A SERMON Preached unto the Inhabitants of the Town of Thornbury, in Glocestershire, on March 20. 1697/8.
THE great Thought and Searching of Heart in Man, the Reasonable Creature, is God-ward, or towards God. And this again divides its self two ways, that is to say, whither God be angry, or in favour with us; and accordingly as we have a Fear, Sence, and Apprehension of One or the Other, so we are either Troubled, or else Contented. We are troubled if we believe that the Invisible God over us hath Anger, Wrath, and Displeasure against us; so on the other hand we are contented as we think that we have his Favour or Loving Kindness.
Although Solomon saith truly, No man knoweth either love or hatred (that is, of God) by all that is before him; Yet it is an usual thing with Corrupt and Ignorant Man, as he is Man (a little tincture whereof even David the Servant of the Lord here had) to judge of the Love or Hatred of God towards them, according to the delightful or afflicting things which happen unto them in this World. As sure as Scripture is true, which is as certain as that the Word of God is true, which again is as certain as that God himself is true; [Page 2] This is a fallible, yea, it is a mistaken Rule to judge by. For the Scripture saith expresly, Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son which he receiveth. Which same chastening for the present seemeth not joious, but grievous, Heb. xii. 6, 11. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, Rev. iii. 19. And so again it is on the other hand, The men of the world have their portion in this life, and whose belly thou fillest with thy hid treasure: They are full of Children, and leave the rest of their substance unto their Babes, Psal. xvii. 14. Their eyes stand out with fatness, they have more than heart could wish, Psal. 1xxiii. 7. The Tabernacles of Robbers prosper, and they that provoke God are secure, into whose hand God bringeth abundantly, Job xii. 7. Son, remember that thou in thy life time receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things, Luke xvi. 25. And yet all this while it is certain, that they who receive their good things in this Life, the prosperous Sinners had not the true Favour of God. Again, it is certain, that such who did fear before him, although they received their evil things here, and were plagued all the day, and chastened every morning, Psal. 1xxiii. 14. Yet these had the favour and loving kindness of God (who, whom he loves, he loves with an everlasting love) resting upon them all the same while, though perhaps they were not sensible thereof. For such a thing is possible, yea it is common, that as many wicked sinful People, who are hardened, ignorant, and unbelievers, and under the Displeasure; yea, they have the wrath of God abiding on them, John iii. 36. Although in this Life-time they are not sensible of as much, for they do not know and feel it. So again it is on the other hand, there is amongst us many a Soul that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light, Isa. 1. 10. Although they are really and indeed beloved of God, yet they have not at the same time a sence of his Love and Favour, the want whereof makes them to mourn and to be in the Spirit of Heaviness.
But in the days of the voice of the seventh Angel, the Mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his Servants the Prophets, Rev. x. 7. for indeed the whole way and method of the Dispensation of his Kingdom towards us Men, is all Mystery. It is given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given, Mat. xiii. 11. Amongst other things which might be named and instanced [Page 3] in, it is one part of this Mystery, That his Servants and the Righteous should receive evil things from the hands of God; and yet at the very same time God hath a Love towards them. And so again, the Sinners and Children of Disobedience receive good things from the hands of God, and yet at the very same time the Lord is displeased with them. God is angry with the Wicked every day; although at the same time he sendeth Rain upon the just and unjust, and is kind to the unthankful and to the evil. This may even now be somewhat understood in the Sanctuary, and from out of the Book of the Lord, by those who are spiritually wise and discerning, by such who believe and know the things of God; but it will yet be more clearly seen at the end of Time, when the Mystery of God shall be finished.
But in the mean while it is usual with the mixt Multitude and Common sort of People (who judge by Appearance, and not Righteous Judgment) to esteem such stricken, smitten of God and forsaken, Isa. 1iii. 4. as if they were forsaken and hated also by the God who made the World, because the World Frowns upon them, and because they are in low Estate, and seem outwardly miserable therein. If I say I will speak thus, behold I should offend against the Generation of thy Children: No such matter; for as the Friendship of this World is Enmity with God; so when the World is cross and athwart, and at Enmity with such an one, it is rather a sign that God is a Friend unto him. Said Jesus Christ, the first Born amongst many Brethren, the Son of God himself, who was in the World, and the World was made by him, and the World knew him not: He came unto his own, and his own received him not. This same Jesus Christ said unto his Disciples and Followers and Servants of all Generations and Countries, If the World hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the World, the World would love his own; but because ye are not of the World, but I have chosen you out of the World, therefore the World hateth you. So that the Hatred of the World (provided that we be all along followers and doers of the thing that good is) is rather a sign and evidence of the Love of God towards us, because herein we are more conformed and likened unto him, who had this Voice from out of the Cloud, Thou art my beloved Son, this day have I begotten thee: And yet this same Beloved Son of God (for there [Page 4] was in him also somewhat which savours of Men, to evince and demonstrate that he was really come in and made Flesh) when he came to endure the Rage of the Wicked Men of World, and was Crucified by them, then also he betwrayed forth Human Infirmity and Weakness, in taking up that saying, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Therein also thinking after the manner of Men, that because he then came to feel Pain and Torment, as if thereupon God (who is all Blessedness) had forsaken him.
And so in like manner David, a Man after God's own Heart, who spake forth the Words of our Text, as it is written; But they like Men have transgressed the Covenant, so herein he spake like a Man. For because of his Enemies which he mentions three times in this short Psalm, of whom he complains, ver. 3, 4. He prays for Deliverance from them, ver. 9. and for the utter Cutting off and Destruction of them, ver. 12. He also thought as if God had withdrawn his loving kindness, and had none towards him; for if he had, he would not suffer him to have such Enemies. But in this last David did err, not knowing, or rather not consisidering the Scriptures and the Power of God, and the way and method of the Dispensation of his Kingdom towards us Men. God suffers them to have Enemies to hold his Servants in Warfare and Tryal. David was not so much then destitute of the loving of kindness of God, but he was destitute of the sense of the loving kindness of God; which is evident from the very manner of expressing it, Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the Morning. Intimating thereby, that there was such a thing as the loving kindness of God towards him, but it was afar off, and out of Hearing. And therefore he Prays unto God to cause him to hear it, and then it must be brought nearer, and be sensible (for Hearing is a Sense) unto him. Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning, is a Relative kind of Speech, which doth presuppose absence and want thereof, inasmuch as a Man doth not pray for, but rather give thanks for what he hath already. But either David did not at all, or at least not so much hear the loving kindness of God as he would desire for; and therefore he puts up this Prayer unto God in this manner.
Why a sense and hearing of the loving kindness of God would be as so much Stay and Support, as so much Armour [Page 5] and Defence against the Incursion and Assault of his Enemie. He had some Apprehension of thus much from the following Words which he drops, for in thee do I trust. Which again presupposes some Fear he was in, and some Danger he was subject unto; as to both of which he did trust, That the Invisible God would save, deliver and preserve him from them. Thus much may be surely gathered and reasoned, That if God hath a loving kindness for any one, he will never suffer him to utterly perish, and tobe wholly miserable. I do not say, That God will not suffer him so much as to be struck, but he will not suffer him to be destroyed, that is, not to be made by them eternally miserable. His Enemies may possibly hunt and seek after him, but they shall not totally overcome nor prevail against him for ever. David doth here Pray like one who had the Spirit of Wisdom and Vnderstanding, the Spirit of Counsel and of Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and of the fear of the Lord, Isa. xi. 2. For he knew, that if he had once the loving kindness of God, he had all which could be desired, and what was necessary for Safety and Deliverance from Men and Devils; and therefore he fitly and properly Prays for that in the first Place.
Thy loving kindness in the Morning. As Morning thoughts are commonly most fresh and lively, so then he was most troubled and doubtful, and his Heart did misgive him and meditate Terror, lest he should miss thereof, and not have it. As the same David saith, When I wake, I am still with thee, Psal. cxxxix. 8. And as the Spirit saith, The Lords Mercies are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness, Lam. iii. 23. Because that every Morning God doth as it were give us a new Life; so if when we wake Morning after Morning, (he wakeneth Morning by Morning) our Heart is still with God, and it is always and altogether with him; and if we then can perceive and hear his loving Kindness, O Good God! how sweetly and contendedly might we pass the remaining few and evil Days of our Pilgrimage here on Earth?
