THE NATURE OF God's Kingdom, &c.
THE whole O [...]conomy, Dispensation and Establishment of all the Things of God, and of the Things pertaining to his Kingdom, in that manner as they now are, do all seem to be to this very End and Intent, to prove Man, to know what is in his Heart, whether he will keep the Commandments of God or not. This also cometh from the Lord of Hosts, who is Wonderful in Counsel, and Excellent in Working; for in great Wisdom and Contrivance hath he Ordained and Ordered Things accordingly. By the Passage of the Children of Israel through the Wilderness, was tipi [...]ied and signified that Passage of the several Generations of Men and Women of the several Countries through this Earth, where they may remember all the [Page 4] way, and all the several Steps and Stages of this Life, which the Lord God of all Creatures doth lead or carry them on these Fourty Years in the Wilderness, or these Thre [...]score Years and Ten, or Fourscore Years, which is twice Fourty Years (for so▪ the Days of Man are computed in Psal. 90. and it holds still thereabouts) in the Wilderness of this Earth, which is reckoned to be about the middle part of the World. Where he hath made of one Blood all Nations of Men for to dwell on all the Face of the Earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the Bounds of their Habitation▪ The Condition of Mankind, whilst they are a little time Breathing on this Earth, is fitly compared to that of the Is [...]aelites in the Wilderness on divers Respects: But particularly from that Description which is given of it in Psal. 107, 4, 5, 6, 7. They wandered in the Wilderness in a solitary Way, they found no City to dwell in, Hungry and Thirsty, their Souls fainted in them: Then they cried unto the Lord in their Trouble, and he delivered them out of their Distresses; and he led them forth by the Right Way, that they might go to a City of Habitation, Now here we have no continuing City, but Heaven is that City of Habitation, and this Earth is but a through fare unto it; as we now go through a little Town or Village unto a great City. This is now our present Condition on Earth, as we stand towards God. We wander in the Wilderness in a solitary Way. As we are meer Men abstracted from the Assistances of his Word and Spirit; Our Thoughts concerning God, are but Imaginations, Our Words are Mistake or Falshood, Our Actions are but Errors and Turnings aside from the Right Way. This appears by those Mahometants, Pagans and Indians, who are the Workmanship of God as well as we; but for want of the Scriptures and the Light of the Gospel, as to that Invisible Being who made them, or as to that Invisible World, they and we are all entring into, They Grope for the Wall like the Blind, and [Page 5] they Grope as if they had no Eyes, Isa. 59. 10. Even where is an appearance of the outward Worship of God and Christianity, How many do wander in their Acts pertaining to Religion? For even that of the Generality & Multitude is so defiled with the things which savour of Men, and comes so short off that Religion which is to the saving of the Soul, that the small Remnant is either forced to come out of it, and touch not the Unclean thing; or else see well to it that their Righteousness do exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, that their Religion do exceed the Religion of the World, as it is commonly Preached and Practised at this Day, that even his Elect Children and Servants do wander here in the Wilderness in a Solitary Way, being Destitute, Afflicted and Tormented, they are People by themselves, as the usual Phrase is; which indeed agrees to that Character the Holy Ghost gives of them, Feed thy People with thy Rod, the Flock of thine Heritage which dwell Solitarily in the Wood, in the midst of Carmel, Micah 7. 14. The People of God Dwell Solitarily; although they are in the midst of Neighbours and Acquaintance, such as they are. Hungry and Thirsty, their Souls fainted in them. This is as to God, and as to that good Satisfactory and Enduring Thing, which he hath Promised to the Sons of Men, which on this Earth is kept in Suspence, and not actually, or at least not fully given; but we are all along seeking and labouring after it.
Then they Cried unto the Lord in their Trouble, and he delivered them out of their Distresses. This Trouble and Distress, is that same Bondage of Corruption, and that Groaning and Travelling in Pain, spoken of, Rom. 8. 21, 22. Which the present State of the Creation is under. And we being a part of it, this should be our Business all our Life long, to Cry unto the Lord, and to call upon the Name of the Lord, to be delivered and saved from it: And that amidst all the Wandering of others, [Page 6] or of our selves, he would lead us forth through this Earth, by the Right Way (there is a great deal in that) and when God doth lead, be you sure to follow, and take notice, so the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange God with him, Deut. 32. 12. Neither Idolatry, nor Covetousness, nor Sensuality, for these are kinds of Idolatry, nor no strange Lust, nor no Sin, for in the Judgment of our Creator, any Sin is a strange God, or a strange Thing which should not be there, viz. in any of his Creatures. Take these two Directions along with you, and observe them, viz. to follow when he leads, and that the Lord alone may lead thee, that there be no strange God with thee, and I will warrant my Life for yours, that he will lead you, and also bring you by the Right Way unto a City of Habitation; which is Heaven, the Habitation of his Holiness (for the same Power that sent us here, will translate us up to that High and Lof [...]y Place, if we shall be found meet and worthy, where we shall be no longer Travellers, Pilgrims, or Strangers; but in a proper and true Sence Fellow-Citizens and Inhabitants for ever to abide. He led them forth by the Right Way. As for my self, in my Journeying and Travelling, I have mistook the Way, but by enquiry and going forward, I always arrived at the place at last where I would be. It is the very same in our way to Heaven. People may, yea and they do often mistake the Right Way; but if they will keep on in the Way of Holiness (which the Ʋnclean shall not pass over, Isa. 35. 8.) if they will seek out of the Book of the Lord, and Read in the sure Word of Prophesie; if they will take [...]eed to the Day Dawn and the Day Star in their Hearts, and do according to the Light which that shews them. If they will confer Experiences with the Saints that are on the Earth (for they that [...]eared the Lord spake often [...]e to another) But above all, if they will be sure to be Travelling on, and in motion, and always making [Page 7] towards it, though perhaps in Twenty Miles we may go half a Mile or more about; though in Sailing over the Sea of this Life, sometimes we cannot go directly forwards, by reason of contrary Winds; yet we may Sail this way and that way to make towards it, and at last, God bringeth them to their desired Haven, Psal. 107. 30. We Read in the Acts of the Apostles of the Fair Haven, Put one Letter more in, and Haven spells Heaven, which indeed is the Fair Haven; for it is all Fair and Clear there, it being above all Winds and Storms. This is our desired Haven, or the Haven where we would be.
More need not to be said to Paralel our Condition here on Earth for Threescore Years and Ten, or Fourscore Years, with that of the Wilderness for Fourty Years. In the Text it is said, To Humble thee. And this seems to be the very Reason of those several seve [...]e and harsh Dispensations of his Providence, as in sending upon us Afflictions, Poverty, Sickness, and such like. As also why he made us thus, and placed us in such vile Bodies, Phil. 3. 21. In the vulgar Latin, there for it is Corpus Humilitatis, which signifies the Body of our Humiliation; or such a Body as God hath prepared, ordered, and thought fit for this our present State of Humiliation and Imperfection, To Humble us. We are as it were Men and Women in Carcases. And truly if we know our selves, and particularly our own outward Frame, there is all the reason in the World, as God in making us thus, and cloathing us with such Garments of Flesh, which are so course, if I may so express it, filthy and weak and little, did it on purpose and design to Humble us: So we should be indeed Humbled. For wherefore is Earth and Ashes Proud? Consider what were we whilst in the Womb; from thence we were cast out to the loathing of our Person in the Day that we were Born, Ezek. 16. 5. What are we now? A Breathing [Page 8] Cold of Clay? A sink of Flegm and Excrements▪ What shall we be? Meat for Worms, Ghastliness, stink and Corruption? Canst thou throughly think upon this and not be Humbled? However to such as will be Obedient, the Language of Truth speaks on this wise, It is the Will of our Heavenly Father and Creator, that during this short time we are in this Wilderness of the Earth, we should be very Low, Trembling and Poor in Spirit. Even by thine own Frame and Constitution, He hath shewed thee O Man (from within thy self) what is good, and what doth the Lord require of thee, to walk humbly with thy God, Micah 6. 8. And see that thou comply with his Mind herein.
