THE Necessity of Keeping still unto THE Ordinances of Religion, Prayer, Hearing the Word, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Set forth in a SERMON Preached in the Countrey on Acts VI. 4.

Wherein also is laid open, and ma­nifested the Errour of those People (commonly call'd Quakers) who do neglect the two latter.

Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Com­mandments, and teach Men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven, Mat. 5. 19.

London, Printed, and are to be sold by Ralph Simpson, at the Harp in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1698.

But we will give our selves continually to Prayer, and to the Ministry of the Word, Acts VI. 4.

IN order to serve God unto the saving of the Soul, and to continue and Persevere in Godliness and well doing un­to our Lives End, It is necessary to keep still unto the Ordinances of Religion; I do mean, the several Acts and Parts of Worship, as Prayer, Hearing the Word, Baptism and the Lords Supper, as they are used in the reformed Churches, By the Congregations and Assemblies of Gods People, Who Worship him in Spirit and in Truth.

The necessity of keeping still unto them, In order to make a continuing and persevering work of it, will hence appear, because it is certain that each of us, and every one of us shall so long Persevere in the Worship and Service of the Lord, according as we use the means of Perseverance. Now these Ordinances are the means of Grace and Perse­verance, which last is a well grounded Hope of Glory.

Suppose a Man who hath been many years advancing in the Christian Life, another Mnason, an Old Disciple, who hath come up to the higher attainments of Christianity, and some degrees towards Perfection, (for this is the meaning of that Commandment of Christ unto his followers, Be ye Perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is Perfect; That we should still endeavour and make towards Per­fection, although it is impossible for Man here in the Body to be so perfect as God is. Suppose one that were Dead to sin and mortified to wordly Affections, Who hath all faith and all Knowledge of Spiritual things; If this Person should, as he might if he would, but God forbid that any one should make the Experiment, Neglect for some while to offer up any Prayer at all, hearing or read­ing [Page 2] of the word, he would have no consideration of his ways, nor admit any thoughts of God, but he leads such a kind of life, as the wicked, sensual, wordly and ungodly Man doth for a Week or a Month together; Even this for­merly Godly and Gracious Soul would become such an one himself, as the other is hardened, stupid, backward, unaf­fected, and in a manner Reprobate to every good word and work.

And my People are bent to back sliding from me, Hos. 11. 7. For there is a deceitfulness of Heart, and Corruption of Nature from within, and also the Temptations from without (as all things are full of Temptation) which would soon betray us into sin and forgetfulness of God, unless prevented by those Means and Ordinances which himself hath instituted. What the Apostle saith in ano­ther case may be applicable unto this. For the Sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the Grass and the Flower thereof fadeth, and the Grace of the fashion of it Perisheth. So likewise should we be apt to fade away, even in our Good ways. For the manifold Sollicitations and Objects of the World, that Men pleasing, the Allure­ments of Company, are all apt to draw or turn aside from God and the thing that Good is: But the keeping still un­to the Ordinances of Religion, doth remind and bring us unto them again, which if we did not resort unto, our Back slidings would be increased, till they did come to an utter and final Apostacy, as we may perceive by the Work­ing and Tendencies of our own fleshy and corrupt Nature, as also from the many Ensamples of others, who have For­saken God and Loved this present World.

It can hardly be expressed how averse Mans Nature is un­to God, and to the things of his Kingdom; how hard it is, to cleave unto him with full purpose of Heart, according as he requires, and how easy it is to fall away and turn a­side. It was just now quoted what God saith in Hosea, My People are bent to Backsliding: He doth not there so much mean the sinners and ungodly, but his Saints and Servants. My People have a Proneness and Liableness un­to this thing of Back sliding. Look within your selves as ye read this, and do ye not perceive somewhat thereof in your own selves. Which the word of God doth mention and take notice of, in order to Caution and Arm your [Page 3] minds against the same. For Israel (that is a word, signi­fying his own People again) Slideth back as a Backsliding heiser, Hos. 4. 16. But besides those little inclinations to­wards Backsliding in us, Man in his Natural condition is altogether addicted to sin and falling away. But they like Men have transgressed the Covenant, Hos. 6. 7. It was like them, and such as could be expected from them. Now a Backsliding is as it were a little trip, and is not altogether so bad as a fall, or a falling back, or a falling away. Or a turning aside, or out of the way, or a going back. But here is to be observed, that the Word of God takes notice of every least Back sliding; for it hinders or retards, or they do not go on so well in the way to Heaven as the Lord would have them, and guide them and hold them up by his right hand. We say in the Proverb, It is a good Horse that never stumbles, but it is a very good Horse that never so much as trips; for there is hardly such an one to be found. And so it will be in the Account and Estimation of God, that Man or Woman walks well enough in his way, who doth never stumble or fall therein; and if when he falls, he doth get up again. Our Gracious God calls upon Israel, Return for thou hast fallen by thine Iniquity. Yea, if they are gone back or aside, if they will still return again into the right way, he will accept thereof. Thus saith the Lord, shall they fall and not arise? Shall they turn away and not return? Jer. 8. 4. And so when the Creature is walking and moving on in the way of his Commandments, when there are Backslidings, God doth in no wise allow thereof, but complains of it. Although he would not altogether discourage his Poor Creature neither. So that the Law of God is Perfect, converting the Soul. It doth chalk out the highest degrees and measures of perfection, altho Mans Im­potency, weakness and feebleness doth not attain unto it. That is a Good Son and Servant indeed, who can say in Truth unto God our Heavenly Father, and not so much by way of Boasting unto their fellow Creatures, Loe these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy Commandment, Luk. 15. 29. Such a thing perhaps may be possible as to our Fathers or Masters ac­cording to the flesh: But David prays by the Spirit when he saith, And enter not into Judgment with thy Servant; for [Page 4] in thy sight shall no Man living be justified, Psal. 145. 2. When God comes to enter into Judgment, and to bring to remembrance all the steps of our course here on Earth, I believe there will not be found any Man ever living (what­ever some pretend unto or say, but herein they are guilty of falshood, which is a fall) except Jesus Christ the righte­ous who was more then a Man) who was not guilty of some fall, or at least of a Backsliding; yea, of several and of many. But they will be pronounced to have been the best Sons and Servants, who in their course through this Earth, had the fewest Falls and the fewest Backslidings, and in the least instances. My Business in my Preaching un­to ye is, to direct ye all a long so to walk that ye may please the Lord. Accordingly, I having warrant and Ground from his Word so to do, I testify against all Back­slidings, yea, and the least Backslidings. O do not that abominable thing which I hate. Nor yet do ye give way willingly unto the least Backslidings, which the Lord is displeased with and doth not approve of. Though after all your Circumspection, and taking heed which should be yet more then it is considering how things stand; ye have fal­len into some Backslidings in your Past Life, and it is odds, but ye will fall into more before ye die. Though in Gods Gods Name and for your own Souls Good, do what­ever ye can to avoid them. This I teach and affirm constant­ly, and I do here put ye in mind of the Apostles Exhor­tation and command, And having done all to stand. I say again; And having done all to stand, and let him that stand­eth take heed least he fall. I will go on to add yet further, if any should be overtaken with a fault, or fall into a sin, let him cry mightily to God for Pardon and Strengthening Grace: Put forth all thy Strength and Power to get out of it, and rise up again as soon as ever thou canst. Thus saith the Lord, Shall they fall and not arise? Shall they turn away and not return? Temptations do beset Good and God­ly People, as well as the mixt Multitude of the World. Yea, rather Satan is most busy with the first, and serves greater ends upon them if his Temptations should take ef­fect, he having already taken the latter sort Captive at his will. There is a like old corrupt Nature in all, although it is kept under and subdued in regenerate People, which doth actuate and prevail and rule all in all, in the Children of Dis­obedience. [Page 5] And the Lord said unto Moses, Go get thee down, for thy People which thou broughtest out of the Land of Egypt have corrupted themselves. They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I have commanded them, and made a Molten Calf and Worshipped it, Exod. 32. 7. And so when the Lord writeth up the People of the several Generations and Countries. He shall count and rehearse at the last day, how they have turned aside quickly out of the way which he had commanded them. Not only in making and sacrificing unto other Gods (which is a most grievous evil and abominable Idolatry) but in the Breach and Transgression of the other Commandments also. He did set them aright once and again, but they would and did quickly turn aside out of the way which he had com­manded them. As we read or hear of this in others, we are to remember and take heed, we are to fear and watch; for we have the same or like hearts; which if they do not break out quickly into actual turning aside, yet we are sub­ject unto, and it is possible, we may quickly fall into the same. There is a Proneness, woulding, and Inclination to the same sin and evil. Know ye not that the Spirit which dwelleth in us, (He speaketh there in the Person and behalf of Christians) lusteth to envy. Now when one lusteth to a thing he would fain be at it, but he knows not whither it would be best for him. He hath some looking back to­wards Sodom. Remember Lots Wife. For we are forbidden, even these same lustings and covetings after worldly things, and secret desires after those things which are not to be had without the hazard of the seekers thereafter for all Eternity. So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain, which taketh away the Life of the owners thereof, Prov. 1. 19. Like as David longed, and said, Oh that One would give me to drink of the Water of the Well of Bethlehem, which is by the Gate. Now as to all these, the Word of God which is very pure, doth forbid all those Lustings and Co­vetings, and Concupiscence. It requires to crush the Cockatrice Egg, that it break not forth into a viper; To dash the little ones against the Stones; Not only to abstain from all appearance of Evil, but to nip and destroy it in its rise and beginning, when it doth in the least appear a­bove Ground. O Jerusalem wash thine heart, (there is the [Page 6] Fountain and Spring, and it is good going to the bottom) from wickedness that thou mayest be saved, (By this it ap­pears, that there is more requisite and necessary to salvati­on then many People are aware of) How long shall thy vain Thoughts lodge within thee? Jer. 4. 14. How long shall it be e're they attain to Innocency? Hos. 8. 5. By which place it appears, that it is the mind of God that there should be a pressing forwards, and a going towards, and an endea­vour after Innocency; Though if one had the Tongue of Men and Angels: If he had all knowledge and utterance in the Law of God and Heavenly things, how long do ye think he might Preach to a Congregation e're They at­tain to Innocency, considering Men as they are. I suppose, he might Preach all his own life long, and to their lives end before they all attain to Innocency. Though withal, if he is faithful in his ministry, to which the Divine Blessing and Promise is Annexed, it will be Instrumental towards the making some therein, a People prepared for the Lord.