But chiefly therefore it is that we do not hear and perceive this loving kindness of God in the Morning, yea God withholds and denies his loving kindness unto us, because of what is intimated in the following part of the Verse, we do not know the way wherein we should walk; which sometimes [Page 6] is for want of Understanding thereof, but more commonly for want of Will and Readiness to do the same. And therefore both these Petitons are fitly and properly connected together, and they follow and succeed one another; Cause me to hear thy loving Kindness in the Morning, for in thee do I trust: Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my Soul unto thee.
For the sake of the latter part of this Verse it is that I have chosen this Text to discourse on unto ye at this time, and I do intend to apply it as to my Preaching, and your Hearing, as it hath been used in this Place.
It is a seasonable Petition to put in, and use in our Prayers, that God would direct us in all Difficulties; and when we are in a Strait and Doubt, that He would cause us to choose the right way, Then the Captains of the Forces, and all the People said unto Jeremiah the Prophet, Pray for us unto the Lord, that the Lord thy God may shew us the way wherein we should walk, and the thing that we may do, Jer. 42. 3. Cause me to know the way whorein I should walk, for I lift up my Soul unto thee. We may lawfully, yea, we ought to pray what we have a Promise for; and as to this Matter the Word of Promise speaks on this Wise; What Man is he that feareth the Lord, him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, and he will shew them his Covenant, Psal. 25. 12, 14. His secret is with the Righteous, Prov. 3. 32. Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his Servants the Prophets, Amos 3. 7. If in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you, Phil. 3. 15. And all thy Children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the Peace of thy Children. Which last comes somewhat near unto, and confirms the Doctrine of the Text, which is this, Then it is that God causes us to hear his loving Kindness, when he also causes us to know the way wherein we should walk. For here, Isa. 54. 13. is brought in as the effect of being taught of the Lord, Great shall be the Peace of thy Children. From whence it follows, That we have great Peace when we are taught of God, and chiefly we have great Peace when we obey and do according to that Teaching of his. And so we hear his loving Kindness when he causes us to know the way wherein we should walk. From whence observe again, That when our Spirits [Page 7] are dissatisfied, restless and troublesome, it is a certain sign either of some Guilt appearing forth in them, or we are not conversant about, and employed in what we ought. Again, on the other hand, as we can prove our own Work, and then find rejoycing in our selves, and not in another, Gal. 6. 4. This is a Sign and Evidence that it is a Good and Right Work. The Apostle speaks in this manner unto some to whom he writes, The God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace in believing. So the same God of Peace fills People with Peace, in doing his Will; which same Peace he denies them again, as they neglect the doing of his Will. I have experienced much of this last my self; and by the Horrors and Accusings of mine own Conscience herein, I can somewhat guess and apprehend beforehand what will be the pain of Loss at the great Day of Judgment. The Sun rejoyceth as a strong Man to run a Race, Psal. 19. 5. So there is a Satisfaction in all the created Beings, to move and act according to the Rule, Law and Will of their Creator. And again, when they do not, they are out of their Element, and then there is Trouble, Doubt and Disquiet.
As God asks the Question in reference to the false and idolatrous Worshippers among the Jews, Should I receive Comfort in these, Isa. 57. 6. So it may be conceived and judged of before-hand, as to our several Acts of Religion. According as we find and receive Comfort in them, so it is a foregoing Sign of God's Acceptance of them. For as the Jewish Worshippers did hereby know that the Lord receiv'd a Burnt-Offering, and a Meat-Offering at their Hands, if the Fire did come down from Heaven, and consume and Sacrifice; and when he did shew us all these things, Judges 13. 23. So even then it might be understood, and also under the Gospel, that God did Remember all our Offerings, and accept our Burnt-Sacrifice; and so what we did as pertaining to Religion and Worship, if thereupon God did immediately give us the chief things of the lasting Mountains, and the precious things of the lasting Hills, Deut. 33. 15. that earnest and glimpse of future Glory; I mean that Peace, and Joy, and Comfort in the Holy Ghost at the very same time, and afterwards also, wherein we were serving him. This again is to be differenced from that fond Exultancy of Spirit, and Complacency of Mind, which the [Page 8] false and formal Worshipper may sometimes have, in that in his own Imagination he hath done something for God, and for his own Soul: Like unto Micah, who said, Now know I that the Lord will do me Good, seeing I have a Levite to my Priest, Judges 17. 13. which yet was but a false Conceit of his own; for as may be understood from Verse 5. he was an Idolater. And let not such a one or any other false Worshipper think that he shall receive any thing from the Lord, as to the future Recompence which he hath promised to such only, who worship him in Spirit and in Truth. But when we receive Comfort in our Holy Things, and in our Religious Performances upon some true and assured Grounds out of God's Word, This is an Evidence and Sign before-hand of our Salvation, and that our Religion is a Religion to the saving of the Soul. So again on the other Hand, when we do not receive Comfort in our Religion, but we perform it in a way of Drudgery and Task, Here we may suspect our Course, that as such People do not receive true Comfort in the Acts of their Religion, so the great God, unto whom it doth all relate and terminate, doth not receive Comfort in them, neither will they receive Benefit thereof hereafter. Either such do not worship God in Spirit and in Truth, or there is Sin and Iniquity in the Worshipper. God heareth not Sinners. If I regard Iniquity in my Heart, the Lord will not hear me. Or they do not turn unto him with their whole Heart. It is only done out of Custom, or as a Task that is set them, which they do not mind after it is over. Such will be of the number of those, who shall say Lord, Lord, Mat. 7. 21. throughout their Life, and yet shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Such do neither pray unto God for it, neither doth God cause them to know the way wherein they should walk; and so they neither hear his loving Kindness, nor is any due and belonging unto them; for this is the favour he beareth unto his People, and is distinguished, and peculiar to his Elect only. There is a great Fear, Jealousie and Doubt in the Heart of Man; especially in those who prepare their Heart to seek, know, and please him, whither we be in the way of God or not. Besides, the sure Word of Prophecy, the certain Rule of Scripture, if it be according to that, and more especially by the Spirit which he hath given us, We may very much [Page 9] conceive and judge thereof before-hand. According to what Peace and Satisfaction of Mind we have, if the other Signs here mention'd do also concur and agree, then we are in God's way. But if we are in Doubt, Perplexity and Uncertainty of Soul, then probably we are out of it. Each Person knows his own Case and Condition herein better than all the Divines or Preachers of the World can instruct or put him in mind of. To the Law and the Testimony, and the Light that is in them, and also within himself; hereby he may know and assure his Heart before him, viz. That he is in the way wherein he should be, even the way which the Invinsible God his Creator would have him to be in, and which leads up unto Heaven, the Habitation of the most High. Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the Place which I have prepared: Beware of him, and obey his Voice, Exod. 23. 20, 21. This Angel is Conscience (which also is to be ruled and guided by the written Word) or that of himself, which God hath implanted in Man or Woman. By the Dictates and Motions whereof we may well guess whither we be in the way or not. It is said, The Angel before thee to keep thee in the way; so Conscience is a Guide, going before us, and in our sight (that is, of the Eyes of our Ʋnderstanding being enlightned) Which if we follow all along, signified by those Words, Beware of him, and obey his Voice, it will keep us in the way. And when we are turn'd aside, or out of it, this will give Knowledge and Warning thereof; yea, and it will bring us in again, if we Beware of him, and obey his Voice.
From the last Words of my Text, for I lift up my Soul unto thee, the best Instruction that may be learnt from thence, is; That ye should always have your Hearts lifted up, and praying unto God, especially in such like Petitions; Cause me to hear thy loving Kindness in the Morning: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; and then seek out of the Book of the Lord, and read; and in Subordination to that, and as guided thereby, follow and obey the Dictates of thine own Conscience.