The Text goes on to add, to prove thee, to know what is in thine Heart, whither thou wouldest keep his Commandments or no. Here is the Principal Intent Specified; and under this is comprised the Reason of almost all his doings towards the Children of Men, from the Day he first Created them on the Earth, until the End of time. He proved our first Parents, Adam and Eve, to know what was in their Hearts, whither they would keep his Commandments or no; and they did not keep them. And so he did afterward, Prove Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who did keep them according to the Covenant and Measure as he did accept of. For I know Abraham that he will command his Children and his Houshold after him, and they shall keep the Way of the Lord, Gesi. 18. [...]9. And so it is of all the Descendants from Abraham ever since, some did keep his Commandments, and some did not. Besides that constant and continued Proving them throughout their Life, God doth sometimes Prove his Children in an extraordinary manner, as he did tempt Abraham to offer up his Son Isaac, which was a great Instance of his Faith, and whereby he did know that he F [...]ared God. Seeng thou hast not witholden thy Son, thine only Son from me▪ even the Best and dearest thing, [Page 9] and all that he had of that Nature. It is a Wonderful thing to Consider how he doth Prove all the Generations and Persons of Mankind, one after this manner, and another after that, according to their different Circumstances and Condition of Life, to know what is in their Hearts, whither they will keep his Commandments or no. The whole History of the Bible, and of all his Servants, and Reasonable Creatures mentioned therein, are to this purpose. The Servants of God did keep his Commandments, but all his Creatures, whom he had endued with Reason, did not. And so it is of all the Men and Women that ever trod upon this Earth; whose Names, though they are not Recorded in that [...]ook, yet they are in the Register of him, Who bringeth out that gre [...]t Host of his▪ Creation by number, and calleth them all by their Names. So likewise besides the ordinary manner of dealing with his People, he did tempt and prove Job by his great and extraordinary Afflictions, who in all them Sinned not, nor yet Charged God foolishly; for indeed God did well and wisely as to him. What is Man that thou shouldest Magnifie him, and that thou shouldst set thine Heart upon him, and that thou shouldst Visit him every Morning, and try him every Moment, Job 7. 17, 18. All things are full of Temptation, even to the necessary Victuals which we Eat, for there may be Gluttony; and to the Clothes which we wear, for there may be Pride; even to all our Thoughts (and we do think continually) for there may be, and too often is, Vanity and Evil. To our Words, for in the multitude of them, there wants not Sin; and we may soon Speak Falshood or Folly; and so to our Actions and Doings; for there Sin, Iniquity, and Transgression do beset us round, and it is easy falling into any of them, And so all Companies and Conversation with our fellow Creatures do prove a Snare unto us, or there is Man Pleasing and Perverting the thing that [Page 10] is Right, to humour and comply with those that are above us in outward Degree or Riches. As also there is a fear of Bearing Witness unto the Truth, and Speaking it out, least they should fall under the Displeasure of Men. Many such like things do shew that the Trial of Man is had every Moment, as also it is had when he is at, and amidst the Worship and Service of God, and at Religious Duties.
It is properly and truly a Life of Probation and Trial. And we are here upon, or according to our good or ill Behaviour, so we shall have the Eternal Favour of God, or be rejected by him. Like as Apprentices are commonly put out a Month before hand for Trial, to see whither the master will take them for Seven Years or not, so these Seventy Years on this Earth, we Men and Women are upon Trial for all Eternity; God hereby Proving us, whither we shall be meet to be partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light, or Reprobates. Reprobate Silver shall Men call them, because the Lord hath Rejected them, Jer. 6. 30. As it is with the Earth it self, so it will be with the Men and Women, the Reasonable Inhabitants thereof. For the Earth which drinketh in the Rain that cometh oft upon it, receiveth Blessing from God. But that which beareth Thornes and Briers, is Rejected, and is nigh unto Cursing, whose End is to be Burned, Heb. 6. 7. 8. The good Fishes are to be gathered into Vessels, and the bad are to be cast away. So shall it be at the End of the World. The Angels shall come forth and shall Sever the Wicked from among the Just. Mat. 13. 41, 42. So God will do at the End of World, but all this mean while, during which the Generations pass through here, whither it be Six or Seven Thousand Years, it is the time of their Probation [...]nd Trial, but after that is over, and finished, God will then proceed to a Decision and Sentence.
For the more effectual Trial and Probation of Mankind, He hath also ordained a Life of Faith, and a [Page 11] State of Absence from the Lord, which is Grounded from 2 Cor. 5. 6, 7. Whilst we are at home in the Body, we are absent from the Lord, for we Walk by Faith and not by Sight. The right Understanding of these two things, This Life of Trial and Probation, and this walking by Faith do clearly open unto us the Nature of God's Kingdom, and Dominion over us Men. It was never known in any Nation, Country and Language, that the People there should obey a King or Ruler, whom neither they themselves, nor yet any of his Subjects ever saw: Which last it put in, because whereas Earthly Kings do Rule over Countreys of vast Extent and Circumference, and of Millions of Inhabitants who are dispersed all over it; and he being but little and Circumscribed in Passion as other Men, it seldom or never happens that he doth see all his Subjects, nor yet do all his Subjects ever see him. But yet a very great many do, and have seen him: So that all the others having them for undoubted Witnesses and Assurance, that there is such an One, they do, and must obey him, nevertheless although they have not seen him. But as to God, tho' he fills Heaven and Earth, and all things, and all places, with his Presence; though his Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and his Dominion endureth throughout all Generations; yet no Man of any Generation or Country did ever see him. No Man hath seen God at any time: The Only begotten Son, which is in the Bosom of the Father, he hath declared him, John 1. 18. And yet he reqires and expects to be obeyed by all Nations, Kindred and Languages, yea by all the Inhabitants of the World. Whom we are to Obey, though we do not see him, and all One as if we did see him. And though God gives no present Visible Recompence, but contrariwise, We often sustain outward Loss, Inconvenience and Hardship for performing Service unto him, yet he Requires it. Hereby God is Glorified, and here is the [Page 12] Faith and Patience of the Saints to perform it nevertheless. Now Faith is the Substance of things hoped for, and the Evidence of things not seen. And this Faith doth properly terminate upon an Unseen God, as it's Object. Whom having not seen ye Love, in whom, though ye see him not, yet believing, ye Rejoyce with Joy Unspeakable and full of Glory. Receiving the End of your Faith, the Salvation of your Souls, 1 Pet. 1. 8, 9. We Read very often in Scripture of the Name of the Lord, The Heathen shall fear the Name of the Lord, so declare the Name of the Lord in Zion, Psal. 102. 15, 21. And of calling o [...] the Name of the Lord. Which Name of the Lord (to speak after the manner of Men) doth suppose and import as much, as if his Person were distant, and not seen by us. But here to pursue the like Reasoning, as is in Psal. 75. 1. Ʋnto thee, O God do we give Thanks: Ʋnto thee do we give Thanks; for that thy Name is near, thy Wonderous Works declare. So here it is, Unto thee O God do we yield Obedience, and render Worship, for that thy Name, or rather thy Person included in that Name, is real thy Visible Works declare, which we cannot so much as look upwards or downwards; or without doors, but we must see them. We may behold with our outward Bodily Eyes, the Truth and Reality of what he hath affirmed, for I lift up my Hand to Heaven, and say, I Live for ever, Deut, 32. 40. For we do, or may continually see that vast fabrick of the Heavens and the Earth, and all therein contained, upheld by the Word of his Power, in a most Wonderful and Astonishing manner. That vast and wide Roof of the Firmament, or Sky is kept up by his Almighty and Visible Hand, without any Visible Beams or Pillars. By the way, the declaring of these things unto ye, is a proper and useful kind of Preaching, Because it is a Publishing the Name of the Lord, Ascribe ye grea [...]ness unto our God, Deut. 32. 2. And a speaking of the Wonderful [Page 13] Works of God, Acts 2. 11. Which the Apostles did to their Hear-ers.
