King David's CASE Apply'd To King James AND King William; IN A SERMON Preach'd at Christ-Church, Dublin, on the Fifth of November, 1691.

By John Stearne, Curate of St. Nicholas within the Walls; and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Sir Charles Porter, Lord High Chancellor, and One of the Lords Justices of Ireland.

If your delight be in Thrones and Scepters, O ye Kings of the People, honour Wisdom, that ye may Reign for evermore.

Wisdom of Solomon VI. XXI.

DƲBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook on Ormonde-Key, and are to be sold by Elishal Dolson at the Stationers-Arms in Castle-street, and by Robert Thornton, in Capel-street. 1691.

A SERMON ON Psalm IV. Ver. 2, 3, 4.

O Ye Sons of men, how long will ye turn my Glory into Shame? how long will ye love Ʋanity, and seek after leasing?

But Know that the Lord hath set a part him that is Godly for him­selfe: the Lord will hear when I call unto him.

Stand in aw and sin not: Commune with your owne heart upon your bed, and be Still.

GOdliness supports the Throne; and more sets off a Crown than all its Jewels: it makes a King safe in the Protection of Heaven; Strikes his Enemies with Terrour; and in his Subjects raises an Ex­pectation of many glorious Dayes under his blessed Reign. Such Royal Vertues enrich'd the soul of Henry the VII. (Emperour of Germany) that (as a very faithfull Historian informes the world) ab uno ipso laborantis Imperil modela sperare­tur, it might have been reasonably expected that by him alone the whole Body of the languishing Empire shou'd have been re­stor'd to an healthful State. And did not the many and great Military, Civil and Religious Accomplishments (well known unto more than the Christian World, in the fam'd Atchievements) of our present Monarch, bear up the linking Hearts of all our Protestant Kingdoms, with the justest Hopes of seeing (one happy day) all the Miseries that oppress'd or threatned our [Page 4]Church and State seasonably remov'd or prevented by his Success­full Arm? And, according to such an Expectation, the careful Providence of God (the All wise Disposer of Crowns and Scep­ters) has been so signally display'd in a long Series of Mercies to him; in carrying on and in compleating that truly Christian Work; that a man must be either willfully blind, in not ob­serving, or basely ungrateful, in not acknowledging that his Royal Person was the Chief Instrument of God in that surprizing Revolution, which is deservedly the Joy of the present Genera­tion, and which will be the Wonder of future Ages. The sudden News of such a Deliverer's Coming into England, on this memo­rable Day, was I conceive, to many, (as the Angel's Message was unto the Shepherds, at our Saviour's Comlng into the World) Good tydings of great Joy. for, as if he had been a greater Light made to rule the Day of our Deliverance, he still grew stronger as he advanc'd; and with his prevailing Beams soon dispel'd those Clouds which had long hung over our Heads, making all black and melancholy round about Us. Yet (as the inconstant Jews presently forgat God their Saviour and lightly esteemed Moses his Servant whom he had chosen to conduct them, with Wonders, towards Canaan) how soon did too many repine at the forward and almost uninterrupted Approaches of their own Happiness, and Slander the Foot-steps of their great Deliverer? Such is the uneasy humour of some that they are always discontented under their Oppressions, and yet always undervalue the relieving Hand; so that neither a Popish, nor a Protestant King, nor yet a most merciful God can please them. Such dissatisfi'd Creatures were the Men that both by secret and open Methods oppos'd our Royal Psalmist. Tho' God had ex­cluded Saul for his wickedness & given his Kingdom to a Neigh­bour that was better than He; and tho' David was anointed by Samuel at Gods express Command, yet how many in the Kingdom of Israel joyn'd their Endeavours with Saul's Malice, to obstruct David's just Accession to the Crown? And, when Saul was fall'n ingloriously on the Mountains of Gilboa, how many labour'd to promote the Interest of his Family and to disturb King David in his Possession? Not only Forreign Nations (the Jebusites and Philistines, the Moabites, Syrians and Amalekites) set themselves [Page 5]against him; but (as if there had been a joynt-conspiracy to cross the six'd Resolve of Heaven) a considerable Number of the Jews comply'd with Abner's design, to place Saul's Son upon the Throne. This (as many Judicious Expositers do conclude) was the special Occasion upon which David compos'd the present Psalm. In the first Verse he appeals to God as the Witness, Judge and Defender of his righteous Cause; gratefully owns his past Mercies to him in the Day of Trouble & humbly prays for future; and then in our Text addresses his Speech unto the Sons of Men by a double earnest Interrogation (implying at once the great­ness of his own Concern and of their Folly in opposing him) How long will ye turn my Glory into Shame? how long will ye love Vanity, and seek after lies? How long will ye think to deprive me of that Honour which God's Goodness has conferr'd upon me? How long will ye look upon me as an Ambitious Usurper and expose me as such unto the scorn and contempt of the people? How long will ye make it your Business and Satisfaction to contrive, encourage and carry on such traiterous Counsels, Designs and Plots against my Life and Crown, as will most certainly prove vain Devices and lying Imaginations; most grossly disappointing all your big Hopes of compassing my ruine in the end? God has already often heard my Prayer, and enlarged me when I was in Distress; and therefore he will hear me when I call upon him hereafter to con­found your Devices. Be not therefore, O ye Sons of Men! any longer so bold and foolish as to persist in such unsuccessfull and and unjust Attempts; but know (assuredly) that I am so far from ambitiouslly aspiring unto the Throne of Israel that God has qualifi'd me (by his holy Oyl) for the Government of that People, over whom he hath wonderfully set me apart, or in an extraordinary manner made me King; that I may Act for himself, for his Honour in promoting his true Religion in the Land; and thereby advance the Happiness of all his People com­mitted to my Charge.

