A DISCOURSE ON THE Extensiveness and Comprehensiveness OF THE Future Judgment of God, In another Method than what hath been hitherto Extant in any other BOOKS or SERMONS upon this Subject.

AS to the extensiveness of the future Judgment of God, That is, How far it will reach back, even to all the days of this Life, after we are come unto the knowledge of Good and Evil unto the day of ones Death; and as to the comprehen­siveness thereof, How much it will take in, even all the Deeds here done in the Body, I ground all this on the following Scriptures. And here the first sort of Scriptures which I shall make use of, are but conjectural to illustrate this Truth; and the others shall be so plain and express even to confirm and demonstrate it. An instance of the first sort of Scriptures may be like that Vision which Paul had seen of one saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. And immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the Gospel unto them. Acts 16.10. and so that place in Acts 13.34. As concerning that he raised him from the dead [Page 2]now no more to turn into corruption: He said on this wise, I will give you the sure Mercies of David. And so our Saviour Jesus Christ proves the Resurrection of the Dead from that saying, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. God is not the God of the Dead, but of the Living. Mat. 22.32. For there is a way by assuredly gathering and reasoning out of the Scriptures to bring out such and such Truths, altho' they seem to speak nothing there­of in plain and express Words, as it was here in the matter of the Resurrection. And so it may seem odd and unusual at first (until the Reader comes to know the Reason thereof) if I should ground the extensiveness of the future Judgment from Deut. 1.39. More­over your little ones which you said should be a Prey, and your Children which in that day had no knowledg: between good and evil, they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they shall possess it. Here­by intimating, That those Little ones and Children, because they had not the knowledge of Good and Evil, therefore they should be freed and exempted from that Punishment which was to befall their Fathers of their Carcasses falling in the Wilderness. But the Little ones and Children for the aforesaid Reason (Because in that day they had no knowledge between good and evil) Therefore they should go in and possess that good Land. So that if they were to avoid a pu­nishment, and inherit a Blessing; because by their not having the knowledge of Good and Evil, they had done nothing worthy of a forfeiture and loss of that Blessing.

It may be again reasoned on the other hand, That Children in­deed have not the knowledge of Good and Evil. And it is elsewhere written, And the Times of this Ignorance God winked at. Acts 17.29. so it may be supposed for the same Reason, That God winks at the Sins and Follies of that tender Age. But as for Boys and Girls when they come to have the knowledge of Good and Evil, then they are accountable before God, and so likewise are those of Youth and riper Years. But much more are they accountable that are of full knowledge, even those who by Reason of use have their Senses exercised to discern both Good and Evil. As people come to know good and evil, and to discern between good and evil, so they are accountable and must be judged, and receive accordingly. To the Good is annexed Reward, and to the Evil, Punishment, so is the very order and establishment of the things of God. And so indeed it is from the Reason of Things. As indeed all the things of the All-wise God, who is wonderful in Counsel and excellent in Working, are ordained and established with very Great reason; as it will appear yet more evidently to us than any knowledge of Man can now bring forth, when He himself will speak and testifie. Psal. 50.7. And He will gather all Nations (under which is comprehended of all Genera­tions) into the Valley of Jehosaphat, and will plead with them there. [Page 3] Joel. 3.2. for what they have done on this Earth. It is certain that God doth more regard the Iniquities of Youth than of Childhood, upon this very same Reason. For Children have no knowledge be­tween Good and Evil, but Youth hath, or may have, which is the same thing which by the way doth answer that common Deceit of People, as if Ignorance would excuse their Sin and Ungodliness, which it will in no wise, but rather increase and aggravate their Sin; for their Ignorance was willing. 2 Pet. 3.5. and wilful. God ex­pects that when we know his Will, we should do it; otherwise we sin and are liable to his Indignation. And also the same God doth ex­pect that Boys and Girls, Young men, and Maidens, should learn and receive the Knowledge of his Will before, or however as soon as they come to know any other thing; and as soon as ever the Fa­culties of Reason are widened or employed about other things, they should be used towards God, and for the apprehending the things of his Kingdom. In the same Scriptures whereby we must be judg­ed, and according to which we must receive according to our works we do not find any of the Saints and Servants of the Lord complaining of the sins and vanities of Childhood, nor yet praying for Pardon and Forgiveness of the same. But by that Expression of Paul, When I was a Child, I spake as a Child, I under­stood as a child, I thought as a child; It is imported as if God would pass all that over, and not enter into judgment for the same. But it is not so as to Youth, for we read otherwise concerning that; Re­member not the sins of my Youth, nor my Transgressions. Psal. 25.7. The Psalmist here knew by the Spirit that without his deprecating and praying against them, God would remember them, and call him to an account for the same. For so his servant Job saith expresly, Thou writest bitter things against me, and makest me to possess the Iniqui­ties of my Youth. Job 13.26. And so his own Spirit saith by the mouth of Jeremiah, Surely after that I was turned. I repented, and after I was instructed, I smote upon my thigh: I was a [...]d, yea even confounded, because I did bear the reproach of my Youth. Jer. 31.19. The just Judge of all the Earth calls to account for those Transgres­sions committed in Youth, all one as of succe [...]ding years. As in­deed in some time about Youth is that ex [...]ct Day (God only knows it) from which Day forward to the Day of each person's Death, God doth commence and begin the time from which he will call to account for all the following days of Life: Like as whether it be in Manhood, declining years or old Age, God only knows when it is. He limiteth a certain Day, saying in David, To day after so long a time. Heb. 4.7. after which if they will come to repentance they will be hardly admitted. So in the foregoing part of Life, there is a certain Day, from which Day forward, God will call in question and to account, and so of every day, after we are come to the years of Discretion, and have the knowledge of Good and Evil.

