Least Satan should get an advantage of us, for we are not Ignorant of his devices.
FRom whence we assuredly gather, that if St. Paul, an Apostle and Servant of the Lord, Who would so run, not as at uncertainty; Who did so endeavour, Least by any means whilst he had Preached unto others, Himself should be a cast-away, Spake thus by the Spirit of the Lord, this also is written for our Example and Admonition, that every Servant of the Lord who would so run his Christian race, not as at uncertainty; Who would so wait upon the Lord in all his Ordinances, that after all, he should not prove a cast-away himself (for such a thing is possible and to be feared, and care is to be taken against it all our Life long.) He ought not to be Ignorant of the devices of Satan; for it is certain, the more we know them, the more we may avoid them, or render them of none effect.
It is said, Devices in the Plural Number; for they are more then one. And indeed it is to be thought, that as Jesus asked him what is thy Name, and he said, Legion, because many Devils were entred into him, Luke 8. 30. So all his several devices are near upon as many. Now a Legion according to that Computation which then was, is Six Thousand, Six Hundred and Sixty Six; which is a great and considerable Number. And if the devices of Satan are so many as there are Devils, to treat of them severally, and particularly would make a long and perplex Sermon. I shall endeavour to make known unto ye, what I find concerning them in the Book of the Lord, and according [Page 2] to that knowledge himself shall afford me. All the devices of Satan, may be reduced to these two General Heads, or to these two Principal Intents and Designs which the Enemy of our Souls hath, in using his Temptations or Devices against us.
They are either First, To hinder People from coming into the way of the Lord.
Or Secondly, To turn them aside, or back again, after they are come into the way of the Lord.
In opposition unto and prevention of all which, the Allwise God hath two Ends in sending forth his Word, and in appointing Ministers for the Ministry thereof; which are the Converting of Sinners from the Errour of their way, or to bring People over unto God, and then afterwards to Perswade them to continue in the Grace of God, Acts 13. 43. Both which good Ends, do exactly Countermine those two General Devices of Satan afore-mentioned: For God our Saviour would as willingly have all Men to be saved, and to come to the Knowledge of the Truth, As Satan the Destroyer walketh about as a Roaring Lion, seeking whom he may devour; And therefore he endeavours what he can to turn aside, or hinder People from coming to the Knowledge of the Truth.
The first device of Satan, to hinder People from coming into the way of the Lord and how Contrariwise, the Wisdom of God cryeth out continually unto them to come, we shall not here altogether so much insist on, (tho' abundance of excellent and useful matter might be drawn from thence.) Because it doth not quite so closely and immediately appertain to the Subject in hand, which is the second Particular, Viz. The not being Ignorant how one Principal device of Satan is to turn People aside, or back again, after they are come into the way of the Lord, is a necessary help towards the making a continuing and persevering work of it.
It is said in the true Proverb, forewarned, fore-armed. And accordingly, having received notice before hand of such an Enemy or Adversary; We may expect accordingly and be better provided to withstand him, or so to order our selves that his Ends shall not be Answered upon us. The Great Captain of our salvation, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, even Christ Jesus hath this manner of [Page 3] Speech to his Disciples and Followers, Behold I have told you before, Mat. 24. 25. This he spake as to those False Christs and False Prophets, which should arise and shew Great Signs and Wonders, insomuch that if it were possible, they should deceive the very Elect; Which hath been literally fulfilled as to the False Christs, and False Prophets of the Roman Church. For the Priests thereof have pretended to shew Great Signs and Wonders by their forged Miracles, which are recorded in their lying Legends; which have been just like a Jugler shewing his Hocus Pocus Tricks, in order to deceive People into their Idolatry, Errour and Superstition. And all these (altho' perhaps themselves knew it not, or at least they did not throughly consider thereof) were but Instruments in the hands of the Devil, to deceive the Nations and the World. Which devices did so far take effect, as to deceive the simple Multitude of the several Generations and Countreys; and even to this very Day, they have near upon as many, or rather more in Number, as the Protestants of there formed Religion are. If these Poor deluded Souls (whom I Pity at my heart) had kept in mind, or had been acquainted with this Caution of our Saviour Jesus Christ, then they would not have so soon fallen into that Delusion, if they had at all. But Satan working in them with Greater deceiveablness, kept the Scriptures from them; for the way to avoid any Delusion, which is as a snare, is to see, or have knowledge of it before hand. As we have Christ for our Lord and Example herein, so every Minister of Christ ought to warn the People and tell them before hand what they will meet with, and what will come upon them in their way towards Heaven, and advertise them what shall befall them in the latter Days, Gen. 49. 1. For as it is commonly said, If we did know before what would come hereafter, we should never do amiss: So it would be much more as to the invisible and future things pertaining to the Souls of Men, if they were warned throughly and did receive the warning. When the Watchman seeth the Enemy coming, he is to blow the Trumpet and warn the People; according as our God hath commanded and directed us of the Ministry, in Ezek. 33. And as we come to know the devices of Satan, we are to make them known unto ye also.
With the well advised is Wisdom. And People have begun well, when they have resolved so far as this towards Heaven, as to choose it for their Everlasting and Final abode, and to desire it for their Habitation. For the Lord hath chosen Sion, He hath desired it f [...]r his Habitation. This is my rest for ever, here will I dwell for I have desired it, Psal. 132. 13, 14. Now Sion signifies his People: And as there is such a choice, mind and desire in God towards his People: So it is but Natural and Reasonable, yea and his Elect Servants have such a reciprocal Love, choice, mind and desire towards the Lord their God, to be with him wherever he is, rather to be with God in Hell, then to be without him even i [...] Heaven it self, which is an utter impossibility but even to suppose; for wheresoever God is, it must be Heaven and can be no Hell, In whose presence is fullness o [...] Joy, and at whose right hand are Pleasures for evermore; Like as there must be of necessity, Light and Heat, in the places next unto where the Sun shines.
I suppose, that most People are bent for God and Heaven in the General, and that they have their Faces towards Sion. But I am to acquaint ye, that so far it is well, but this will not bring you thither. I mean, the hope to go to Heaven, and some Endeavours after it will not give you Footing and Possession in that High and Lofty Place, the Inhabitation of Eternity, the place where all Righteousness and Blessedness dwells. For who is there in the General that doth not hope to go to Heaven? And doth not use some endeavours after it. Ye shall hardly find one Man or Woman in Twenty, whom if you ask as much, they will tell you the same. I do for my part hope to go Heaven, and so doth another, yea, and a third, and each doth endeavour somewhat after it. For this makes them go to Church or Meeting about once a Month, or once a Quarter, and to carry forth an indifferent outward Moral, Civil and Honest Conversation towards one another; for they think this enough to bring them to Heaven, and this is their endeavour after it. As I just Name and observe this unto ye, Cannot ye smell out a device of Satan herein? Which may by and by a little appear, [...] hereby he delude and deceives the P [...]p [...]e, that [...] will [...]ve the turn to bring them to Heaven, then rea [...]y [...]