Having thus acquainted you with the most probable Occasion of this Psalm; and given you a very natural Explication of our Text in particular; I shall not any further enlarge upon the words as relating to K. David and his Enemies, either in Saul's or his own Court; but raise from them one Proposition of more [Page 6]general concernment; and fairly apply it to the Double Blessing which we ought to celebrate this remarkable Day; Namely, the great deliverance of our three Kingdoms from Popery by the timely Discovery of the Gun-Powder-Treason, to the peaceful K. James the First; and the great Deliverance of the same King­doms, from the same misery, by the seasonable coming of King William the Third into England: For tho' his Landing was de­sign'd on the Fourth of this Month, Providence deferr'd it 'till the Fifth; as if the Birth of so great a Prince (of the Antient and most Illustrious House of Nassaw) and his Marriage with so great a Princess as our now Most Gracious Queen, had already suficiently signaliz'd one Day to after Ages; or as if it wou'd make us more mindful of God's mercies to us on the Fifth of November, by de­livering us twice from Popery on the same day; in the Years 1605. and 1688. A Year as wonderful for God's bringing safe­ly King William's Navy to the salvation of England, as the Year 1588 was for God's destroying the King of Spain's Armada, which (as if it had been really Invincible) proudly threatned England with a most dreadful Invasion. So that three days espe­cially in this Month of November deserve a more particular Re­mark in our Reform'd Kingdoms. The Fourth on which (in the Year 1650) God with an hopeful Prince of Orange blesled, not only the United Provinces (for such a Blessing was too great for one particular State) but the whole Protestaut world; and on which also (in the year 1677) God bless'd the same Prince of Orange with a Royal Consort: The Seventeenth, on which the Light of the Gospel, after the black Night of Queen Mary's Reign began to shine forth in the Glorious Rising of Queen Eli­zabeth; And the Fifth, on which a most Horrid Work of Dark­ness was design'd for the final Extinction of the same Blessed Light, but, was (at the very Midnight immediately foregoing) most happily discover'd, by the wonderful Providence and Mercy of God to her Successor, as well in the defence of the truly Ca­tholick and Apostolick Faith, as in the English Throne, K. James the First. The History of this Damnable Plot, and this unexpe­cted Disappointment to the bloody Hopes of Rome, will ensily come under this one Proposition, which (according to my Pro­mise) I now raise from the two first Verses of my Text.

