63. God is the Word, John 1.1. and Christ is the Word, Rev. 19.13. and the Word be­came Flesh, and dwelt among us, John 1.14. And them that had the words of the Scriptures, which cannot be broken, John 10.35. the Law and the Prophets; they knew not Christ, the Word, before they be brought to the light that Christ hath inlightned them with, and they be brought to the Spirit, John 5.37. John 8.19. Can the whole world say the Lords Prayer in truth? or was it taught his Disciples, or to the world? doth not people draw nigh to God with their lips that say it, Isaiah 20.13. and are not in the light, which every man is lighted, that cometh into the world withall: Can ye say the Lords Prayer, which is, Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespasse against us, without Hypocrisie? How do ye forgive them, when ye would have them persecuted, and would have them stoned, you that be Teachers of the people? and how do ye love your neighbours as your selves? and fulfill the Law and the Prophets; Mat. 7.12. to do so as you would be done by?

To ye Presbyterians of Scotland, I speak that be teachers, whose principles is to stone, chop off heads, and perse­cute them that be contrary minded to you, would ye have those that be contrary to your mindes stone you to death, chop off your heads, imprison, and banish you, [Page 55]and persecute, and excommunicate you? This is the Law and the prophets, to do as ye would be done by: as others should do to you, so do unto them: but Christ who is the end of the Law and the prophets, Rom. 10.4. saith his doctrine is to love enemies, Mat. 5.44. and saith, if men persecute you, pray for them, and blesse them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that persecute you, and despitefully use you, that you may be the children of your father which is in heaven: who makes the Sun to shine upon the evil and the good, and the rain to descend upon the just and the unjust, if ye love them that love ye, what reward have ye, the Publicans and Pharisees do so, and the apostatized Christians who are got into the formes of words, but out of the life of the Saints of Christ and the Apostles, and there they are saluting their brethren onely, but saith Christ, be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect, which you stand against; so ye are they that have denyed the one offering which hath per­fected for ever them that are sanctified, Heb. 10.14. And makes the blood of Christ of none effect; which cleans­eth from all sin, and the new Covenant, which blots out all sin and transgression; and all upon the earth pro­fessors and worshipers, that call your selves Brethern, and Christians, and offerers, of what sort soever, that have but the name, before thou offers be recon­ciled to thy brother, go leave the gift at the alter, and be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift, Mat. 5.24. then will the Lord accept thy offer­ing, and all upon the earth that prayeth; so that ye doe forgive others that trespasse against you, as you would have the Lord forgive you your trespasses.

Oh how is the beauty of the Church of Presbyterians marred, and deformed! oh how are they become Cages of unclean birds, Synagogues of Sathan! Oh how are their Teachers become envious men, and murtherers, of Cains Stock, in whom the eternall life is not abide­ing: That would club, stone, and chop off heads of [Page 56]strangers, servants of the Lord God, and Sonnes, and Daughters, and Excommunicate, and put out of their Synagogues; these things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended, John 16.2. they shall ex­communicate you, yea, the time cometh, that they that kill you, shall think they do God good service; these things will they do unto you, because they ne­ver knew the Father, nor me. These things have I told you before, that when the time comes, ye may remember that I told you of them, John 16.4. so the sayings of Christ are fulfilled by you that Excommu­nicate, and put out of the Synagogues of the Jewes, ye are like, and these are their markes; that they nei­their know the Father, nor the Son of God. These Temples, Pulpits, Priests, that are set up, since the dayes of the Apostles, are amongst the false Prophets that Christ said should come, Mat. 7. Mat. 24. and John saw was come, 1 John 2.18.19. and 1 John 4.1, 2, 3. which went forth from them, which all the world went after, Rev. 13.3. And these Excommunications, from you are, that none should buy nor sell, but such as worship the Beast, and receive his Marks, Rev. 13.14. And it was the Beast that would kill and destroy, and the Dragon, and the False Prophets, them that kept the testimony of Jesus, Rev. 12. here is the patience and faith of the Saints; that by the blood of the Lamb that overcomes, that have the testimony of Jesus, and kept the commands of God; so the Jewes excom­munications which had the true Temple, true Tithes, and true Priests, which had the Figure, the Type, Christ being come the substance, Heb. 10.34. the ever­lasting Priest-hood, Heb. 7. the everlasting Covenant, and the one offering, Heb. 10. so them that went from the priesthood went to Christ; The Jewes did excom­municate them out of the Synagogues; now they did not know the Son nor the Father that did excom­municate, John 16. though they had the figures and Types of the Son of God. They held up their outward [Page 57]things; and saw not the Son of God the substance when he was come, so these knew not the Son of God nor the Father that excommunicated and put out of the Synagogues; which Christ bad them that was to be put out of the Synagogues, not be offended at those things; he told them before they came to passe, That when these things come to passe ye may remember that I told you. Now those are they that Christ said should come; and the Apostles saw was come, that went forth from them; which hath got up Tythes, and Temples, and Pulpits, and Priests, and the Priests are excommunicating out of their Synagogues, and these must neither buy nor sell with them, nor eat, nor drink, nor have nothing to do with them, except they will worship the beast, or his image, and fall down to him; and this is the worship of the Beast got up since the Apostles: who apostatized from the true Church, and went forth from them, which all the world wondred after and worshipped, and received his mark and his image; They that buy and sell, and will let others do so with them, that are of them that make war against them that keep the testimony of Jesus, and the commands of God, and against the Saints and the Lamb; but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory: But the Lamb of God, the seed of God is risen; the beast and the false Prophet is taken, which hath long deceived the Nations, Revelations 2. The old Dragon, the Serpent, the murderer, the deceiver, the devourer, the Mother of Harlots, Babylon which hath made all Nations drunk with her fornications, which hath corrupted the earth, Rev. 14. which the beasts, and the false Prophets that deceives the Nations, and the Antichrist, the false Pro­phets; say they are come but now: These are deceivers of the Nations; that say they come but now; for Christ said they should come, and John said they were come before his decease, whereby he said he knew it was the last time; and in the Revelations he said, all the world went after them, and all Nations have drunk of [Page 58]the wine of her fornications, and the Kings of the earth have committed fornications with her, Rev. 17.2. (mark the word have) and the false Prophets say they come but now, and now is the last time. And these are the deceivers of the Nations that say so. Now are people but coming from them; and now is the judgement of the great whore come; and now is vials of wrath to be powred upon her that hath corrupted the earth, and now shall they go into captivity, Rev. 13. Rev. 1.4. and 18. And now shall people come to that which the false Pro­phets, the beast, and the Mother of Harlots went from, all these heads and horns, and Crowns, will turn against others with their tongues, Languages; and Babylon, that hath been amongst them; and now is the seed of God risen, which overthrowes all the excommunicators upon the earth, both beast and false Prophets and Jewes both, which seed of God brings to see to the beginning. Glory to the highest for ever; and Jewes and Gentiles, beasts and false Prophets, and is at the top of them all, and the corner stone is laid.

