Being thought necessary to be added to the DAILY DEVOTIONS of PRIVATE FAMILIES At all TIMES, But more especially in this present juncture of AFFAIRS in ENGLAND.

By Captain ANTHONY STAMPE, Sometimes Chief Engineer and Adjutant General to an Active Protestant ARMY against the Rebels in IRELAND.

Printed for A. S. in the Year MDCLXXXVIII. ⟨17. Dec.⟩



IT is strange to see a Souldier in these days at his Pray­ers without Beads, whereas most part of our Profes­sion are Irreligious, which how should it otherwise be, being addicted as they are (especially in these loose times too much tollerated to Blaspheme their Maker with God Damme's; and he is accounted the Bravest Souldier amongst them that can thunder forth the most Oaths with an Audacious Brasen Face, and be of great­est Repute, who commits the Foulest Ennormities; and for Murther it Self, flies to the Court Sanctuary and gets his Pardon; which Irregular Practices are un­sufferable in a Christian Countrey, to the great disho­nour of our Noble Profession; for a Right Valiant Soul­dier Fights only in a Good Cause, for the Honour of his Prince and Countrey, as truly Religious, carrying his Life momentary in his hands: For Devotion is more requisite in him than in other Callings, which are less hazardous; such a Souldier will chearfully be ready [Page]at all times to Fight against the Common Enemy (and no Other) with Resolution and Courage undauntable for Victory; having before-hand his Peace made with God: Should he Die thus in the Bed of Honour, he will be Safe in the other World; when the Prophane Souldier wallowing in his Blood, breathing out his Ghost died deep in Sin, will be denied his entrance into Eter­nal Bliss.

The Chief Cause of our Souldiers Debauchery in England, is by the ill Example of their Officers, who glories in their wicked doings, being not at first Right Disciplin'd Souldiers, made by Favour, without Merrit, having little or no Religion in them; the King's Army, for the greatest part of his Officers, are composed with Such and Papists: I hope shortly to see a Parliament Sit, to Free us of these evil Pests, and to Redress all other Grievances of this Nation, whereby the Pro­testant Religion may for ever Prosper and Flourish, to the Glory of God, with the utter Downfal of Popery. I bid you heartily Adue, and Recommend you to my Prayers made by a Souldier, yet judged useful for Private Families, as well as for the Occasion of these Times.

Yours A. STAMPE.

A Protestant Souldier's CONGRATULATION To the PRINCE of ORANGE, &c.

A Prayer in Remembrance of the Seven Bishops Imprisonment.

LOok down O Lord from thy Eternal Habitation, upon this Sinful Land, that hath transgressed a­gainst Thee, and have not regarded the Words of thy Divine Messengers, whom Thou hast Or­dained to Convince them of their Sins; who instead of Obeying thy Precepts taught by them, have been Disobe­dient Children, by Committing those Holy Men to Prison, and Persecuting them with Severity for Delivering thy Truth, and for Opposing what was Propos'd to be hurt­ful unto thy People Committed to their Charge: Quiet and settle Right the Minds of Men from falling into Con­fusion and Ruin, so much threatned by our Mortal Adver­saries the Pope and Devil: Good Lord Deliver us from them.

A Prayer whereby the Bishops, and other Holy Di­vines, may prevail with God for the Sins of this Nation.

WE beseech Thee, Dear Father of Heaven, to per­mit those Godly Men, which have thus been Re­ligious Sufferers for thy Gospel, to Prevail with Thee now at the brink of Danger (as Thou hast done to Thy Ser­vants of Old) to pacify Thy Heavy Wrath gone out a­gainst this Sinful Land, for their backslidings from Thee; Oh! Heal these Infirmities which are fallen upon us, and Unite all Protestants to accord together in Brotherly love, whereby we may Live in Holiness and Righteousness, all the Days of our Lives; and after Us our Childrens Chil­dren, from One Generation to another, may intirely so continue, whilst the Sun and Moon endures: Amen.

A Prayer for rooting out of Popery.

