The STATE and ACCOUNT of the Seizures and other Proceedings of the Com­missioners of Forfeited Estates by Themselves, and those who were Employed by their Autho­rity, Acting under a COMMISSION from Their MAJESTIES. Dated July 1690.

Corn, Hay, Meadow, Horses, Cattel and Sheep Seized in the Counties of Dublin, Meath, Lowth, Wicklow, Wexford, Kildare, Waterford, Kilkenny, and part of King and Queen's County.

  l. s. d.
IMprimis 6867 Acres, and ¾ of Winter Corn, at 55 s. per Acre 18886 06 03
Item, 5593 ½ Acres of Spring Corn, at 35 s. per Acre 09738 12 06
Item, 2129 Acres of Meadow, at 20s. per Acre 02129 00 00
Item, 140 Load of Hay, at 4 s. per Load 00028 00 00
Item, 28 Ricks of Hay, at 18 l. 00504 00 00
Item, 77 Tunn of Hay, at 20 s. 00077 00 00
Item, 3318 Acres of Fallow,, at 15 s. 02488 10 00
Item, 105 Rick of Wheat, at 18 l. 01890 00 00
Item, 547 Barrels of Wheat, at 14 s. 00382 18 00
Item, 226 Barrels of Malt, at 10 s. 00 [...]3 00 00
Item, 53 Ricks of Beare, at 14 l. 0074 [...] 00 00
Item, 258 Barrels of Beare, at 8 s. 00103 04 00
Item, 57 ½ Ricks of Barley, at 14 l. 00805 00 00
Item, 789 Barrels of Barley, at 9 s. 00355 01 00
Item, 17 Ricks of Rye, at 16 l. 00272 00 00
Item, 331 ⅓ Barrels of Maslin, at 11 s. 00182 06 06
Item, 57 Ricks of Oats, at 9 l. 00513 00 00
Item, 1418 Barrels of Oats, at 4 s. 00288 12 00
Item, 146 Acres of Pease, at 40 s. 00292 00 00
Item, 36 Ricks of Pease, at 9 l. 00324 00 00
Item, 64 Barrels of Beans, at 8 s. 00025 12 00
Item, 3198 Horses and Mares, at 20 s. 031 [...] [...] [...]
  Item, 9003 Black Cattel, 15 s. 067 [...] [...] [...]
Item, 34034 Sheep, at 2 s. 6 d. 042 [...] [...] [...]
Item, 5 Barrels of Oatmeal, at 20 s. 000 [...] [...] [...]
  543 [...] [...] [...]


  l. s. d. l. s. d.
  Brought forward       54349 12 3
There were also Goods seized in the City of Dublin, and deliver'd over to Mr. Barth. Wybrans, as fol­loweth; Viz.            
Goods by him delivered out to the Lords Justices, and others, value 500          
Necessaries delivered out by him to Mr. Van Ho­merigh for the use of the Army 1950          
  Goods now in the Store, that are prejudiced by their not being disposed of 500          
        2950 00 00
The List of Bonds.
  l. s. d. l. s. d.
JOhn Aylmer of Ballycanon in Co. Kildare, bound in 20          
John Laughan of Dublin 28          
George Kennedy, and Rich. Begg of Dublin 30          
Robert Samsof Dublin, Merchant 400          
John Holdworth of Dublin, Harness-maker          
William Dunbavand, Distiller          
Isaac Destarr, Lewis Chaigneu, and Henry Van Cruiskirk of Dublin, in the summ of 1000          
John Espin of Dublin, Butcher, and Henry Smith, Merchants 500          
Henry Smith, and Henry Spranger of Dublin, Merchants 1000          
Thomas Clarke of Dublin, and Stephen Clarke of Carlingford 1000          
John Eaton of Dublin, Glover, and Henry Aston of Dublin, Merchant 500          
John Golding of Dublin, Shipwright 20          
Isaac Ambrose, Skinner          
Henry Dyer of Dublin, Gent. and Zachariah Cooke, Merchant 500          
Isaac Gellius, and Isaac Destarr [...] Dublin,Merchants 200          
[...]am Burrows, and [...]omas Burrows, of Dublin, 200          
  Carried over 5398          
Carried over       57299 12 3

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