It is a wonderful thing to Consider how the God, who made all things, and filleth all things, should yet be so little manifested unto Men; that he, who is all Brightness and Glory, should not be seen amongst us▪ that he, who made and fashioned us, in whom we live and move and have our being, should be so little perceived by us; that when he filleth Heaven and Earth with his Presence, yet any should Live without God in the World. Surely Darkness hath covered the Earth, a [...]d gross Darkness the People. The Sun gives Light upon it by Day, and the Moon by Night; and yet there is a greater Obscurity round about, which the dull Element perceives not. There is yet a worse and greater Obscurity in those, who see and walk thereon. Strange [...] That Hitherto it should not be as yet Universally fulfilled as to all the Inhabitants of the Earth, At that Day shall a Man look to his Maker, and his Eyes shall have Respect unto the Holy One of Israel, Isa. 17. 7. Whom he might see with the Eyes of his U [...]derstanding being onlightened, as he doth with his outward Bodily Eyes behold the Works of God, and the Earth which he Treads on. By the Air he Breaths and moves in, he might have a Sence and Resemblance of him that is Invisible. Who doth also beset him behind and before, is with him in his going out, and coming in, and is acquainted with all his Ways. The least conceiving and Inward Reasoning, will Instantly lead unto the acquaintance of him, Lift up your Eyes on High, and behold who hath Created these things; for it must be some One who made all these things; for we do conclude, and know of the Houses which we Inhabit, that some did Build them, although that was before we were Born. And this great House of the World must needs have been framed by him, who Built all things; and [Page 14] that is God, Heb. 3. 4. Through Faith we understand that the Worlds were Framed by the Word of God; so that things which are seen, were not made of things which do app [...]r, Heb. 11. 2. The Heavens continue standing as they were from the Days of the Creation; yet that once was, and must needs have been. But then further, the very continuance and upholding of them doth plainly Demonstrate, and Point out his Eternal Power and Godhead.
Besides the Ignorance, Sot [...]ishness, and Negligence of Man in Ʋnderstanding and Seeking God, Psal. 14. 2. Some Reason why he is not so Known, and Apprehended by the Inhabitants of the Earth, is through his own Ordering, if I may [...]o Speak; for I gather it from his own Word of Truth, Verily, thou art a God that hidest thy self, O God of Israel the Saviour, Isa. 45. 15. If I may so express it, tho' he is in them, and before them▪ yet he doth hide himself, behind the Skreen of Created things. And it [...]ame to pass that in the Morning Wat [...]h, the Lord looked unto the Host of the Egyptians through the Pill [...]r of Fire, and of the Cloud, Exod. 14. 24. And so he doth continually look unto the [...]nhabitants of the Earth, through the material and visible things, although we cannot see him, Because he is Immaterial and Invisible. God seeth us, when we do not see him. He seeth us always, but we do not see him at any time. Behold, I Go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him. On the left Hand where he doth work, but I cannot behold him. He hideth himself on the Right Hand (Mark that Phrase, again of hiding himself) that I cannot see him. But he knoweth the Way that I take (this again confirms what is aforesaid, though we do not see God, yet God seeth us) when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as Gold, Job 23. 8, 9, 10. By annexing which last here his Spirit by the Mouth of Job, doth Intimate and set forth, that God doth thus, on purpose [Page 15] to try Man. This same Truth and Observation is yet more clearly Expressed in Deut. 32. 20. Which also comes directly to the sence of my Text, to Prove thee, to know what is in thine Heart, whither thou wilt keep his Commandments or no: Here God speaks on this wise, I will hide my Face from them, I will see what their End shall be; for they are a very froward Generation, Children in whom is no Faith. Now put all this together, and we are given to understand, that whe [...] God hideth himself, and hideth his Face, as he hath done since the Creation, hereby he doth Try and Prove the Children of Men, and knows what is in their Hearts, and sees what their End will be. In Deut. 32. There is as it were a History and Re [...]earsal of all that Ignorance, Disobedience, Sottishness, Blindness, Folly, and Ingratitude of Mankind towards their God; and the Reason of all is as it were summed up, and Rendred in the Twentieth Verse, because God hideth his Face, and because they are a froward Generation, Children in whom is no Faith. For had they but any Faith, they might find out God; notwithstanding he is Invisible, and he hideth himself, and he hideth his Face; and if they did but once find him out, and know him, it is impossible that ever Man, a Reasonable Creature, should carry himself thus perversly and contrariwise towards God, as he hath done. Although the People of the World do reckon upon Sin, as a thing of Naught, of no Significancy and of no Account, yet all Sin is against God. And I am persuaded that (notwithstanding it is so ri [...]e, common and customary in the World, as alas now it is) People would no more commit Sin against God, if they did see him with his Bow bent and his Sword drawn (the Scripture hath described him in that manner) ready to take Vengeance on them for the same, and if they did throughly know and believe how that there is a Just Recompence of Reward annexed to every [Page 16] Transgression and Disobedience, than now they dare Curse the King to his Face, for which they should incur his severe Wrath and Displeasure Immediately. But if God was as Visible as our Governours after the Flesh are, then there could be no such thing as Faith at all, there could be no Trial of Obedience from the Heart (for it might be done only with outward Act) How could he then so effectually Prove us, to know what is in our Heart, whither we will keep his Commandments or no. Though God is not Visible, yet his Works are: By the greatness and vastness, whereof we may very well Apprehend and Ascribe greatness unto our God, for it must needs be a Great God who hath Created such great things. So, although he is Invisible, yet his exceeding Greatness should make us more afraid; and keep us more in Subjection, then all visible Terrors or Temptations, which are but little; as also his Eternal Promises and Threatnings should weigh more with us, then all present things, which are but momentary and s [...]dden.
Here is the Revelation of the Mystery which was kept secret since the World began, but now is made manifest, and by the Scriptures of the Prophets, according to the Commandment of the Everlasting God made known to all Nations for the Obedience of Faith, Rom. 16. 25, 26. This thing, an Obedience of Faith, to Obey God whom we have not seen, and to Obey for unseen things; all which is Apprehended by Faith, whose Object is an unseen God, and unseen Things. Though it is made known and manifest enough by the Scriptures and by the Gospel, and though it hath been Preached and Declared to the World, yet it is a Mystery to them at this Day. But his Children and Servants, his Elect and Chosen One [...] do understand as well what it is to Obey and Serve an unseen God, for unseen Things, as the Labourers in the Vineyard did, when they worked for a Peny a Day, o [...] [Page 17] as Servants and Labourers know for whom and or what they Labour, when they do work for their [...]asters▪ according to the Flesh for Yearly Wages, o [...] or so much a Day. An Obedience of Faith doth aprehend things Future, all one as things present; for [...]ith is the Substance of things hoped for. Now thing hoped for, are not as yet. And though some may [...] apt to Imagine that things not yet, are not Substanc, yet the Holy Ghost knew better, when he expressed it after that manner, then Scoffers and Unbelievers, who are apt to Object, and say on this wise. For I pray you [...]udge ye in your own Reason, is there not as much Substance in things distant as in things near? Is there not the [...]ame Substance in things to come, as in things presen [...]? For even things present were once to come. Is [...]ere not as much Substance in Heaven as in Earth? [...] believe, that whosoever shall be counted worthy to encer therein, he will find Ten Thousand times more. But the People of this World are Ignorant, and Puzzled at this Mystery of an Obedience of Faith, because the Promises and Threatnings of God are future and to come, therefore People do not Regard nor Fear them. Whereas Faith would here receive and embrace those Promises, and also be Overawed by the Threatnings; notwithstanding they are future and Distant, all one as if they were present and sensible before them. But the Generality of the World are a very froward Generation, Children in whom is no Faith. There is little or no true Faith amongst Men. And hereupon, Because Sentence against an Evil Work is not executed speedily, therefore the Hearts of the Sons of Men are fully set in them to do Evil, Eccles. 8. 11. There is a great deal in this. I had almost said, that this is the Cause and Reason of all the Irreligion and Ungodliness, Sin a [...]d Wickedness, that is abroad in the Earth, because God doth not presently Punish Men and Women for the same. It is this which makes [Page 18] the [...] Armour-Proof and Hardned against the Ministry of is Wor [...], and our Denunciation of the Terrors of the ord against them. And so it is of that Evil People whi [...] refuse to hear my Words, which walk in the Imaginat [...]n of their Hearts. Jer. 13. 10. For both sorts think in the Hearts, although the Word & the Ministry thereof do [...] speak Evil and Misery to us, yet nothing comes of it. [...]or we are as Healthful in Body, as Prosperous in outwa [...]d Estate, and seem as Merry and contented in Mind as other People. The Tabernacles of Robbers Prosper, and they that provoke God are secure into whose Ha [...]s God bringeth abundantly, Job 12. 