I have much Pondered in my heart, upon Luke 13. 23, 24. Then said one unto him, Lord, Are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, strive to enter in at the streight Gate; for many, I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able. Every sentence, Word and Syllable, ye [...], the very Jota's, or Points in Scripture are observable; for it will be all fulfilled and found true in its Season. This I warn ye of constantly, and Behold I have told you before. In the end of time and in the latter days, when ye shall stand again on the Earth ye shall see it in like manner to be fulfilled, and all things to be so as is there written. So here it is to be taken notice of, that whereas it is not said, that many will strive to enter in and shall not be able; for they that shall strive will indeed enter in, but many will see to enter in and shall not be able. Which word seek imports lesser degree of endeavour then striving doth. And so God declares himself in Heb. 11. 6. To be a rewarder of them; that diligently seek him. It is not said of them that seek him, but of them that diligently seek him. This Point had need to be well and throughly understood; for as to this, is the General deceivableness and miscarriage of the whole World, as to their doing enough to obtain Heaven and Salvation. There is none in this Nation of riper Years and Understanding, who hath not heard of it, and there is none who doth not desire it, because of its Goodness and Excellency; and especially, because if they are not received there, they must go into a worse place. And there is hardly any but doth something or other towards it; for this makes them go to their several Congregations and Places of Worship. Now a bare course of outward and customary Worship and no more, is not striving but seeking: But when I see them going by Multitudes, some to one place and some to another, and all will not be saved who go to Church or Meeting. This is a thing worth the knowing who the very Persons will be, and to bring it yet closer to my self. Is it I, that do serve God to the saving of my Soul? And another should make the same and like application and so a third, That every one of you, do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the End; Till every one of you do use the same diligence which God hath promised that he will Reward; Till every one of you [Page 6] strive to enter in at the streight Gate. Striving imports in the Original Word to put forth all the strength; for such shall be able. Let any one but do his utmost and his best for God, and such God will accept off. But this is the fault and failure, that People do not their best and their utmost for God: Or, if they do it for a Season, yet they do not continue it; and so they forfeit their own Share and Portion in the Promises. The Scripture hath told us before, how it will be divided and rendred to every one at the last day; and this doth mention several who run, but one obtaineth the Prize. Of four sorts of Hearers of the Word, one only bringeth forth Fruit unto Everlasting Life. And the Kingdom of Heaven (which there signifies the outward Exhibition, holding forth, or Dispensation of the Gospel) Is like unto a Not that was cast into the Sea and gathered of every kind; which when it was full, they drew to the shore, and gathered the Good into Vessels, and cast the bad away; so shall it be at the End of the World. The Angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from the just, Mat. 13. 47, 48, 49. We read many such like things there, which declare and set forth, how that all will not go to Heaven who talk thereof, or somewhat desire it, or slightly endeavour after it. Altho' they herd themselves amongst his visible Church, and frequent his outward Worship all their lives long.
I have often thought as to my self, when I have heard the Good and Eternal things of God declared and Preached of, What do they all signify and avail if I should not have an Interest and Propriety in them, and if they should not belong to me? When all comes to all, nothing less then this will suffice me, To be a Partaker of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light. This is the thing my Soul craves after, and will never be satisfied until it is sure thereof, as it is continually vexed when she meets with things that cross, or hinder her in seeking and labouring hereafter. As Philip said to Jesus Christ, Lord shew us the Father and it sufficeth us, I will be bold here to say, that either for God to be shewn unto us, as we may see him through a Glass darkly, of these Created things, or as he is shewed unto us in the Word Preached, Read, or Heard; This doth not altogether so truly, fully and throughly satisfy [Page 7] the Soul of Man, altho' it doth a little more when in Truth, and in an inward Witnessing it can say, My Lord, and my God, by way of Propriety and Claiming him to ones self. And yet here again, because here there may be some doubt and further thought of Soul, nothing less can satisfy the Soul of Man, then for her to enjoy God in Heaven. And so it is here aforesaid, That the Lord hath chosen Zion, which signifies his People, This is my rest for ever; here will I dwell for I have desired it, which implies an Union to him. So the Language of the Creature speaks again unto him, As the heart panteth after the Water Brooks, so panteth my Soul after thee O God. My Soul Thirsteth for God, for the living God, when shall I come and appear before God, Psal. 42. 1, 2. It is evident, that the Soul hath a Natural desire to know God, not in those who have defaced it with Sensuality and Brutishness. Not in those who are Alienated and Enemies through wicked works, but in them who exert the Operations thereof. Who obey and serve their Creator, even as it is meet and right that his Creatures should do. So when the Soul comes to be acquainted with him, she is in Peace. It can be contented for the present, and wait some time for the full Enjoyment of him; Altho' in this mean while, the Earnest Expectation of the Creature waiteth for the Manifestation of the Sons of God. There are risings in the Souls of Men and Women (a little imperfect measure whereof, they have in this Life towards Communion and Union with their God. As also because we are given to understand, that many will be rejected and cast off from him at the last day, altho' they were his Creatures and the work of his hands, hence doth arise Great Thought and Searching of Heart, least we should be of the Number of them.
Well, to help and remedy that, to Encourage People to shew the same diligence unto the full assurance of hope unto the End, I do here make known unto ye, that the sure way to obtain is to have Faith in God, and to Love him with all our Heart, and with all our Soul, and with all our Strength, and with all our Mind. There is all the Reason in the World that he should be so loved and served. Never any one that did thus believe and love and serve him, did Finally and Eternally Perish. Moses indeed came on [Page 8] Mount Pisgah. He saw an Earthly Canaan and never came into it, but now he is in a much better, Viz. The Heavenly Men may be and are disappointed in their Pursuits after Earthly things, altho' they used Diligence and Wisdom, and were ready to lay hold on them. But none that doth so as to Heaven, who hath the Hope which enters within the vail, and such a sight thereof as to overlook present things, who takes up this firm, constant and continued resoluti [...]n, for that will I labour and care all the Days of this Life of Vanity. Whatever I take in hand, or whatever my hand finds me to do, I will bring it all in tendency, subordination and subserviency thereto, or otherwise I will never do it: None such who do thus, shall miss thereof. Be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know, that your Labour is not in vain in the Lord. Here again observe, it is called Labour; for this imports a great deal more then that careless and customary Religion of the Multitude. But when it is made a matter of Labour and Striving, and it becomes the constant and only business of all our Life long; When the Life which we live is by Faith in the Son of God, That is, when that Faith doth so actuate us throughly and wholly, all one, as the Soul doth actuate the Body in order to Natural Life, to such the Word and Promise of God, stands engaged, that they Shall not Labour in vain, nor yet seek his Face in vain; But they shall obtain that which they seek after, viz. The Enjoyment of God, and a Mansion in their Fathers House in the highest Heavens.
It is a great and observable Scripture, Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for, but the Election hath obtained it, and the rest are blinded, Rom. 11. 7.