WE Beseech Thee, the Creator and Maker of all Things, to Blast, Banish and Root up by the Roots Popery, from all Protestant Countreys; especially where we now Live; and in Thy own Good Time, hasten it (for the Elect Sake) out of the World: Calling in thy Ancient People the Jews, and likewise the Gentiles, to bring them into our Protestant Faith, agreeable to the Primitive Institution of our Blessed Saviour and his Apostles, who left it unto us to follow, because our Salvation de­pends thereon; so that nothing is to be added or taken [Page 3]away from the Written Word of God, upon Condemnation: Yet the Papists (as it is well known) have left out amongst them what was Essential, and introduc'd in the room there­of, many False Ridiculous Ways of Worshiping of Thee, with Prophane, Superstitious Idolatry, being against Thy Express Commandments, in defiance of Thee: They have lately Sow'd in this Land, as they have done in other Parts of the World, their fast growing Seeds of Iniquity, to choak thy Good Word of the Gospel, long since Planted amongst us, which they have attempted to do by their Jesuitical Plots of the Devil and Pope, to eradicate Pro­testantism, whereby they might the betrer Accomplish their Infernal Intentions and Wicked Designs to turn all Christian Kingdoms into Popedoms; and to that end their Hellish Works may be forwarded, they have Erected in­numerable Numbers of Popish Schools, Mass-Houses, Convents, Nunneries, &c. contrary to thy Will and the Established Laws of these Protestant Nations, and by them they have allured and inticed away from us, unstable and wandring Souls, for Novelty, Lucre and Gain. Be­sides, They have publickly denied the Holy Bible to be the Written Word of God; their Emissaries the Priests, are furthermore so nimble and busy to Attend Sick Dying Persons and Malefactors (that are to suffer by Law) that they give them no rest till they have Subverted them from the Protestant Faith they should Die in, and so cheat them of their Everlasting Happiness, they else might In­joy to all Eternity: We pray Thee O Lord to Deliver us from such Hellish Guides that would thus dazle our Eyes with False Delusions to intrap our Souls by: Amen.

A Prayer for calling back those which are gone astray.

WE beseech Thee O Lord, who art the Great Physician of our Souls, that Thou wilt be pleas'd to Heal all the Breaches Popery hath made in Great Bri­tain and Ireland, and all other Protestant Countreys; bring them in with True Repentance back again, who have fallen away from our Faith; and likewise Recon­cile and Unite all Protestants, who otherwise have been Dis­joynted thereby, to Live together in Love and Amity one with another, without further Jarring; and from henceforth to be all contented to Sing severally or joynt­ly, their Sweet Hallelujah's to Thee, for this Harmoni­ous and Religious Agreement, without having any more Differences by their Controversies to arise amongst them, but that they may abide together in Sobriety and Charity to the End of the World, shall be our Daily Prayers Amen.

A Prayer for delivery from Famine.

VVE Beseech Thee, O Lord, who is the Alone Disposer of all Things; That Thou wouldst be pleased to Preserve these Three Nations, from the Dread­fulness of Famine, and to Bestow the Kindly Fruits of the Earth in their Seasons; with Plenty of Wholsom Food for the People therein, to Feed thereon: which we most earnestly desire for Thy Son Christ Jesus Sake. Amen.

A Prayer for Delivery from the Plague, Pestilence and Sword.

WE beseech thee, O Lord, who is the giver and preserver of Life, to defend and keep these Nati­ons from the most dangerous Diseases of Plague, Pestilence and devouring Sword, to come into these Lands any more amongst us, to sweep away the people therein. From sud­den Death and intestine Wars, Good Lord deliver us.

A Prayer for the City of London against Fire.