We live in an Ignorant and Men-pleasing World, wherein they Excuse the Rich, and Condemn the Poor in his Cause. But admist all the manifold kind of sayings, and talk of others; amidst the Strife of Tongues, Psal. 31. 10. [Page 10] or that Advice and Reproach, even from the Religious also, every and each Person is to guide and steer his own Actions by the Word of God, and the Dictates of his own Conscience. According to what that teaches and manifests from within, and not according to what others say, so we are to move and act. There is but little in the Opinions and Talk of People, but every Man's Judgment cometh from the Lord. That which is highly esteem'd among Men is an Abomination in the sight of the Lord; and so contrariwise it runs, that which is lessen'd and despised amongst Men (provided it be agreeable to the Word of his Holiness) is highly esteemed in the sight of God. The Reason whereof is, because the common Multitude of Men, even of the outward Worshippers, Religious, and Professors also, (for that of Luke 16. 15. was spoken in Reference to the Jewish Nation, who were all of them Worshippers of the Father) are not, nor have they been as yet brought in Conformity to the great and perfect Rule of Righteousness in Scripture, and they do not understand the Things of God, as his Saints and Servants did of old time, or as themselves shall yet do, when they are let slip from out of this Flesh. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy Life time receivedst thy good things; and so the departed Soul will remember the several Steps and Passages of this Life, And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the Wilderness, Deut, 8. 2. And so we shall remember all the way which the Lord led us these Threescore Years and Ten, or so many Years as we lived in this Wilderness of the Earth; as also we shall then remember and discern when we were in the way of God, which was the way wherein we should walk, and when we were not. If we could know as much in this Life as we shall know in the next Life, we should never do amiss, or miscarry as to futurity. If we would so do in all things as we shall wish we had done when we come to die, and are let slip into Eternity, we should never go much astray from the way of the Lord.
Our Duty to God in many Places of Scripture, is called the way, and the way of the Lord, which here in the Text is called the way wherein we should walk. From whence this plain Inference necessarily arises, That to obey and serve [Page 11] God is to do as we should do. It is a Walking in the way wherein we should walk. For a Creature to do as he should do, is to obey and serve the Lord. But besides this general Explication and Assertion, there being diversities of Gifts, and differences of Administrations, and diversities of Operations, 1 Cor. 12. 4, 5, 6. given to the several Creatures. And the Son of Man hath given to every Man his Work, and commanded the Porter to watch, Mark 13. 34. So that besides the general Service of God, and keeping his Commandments, there is some distinct and particular Work according to the Gifts given them, and according to their condition and manner of Life, wherein the several Men and Women are to glorifie and serve the Lord according to their several Trade, Degree or Rank People stand in the World. Whoso shall hear or read this, may somewhat conceive what is his particular Work which God hath set him to do; and I do in part know and apprehend what is mine. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my Soul unto thee.
Now to apply all this to my Preaching and your Hearing.
After that Paul had seen the Vision, immediately he endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the Gospel unto them. So I reflecting and looking back upon my manner of Life from my Youth up, which know some of my Neighbours, and by my Preaching unto some of my Father's Servants, at Eleven or Twelve Years of age, and in the hearing of the then Godly Schoolmaster of this Town; as also by the whole Drift, Bent and Tendency of my Mind ever since, which the Lord hath made to be seriously given and inclined; from all this I assuredly gather, that the Lord who created my Soul thus, had called me (that is, by his having enabled me so to do) to preach the Gospel; that is, to preach and publish the Truths thereof unto the People of this my Generation. And when my Parent had designed me for the Study and Practice of the common Law, I remember and observ'd many times, that as the Law-books lay open before me; and whilst I was outwardly reading in them, my Mind at the very same time would be so intent, and running upon Divine and Spiritual Things, even the Things pertaining to the Kingdom of God, that I could not mind, and be fixedly intent on the Law. Whereupon I did several [Page 12] times think, Do not I strive against the very Bent and Call of God in me? which would have been, if I had applied my self to the Study of the Law of Man, when I should have given up my self unto the Study of God's Statutes. It would seem Arrogancy and Boldness of Speech if I should apply unto my self what God said to Jeremiah, Before I formed thee in the Belly I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the Womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a Prophet unto the Nations. Yet the Lord himself, who shall rehearse all things from the beginning of the World, and calleth all his Creatures by Name in the Day that He shall write up the People, He will make known how much there was in this of my having been sanctified from the Womb. But when after that Thought of Heart, Do I strive against the Bent and Call of God in me? yet I did not obey this same Call, so as like unto Timothy, To give up my self wholly, and only unto Reading and Study of the Scripture, until as when Absolom sent for Joab, he would not come; therefore he said unto his Servants, see, Joab's Field is near mine, and he hath Barley there, go and set it on Fire. Then Joab arose and came unto Absolom unto his House. So tho God sent unto me by his Spirit, reasoning within me once and again, Come, do thou approach unto me, and give up thy self only and immediately unto the Work of the Ministry which I had created thee for, and set thee apart for it; this He did once and again, but I would not come for fear of displeasing my Kindred according to the Flesh. But at length God sent a fit of Sickness on my Body, which might have cut it down, and destroy'd it, whereas Commission was then given to shake only the Tree of my Life. Whereupon I lying upon a sick Bed, and liable unto Death every Hour, altho my Sense and Understanding were preserv'd intire; and then considering yet more throughly of this matter, I vowed unto the Lord, which I desire to remember, and observe the longest Day I have to live; that if it pleased him to grant me a Recovery and Reprieve, I would set aside such and such Hours in each Day for the searching out, and Contemplation of his Eternal Truths, which should be all unto that end, according to what is written; Restore unto me the Joy of thy Salvation, and uphold me with thy free Spirit. Then will I teach Transgressors thy ways, and Sinners shall be converted unto thee, Psal. 51. 12, 13. [Page 13] Some of which have made up and composed those several Books I have written, and published unto the World. The only drift and design whereof is, according to that Covenant and Direction which was given to the true Levitical Priesthood, To turn many away from Iniquity, Mal. 2. 6. and to turn many unto Righteousness, Dan. 12. 3. which also are the two only Principal Ends of all our Speaking or Preaching by word of Mouth.
But here I have observed a Gradation, or going on by steps; for my first beginning herein was to testifie unto my Father's House, lest they come to the Place of Torment; for which I receiv'd evil Intreaty, and unkind Usage from them, for no other Reason, but because that I did from the Word of the Lord, and not out of mine own Head, Rebuke sharply those that sinned; but there did arise in the Hearts of some a Rancour and Indignation against it; they being then of the like Temper and Disposition with those of whom it is written, They hate him that rebuketh in the Gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly, Amos 5. 10. and at length they would not hear the word of the Lord from my Mouth any more.
Then I preached to this Town and Neighbourhood in the House of one who is now a Widow, where at first my Ministry was well accepted with the greater part. I then commending my self to the Hearts and Consciences of my Hearers; nevertheless, for this things sake I was above Eight Years since removed from my Father's House. Who, at my going forth, thrusted me out of his Gate, and at the very same time tauntingly said, That God would be as much Glorified by my going away, as if I stay'd. Whereby was that Scripture litterally fulfill'd; Your Brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my names sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified; but he shall appear to your Joy, and they shall be ashamed, Isa. 66. 5.
And then the Lord called me from seeking to convert a Family and a Parish, into the way of his Commandments, if I could (not as of my self, for we are not sufficient of our selves to think, much less to do any thing, but our sufficiency is of God) by the Words of his Grace and Truth be instrumental towards the turning a whole Nation from Iniquity unto Righteousness. But alas! the Devil and the Spirit of Disobedience hath worked, and doth yet so strongly work [Page 14] in the Children of Men, that I have hitherto been worsted and foiled in all these. For ye are in no wise to think, that because the most and greater part have not been obedient to the Word; therefore it was not the Word or Work of the Lord, in the Ministration whereof I was employ'd; for this would be to contradict the Scripture, and what hath in like manner happen'd to the other Ministers and Prophets of the Lord in former Generations and Countrys. Saith Jeremiah, From the thirteenth year of Josiah, the Son of Amos, King of Judah, even unto this day, that is, the three and twentieth year the word of the Lord hath come unto me, and I have spoken unto you; rising early, and speaking, but ye have not hearkned. And the Lord hath sent unto you all his Servants and Prophets, rising early, and sending them, but ye have not hearkened, nor inclined your Ear to hear, Jer. 25. 3, 4. Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain; yet surely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God. And now saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him: tho Israel be not gather'd, yet I shall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God shall be my strength, Isa. 49. 4, 5. Moses and the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles, and all the faithful Ministers and Preachers, both in that, and in all the several successive Generations ever since, have labour'd in this Work of the Lord, to bring Jacob again unto him, to bring Mankind into the way of his Commandments, and that they might have Respect unto all his Statutes, Psal. 119. 6. and not keep some, and neglect others, as the manner of many is. Which tho' they have effected of some few, yea, very few peculiar People, about one in an hundred in the several sorts and denominations of Christianity; yet it hath not as yet been so accomplished since the Days of the Creation, as to the Multitude and Generality of People. These indeed have been brought over so far, as to outward Worship (for all People will walk every one in the name of his God) or it may be some more have come further to a partial Observation of the Law, but not unto universal and constant Obedience unto all the Words of the Law and Gospel, without turning aside to the Right Hand, on to the left.