John Castairs, and James Durram Priest of Glasgow, when the Fast was appointed by the English, they kept their Houses, and caused their servants to work, and took notice of all those that countenanced the English Fast, and the first day they preached, then after they said it was necessary that a day of Humiliation should be, and that all people should be humbled for the powers they saw now ruling in the land, for they were giving liberty and tolleration to all sects, and blasphe­mies, as Anabaptists, Independants, and said that the Baptists denyed all worship and Ordinances, as they were and ought to be according to the Ecclesiastical Government, which Government is the true hedge of the Church of Christ.

Lodowick Simerell Priest of Munkland, he said before several persons that no true Justice had been, or was since those enemies came to this Nation, neither would be until the Lord remove them in his own time: [Page 59] Henry Foreside Priest of Lenyey, and if Paul had been alive he would have stoned the Quakers; and it was Christian zeal to stone them; and many friends were stoned and beat, and blood is shed: those that stoned the Apostles and Saints, and haled them before judg­ment seats and Magistrates; and the chief Priests had a hand in putting Christ to death, perswaded them so to do, and the cheif Priests had a hand in stoning of Steven to death, and the Priest had a hand in casting Jeremy into the dungeon, and into the stocks, and said he was worthy of death; and the high Priest Anani­as examined Paul, and Peter and John was exami­ned by the Priest, was put out of the Temple by the Priests and Rulers, and charged no more to speak in that name; and such were these who had a form of godlinesse, but denyed the power, and such ever stirred up the people to blood and tumults against the harmless, and innocent in the truth; Therefore come to the light you that have tasted of the power of the Lord God, that with it you may see and judge how the Priests blinded the Magistrates by flattery, and so truth came to be their enemies.

How do you receive strangers, ye Presbyterians of Scotland, and obey the commands of God, and the Apostles commands, which was, be not forgetful to enter­tain strangers; for some have entertained Angels un­awares: when as ye would have the servants of the Lord prisoned, and stocked, and stoned to death, or their heads chopped off? so you are them that be in Cains way, vagabonds from the Spirit of God, now a vaga­bond hath not a habitation in God, but wanders from the witnesse of God in him, like Cain who built a City, and called it after his Sons name, Heb. 13.2. Gen. 4.

I am the light of the world that lighteth every one that cometh into the world saith Christ the Saviour of our souls, every one going from the light ye be enlightened withall, ye are vagabonds, and have have not a habitation in God; and so goes into Cains [Page 60]way, envious and would slay; Balaams and Cores way, which are with the light condemned; and like unto those Jewes, That haled out of the Synagogues, that Christ spake of that goes in long Robes, and are called of men Master, but Christ saith, be ye not called of men Ma­ster, for one is your Master even Christ, Mat. 23.

Christ said they that went in long Robes, loved the chiefest places in the assemblies; should hale out of the Synagogues, and they that do these things be gone from the light, John 3.19. Joh. 16.2.

All this perswading of corrupt Magistrates to persecute them that reprove sin in the gates, in the Steeple-houses, streets and highways, is because men have a self-ish end, and a private interest to themselves, both Professors of Scriptures and Teachers, and them that doth persecute hath a self-ish honour, and an interest to themselves, and so the self-ish Professors, Teachers, Magistrates that perse­cutes for them; they have a form of godliness, but the wit­ness lies slain in them, and they matter not for that ri­sing; for in that rising all the deeds, words and actions come to light, and then if the witness of God arise in them, they will not be offended at such as reproves sin in their Gates, Markets, Steeple-houses and Streets; for all upon the earth, while they are from the witness of God in them, they are corrupted, and they may get the form of godliness, the form of Christs, the Prophets and Apostles words, and live out of the power, and be in the Religion that is vain, for none upon the earth comes to the power of godliness, but first they must come to the witness of God in them, and there is none upon the earth that ever comes to the first principle of the pure Religion, but first they must come to the witness of God in them. There's none knows the Scriptures given forth from the power and Spirit of God, which was in the Saints, but first they are brought to the Spirit of God in their own particulars. Come all you Officers and Souldiers, now after ye have ease, and have overcome your enemies without; take heed least you sit down in your ease and [Page 61]fulness, and fall down into the earth, and flesh, and feast­ings, and fulness, and pride, and so corrupts the earth, and your selves, and not come down to the witness of God in you; whereby the enemy of God and of your own souls might be slain, that you might come to find rest and peace in God, after your outward wars, and so come to the inward wars, which takes away the cause of the outward, whereby you may all come into true under­standing, to answer that of God in every one, for them that do evil, act contrary to that of God in them, to such the sword is a terror, and a praise to them that do well; which is led by the Spirit of God, up to God who is pure, out of the evil: and all Magistrates swords upon the earth, should reach to that which is pure in every one to the soul, so it takes away that which wars against it, that breaks the outward; so comes the soul to be subject to the higher power, thats above the transgressor, which all the Magistrates and Rulers upon the earth must give an account to; and there is none upon the earth that comes to worship God in the spirit and in truth, but who first come to own that of God in them; and there is none upon the earth, that are like to retain God in their knowledge, nor his Co­venant, while their minds is reprobated from that of God in them.

There all may see the Covenant of Grace to all men, and the Covenant of light and life with the Father, he gave him for a Covenant of light to the Gentiles, to the Heathen, I will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel and Judah the people of God, I will write my Law in their hearts and their mindes, so saith Christ, the Covenant of God, I am the light of the world, and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, that all men through the light of the Cove­nant of God might beleeve it is the Covenant of God, that every man that cometh into the world is enlightned withal, and every one that hates the light wherewith they are enlightned withall, hates the Covenant, and the light [Page 62]condemns him, and here all men may see the free grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men; the grace of God that brings the salvation, the turning the grace of God into wantonness, and walking despightfully a­gainst the Spirit of grace, they neglect their salvation, and bring punishment and condemnation upon them, as its written in Jude.

Concerning Election, and what is elected, the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men, the clearing Gods Justice, and the fault is in man for his con­demnation.

There is a precious thing in these Scots, but there is a filthy, beastly, durty thing lyeth over.

Lodowick Semerell, Priest of the new Steeple-house of Monkeland, his proceedings towards Margaret Hambleton.