There is many such a thought in Godly and Gracious Souls, like unto that of David, who after that, he had received the Promise of being King over Israel, could say, I shall fall one day by the hands of Saul. And so to whom pertaineth the Adoption, the Covenants, and the Promises; Yet there is in them a secret distrust and mis-giving of heart, I shall fall one day into the Paws of the Roaring Lion, who walketh about continually, seeking whom he may devour. Notwithstanding, I have already done and yet do so much in order to God, I may be a cast-away for [Page 9] all that. Indeed there may be some good use of such kind of Thoughts, to keep us always on our watch, That we may not be high minded, but fear; and to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling; and there being a promise left us o [...] entring into his rest, to fear, least any of us should come short of it. And as when David spake thus of himself in reference to Saul, he did all that same time endeavour to flee from, avoid and fortify himself against Saul. So tho' we have at some times doubtful thoughts, least he should prevail and get an advantage over us, at the same time, we do not give place to the Devil, Eph. 4. 27. We resist the Devil and he will flee from us, James 4. 7. Then there can be no Great matter of Inconvenience, (but rather good doth arise thereby) in thinking the worst as long as, we act to the best in avoiding and arming our minds against his Temptations. We had need be upon our continual Watch and Guard, Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the Devil, as a Roaring Lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour, whom resist stedfast in the faith. He is more cunning then any of us, and holds almost all Men and Women by one catch or another, either in the allowance of some sin, or in the Omission of some Duty, or to tempt them to leave off from their waiting and close adhering unto the Lord. Now the Serpent was more subtle then any Beast of the Field, which the Lord God had made. Mark that well, and so he continues at this day to be more subtle then any Man or Woman considered in their meer Natural condition, abstracted and separated from the assistances above, the Directions of the Word and Spirit. And so he pursues near the same methods, still to tempt and deceive all Mankind of all Generations and Countreys, as He seduced our first Parents into the Transgression, as the same may be read throughout, Gen. 3. Even to tempt and beguile them into the Breach, of as many of the Commandments as ever he can, with a pretence that less Evil and more seeming Good, will ensue thereupon then really will. He suggests to do any thing that may displease and lose the favour of God; and by consequence fall under his wrath and future Punishment. These and such like things are obvious and commonly known already. And so where we Read in several places of Scripture concerning [Page 10] the Serpent, Satan, the Devil, the Adversary, the Evil one, the Great Dragon; All this is commonly expressed in very plain Words that any one may understand, that it is all meant and intended of him. For whosoever hath constant Recourse unto the written Word of God and doth read diligently therein, he will not be Ignorant of the Devices of Satan. Thus Paul, and the Christians of his time came not to be Ignorant of the Devices of Satan, as indeed there are so many things scattered up and down therein which are spoken concerning them, that whoso readeth will quickly find them. And the Great Dragon was cast out, the Old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole World, he was cast out into the Earth. Therefore rejoyce ye Heavens and ye that dwell in them. Wo, to the Inhabitants of the Earth and of the Sea, because the Devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because be knoweth that he hath but a short time, Rev. 12. 9, 12. And deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth, Rev. 13. 14. And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown, but when they have heard Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts, Mark 4. 15. Not to multiply many more Texts to the same purpose, we may find and feel enough of the workings and suggestions of Satan within our selves. When at any time we are kept off, hindred and neglect any good, It is commonly through this Temptation and Instigation of the Evil one; as also he doth miserably perplex and deceive in the things pertaining to God. Simon, Simon, Satan hath desired to sift thee as Wheat, but I have prayed that thy faith fail not, and when thou art converted, strengthen thy Brethren. Now this Simon Peter, was a Disciple and Precious Servant of Jesus Christ; and from thence we see, that Satan is as busy with the Children and Servants of God, as with other People. Yea, rather more in that, he hath already taken the others Captive at his Will. And hereby also we are given to understand, that God hath reserved to himself the Power over him. He can go no further then God suffers and permits. Tho' Satan for these Five or Six Thousand [...]ears, hath been let loose among the Inhabitants of the Earth, yet God can tye him up again whensoever he will; and he doth walk about with a hook in his [Page 11] Jaws to be turned back, or about, whither soever doth please the Great Creator of all things. But I know thy abode and thy going out, and thy coming in, and thy Rage against me; Because thy rage against me, and thy tumult is come up into my Ears, therefore will I put my Hook in thy Nose, and my Bridle in thy Lips, and I will turn thee back by the way, by which thou camest, Isa. 37. 28, 29. Holds equally true of the infernal accursed Spirit himself, as it did of Senacherib, or Rabshakeh, through whom he Acted. For every Man is Acted either by God or the Devil, according as the thing which he doth, is Good or Evil, Lawful and Right, or else sin: And so it is of all the Created things they have but a stinted and limited Commission and Power given to them by the Great and Sovereign Creator of all things, whither they do obey, or Act in Rebellion against him; Both which will tend to the Great Ends of his own Glory. God hath suffered such an Infernal and Invisible Spirit, as the Devil or Satan is, to prove the Children of Men more perfectly, to know what is in their heart, whither they will keep his Commandments or no. That according as it is written, He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still; and He that is Holy, let him be Holy still, Rev. 22. 11. But the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand, Dan. 12. 10. So these things seem to be suffered, so on set purpose, that they which are good may be better, and so may have more favour from God, and a greater reward to themselves; and the bad may be worse, and consequently be beaten with more stripes, and receive yet a greater Condemnation. This last seems to be an hard saying, but it is according to the order and decree of God, and according to the Scriptures of Truth. It is evident by the Example and History of Job, particularly in the first and second Chapters, that by there being a Devil, and by his being permitted to afflict the Body and Tempt his Soul; The Good and Righteous are hereby proved, and they will have yet more favour and a greater Crown from the Lord, who suffered it so to be, that the Trial of their Faith being much more Precious then of Gold that Perisheth, might be found unto Praise and Honour and Glory, at the appearing of Jesus Christ. When this Job was proved, he did approve himself unto God. What an excellent [Page 12] Character is that left recorded of him? That amidst his very Great Afflictions and Troubles, In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God Foolishly. And how comfortable is that after all, And the Lord tu [...]ned the Captivity of Job: Also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job, more then the beginning: Hereby Confirming what he after [...]ards spoke by his Apostle James, Behold we count them happy which endure. Y [...] have heard of the Patience of Job, and have seen the End of the Lord, that the Lord is very Pitiful and of tender mercy, James 5. 11. Blessed is the Man that endureth Temptation, for when he is tried, he shall receive the Crown of Life, which the Lord hath promised to them that Love him, James 1. 12. Happy was it for Job, that ever there was a S [...]tan to torment him; though perhaps himself could not think so a [...] the very Instant, F [...]r no Chastening, for the present seemeth Joyous but Grievous; Nevertheless, afterward it yeildeth the Peaceable Fruits of Righteousness unto them which are Exercised thereby, Heb. 12. 11. For it wa [...] made double to him in th [...]s Life, and much more will be added unto him in the restitution of all things.