6. Wherefore do the Wicked Live, become old, yea, mighty in Power. Their Seed is [...]stablished in their sight with them, and their Offspring before their Eyes. Their Houses are safe from Fear, neither is the Rod of God upon them, Their Bull Gendereth, and faileth not, their Cow Calveth, and Casteth not [...]er Calf, Job 21. 7, 8, 9, 10. So their Ground bringeth forth Corn and Grass, all one as that of other People. God is kind to the Ʋnthankful and to the Evil, Luke 3. 37. For he maketh his Sun to rise on the Evil and Good, and sendeth Rain on the Just and Ʋnjust, Mat. 6. 35. There is a Just Man that perisheth in his Righteousness, and there is a Wicked Man that prolongeth his Life in his Wickedness, Eccles. 7. 15. There be Just Men unto whom it happeneth according to the Work of the Wicked; again there be Wicked Men to whom it happeneth according to the Work of the Righteous, Eccles. 8. 14. No Man knoweth Love or Hatred (that is of God) by all that is before him. All things come alike to all. There is one event to the Righteous and the Wicked, to the Good, to the Clean and the Ʋnclean; to him that Sacrificeth, and to him that Sacrificeth not, as is the Good so is the Sinn [...]r, and he that Swear [...]th, as he that Feareth an Oath, Eccles. 9. 1, 2. Though God hath been Pleased to ordain and suffer it so to be; yet it is before said, that the Righteous, and the Wise, and their Works, are in the Hand of [Page 19] God. And so it follows by the same Consequence of things, that the Works and Doings of Sinners and the Wicked, are in the memorial and Register of God, even for him to bring forth the same unto future Judgment, and make a several Distribution thereupon. For since the Fathers fell asleep, All things continue as they were since the beginning of the Creation, 2 Pet. 3. 4. And so People are Born, Marry and Die Promiscuously and Indifferently without any odds between Righteous and Wicked, Godliness or Ungodliness, Obedience or Disobedience, of one Man between another. The Scriptures do speak fully and abundantly hereof in many places; and also they mention particularly in 2 Pet. 3. how the Sinners and Wicked, who walk after their own Lusts, do hereupon Sin yet more and more, and go on securely, and without fear, because of their present Prosperity and Impunity in this Life. Whereas I profess Solemnly and Seriously as I see and observe these things, to me it is the greatest Argument, Demonstration, and full Assurance▪ that all things are indeed so as they are spoken of in Scripture. And I do through this, which hath been a Cloud and Stumbling Block to some, see clearly and apprehend plainly the Nature of God's Kingdom and Dominion over Men, to be on this wise, viz. As about the time of Forty Years, he suffered the manners of the Israelites in the Wilderness, Acts 13. 18. saith our Text, To prove them. In like manner for about the time of Threescore Years and Ten, or Fourscore Years, he doth suffer the manners of all the several Persons of Men and Women, of all Countreys in this Wilderness of the Earth, letting them go on as they will, to see what they will do, and what their End will b [...]. This is his Eternal Decree which seems to be Establi [...]e [...] upon great Wisdom; for hereby [...]e doth Effectua [...]y prove them, to know what is in their Heart, whither t [...]ey will keep his Commandments or no. This very same Order [Page 20] and Dispensation of the things of God towards us Men, may be understood from that of the Apostle, as indeed the whole Series & Design of Scripture hath a Relation and Tendency to what he hath written, For we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ, that every one may receive for the things done in the Body, according to that he hath done, whither it be good or bad, 2 Cor. 5. 10. Whereby it is clearly shewn forth and intimated, that People do not receive in this Life according to the things that they have here done in the Body, but they will receive for them in the Day of Judgment, and in the succeeding Eternity. There will be nothing done of this, until these Bodies are laid in the Graves, and an Hour is coming after that, in the which all that are in their Graves shall hear his Voice, and shall come forth, they that have done good unto the Resurrection of Life, and they that have done Evil, unto the Resurrection of Damnation, John 5. 28, 29▪ God will make one Work and Reckoning of it altogether, according to Mat. 25. 32. And before him shall be gathered all Nations, &c. And the Destruction of the Sinners and Transgressors shall be together, Isa. 1. 28. Even of all Generations and Countries, although now they Live out their appointed time, and Dye as other Men. The Spirit of God saith by the same Isaiah, The Sinner being an Hundred Years Old, shall be accursed, Isa. 65. 20. The Word of God doth Speak Evil of him now, and Evil shall befal him hereafter; although as yet he hath felt nothing of outward Harm or Evil. Good Men have been offended at the present Prosperity and Impunity of the Wicked. We hear frequently thereof in the Old Testament, but not altogether so much in the New. Those who had chiefly Temporal Promises to encourage them to Obedience, might well Startle and Stumble, when the Disobedient received the same in Effect. Verily I have cleansed my Heart in vain, Psal. 73. 13. There was not then so clear a Revelation of the Judgment to come, [Page 21] and of the succeeding Eternity, which is to make a wide Decision and vast Difference between the Righteous and the Wicked. This would have instantly satisfied all their doubts. But now Christians, who are assured of all this have no Reason to be Envious at the Foolish, when they see the Prosperity of the Wicked. Yet, Do ye think the Scripture saith in vain? The Spirit that dwelleth in us, lusteth to Envy, Jam. 4. 5. The difference between the Sins of the Regenerate and Unregenerate is, the Regenerate have little motions and tendencies towards the same Sins, which they crush and keep short, but the others suffer them to break forth into op [...]n Act. And so there are at this Day in sincere good People, some little Inclinations or Lustings to Envy. They are apt to be Grieved, that they who Provoke or Despise God, should Flourish and seem outwardly in better Plight then themselves. There is a carnal Intermixture, something for themselves, when they Cry out O Lord, How long shall the Wicked Triumph? How long wilt thou suffer them to do on this wise? Perhaps they have their Portion in this Life, Psal. 17. 14. As Augustine did observe, that was the Reason of the long Prosperity and Continuance of the Roman Empire, for their Exercise of Moral Vertues. Like, as we Read in One of the Prophets, That God did give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar for Wages, in serving him with his Army in such a Work as he would have done. And this same is the very Reason why many People have Health and Prosperity, Riches and long Life, who will yet never go to Heaven; but they are Rewarded here for that little good they have done. And therefore the Psalmist Prays by the Spirit, Deliver my Soul from Men, which are thy Hand O Lord, from Men of the World, which have their Portion in this Life, and whose Belly thou fillest with thy hid Treasure. They are full of Children, and leave the rest of their Substance to their Babes. This would not [Page 22] content and satisfy him, but he was rather afraid of it. As for me (By which kind of Speech he would Distinguish and Exempt himself from them) I will behold thy Face in Righteousness, I shall be sati [...]fied when I awake in thy Likeness. I have Read of a certain Godly Man, who when he was Exalted to great Perfe [...]ment and Revenues, he did very much fear, least thereby God meant to give him his Portion in this Life; and thereupon he was doubtful whither he should accept of it, yet afterwards he did. However we are to let God alone with the Ways of his Providence; for he, and not we poor Wretches, knoweth what he hath to do. How he deals with others, what is that to us? We may rest fully satisfied, and most certainly assured with what the Wise Man saith, Though a Sinner do Evil an Hundred times and his Days be Prolonged, yet surely I know it shall be well with them which Fear God, which Fear before him, Eccles. 8. 12. God cannot be Unrighteous; and if he deals more Bountifully with the Wicked in this Life then with you, certainly you will fare better then they in that Life which is to come. It will be better for those who in the Days of their Flesh, Lived before him in Righteousness and true Holiness, then with those who in the same Days of their Flesh did Despise God, or Lived in some Transgression or Disobedience the same while. Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do Right? Yea, He shall do Right, and make an exact Distribution (Judgment will I lay to the Line, and Righteousness to the Plummet) to every Man according as his Work hath been. Doth any wise or knowing Man envy Oxen or Sheep as he sees them Feeding in good Pastures, but he rather Pities the poor Creatures, because he apprehends what it is for, to Fat them for the Shambl [...]s. This is the very case as to the Prosperity of the Wicked or Sinners, Righteous art thou O Lord when I plead with thee, yet let me Talk with thee of thy Judgments. Wherefore doth the Way of the Wicked Prosper? [Page 23] Wherefore are all they happy that deal very Treachero [...]s [...]y, thou hast planted them. Yea, they have taken Root, they grow, yea, they bring forth Fruit. Thou art near in their Mouth (and so they were outward Worshippers, and did talk of God in a general Way) and far from their Reins. But thou O Lord knowest me, thou hast seen and tried my Heart towards thee (whereby the Prophet doth import his own sincere Service towards God, and yet it was not outwardly so well with him: But he goes on to add,) Pluck them out like Sheep for the Slaughter, and prepare them for the Day of Slaughter, Jer. 12. 1, 2, 3. A [...]d so the Apostle James saith by the Spirit unto the Rich Men, Ye have Lived in Pleasure on the Earth, and been Wanton, and Nourished your Hearts as in the Day of Slaughter, Jam. 5. 5. Tremble at this ye Gentry and Sensualists, and Merry Men of this present Age and Generation. Though those Bruitish Men know it not, neither doth a Fool understand this, What? It follows, When the Wicked spring at the Grass, and when all the Workers of Iniquity do Flourish, it is (there it is Pointed out) that they shall be destroyed for ever, Psal. 92. 6, 7. So it will be for ever at last, although they are not presently destroyed at the very same time when they commit their Wickedness and Iniquity. Am [...]lek was the first of the Nations, but his latter End shall be, that he perish for ever, Num. 24. 20. The Decree and Purpose of God stands on this wise, For the Lord God of Recompences shall surely Requite, Jer. 51. 56. At the time Appointed, when they come Dye, and after that the Judgment.