And this I shall not so much ground upon as assuredly gather from another conjectural Scripture, as I phrase it, which is the concluding part of the Speech of the Town-Clerk of Ephesus: for we are in danger to be called in question for this days Ʋoroar, there being no Cause whereby we may give an account of this days Conoourse. Acts 19.40. So in like manner I alledge and reason, That we are not so much in danger (which denotes Doubt and Uncertainty whether it would be so or not; and probably for all he spoke thus they were never called in question for the same as we read of.) But I go on to add, That we every one of us, shall be certainly called in question for this Day, and so of all the past Days after Years of Discretion, and so of all the following Days; for each days actions and deeds done in the Body; yea, for the Thoughts of Heart, and for the Words of our Tongue. For they must be given account of, according to Mat. 12.35, 36, 37. and whether there was a Cause or no Cause for the same, yet of every thing we must give account. Many may be apt to think that this is but a slender foundation to build so great a Truth and Assertion upon as that here is. For the Town-Clerk of Ephesus was an Heathen, and a worshipper of the Great Goddess Diana, and he said this as to a Temporal matter, and when he spake after this manner, he thought nothing at all of the Future judgment of God. How then canst thou bring this Saying of his to manifest a great Truth of God, as to declare his Decree of Eter­nal Judgment to be on that wise, as thou hast here affirmed it: Why therefore mistake me not, I do only allude to those his words but. I do in no wise bring them for proof and confirmation of this Positi­on of the extensiveness and comprehensiveness of the future Judg­ment. For indeed they are no proof at all, or at least a very slen­der one. Only from the parity and likeness of the Proceedings in Humane Courts of Judicatory, with those of the last and great Day of the Lord, in which indeed there is some similitude. For the Great Judge of all the Earth will proceed against all Mankind with the same measures of Justice as they now do one to another; for he gave them knowledge thus to proceed and judge. And from the same Reasoning. Shall not he that teacheth man knowledge know? It may be certainly concluded, for he often makes such comparisons and resemblances, that he will so deal with us Creatures in righte­ousness, justice and equity. Psal. 98.9. as is now commonly used in Courts of Judicatory, when they proceed according to the true and exact Rules thereof. But similitudes do illustrate and not prove. But here we have no need thereof, for let alone that Saying of the Town-clerk of Ephesus, which I only mentioned because his words did so appositely express forth our Subject in hand, and so plainly that it may be understood by the meanest capacity: We have be­sides sundry express, plain and full places of undoubted Scripture, [Page 5]which make known the comprehensiveness and extensiveness of the future Judgment, as hath been afore-affirmed. As also herein dif­fers the future Judgment of God from Human Assizes or Sessions, or Common Courts of Judgment. For many things are here done on this Earth, whereof no notice or cognizance at all is taken at Assizes, Sessions, Court-leets, or such like. And then also they do only take notice of some Misfesances, Nusances, Evil, Prejudice or Harms, either as to the Society of Mankind, or as relating to Property, which many times through Bribery, Corruption, Partiality, or the Greatness of the Person do pass uncensured without Animadversion or Punishment. And then they do not reward those that do well, or who keep up the good and peace of Community. Now herein the Judgment of the Great God supplies what is wanting or defective as to that. He is a Great God, mighty and terrible, that regardeth not persons, nor taketh Reward, in all which he is opposite unto Men. And then as his Providence doth reach over Sparrows, for not one of them falleth to the ground without the Will of our Heavenly Father, as the Hairs of our Head are all numbred, and not one of them is forgotten before God. As his eyes are upon all the ways of the sons of Men (Mark that particle, all) To give every one accord­ing to his way, and according to the fruit of his doings. Jer. 32.19. So he will bring them all to Judgment; for not one thing whether it be great or small, of more or less moment, whether the greatest King, or meanest Beggar had an hand in it (For not only the Kings of the Earth, and the Great Men, and the Rich Men, and the Chief Captains, and the Mighty Men, but every Bond man will also come forth unto Judgment) I say again, not any thing that was ever done or transacted on this Earth from the Cedar in Lebanon to the Hyssop on the Wall, but will come forth into Judgment. For God will bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be bad. Eccles. 