THE TWO LAST PRAYERS OF WILLIAM LATE VISCOUNT STAFFORD, At his Execution on Tower-Hill, Wednesday the 29 th. of Dec. 1680

The one in Latin, the other in English.

LONDON: Printed in the Year 1681.

THe last Speech of the late Vis­count Stafford having been already made Publick, the true Copy of these last Prayers; The One in Latin, the other in English, falling into my Hands, I thought the Pub­lication of them would not be unac­ceptable to the Curious. I have there­fore for their sakes Published them without any Descant of mine own; having only added the Translation of the Latin Prayer, for the Satis­faction of those, that understand not that Language.

The Two Last Prayers of William late Viscount STAFFORD, at his Execution on Tower-Hill; Wednesday the 29th. Day of December 1680.

AGnosco (Domine JESU) peccata mea, multa & magna, pro qui­bus timeo; sed spero in miseri­cordiâ & miserationibus tuis, quarum non est numerus: Se­cundum igitur magnam miseri­cordiam tuam miserere mei, & [Page] secundum multitudinem misera­tionum tuarum dele iniquitatem meam. Si Peccata mea magna sunt, major est misericordia tua: Si multa, infinitae sunt miserati­ones tuae. Si ego commisi, undè me possis condemnare, tu non amisisti, unde potes, & soles sal­vare. Credenti in potentiâ tuâ, & dicenti, Domine, si vis, potes me mundare, tu statim respondisti, Volo, mundare: Credo, quod ipse speravit, imploro, quod ipse im­ploravit. Dic. igitur animae meae, Salus tua ego sum: Sana me, Do­mine JESU, & sanabor: Sal­vum me fac, & salvus ero, & misericordias tuas in aeternum cantabo. Nè projicias me igitur à faciê tuâ, & Spiritum sanctum tuum nè auferas à me; Sed redde [Page] mihi laetitiam falutaris tui, & Spiritu principali confirma me. Tu dixifti, dulcissime JESU, Convertimini ad me, & ego conver­tar ad vos: Ego me ex toto corde meo, ex totâ animâ meâ, ex totâ mente meâ, converto ad te; con­verte te igitur, misericordissime, ad me indignum famulum tuum, quem pretioso sanguine redemi­sti. Tu dixisti, Qui me confessus fuerit coram hominibus, confitebor & ego eum coram patre meo, qui in caelis est. Ego te & Sanctam tuam Reli­gionem Catholicam vivens con­fiteor, & moriens, adjuvante gratiâ tuâ, confitebor: dignare me igitur suscipere, & confiteri coram patre tuo, qui in Coelis est. In tuâ promissione, non in meâ justitiâ confido. Vitam, [Page] quam dedisti mihi, libentèr tibi reddo secundum beneplacitum tuum: in manus tuas commendo Spiritum meum, qui moriens Spiritum tuum in manus aeterni Patris commendasti. In pace igitur in id ipsum dormiam & requiescam: quoniam to, Do­mine, singularitèr in spê consti­tuisti me.

Amen, JESU, Amen.

I Acknowledge (O Lord JESUS) my Sins, Many and Great, for which I fear; But I hope in thy Mer­cy and Commiserations, whereof there is no number: Have Mercy there­fore upon Me according to thy Great Mercy, and according to the Multi­tude [Page] of thy Commiserations, blot out mine Iniquity. If my Sins are great, thy Mercy is greater; If they are many, thy Commiserations are Infinite: If I have Committed That, for which thou mayest Condemn me, thou hast not lost that, by which thou canst, and usest to Save. To him, that be­lieving in thy Power said, Lord, If Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean; Thou presently answe­redst, I will, be clean: I believe, what he hoped for, I Implore, what He Implored. Say therefore to my Soul, I am thy Salvation: Heal Me, O Lord JESUS, and I shall be healed: Save Me, and I shall be saved, and will sing forth thy Mer­cies for ever. Cast me not therefore away from thy Face, and take not thy Holy Spirit from Me; But render [Page] me the joy of thy Salvation, and Con­firm me with thy Principal Spirit. Thou, most Sweet JESUS, hast said, Turn to Me, and I will turn to You: I turn to Thee with all my Heart, with all my Soul, with all my Mind; Turn thou there­fore, O most Merciful, unto Me thine unworthy Servant, whom thou hast re­deemed with thy most Precious Blood Thou hast said, He that shall con­fess me before Men, I also will Confess him before my Father which is in Heaven. I, Living Confess; and Dying, by the help of thy Grace, will Confess Thee, and thy Holy Catholick Religion: Vouchsafe Therefore to Receive Me, and Confess Me before thy Father which is in Heaven. I confide in thy Promise, not in mine own Justice. [Page] The Life which Thou hast given Me, I willingly render unto Thee accord­ing to thy good Pleasure. Into Thy Hands do I commend m [...] Spirit, who Dying commended thy Spirit into the Hands of thy Eternall Father. In Peace therefore upon the same will I sleep and take my rest; because thou, O Lord, hast singularly consti­tuted me in hope.

Amen, JESUS, Amen.

THou hast said, O Lord, He that loves Father or Mo­ther more than me, is not wor­thy of me. I acknowledge, most dear Lord, that I love my Wife and [Page] Children as much, as a loving Hus­band and tender Father can love a most deserving Wife and most duti­ful Children; But to shew, that I love thy Divine Majesty more than them, and mine own Life to boot, I willingly render and forsake both for the love of thee, and rather than to offend thee, though by the contrary I may have Life and all Worldly advan­tages, both for my self and them. Receive therefore, dear JESUS, this voluntary Oblation of both, take us into thy Protection, O Helper in Tribulations, in Opportunities. Be thou a Judg and a Spouse to the Wi­dow, a Father to the Orphans, and Salvation to all our Souls. I rejoyce to have so dear a Pledge, to offer and present thee for all thy Blessings and Benefits bestowed upon us, and for [Page] thy sake, who offeredst thy self to Death for us, even the most Ignomi­nious Death upon the Cross. Receive therefore, sweet JESUS, this poor Oblation of mine, though all I am able to offer thee, in union of all thy Ob­lations of thy most sacred Life, Death, and Passion; and of all those divine Oblations, which have been, are, and ever shall be offered upon thy holy Altar: All which I offer thee, and by thy hands to thy eternal Father. O Father, look upon the Face of thy CHRIST, and turn away thy Face from my Sins. O holy MARY, Mother of GOD, all the holy An­gels and Saints of Heaven, vouch­safe to make Intercession for me, that what I deserve not for my self, may by your Merits and In­tercession be bestowed upon me. [Page] Amen, JESU, Amen. Grant and ratify, what I ask, for thy Names sake. Amen.


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