Indeed it must be acknowledged, to speak as a Man, that no one who did throughly consider of things, would choose to bear Afflictions, Trouble, or Loss in his Youth, or in the foregoing time of his Life, if he was sure to have towards his latter days, double, or two fold, as much for the loss he sustained. For Fifty Pounds a Year in Youth, is better then an hundred in declining Years or Old Age, not only because of what Barvillai said, we cannot then so well taste what we Eat or Drink But admit that did remain, yet it is lessened again by having had it over so very often. But the chief Reason is, because of the nearer, yea, the very near approaches of Death; which then doth cast an Allay, and damp, even upon all the Innocent Pleasures and Lawful Comforts of Life. Which is one Reason why this Age, unless it is attempered with Grace and Knowledge, is commonly so fretful, vaspish and froward. But God having here promised a Crown of Life, to the enduring of Temptation unto such as Love him (which at this day is made good unto his Servant Job; for as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, do live unto God, so doth his Soul also at this very moment somewhere exist) [Page 13] this doth mightily alter the Case, and make those Temptations to be willingly submitted unto; Yea, to become a matter of choice (I had rather meet with trouble in the way of Duty, then to avoid it in the neglect and omission thereof) when these temptations do tend and work together for our Endless Good in the latter End; and herein is that saying true, It is Good for a Man that he bear his Yoke in his Youth, Lam. 3. 27. This is a mighty Word of Consolation to me, who have born the Yoke to a Witness in my Youth, whose Life from my Youth up, hath been almost a continued train and series of Afflictions; and I do still labour under Crosses, Oppositions, Disappointments, Vexations and Oppre [...]sions. Tho' withal, (Blessed be his Name for it.) My God hath given me that Knowledge to eye and discern therein, somewhat more then the first outward hand, or next visible Instrument therein. For as it is Written, The Prophet is a Snare of the Fowler in his ways, Hos. 9. 8. So I look upon those Temptations as a S [...]are of the Great Fowler, for the Souls of Men. And as it is again written, Our Soul is escaped as a Bird out of the Snare of the Fowler, the Snare is broken and we are escaped, Psal. 1 24. 7. So those Temptations and Snares, may at first be many times seen, and so passed by or avoided; or if one falls unawares into them, or if like Troops of numerous Enemies, they do come and beset one round, by the help and Grace of God we may resolutely break through and not be holden by them. We may work through or over, or by the rub and hindrance, so as not to be let thereby: Tho' we may be somewhat hindred, yet not utterly stopped. It is not so much the Children of Men, or our Fellow Creatures which do tempt or torment us, but it is the Devil who Acts through them (from whence, Note by the way, that either to tempt or occasion another to sin, nothing comes so like unto the Nature of the Devil as this doth; as also it is somewhat like him to Vex, Disquiet, or Torment, only for Vexation sake as we commonly say.) The Devil is the Great Instrument or Engine, which sets all the Sin and Evil, all the Temptations and Pain a working, or in Motion, as it hath been and is in the World. Here God doth superintend and over-rule all, and disposes, or suffers him to Act according to his own Will and [Page 14] Pleasure. Behold I have Created the waster to destroy, Isa. 54. 6. Which waster to destroy is the Devil; for he doth raise and occasion all those Destructions, for they do Spring up from him, as the black and corrupt Fountain that is beneath. Somewhat hereof is signified by what our Saviour Christ saith unto the Jews, I am from above, and ye are from beneath. Ye are of your Father the Devil, and the Lusts of your Father ye will do, (Observe how it is expressed in the Plural Number, Lusts, more then one; as also we hence see that all Lust comes under, and is some of the Devices of Satan) He was a Murderer from the beginning, John 8. 44. There are several sorts of Lusts, some of which do immediately tend to Fighting and Murder; and the others do weaken and tend to destroy. He hath his Name in the Hebrew Tongue, Abaddon, but in the Greek Tongue hath his Name Apollyon, Rev. 9. 11. Which in the Margent of the Bible there is, That is to say, A Destroyer.
Here it is to be understood, that the Devil was a Creature made by God, as may be gathered from John 1. 3. Col. 1. 16. Isa. 54. 16. He is the Great waster that was Created to destroy. Like as the fire was Created to burn as well as to warm, so that Infernal Spirit was Created to deceive and punish the Children of the Kingdom and those that does Iniquity, all one, as to prove and try the Servants of the Lord. He hath been suffered to have his Range, going about seeking whom he may devour, and whom he may destroy; To deceive the Nations and the whole World, both as taken together and also in their single Individual Persons. And the Devil said unto Christ, All this Power will I give thee, for that is delivered unto me, Luke 4. 6. By whom must this be delivered unto him, but by the Great Creator and Maker of all things, who is God himself? We read expresly and clearly in the Revelations, how that Power is given unto them to do so far and no further, as to one of his Angels, to take Peace off from the Earth, and many such like things. By which it may be easily understood and conceived, how that even now God is All in All. As he hath Created all things by his Great Power and Wisdom, so He that rideth upon the Heavens, by his Name, Jah, Psal. 68. 4. Doth keep the Reins still in [Page 15] his hands, and let them go, or stops, or turns them as himself pleases. This was hinted off before, but it is safe to mention it again, that ye be not Ignorant of the devices of Satan, how far they go and no further, for even as he hath put Bounds to the Sea, Hitherto shalt thou go and no further, and here thy Proud Waves are stayed. So it is as to the devices of Satan, and what is consequent to them, the Wickedness, Opposition, or Rebellion of Men.
And after these things, I saw four Angels standing at the four Corners of the Earth, holding the four Winds of the Earth, that the Wind should not blow on the Earth, nor on the Sea, nor on any Tree. And I saw another Angel ascending from the East, having the Seal of the living God; and He cried with a loud Voice to the four Angels, to whom it was given. (Mark that, for unless, God had given them the Power, they could no more hurt them, then I sitting here can hurt the Scaly Leviathan, that is at the bottom of the Sea.) To hurt the Earth and the Sea, saying, hurt not the Earth, neither the Sea, nor the Trees, till we have Sealed the Servants of God in their [...]oreheads, Rev. 7. 1, 2, 3. And it was Commanded them that they should not hurt the Grass of the Earth, neither any green thing, neither any Tree; but only those Men which have not the Seal of God in their Foreheads, Rev. 9. 4. From whence we see, that all the Actings and Temptations, and Devices of Satan, who is Belzebub, the Prince of the Devils; Yea, all the things in the whole World cannot hurt any one, unless God hath before given him Commission and Power, or leave to hurt; as again here we read, That the Servants of God who have his Seal in their Foreheads, are priviledged and exempted from being hurt. For nothing can truly hurt them, not Pain, nor Sickness, nor Poverty, nor yet Death it self; for that only brings them to God whose Seal they before had. This is the Heritage of the Servants of the Lord, that they carry his Protection always about them; not in their Pockets, for they may be stript Naked and then it might be taken from them, but in their Foreheads, which is not seen by Mans Eye: So that no Power, or Malice of Men can defeat or annull it. Which. Protection runs in this form of Words. Behold I give unto you Power to tread on Serpents and Scorpions, and over all the Power of the Enemy, and [Page 16] nothing shall by any means hurt you, Luke 10. 19. Nothing throughout the whole Creation, can by any means hurt the Disciples and Servants of Christ. No not the Devils, nor yet Death it self can hurt them, but sin only. The Devil can no otherwise hurt any one whatever, but as he doth tempt and deceive them into sin; and then indeed it is, that he gets advantage over them and his devices take effect. But as long as any one doth not defile his Garments, Rev. 3. 4. Or as long as he stands upon the Watch, Defence, or at staves End. Avoid, or get behind me Satan, here let Satan do his worst and shew his utmost cunning, it signifies not. It is Good and Prudent counsel never to stand Parlying, or Discoursing with him, for thus he led our first Parents into the Transgression. But rather to resist vigorously and he will flee from us, and break through the Host of these Hellish Enemies. The more he tempts and the more often we come off Conquerours, the greater will be our Triumph and Crown, and Joy, in the Day of the Lord. For as before remarked of Job, happy it was for him, that there was ever a Devil to have tempted him. So the same will be returned and found true of all the other Servants and Children of God, they will be pronounced and rendred blessed, that ever they have endured Temptation, for then they were tried. But now they shall receive the Crown of Life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him, who in his Gracious, Wonderful and Over-ruling Providence (which signifies providing or ordaining of things) Will make all things work together for Good to them that Love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