12.14. Here is a most plain and express Text, which proves and confirms the point in hand, of the exten­siveness and comprehensiveness of the future Judgment, besides that saying of the Town-clerk of Ephesus, which barely as it comes from him is not to be relied on. But this of Ecclesiastes is a most certain Truth, and proceeds from the Spirit of God. Every work, and every secret thing. There is some of this sort done and Transact­ed every day, and night after night, so that each days transactions and secret things, yea and every least thing shall be brought into Judgment, whether it be good or whether it be evil. This makes out again what is afore-affirmed, for the Judgment of Man in Courts of Judicatory doth chiefly and almost only take notice of the Evil. But God will bring both the Good and the Evil into judgment. And that God will judge for all the actions of Youth; as to which many think that they shall escape scotfree and unpunished; we have this [Page 6]expresly averr'd and affirmed in the foregoing Chapter, Rejoyce, O young man in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the light of thine eyes; but know thou that for all these things, God will bring thee into judgment. Eccles. 11.9. Observe here again this last: For all these things God will bring thee into Judgment. And some of all these things are done every day by the young Man: So that the consequence is evident, that of every day after we are come to the knowledge of Good and Evil, we shall certainly be called in question, yea and be called to the Bar of God, for to give an account for the same. Many think of what is past as if it were over and there is no more to be said thereof. It seems forgotten and perished, and to be come to an utter end. But the word saith otherwise, God re­quireth that which is past. Eccl. 3.15. yea all one as the present; for what is past, was once present also; and what is now present will soon be past. The judgment of God will be retrograde, or by way of rehearsal, or remembring, or ripping up of former mis­carriages, as we commonly say, or by reciting up the several Thoughts, Words and Actions of this Life that now is. These things hast thou done and I kept silence: thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thy self, but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes. Psal. 50.21. That is, in order and succession of time, as each thing was done and committed, together with the other circumstances of place and manner, and such like, as also with the several aggravations belonging thereunto, some instances whereof are given in this same Fiftieth Psalm, and many more there are throughout the Book of the Lord.

Another great Scripture which proves the extensiveness and com­prehensiveness of the future Judgment, as before explained, is, 2 Cor. 5.10. For we must all appear before the Judgment-seat of Christ, that every one may receive the Things done in his Body, according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad. It is said Deeds, indefinitely which reaches to all the deeds done in the Body. Like as when it is said in general words, It is appointed unto men once to die; That is, It is so appointed unto all men once to die, as we sensibly know: And truly, even common Reason manifesteth the very same; for if we were to receive for some Deeds done in the Body, Why not for o­ther Deeds as well as for them, and so on till it comes to all; as indeed the Decree of God and our case is, The Lord looketh upon all the Inhabitants of the Earth, he considereth all their Works. Psal. 33.14.15. And give to every man according to his way whose heart thou knowest; for thou, even thou only knowest the hearts of all the Children of Men. 1 Kings 8.39. And so all those other places of Scripture, as there are many, which speak of Gods rewarding or rendring unto the Children of Men, according to their works, and accord­ing [Page 7]to their deeds and such like; all these do manifest and make known the comprehensiveness and extensiveness of the future Judg­ment. And so all these Deeds done in the Body, the several works and ways are done in the several days of our Life, some in one day, and some in another; so that the same Truth holds firm that of this day, and of all the past days, and of all the succeeding days be­tween this time of my publishing this unto ye, and the day of our several respective Deaths, we shall be called to an account. We must give account of this Concourse (whereof I hope we shall give a good one with joy and comfort; our only end and design herein being to worship the God of Heaven and Earth, and to hear his word.) I must give account of every Sermon that I preach or pub­lish, that I be faithful in the handling thereof, not shunning to de­clare unto ye the whole Counsel of God, and to make known the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, whether it pleases or displeases Man (for if I yet pleased Men, I should not be the servant of Christ.) Through good and evil Report, as Deceivers, and yet true. And ye must give account of your Hearing, whe­ther ye do mind and are attentive