MArgaret Hambleton went to him to aske the causes why he would excommunicate her; he said for three causes: First, For that she denyed the Presbytery. Secondly, For denying the Ordinances. Thirdly, For not forsaking the company of seducers and hereticks. Her answere to the first was; your Presbytery, I do deny, because it is tyranical, and hath no power given of God, but what ye take from men; for ye rule as Lords over Gods heritage: The Priest said she was ignorant of Scriptures, for they spake of the laying on the hands of the Presbytery; she then bid him read the Hebrew copy, which said, the laying on the hands of the Elders, and true Elders that ruled for the Lord I owne, but such as thou that preaches for filthy lucre, that are Covetous, (as Timothy) I deny. Secondly, Thy saying I deny the Ordinances, is a lie; for all the Or­dinances of Jesus Christ I owne, as Preaching, Praying, or Reading, as any is moved of the Lord, so to do I own [Page 63]them; for he that ministreth out of the ability that God hath given him; or any speaking as the Oracle of God, them I own: and this is according to plain Scrip­ture, 1 Pet. 4.11. Thirdly, For that he said, I would not forsake the company of Seducers, and Hereticks: I answered, that way thou calls Heresie, worship I the Eter­nall God: and this is according to plain Scripture, Acts 24.14. And it saith, Keep company with them that calls upon God out of a pure heart, 2 Tim. 2.22. And I know they are the people, therefore thou denies the Scripture, and I obey it; for I witnesse that Scripture to be fulfilled, Isay 24.5. they have transgressed the lawes, changed the ordinances, and broken the ever­lasting Covenant.

I being gone from home about my outward occasions, the Priest excommunicated me, knowing that I was not there to answer him, and he charged all people to have no dealing in the outward with me, when I came home the people stood at a distance from me, so I went to him that I might have the first dealing with himself, and paid him some money that my husband owned him, and he received it from my hand, then I askt him the cause why he bid the people have no dealings with me; yet he himself was the first; but all his answer was, saying to his man, put her to the dore; then I asked what evill I had done, or wherein I had offended; so I being speak­ing to the people, shewing them how he was out of the moderation, and out of the bonds of Christian pract­tice; as I did speak, he cryed the more put her to the door, (although I had paid for apart of the house building, and so had an interest in it) then I told him he was out of the practice of the ministers of Christ, and also out of all moderation.

After that he caused a man to make repentance in his Congregation, for selling me two pecks of Lint Seeds: And soone after the Priest himself came to me to borrow a book which I lent him, then I asked him why he made the man make repentance for that which [Page 64]he himself did practice; he replyed, it was for eating and drinking with me, for he said, The Scripture for­bids to eat and drink with an excommunicated person; but I said, the Scripture saith, The Drunkard, the For­nicator, the Extortioner, the Covetous, and the Idolater, with such a one, eat not; I asked him if I was such a one, he said, I neither can, nor will say so of you, but I could be content you should live beside me all dayes of my life (without excommunicating you) if the Presbyte­ry would suffer me, and so is judged out of his own mouth, to act contrary to his Conscience, and to be a man-pleaser.

Afterwards he preached lies to the people, saying, That the Quakers received money from the Pope of Rome, and said, that was the cause that so many went from their Church; then I and several Friends went to taxe him for his lye, but he hid himself, so that he would not come to us, so is found a worker of darkness out of the Light of Christ.

The Causes laid down by the Priests why they excommunicated Friends.

THe Cause why they excommunicated William Osburne is this, Because he declared the Ministers of Scot­land Enemies to Christs Kingdome and Gospel, which are blood-thirsty men, and bore his Testimony against one of them, which by violence the Priests were placing in his Land, whose name is William Sterling, they put him vio­lently out of his own ground, and for these reasons excom­municated him.

Lewis Simerel Priest of New Monkeland, for these Rea­sons, viz. Because Margaret Hambleton denied the power of their Presbiter: Secondly, Because she would not for­sake [Page 65]the company of the people of God whom they call Quakers, Seducers and Hereticks, and also for denying their Ordinances which are by their own wills, therefore they excommunicated her.

James Nesmith Priest of Hambleton, excommunicated John Huchison, and would give him no reasons for what he did it; neither is there any known, except it be for owning the people of God called Quakers.

John Hume Priest of Lesmahagow, and William Simerel Priest of Petenace, with the rest of the Presbytery at Lan­nerick, did excommunicate George Weare because he harboured the Quakers, and for the denying the power of their Presbytery, and after they had excommunicated him, Robert Semple Priest of that Parish, viz. Lesmaha­gow, sent Andrew Clealand Constable, to tell George Wear, if he would give satisfaction to the Kirk, they would re­ceive him in again upon easie terms, &c. George Wear, said, because they could not shew him the way to God, which his soul breathed after, who had been long enough under them, he could not own them; and when the Con­stable told the Priest what he had said, the Priest said, If it be so with him yet, I protest to God we will make him Winter and Summer without.

William Mitchel, John Mitchel, Robert Tod, Mary Eng­lish, Elizabeth Lappey, Marian Mitchel, did Peter Kid, Priest of Douglass, with the rest of the Presbytery of Lan­nerick, did excommunicate them for these reasons as followeth:

1. Priest: You teach that every man and woman gets sufficient light from Christ.

Ans: Which is according to Johns Doctrine, Joh. 1.9. who saith Christ hath lightned every one that cometh into the world, which light is sufficient to as many as beleeve in it.

2. Pr: You cry down Ministers, and say there is no need of preaching.

Ans: Not of envious murderers, blood-thirsters, cove­tous hirelings.

3: Pr. You destroy the Communion of the body and [Page 66]blood of the Lord, signified and represented by Bread and Wine.

Ans. We which have the substance, have the end of the shadow, and the communion is the end of the shadow, and of that which is for memory and shewes; which is not the body, in which body is the unity.

Pr. 4. You say that the children of God have no sin in this life, and teach so.

Ans. The Scripture says, he that is born of God doth not fin, and is he not a child of God?

Pr. 5. You say and teach that the light that Christ gives to every one is perfect, and so bids them follow the light that is within them.

Ans. Which is according to Christs Doctrine, Joh. the 1. and John the 3. and 2 Cor. 4.

6. Pr. You deny Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to be the Gospel.

Ans. The Scripture says the Gospel is the power of God, Rom. 1.

7. Pr. You deny Baptisme in the Church to be a seal of his Covenant, and cry down that.

Ans. Because there is no Scripture for sprinkling of Infants, but Baptisme we own.

8. Pr. You deny the Lords Day, and would have it taken out of the world, though it be set apart in Scrip­ture for the Divine Worship.

Ans. All days are owned to be the Lords, who is wor­shipped in Spirit which we own.