But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all Men, and needed not that any should testify of Man; for he knew what was in Man, John 2. 23, 24. Now we learn from John 1. 1. That Jesus was the Word of God, and the Word was God. All things were made by him, and with­out him was not any thing made that was made. Man himself was created and made by the Word. So that by the rule of consequences, if all Men were Created by the Word, as they were, then of necessity the Word must know all men, and know what is in man. There went no more towards the creating the whole World, and all things therein, than God's saying, Let it be so (which is his Word), and it was so. As the Word of God did create us at first in a litteral and material sense, so the same Word is to make us New Creatures; to create us again in a spiritual sense; to make us live unto God for ever and ever. And in order to that it knows all men, and knows what is in man; and needs not that any one should testify of him, for it knows enough of it self. The Commandments, Rules and Directions are given in that wise, according as Man is Prone Subject and Inclinable unto. There are more then a Thousand Instan­ces of this, throughout the Book of the Lord. But I will recite one or two, Only take heed to thy self and keep thy [Page 7] Soul diligently, least thou forget the things which thine Eyes have seen, Take heed unto your selves, least ye forget the Co­venant of the Lord your God, Deut. 4. 9, 23. The Holy Ghost, by giving this double caution in this Chapter doth denote and shew forth, what Men are apt and subject unto, even to the forgetfulness of the Works of God and of the words of his Law, for themselves to live according unto, and to obey it, and therefore he warns them against it: Now the several Acts and Parts of Worship are in a man­ner Visible, and also they put in continual mind both of the works of God, and of the words of God. And for this reason, besides his own Command of Enjoyning them, they are to be retained and resorted unto all the days of our Life, whilst we are here in the Body.