Saith another Servant of God, who was by him employ'd also in this same Work of teaching Transgressors thy ways, [Page 15] and that Sinners may be converted unto thee; but because of contrary Success therein he crys out, Let not those that wait on thee, O Lord God of Hosts, be ashamed for my sake. Let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel, because for thy sake I have born Reproach, shame hath covered my Face. I am become a stranger unto my Brethren; and an Aliant unto my Mothers Children; for the zeal of thine House hath eaten me up; and the Reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me, Psal. 69. 6, 7, 8, 9. By which last may be perceiv'd the exceeding sinfulness of Reproach; for to Reproach any one who doth handle the word of God faithfully and truly, only upon the account of that, this is to Reproach God himself, and to Reply against God, Rom. 9. 20. or as the Marginal Reading there is, An answering again, and disputing with God; which is a sign of a sawcy and disobedient Servant. This place of Psal. 69. is interpreted of Christ in Rom. 15. 3. and John 2. 17. But all the Reproach, Shame and Strangeness, which David sustained in his own Person, was, because those Transgressors he had to deal withal would not be taught thy ways, and the Sinners would not be converted unto God. The like hath been also fulfill'd in me; for herein I speak the Truth, I lie not, my Conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, as I will a verr the same at the Judgment-seat of God, what Shame, Strangeness, and Reproach, I my self (whose Mouth now speaketh unto ye, and whose Name is hereafter written) have sustain'd either in this Nation, or in this Parish, Neighbourhood and County, when (I was a Reproach among all mine Enemies, but especially (mark that Adverb especially) among my Neighbours, and a fear to mine acquaintance, Psal. 31. 11.) it hath all been, because the People of this Nation have not obey'd that Word of the Lord which I have set before them. Those in Haggai 1. 12. and in Ezra 10. did obey it; but we read more often in Scripture, that the Multitude, and the Rich and Mighty People would not. And so neither have the People of the House of my Nativity and Habitation obey'd that Word which I have formerly spoken unto them; neither have the Generality and Multitude of the People of this Town and Neighbourhood obey'd the Word which I more lately preach'd unto them; for if they had, they would have heard the Word of the Lord at my Mouth, [Page 16] but they refused to hearken. This evil people have refused to hear Gods words, Jer. 13. 10. Behold, this is the Return, which in the Presence of two or three of his Servants, (and where two or three are gather'd together in his Name, he is in the midst of them) which I make unto the Lord God of Israel for him to judge thereof, when the great Day of his Judgment is come. It may be seen in the Gospel what we are to do when our Ministry is not receiv'd, but rejected in such a place. Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said, it was necessary that the Word of the Lord should first have been spoken unto you; but seeing ye put it from you, and judge your selves unworthy of Everlasting Life, lo we turn to the Gentiles, for so hath the Lord commanded us, Acts 13. 46, 47. And so my Countrymen and Neighbours (I would I were the same in common Conversation, so as to stand in God's Counsel, Jer. 23. 22. and on his side in like manner, as I am when I am either writing or preaching his Word) it was necessary that the Word of the Lord should have been spoken to ye by me his Creature, who was born in this Parish. For God, who doth nothing in vain, doth not set a Light on an Hill, or in such a place, and give Gifts unto Men for no purpose, but rather to give Light unto those round about, and near unto it. But seeing that the Inhabitants of this Town and Neighbourhood are herein like the Pharisees and Lawyers, who rejected the Counsel of God against themselves; and seeing that the Scripture herein is fulfill'd, A Prophet is not without Honour, but in his own Country, and amongst his own kin, and in his own House, Mark 6. 4.
By the way, think not therefore that ye shall escape without Sin herein, because your Refusal, and Neglect, and Contempt of the Ministration of the Word, as it hath been by me used, doth fulfil the Scriptures: For Judas fulfill'd the Scriptures, yet the same Word of Truth saith, It would be good for him if he had never been born) And ye put away my Preaching the Word from ye, wherein the Words of Eternal Life are declared; little do ye think that by Conseqence, which the Holy Ghost knows: Herein ye judge your selves unworthy of Everlasting Life. Lo, we turn to some other place where it may be better receiv'd, for so hath the Lord commanded me; Go and preach the Gospel to other Cities, Towns and Villages, for thither [Page 17] also I am sent. But into whatsoever City ye enter, and they receive you not, go your ways out into the Streets of the same, and say, even the very Dust of your City which cleaveth on us we do wipe off against you: Notwithstanding, be ye sure of this, that the Kingdom of God is come nigh unto you, Luke 10. 10, 11. Altho' I am to take heed of any thing of Self intermixing, for the wrath of Man worketh not the Righteousness of God, yet when I have seen so few come to the House where I then preach'd the Word, I have been moved with secret Indignation thereat; so that I was thereupon put in mind (yea, I am yet afraid that I am herein secretly Rebellious and Disobedient, because I do it not) to despise the Shame, and venture the Reproach, so as to go forth into the very Heart and midst of the Town, and there speak forth, preach and proclaim what Words I have to deliver and make known unto them that dwell therein. For there is a two-fold Reason of Teaching in our Streets, Luke 13. 26. (which would be according to the Method of God, and the Scriptures of Truth) that is, when either People would not admit such Preachers of the Gospel into their Houses for to preach therein; or they made choice of it of set purpose, for a more publick Notification of the same Word, and that it may turn to you for a Testimony, Luk. 21. 13. If I had, already, or should yet do so (which I may probably, unless more do come to this place of Hearing the Word then now do) it would render the stubborn Inhabitants of this Town and Neighbourhood, that Disobedient and Gain-saying People, who are now Reproachers and Blasphemers of my Ministry more inexcusable, and make their Sin of not Hearing his Word more sinful at the Judgment-seat of God. A Son honoureth his Father, and a Servant his Master. If then I be a Father, where is mine Honour? and if I be a Master, where is my fear saith the Lord of Hosts unto you? O Priests that despise my Name, and ye say wherein have we despised thy Name? Mal. 1. 6. So if I should go to the several Inhabitants of this Town and Neighbourhood, and tell them that they despise God, and they despise his Name: They will be apt to answer, God forbid, Wherein do we despise God, and despise his Name? To which my Reply again is, That herein they despise God, and they despise his Name, by their despising his Word, and the Ministration thereof, as it hath been here truly and faithfully used and held forth.
By the way, it is a fearful thing to despise God: For saith he, They that despise me, shall be lightly esteemed, I Sam. 2. 30. And it is just with God that after the same manner a Man sinneth, after the same he shall be punished; So such may be of the Number of those, who after they have for a while slept in the Dust, shall awake to Shame and Everlasting Contempt, Dan. 12. 3. and their Carcasses shall be an abhorring unto all Flesh, Isa. 66. 24. At that time saith the Lord they shall bring out the Bones of the Kings of Judah, and the Bones of his Princes, and the Bones of the Priests, and the Bones of the Prophets, and the Bones of the Inhabitants of Jerusalem out of their Graves. And they shall spread them before the Sun and the Moon, and all the Host of Heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped, Jer. 8. 2. So at that time it may be said and pronounced, Lo, these are the Bones of such People, who in the Days of their Flesh despised God, in their despising the Ministration of his Word.
It hath often been my Thought and Searching of Heart whilst I have been here in my Native Country, whither I have been in the place where it is the Will and Good Pleasure of God to have me in; and whither by Preaching to this little Assemble (fear not little Flock, it is your Fathers good Pleasure to give you the Kingdom; so it may be Christ's Flock, notwithstanding the Littleness thereof) I have indeed walked in the way wherein I should. Indeed it doth appear to me to be a good and right Work, as I examine the same in the Sight of God, and also I have receiv'd Comfort and Satisfaction of Mind in so doing. But still there hath arose in me a great Fear and Accusing of Conscience, fest herein I neglect much greater things; even for several Years last past, to be an Ambassador of Peace unto the Nations, Isa. 33. 7.