Tho' Godly Kings (wonderfully set apart by God) do answer Gods expectation in making his true Religion their principal Care, yet the Sons of Men do often vainly endeavour to appose their Persons and to disturb their Government.

What can be more evident to all the world than the Truth of this Assertion in the many Contrivances & Designs against K. James, both before and after his coming to the Crown of England?

Shou'd I particularly acquaint you with all the illegal, base Methods which the Enemies of that Crowned Head took, to hinder his succeeding in the Throne of England, my discourse wou'd soon swell beyond the ordinary limits of a Sermon. Therefore (con­sidering especially that most of this Honourable Auditory are no strangers to the transactions of our own Kingdomes) I shall be content to take notice but of one Historical Passage in relation to K. James, which may be sufficient to demonstrate how vainly the Sons of Men contriv'd & endeavour'd to turn his Glory into Shame.

This day will tell you that I mean the Gun-Powder-Treason: A Wickedness so detestable to all that have not cast of Humanity, and so great in it selfe, that it neither needs, nor will easily allow of any Aggravation. But the more Universal and Cruel It was in the Intention of our Enemies, the more gratefully shou'd we ac­knowledge the merciful Providence of Almighty God in deliver­ing from it (as on this day) K. James, with the three Estates of the Realm of England, assembled in Parliament; to the Glory of his Name and the Preservation of the Protestant Religion in these Kingdoms.