O Ephraim, What shall I do unto thee? O Judah, What shall I do unto thee? For thy Goodness is as the morning Cloud, and as the Earthly Dew it goeth away. Hos. 6. 4. As it is written, Jesus Christ spake thus unto Philip, Proving him, for he himself knew what he would do, John 6. 6. Even so God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, doth here ask the same Question doubly over, proving his People, or putting them to it; for he himself knoweth what he hath to do and would do herein; How, that when their Goodness is as the morning Cloud, and as the Early Dew it passeth away; He hath provided that it should be renewed and come and succeed again, even by the Ordinances of Reli­gion, which himself hath ordained and instituted. I have several times thought, how that in the long days in the hot and sultry weather, when is the scorching Sun, How the wisdom of God doth then provide for the Earth. For whereas, at this time of the Year, there is little or no Rain for several weeks together; If it were not for that Dew which God doth then send every Night and Early in the Morning, what would the Earth come unto? The most fruitful Ground would become like the Barren Mountains, and the Waste howling Wilderness. The Heaven that is o­ver our head would be Brass, and the Earth that is under us, would be Iron, Deut. 28. 23. There would be little or no Grass to be seen. But the Sun in its full might and strength would scorch and burn it up. But now, (blessed, and ever blessed be our God for it) by means of the Dew [Page 8] which commonly tarries on the Earth, until the Ninth or Tenth hour in the morning, It is refreshed instead of Rain; and thus it comes to pass, that it is neither barren nor un­fruitful. The observation is common, that in Cloudy wea­ther, or when it will Rain that day, there is usually less or no foregoing Dew. The Knowledge and Wisdom of God, seeing that there will not be altogether so much need of it then, and accordingly he doth so proportion it out, who doth all things in Number, Weight and Measure. O Lord, how manifold are thy works, in wisdom hast thou made them all. And so even now Thou, who upholdest all things by the Word of thy Power, In wisdom dost thou govern and dispose of all things throughout the whole World. O that when People walk out early in the morning, and see the Dew lie as the Small Rain upon the tender Herb, and as Showers upon the Grass, (Every little drop whereof doth more Good, and therein is more valuable then so many Pearls) would eye and see the Lord therein, and Praise the Lord for his Goodness, and declare his wonders unto the Children of Men. That they would further make known a Spiritual use and improvement hereof, as the whole Face of the Earth unless for this Dew, would be like unto a Path or Road which Man or Beast continually goes on, or at least it would be barren and unfruitful. E­ven so in like manner Mine own heart, and the other hearts of the reasonable Inhabitants of this Earth, unless it were for the Dew of the Word and of Prayer, would become barren and unfruitful in the work of the Lord, and in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But on the other and better hand, the constant Dew of the Word and of Prayer (if we do not put them from us but have recourse thereunto) for the Lord doth hold them forth and Command the Inhabitants of the Earth to use them, and receive the benefit of them; If these be sought and had daily; If this Knowledge and Godliness (which last includes both the Word and Prayer, and these things be in you and abound (there is Great Emphasis in that Word, full measure and running o­ver, which teaches us that we should do it still more and more. Every Branch that beareth Fruit, he purgeth that it may bring forth more Fruit, John 15. 2. They make you that ye shall neither be barren, nor unfruitful in the Know­ledge [Page 9] of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Pet. 1. 8. Who saith, Here­in is my Father Glorified that ye bear much Fruit, so shall ye be my Disciples, John 15. 8. But as without the Dew or Rain, there would be no Fruit or Grass, so without hear­ing or reading the Word and Prayer, there would be no Fruit brought forth unto God. And if God is Glorified when his reasonable Creatures bring forth Fruit, then by the Rule of Contraries he is dishonoured when they bring forth no Fruit, or when he fails and is disappointed in his Expectation; When I looked that it should bring forth Grapes, and it brought forth Wild Grapes. And what is the consequent of all? Poor Creatures, the greatest loss will re­dound to themselves at the last, altho' now they do not throughly consider thereof. And now go to, I will tell you what I will do to my Vineyard, it shall be trodden down, it shall not be Pruned nor digged, but there shall come up Bri­ars and Thorns. I will also command the Clouds, that they Rain no Rain upon it. For the Earth which drinketh in the Rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth Herbs, meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth Blessing from God; But that which beareth Thorns and Briars is rejected, and is nigh unto Cursing, whose end is to be burned, Heb. 6. 7, 8. As the Earth drinketh in the Rain, so Almighty God doth re­quire of the Inhabitants thereof, that they should drink in, hear, and receive his word Preached.

And he having in his Eternal Providence opened a Door in this place where we now are, he doth require of the In­habitants of this Town and Neighbourhood to come for to hear the same. And I declare to them all that he will call them to an Account for their refusal, or neglect to do the same. I warn them beforehand, that then the false Sur­mises and Reproaches of some concerning the Minister, nor yet will the vain and frivolous excuses of others avail, as to that God with whom we have all do. As to those false Surmises and Reproaches, they might do as He did in reference to Hannah, whom he first supposed drunken, and afterwards enquired further, and then he understood and said, The Lord grant thy Petition: So they might come to my self immediately, to be throughly satisfied of their pre­sent mis-understandings. And let their own Consciences try, bear Witness and Judge, by hearing of the same; whi­ther the Way of God, is not taught here in Truth.

There is a very near resemblance and similitude to the Word preached unto the reasonable Inhabitants thereof, and to the Rain or Dew descending upon the Earth; for as the Rain makes the Earth fruitful, so the Word preach­ed, if it is drinked in, as the Earth drinketh in the Rain, if it is mixed with Faith in them that hear it, will make men and women meet and prepared for God, and meet to re­ceive a Blessing from God. My Doctrine shall drop as the Rain, my Speech shall distil as the Dew, as the small Rain upon the tender Herb, and as the Showers upon the Grass, Deut. 32. 2. Otherwise the manifold Solicitations and Objects of this World, would be apt to scorch, and make us fade away, even in our good ways. But that the Do­ctrine, and Speech of the Word (like Rain, Dew, small Rain and Showers), whereby also is to be seen, that the Word should not be only preached once and away, but day after day, and Sabbath after Sabbath; for there is a daily succession of Dew, or of Rain, small Rain or Show­ers, to do most good: and then it is when the Word is constantly preached, and constantly attended unto, and received in; then it renders the Vineyard meet for our God. If his Word falls upon the Dust of the Wilderness, (it is Jaremiah's Phrase) or upon stony and dry places, Mat. 13. 5, 6. (I wish that the hearts of none who shall hear or read this be that Dust of the Wilderness, or stony and dry places) then it may seem lost and ineffectual, not for want of Worth and Excellency in it self (for it is the same Rain that falls there, as that which falls upon good ground), but the Incapacity is in the Subject. It doth not profit, not be­ing mixed with Faith in them that hear it: Or they suffer it to run off again, as Useless Water. They do not drink it in, as the Earth drinks in the Rain. O that some of ye here present, would drink in this Sermon. Take my word for it, if ye would drink it in, it would abide longer with ye, and do ye more good than that drink which perisheth in the Draught; or that strong drink which if immoderately taken in, shall be bitter to them that drink it. Not so much as to those Qualms of Conscience, or Head-Ach, which do quickly ensue thereupon. But the worst Bitterness will be in the End, when they must taste the Bitterness of Death, and thence be called to Judgment to receive a due [Page 11] Reward for the Sin and Evil of their Drunkenness in the days of their flesh. I would have ye drink that in not one drop further then barely for Thirst and necessary Refresh­ment. But if ye would taste, and drink in some of those words as are written, by God's blessing, and improvement thereon, it may become in ye a well of water springing up unto Eternal Life, John 4. 14.

In a dry Summer, that is good and convenient ground which lies next to a River or Brook, or Fountains which are per­petually running and springing; and when there are apt Floodgates and Instruments, to let the water over the ground and drain it again; This supplies and makes up from beneath, for the Dew and Rain which comes from a­bove. And so it is convenient in dwelling houses, to keep water always by one. Even so we should be always fur­nished, (unto which the word Preached doth help us) with the like Spiritual Water, as it descends from above, in the Dew and Rain of the Ordinances. And when we have drank it in, we should not let it run through but stop and keep it there, that it may be turned and converted in­to our own Moisture. For the word is nigh thee, even in thine heart. See to it well, that by Pondering and Remem­brance of what thou hearest or readest, These words that I Command thee, thou shalt lay up in thy heart; That it may become as it were a repository of gracious Words and Divine Truths. Which like Pools or Rivers of Water will refresh and supply thy need at any time. For they drank of that Spiritual Rock that followed them (in the Margent there it is, went with them) and that Rock was Christ, 1 Cor. 10. 4. So that it is to have Christ, who is the word, formed within them; that he may follow and go with them whi­thersoever they go, or wheresoever they are. This will be yet a more lasting and abiding thing then the Early Dew or the descending Rain, for that is not always. But to have the Spiritual Rock following us, or going with us, this is at Midday and Afternoon, and at those times when there will be no Rain. The word is not, nor can be well Preach­ed always; but this supplies and helps for that in the Inter­vals and spaces of time between it, even to have a Spiritual drink always within us, and to have a Spiritual Rock fol­lowing and going with us, which Rock is Christ, out of [Page 12] which we may draw and drink at any time, whensoever w [...] will.