Here again I remember my Fault this Day; for whereas according to the Intimation and Phrase of the Prophet I should have wept bitterly, because that same Message of mine was not receiv'd; I did rather (to my Shame be it spoken) betake my self to a sensual and vain kind of Life; the report perhaps of which last hath hindred some from coming to hear my preaching; which as it becomes hereby in me a yet greater Sin (Be ye clean that bear the Vessels [Page 19] of the Lord, Isa. 52. 11.) and this also may be some Reason why God did not altogether so much succeed my Ministry, as it were to be desired, which makes my Sin yet more exceeding sinful. Consider this throughly, O my Soul, and amend thy Ways and thy Doings; but notwithstanding all this, other People should not refrain from coming to hear the Word. For a Man may preach unto others, and yet himself be a Castaway: And Christ seems to command and intimate that we should hear even them, Who say. and do not, Mat. 23. 3.
It was my Desire before my coming down into the Country, That I might come in the Spirit, Power and Fullness of the Gospel; of all which I have there failed and come short: And so it is my Desire again that I may return up to the chief City of this Nation, in the Spirit and Power of Elias, and as it becometh a Minister of the Gospel; but I fear and doubt before-hand, that I shall also fail and come short of that. However, thro' Christ that strengthneth me, I hope to practice also, as well as approve the things more excellent, and to take heed unto my Doctrine, and continue therein, that in so doing I may save my self and them that hear me. As also to try them yet again, whither the People who have been hitherto Disobedient and Rebellious, will obey God's Word, and tremble at his Commandment, and do according to his Law, Ezra 10. 3. I am to exhort them unto it, tho' I fear this will be the Return which I shall make at last as to them; But unto Israel (who were the outward Worshippers) he saith, all the Day long I have stretched forth my Hands unto a Disobedient and Gainsaying People.
This is a greater Work (and the greater is to be preferr'd before the less) than to preach weekly unto Twenty or Thirty Hearers. And also there is a much more lasting Preaching of Truth, by writing, and by multiplying and publishing the Copies thereof, than what is only spoken by word of Mouth, which goes off as a flash, and is soon forgotten both by Speaker and Hearer. It hath been my continued Prayer unto God all along. Take not the Word of thy Truth utterly out of my Mouth, Psal. 119. 43. O continue thy loving kindness to them that know thee, and thy Righteousness to the Ʋpright in Heart, Let not the foot of Pride come against me, and let not the Hand of the Wicked [Page 20] remove me, Psal. 36. 10, 11. which Prayer, if God is pleased to grant, then also may be fulfilled what is said in the Verse immediately following, There are the Workers of Iniquity fallen; they are cast down, and shall not be able to rise.
But again, there hath arose some doubtful Thoughts in my Mind, about trusting God with my Life, Liberty and Livelihood; which three are great and near things unto me; and the last of all doth most vex and perplex me, because that I am forced to lose so much of my precious Time, to seek out for the Necessaries of Life, which a Minister of the Gospel ought in no wise to do, but those things should be before ministred, and brought ready to his Hand. This is a very troublesome thing, (which arises because of the Opposition of Satan the Enemy) and consideration to me especially, who know so well concerning the preciousness of Time, the gliding away of Time, and the Irrecoverableness of Time. And it is not Reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve Tables, Acts 6. 2. It is not Reason that we (Ministers or Men, whom God hath endued with Gifts for the Ministry) should neglect the Ministration of that Word, which is alike requisite to come unto Eternal Life, to serve the mean Necessities of this present Life, as I am forced to do. For when I once go out of my Fathers House, I do thereupon forth with cast my self upon the Providence of God, and the Charity of the People, who are so backwardly and slow in Ministring to my Necessities, and towards the publishing of his Eternal Truth; that I lose too much of my precious Time, in seeking unto them therein. It is a Gospel Command, to Distribute to the necessity of Saints, Rom. 12. 13.
See and read a printed Half Sheet of mine, superscribed and directed to such Christian, Men and Women, as inhabit the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Places adjacent, and bearing date August 27. 1694.
There are many other particulars in reference to mine own Case, which may seem too trivial to relate; and perhaps ye would think not altogether so profitable, and edifying for ye to hear. But herein Use might be made unto your selves, as ye know such kind of Experiences, Trials, and Exercises of a Servant of God, and how ye could go thro' therewith, if it was your own Case, Moreover, [Page 21] these and such like Things are absolutely necessary to build up and exercise a Trust on God according to those Words of our Text, for in thee do I trust: For Trust in God is a relative Term, and pre-supposes Danger and Difficulty for God to carry us thro the one, and to preserve from the other. And as the God of David our Father did therefore suffer his Servant David to have Enemies, to keep him in Warfare, and that he might exercise his Trust on his Invisible Creator, so the same God, according to his Method and Workings of old, doth now also in this Generation and Country of ours, suffer several of his Servants to meet with Enemies, Imprisonments, (as his Servant Paul was frequent in Prisons, 2 Cor. 11. 23.) sore Troubles and Afflictions. By all these to Try, Prove, and Exercise their Trust on him; and whither notwithstanding, All this is come upon us, yet have we not forgotten thee, nor dealt falsly in thy way. Though thou hast sore broken us in the place of Dragons, and cover'd us with the shadow of Death, Psal. 44. 17, 18, 19.
But to proceed yet further in what I have to declare unto ye. I did refer it to this Issue, That when it was the Will of God to call me away again from hence, he would make it known unto me by some Sign, and this should be the Sign, viz. That if I did once perceive how that in the Course of my Ministry here among ye, God did once begin to stop the Current of his Eternal Truths from coming into my Knowledge; or if the Number of my Hearers did diminish and lessen, then I should assuredly gather, that God called me away. Both which I have seen fulfill'd for I do but almost preach the same things over and over unto ye (which is not improper for a Gospel Minister to do; for said the greatest Preacher thereof for these several Hundred Years last past, To write the same things to me is not grievous, but to you it is safe. And the Gentiles besought that those Words might be preached to them the next Sabbath, Acts 13. 42. So that it is lawful, yea, sometimes convenient and necessary to preach the same Sermon, or read the same Book, or publish the same things over and over again) and I have no new thing to declare unto ye: For I have found within my self a withdrawing and stopping the Hand, as to God his affording me more, and further Communication of his Eternal Truths; partly occasion'd [Page 22] thro' what was afore-mention'd of my worldly and vain Conversation, which did Grieve and Quench the Spirit for the Time; partly because I once said I would leave off preaching upon such a Consideration and Temptation which Expression of mine I believe was offensive unto his Holiness, who knoweth all things. For whosoever once puts, his Hand to this Plough, and looks back, is not fit for the Kingdom of God. And the other I believe was the Reason here mention'd. And then the number of my Hearers hath visibly diminish'd and lessen'd, as such of ye are my Witnesses, who came to hear me from the very first; which hath not therefore so happen'd, because of much more Inability and Insufficiency in my self over others. For the Word which hath been here preached is as Quick and Powerful, as Lively and Affecting the Heart and Conscience as rational and true, and altogether as faithfully handled, as what is preached in other Congregations round about. It is a Vexation to see Men of Understanding not set by, nor yet to have their due Worth and Esteem from the World. I returned, and saw under the Sun that the race is not to the swift, nor the Battle to the strong, neither yet Bread to the Wise, nor yet Riches to Men of Ʋnderstanding, Eccles. 9. 11. But it commonly so happens, that the more Eminent Instruments of the Glory of God to their respective Generations and Countries, are not understood by the People thereof. For he supposed his Brethren would have underderstood how that God by his Hand would deliver them; but they understood not, Acts 7. 25. Our Fathers understood not thy Wonders in Egypt. Psal. 106. 7. Of whom the World was not worthy: they wandred in Deserts, in Mountains, and in Dens, and Caves of the Earth, Heb. 11. 38.