As by a Right Understanding of the Nature of God's Kingdom and Dominion over us Men, we come to know the very Reason why he doth not presently Punish Sinners, but oftentimes suffers them to Prosper. So by the same Reason of things we may learn, wherefore he suffers or inflicts Afflictions and Calamities on Godly and Righteous People. It is hard and somirk to think in [Page 24] ones Mind, Verily I have cleansed my Heart in vain, and washed my Hands in Innocency; for all the Day long have I been Plagued, and Chastned every Morning, Psal. 73. 13, 14. That when Man serves God diligently and faithfully, and leads an upright and innocent Life, that th [...]n he should meet with greater and sorer Troubles. To think this is Painful to One. Our Nature is Impatient thereat and Resents it hardly. But this was the Lot of the Generation of thy Children in former Days; and therefore we are not to think that any strange or new thing, hath happened unto us. But call to Remembrance the former Days in which after ye were Illuminated, ye endured a great fight of Afflictions, Partly, whilst ye were made a gazing Stock, both by Reproaches and Afflictions; and whilst ye became Companions of them that were so used, Heb. 10. 32, 33. The Apostle writes this to those precious and best Saints and Servants of God which were in that Day. And I know a Man who hath had a good Mind towards God from his tender Years, who hath made it his business and constant endeavour to keep, and also to do the Commandments from his Youth up; who when he hath been Persecuted in Body, and been oppressed and rendred Poor in his outward Estate, It hath been Tauntingly and Sarcastically said unto him, Is this all that your Prayers, Religion, and Fasting hath come unto? The Scoffer did go on to add, If I were to be Religious, I would be Religious for somewhat, and not thereby to be Rendred Miserable (which might indeed be done in their meaning by close Methods of Hypocrisy, but not by continuing whole and stedfast in God's Covenant, without Transgression of, or Variation from some part of his written Word, considering how the World hath been, and is) but they who talk after this manner, have not Faith, and they know not what it is to Live by Faith, or to [...]ender an Obedience of Faith. We Read somewhat like hereof in the Book of the Lord. Many [Page 25] there be which say of my Soul, There is no help for him in God, Selah. Psal. 3. 2. My Tears have been my Meat Day and Night, while they Continually say unto me, Where is thy God? When I remember th [...]se things, I pour out my Soul in me, as with a Sword in mine Bones, mine Enemies Reproach me, while they say Daily unto me, Where is thy God? Psal▪ 42. 2, 3, 10. I Remembred God, and was Troubled, I Complained, and my Spirit was Overwhelmed, S [...]lah. I have considered the Days of Old, the Years of Ancient Times, I Call to Remembrance my Song in the Night, I Commune with mine own Heart, and my Spirit made diligent search, Psal. 77. 3. Yea, I have sometimes observed, that when I have walked with God yet more closely, and have waited upon him more diligently, b [...]ing conscious of no Sin or Fault, yet a greater Affliction or Vexation hath ensued immediately thereupon. Truly this was a very sore Trial, that when one should more expect and hope for Good from the Hands of God, then to meet with Evil. Yea, An horrible Thought and Temptation hath hereupon arose in my Mind (which indeed hath had that Effect, as to make me abate and diminish somewhat from my former Zeal and Fervency, like unto that Saying of him, Behold, This Evil is of the Lord, What should I wait for the Lord any longer, 2 Kings 6. 33. If only this comes of my Serving of God, shall I desist and leave it off, and betake my self to the like U [...]godly Careless Life, or Formal Outside Religion, which others do of my Circumstances, Condition and Years. God for bid, I abhor the thoughts of it from the bottom of my Heart. But I will rather on the contrary make the true and right Inference, That Evil, Opposition and Trouble came from Satan the Adversary (which God did suffer and overrule) to prove and try me yet more (wherefore I will yet more Resist Satan, and act yet greater Revenge upon him) for there is a good sort of Revenge mentioned in 2 Cor. 7. 11. To the overthrow [Page 26] of his Kingdom, hoth in my self and others. Hitherto I have served the God of Israel a little, but now I will serve him much, and cleave yet more clos [...]ly unto him, for this Trouble and Affliction which hath befaln me. I will hear the Rod, and who hath appointed it. Come and let us (yet more) Return unto the Lord, for he hath broken, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two Days will he revive us, in the third Day he will raise us up, and we shall Live in his Sight. Then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord. Hos. 6. 1, 2, 3. We may see and know more of God through the Dark Cloud of Afflictions and Troubles: As also then shall we know, if we follow on, to know the Lord, in the various Dispensations of his Providence, and in the several kinds of Trial, Temtation and Exercises, which he ordains or suffers to fall on us. And here it is, and should be, that as we keep on Travelling, whither the Way under our Feet be Dry and Good, or Wet and Dirty, through Thick and Thin, as we commonly say▪ As the Sailer still makes towards the Haven, he is bound unto, come Fair Weather or Foul, gentle Gales, or Euroclyd [...]ns, which signifies Tempes [...]uous Winds: So here is the Faith and Patience of the Saints, that the Righteous should hold on his Way, and he that hath clean Hands, be stronger and stronger. For God and Heaven I am bent, bound and resolved, this is my Journeys End, and here is my Desired Haven, or the Haven where I would be. And I hope that by his Grace, and Strengthening me with Strength in my Soul (which I always ask in Prayer) for I am come to that Stedfastness and Purpose of Mind herein, that you may sooner turn a Dromedary in his Course, then turn me aside from going on still in that way towards God, and the Habitation of his Holiness, which he hath Chalked out in his Word, and shewed me in my Mind (what I speak of my self, when I Declare my own Experiences, [Page 27] I would that ye apply it to your selves also, for we are Fellow-Servants and Fellow-Travellers) through Good and Evil Report, through Shame and Dishonour, as deceivers and yet true, in Afflictions, in Necess [...]ies, in Distresses, through Plenty and Poverty, in Sickness and Health, in Prosperity and Adversity, sometimes at Liberty, and again through Prisons, Up-hill and Downhill, and sometimes in a Plain, as our Way lie [...]. To have now, and then a smooth Voyage, and then to be tossed to and fro. Even according to that Degree or Measure of Tribulation, which our Heavenly Father hath Appointed and Ordained we shall pass through, before we come unto, and enter into his Kingdom. So that whereas I before mentioned, that those Troubles and Afflictions its coming on me immediately after my close walking with waiting on the Lord did several times heretofore make me abate & diminish from my former Zeal and [...]ervency, This was my Ignorance and Infirmity then. For now I perceive when I Understand things more, and aright, they should rather have encreased and heightned and confirmed it so much the more. For hereby then Satan did get an Advantage over me, but if I had so done, as I now see that I should have done, then I should not only have made his own Devices of none Effect, but have turned and made them fall back upon himself. For this is the best way to deal with an Enemy, to turn his own Canon upon himself; and not only to spoil the Mines, but to spring those Mines upon themselves, which they had lain to Blow us up; or according to the Scripture Phrase herein, that themselves may fall into the Pit which they had digged for others. As it is written, Thou hast shewed thy People hard things, thou hast given us to drink the Wine of Astonishment. So Jeremiah [...]ad hard thoughts of God, when he said, Wilt thou be unto me altogether as a Liar, and as Waters that fail? Jer. 15. 18. So I speak it to my shame, and as a warning and instruction [Page 28] to others, I have had hard thoughts of God, that whereas he had revealed himself to be good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean Heart, that even when I was by his Grace upon making my Heart clean then to receive Crosses and Disappointments, which our Fretful and Impatient Nature calls Evils, then was fulfilled, But as for me, my Feet were almost gone, my Steps had well nigh slipt, even to have turned a [...]de utterly from the Way of the Lord, or to have fallen down and go no further therein. And truly unless it had been for some forcible Considerations drawn from the near Approaches of Death, and the succeeding Judgment which God put into my Mind, and they did weigh down, and overrule to continue still in his Service (Blessed b [...] his Name for it) I believe, and am afraid, that I had been an utter Apostate from the Ways of God.