As one of the Antients said, Nothing is so worthy of God as the Salvation of Mankind; So it is a most wonderful thing to consider, how he hath consulted, contrived and provided all things for it. In his word) especially, and al­so in his other doings and dispensations towards the Chil­dren of Men. Happy, thrice happy, and only happy are those his Servants and Creatures, who know (that is not all) but also comply therewith. That as deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy Water Spouts, Psal. 42. 7. So one ordi­nance doth follow another, and one thing is appendant, connected and succeeds another; and all to that great end, to bring about the common Salvation of Mankind, as if God would never let us alone until he hath brought us un­to Heaven. On the one hand he is wanting in no means to set us forward; and then again, he is not wanting in any thing to keep us on continually a-going. Yea, he hath ordained further, that we should here on Earth live the life of Heaven before we come to Heaven. Blessed are they that dwell in thy House, they will be still praising thee, Psal. 84. 4. And he hath ordered things in that manner, that we may be always a doing the work of God.

And whereas here some would be apt to think that this would breed Tiresomness, he hath again so ordered the matter, by those Ordinances of Religion and Worship, which he hath instituted, that they who herein wait on the Lord, should renew their strength, they shall mount with wings, as Eagles: they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint, Isa. 40. 31. For whereas a scoffing Ishmael, and the men of this world, do imagine, or say, We do not like this kind of work, which is never done; but our God, through his most gracious and boun­tiful Nature, and Doings, hath so provided, that his Servants shall not be weary in his Work, and have a good will therein, signified by that Phrase of Running. And if at any time there should be any weariness, because they are here in the Body, and in this Flesh, then they shall re­new their strength; for He giveth Power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. As he doth that, so where he sees any thing is wanting, or ne­cessary, [Page 13] he makes it up, and supplies it. So it is in the [...]forecited place of Hosea, where he sees before-hand their failing and Declination, that their Goodness is as the Morning Cloud, and as as the Early Dew it passeth away: How is this to be remedied, O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? Here God asks Questions of his Creatures, as if Himself were at a Loss, or a stand. God here speaks after the manner of men. It is much Lord that thou shouldest ask such a Question; for thou thy self knowest better than Ephra­im or Judah, or all the Reasonable Inhabitants of the Earth, what thou shalt do unto them, and what is proper unto them in such a case or condition. Seeing that their Goodness is as the Morning Cloud, and as the Early Dew it passeth away, God hath provided an help meet and Remedy for that, for a Repair of that Breach, even the Preaching and Hearing of his Word (which is one Princi­pal Ordinance of Religion) Hereby intimating, that if that will will not do, nothing will do; but it will do. And that this was in the mind of God, and that it was the very thing which he would do unto them, and he thought of when he asked the foregoing Question, is ma­nifest by the words immediately following; Therefore (here comes the Reason and Cause for it) have I hewed them by my Prophets, I have slain them by the words of my mouth, and thy Judgments are as the Light that goeth forth, Hos. 6. 5. Where, by the way, Judgments may be under­stood for his Commandments, according as David doth so call them in the 119th Psalm; or rather for his Temporal Judgments on the Earth; and then the sense is to this purpose, That to help, remedy, and provide against their Goodness being as the Morning Cloud, and as the Early Dew it passeth away, God hath adapted the Preaching of his Word, signified by his hewing them by his Prophets, who were the Persons and Instruments employed therein; and also his Judgments abroad in the Earth, that the In­habitants thereof may learn Righteousness. For God would have, and so would do any thing, that the Goodness of his people might continue, and not pass away. Though here again, that Goodness which is as the Morning Cloud, and as the Early Dew it goeth away, is better than no [Page 14] Goodness at all, as some Dew is better than none; for this Dew, if it is repeated, and succeeds daily, will do good.

Therefore have I hewed them by my Prophets, I have slain them by the words of my mouth. Here observe the manner of the Holy Ghost expressing it. God hath made a tho­rough Work of it, I have hewed, I have slain: For there is a manifest Diversity between that Authoritative and Powerful Preaching of those Prophets, and the flat and insipid Discourses of our modern Scribes and Declaimers, or of Ignorant and Unfaithful Teachers. Christ taught as one having Authority, and not as the Scribes. As to this, the Rule is certain, That amongst all that great deal of Preaching which is now abroad in this Nation, that is the best Preaching, and most from God, which hath in it most Authority, Power and Liveliness; for his Word is a Lively Word, and so it will approve it self to the Consciences of the Hearers, where it is understood and ma­naged aright.