When many secret Plots had been laid in vain and many open Attempts had prov'd unsuccessful; when neither the thundering Curses of Four Holy Fathers ( Paul the IV. Pius the V. Gregory XIII. and Sixtus the V.) nor the great Condescention of Pope Pius the IV. cou'd prevail: when neither the Spanish Armada nor the Italian Arts could speed against the Providence of Hea­ven (which carefully preserved the Learned and Religious Queen Elizabeth, to the forty fifth Year of her Reign, and the sixty ninth of her Age) Pope Clement the VIII (wisely foreseeing the vanity of striving against a Monarch that was so much the delight and care of Heaven) thought it the most politick way, to provide timely against any other Heretick's succeeding in the [Page 8]Throne of England. And the more effectually to compass this Design of His Holiness, two Breves were speedily dispatch'd into England; strictly enjoyning both the Clergy and Laity not to suffer any but a sworn Papist to take Possession of the Crown, after Q. Elizabeth's death; or (which was the same) not to let K. James be King of England. From this Command of the Pope, the Gun-Powder-Treason (or the Plot of blowing up the Parliament house) (according to Camden and other good Historians) took its Rise; for these Breves had so powerfully wrought upon Catesby (the Contriver) that (altho' his Holi­ness's Design had been long negotiated in vain) he could never be quiet; nor content to be damn'd alone: but having by the ready Assistance of the Devil, luckily hit upon this compendious method of destruction by Gun-Powder; and thinking the Plot of some of his party against the King's particular life, but a pit­tifull under taking, and not any considerable service to the Ca­tholick Cause; he brought several, (by degrees) into his own Conspiracy. A design which (as we learn from the Consession of Guido Faux (the person that boldly undertook to lay the lighted Match unto the Trains of Gun-Powder) Catesby judg'd most, proper, because it was sittest that Justice and Punishment shou'd be executed in that Place where their Religion had been (in their opinion) unjustly suppress'd by Penal Laws. But were the Jesuits unconcern'd in a Plot for Murdering an Heretical King and People? No certainly: it had fix'd an eternal Blot upon their Character, had they been idle when their great Master the Devil (who was a Murderer from the Beginning) was close at Work: These siery Spirits therefore (besides other Encouragement and Assistance) assur'd the Laity of a plenary Absolution; soon re­mov'd the Scruple of their tender Consciences about destroying the Righteous with the Wicked (Catholicks and Hereticks to­gether) and more strictly oblig'd them All to perform their Oath of Secrecy and Perseverance in the great Undertaking, by their own addred Sacrament. All this being done; and all the necessa­ry Materials (not for building but) for blowing up the Parlia­ment House (being at length convey'd into a convenient, hired Cellar, the joyful Day drew near: but the Letter sent unto a Noble Lord, from one of the Conspirators (to diswade him from [Page 9]appearing in the Parliament house, on the fifth of November, and upon a deliberate, repeated Review of which the Gun-Powder Plot was happily discover'd) was mistaken in telling him, that God and Man concur'd at this time to punish the Iniquity of the Times. The Sons of Men indeed, were ready; but God (with a watchful Eye of Mercy and Compassion) saw the nearness of our danger, and all the Plotting of our Enemies? Tis God's time and Prerogative to save in the greatest extremity of Danger: to save Isaac from the very Altar, Daniel from the Den of Lions; and the three Children from the burning fiery Furnace. Such a Deliverance looks like the Deliverance of a God; & such a seasonable Salvation does most magnifie his Power, his Wisdom and his Mercy. So far was the Merciless Project for an utter Ex­tirpation of the Protestant Religion, carry'd on with all imagin­able Secrecy, that for all the frustrated Attempts in Q. Eliza­beth's Reign towards a Resetlement of Rome's Supremacy in Eng­land, Her overjoy'd Agents promis'd themselves now an ample Recompense and Satisfaction, in their effecting this Master-Piece of Villany, that might Supersede the Labour of any other Trea­sonable Contrivances. But, tho, Rome had brought the Mighty Work unto the Birth, She wanted Strength to bring forth. How vain is the Devil's and the Jesuit's Consult! how unsuc­cessfully do they Club for the Ruin of a Kingdom when Heaven is pleas'd to Thwart their Destructive Designs! They may con­fidently say (as in the forementioned Letter to the Lord Mount-eagle) Men shall receive a Terrible Blow, and yet shall not see who hurt them; They may pray for the Success of any Bloody Design against all they Damn for Hereticks (as the Gun-Powder Traytors did) Prosper, O Lord, their Pains that labour in this Cause, day and night; Let Heresie vanish like Smoke, and let the Memory of it perish with a Crack; all this while that God unto whom nothing is secret, to whom the darkness and light are both alike, beholds all their Revengfull Labours; sees ev'ry Step they silently advance in their Designs; and laughs at their Folly. He hears their Uncharitable Prayers; but it is to disap­point them, for the Salvation of his Anointed, and the Happi­ness of his People. Many Devices are in their Hearts; but the Counsel of the Lord, and that alone shall stand; even when the Wick­ed [Page 10]fall by their own Coxtrivances; as the Gun-Powder Traytors did: Some of them (among whom was Catesby, the Subtile In­venter of the Plot) being Disabled by the Providential Blow­ing up of Gun-Powder it self, which they were preparing for the Destruction of others; as if this had been purposely design'd to make them more sensible of their lately intended Mischief: Some being actually kill'd in their hasty Flight, upon the Unexpected Discovery of their Bloody Purpose; particularly, by One Shot, both Catesby and Percy; from whose Dwelling the Powder was brought undiscover'd, into the Cellar under the Parliament, House: And others, being apprehended, experienc'd how Be­nesicial the Plot won'd be (as their Confessors told them) in the Consequences of it; as Beneficial as being fairly Hang'd for Treason. Thus was The Lord known by the Judgment which he Executed; By trapping thus the Wicked in the works of their own Hands. And since God did so opportunely deliver our Fore-Fathers, at the very Mid-night before that Morning in which they were appointed for the Slaughter, by so Great, Surpri­zing and Wonderful a Mercy all the Sons of After Generations shou'd be Confirm'd in a Comfortable Hope of God's Favour towards them, when their Enemies seem to be in the greatest probability of compassing their Destruction: For God is the same yssterday, to day and for ever: his Hand is not shorten'd that he cannot save Now, as well as in Former Ages, Godly Kings and States professing his Holy and Eternal Truth. In Ex­tream Distress therefore, let the Resolution of every one of us be (like that of Eliphaz in the book of Job) I will seck unto God and unto God will I commit my Cause: unto God who doth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number: who dis­appointeth the Devices of the Crafty, so that their hands cannot per­form their Emerprise: he taketh the wise in their own craftiness; and the counsel of the froward is carry'd headlong: but he saveth the poor from the Sword and from the hand of the Mighty. God does often give such a Deliverance to his People as is joyn'd with the Consusion of their Enemies: The same Sea open'd a Way for the Israelites and a Grave for the Egyptians. So that the Plots of the Wicked are vain; not only because they are commonly fru­strated in their Hopes of ruining, by them, Religious Kings and [Page 11]States; but also, because they prove in the end most destrnctive, of their own Temporal as well as Eternal Happiness. Thus tho' the Gun-Powder Traytors said (in effect) among themselves, Come and let us root them out that they may be no more a People; that the very Name of Protestant may be no more in Remembrance; yet they imagined such a Mischievous Device as they were not able to perform: they digged a Pit and sunk into the midst of it themselves: Their Intended Mischief against the Lord's Anointed, like Arrows shot against Heaven, return'd upon their own Heads, and their Wickedness fell upon their own Pates. So perished those Discontented Gentlemen; and so let all their Enemies perish, O Lord; but let them that love thee be joyful and glad in thee; and let all such as delight in thy Salvation say alway, the Lord be praised.