WE beseech thee, O Lord, who never sleepeth nor slumbreth, to watch over the City of London and Suburbs, be thou at all times the Protector thereof, and defend it from the Malice, Craft, and Subtilty of our Adversaries the Papists, our common Enemies, that study the Destruction of our Renowned City, by their Diabolical Practices to bring it again by Fire into Ashes. We return thy Almightiness our grateful Thanks in causing their Treacherous Intentions, which were for a second Conflagra­tion, and to be discovered, hath Alarmed our Inhabitants to be upon their Guards for prevention: The Papists since finding their Swords blunted, their Gun-powder damped, and the rest of their Arms made useless, and thereby dis­appointed from doing our Protestant Friends any harm, that is come over to our Succour, which thou hast mira­culously performed beyond the expectation of Man: Yet [Page 6]still the Papists are further mischievously bent, to act by Achitophel's Counsels, contrived at Rome and hatched in Hell: We therefore humbly desire thee likewise, to bring all their Deeds of Darkness to Light, so that they may ne­ver take effect, but be always addled and frustrated to nought, stinking, as they do, in the Nostrils of all good Men. We again pray thee, that thou would'st be pleas'd in favour of some Righteous Souls, to be found among'st us to stand up before thee, to pacifie thy displeasure for the Sins here committed against thee; whereby this City may be saved and sheltered under thy Wings from the Papists in­f [...]rnal Fury, with Fire to reduce her to another Rubbish. Amen.

A Prayer for the Relief of the Poor.

WE beseech, O Lord, the giver and lender of all things, out of thy free and wonted bounty unto those which have acquired it by thy providence and their Industry, to enjoy a plentiful Estate, to no other purpose, then that they should do good therewith, proportionably as they are enabled in the Generation they live in, by cheer­fully relieving the crying Necessities of the Poor; for those that are negligent in feeding the Hungry and clothing the Naked, thou wilt certainly call them to an account of their Stewardship, who have no right to what they have but by thee. We heartily pray thee to open their Eyes and Hands that are shut with luke-warm Charity, whereby they may freely give their supply to the wants of the Needy, that the Poor might not murmur against thee, but receive their [Page 7]charitable Benovelence from the well Minded, which will cause them to return thy Divine Majesty Prayers of Thanks for their daily Bread, which we intreat thee, the God of Compassion to grant them. Amen.

A Prayer for the Two Armies in England.

VVE beseech thee, most wonderful Jehovah, for thy dear Sons sake, the Captain General of our Salvation (if it be thy blessed Will) to turn the Minds and Hearts of the Protestant Souldiers of both Armies, now in England, from engaging one against the other, and from shedding any more Blood in a Protestant Cause, but that they may be united together into one intire Army, under the Conduct of a Protestant Prince, for to vanquish and overcome the Tyrants of the Earth, and to pull down An­ti-christ, the Whore of Babylon, whereby thy Gospel may be preached in Purity and soundness of Doctrine, thro' out the whole World. We intreat thee again to bring in all that are without our Pale, into the Protestant Faith, whereby thy Name may be called upon by all, and Wor­shipped in True Holiness; to these our devour desires, we pray thee that thou would'st hear us, and answer us here­in, to whom all Honour and Glory be for ever given. Amen.

A Prayer against Oppression and Slavery.

O Almighty Lord, thou did'st open our Lips, that our Tongues should express the Miseries we were fallen into, for thou art a Compassionate God, and hath pro­mised unto those which truly rely on thee, that thou wilt not leave them nor forsake them, who shall call upon thy holy Name in time of need, and thy Ears shall not be stop­ped from hearing the complaints of the oppressed, and when thou seest it fit, thou wilt then relieve them. We do with humble Thankfulness confess thou hast heard us, and answered us too out of thy loving Kindness, when we were even in our greatest Extremities, gasping as it were, expecting every moment to have our Throats cut by the bloody Conspiracy of the Papists, who are professed Ene­mies to thy Church, which was not only threatned upon us, but preparations were visibly making to effect their de­testable designs upon us; at a time we were helpless in our selves, lying under the cruel Bondage of Slavery: had we resisted them in our restraint, they had made it Rebellion in us, and our Remedy had been worse to us than our Dis­ease, but we patiently submitted under our heavy Yoke, to thy determinate Will, tho' our Afflictions were grievous unto us, to wait upon thy good time for our deliverance from our Mortal Adversaries, the Papists in the mean while drove Jehu like, on their pre-meditated murthering Re­solutions [Page 9]not to leave one Protestant alive in England, which thou hast prevented them in, whereby we might live to Glorifie thy Name for ever. Amen.