In the work of Man's Conversion and Salvation, the Word, and the Preaching thereof are before Prayer. For how shall they Pray, for what they have not known, or for what they have not heard? Now in order to bring God and the things pertaining to his Kingdom, to their Knowledge, as to which hearing or reading is an outward Gate letting in thereto, both the Word and the Preaching or speaking thereof, is not only requisite, but absolutely and simply necessary. And therefore by the way, it would be a good method in the Education of Children, to in­struct them with some Principles of the Knowledge of God and of the Doctrine of Christ, and of the things con­tained in the Scripture according as their tender Years will bear, as the small Rain upon the tender Grass: Before they are taught to say Prayers meerly by rote, or at least to in­graft into them some inward sense and understanding of their own, what they say therein. In those of Riper Years, Knowledge and Understanding should go before Action, or otherwise it will be blind and signify nothing, or not much: Some having constanly used a Course of Devoti­on, confine themselves barely to that, as such is all the Re­ligion, or more properly superstition of the Papists, as also [Page 15] of many Formalists of the National Church. Which De­votion, or Prayer, is but a means to somewhat more, e­ven for Grace and Strength to the keeping the Command­ments of God, and to confirm all the words of his Law to do them, (as to which Preaching doth instruct and ex­hort) unto which they should still press forward. But in no wise, as the manner of them is to neglect the needful thing, and principal End of that, only for adhe­ring to a parcel of outward and customary Prayers; for so I phrase it; not to vilify or contemn the Ordinance of Prayer; in no wise; far be it from me. But only to express it according as it is by them used and made. As also to let ye see on one hand, how the Wisdom of God hath appointed these two Ordinances of Preaching and Prayer, towards the help and furtherance of the Salva­tion of Mankind; and what God hath Joyned together, set no Man put asunder; for he hath commanded them both, and they may be successively used one after another. So on the other hand, when froward and disobedient Man would notwithstanding put them asunder, and neglect the one and hold to the other, then comes in Satan, and strangely befools and deceives people therein. As the A­postle James argues, For as the Body without the Spirit is dead, so Faith without Works is dead also; even so here it is. If one should use a Course of Prayer every Evening, Morning and Noon-day, whether it be private, Family, or publick Worship, without keeping the Command­ments of God, or having regard to them in all things, and at all times; This would be as Ridiculous, Foolish, and Nonsensical, as if a Servant should as often come to thee for aid and assistance, or for Tools and Instru­ments to do such a Work, and yet never set about the doing of it. So again, it is a like Folly, Ignorance and Deceivableness, to be Hearers of the Word, and not do­ers of it. The Foolish shall not stand in thy sight, Psal. 5. 5. From which Scripture of undoubted Truth we are given to understand, that they who are foolish in matters of Religion shall not stand in Gods sight; That is, they shall not go to Heaven. And besides that just now here mentioned, they come also among the Number of the Foolish who remember the Covenant in Baptism, and yet [Page 16] they do not observe it; or only with slight and transient Purposes and Resolutions at that present time, when the words thereof are to Obediently keep Gods holy will and Commandments, and walk in the same all the days of our Life. God heareth not sinners, John 9. 31. And here in like manner it is alledged out of the Scriptures of Truth, that God is not pleased with the Sacrifice of Fools, neither will He accept thereof. In the Scripture Notion and Ap­prehension, Fools and Sinners are near the same; for all Sinners are Fools, and also all Fools of their own making, as we commonly say, who were not born Ideors of meer Natural Impotency, are sinners: In that they being in Ho­nour and Ʋnderstanding, they abide not. They do not im­prove, but rather lose that Knowledge and Reason in which God had Created them; This is a sin and fault of their own in these Creatures, when they do not Trade with their Talent, but become unprofitable. And so when they lose Good and Subject themselves to Evil, as to the future State and Distribution of things, this is properly folly, yea, and folly in the abstract; and in this sence sin and folly are convertible terms. All Sinners are Fools, and all such Fools are Sinners. So Ignorance in Worship, or in the things pertaining to God, this is folly; For let not such an one think that he shall receive any thing from the Lord.

Anothers abuse of a thing doth not take away my right­ful use thereof. Because another Person drinks and is drunken, this is no Argument or Reason that I should not drink at all; for I may drink Nevertheless, to quench Thirst or refresh Nature. Yea, I must drink, or I Perish. So it is as to the Ordinances of Religion, tho' some abuse them, yet Nevertheless, we may rightly use them; yea, they are as absolutely necessary to carry us through this barren and dry Wilderness of the Earth, unto the Heaven­ly Canaan, as drink is to the Body. Because the Prayers of some People do become Sin, Psal. 109. 7. This is no Ar­gument why we should not pray at all. But rather we are thence taught not to regard Iniquity in our hearts, to lift up Holy Hands, to purity our hearts, to sanctify our selves when we draw near to God, and such like. Because too many are hearers of the Word and not doers of it, [Page 17] shall we therefore like the mixt and ungodly Multitude turn aside our foot from going to the place of hearing? but rather let us hear and do it. According to what our Forefathers Covenanted and Promised to God, for them­selves and us, in Deut. 5. 27. And if we would inherit the promises, we must of necessity be Children of the Co­venant. Because some do not know and mind much more therein then the sprinkling or dipping in Water, or do it in General for customs sake, or to make the child or Per­son a Christian as they say; we may and ought neverthe­less to fulfil all Righteousness, and to comply with that Commandment of Jesus Christ, Go and teach all Nations, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Retaining the thing, but withal giving most heed to the thing signified thereby. The like figure whereunto even Baptism doth now save us, not the put­ting away the filth of the flesh, but the Answer of a Good Conscience towards God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. 3. 21. If one is Baptized with outward wa­ter, this hinders not, but he may at the very same time and afterwards also be baptized with the Holy Ghost and with Fire; by which last is denoted warmth, servency and zeal in the Service of God. For as Peter Answered, Can any Man sorbid Water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? and he commanded them to be baptized in the Name of the Lord. Acts 10. 47, 48. This Text doth as plainly imply as two and three make Five, even according to the common sence and understanding of the same Words, without any for­ced meaning, or even any Interpretation at all, that the having received the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit, is no sufficient reason and excuse why they should not at all use Water Baptism; but it is rather a reason that they should use it. For Peter and Paul, and other Ministers and Ser­vants of God of Old time, who had the Spirit in more measure then any now adays (Notwithstanding all Boast­ing and Pretensions) did baptize with water. I would to God, this were throughly understood and considered of, by those People commonly called Quakers. But they al­so have that humour and disposition, as to be stiff-necked and perverse, and refuse to hear and hearken unto that part [Page 18] of the Word of God, which make against their own Ima­ginations.

The Ordinances are a Part of the Commandments of God, and they are to be used out of Obedience and Ho­mage unto him. God commands us to hear his Word, to call on his Name. Christ commanded his Disciples and Followers to baptize and to do this in remembrance of him. These two last, Baptism and the Lords Supper seem to come in the place of the two Jewish Ceremonies, or Ordi­nances of Circumcission and the Passover; both of which were of Gods immediate Command and Institution. As to the first of which, the Apostle Paul averreth, Circum­cision is nothing, and Ʋncircumcision is nothing but the keep­ing of the Commandments of God, 1 Cor. 7. 19. Of which words the meaning seems to be to this purpose and effect, that is, there is nothing, or no great matter, whither the foreskin of ones flesh is cut off, or not. There is no great Good or Evil in the thing abstractedly, whither it be done, or not done. So it would have been, if God had given no Commandment at all concerning it; But God having Superadded and Annexed a Commandment concerning it, The Soul that is not Circumcised, shall be cut off from his People; Here it ought to be observed and done by the Jews, as long as that Dispensation did remain among them. Not so much for the thing it self, but to fulfill all Righteousness, and therein to keep the Commandment of God; which same Commandment is now done away and abolished in Christ. And therefore it was become indif­ferent under the Gospel, as appears by the foregoing verse and from the Practise of Paul, who altho' he was not for bringing them back again to Bondage and to Jewish Ob­servances; yet to please the Jews, as also to bring over more Jewish Converts; who did retain a Tincture of, and Zeal for the Mosaical Institutions, did Circumcise Timo­thy, but would not do so as to the Gentiles which should receive the Faith. Now the reason is alike and eternally the same, as to those two Ordinances of Christ, Baptism and the Lords Supper. As to sprinkling or dipping in wa­ter, and in Eating and Drinking a little Bread and Wine, there is nothing or no great matter in them taken abstract­edly. The Reason of Man is apt to despise them, because [Page 19] it presently sees no Intrinsick Goodness in using them, and no Evil in letting them alone. And so far it would have been true, if Christ had given no Commandment concer­ning them. But Christ and his Apostles having given Commandment for the once observance of the one, and the often observance of the other, they ought accordingly to be so observed by his Disciples and Followers, to fulfill all Gospel Righteousness, and out of obedience unto, and for keeping the Commandments of Christ. Moses there­fore gave unto you Circumcision (not because it is of Moses, but of the Fathers) and ye on the Sabbath Day Circumcise a Man, that the Law of Moses shall not be broken, John 7. 22, 23. This is plain and obvious enough, and accordin­ly they have been retained all along down in the Christi­an, yea, and the Reformed Churches. Tho' we cannot here presently assign how Baptism and the Lords Supper are means of Grace, as Preaching the Word and Prayer manifestly and sensibly are. For we know feelingly and experimentally, that Preaching the Word and Prayer are as two Conduit Pipes, through which Good and Perfect Gifts do come down from above, from the Father of Lights into our Souls. And we very well conceive how these help to make a People prepared for the Lord. But we cannot altogether give so clear an Account concerning Baptism and the Lords Supper, how they do this, altho' here we can somewhat apprehend as to the things signified by them, which hath been afore-mentioned. Nevertheless, because Christ hath Commanded and Instituted them in his Gospel, it is not only the safer way to use them, but I will go on to add, there can be no sasety in neglecting them, or in the omission of them, because of what him­self saith, Whosoever shall break one of these least Com­mandments and teach Men so, He shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven, Mat. 5. 19. Which there sig­nifies the Dispensation of his Gospel. For we are not sure, that such will ever be admitted into his Kingdom above at the end of time. Having afore-mentioned what Grounds we have for the same in the Scriptures of Truth; and therefore these things, keep still unto the Or­dinances of Religion, We teach and affirm constantly.