Moreover that the Heart be without Knowledge it is not Good, said Solomon. But from hence we may see that Exceeding Advantage and Benefit of a full and through Knowledge concerning the things of God. It is all in all and the turning Point whereon doth depend the Eternal Salvation or Condemnation of Mankind. For where any one is saved, it is by Grace and Faith (both which do include within themselves a Knowledge of the unseen things of God) that they are saved. And so it is on the other Hand, My People are destroyed for lack of Knowledge, Hos. 4. 6. Which will be found true as to those Miserable Souls at the last Day, who shall be Punished with Everlasting Destruction from the Presence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power, 2 Thess. 1. 9. For had they known more of the things of God (and it was their own Fault and Negligence that they did not) they had escaped and never came to that State of final Condemnation and Perdition.
The Consideration hereof is an Unanswerable Argument, why we should do according to the Counsel and [Page 29] Direction of Solomon, A Wise Man will hear, and will increase Learning, Prov. 1. 5. And for that End we should take and lay hold on all Opportunities for Hearing the Word, and not be Ignorantly Confined to a dead and dull Ministry, or be blindly given up to follow a Blind Guide, and none else: But in the Multitude of Counsellors there is Safety, both in Temporal and also in Eternal Concerns.
This Truth and Observation I make known, or rathea declare unto ye in the General, that ye may just perceive of what exceeding Use and Benefit and Edification it is to know fully and throughly (By both which Adverbs I difference it from that Knowledge in Part or by Halves, which is but a little coming forth out of Ignorance, and People should never sit down with a Knowledge in part, or at halves) the Nature of God's Kingdom and Dominion over Men, particularly in that Branch thereof, which relates to the Prosperity of the Wicked, or the Afflictions of the Righteous. For this hath been a mighty Stumbling Block, which hath hitherto hindred many People from coming into the Way of the Lord, and others from walking on and continuing therein. This also hath a mighty Influence over the Minds of Men, in as much as it is Sensible and Visible. The Apostle Paul cautions those he writes unto, That they be not soon Moved or Shaken in Mind at the Afflictions which hath befaln him; knowing that thereunto we were appointed. And it being so contrary unto the Natural Prudence and Wisdom of Men, to undertake or espouse a broken Cause, or to embarke ones self in a Shipwrackt Vessel, hereupon it was that Christ Crucified, was to the Greeks Foolishness (as his Meanness and Condescention therein, was to the Jews a Sumbling Block, inasmuch as they supposed that the M [...]ssias would be outwardly Glorious and Victorious over all his Enemies) for the Greeks could not think it Consistent with their Vain Philosophy, or Moral Wisdom to receive and be partakers of the Afflictions of the Gospel. [Page 30] And so far indeed it is true, that consider it meerly as a Man within the Limits of this present Life & short Time, this Wisdom will never be justified by her Children. But let Faith come in, the Substance of things hoped for, which are to come, and the Evidence of things not seen; and this will quickly weigh down the Scale, and determine it, and carry it for the Knowledge of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thus much is Universally Received and Acknowledged in this Christian Nation and Country of our Nativity and Habitation. But still there is that mixture of Unbelief, and so much which savours of Men, and of the Worldly and Fleshly Nature, that it cannot throughly relish and digest Afflictions in the Ways of God, nor yet have they that Knowledge of the Most High, as to perceive his Favour and Loving Kindness therein, which is certainly true. For whom the Lord loveth, he Chast [...]eth, according to what the Spirit saith, As many as I love, I Rebuke and Chasten, Rev. 3. 19. Many are apt to doubt of the Favour of God, or to think they are not in the right way of his Worship (I have heard of Examples of this kind) because of those great continued Afflictions and outward Crosses they meet with in the World. But herein all these People do err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the Power of God, nor the Way of the Dispensation of his Kingdom towards us Men. For the Reason and End of these Afflictions are to prove and try them yet more, what is in their Heart, as Gold is tried in the Fire, and they are designed to draw us nearer and closer to God, as also to wean us the more from this present World. As it was noted before concerning the Prosperity of the Wicked, that they had their Portion in this Life, God intending thereby to Reward them here for that little Good they had done, for none is so bad, but doth some little good or other. So it is here on the other Hand, there is a spot even of God's Children, Deut. 32. 5. And there was hardly ever [Page 31] any one so Righteous upon Earth (Jesus Christ the Righteous excepted) who did not in some little thing or other put forth their Hand to Iniquity. They committed or Consented to Iniquity [...]ess or more; but they did not make a Trade or Continuance of it. For this cause they are here Chastened of the Lord, that they should not be Condemned with the World, 1 Cor. 11. 30, 31. Then it is that People do err, when they do not know the Scriptures. For in these Scriptures very much is said concerning the Prosperity of the Wicked, and the Afflictions of the Righteous. So much whereof hath been here declared and alledged out from thence, that the Reader may Judge and Understand in like manner of all the re [...]. As the several things concerning it do arise up in his Thoughts, or as they find from their own Experiences, as also from the Observation they make from their own selves, as also from others abroad in the World, Seek ye out of the Book of the Lord and Read; for there a Knowledge and Reason of the things of God may be had and understood. To know a thing as it ought to to be known, is to know it by its Consequences and with the Reasons thereof.
Now of the things which we have spoken, this is the Sum. We have heard of the Nature of God's Kingdom and Dominion over Men, as the same is to prove a [...]d try them, to know what is in their Heart, and in order thereto, Secondly, God hath Established for all Nations an Obedience of Faith. And Thirdly, All things happen alike to all, and also as a consequent from the First, he hath suffered the Prosperity of the Wicked, and to Exercise the latter [...]et more, he hath ordained Troubles and Afflictions for the Righteous. All these several Heads of Discourse do hang and depend one upon another, as they are indeed and in reality linked on and connected together in the great Order and Concatenation of the things of God.