9. Pr. You go abroad and trouble people in in the wor­ship of God.

Ans. We do not trouble them that worship God in Spirit, but will-worshippers, who are in their persecuting fained humility: Also Thomas Jack, Gabriel Hood, James Cook, Jannet Hambleton, Gawine Scevenson, John Hambleton, Alexander Hambleton, Barbara Hambleton, Jennet Hambleton, Andrew Hambleton, Jane Hambleton, Katherine Hart, Katherine Hambleton, John Allen, Jane Hambleton, William Hambleton, Margaret Hambleton, John [Page 67]Hart, Jennet Atkin, John Hart, Alexander Hart, Jane Hart, Gawine Hart, John Lacock, Jennet Brown, Thomas Craiqqe, John Torrens, Katherine Hambleton, Ka­therine Weare, Jennet Wear, were excommunicated by. Matthew Mackel, and the rest of the Presbytery at Ham­bleton for these causes as followeth:

1. Pr. You affirm that the Scriptures are not the word of God.

Ans. The Scriptures are the words of God, Christ is the Word, and the Scriptures are not Christ.

2. Pr. You affirm that there is no rule according to which a man should walk, but the rule within him.

Ans. The Spirit is the rule into all truth, and not the Scripture it self.

Pr. 3. You affirm that every man hath a light sufficient to lead him to Christ within him.

Ans. Yea 2 Cor. 4. the light that shines in his heart, will give him the knowledge of the glory of God.

Pr. 4. You affirm that the Scriptures are not to be preached.

Ans. That is false, but they are not to be made a trade of by you.

Pr. 5. You affirm that there is no blessing pronounced to the preaching of the word.

Ans. Not to you that make a trade of the words: but they that preach the word has the blessing, for Christ gives the wo to you, Matth. 23.

Pr. 6. You affirm that the Ministry is no standing Or­dinance of Jesus Christ.

Ans. VVe affirm that Christ must preach the Gospel, but we deny you who preach for filthy lucre, whose Ordi­nation is by man, and not by Christ.

Pr. 7: You affirm that no man that hath faith, hath sin.

Ans: VVe affirm that faith purifieth the heart, and gives victory over sin; which faith you say is not pure, and curses them that says it is.

Pr. 8: You affirm that there is no external means to be followed in order to salvation.

Ans. That which is the means to salvation is eternal.

Pr. 9. You affirm these to be Ministers of the man of sin, and reprobates concerning the faith: that sayes, whi­lest a man is on the earth, he cannot be set free from sin.

Ans. We say, yea we do so, which is according to the Apostles Doctrine which says they were made free-from sin, and they spake wisdome to them that were perfect, and they were sanctified.

Pr. 10. You affirm no Sabbath Day to be observed.

Ans. Neither do you your selves, but what you invent, and you do not keep that well neither, but Christ the Sabbath we own.

Pr. 11. You are deserters of all publike Ordinances.

Ans. The Ordinances of Christ we are not, but mans Inventions we are.

Pr. 12. You rail against the Dispensers of publike Or­dinances, and those that countenance those Ordinances.

Ans. Railing we deny, but declaring against any in­vention of man we own; and railing is your own, for your Pulpits declares it, that they should neither buy nor sell, eat nor drink with them in the Nation.

These Accusations were Extracted, and Subscribed by the Priests Clark in this manner following:

Mr. John Bonave.

And after the Priests had excommunicated the aforesaid persons, they caused a general Synod to meet at Glasgow, and made an Order and published it in all their Old Mass-Houses, That none of those People called Quakers should have any entertainment; and that no people should have any dealing with them in any civil affairs, not to give cursed men work, (as they stiled our Friends) and hindering men to work for them, and that under the pain of Excommunication. The extent of which Order is, That they should neither buy nor sell, eat nor drink with them in the Nation.

Peter Kid, Priest of Dauglass, summoned William Michell and Robert Todd to their Presbytery at Leanarick; and [Page 69]when William Michel appeared before them, him whom they called Moderator, whose name is William Jack, Priest of Carlook, commanded him to take off his Bon­net; and when he refused, Richard Gollon, Bayliff of the Town, who sate amongst them to execute their malice, rose up in rage, and took it off his head, and the Priests would not let him give it him again; but keeps it still from him: and he staying in Town all night, and a friend of his, called Richard Ray: the Priest and Bayliff of the Town came about the tenth hour of the night to the Inne where they lay, and charged the people of the house to put them out, notwithstanding they kept one of their Bonnets, and the night was very stormy: Wit­nesses of this, James White, Agnas Forrest. And here is the Priests fruits.

Peter Kidd summoned William Michell, and Mary English to the quarter Sessions at Hambleton, but did not appear to lay any thing to their Charge: when they came back againe, Mary English went to him, and asked him why he summoned them, and did not appear to make known what he had against them, but he answered not one word; but his wife and servants beat, and abused her cruelly: Here is your fruits again.

William Stockdale, and John Boweran, being moved of the Lord to declare the truth in the Market-place of Stra­havan on a Market-day, were cruelly abused, and many times knockt down with staves, and stones, and violently drawn out of the town by the wicked people.

William Stockdale, and John Gill, with many others, having a Meeting in the Grave-Yard in Strahavan, on a Mar­ket-day, a company of the Priests Hearers came, and fell upon them with staves, and stones, and broke up the Meet­ing, and stoned them above a quarter of a mile out of the Town insomuch, that some blood was spilt, and many was sore bruised.

Richard Ismead, for bidding James Nesmith, Priest of Hambleton, prove himself a Minister of Christ, was ap­prehended by the Bayliff, and was imprisoned in the Tole­booth [Page 70]of Hambleton, and after was scarryed to a Justices Court at Glasgow, who commanded him to be set in the Stocks, and a Gag put in his mouth, and a Paper pinned on his Brest; and made an Order for him to depart the Nation.

William Stockdale being moved of the Lord to go to the Steeple-house of Damanoy; and as he stood in the Yard declaring the Truth, and against their Idolatrous Wor­ship, the Priest came, who did encourage the people to beat him; whereupon some of his Elders, and other wicked people, violently knokt him down, and set their feet upon him, and plucked much hair off his head, inso­much that some people cried he is kild: and if the power of the Lord had not born him up, which bears up the heads of his Lambs, whom he sends forth in the midst of Wolves, when they are persecuted: he had died amongst them, for he was not able to speak, neither to rise, a cer­tain time after, off the ground.

William Jack, Priest of Carlook, said to the people of Lismahagow in his preaching, as followeth: Beloved, If you will contribute, and some of you give a six pence, and others a shilling, that the Steepping may be greater; then God and we will meet, and finde you out some honest man. (Mark) the Priest will not meet with their God, till they know of a great Steepping.