We read in Isa. 58. 2. Of the Ordinances of Justice, but in our present and intended Discourse, we wave and let alone all that, it being not altogether so pertinent to the matter in Hand, which is the keeping constantly unto the Ordinances of Worship. For it is a great Gospel Command, Worship God, Rev. 22. 9. And to allude unto Heb. 9. 1. This Second Covenant hath Ordinances of Di­vine Service, and a Spiritual or Heavenly Sanctuary, Which may be performed in a true and right manner. So that it is meet, requisite and necessary, That the Children of thy Servants should continue therein, Psal. 102. 28. Or otherwise, they are no longer Servants of God. For his Servants shall serve him, Rev. 22. 3. And as anothers abuse of a thing should not take away my Good and Right use thereof. So here again it is, the Controversies and Questions which are among the Servants of God, con­cerning the manner or Circumstantials of his Worship, or of those positive Ordinances, as whither Baptism should be observed in Infancy or Riper Years, with dipping, or sprinkling, with the sign of the Cross, or without it, and of the Lords Supper, whither it should be received, sit­ting, standing, or kneeling, or whither in the Morning, or Afternoon, altho' these are somewhat apt to perplex and trouble the Minds of Christians, and are the occasion of different and distinct Congregations; Yet we should in no wise so far stumble, as to surcease the use of them at all. God forbid.

By the way, tho' we ought to assert the Truth and Confute Errour, yet it is no Christianity to Reproach, or Malign any Sect or Party. For the Servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all Men, in Meekness Instructing those that oppose themselves, if Peradventure God will give them Repentance to the acknowledgment of the Truth.

The much greater Part of those Churches, which are reformed from the Idolatry and Superstition of Rome, both in these and also in Forreign Countries, do all unanimously agree, that these Ordinances ought by all means to be re­tained, and that the neglect, or omission of them is Sin. Certain it is, that the best and wisest way for every one is, To keep unto and observe them, as near according to the Rule and Direction of Scripture as ever they can, and ab­stracted [Page 21] from all will Worship and Institution, or Pre­cept of Man.

I am now going to speak after my Judgment, and by Permission and not of Commandment; And therefore ye may weigh in your Minds, but not rely on this Affirmati­on, or rather Opinion, Viz. That as the Early Dew which goeth away, is better then no Dew at all. So the observ­ance of the ordinances any of the ways afore-mentioned, seems according to my sentiment of things, to be better and safer then the not observance of them at all. Because there is a Commandment of God and of Christ, for the actual observance of them. Tho' here I charge ye all in the Name of God and of Christ (and here ye are to take notice of it, that I speak again by Commandment) seeing that these positive ordinances serve also unto the example and shadow of Heavenly things, see well to it, that ye do observe and use them, according to the Pattern shewed unto ye in the Gospel: For that is most pleasing unto the Lord, as may be understood from Heb. 8. 5.

Colos. 2. 20. is commonly objected against the use of ordi­nances at all. Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the Rudiments of the World, why as tho' living in the World are ye subject to ordinances? But it is manifest from what goes before, and follows after that Text in this very same Chapter, the Apostle Paul there means only Jewish Ordi­nances, and such Ordinances as Perish in the using after the Commandments and Doctrines of Men, But have no Ground or Warrant from the Gospel of Christ. But the being bu­ried with him in Baptism, or the keeping the Feast in Re­membrance of him till he comes, do not Perish in the using; for they have a Relation to some what further, neither are they after the Commandments and Doctrines of Men, but after the Commandments and Doctrines of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thus ye have been taught, and ye have heard the Truth as it is in Jesus. Remember this Rule and Direction which I Richard Stafford, whilst a Preacher among ye, did make known and press and inculcate unto ye over and over, That ye may observe it continually when I am gone, Viz. For Gods sake, and for your own Souls sake, If ye would make a continuing and persevering work of it, keep still [Page 22] and constantly unto the ordinances of Religion. I say and testify again, keep still and constantly unto the Ordinan­ces of Religion.

By the way, Do not think this reciting my Name to you to be odd and unbecoming; for as the Apostle doth several times mention himself by Name in his Epistles, I Paul do testify, I Paul the Aged. In like manner I do imitate the same Example, I such an one, a Lame Person (which will be a further sign and token) do so express it on purpose to make a greater and more lasting Impression in your Me­mories. Remember and obey this saying, keep still unto the Ordinances of Religion.

But as it is written, We will give our selves continually to Prayer, and to the Ministry of the Word, Acts 6. 4. So here take this further advice and direction, be sure especi­ally to keep still and constantly unto these two ordinances of Religion, Give your selves continually unto Prayer. And because all are not Apostles, and all are not Ministers, do ye also continually attend upon the hearing of the Mini­stry of the Word. Whatever ye neglect, do not neglect these two; for these are confessed, acknowledged and a­greed unto by all that Name the Name of Jesus Christ in every place, both theirs and ours. Even they who pretend to be above ordinances, and to cast off ordinances (that they do err and are deceived herein, hath been made known from the Scriptures of Truth; as God himself will yet more clearly Judge and Decermine at the last day) do still keep amongst them in their Congregations, the Mi­nistry of the Word and Prayer. It is possible to Pray without ceasing, and to continue in Prayer, and to give your selves continually unto Prayer (Good God! How much dost thou delight that thy Servants should continue, see James 1. 25. As appears from mentioning it so very often in thy Word) by secret and mental Prayer, by hav­ing your Souls always in a frame and disposition to Pray, by praying in the Assembly of the upright, where only Christians are gathered together, and by Praying in the Congregation. Where tho' there may be a mixt Multi­tude of Saints and Sinners, yet thy Prayers of Faith, and thy lifting up holy hands, will find acceptance with God for all that. Give your selves continually to attend upon [Page 23] the hearing of the Ministry of the Word. Go unto, and frequent constantly the place when and where it is Preached.