A Thanksgiving for our happy Deliverance from the slaugh­ter of our Blood-thirsty Butchers; from whom we daily ex­pected when we should be brought forth to their Sham­bles for Slaughter, they having dexterously provided Irish Forces to be our fatal Executioners, and also a French Army, hasting over to be Actors in this ho [...]rid, bloody Tragedy; these Irish Butchers were the Sons and Grand sons to those notorious barbarous Rebels, who in the Year 1641, in Ireland, Massacred of English and Scots Protestants, to the number of 200000 Men, Women, and Children, in cold blood, by divers inhumane new Inventions, to torture them into lingring Deaths, which those poor precious souls under-went for professing the Faith of the Protestant Religion, as it is truly re­corded by the late Sir John Temple, then Master of the Roles in that Kingdom, as may more at large appear; these Fry and Spawns of the Old Rebels, are foam­ing at the Mouths, with their tainted blood running hot in their veins, itching to be at work to mangle our Bodies, they being naturally fleshed and hardned by the Devil to Murther, encouraged by their Priests, who tells them, The more Hereticks they kill of us, the more they Merit, and shall inherit for their great Service therein, our Possessions, by making of Rivers of Blood [Page 10]to flow from Protestant Bodies, for them to triumph and wade in.

O Most blessed Lord, we have great reason on our side highly to praise and magnifie thee, that thou hast by thy extraordinary care over us, preserved us from the rage and fury of these our implacable Adversaries, that would have destroyed us; therefore we return unto thy Divine Majesty with our H [...]nds and Hearts lifted up to thee, our most humble and [...]rateful Thanks in chaining and tying up these rave [...]ous Wolves, Whelps of Tygers, from being let loose to worry us to Death, as it was de­signed by the Papists. Most wonderful Deliverer, thou hast miraculously freed us from the Tyranny we were under, out of the paws and jaws of these Cannibal Men-eaters, by seasonably sending over to us a Protestant Prince, which is most nearly and dearly related to these Nations, with a puissant Army and a magnificent Fleet, to our Aid, Succour and Relief, purposely for to redeem us out of our Slavery we were enthrall'd in, and to maintain unto us our Religion, Laws, Liberties, Properties, and Birth­rights, being justly belonging to all the Protestants in Eng­land, Scotland, and Ireland, which otherwise would have been for ever lost; and for these thy Blessings to our Deli­verances, all Honour and Glory to thee be for ever given. Amen

A Prayer for the Prince of Oranges's Success.

THou, O Lord, hast strongly assisted this Great Prince, beyond the expectation of our Enemies, who were Fortifying and Making vast Preparations against him both by Sea and Land, for to prevent him in his Religious Re­solutions: Thou hast heard our Prayers for his Coming over to us, and for his Success; and Thou didst hear him for us and has prospered him in all these his high Under­takings: We further pray Thee for a Blessing from Above, to Crown his Glorious Atchievements here below, that he may perfect these his Victories here over his and our Enemies, for Thy Glory, His Honour, and these Nations Welfare: Amen.

A Prayer for the Prince of Oranges Person.

VVE humbly beseech Thee, O Lord, to Pre­serve and Defend from all Perils and Dangers whatsoever, Thy Dear Servant, next and immediate un­der Thee, Supream Deliverer of Great Britain and Ire­land, out of Popish Slavery, by the Grace of God, the most Potent, most Mighty, and most Illustrious, William Henry Prince of Orange, together with his Royal Consort [Page 12]our Gracious Princess. We heartily pray thee to grant them Issue to inherit their Vertues and Renowns, that their Days may be long and comforta [...]e unto them. We be­seech thee likewise for thy grea [...] Go [...]pel sake, that thou would'st be pleas'd to lead this great Captain on further to the Conquest of France, Rome, and other Popish Coun­treys, and that his Highness Head may be adorned with Diadems here, and after this Life in Heaven with a Crown of Glory. Amen.


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