But there have to many went about in this Town and Neighbourhood, like Elymas the Sorcerer, to persuade People off from Hearing my Preaching the Word, whereof they shall give account before him that is ready to judge both the Quick and Dead, and I shall implead them there, for their prating against us with malicious Words. The like did Diotrephes to the Apostle John; and not content themselves to refuse to hear the Word preach'd by me, they disswade them who would. There are many in this Town and Neighbourhood, who, like Alexander the Coppersmith, have done me much harm; I mean chiefly as to my Ministry: [Page 23] Besides, as to what hath fallen in Subordination as to my outward Condition and Circumstances in my intended Settlement of Life in this Country; which according to the Flesh, I did once desire, but now I suppose it will not be. As to the Harm they have done to my Ministry, let them know as much before-hand, and tremble thereat; They shall hear of it again at the Judgment-Seat of God. All this is chiefly occasion'd, because of the matter of the Popish King, because I had written, not out of mine own Head, but only from the Book of the Law and Commandment of God; That it was not lawful to turn aside a Papist from his right Quatenus, or meerly because he was a Papist, especially when his People had sworn a solemn Oath, kissing the Bible, of Subjection and Faithfulness unto him. And so the Prophet of the Lord in Ezek. 17, 18, 19. doth reprove the King of Jerusalem for despising the Oath which he had taken to the King of Babylon, who was an Heathen, and so an Oath doth bind to such an one, or a Papist; when lo he had given his Hand: For when a Lawful Oath is once taken, by invocating and sealing the same with the name of God (as that is so for Subjects to swear Subjection, which is their Duty, unto their King and Ruler) there is none can go off, or recede from the same, and be guiltless or blameless. There is not an Instance hereof to be given throughout the whole Bible. So that the aforesaid Proposition may be truly grounded upon this plain Declaration of the Law and Revealed Will of God, I will be a swift Witness against false Swearers (such are they who despise or do not keep the Oath of God, which is contrary unto what the Spirit saith in Eccles. 8. 2.) and against them that turn aside the stranger from his right, Mal. 3. 5, Now the Stranger there meant was either an Heathen, who also was an Idolater, or a Proselyte of the Gate; and here God speaks against turning him aside from his right, in like manner it may be truly reason'd and apply'd against turning aside a Papist from his Right. As the Prophet Malachy was no Heathen nor Stranger only, because he did by the Spirit deliver and make known the Commandment of God to be on this wise; so I am no Papist, altho' I make known also, and affirm the Will and Commandment of God to be on this wise, as I have here receiv'd and learn'd it from his own Word of Truth. I shall not here mention [Page 24] many more Particulars to illustrate and confirm the Truth of what I have written about these things: But as it is written, The foolishness of Man perverteth his way, and his Heart fretteth against the Lord. So I would just observe, That the Disobedience of many People, because they have acted contrary thereunto; yea, of the Religious and Professors also have fretted against the Lord, because he hath given such Declarations of his Will, and such kind of Commandments, as in Mal. 3. 5. afore-mention'd, and these following; To turn aside the Right of a Man before the Face of the most High, to subvert a Man in his cause the Lord approveth not, Lam. 3, 35, 36. From whence again it may be truly reason'd and inferr'd, That the more like any Man is unto the Mind of God, the supream and only Good (thou art of purer Eyes then to behold Evil, and canst not look on Iniquity) the better that Man is; so by Consequence we are the better Men, and more like unto God, and God doth better love and approve of us, if we do not approve of such kind of Doings neither, as the Lord approveth not; for indeed it is according to the Law of God, and the Laws of this Realm, as also to Right Reason (for this is necessarily tending unto the Welfare, Peace and Order of all Communities and Societies of People, living in a Nation or Countrey together) that every one should have and enjoy his civil Right and respective Property, both in his Lands or Goods, of whatever Opinion, Perswasion, or way of Worship in Matters of Religion he or they be of Thou shalt in any wise set him King over thee whom the Lord thy God shall choose: one from among thy Brethren shalt thou set King over thee: thou mayst not set a Stranger over thee which is not thy Brother, Deut. 17. 15. In all this we have not dealt falsly in thy Covenant, neither have our Steps declin'd from thy way.
So it stands at this day, I have at sundry Times, in several Years, preached the Word amongst ye, and stretched forth my Hands unto a Disobedient and a Gainsaying People. Ye know that I have kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and taught you publickly in this place (and I would have done it from House to House, but that my time was taken up in writing the Truths of God) though herein again I have been guilty of many Omissions and Neglects; for I might have [Page 25] more discoursed on that Subject, as touching their not hearing the Word to those whom I have occasionally made Visits unto or been in Company with. I have testified both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, Repentance towards God, and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. I have preached both to the Godly, and to the Ungodly, to the Nominal, and also to the real Christians, Repentance from dead Works; and that they should turn to God, and bring forth fruits meet for Repentance. I have also preached Faith in Jesus Christ, as ye are my Witnesses.
And so ye are likewise, That I have inculcated over and over the Doctrine of Universal Obedience: That is, To have respect unto all God's Statutes, Psal. 119. 6. And to have all his Judgments before us, and not to put away his Statutes from us, Psal. 18. 22. nor yet any of them: Yea, I have more than once or twice set my Seal, and in this place deliver'd my Testimony against Partial Obedience; that is, when either Priests or People are Partial in the Law, (which in Mal. 2. 9. God finds fault with, and reproves them for) and they keep some of the Commandments of God, and neglect others, as the manner of many is, who call themselves Christians, altho it is a dangerous and Soul-destroying Deceit. Herein I have been peculiar and distinct from other Congregations; for this same Doctrine of confirming all the Words of God's Law to do them, Deut. 27. 26. Is not so much preached therein as it should be. I am sure it is not so much practised by the Hearers and Members thereof as it ought to be.
And now behold I go bound in the Spirit unto Jerusalem, (I mean to the chief City of this Nation) not knowing the things that shall befal me there: save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every City, saying that Bonds and Afflictions abide me, (I speak this by way of surmise, because those things have heretofore befaln me in that place) But none of these things move me, neither count I my Life dear unto my self; so that I might finish my Course with Joy, and the Ministry which I have receiv'd of the Lord Jesus to testifie the Gospel of the Grace of God. I must at length unavoidably taste of Death one way or another. At first indeed I have a melancholy Prospect before me, namely, of Poverty, and further Imprisonments, for I believe this before the Scene will yet turn with me. I believe God, that it [Page 26] shall be even so as it was told me, howbeit we must be cast upon a certain Island, Acts 27. 25, 26. I believe God that it shall be even so, as hath been shew'd to me before-hand in my Mind, how that it should be with me also, as it was with his Servant Job, and the latter end of my Life should be more than my beginning; howbeit, according to his Method and Workings of old, I must undergo greater and sorer Troubles than I have as yet endured, Before He doth quicken me again, and bring me up again from the depths of the Earth, Psal. 71. 20. But I trust in the living God that he will proportion his Invisible Protection unto the Danger I may be subject unto, and his Deliverance according to the Trouble and Suffering, I may be involved in, and his Relief suitable to what my Need shall be. As old Hilarion did say when he was tempted to deny Christ; These eighty six years I have served him, and found no harm in him, and shall I deny him now? No, I will not do it. So for some Years last past I have trusted on God hitherto, and it was then well enough with me, (blessed be his Name for it) and shall I distrust him now? No, I hope I shall never do it: But I desire to remember and always bear in mind, so that I may follow his Example in this Duty of trusting on God, that Character which is recorded of Hezekiah, He trusted in the Lord God of Israel, so that after him there was none like unto him among all the Kings of Judah, nor any that were before him, 2 Kin. 18. 5. What, could Paul finish his Course with Joy when Bonds and Afflictions in every City did abide him? Yes, he did by the Influences and Comforts of the Holy Ghost within him at the same time. For as God was with Joseph in the Prison, so he is equally, or rather more with his Servants in trouble, when they are suffering according to his Will in well doing: So I declare truly unto ye this Day (behold what a good God it is whom we serve) I have experienced more Sweetness and Joy, (which arises from the Sense of the loving Kindness and Favour of God towards us, and from the Belief and Assurance of a greater Reward); when I have been in Prison, then when I have been out of it: For then I have had a troubled Spirit, (and a wounded Spirit who can bear?) for my neglect of doing the Will of God, and for my accepting of Deliverance upon sinful Terms, and out of fear of the future [Page 27] Displeasure of God against me for the same. I am of the same Mind still, and I desire ever to continue so. I had rather meet with what is commonly called Trouble and Suffering (which even in the midst thereof is very much sweetned by the Holy Ghost the Comforter) in the way of serving God, and doing my Duty towards him, by testifying the Gospel of God, and by asserting his Commandments in the very same manner as they lie, and were by him given, than avoid Suffering or Trouble, in omitting or neglecting of it. Your own several Understandings can conceive and tell ye that if one can finish his Course with Joy, when Bonds and Afflictions every where abide him (which is as certain as Scripture is true, and that God hath any Care over his Servants and People) then he is altogether as happy as those at full Liberty. And so those who take joyfully the spoiling of their Goods (from whence doth that Joy arise? even from that Knowledge that they have in Heaven a better and more enduring Substance) as some have done, then these also are in the same, or rather a better Condition than those who have kept them; for they have not that degree of rejoycing.