That this Duty of Thanksgiving may be more cheerfully per­form'd, let Us now (our Proposition rais'd from the two first Verses of our Text being dispatch'd) take into Our Considera­tion the Third Verse (containing the Royal Psalmist's Exhor­tation, inferr'd from his foregoing Address to God and Man) and Apply it to the Case of all such as are disaffected to the pre­sent Government Stand in awe and sin not: Commune with your own Heart upon your Bed and be still.

When we are withdrawn from the Distracting Noise and Hurry of the world; and the Stillness of Night favour's our Recollected Thoughts, we are well dispos'd for a Solemn Me­ditation on the most weighty Matters; for a serions Reflection on our own ways; on our Duty to God and the King. At such a Season therefore do's the Psalmist advise his Enemies (who had long in vain oppos'd his Government) to reason with themselves about the wickedness of their Undutiful Carriage towards him; and to have an awful Regard to the Omnipresent, Omniscient and Almighty God, as a special means to keep them from sinning against his Anointed; for Plots carry'd on against Godly Kings, God interprets as Acted against his Divine Majesty, whose Vicegerents they are in this lower World. Such is King David's Confidence in the Justice of his Cause, that he seems wil­ling to referr the whole matter unto their own Consciences: wou'd they but lay aside all Passion, Pride, Revenge' or Private [Page 12]Interest; and give themselves time to judge calmly of things according to Reason & Equity; he does not in the least doubt, but that upon such a deliberate Communing with themselves about the Folly of their Proceedings, they wou'd soon be still or desist from all Traiterous Designs and Seditious Practices.