It now remains to shew how the right Understanding of the Nature of G [...]d's Kingdom and Dominion over Men, as it stands in this Order, and on this Wise, is a necessary h [...]lp towards the making a Continuing and Persevering Work of it.
Sin and Ungodliness do certainly hinder from making a Continuing and Persevering Work of it, they being quite opposite and contrary thereunto, as Transgression is contrary to Obedience, and the Service of God is Diametrically Opposite, and Perfectly Contrary to no Service at all. And therefore in order to make a continuing and persevering Work of it, we must Sin not, and deny all Ungodliness. The Principal I had almost said, only Reasons why all the froward Inhabitants of the Earth do Sin against God, are these three. 1st, Because God doth not Render present Punishment. 2dly, Because God is out of sight. And 3dly, Because God holds his Tongue, or keeps Silence. Now (observe this) a Right Understanding of the Nature of God's Kingdom and Dominion over us Men, as before Explained, doth answer all these and the like Imaginations in the Hearts of the Children of Disobedience, or the Ignorant Multitude. For the same Word of Truth which saith, Because Sentence against an Evil Work is not executed speedily, therefore the Hearts of the Sons of Men are fully set in them to do Evil; elsewhere speaks on this wise, I will Punish the World for their Evil, and the Wicked for their Iniquity, Isa. 13. 11. The Punishment of God is almost throughout the whole Scripture, spoken of in the future Sence, he will or shall Punish. I do hereby tell and warn the Sinners and Transgressors and Hypocrites of this my Generation, who bless themselves in their Heart, saying, They shall have Peace and Safety, although they walk in the Imagination of their Heart, to add one Sin to another. Who are apt to fancy as if God could not, or would not Punish, Because he doth [Page 33] [...]ot Punish them presently, nor strike them dead in their [...]ins. Hear ye this Word and Tremble, it is as easy for God to Punish them, or any of us, as for we to crush a Moth or kill the least Fly or Insect. For he taketh away our Breath, and we Dye, & then the sentence which was not before speedily executed upon evil doers, doth begin to be executed upon them. There is no need to pour down▪ Judgments outwardly upon the Sinners Head, as he did upon the Cities of the Plain; for he can stir up a Disease fron within, which shall fetch out the Soul to receive for its Sinful & Evil Deeds. Saith one, It is easy for the Lord to recompence a Man according to his ways in the day of his Death. Nay, He doth it not so properly in the ex [...]ct and particular day of Ones Death, as afterwards: for as when we begin an Action or Commence a Suit at Law against any Man, we do first Arrest him by such a Bayli [...] or Inferiour Officer, So God hath his Sergeant or Messenger who sits upon a Pale Horse, whose Name is Death, and enters into Palaces all One as common Houses (for no Place or Person is Priviledged against him) who arrests severally all the Men and Women of all Generations and Countries, and fetches out their Souls from their Bodies, Luke 12. 20▪ And then God begins his Process or Proceedings against them, according to what they have done in this Life, whither Good or Evil. God could have Punished Man in this Life and on this Earth, If he had so pleased. But his general Decr [...] is to spare them here, expecting that his Goodness, Forbearance and Long Suffering should lead them to Repentance; but when he hath given them a space to Repent, and they Repented not, then comes Retribution and Punishment. In this Life man doth Despise and Provoke the Lord God, but by Death God takes Vengeance on Man. For the Wrath of God is Revealed from Heaven against all Ʋngodliness and Ʋnrighteousness of Men, Rom. 1. 18. Mark here diligently how it is expressed, It is Revealed, that [Page 34] is as much as to say, It is made known from Heaven; but it is not yet executed and sensibly felt, which will then be after the Breath of Men is gone out of their Nostrils, and their Souls are departed from their Bodies; or rather when they come to rise up, and be Reunited again, then they shall receive according to what they did in them in this Life and on this Earth. On this wise all the great Promises a [...]d Threatnings of God do stand: The Promises are now revealed or made known from Heaven, they belonging unto Godliness and Righteousness, but are not yet Actually given. But they shall be certainly given in the appointed time, or rather at the End of time. And so the Threatnings are Revealed or made known from Heaven against all Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men (by which last Word is signified all that is contrary unto that great and compleat Rule of Righteousness in Scripture, Comprehending all our Duty to God as well as to our Neighbour; and not only Injustice and Wrong between Man and Man, although this is included also, it being contrary to that great and compleat Rule of Righteousness therein mentioned) but God doth not execute his Threatnings presently, nor yet are they sensibly felt by the Children of Men. Which yet some of them will sensibly feel, Smart and Groan under, after that their Spirits are deceased or departed from these Bodies of Clay, and are removed to another place then this Earth. God hath another place besides this Earth, and another time besides this Life, to fulfil and make good every thing to the least little that he hath now spoken unto the Inhabitants of this Earth, in his written and Revealed Word.
The Bruitish Man and Unbeliever, and Ignorant Persons are apt to put off all this with a transient Jest, or their way of Proverb, What, Shall I speak of it after I am Dead? Shall I feel Punishment when my Body can feel nothing, Implying as if there was an Impossibility [Page 35] in this. No such matter. Behold I shew you a Mystery▪ Neither they, nor we shall Dye; but we shall be all changed. How now? What dost thou contradict Scripture and the Experience of all Mankind? It is appointed to Men once to Dye. Notwithstanding that I will however make out what I before said and affirmed, that neither we nor yet Unbelievers shall ever Dye. We, that is our selves, our Souls shall not Dye. This is most true. For it is only the Body that Dies, then shall the Dust return to the Earth as it was, and the Spirit to God who gave it. Then the Soul doth only decease or depart from this Earthly House God knows where. Hence Death is properly called a Decease or Departure. Our Life is only taken off from the Earth, Acts 8. 33. but continued elsewhere▪ And so the Soul is equally alive the next Hour or Day after her departure from the Body, all one as she was when she was in it. And it returns to God who gave it. And then she hath a more Lively Hope or Comfortable Assurance of good things from him, or a Fearful Expectation of Evil things, according as she hath behaved he self well or ill in the Body.
The shewing unto ye this Mystery doth also answer those two other Imaginations in the Children of Disobedience, which emboldens them to Sin or Transgress against him, because he is out of sight and he now keeps Silence. For besides, that the same Word of Truth which saith, No Man hath seen God at any time, Joh. 1. 18. doth elsewhere acquaint us with the Glorious Appearing of the Great God, Tit. 2. 13. And how that it shall be one day said to the Cities of Judah, Behold your God, Isa. 4 [...]9. The same Word, which doth take notice, how that God hath a long time refrained himself, and held his Peace, even of Old, Isa. 57. 11. There it is added, And thou fearest me not,. Even for that same Reason, because he h [...]ld his Peace. And so he holdeth his Tongue when the Wicked Devoureth the Man that is more Righteous then he, Hab. 1. 13. [Page 36] And also whilst that Evil, Iniquity and Treachery are Transacted, which is mentioned in the very same Verse. And so it is whilst the whole course of Sin and Transgression goes on as the same is committed by the Generations of Mankind. Th [...]se things hast thou done and I kept Silence, Psal. 50. 21. Why here the same Word that expresses how God holds his Peace, holds [...]is Tongue, and keeps Silence, doth also mention and assure us, Our God shall come and shall not keep Silence. I will Reprove thee and set them in order before thine Eyes, Psal. 50 3. 21. Even all the things that were done in this Life, and on this Earth. Behold, how one Scripture answereth to another, for it is even so in the Order and Determination of God. And we shall see it accordingly so fulfilled as it is written in the Scriptures, when the Lord God of Elijah shall take away all the Generations of Mankind from this Earth, and shall cause the Dead to arise, and the great Day of his Judgment is come and the after State.