I will not here apply that next Verse of Paul's Farewel Sermon to the Ephesians; And now behold, I know that ye all, amongst whom I have preached the Kingdom of God shall see my Face no more; for besides, that Humane Temper of mine,
There is a like Disposition in me, as was in one of the Patriarks, of longing fore after my Father's House. There is a Lothness and Unwillingness in me, according to the Flesh, to leave or throw my self out of it, because of having there the Necessaries and Conveniences of outward Life, and of dwelling at ease. But if I should always continue there, how should the Work of God be done by me, and wo be unto me if I do it not, and I would not have it taken out of my Hands, and given to another; and so I shall lose the things that I have wrought, and not receive a full Reward, nor yet obtain a better Resurrection than my other Fellow-Creatures, who are for being at Ease, (the Lord declares himself, I am very sorely displeased with [Page 28] the Heathen that are at ease, Zech. 1. 15. Wo to them that are at ease in Zion, Amos 6. 1.) and sleeping in a whole Skin, as we commonly phrase it. It is a Resemblance to Moses's Faith, Choosing rather to suffer Affliction with the People of God, than to enjoy the Pleasures of Sin for a season. Esteeming the Reproach of Christ greater Riches than the Treasures of Egypt; for he had Respect unto the Recompence of Reward. And so if I rather choose only Bread to eat, and Rayment to put on, Gen. 28. 20. as I hope he will give me that as he did unto Jacob in the way wherein I am to go, which he hath chalked, and shew'd unto me before-hand, rather than to enjoy still the Comforts of a full Table, or the sweet delightsome Rellish of Sensuality (which is like the Israelites longing after the Onyons, Leeks, and Garlick of Egypt) or better Rayment, or what is commonly call'd a more creditable kind of Life; and all this I do only for the sake of God, and of publishing yet more his Word and Truth. The having Respect unto the Recompence of Reward doth swallow up all other wordly and carnal Considerations.
Life is uncertain, and it is more sickly in great and populous Cities, and there be other Casualties. Moreover, the Sons of Violence are there; so that God only knows whither ye shall see my Face any more. But if I can enjoy Health, Liberty, and have continued Relief proportionable to my Need and I have a contented Mind so to abide, and be doing; I would willingly by the Grace and Truth of God (not as of my self, who can do nothing) so effect things, that ye shall see me no more till ye shall say, Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord. This is my Desire according to the Spirit, tho' the Flesh perhaps may incline me to go to and fro. That my Ministry shall not be altogether so much rejected amongst ye as formerly. We have been with Child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth Wind, we have not wrought any Deliverance in the Earth, neither have the Inhabitants of the World fallen, Isa. 26. 18. which hitherto hath been fulfill'd in my Ministry, as to the People of this my Generation and Country: Nevertheless it is of God, as that here mention'd is, altho' it had not its utmost effect.
There is an irksomeness and unwillingness according to the Flesh, for even common Friends to part; especially, if we are to see one anothers Face no more, and we know of it before-hand. But there is yet a much greater sounding of the Bowels, and deep thought of Heart between the true Preachers of the Gospel, and their People and Hearers: Especially if they are knit together in Heart and Affection, as appears by this Instance and Example of Paul. And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul's Neck, and kissed him. Sorrowing most of all for the Words which he spake, that they should see his Face no more. And they accompanied him unto the Ship. True Christianity where it is lively and real, doth draw out the Affections and Passions in the most eminent manner that can be. God knows whither my Ministry here used amongst ye, hath so far reached the Hearts of any, that it hath been reported of me in like manner, as was of the Author and Finisher of our Faith. Some say, that he is a good Man, and others have said, nay, but he deceiveth the People. This last Reproach hath been handed about, or otherwise they would never have dissuaded People from coming to hear me. So far it is true, some do secretly wish that I was gone out of the Country, yea, many in this Island had rather I was gone out of the World. By the way, if their Spirits now are so impatient and restless, that they cannot endure a single Troubler of Israel, how then will they endure when their Souls fly out of their Bodies; (it is but a short Respite and Reprieve between) if they should be with the whole Company of Prophets and Apostles, who were so to their Age and Country, what I am accused of now. Neither they nor my self have troubled Israel, but those Men only have troubled it, who have forsaken the Commandments of the Lord. Some very few others in this Neighbourhood had rather perhaps that I stay longer among them for their Souls Good, and Edification, by their attending on my Ministry in this place.
But beloved, of whom I hope Salvation, to speak a short Word unto ye; I have no greater Joy than to hear that my Children walk in Truth, John 3. 4. For what is our Hope, or Joy, or Crown of Rejoycing? are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, for ye are our Glory and Joy, 1 Thes. 2. 19, 20, This is my Hope, my Comfort, my Joy, and [Page 30] my Crown, that every one of you are not gainsaying, and disobedient, Despisers and non-hearers, although far the greater Multitude of the Inhabitants of this Town and Neighbourhood are. Ye might convince them in the mean while, as ye will be Witness against the others at the last Day. Furthermore then we beseech you Brethren, and exbort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and please God, even according to all the words of the Gospel, without adding one Word, or diminishing from it, so ye would abound more and more. The same Paul saith on this wise concerning another Minister of the Gospel; Receive him, for he also worketh the work of the Lord as I work. So my dear and beloved Fellow-Christians, I would have ye to know, that whensoever I go from hence, notwithstanding the contrary Reproaches of many People, I do work the same Work of the Lord, which I do here in this place. Namely, by the words of God's Grace and Truth, which are committed to my Ministration to endeavour to convert Sinners, and to make them a People prepared for the Lord. But there I do it more by writing and publishing the Copies thereof, which is the more lasting and remaining Good. Here it is by a living Voice, and by Word of Mouth. Again, of this ye are not ignorant, that in other Cities, Towns, and Villages there are the like Creatures of the same God, as ye your selves are, and alike Sheep of the one and everlasting Shepherd, who hath us Ministers for his under-Shepherds; and these Sheep are to be fed, instructed and exhorted in the Words of Eternal Life. So that ye may be contented and satisfied (for they also are Children of the Stock of Abraham, and Flesh, of your Flesh, and Bone of your Bone) altho' one who was a Burning and Shining Light in his Generation (and some of ye were willing to rejoyce in his Light for a season) should be removed to another place, for the much yet greater ends of the Gospel, and for the yet more Universal and lasting Publishing and Propagation of the Eternal Truths of God. For the Souls of such of ye as shall be saved, will be saved nevertheless whither I go away or stay, if ye remember and continue mindful of the things that have been spoken, and particularly if ye obey and observe the very last Direction, which I Intend to leave with ye. As also in the latter Days when [Page 31] ye shall consider it more perfectly than I can now declare it unto ye, then ye will glorifie God on my behalf, and also be well pleased therewith, and have good Will towards me in my making the better Choice, as to obey the Call of God, and prefer the greater things pertaining to his Kingdom before the less. This common thing of good Will is a thing that the Ministers of the Gospel do very often want, signified by that relative kind of Speech, Glory to God on the highest, on Earth Peace, and good Will towards Men. But as to the Souls of them in this Town and Neighbourhood who shall perish, they would still continue Despisers and Non-hearers, Reproachers and Blasphemers, stubborn and perverse, be Blinded, Rom. 11. 7. and Snared, Isa. 8. 14. at the Word of my Ministry, and there would be a stumbling Block hindering them from coming to hear it, altho' I should continue here all the remaining evil Days of my Pilgrimage, which I intend not to do.