Here then, let us a little while reason together, about a quiet Submission to that Mighty Monarch whose Glory too many have vainly endeavour'd to turn into Shame; tho' God has wonder­fully set him apart for the Preservation of his People and the True Religion, in more than our own Kingdoms,

For the Restoration and Security of the Romish Worship, ma­ny Plots against King James the First, both in Scotland and in England were Contriv'd and Carry'd on. but Heaven disap­pointed all. And as the like Reason (or Pretence rather) en­gag'd the Sons of Men in the Last Reign, to make use of the most Unjust Methods and most Lamentable Shifts to put King William for everby the Succession; so the same God did not only enable him to Conquer all those Difficulties, but has also since, Confirm'd him in the Possession of the Throne by a Compleater Victory o­ver his Enemies. The Hand of God has been so visible in cutting off many of them; in driving others round the Nation; and in scattering some from one Kingdom to another, that some of themselves have heavily curs'd their Pretended Heir to our three Kingdoms, as one Great Cause of all their Miseries. The Prince of Wales indeed sounds like an Immediate Heir to the Crown of England; but that Adopted Child of Royal Grace might have been as properly call'd King of Salom as Prince of Wales; for we know neither his Father, nor Mother, nor Descent; neither his Beginning of Days, nor (since he is got into France) are we like to hear of his End of Life. So that (to borrow the Ex­pression of a Learned Paraphrast concerning Melthizedeck) he stands in Story as a kind of Immortal Prince, without any Suc­cessour. Tho' this Cheat was too gross to pass with the more Discerning People, yet certainly it might, in time, have made a good After-Game for a great part of the Nation; and the longer such an Imposture had kept Possession in the Minds of Men, it wou'd have been remov'd with greater Difficulty. Timely, therefore, did the Prince of Orange (too Wise to be [Page 13]Impos'd on by a Pack of Women, Knaves and Jesuites; and too Brave and Daring to be frighten'd out of his Undoubted Right by any Hunslow Campaigns) Resolve upon and prepare for the Deliverance of three Kingdoms from Popery and Slave­ry: and on this Noted Day he came: He came the Great De­fender of our Faith, and all that is dear to us in Mortality. And since Almighty God has been so Prodigiously Merciful to these Nations as to raise up such a Mighty Deliverer for us in the Day of our Distress, let us (when we are out of the Throng of Worldly Concerns) consider with our selves how little Rea­son we have to be Dissatisfy'd under the Present Government; or rather how highly our Careful Monarch has oblig'd us all to study to be quiet and do our own business and so, make his Reign easy unto him and a Blessing unto our selves.