Lose no opportunity. Ye can hardly conceive how much I have been vexed and troubled in mind at my doing things by halves, or by my losing opportunities in Tem­poral and Wordly concerns. For these opportunities slip by, and often cannot be retrieved. But where they may be retrieved, it is always with expence of more time and labour; all which had been saved, if the thing had been throughly done the first time. And I somewhat knowing the worth of time, the gliding away of time, and the Irre­coverableness of time, there is nothing which I so much grudge at, as the loss of time. It is a Maxim and Rule of Prudence and Wisdom in things pertaining to this present Life, To lose no opportunities. But be sure to lay hold on, and make the most of every opportunity. Much more it is Godly discretion and soul saving wisdom to lose no op­portunity, but to lay hold of, and make the most of eve­ry opportunity in Spiritual and Eternal concerns. As we have opportunity, let us do Good unto all Men.

People should not grudge and think much when they see a Poor Man, or as Jobs Phrase is, Not turn away their Eyes from a Poor Man. But rather be glad and give God thanks for putting an opportunity into their hands, that they may do good unto him, and lay in more Foundation for their own future reward. For as the Lord Jesus said, It is more Blessed to give then to receive. So it is a certain Truth, they that give Alms, have more reason to give God thanks then they that receive Alms, for a twofold Reason, because God hath placed them in such a condition, where­by they are enabled to give Alms; and also because he hath promised a future Recompence for the same and he will repay it. In which last respect they are more be­holden to the Poor Man, or Beggar in receiving it from them, then he is beholden unto them for giving to him; which should teach thee to prevent him in thy Almsgiv­ing, even before he asks for it, for this is the best sort, as also to lose no opportunity for the same according to thine ability.

Lose no opportunity in any Godly or Christian Duty I charge thee before God and before the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall Judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom: Preach the Word, be instant in season and out of season, 2 Tim. 4. 1. Under this is included a charge to the People, to hear the word also in season and out of season. It is altogether as proper to hear or Preach the Word upon a Week Day, as well as on a Sabbath Day. It is equally your Duty to redeem two or three hours, from the work of your calling for to attend on the same. Countrey Peo­ple will rise at one or two a Clock in a Morning to go to Markets, to remote and distant places, to get a Shilling or Eighteen Pence more then Ordinary. This same is a Les­son and Instruction, and God doth expect a like of his Creatures, that ye should rise up a little Earlier in the Morning, and sit down later at Night, and only be a little more Temperate in your Eating and Drinking, for too much Eating makes People sluggish and sleepy. Thus People might redeem time for hearing his word on a Week Day; and yet they would not diminish ought from their accustomed Work, and Labour in their wordly cal­ling.

Sirs, ye know not what it is to lose opportunities in Spiritual and Eternal concerns. For these opportunities can never be retrieved again. As Nebuchadnezzar said concerning his Dream, The thing is gone from me, Dan. 2. 5. So these opportunities of hearing his word are gone from them for all Eternity. There is no recalling of it back again. I have Preached Ten Sermons to the Inhabi­tants of a certain Town and Neighbourhood; But if those People, who refused or neglected to hear the same, would now give Ten Thousand Pounds (and if there were Ten Divine Truths in them, they would not be thus over­rated, for each Divine Truth is of more worth then a World) for to have heard them on those Ten past Lords Days, this can no more be, then any of them can make the Sun stand still, or go back ten degrees in the Dial of Ahaz. It passes over into a thing to be Judged off, at the Judg­ment of the Great Day. As God commanded Moses to make a return, how he had discharged his message, and Moses did accordingly return back the Word of the People [Page 25] unto the Lord. So when his Ministers come to give in an Account of their Ministry, it will be a sad reckoning to the People, They are turned back to the iniquity of their Forefathers, which refused to hear my Words, Jer. 11. 11. Loe, these ten opportunities together, such and such Peo­ple hereabouts have refused to hear thy Words, O God; and if I should live or stay among them so long, I do really believe that some of my Countrymen and Neigh­bours will, for seventy times seven opportunities more re­fuse to hear thy Words O Lord, according as I have re­ceived the same from the lively Oracles, the Book of the Lord, and what he makes known to my heart by his Spirit.

As Herod made a sudden Oath for the sake of which, he cut off John Baprists Head. And as the Jews bound themselves with a Curse, not to Eat or Drink until they had killed Paul: So I believe that some have made such an hasty Vow and Resolution (which is the usual forerun­ner of foolish and sinful doings) that they will never go to hear such an one. In speaking after that manner they take the wrong end of the Staff by the hand (which kind of speaking, is one method or devise whereby Satan upholds his Kingdom, by fixing on Persons and not on things) for 'tis not so much the Person of this or that Man, we being Creatures of alike Flesh and Blood and of the same Passions. For they should speak more properly and understandingly, they vow and resolve never to hear the Word of the Lord which comes out of such an ones Mouth (for by the way, if a Great Truth of God could and did come out of Caiaphas his Mouth, (as it did in John 11. 51, 52.) Who had given wicked Counsel, so may some Truths of God proceed through him, who is harm­less and inoffensive in his Conversation, and whom neither his adversaries can charge with, nor yet himself is consci­ous of any known and allowed sin. But here the children of God should separate the Precious from the Vile. I would ask such who think that they must keep to their Vows. Suppose that a man should Vow, that he would never worship God, such an Unlawful Vow or Promise, is better broken than kept; and so it is near the same, not to go to hear the Word; for thou shouldest here Repent [Page 26] of making such a Vow or Resolution, the Observance whereof being unlawful serves only a design of the Devil, to keep thee in the breach and neglect of a Com­mandment of God, to hear his Word; as also it hinders thy Soul from good things. If any should stay at home to Read the Sctiptures, or for Family Prayer, or to catechise and instruct their Children, this they might do at other times, and they might bring their Children here to sit down and hear Words Preached according to their Capaci­ties; which perhaps by Reason of their fresh Memories, and tender Years, they would retain longer than their Pa­rents. It may be asked them another day, Why abodest thou among thy Family, or in thy house, when thou mightest have gone out to Hear the word of the Lord? Hearken unto me ye that know Righteousness, the people in whose heart is my Law; fear ye not the Reproach of Men, neither be ye afraid of their Revilings, Isa. 51. 7.