As Robert Bolton call'd for his six Children up when he lay upon his Death-bed, and utter'd this his last Saying unto them, Take heed that none of ye do meet me at the Judgment-seat of God in an un-regenerate Heart; so in this my Farewel-Sermon I warn and testifie unto all the Inhabitants of this Town and Neighbourhood (let those that hear carry out this Word to them that do not hear) take heed that none of ye do meet me at the Judgment-Seat of God in an un-regenerate Heart, nor yet in the Spirit of despisal and refusal to hear the Word of the Lord, nor yet in the Spirit of Reproach, Stubbornness, and Perverseness, nor yet in the Darkness of Ignorance, which most People are now in, And which shews (for these are the Fruits and Effects thereof) that your Hearts as yet are Un-regenerate, Unsanctified, and Unrenewed, and your foolish Hearts are darkned. Which perhaps, altho' they are not in every part, yet it is so in some part thereof; for ye are not as yet turn'd unto the Lord your God with all your Heart, and with all your Souls, and with all your Mind, without the Exception or Reserve of any Lust, Humour or Will of your own, And ye are not as yet given up to follow the Lamb, (who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and consequently the Conducts and Leadings of Divine Truth) whither soever it goes; but such do turn unto the Lord with some of their Heart, but not with their whole Heart. [Page 32] This Word is proper, and belongs unto those of the several Professions, Sorts, Sects and Names of Religion, inhabiting among us, as they are commonly called or distinguished by Church-People, Presbyterians, Quakers. The name of it, nor yet your listing your selves in either of the Parties, nor yet your confining your selves only unto it. will not save ye, nor any of ye: But it must be pure and undefiled Religion before God, thro' his Gracious Acceptance thereof; it must be by true Primitive and Universal Christianity (the way wherein our Fathers walked, who now are at Peace) thro' which as a Means ye are to hope that your Spirits may be saved in the Day of the Lord. Jesus. A confirming all the Words of the Law and Gospel by your doing of them. But whosoever shall do and teach them (even the least Commandments) the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven, Mat. 5. 19. And it is thro' this thing, even that mention'd in the foregoing Verse, The setting your Hearts unto all the Words, which Moses and the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles have testified unto Mankind unto this Day, which ye shall command your Children to do, all the Words of this Law. And then it follows, thro' this thing ye shall prolong your Days, even so to a blessed Eternity in the Land, (even the new Heavens, and the new Earth, where Righteousness dwells) whither and when ye go over the Jordan of this Life to possess it. There is no other way, or name given under Heaven, whereby they must be saved, than that of Christ Jesus, and the Observance of all things whatsoever he hath commanded us.
Whatever Reproaches and false Sayings have been uttered against my Person or Ministry, tho' here it may be expected I should take up such a kind or form of Speech; Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. I pray God lay not this Sin to their Charge. But since Christ and his Apostles spake after this manner, so much Light and Grace, so much Knowledge and Revelation have came into the World, that People now may know what they do herein, namely, that themselves who reproach and speak falsly, are as so many Instruments in the Hands of the Devil for to resist, let and hinder, to defeat, spoil or render of less Effect the Ministry of such a Servant of the most High God, who doth only Teach the way of Salvation. [Page 33] So that if we should still pray and ejaculate after this manner, it may seem to encourage others in a like course of sinning, and Teaching Rebellion against the Lord, (for so did Shemaiah the Nehelamite, in giving out as if Jeremiah his Prophet was mad, as ye may read in Jer. 29. 26. 32.) so that instead of my praying, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. I pray God, lay not this Sin to their charge; I shall here use and apply as to them other Words of Christ and his Apostle. But I say unto you that every idle Word (which there signifies false or reproachful Words, as appears by the Verses immediately foregoing) that Men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment, Mat, 12. 36. Who shall give an account to him that is ready to judge both the Quick and Dead, 1 Pet. 4. 5. We are not allow'd to pray, nor will God hear but according to Truth. How then can I pray, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do, when the Times of that Ignorance which God winked at are long since past. But now in this Gospel-day more Grace and Knowledge have appeared unto the World: So that either People do know, or may know (which is near one and the same thing) what they do, and whom they have Reproached and Blasphemed, and against whom they have exalted their Voice, even against the Holy One of Israel, when with their Mouth they have reproached, and spoken falsly of his Minister and Servant, especially as he was in the Ministration of his Word; and when their lying Lips did speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the Righteous.
Finally, Brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good Report, if there be any Vertue, and if there be any Praise, think on these things. Those things which ye have learn'd and received, and heard, and seen in me, do, and the God of Peace shall be with you, Phil. 4. 8, 9. Wherefore I take you to record this Day that I am pure from the Blood of all Men, for I have not shunned to declare unto ye all the Counsel of God. For as may be reason'd from Joshua 8. 35. there should not be a Word of all that God hath commanded in the Scriptures; which his true Ministers should shun, or refuse to declare and make known unto the People. I am not he that is set over ye after the Law [Page 34] of a Carnal Commandment, or according to the established manner of the Country. But as God hath set some in the Church, first Apostles, secondarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers, after that Miracles, then Gifts of Healing, Helps, 1 Cor. 12. 28. so by the Gifts given and committed unto me, I may come in for an Helper in the Work of the Ministry. And by my constant Warning of the Inhabitants of this Town and Neighbourhood against all manner of Sin and Transgression, and by laying open the Unreasonableness and Danger thereof, I shall somewhat ease that Account which he is to give for the Souls more immediately, and especially committed unto his Charge. Notwithstanding all the Labours that are used in this Parish, and the Parts adjacent to prevent it, whosoever for all that shall perish at last yet I take you to record again, that I am pure from the Blood of all Men, because I have not refused to declare unto them all the Counsel of God that came into my Mind, and which was against their Sin, Iniquity, Transgression, Hypocrisie, Disobedience and Ignorance; all which and the like, do drown Men in Destruction and Perdition.
And now Brethren, I commend you to God, and to the Word of his Grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an Inheritance amongst all them which are sanctified. I commend you especially to the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation, and to its Teaching us that denying Ʋngodliness and Worldly Lusts, we should live Soberly, Righteously, and Godly in this present World. So that whosoever of you shall deny Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts, and shall live Soberly and Righteously and Godly in this present World, he or she and such only shall obtain and inherit Salvation in the next World. I commend you also to the Teaching of the Spirit of God (there is no Teaching like the Teaching of the Spirit, and Lord evermore give us this Bread, Lord evermore give us the Teaching of thy Spirit) and there be sure to obey its Voice, and to do always according to those Dictates of Duty and Motions of Good, the Spirit shall from Time to Time, suggest and put into your several Minds. Remember to observe this Rule, even to do and put in Practice all the Good that ye shall ever think of, or what shall be in the Power of your Hands for to do. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth [Page 35] in you; and ye need not that any Man teach you; but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is no Lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. And now little Children abide in him; that when he shall appear, we may have Confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming, 1 John 2. 27, 28.
As ye and my self do constantly to our Lives end, observe these last Rules and Directions here deliver'd; however we shall be divided and separated one from another on this Earth in matter of Place; But we Brethren being taken from you for a short time, in Presence, not in Heart, 1 Thess. 2. 17. for such of us as are obedient unto the Word, in Heart and Affection we shall be together still, (for Godly Hearers will remember a Godly Teacher after he is removed from them; as also he will remember such Hearers as were attendant on, and obedient unto the Word of his Ministry in such a Place) yet such of us as do these things (If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them; and blessed are those Servants whom when the Lord cometh, he shall find so doing) shall meet again at a blessed Resurrection. Amen, so be it, saith my Soul,
LONDON: Printed in the Year 1698. and are to be Sold unto such who will receive the Truth in the Love thereof.
THese are to give notice, That I have several other Practical Sermons or Discourses of mine own composing, lying by me in Manuscript; which if they who have the Plenty or Competency of this Worlds Goods, would (according to their several Ability) thus Consecrate some part of their Gain and Substance unto the Lord, Micah 4, 13. so as to be ready to Distribute, and willing to Communicate towards the outward Labour and Charge of the Printing. and Publishing of them, it would be for the Glory of God (in making known his Truth, Isa. 38. 19.) and for the Edification and Benefit of his Church and People; and consequently it would be a good Work in such Persons, who shall be helpful, and any ways assistant herein, for which they would be rewarded by God in the Life that is to come.
Charge them that are rich in this World, that they do Good; that they be rich in good Works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate, laying up in store for themselves a good Foundation against the Time to come, that they may lay bold on Eternal Life, 1 Tim. 6. 17, 18, 19. This is a Faithful Saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God, might be careful to maintain good Works; these things are good and profitable unto Men, Titus 3. 8.