unto the same, and how ye profit and edifie thereby. How ye ponder and remember it in your hearts. But chiefly that ye continue therein. Good God! how much dost thou delight in this one thing of continuing? The Children of thy Servants shall continue. Psal. 102.28. But whoso looketh into the perfect Law of Liberty and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful Hearer, but a doer of the Word, this man shall be blessed in his deeds. James 1.25. This is the principal Matter to be doers of the Word and not Hearers only. Though ye are to be Hearers also before ye can be doers. For a man cannot do a thing before he knows it. God will likewise call the Non-hearers of his Word to an account for the same, for their disobedience and rebellion, for their stubborn­ness and perverseness therein, which is the same as if a Son or Ser­vant should be obstinately resolved not to Hear what his Father or Master will say unto him. All those Threatnings and evil Things, as they are many which are written and spoken forth in the Book of the Lord against such who refuse to hear his words, will be fulfilled upon them unto their greater Condemnation. So it will be of the several Seasons and Opportunities of Prayer, whether it be private Prayer in ones Closet, or Family-Prayer, or Prayer in the Cougre­gation and Assemblies of his People, of all this we must give an [...] ­count, as also of all our other holy Things, and of all acts what­soever pertaining to Religion; and so likewise of all the doings of common Life, otherwise than what are meerly natural and necessary, and so of all the Transactions between Man and man. There is no­thing done by any Men or Women under the Sun in any Country or Language of the Earth, whether the same be done by Nations, Fa­milies, [Page 8]or single Persons in any Time or Generation, but what will come into account and examination, and to be heard and decided over again at the Judgement of the Great God. Indeed there will be multitudes, multitudes in the Valley of Decision. Joel 3.14. So that what appearance is ever at the greatest Assizes, or at the Rendez­vous of the most numerous Armies, or the greatest. Concourse of People to see some extraordinary sight in populous Cities; all this will be no more to the multitude and number of Creatures which shall be then gathered together in the great Day of God, then a single Man is now in comparison of an hundred thousand or a mil­lion. I have heard to this purpose that the Schoolmen should say, That because of the multiplicity of Business, and the multitude of Crea­tures which shall appear then, thereupon they suppose that the Day of Judgment will last a thousand years. But herein they imagine and talk after the manner of Men: For known unto God are all his works from the Beginning of the World, as also the Times and Seasons which the Father hath kept in his own Power, or rather that will be the Inhabitation of Eternity, where is no such thing as the num­bering or reckoning of Times and Seasons. So that they had better let alone such kind of Imaginations as to what time it shall last; But rather purifie our hearts by Faith, by believing and always bearing in Mind that these things shall certainly be in the General, although we know no more as to the exact Method of procedure, How that God and Christ will make that Great, Final and Everlast­ing decision between the Righteous and the Wicked, between those who serve God and obey the Gospel, and who did not; As to the Particulars hereof, nor to what exact method of Duration all this shall last (for time will then be no longer) than Brute Beasts do now know those Rules by which Kings reign, and Princes decree Justice, But we are to be as wise Stewards, to cast up and prepare our Ac­counts beforehand, and to do nothing but what our Lord will ap­prove and like of. Such as was in the way of Service and Manage­ment, but not what will be found fault withal, or blamed by him. So much sin or evil as hath been committed, This shall be a witness a­gainst them; It is an heaping up Treasure together for the last days. Jam. 5.3. It is a treasuring up to themselves wrath against the day of wrath. Rom. 2.5. And though already the Pile thereof is fire and much wood. Isa. 30.33. which is ordained for the punishment of the De­vil and his Angels and condemned Sinners. Yet here again the more Sin and Transgression which they have committed is an adding more Fuel to that Fire, which shall torment but not consume them. So on the other and better hand, the doing good works is a laying in a foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal Life; these works follow them: So that to do good works is a stor­ing up to ones self true and solid Comfort in a Dying-day, which [Page 9]reaches and extends it self throughout all Eternity. Besides that, it is sweet and sensible in the greatest time of need: So that it will be certainly better for each Man or Woman the more Obedience and Du­ty, Godliness, and Good he hath done throughout his foregoing Life.