And he shewed me Joshua the High Priest, standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him, Zech. 3, 1. So Paul Witnesseth, he would have come to some he wrote unto, but Satan hindred him. Again he expresseth it on this wise, Only he who now letteth, will let until he be taken out of the way, 2 Thes. 2. 7. From all which we gather, that all resistances, hindrances and lettings in the things that are Good, or for God; They do come and arise from Satan, and here we should resist the resistance (which is signified by that Phrase of the Psalmist afore-mentioned, The Snare is broken and we are delivered) [Page 17] and so not suffer our selves to be hindred by the hindrance (for I am pe [...]swaded and do believe, that if Paul had been throughly bent and resolved on it for all, he might have went that Journey; Notwithstanding the hindrance of Satan. As a Man may suffer himself to be holden by a single thred or tow, if he doth somewhat yeild himself. The Devils Power is so weak and limited, that if we do resist and not give way, not yet yeild somewhat our selves; he can never have the Mastery, or Prevalency over us. Give the Devil his due, and let none blame him too much neither, as to say, he doth this or that sin, or mischief, when Men and Women do it by Instigation of him. For as the Apostle James saith, Every Man is tempted when he is led away of his own lust and enticed: So when any are Tempted, or Instigated by the Devil to commit a sin, the fault and failure of the reasonable Creatures is this, that themselves do yeild and consent to do what he suggests unto them. Which last being their own Act and Deed, thereupon the future Punishment of God upon them for the same is righteously and justly founded. So it will be as to the final Miscarriage and Condemnation of them at the last. Their Destruction is of themselves, although they were snared in it as Birds that were caught in a Snare, Eccles. 9. 12. by that great Fowler which hath his Name in the Hebrew Tongue Abaddon, and in the Greek Tongue Apollyon, which in our English Tongue signifies a Destroyer. Birds and Fishes have that little Instinct, that if they see a Snare, Hook, or Net, they will not willingly suffer themselves to be caught and taken in it. Even so all the Sons of Men have a Rumour of those Evils of the Invisible World, how, Fear, and the Pit, and the Snare are upon them, O ye Inhabitants of the Earth! And they might have that Faith, Knowledge and Reason as to foresee those Evils, and avoid them. But if they put off, and neglect hearing the Word, whereby Faith cometh; if they will not Exercise and Improve their Knowledge and Reason towards spiritual and future things: When they are given to understand, and they may perceive from within themselves, that there is a Devil who tempts and would deceive them, but themselves give way and consent unto it. All this is their own fault and wilfulness, for which they [Page 18] will at last smart and be punished, be Destroyed and Perish. O Israel, thou hast destroyed thy self, but in me is thy help, Ho [...]. 13. 9. And so God is an effectual help unto his Creatures, against that and other Enemies of their Souls by his Word. Which if we have recourse unto, we shall not be Ignorant of his devices, by that Grace, Knowledge and Assistance which he gives, offers and tenders unto all. There are so many Arguments, Motives and Persuasives, to bring Mankind to God and Good things, that whoso doth attend unto and consider of them, they must needs prevail with such a Soul. There is certainly some secret Enemy of Mankind whom they see not, that keeps them off from God and Good things, and seduces them to Evil. Men would never do thus of themselves, but that an unseen Enemy doth stir them up. Like as it is recorded, But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord, whom Jesabel his Wife did stir up, 1 Kings 21. 25. In the Margent it is incited. So tho' there is a great deal of Wickedness in the heart of Man, by Reason of Original and Inbred Corruption (For the heart is desperately wicked, Who can know it?) Yet this Corrupt Nature would never proceed so far, especially in Rebellion against and despising of God, unless this Infernal Jesabel, whose right Name is Belzebub, did stir them up. Here again, People might choose whether they would; Yea, they might refuse to be stirred up, or Instigated by him. As the Commandments of God run both ways, Cease to do Evil, Learn to do well: So the devices of Satan are contrariwise both ways, to tempt the Sons of Men to all the Evil he can, and that they omit or neglect to do well, his devices tend either towards the Commission of Sin, or the Omission of Good. I have several times observed, that at Godly Duties, either Prayer, or hearing the Word, amidst them there have fallen out Accidents and Casualties, which then occasion Distraction, Interruption, or Hindrance, more then at other times. In a Family where hath been Infants and little Children, there hath been more unquietness and trouble, when the People have been waiting on the Lord in Religious Exercises then at other times. (For which reason, when Paul doth speak as a Man throughout, 1 Cor. 7. He rather advises not to Marry, [Page 19] That ye may attend upon the Lord without Distraction.
As also the same is too often seen and experienced, that there is more Hatred, Reproach, rancour and opposition against sound Preaching, then there is against a dead and dull Ministry. There is much more of the Serpentine Nature shewed forth against the Power of Godliness, then is against the form and outside thereof. Here Satan hath Great wrath and shews his Teeth where he cannot Bite, (for God hath limited and chained him) where he sees (as that Infernal Spirit sees and discerns more then we in the Flesh do) any thing that would destroy or lessen his Kingdom here on Earth. One said concerning my self, That Satan had a great Wrath against me, because I had a Zeal for God, and would seek to overthrow his Kingdom of Darkness. The Truth of which observation I have indeed felt and experienced; For I have gone through almost all the Shame and Indecencies which are incidental to Humane Nature, whilst I was in the course of my Ministry, which was as much carried on by Writing and Publishing, as by Preaching with a lively Voice. When thou madest us a reproach to our Neighbours, a scorn and derision to them that were round about us. My Confusion was continually before me, and the shame of my Face did cover me, for the Voice of him that Reproacheth and Blasphemeth. All this is come upon us, yet have we not forgotten thee, neither have we dealt falsly in thy Covenant; (But we have only asserted thy Commandments in the very same manner as thou hast given them, and they stand Written and Recorded for us.) Tho' thou hast sore broken us in the place of Dragons, and covered us with the shadow of Death, Psal. 44. 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19. When thou hast laid me in the lowest Pit, in darkness and in the deeps: Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou hast afflicted me with all thy Waves, Psal. 88. 6, 7. Here the Psalmist ascribes them higher then to Satan the Engine of Torment and Persecution, who Acts it forth by Incarnate and Visible Instruments, even to God himself. But as it is elsewhere Written, Both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and People of Israel were gathered together, for to do whatever thy hand and thy Counsel determined before to be done, Acts 4. 27, 28. So the Devil and his Legions, and all those People in the Flesh, Our Fellow [Page 20] Creatures, they are all but Instruments in the Hand of God, (for the Devil Acted through Saul in Persecuting David, and through Herod and Pontius Pilate, in putting Christ to Death) For to do whatever thy hand and thy Counsel determined before, or suffered to be done. And so I look upon all those Afflictions, Trials and Temptations, which have befaln me. As in Good things, It is not such a Man, but Christ which dwelleth in him, who doth the same So in Evil things the Devil Acts through them who do Evil. And over and above all things, we may look up unto the Great God. Who over-rules and determines all for the Great Ends of his own Glory. This same Truth is now taken notice of a third time, that ye may understand it aright, and throughly, and bear and remember it in mind.