Ye may all know and be assured, that the works of God are never in vain. I have several times thought as to my outward Lameness, tho I do halt like unto the Patriarch Jacob, nevertheless this hinders not from my running the way of Gods Commandments. And so where God hath furnished any man with Knowledge, Ability, Inward In­dowments, and Qualifications, and hath put good words and true words into his heart, all this, and such like must be for some end; even for him to speak out and make known the same, and for others to hear and receive them. The Lord will rehearse all this, and much more in the day when he writeth up his people, How every least and most con­temptible Creature, did serve the Great Ends of his Glo­ry. But much more the Ministers of the Word do so in their several Generations, Countries and Places. It is in­deed matter of Anguish and Vexation to us, because we see the Devils working and Delusion herein, and we can not help it so throughly and universally as we would. It is a day of trouble, the Children are come to the birth, and there is not strength to bring forth. Altho' there are too many Loyterers in the Ministry, yet there are not Labourers enough in the Harvest; and they also are not knowing, or not laborious enough. But yet, however peo­ple carry it towards us, yet that place of Ezck. 2. 5, 7. [Page 27] will take hold of them; And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear (for they are a rebellious House), yet shall know that there hath been a Prophet among them. And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear, for they are most Rebellious. And so accordingly, as long as I have health and oppor­tunity, I will speak the word of God unto the people of my Generation and Nation, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, if no more than two or three only did come to this particular place where it is declared. But to Israel he saith, All the day long have I stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gain-saying people, Rom. 10. 21. Now Israel were the outward worshippers; but the same holds true also as to the sinners and ungodly.

But Beloved, we are perswaded better things of you, and things which accompany Salvation, tho we thus speak. For some of ye will hear, and will not be disobedient, nor yet gain saying. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence, to the full assurance of Hope unto the end; Seeing that our selves are determined by his Grace, the lon­gest day we have to live here on the Earth, to give our selves continually to Prayer and to the Ministry of the Word. See ye to it also, that ye give your selues continually to Prayer likewise, and to attend upon this Ministry of the Word.

As Agrippa and Bernice did come with great Pomp to the place of hearing, so do ye lose no opportunity to come with great Reverence, Attention, and a Spirit of Dis­cerning, unto the place of hearing, wherever it is faith­fully and skiilfully Preached forth and handled. They came with great Pomp. But do not Refuse to come to any place for the seeming outward meanness and contemptible­ness thereof; for as it is the same Sun which shines upon a Dunghill as upon a Beautiful Palace; as Christ, accord­ing to the flesh, was laid in the Manger of a Stable, so the word of God, and the words of Eternal Life may be, and are often more purely and simply declared in ordinary Rooms, than in finer Buildings. Let it meet with Recep­tion in your hearts. Remember the word which I have in­culcated over and over unto ye, which doing, altho some may think superfluous, yet to ye it is safe. For the Lords [Page 28] sake, and for your own Souls sake, if ye would indeed make a continuing and persevering work of it, keep still and constantly unto the Ordinances of Religion. But a­bove all, and especially, give your selves continually unto Prayer, and to attend upon the Ministry of the word, that ye lose no opportunity for hearing the same. He that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully, Jer. 23. 28. And in whatever place it is faithfully spoken, and faithfully prea­ched, even unto his Habitation shalt thou seek, and thither shalt thou come, Deut. 12. 5.


Another Admonition to the People commonly call'd QUAKERS.

THere are some in these days, who think and say, that all Sermons and Exhortations to abstain from sin, whither secret or open, is but a low degree of the Mini­stration of the Gospel; and they are apt to Boast that they do Press further and arrive at higher attainments. I wish they did all speak Truth herein, for there are sundry other sins besides Drunkenness, Adultery, and the Mani­fest Works of the Flesh; and it were well if themselves were purified from all them also, especially from hatred, variance, emulations, strife, heresies, envyings; and also from all the Perversities and Evils of the Spirit. This I confess as well as they, that to go on to sin and to confess, confess and sin, and so to return again to Folly, (I will hear what God the Lord will say, for he will speak Peace un­to his People and to his Saints, but let them not turn again to Folly, Psal. 85. 8.) This will never do as to the saving of the Soul, and that it may be received up into Glory. But this is the manner of such Wordly outward Worship­pers, who are Foolish, Disobedient and Deceived, serving Divers Lusts and Pleasures, Titus 3. 3. And so where any Preachers or Ministers do lead, or allow People in sin, but [Page 29] they do not shew the way how they may be led out of sin, there they do not profit the People at all. For that is the saving and effectual Ministry, which actually turns People from Darkness unto Light, from the Power of Sa­tan unto God. Nevertheless where this is done, it is neces­sary to make mention of Sin, Evil, Iniquity and Trans­gression, to warn and arm the Minds of People against the same also. Accordingly Moses and the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles, and all the Holy Men of God who were moved by the Holy Ghost, whose Words and Writings are upon record in the Book of the Lord, did speak of and testify against sin. But some in these days who think of themselves more highly then they ought to think, Rom. 12. 3. Be not wise in your own Conceits, ver. 16. Do imagine that themselves are more Pure and Spiritual minded, and have attained further then to make mention of Sin and Trans­gression within their Lips. And tho' David, Ezra, Nehe­miah, Job, Daniel, and Isaiah, in those Prayers of their own, which are left upon record in the lively Oracles, and had as much, yea, more of the Spirit of the Lord then any in these days, do all make Confession of, and ask Pardon for their Sin and of the other Servants of God. It is both a Pattern, and also a standing positive and express Commandment, which our Lord Jesus Christ, even under the Gospel dispensation hath given unto all his Disciples and Followers; When ye pray, say, and forgive us our sins, Luk. 11. 2, 4. And it is again affirmed in the same Gospel, If we say, that we have no sin, we deceive our selves, and the Truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all umighteousness, 1 John 1. 8, 9. But I have went several times to the Congregations of those aforenamed, and beheld their Devotions, Acts 17. 23. And observed them, and I never therein heard the least Confes­sion of sin to Almighty God, nor yet asking any forgive­ness of him for the same. Whereupon, I can assuredly ga­ther and conclude, That they do deceive themselves and the Truth is not in them, as to that matter. And by my Pub­lishing these things to the People of this my Generation and Countrey, I would hereby warn and desire them to take heed, least what God said to the two Friends of Job [Page 30] come upon them also, Viz. Least he deal with them after their Folly, Job 42. 8. In that whereas he had command­ed and directed all that worship him, to confess and be sorry for, and forsake their sin (He that confesseth and for­saketh shall find mercy) and also to offer up for themselves a Prayer unto God for forgiveness of the same. But they did not, nor would not (whither it was out of Spiritual Pride or the Errour of their own heart, God knows) and so their sin is not forgiven, nor blotted out, and then the Lord doth not accept them. And if so, then the Reli­gion of that People is vain, and it signifieth and availeth not to find acceptance, or receive any thing from the Lord.

Indeed, herein they have spoken the thing that is right; It availeth not to Worship God, and at the same time to continue in Sin and Transgression; or to confess Sin, and not forsake it. For this will no more bring to Heaven, than only to set ones Foot only on the Threshold, and no further, is Actual Entring into the House. In no wise. But they, and they only are Blesled that do his Commandments, that they may have Right unto the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the Gates, into the City, Rev. 22. 14. Such do not always stand at, or in the Gates. Which Doing of his Commandments, speaks and requires on this wise, Put away the Evil of your Doings from before mine Eyes; Cease to do evil, learn to do well, Isaiah 1. 16, 17.


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