George Wear, and some others, having their Bonnets ta­ken from them when they were at a meeting, neer unto the Steeple-house of Lesmahagow, and he laying it before William Lowery called Justice, who said, How durst you come there to keep your meeting; if ever your come there again, I will have you scourged, or I will scourge you my self.

James Nesmith Priest of Hambleton, caused William Stock­dale to be put into prison for speaking to him in the Steeplehouse-yard, where he remained four days in a place where he could scarce get room to lie.

Richard Pinder, for speaking in the Steeple-house yard of Kilbryde between the Priests preaching, was carried by [Page 71]the Constable before James Steward of Castle-Town called Justice, who caused him to be put in the Tolebooth of Rugland, where he remained about four days, and after that he, to wit, James Stewart and Will. Simmons, both Justices, caused him to be set in the stocks at Kil­bryde on a first day; and ordered him to be carried from Constable to Constable till he come to his outward abode in England, and he being brought to a Constable called John Barrie, and he being willing of himself to go, Jo. Barry gave him the Order, and he went into England, yet never­theless the Justices, to wit James Stewart, and the rest fined John Barry 10 shillings sterl. for doing so, and he not willing to pay it, they put him into prison, where he lay four hours, and a mad man was put in with him, that had a naked knife in his hand, whereby he was in danger of his life, if the Lords providence had not been great in preserving of him; and the Justices when he was brought before them again said, They would forgive him his Fine, if he would not be a Quaker, who answered, I cannot tell what I will be.

William Mitchel for taking of a Wife contrary to the Order and Law of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, whereupon the Priest of that Parish of Douglass, called Peter Kidd complained to the Justices, and caused to sum­mon him to the Quarter-Sessions at Hambleton, where James Hambleton of Woodhal was present, and Will. Mitchel desired to be judged according to the Law of God, and the right Laws of the Nation; for we have given in a Declaration of the said Marriage to some of you; Woodhal said, We will neither judge you according to the Law, nor the Scri­ptures, we have nothing to do with them at this time; we will judge you according to the Law of the Church of Scotland; by which Law and Judgement he lay in the stocks at the cross of Hambleton five hours, and after that was put into prison, where he remained twenty nine dayes, and they ordered him to pay twenty shillings sterl. or else to receive twenty lashes on his naked shoul­ders at the Market-place upon the Market-day in Ham­bleton, [Page 72]and he being not convinced of the breach of any just Law, he would not pay the Fine, neither could they get any to give him the punishment which they laid up­on him. Then Gawine Hambleton of Raploeh, which is Sheriffe of the Shire, and is also Justice of Peace, and Iames Hambleton another of the Justices gave an Order to a Captain that was going to France with some men, to take him out of prison to carry him to France; where­upon they took him out, and carried him to Edinburgh, where he should have been kept in prison till they had made reddy their Ship: But in the mean while the thing being laid before George Monk, he caused to examine it, and the thing being contrary to the just lawes of the Nation, he was set at liberty.

The grosse Scottish Doctrines of the Scottish Priests Reproved, That all may see, whe­ther those be worthy to suffer, which re­prove such Doctrines.

1. JOhn Sempel, Priest in Carrick, his preaching to the people was this: People (saith he) what would ye hear? I know ye would hear News: What shall I fell you, but old Oliver Cromwell, who is called Protector, is dead; he could not beguile death, as Pockie as he was? But there is gotten up one in his place whom they call Lord Richard, but beware that Catt Lambert kill not Lord Richard.

3. John Burnet, Priest of Kilbrid, said, They had cause to curse the Magistrates every morning, and every even­ing, for giving these Quakers tolleration; and he said, if there were a Gallowes set up in Kilbryde parish, to hang all that turn from them, so many would not turn to be Quakers.

3. Henry Foreside, Priest of Lemgey in Dumbarton-shire, Prayed, that the Lord might never give them rest, who is [Page 73]the upholders of this liberty, and tolleration; and said, Lord, take away this liberty and tolleration, &c. Wit­nesses of this, that heard him say it, Andrew Gray, Agnus Gray, Hellene Gray.

4. Robert Semple, Priest of Slamanan, in his preach­ing said, That Christs Sheep had neither mark, nor burn, &c. And that God would say to the wicked, what have I to you with you sir, &c. But I trow, The Priest means the Old Masse-house, and he that puts into his Mouth. he will say another tale to the godly; You have keeped my Kirk well, and trowed my Ministers, go ye up to Heaven yonder sir, &c.

5. Lodowick Semerwell, Priest of New- Monkland, said, That the Grace of God belonged not to his Doctrine: And this same Priest caused a man to make his Repentance in his Congregation, for selling to Margaret Hambleton two pecks of Lintseed; yet the Priest himself borrowed a book of her, and did not his Repentance, and so mani­fested that his Doctrine had no grace of God in it.

Answ. Now serious people may take notice how igno­rantly, and without cause the servants of the Lord suffer under such, for the Word of Gods sake, which is as a fire in their bones, against all such Doctrines which hath no­thing of the grace of God in them, nor which the grace of God belongs not unto, as they themselves confesse; and people may consider likewise, what a clamour and cry hath been among the Priests of England and Scotland by Petitions, and Addresses to every power that appeared in the Nation, to establish them in such Doctrines, as no­thing of the grace of God belonged unto; but is mur­therers, and destroyers of the Creatures, and would limit the Spirit of God, and Word of God, from declaring a­gainst their deceipt; and doth give themselves to Cursing of them morning and evening, that will not uphold them, and make Lawes for them, to destroy the Seed of God: This is not like the Apostle of Christ, which said, Curse not, but blesse; and their weapons were not carnall, but spiritual: The Apostles had not a gallowes set up for those that turned from them, but the time is come that [Page 74]your folly is made manifest unto all men, so that you can­not deceive the Nations any more, as ye have done.

Again, the Priests of the Presbytery belonging to Glascow, made a fast, and excommunicated these persons, viz. William Gray, and James Findly, and charged people not to let them come into their houses, commanding them to have no commerse with them in buying nor selling, nor borrowing nor lending; and James Findly being a Smith, they charged people that they should not work with him, for if they did they should be excommuica­ted also; and Henry Foreside Priest of that parish, again told them, that it was acted in the presbytery, that if any work any longer (work that pertaines to the Smiths trade) with James Findly, they should be excommni­cants, and should not parake with any of his Church-Ordinances, as marriage, sprinkling the children, and com­munion of bread and wine: which act several of the people murmures under, but say they must obey it con­trary to their minds, because they cannot bear the Priests wrath. Again, John Burnett Priest of Kilbrid, char­ged his hearers to have no dealings in civil affaires, with these people called Quakers, that were excommu­nicated; and he summoned such to his Sessions, which had eaten or drunken, bought or sold with them, re­quiring them to make publick confession before the peo­ple, that they had given offence in so doing, &c.