We should endeavour and order things that our Prayers be not hindred, which is done by Roving and Wandring Thoughts in them, as they are suggested by the tempter, who is then busy to spoil and render them of none effect. I have several times apprehended and concluded, that this device must be from Satan the Enemy; and where he would hinder, this must be some good thing, which would have the favour and acceptance of God if it was not hindred; and thereupon it must be Godly Discretion and Soul saving Wisdom, to endeavour as much as you can to the contrary, that your Prayers be not hindred. But attend more diligently on the s [...]me; and see to it well, that it doth become an effectual servent Prayer which availeth much. So it is likewise in the hearing of the Word. Satan tryes and endeavours to hinder your hearing. How many doth he hinder from coming to the place of hearing, by putting this little thing, or that little thing into their hearts, either by way of excuse, or obstinate refusal against it? Some vain or false Imagination. And again, those who come to hear, Do they attend upon the Lord, and upon the Ministry of his Word without distraction? Do not some other Objects, or Thoughts, or Observations, take them off at the very time? Do they give the more earnest heed [...]o the things which they have heard, lest at any time they [...]hould let them slip? This is the very reason, why I do not quote the Chapter and Verse of many Scriptures, le [...]st, [Page 21] whilst People look after them, they let slip many other Sentences of Truth which follow in the course of our Preaching. So that either I should make a stop or Pause hereupon, or I could shew ye rather a more excellent and compendious way, then by turning to it in your Bibles, or folding down the leaves. Bring rather a Pen, Ink and Paper, or a Pencil Book; And set down only the Chapter and Verse of every material Proof, and then turn to them when ye come home, which will refresh and bring it again to your memories, as ye do Recollect what Truth was spoken of, when such a Text of Scripture was alledged. But People are ashamed to write after the Preacher, and it is not now in Fashion; but away with that shame which hinders Godly Edifying. A [...] Satan hinders before hearing and in the midst of hearing, so he doth hinder after hearing, When they have heard, Satan cometh immediately and taketh away the Word that was sown in their hearts, Mark 4. 15. As he doth by your falling to worldly talk, or business presently afterwards. Which is just like going from a good fire, into the cold open Air in the Winter time. They do not long retain the heat of the fire, but they are again as chilly and as cold as ever. And so when some have been warmed and heated at this ordinance of hearing the word, they are presently Lukewarm or stark cold again. Satan cometh immediately and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts: When they only pass their Opinions, Censures and Verdict upon the Preacher, as if there was no more in a Sermon then to just sit it out, pass their sentiments upon it afterwards and there is an End. How many of the common People will give such a general Report, that good things were spoken off, and it was all very good and the like; but they cannot remember and carry away distinctly, not so much as one good thing which was therein spoken of. Whereas if the very same Persons were at the hearing a Play, Ballad, News, or Story concerning their Neighbours, they could bring away the sence of that. The heart of such People is just like a sieve, which lets through the Pure, Solid and Substantial Grain, and they retain nothing but a little dust or chaff. A [...]d so on the other hand when they find fault with, or dislike a Sermon; It is general again, I do not like, because I do not like it. But they [Page 22] cannot assign any particular Reason thereof; or if they can, it is such a Reason that they are ashamed to own and speak out, because perhaps their Consciences were touched to the quick by that Word which is Quick and Powerful sharper then any two Edged Sword, Piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit and of the Joynts and Marrow, and it is a discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the heart: But Sinners and Hypocrites, and formal Christians do not like such kind of Sermons.
As Paul saith of himself, Since ye seek a Proof of Christ speaking in me, 2 Cor. 13. 3. And so he writes unto Timothy, Make full Proof of thy Ministry, 2 Tim. 4. 5. So I would to God, that ye my hearers may find the Proof of my Ministry in your selves, if this same Ministry to you ward is not weak, but mighty in you: Judge ye in your selves, if at this my speaking and proposing it unto ye, it hath a sensible operation and working upon your Hearts and Consciences, this is a Proof and an Evidence, and a Demonstration, that I am inwardly ordained and appointed, and sent by God for the work of the Ministry. Tho' some, as tho' living in the World are Subject unto Ordinances, Col. 2. 20. Have several times objected to me, that I do not come in regularly, after the Law of a Carnal Commandment; which doth impose and require several things of Mans devising, which God and Christ have not required in their Gospel. And therefore it would be sin, or doubt of mind in me to comply therewith. If such would come to hear, they would perhaps find a Proof of Christ speaking in me; and that is sufficient to qualify any one for a Minister of the Gospel. But as we are to give a Proof of our Ministry, so I would willingly seek a Proof of my Ministry in ye. This shall be the Proof my Ministry which I would seek of ye. How much do ye remember of the several Sermons I have Preached unto ye? But if ye have for the time past remembred but little (I am afraid so) I will now put ye in mind of a way that ye may remember more. When thou comest home to thy Chamber or Closet, then write down as much observable Truth as ever thou canst remember. Truly, this was my manner in my Youth; I did seldom write after Ministers, but in the time of my Youthly Zeal this I would do (which same Youthly Zeal should [Page 23] be still retained and practised.) As when a Man hath been abroad receiving Money, the first thing he doth after he comes home is to see that it be right, and then he goes and locks it up sure. So after I had been hearing a Sermon. I would forthwith go to my Study and set down the Preachers Name upon such a Text, such a D [...]y; and the [...]e write down all the observable and useful Truth, I could remember; and particularly and especially such Truth which was brought new to my mind, whereof I had not heard nor read much before. And this I esteemed to be as well, or rather a better way then writing down in the Congregation, least whilst I was writing down some, I should let slip other things that were then spoken of. But after and amidst all, there is nothing like unto Writing them in the fleshy Tables of our hearts, and to get them Engraven into our inward Parts, That it may remain and be remembred even as long as our selves shall remain, even until words and time shall be no longer. But his Mother kept all these sayings in her heart, Luk. 2. 51. And so if ye can keep the true sayings of God in your hearts, and not suffer them to pass through or slip out again: Saith Jesus unto his Disciples and Hearers, Let these sayings sink down into your Ears. The entrance of thy words giveth Light and Ʋnderstanding to the simple. Now put all this together, where God hath given to any Creature or Minister of his, a Knowledge of his Word and Assistance of his Spirit; and he accordingly being instructed therein, brings out of his Treasury things new and old, when these are brought out and Preached forth, if they have an Entrance, sink down into their Ears, and further, They are kept and Pondered in the heart, so kept there that it shall not go from them, here is the comfort of our Labouring in the work of the Ministry, as also the benefit of your hearing. Can ye remember any good and true sayings, or Gracious words that proceeded out of such a Ministers mouth? This or that, he spoke and taught, whilst he was yet among us. I would not require it of ye to remember my particular and exact words, but it is altogether as well, if ye carry away the sence and what it was I drived at, or exhorted unto in such a Sermon; as the drift and design of this my Sermon is, if ye would make a continuing and persevering work of it, [Page 24] Be not Ignorant of the Devices of Satan, and do never give way unto them. I say again, If ye would make a continuing and persevering work of it, Be not Ignorant of the Devices of Satan, and especially, Be not Ignorant of this one particular device of his. Where the word is sown, when they have heard Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. Now ye are not Ignorant of this device of his, see well to it, Least Satan get an advantage over you, in this particular and in this Sermon. Let him not take away the word that was sown in your hearts at this Season; for ye may prevent and help it if ye will. That is, if ye keep those sayings in your hearts which ye have heard uttered unto your Ears. And so it is of all his other Devices, they may be Countermined and Rendred of none effect.