The Sun has not twice gone his Annual Round since God and King William went forth with our Army to Battle and to Victory: And can we already forget what Miseries we Suffer'd and what we Fear'd? Had not the All-Wise God put a timely stop to the Violent Proceedings of some Bigotted Papists (who strongly in­fluenc'd the whole Party) we might easily have foreseen that our Nation (in a short time) wou'd have groan'd under all those Miseries which our Brethren (of the Reform'd Churches abroad) have suffer'd under the Unmerciful Powers of France. We cannot surely but remember, when men imagin'd craftily against us; and Gravely laid their Heads together in a Mock-Parliament House, to undo us with One Consent; when they said (and were as good as their word) Come and let us take to our selves the Houses of God in Possession: And is it a Grateful Re­turn for a Deliverance from such Inveterate and Implacable E­nemies, and the Restoration of our Pure Publick Worship, for any to continue still so foolish as to imitate the peevish Israelites. who desir'd a Deliverance from Egypt, and when they were De­liver'd as earnestly wish'd to return unto their old Slavery. O ye Sons of Men! How long will ye live Dissatisfy'd, as if you pray'd for nothing more than to have our Holy Altars again abus'd by Superstition and Idolatry? how long will ye love Vanity? As if you wou'd be glad once more to see this House of God sinely Dress'd with Babies and Pictures; the Entertainment and Diversion of Chil­dren [Page 14]& Fools. Men shou'd consider that as Relapses in the Natu­ral Body are commonly more Fatal than the First Disease, so, shou'd we again fall under Popery, our Last Estate would be worse that the First. And shall any endeavour to bring upon themselves and others their Former Miseries, with an Unsupportable Ad­dition of New Calamities? Let us therefore be so Truly Wise as to Commune with our own Hearts about these things; and be still under the Present Dispensation of Providence. Surely (whatsoever may be the Opinions of any Interested Persons in our own Kingdoms) Forreign Nations will Condemn us for perfect Madmen, if we do not, in this our day, so consider the Things that belong unto our Peace, as to sit still under our own Vines and Fig-Trees, and cheerfully eat the Fruit of our own, and of our Royal Master's Labours. Since we have the greatest reason to address unto our King as St. Paul did to his most No­ble Faelix, Seeing that by thee we enjoy great Quietness, and very Worthy Deeds are done unto this Nation by thy Providence, we ac­cept it always, and in all places with all thankfulness; Seeing we are oblig'd unto so Just an Acknowledgment, surely we shou'd be so far from harbouring any Seditious Murmurings or Disloyal Thoughts, that we shou'd rather every night (before we give any Sleep unto our Eyes or Slumber to our Eye-lids upon our Bed) earnestly beg a Blessing upon that Royal Person thro' whose most Generous Affection, most Undaunted Courage and most Prudent Conduct we all (under God) do dwell in Safety all the Day, and lie down in Peace at Night. Shou'd any Dissa­tisfy'd Persons object against this, that since the Papists Live and are Mighty, 'tis in vain for any Preachers to talk of dwelling safely; I reply to such in our Saviour's words, why are ye fearful, O ye of little Faith? Since God has at sundry time, and in di­vers manners deliver'd their Fathers and themselves from a great Death; from the Lyon and from the Bear, they ought with the United Strength of Faith and Reason, to conclude that (if they put their Trust in him) he will yet deliver them from ev'ry Uncircumcis'd Philistine. And I wou'd have them consider more­over (as a full Answer to all such Unreasonable Murmurings) that it is not their Business to understand the Deep Intrigues of State; and that it must be a very Impertinent Boldness to en­quire [Page 15]into the Secret Reasons of them: let them therefore mind what more nearly concerns them, and (particularly) at this time, the Generous Spirit & Quiet Carriage of Mephibosheth under the loss of his own Estate; as it is written for our Instruction in the 2. Sam. 19.30. When the King had given part of his E­state to the Treacherous Ziba, saying, Thou and Ziba divide the Land: Mephibosheth (in the Transport of his Unmanageable Joy, at the General Happiness of the Nation, upon King David's returning home from Battle) does not only consent to what King David granted unto Ziba (his Malicious Enemy) but (as if the Safety of a King, on the Preservation of whose Royal Per­son the Publick Welfare did depend, had been a sufficient Por­tion for any Loyal, Affectionate Subject) he thus resigns his whole Estate; Yea, let him (let even Ziba that labour'd to take away my Life and Reputation) take all, seeing that my Lord the King is come again in Peace to his own House. The Application of this Historical Passage being very easy, I hope you will make it unto your selves: for I cannot allow my self the Liberty of any further Enlargement. To close all therefore; Since we have now such a Godly Protestant King and such a Pious Protestant Queen upon the Throne, as our Kingdoms have never enjoy'd to­gether: Since God has Signally Bless'd with many Victories (shall I say, or with one continu'd Conquest) our Glorious Ge­neral (whose Immortal Actions, not only the Present Generati­on but late Posterity (after all that their Gratitude can per­form) must leave to be Compleatly Rewarded in a rieher world, when God shall have put all Enemies under his Feet; even the Last Enemy that shall be destroy'd, Death it self;) In a word, Since God has Mercifully Answer'd all our Prayers, and Disappointed all our Unreasonable Fears and Jealousies; let not the harsh, Ungratefull Voice of Murmuring interrupt our more sweet, acceptable Acclamatinons of Joy: but Stand in awe, and sin not against God or his Anointed; Commune with your own Hearts upon your Beds and be Still.


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