Again, Robert Paul, one of the Priests elders, said he would convert James Findly and his doctrine: to convert him by, was this, That the Scripture was the word; And secondly, That the Scriptures was God: Thirdly, That the Scriptures is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, and no other under Heaven: Fourthly, That the scrip­tures is the Holy Ghost that the Father promised that he would send, that should reprove the world of sin, &c.

Ans. If he had said that the Scripture is that which testifie of these things, that doctrine had bin more like to have converted; for the scripture saith, That the word was in the begining before scripture was; and it saith that Christ [Page 75]is the way, and there is no other Name under Heaven by which men shall be saved but by Christ; it doth not say that by no other name but the scripture, so that all such doctrine will pervert people from God, and not con­vert them to God.

And the same Robert Paul said he would respect mens persons, and that he would never be free from fin, neither was it possible.

Answ. How can thou do any other but respect persons, and commit sin while thou denyes God to be God, and Christ to be the way, and would make the scriptures both to be God, and the way to God, and would make them the spirit, the gift of the Father; but herein thou art blind, and leads none but the blind, and doth pervert, and not convert; for thou art ignorant of that which convinceth the world of sin yet, which is the Spirit of truth, which the scripture testifies of; but that thou must first come to know to convince thee of, and to condemn thy darkness, before thou do either convince, or convert any unto God.

James Gartsore Priest said, they loved God which keeped not his commandements.

Answ. Which is contrary to the Apostles doctrine which saith, If any man saith that he loves God, and keeps not his Commandments, he is a lyar, and the truth is not in him; and hereby do we know wee love God, because wee keepe his commandements, 1 John 2.3, 4. and his Commandements are not grievous, but joyous. And Christ saith, Why call ye me Lord, and doth not the thing that I command you; so that none loves God, but he who keeps his Commandements, and abideth in him; and he that abideth in him sinneth not, 1 John 3.6.

Peter Kid, Priest of Douglasse, said, Put a man in never such a close place, his soule will run like a post horse.

Answ. Thou shewest that thou art ignorant of the soul, and never knew what it was, nor knowes how to Minister to it, nor how to watch over it; But if thou had seen thine own condition, thou might have said [Page 76]that thy vain thoughts and wandring imaginations runs to and fro in the earth, and thy mind is not staid upon God, and art not come to know the first princi­pal of the the time Religion, that which should stay thy mind upon God; so thou art to wait to be taught, and not to teach.

William Simerwell, Priest of Petinance, said, that Christ died for the Elect, and godly people of the world, and not for the Turks and Pagans, and Barbarians, &c.

Answ. Christ died for sinners, according to the Scrip­tures, Rom. 5.8. And he came to call sinners to repen­tance, not the righteous or godly, Mat. 9.13. And Christ died for all, 2 Cor. 5.14, 15. And is the propitiation for our sins, saith the Apostle, that was the believers, and not for ours onely, but for the sins of the whole World; and the Gospel is to be preached to every Creature, and remission of sins in his Name, to Turks, Pagans, and Barbarians. So herein thou hast shewed that thou was never made a Minister of the Gospel unto any, neither knoweth what the Gospel is to be Ministred unto; so therefore be silent, and learn no more to bla­spheme God, and his truth, as thou hast done.

Again, Priest Simerwell, saith, Christ calls all men every where to repent, but he will not that all should Repent.

Answ. Here thou would make Christ a deceiver, and so hath manifested thy selfe to be Antichrist; what, doth Christ call men to do that which he would not have them to do? What, is there any guile to be found in his mouth? would thou go about to turne the truth of the Scriptures into a lye? which saith, That God wills that all men should come to the knowledge of the truth, that they might be saved: and thou here hath charged Christ foolishly and falsly, in saying that he calls them to do that which he would not have them to do, when he calls all men every where to Repent.

The Priest of the Presbytery belonging to Glascow summoned James Findly, and William Gray, to be exami­ned by him for Heresy as they say, and when they [Page 77]appeared, they shut the door, and would let none hear their examination; manifesting themselves to be in dark­nesse, and afraid to bring their deeds to the Light, left their deceipts should have been laid open, and reproved; but they would not answere, untill the doors were set open, and all people to here, that would come in: Truth is bold, and seeks no Corners.

They Priests affirmed, that the Light which every one is enlightened withall, is naturall, &c.

Answ. Here they manifest their ignorance of the life of Christ, which is spirituall, whose life is the light of men, and this is the true light that lighteth every man that comes into the world; and this light is pure, that Christ doth enlighten every one withall; and whoso­ever doth truth, love the Light, and brings his deeds to the light to be proved, and by the Light is lead to life; but every one that doth evill hateth the light, and will not bring his deeds to the light lest they should be reproved, and so the light is his condemnation, John 3.18, 19, 20, 21.

They affirmed, That Christ died not for all, contrary to the Scripture, 2 Cor. 5.15. as abovesaid.

They say that the Scripture is the Word of God, which is but a Declaration of the Word, Luke 1.1. And Christ his Name is called the Word of God, Rev. 19.13. The Scriptures are words of God, and Christ is the Word that fulfils, and ends the words.

They affirmed, That men and women, and Children, should be condemned for Adams Transgression, &c. con­trary to the Scripture, which saith, The Children shall not bear the iniquity of their Fathers, nor the Fathers the Childrens; but every one shall give an account of him­self, and every one shall bear his own burden.

They affirmed, That none could be perfect on this side the Grave; and that a Ohilde of God cannot be perfect, as to have no sinne at all.

Answ. Contrary to the Scripture, Mat. 5.48. Where Christ saith, Be ye perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect: [Page 78]And Christ doth [...], nor command impossible things; and the Apostle saith, We speak wisdome amongst them that are perfect, 1 Cor. 2. And let as many as are perfect be thus minded: and the Childe of God is perfect, and without sinne: for whosoever is borne of God, doth not com­mit sinne, and his seed remaines in him, and he cannot sinne, because be is born of God, 1 John 3.8, 9. It is as impossible for him that is born of God to commit sinne, as it is im­possible for him, who is born of the Devil to cease from sinne.

They affirmed, That none was Ministers of Christ, but such as wait for an ordinary and mediate call from Men.

Answ. Contrary to the Scripture, which saith, The things of God knowes no man, but the Spirit of God. And contrary to Pauls Call, who saith, Not of man, nor by man, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ: for he neither received of man, neither was he taught it; but it was given to him of God: and this was the Gospell he preached (Christ within, the hope of Glory) and if any bring ano­ther, let them be accursed, 1 Cor. 2. Gal. 1.1.12. Colos. 1.