It was before mentioned, that though God is now out of sight, yet at this very time he hideth himself, and standeth behind the Skreen of his Visible Creatures; yet Faith would find him out and perceive him for all that. As also an Obedience of Faith would approve our selves unto, and please him, all One as ever any Son or Servant did serve his Father or Master according to the Flesh, whom he saw every day, and was almost continually with him. An Obedience of Faith must needs be accepted, because it is such an Obedience as God himself hath Ordained and Established; and the reasonable Creature in this State cannot render any other. But I do believe and conceive, that as it is written, The Lord will come down in the sight of all the People upon Mount Sinah, Exod. 19. 11. And it is af [...]erwards said▪, And Mount Sinah was altogether on a Smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in [...]ire. And the Lord came down upon Mount Sinah on the [...]op of the Mount, V [...]r. 18 20. Which Lord in Acts 7. 38. is said [Page 37] to be the Angel, Supposed to be the Son of God, even Jesus Christ. We Read there, Verse 16. and Exod. 20. 18, 19. Heb. 12. 21. What effect it had upon Moses and upon all the People, as to cast a very great Awe, Terrour and Trembling [...]pon them. The like is not to be expected again in this World. But this I do believe and conceive, that when the Inhabitants of the Earth of all Generations and Countreys from the Creation of the World unto the End thereof, shall be Summoned to meet with God by Death and Judgment at the last Trump, For the Trumpet shall Sound, then they shall have a sensible and more lasting Apprehension of the Great and Infinite God himself in Person, then the Israelites had for the time of his Angel on Mount Sinah. For that particular Place, the whole Mount Quaked greatly, but then the Heavens and the Earth and the whole Creation will quake and be dissolved to be changed and Created a new. This also I do apprehend and conceive that in the mean while after the several respective Deaths of particular Persons until this great Day, as it is written, The Devils Believe, and Tremble. So the Souls of such Men and Women who in the Days of their Flesh were Disobedient and Provoking to God, will also Believe and Tremble. Yea, they will be Magor Missabib, Fear round about, Jer. 20. 3. Because that in the Invisible World they will have nothing to harden themselves, or to forget the sence of their approaching Condemnation and Misery, as now they have, as also, because they will be nearer unto, and know more of God unto whom all Flesh shall come.
The Apostle in 2 Pet. 3. makes the Use and Application of all this to our Hand, for he speaking there of the very same admonishes, Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of Persons ought ye to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness. Wherefore, Beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in Peace, without Spot and Blameless. Seeing that the Dispensation [Page 38] of the Kingdom and Dominion of God over Men stands on this wise, What can be a more forcible Motive and Persuasion then the Knowledge and Consideration hereof for ye to be stedfast Ʋnmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; for as much as ye know that your Labour is not in vain in the Lord. For as much as ye haste unto, and draw nearer, and must be let into these continuing things, the inference here is Reasonable and Natural, Wherefore Beloved, seeing that ye look for such continuing Things, be diligent that your selves continue in the Service of the Lord. I say, ye look for continuing things, which is opposite unto perishing things, as such are all present things, and things of this World.
I hope that none of ye do serve God for any visible present Recompence as to thrive better in your Trades or Callings, and that ye are not in hopes to grow more Rich hereby and come to a place where his lively Word is declared, and his Spiritual Worship used out of any sinister Respects and present Ends. If there was any thing to be got by it, what a Throng would be here? If ye do this, or the [...]ike, ye will be mistaken. For the Just shall Live by Faith. He will seek the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, and trust that all these things shall be added unto it. The Terms we are to enter upon Gods Service, is Grace here and Glory hereafter; necessary Accommodations for our Pilgrimage, and the true Rest to come; the Patriark Jacob's Request, Bread to Eat and Raiment to put on; and all this is to be had only by Labour and Honest means, and no others. But when People come to serve the Lord, if they have thoughts of any more, and they do not find their Ends and Expectations answered, then they leave off the Service of the Lord, which they would not have done, if they had known the Nature of God's Kingdom and the Way of his dealings towards the Children of Men. If there was a present Profit and Gain to be made by Religion, by [Page 39] every one that would try after it, then none would Fear God for nought, Job 1. 9. nor yet serve him for the alone Hope and Expectation of unseen things. But People would traffick for Heaven, as they do to Jamaica or the Jndies, and all still for the Love of themselves, and not out of any Love to the Lord of that Countrey. What a Company of Mercenary Souls should we have? Then the places of Worship or Hearing the Word of God, would be Flocked unto, even upon Week Days, as the Exchange, or as Country People go to Fairs and Markets, to Buy and Sell and get Gain. Then Worldly Minded Men would become the best Christians. Those who are all for themselves, use Religion only now and then to serve a turn, or for a reserve: But if there was any thing to be got at present by so doing, such would do most therein, and still do nothing only for God's Sake. There would be then no Work of Faith, nor Labour of Love, b [...]t all Selfishness. But now, God hath most wisely ordered it as it is, that the Trial of Faith might be had, that the Excellency of Obedience may be seen.
But yet more clearly it will appear, how the right Understanding of the Nature of God's Kingdom and Dominion over Men, helps to make a continuing Work, from this Remarkable Scripture, Because they have no changes. therefore they Fear not God, Psal. 55. 19. My Soul hath much Meditated upon this Scripture, it being so very Applicable and Suitable to the People abroad in the World, for is not this the very Reason of the want of the Fear of God? or when they talk of it in a General Way, yet still there is not that real Awe and Dread of God upon their Hearts, but there is a secret Contempt of him, a [...]d a froward going on in the Way of their Hearts; as also a turning back from the Ministration of his Word. And all is, because they have no changes, they see no odds, whither they do or do not. Sometimes in mine own private Prayer, every Morning and Evening, I have performed the same in a Per [...]unctory, Hasty and Careless manner; and sometimes I have done it again more Solemnly, Awefully and Attentively. But I have observed no great matter of difference about the succeeding of my Actions the following day, whither I performed them in a due manner or not. Nay, Perhaps, It went more cross and thwart when I was in the Morning before in [...]ervent Prayer, then when I was remiss or negligent. And hereupon an evil Heart o [...] Unbelief hath arose in me, as if Prayers did signifie nothing; and there would be no great matter of difference, if they were said meerly out of custom or not at all. Is not this the very same as to other things pertaining to Religion? For do we see any odds or difference outwardly between him that Sacrificeth, or him that Sacrificeth not▪ Between them that go into the Sanctuary, or them that do not? Between them who are constant hearers of the Word, or who despise the Word of the Lord, and refuse to come to the place where it is holden [Page 40] forth or Preached. Themselves sometimes make a trial of both, and they find no changes, and therefore they are Confirmed more and more in their Ungodliness. Moab hath been at ease from his Youth, and he hath been setled on his Lees, and hath not been emp [...]ied from Vessel to Vessel, neither hath he gone into Captivity; therefore his taste remained in him, and his scent is not changed, Jer. 48. 11. Even that Taste and Scent of the Old Corrupt and Ungodly Nature. Now as to all this and such like Imaginations in the Hearts of Men (for by Thoughts or Imaginations, every One is led guided and doth accordingly) Here a right Understanding of the Nature of God's Kingdom and Dominion over us Men; How by the Ordering of things so as they are, he doth prove us, to know what is in our Hearts, whither we will keep his Commandments or no.
By the way, any one may choose whither he will keep the Commandments or not, but then they must not choose unto themselves that Eternal Life which God hath Promised to the keeping of them; nor yet may they choose or refuse to avoid that Eternal Death▪ which is annexed to the Contempt, Disobedience and Transgression of them.
God hath also Ordained an Obedience of Faith, hath Permitted all things to happen alike unto all, an Hour of the Wicked, and the Power of Darkness, Luke 22. 53. Prosperity to the Sinners, Adversity to the Righteous. But above all, the Knowledge and Understanding that all things shall be exactly so as they are spoken of in the Scriptures, this will engage and oblige People to continue in the Fear of the Lord, whither they have any changes or no; whither they be at ease from their Youth, or emp [...]ed from Vessel to Vessel, even however it is with People in this Life, and on this Earth. They that know and understand all these things, they will continue yet more fixedly, firmly and constantly in the [...]ear of the Lord; and that so much the more, as they see the day Approaching.