Whither it was that the Infernal Spirit did see and discern, that I was to lay open his Devices herein; But I have observed, that I have been more let and hindred; I have been more untoward and unapt towards the Compiling of this Sermon then of others; which yet by the Grace and help of God is brought on thus far: I have observed much hereof, in my Contemplation and Searching out of Divine Truth, how many Avocations, Interruptions and Turnings aside of my mind towards other things and little excuses to leave of [...], or to go to other Business, have a [...]ose and I have too often gave way unto it. Which is my sin and I am to be blamed herein; and I believe that the Lord will shew himself displeased towards me for the same. When, He that hath set our Iniquities be [...]ore him, and our secret sins in the Light of his Countenance, Will reprove and set in order before me, the several seasons of time I have done thus. As also when I have mispent too much of my Precious time: When I that know the worth of time, the sliding away of time, the Irrecoverableness of time, do not improve it better and more then I have done. The Lord knows the Reason of my neglecting the Word of God to serve Tables, Acts 6. 2. To serve the mean necessities of this Life, whereas all things relating to that should be brought ready to my hand, that I should not mis-employ the least Portion of my time, either for Food or Raiment, or necessary expence. And so indeed it would be, if I were righteously [Page 25] and equally dealt withal; If of such an Inheritance which God hath set out to such a Famlly, a like Share and Portion was assigned to me, as is usually unto others. Or if the same was supplyed or helped another way. My Conscience doth accuse me, of mis-pending time about wordly things, or even re [...]ating to this Body; Tho' yet I do not altogether so waste and consume it, neither in Impertinencies or Vanity, or useless things as do others. This is another Device of Satan, to mis-pend Precious time, which we should not give way unto, no, not for a Minute. For we should not give Place by Subjection unto this Enemy of our Souls, no not for a moment, Nor yet for the least matter; But withstand the wiles of the Devil, Because he is to be blamed, In that it is a sin and a fa ult, which he would have us consent unto.
And what shall I more say? The time would fail me to tell of all his devices and wiles: They do terminate and tend to one of these two heads, to commit Sin, or omit Duty, to Practice Evil, or hinder Good, and by this you may know them. For whatever is of this Nature, that same is a device or wile of Satan; The same Rule holds and is to be observed towards them all, Be sure not to give way unto them. I say again, to confirm and establish this word, Be sure not to give way unto the Devices of Satan, as each may know and perceive them in the secret and deep of his own heart. And so when we should always keep close unto the Lord God in our hearts, and have them always lifted up towards him, and approach to the Lord in our hearts; Here when the heart Roves and is far from God, or when it sinks down to the Earth and becomes Earthly or Wordly, or Savours the things of the Flesh and of Men, this again, and such like is one of the Devices of Satan, which we are not to give way unto an hands breadth, but to strive and endeavour against it as much as ever we can.
When Satan stood at the right hand of Joshua to resist him, the Lord said unto Satan: The Lord Rebuke thee O Satan, even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem Rebuke thee, Is not this a Brand plucked out of the fire, Zech. 3. 1. 2. Even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem, Rebuke thee; which is as much as to say, Inasmuch as Jerusalem signisignifies [Page 26] his Church and People, that God will have his Elect and Servants, Maugre and Notwithstanding all the Temptations or Devices of Satan, or the Devil. And I give unto them Eternal Life and they shall never Perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand. My Father which gave them me is greater then all, and none is able to pluck them out of my Fathers hand, John 10. 29, 30. Not all the Men upon Earth, nor yet the strongest Devil in Hell. This is a mighty Word of Consolation and Assurance to all Real and Universal Christians, who are within the Covenant. Satan may disturb, but he shall never be able to destroy ye. Tho' David did say through Ignorance, Infirmity and Distrust, I shall fall one day by the hands of Saul, but the Lord knoweth them that are his, and I certify and assure all such from the Word of Truth, that they shall never be devoured by this Roaring Lion. Tho' the Wicked and Ungodly, and Sinners may be Snared and broken, and taken, but this is the Priviledge of the Saints and Servants of the Lord, they shall never fall so far into the Snare of the Devil, but they shall be retrieved and recovered out of it again. Tho' here it will be convenient amidst all his Assaults, to lift up ones heart in that Ejaculatory Prayer, The Lord Rebuke thee, O Satan, the Lord Rebuke thee; or get behind me Satan, or such like. I testify and warn ye again, Be sure never to consent, yeild, nor give way unto his Devices.
Thus having Discoursed of what excellent benefit and use, it is not to be Ignorant of the Devices of Satan, and having laid down that Caution and Rule, Be sure not to give way unto them, and then He can never get advantage over us; It remains to shew in few Words, How, the not being Ignorant of the Devices of Satan helps to make a continuing and persevering work of it. This ye may quickly perceive and discern, for opposite unto continuing and persevering, is Apostacy and Falling away. Now the Devil was the first and great Apostate; and himself having fallen into that Transgression, It hath been his continued business ever since to tempt the Children of Men, to fall off from God in like manner. How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, Son of the Morning? Isa. 14. 12. Which tho' it be spoken there in reference to the King of [Page 27] Babylon, yet it hath allusion unto this fall of the Devil from Heaven. But we Read yet more clearly concerning that matter in 2 Pet. 2. 4 and Jude 6. God spared not the Angels that sinned, but cast them down to Hell (which doth suppose that it was from Heaven) and delivered them to chains of darkness to be reserved unto Judgment. And the Angels which kept not their first Estate, but left their own Habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting Chains under darkness, unto the Judgment of the Great day. So that there is more Devils then one, altho' one is Belzebub the Prince of the Devils, and is called the Devil or Satan, by way of Preeminency, because he is chief among them. Hence we see that their fault was sinning and not keeping their first Estate. And God having thus punished them for it, they are of the like Envious and Devillish Nature, as to tempt, seduce and deceive the Children of Men unto the like things, even to sinning and not keeping their first Estate, which was Innocency and Uprightness. He that committeth sin is of the Devil; for the Devil sinneth from the beginning, 1 John 3. 8. And as aforesaid, all his devices tend to this, either in single Persons, Families or Nations, or Generations of Mankind, where they come short of what God hath required of that pure and undefiled, Sincere and Universal Religion, the Devil hath an hand in it one way or another; and so he hath in all the ungodliness that is in all People, here some of his devices take effect: So that it is of mighty consequence not to be Ignorant of them.
Every Act of sin is a Part of Apostacy and Falling away, and it is as contrary to the continuing in the fear of the Lord, as darkness is unto Light. So that wouldst thou continue in the fear of the Lord, the consequent is, sin not, neither Give place to the Devil. We understand likewise from hence how dangerous a thing it is, not to keep ones first Estate. For this was the miscarriage and utter ruine of those faln and accursed Spirits; and through their means and temptation Man had very near split Eternally and Irreversibly on the same Rock, as appears by our Forefather Adam. But that God was pleased (more out of his Grace then our deserving) to establish another and second Covenant, by which he is set up once again, by Christ, to try him once more. But wo unto him if he shall then fall [Page 28] and break the Terms and Conditions even of the Gospel Indenture. Let People do never so many good things besides, I know thy Works and thy Labour, and thy Patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are Evil; and hast born, and hast Patience, and for my Names sake hast laboured and hast not fainted. (All this is well, and here is a good Character; but what succeeds?) Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first Love, Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent, and do the first Works; or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy Candlestick out of his place except thou repent, Rev. 2. 2, 3, 4, 5. So that it is not a matter of Indifferency, nor of bare complaining to leave ones first Love, but indeed there is a real ground for Fear, and there must be labour to attain unto it again, and do the first works; Otherwise God here declares, that he will remove thy Candlestick out of his place, That is, his Light and Grace from out of their hearts; and then in plain Terms there is no going to Heaven, the place of Eternal and Unchangeable Light. Where any one leaves his first Love, this is one of their devices, and comes from those formerly Angels but now Devils, who kept not their first Estate, but left their own Habitation.