They affirmed, That an oath was lawfull to be taken, of men and women.

Answ. Contrary to Christs Command, Mat. 5. who saith, Swear not at all, &c. and contrary to the Apostles Doctrine, James 5.12. who saith, Above all things my Brethren, swear not, neither by Heaven, nor by Earth, nor by any other Oath, but let your yea be yea, and your nay, nay, lest ye fall into Condemnation.

They affirmed, That Bread and Wine is the Commu­nion with Christ.

Answ. John, and the Saints had Communion with God, and his Son Jesus Christ, and their Fellowship was in the Light; For, saith he, if we walk in the Light, as he is in the light, then have we fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin, 1 John 1.5, 7. And they who are in the Light have fellowship with Christ, and re­ceives [Page 79]every thing in the purity from the Lord; but they that hate the Light, they remain in darknesse, and every thing to them is accursed; to the unbelieving, and disobedient their is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

They affirmed that sprinkling Infants is an Ordinance of Christ, when as Christ never ordained such a thing, and their is no Scripture for it, let the Priests of Scot­land, or any of their brethren in England prove it if they can.

They affirmed, it was lawfull for them be called of men, Master.

Answ. Contrary to Christ, his expresse words in Mat. 23.8.10. be not ye called of men, Master, &c.

They affirmed, Tythes to be lawfull for Ministers now, shewing themselves to be Antichristian, dark, and blind, denying Christ Jesus to be come in the flesh, and saying that is lawful which Christ hath disannulled, and made void, and there is no Law in the new testament, that doth allow of Tythes to be paid to a Gospel Mini­stry, therefore not lawful. These are some of the false Doctrines and Principles of the Presbyterians about Glasgow, Whereby it was plainly manifest that they are guilty of heresy, and are heriticks, which they would charge upon others; But true Light now shineth, which maketh deceipt, and deceivers manifest.

Henry Foreside, said in the hearing of several people, that Christ was not in the Apostle Paul, &c.

Contrary to Pauls words in Gal. 1. After it pleased God, who separated me from my mothers womb, and called me by his Grace to reveal his Son in me, &c. and in 2 Cor. 13. Ye seek a proofe of Christ speaking in me, and Christ in you the hope of Glory, Col. 1. and Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates.

Peter Kid Priest of Douglasse, said, to preach that peo­ple should walk according to the Light and law within them, is the Doctrine of Devils.

Answ. Paul and other of the Apostles, and Saints, [Page 80]and true Christians, who believed in Christ had the Light shining in them, and the Law in them, and the Spirit in them, and God and Christ dwelt in them, for their bodies were made Temples of the Holy Ghost, as the Scriptures declare; and the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, had made the Apostle free from the law of sin, and death; and saith John, these things I write unto you, that your fellowship may be with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. This was the Doctrine of Christ to bring people to Light, Law, life and spirit within, to worship God in spirit; and in truth, and all who draw out, and lead people from this, are deceivers, and their Doctrine is devilish.

William Somerwell Priest, said, It was ill manners to to say thee and thou to a man, &c.

Contrary to the Scripture, which all along doth give thee and thou to a particular, not onely unto man, though never so great in the world, but also to God himself, and unto Christ.

William Morton, Priest of Wonstone, summoned James Simmonton to his Sessions, and being required to prove his Ministry, he said; he scorned to prove himself a Minister of Christ, Contrary to the Scripture, which saith, be ready to give account of the hope that is in you, with meeknesse, and fear, to every one that shall aske you. And when he was told of taking hire for his preaching, contrary to Christ his Commission, (who saith, Freely ye have received, freely give,) then the Priest arose in arage, and called him base-born beggarly raskall; contrary to the Apostles Doctrine, who saith, Let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth.

William Stockdale being in the Steeple-house of Lesma­hagow, where John Lum, Priest thereof was preaching; and he being writing some of his lyes, the Priest cryed out, and said, There was never any since the world began was free from sin, nor never shall be: write that said he.

Answ. Which is quite contrary to plain Scripture, Rom. 6.18, 20, 22. Being made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousnesse; for when ye were the ser­vants of sin, ye were free from righteousnesse, but now being made free from sin, and become servants of God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end, everlasting life; for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord: And Paul said, Rom. 8.2. The Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

A Relation of some of the Sufferings of Friends to the Truth in Scotland.

JOhn Roberton, called Lord of Ornock, publickly re­fused to enter Andrew Hambleton, in Shawton-hill, in his possession under him, because he was excommuni­cated by the Priests; Witnesses of this, Elexander Hamble­ton, and John Strudders.

William Gray, James Findly, John Gray, Robert Smally, John Robine, was summoned to be upon a Jewry at Dunbarton, and when they came there, and went with­in the Barr, they puld off their Bonnets, and bad them swear; unto whom they answered they would not swear, But they will tell the Truth, and take God to be their Witnesse upon it; but this they would not receive, for John Callhonne, called the Sheriffs deputy, bad them swear by God, and hold up their hands, or go into prison: and it was answered, we dare not transgresse the Doctrine of Christ, who said, swear not at all; he said, it was but the Law of Christ that bad men not swear, but the Law of God bad men swear; and so would have set the old law over Christ, who is the end of it, who forbids swearing: And because they durst not transgresse the Doctrines of Christ, in which the Apostle lived, who said, Above all things my Bretheren swear not at all; they put them all five into Prison.

The Heads of that which past in Discourse betwixt the People called Quakers, and the two Priests of Hambleton, in the Priests house: The Names of the Priests are, Jam. Nesmith, and John English; in which Discourse they have ma­nifested themselves, and all the rest of their Generation to be none of the Ministers of Christ, but the Ministers of Anti-christ, who preaches another Gospel then the Apostles did; as in the Discourse following you may plainly see. And also some Reasons why we deny them.

First. JAmes Nesmith, said, There is no salvation in an ordinarie way for sinners, without externall Revelation from the Scriptures.

Answ. Here all may see, they hold out another way to salvation, then the Prophets and the Apostles did; for they said, Christ was given for salvation to the ends of the earth, Isay 49.6. and there was not salvation in any other, nor no other Name given by which any can be saved but by the Name of Jesus, Acts. 4.12. But that salvation they tell of, which is by external revelation from the Scrip­tures, was never held forth by the Prophets, nor the Apo­stles, nor declared of in all the Scriptures of Truth; there­fore all may see they are such as preach another Gospel then the Apostles did, and so are to be holden accursed, and turned away from, Gal. 1.8.

Jam. Nesmith said, That Christ doth not excommuni­cate the knowledge of himself, but by the Scriptures, and that the Scripture is the means by which the knowledge of God is imparted.

Answ. This is a lye, and Scripture contradiction, For Christ, who doth communicate the knowledge of him­self, by his own Spirit saith, none knows the Son but the Father, neither doth any man know the Father, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him, Mat. 11.27. [Page 83]So it is not by the Scriptures that the true knowledge of God is imparted to any man, but by Christ, 2 Cor. 4.6.

The second Priest, John English.

First, Said, the Vail that was over people in the time of the Law, was the Old Testament, and it was taken away by the New Testament.

Answ. Sin was, and is the vail, by which the mystery was vailed all the time of the Law until now: for when Moses is read, the same vail remains over their hearts; for their minds was, and is blinded by the God of this World, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, which is the Image of God, should shine unto them, 2 Cor. 4.4. nevertheless, when their hearts shall be turned to the Lord, the vail shall be taken a­way, 2 Cor. 3.16. which vail is done away in Christ, 2 Cor. 3.14. and not by the Scripture which they call the New Testa­ment: and here John English is proved to be a lyar, and of his father the Devil, who is a lyar from the beginning.

2. John English said, That the Gospel that was preached to Abraham, was the same for matter, but not for substance; neither was it a clear Gospel.

Answ. The Gospel that was preached to Abraham, was the same for matter and substance which Paul preached; for matter and substance is one, and it was a clear Gospel; for Christ the substance was preached to Abraham: and Abraham saw his day, and rejoyced, John 8.56. Therefore give over deceiving the people with lies, and repent.

3. John English said, The Scripture is the glasse by which we see the Face of God.

Answ. This is a lie, and Scripture contradiction; for the Apostle saith, God, who commanded the light to shine out of dark­ness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the know­ledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 4.6. Mark the Priests ignorance or the Scriptures; and here all may see that he is one of them that keeps people in darkness, from seeing the face of God; and erres, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.

4. John English said, The foundation of the Prophets and [Page 84]Apostles, was meant the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament.

Answ. The Prophets and Apostles meant what they speak, and the same foundation which they declared of, and builded upon, did [...], Enoch, Noah, and others who di­ed in the Faith before the Old and New Testament was written, build upon; which foundation was Christ, the Rock of Ages, the foundation of the chief Corner Stone, 2 Tim. 2.19. 1 Cor. 2.11. But thou art one of them that drawes people from the foundation of the Prophets, and the Apostles, to build upon thy lies, and consequences; which building and foundation the Lord will bring to naught; for he is risen to sweep away the refuge of lies, which thou and thy generation hath been covered with, and will make you naked, and bare; for your covering is too short, that your shame cannot be hid any longer.

5. John English said, That they had their commission from Paul to give Bread and Wine.

Answ. Here hast thou made it plainly manifest, that thou and thy generation are none of the Ministers of Christ, who say you have your Commission from Paul, for giving people Bread and Wine: Paul never gave such a Commission to any, neither doth he say he had power to give any Commission, but declares himself a servant; neither did Paul own any of thy generation of hirelings, which drew people from the true foundation, but declares against them, and bids people turn from them. There­fore give over deceiving the people, and repent, and call not Bread and Wine any more an Ordinance of God, which thou sayest you are commanded by man to practise, lest thy and their portion be in the Lake, where there is Weeping, and Wailing, and gnashing of Teeth, which you cannot escape, unlesse ye Repent; for ye are such as make the Word of God of none effect, by your Tradi­tion, and so are to be turned from.

Reasons why we deny them, and the Priests of their Generation.

FIRST, They are such teachers as walk in the steps of the Pharisees which Christ cryed woe against, Mat. 23.6. They stand praying in the Synagogues, and are called of men master, contrary to Christs command, who said, to his Ministers, be not ye called of any man, master, and be­cause they are such as break Christs command, therefore we deny them.

Secondly, They are such as preach another Gospel then the Apostles did, and saith, Salvation is by the Scripture, which is contrary to that which is held forth by the Prophet, Isa. 49.6. Who said Christ was given for Salvation to the end of the earth; and the Apostle said, their is not salvation in any other, Acts 4.12. And because they preach another Gospel; therefore we deny them.

Thirdly, They are such teachers as say the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, is the foundation for Belie­vers to build upon, which is contrary to the Apostles Do­ctrine, who saith, Christ is the Foundation, and cheif Cor­ner Stone, Psal. 118.22. Act. 4.11. Rom. 9.33. 1 Pet. 2.7. Mat. 21.42. And because they hold out another foundation, then the Holy Men of God did; therefore we deny them.

Fourthly, They are such as take hire for their preaching, contrary to Christs command, who said to his Ministry, Freely ye have received, freely give, and because they nei­ther receive freely, nor give freely, therefore we deny them.

Fifthly, They are such teachers, who deny that the Grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared unto all men, and so would make the Apostle a lyar, and a false Minister, who saith, in the 2 Tim. 11. The Grace of God that brings Salvation hath appeared to all men; and because they deny the Apostles Doctrine; therefore we deny them.

Sixthly, They are such teachers as deny the Doctrine of perfection, which is the Doctrine of Christ, who said, be ye perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect; and Holy, [Page 86]for I am Holy; which Doctrine the Apostles walked in, and spake amongst those that were perfect, 1 Cor. 2.6. And labo­red to present every man in Christ Jesus: and because they are not found in this labour that the Apostles was in, to present men perfect in Christ Jesus, but cryes against it, and preaches up sin for terme of life, which is the Doctrine of Devils; therefore we deny them.

Seventh, They are such Teachers as go into Cains way, and running greedily after rewards and covetousnesse, Jude 11. contrary to the Apostles, who said, he covered not mans gold, silver, nor apparell, Acts 20.23. therefore we deny them.

Eighth, They are such as are made Ministers by the will of man, and persecute, and raile against such as fear God, and are of a honest conversation; therefore we deny them.

Nineth, They are such Teachers as adde to, and diminish from the Scriptures, unto whom the plagues of God are due; therefore we deny them.

Tenth, They are such as Ezekiel cryes against in Ezek. 34. That feed with the fat, and clothe with the wool, and make a prey upon the people; therefore we deny them.

Eleventh, They are such teachers, as uphold a false worship in the I dolls Temples made with hands, which Christ sent his Ministers to cry against; and do deny the true worship, which is in Spirit and in truth; therefore we deny them.

Twelfth, They are such Teachers as keepes Drunkards, Swearers, liars, proud, covetous, and all manner of vile persons in their Assemblies, and cast out them that fear God, and are of honest conversation; therefore we deny them.

Written by one that Worship God in Spirit, and in Truth, and do deny all False Worship, which men sets up; and is also a witnesse for God a­gainst all deceit, and deceivers, known by the Name of Will. Stockdale.

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