I testify again, unto all that shall hear or read this, Be upon your watch and see well to it, that this device of the Evil one doth not take effect upon ye; But rather thwart and contradict them the more. For this is to bear and to have Patience, and for my Names sake hast Laboured and hast not fainted. When thou dost so much the more against, or contrary to his Temptations and Devices; for if thou art resolutely given, it may be, Satan will be weary of tempting, or devising devices against thee.
There is so much Reason that thou shouldst not leave thy first Love, that there is all the Reason in the world to the contrary, that thou shouldst keep unto thy first Love and thy first Estate, and rather encrease it more and more. Because if you throw up a stone, It is observed that it moves quicker and faster, the nearer it falls down again to the Earth: Which is its Center. So we being day after day nearer to Death and Immortality, and we draw continually nearer in time, when we shall appear before God, [Page 29] unto whom all flesh shall come, who is the father of Spirits and the Center of our Souls, and of all Created Beings, Therefore our latter and last days, should be our better and best days; Our latter and last works, should be our better and best works. For saith the Holy Ghost in the place afore-mentioned, Repent and do the first works, Rev. 2. 5. I know thy Works and Service, and the last to be more then the first, ver. 19. But call to remembrance the former Days in which after ye were Illuminated. Recollect and rub up your memories. At what Age or Season of Life, ye were in the very best mind and frame of Spirit towards the Lord God. Where is thy Zeal and thy Strength, and thy former diligence? The perpetual hills did bow, the liftings up of thy heart continually toward the Lord God, and thy bowings before him in thy Spirit; and all that good mind and affections towards God. Are they restrained? Thou must begin again and return back to that former State, and Labour to add to it yet Sevenfold in each particular, now towards the very close and shutting up of thy Days. And Jehu gathered all the People together unto him, and said unto them, Ahab served Baal a little, but Jehu shall serve him much: But Jehu did it in subtilty to the intent that he might destroy the Worshippers of Baal, 2 Kings 10. 18, 19. So O thou Man or Woman, pursue here the like Reasoning, in my Youth, or such a season of Life I served God a little, but now I will serve him much; and yet more, that I may be accepted of him at the last. We are confident I say, and willing rather to be absent from the Body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore we Labour, that whither Present or Absent we may be accepted of him; for we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in the Body, according to that he hath done, whither it be good or bad, 2 Cor. 5. 8, 9, 10. Knowing then, that we approach nearer and nearer to this, the right Exhortation and Instruction Prompts to do more Good, and to abstain from all appearance of Evil. And as Jehu did utter that s [...]ying afore-mentioned, In Subtilty to the intent that he might destroy the Worshippers of Baal. So do thou take up the like resolution in good earnest, in reference to the God of Israel, hitherto I have served him a little, but now I will serve him much. And thou mayest [Page 30] do it in subtilty also to the intent (for so thou mayest by the Knowledge and Grace given unto thee) to be more subtle then the Old Serpent, who is more subtle then any Beast of the Field; Be more cunning, or rather more wise then the Devil himself, as to render all his devices of none effect, to destroy and Root out those Lusts and Carnal Affections in our Members, which hitherto have Worshipped that Infernal Baal, more then our Members and Body did Worship the God of Israel. For [...]here is the mind that hath Wisdom, and it is Soul-saving Discretion to make his own devices fall back upon himself, that he shall lose more then he thought to get thereby. It sometimes so falls out, that even from the oppositions and resistances of Satan we get more Ground; that the Light which he would seek to extinguish and put out, doth shine more Universally, and is thereupon known more abroad, as when he shuts up the Saints in Prison. And so Paul Witnessed, That the things which happened unto me, have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the Gospel: So that my Bonds in Christ are manifest in all the Palace, and in all other Places. And many Brethren of the Lord waxing confident in my Bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear, Phil. 1. 12, 13, 14.
And so it is in other Cases, for the Delivery up into Prisons turns for a greater Testimony, according to Luke 21. 12, 13. if it be for Christ's sake, or for the Word of God. And so it may be in lesser matters, relating immediately to the Souls of single persons. Even the Temptations and Devices of Satan may be over-ruled and ordered, as to fall out rather unto the furtherance of their own Salvation. I speak Mysteries and Foolishness, as unto Natural Men, but the thing is certain and true. As on the one hand, the Spider sucks poyson out of the most wholsom Herbs, and the sweetest Flowers; The wicked, and sinners do draw Evil from the Scriptures, the Ordinances of Religion, and the best of things: So on the other hand, the Godly, and the Righteous, and the Wise, can, and do extract Good even from the poyson of Satan, which is his Temptations and Devices. As it is written of causing the Reproach offered by him to cease, and to turn his own Reproach upon him, Dan. 11. [Page 31] 18. So they can even answer the Temptation of Satan, and so even turn that Temptation upon him, as to make the very same an Argument and Perswasion for God and Duty. A Notable Example and Instance we have of this in Christ being tempted of the Devil, Luke 4. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. Whereby Christ did Eminently shew himself to be stronger than he; for when he came upon him, He overcame him, and took away from him all his Armour, wherein he trusted, Luke 11. 22. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. And as he is able, so he accordingly doth to all his Elect and Chosen Ones, and Faithful Followers to the World's End. My Grace is sufficient for thee. And he gives them a proportionable Knowledge to answer and overcome the Temptations of the Evil One. He continually inspires into the Hearts of his people Thoughts of Good to defeat the Suggestions of Evil.
There is no Reason why any one should not keep his First Estate, or leave his first Love. Have a care of that. He that despises small things, shall fall by little and little. The least sin is like a spark of Fire in a Thatch. We know not how far it will go, and how great a matter it will kindle. The best and surest way is to put it clean out, and extingu [...] it qui [...]e. To dash the little ones against the Stones, and to crush the Cockatrice Eggs; Even to mortifie those Beginnings and Tendencies to lust that are in our Members, To come up to that Estate which may be done, As for our Transgressions thou shalt purge them away, Psal. 6. 5, 3. As an healthful and sound Body may be Purged from Corrupt Humours. Stop, and prevent the first beginnings; for as he who makes Conscience to keep from secret faults and from secret sins, will much more from those which are more open and manifest. He that in the fear of the Lord abstains from little sins, he will much more abstain from those that are greater: So by the like Analogy and Reason of things, (for the same or like Reason runs throughout all the things of God; He that is not Ignorant of the Devices of Satan, of whatsoever sort they be great or small; He that doth not give way unto them in the least, nor yet in any Instance whatever (Least Satan get an advantage over us) as he [Page 32] would if the least were consented unto; In all Probability and Likelihood, yea, in absolute certain [...]y and assurance, he will make a continuing and persevering work of it.
And may the Lord God, who is a Sun and a Shield (in opposition to the darkness of the Enemy) give us Grace and Glory. (We may and ought to pray unto him in his own order, according as he hath promised) No good thing will. He withold from him that walketh uprightly. May he give us that further Knowledge of the Devices of Satan the Enemy, and that Grace and Strength, that we may not give way unto him in the least: So we may be confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a Good Work in us, will perform it until the Day of Jesus Christ. Amen.
O Lord of Hosts, Blessed is the Man that trusteth in thee.
LONDON: Printed, and are to be sold by Ralph Simpson, at the Sign of the Harp in St. Paul's Church-Yard. MDCXCVIII.