Here is a real Argument not to continue in Sin one moment long­er: for notwithstanding the present pleasure or conveniency, here­by he misses of so much more Happiness and Advantage in the fu­ture Recompence. Again, we should not a minute longer neglect obedience and doing good; for this would be to lose so much of a full Reward. 2 Joh. 8. Thus much is signified from the righteous judg­ment of God, who will render to every one according to his deeds. Rom. 2.5, [...]. And so it is written, For the Son of Man shall come in the Glo­ry of his Father with his holy Angels, and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Mat. 16.27. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, for great is your reward in Heaven. Mat. 5.11, 12. Every man shall receive his own Reward according to his own Labour. 1 Cor. 3.8. Wo unto their Soul, for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. Say to the righteous, it shall be well with him, for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Wo unto the Wicked, it shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hands shall be given him, Isa. 3.9, 10, 11. According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay. Isa. 59.18. The great God that formeth all things, both rewardeth the Fool, and rewardeth Transgressors. Prov. 26.18. As thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee; thy reward shall return upon thine own head. Obad. 1.15. Receiving in themselves that Recompence of their Error that was meet. Rom. 1, 27. Like as the Lord of Hosts thought to do unto us, according to our wayes, and according to our doings, so hath he dealt with us. Zech. 1.6. All the Churches shall know that I am He which searcheth the hearts and reins. And I will give unto every one of you according to his works. Rev. 2.23. And behold I come quickly, and my Reward is with me to give every Man according as his work shall be. Rev. 22.12. There are sundry other like places of Scripture, which the more they are considered of and looked into, they do the more shew how that the future Judgment and Retribution shall be proportioned, and measured out. Mat. 7.1. and exactly adjusted (judgment will I lay to the line and righteousness to the plummet) ac­cording to the Deeds of Men. As it will be yet more clearly seen at the revelation of the Righteous Judgment of God, It shall be o­penly disclosed and shewed unto every one, though it hath been hi­therto hidden from some, because they would not search the Scri­ptures, for there they might have found it so, and accordingly have prepared to have given up their Accounts. The Good may be hence Quickened to do more, to lay hold of every opportunity, to lay up for themselves a greater foundation against the time to come by Good works, and seek and do the work of the Lord diligently, and to [Page 10]improve every Talent to the utmost. And the evil might have presently ceased to do wickedly, they should have turned and have been yet more zealous in the other way. Like unto Mary Magdalen, who loved much because much had been forgiven unto her. And Paul, because he had been a Persecutor, he laboured more abun­dantly than the other Apostles, and yet not He but the Grace of God which was in him. And so the same Instruction is to all, whe­ther in their foregoing Life they have been sinuers or religious, yet to labour more abundan [...]ly for the the time to come than the rest of his Brethren and Fellow-creatures. And see well to it, that he exceed them in great Seriousness and Holiness, Purity and strict­ness of Life.

In the time of my late Adversity and Trouble, a fond Imagina­tion and vain desire did arise in my mind, I would fain have God do more for me than he usually doth for other peeple in like cases. But this same kind of Imagination and vain Desire was beaten back, answer'd and satisfied again by this inward Reasoning which at the very same time did spring up in my Heart; Why should I expect that God should do more for me than for other People, when I did not exceed my Brethren, and come out from among them, and get above them in the Godly and holy Life. For though I have been sometimes in the heights, all for God and Seriousness, and in the Spirit for a little time whilst I was by my self and in Retirement, and I resolved what I would do; How that I would still keep unto that Strictness, yet I was again like the Children of Ephraim, who being harnessed and carrying Bows, turned themselves back in the day of Battle. So though I had Grace and Preparation beforehand, to arm my self withal: Yet for all that I have not stood but faln in the Time of Trial and Temptation; for after all those Thoughts and Purposes aforementioned, when I have come into Company, and amongst a mixt People, I have put on again the same vain and worldly Conversation. I have talked and had that which savours of Men; and the Grace and Spirit of the Lord hath sensibly de­parted from me for a time; and I have been weak and all one as another Man. I wish I could here tell it weeping; but it is a real grief of Soul when I throughly consider of it. I my self have a great deal to answer and account for before God, in that I have not at all times and in all places, and in all Companies lived according to that Grace and Knowledge which God hath given me; that at the very same time when I did know and approve of the things more excellent, yet I did not follow them, but rather I did the worse. How many precious and seasonable Truths have I conceal­ed and kept within, when in Duty I ought to have spoken them out. I speak all this to my shame, and to my fault which should be amended. But as I am declaring this unto ye, remember that your [Page 11]Hearts be also upon the search and examination, whether it hath not been so with ye likewise. And I do therefore bring forth these Things unto ye, because that it is good to know our Faults in or­der to amend them. As also to put you in mind, stir up and ex­hort ye, And let us consider one another to provoke unto Love and good works. Heb. 10.24. As it is commonly advised, Be sure to keep be best Company, which in the meaning of the World is the Richest. But this is a false way of speaking, for they are not the best as may be understood from the word of Truth, and will be seen at the Judgment of the Great Day; so I would recommend to ye, to set before ye the very best Examples of all, the very best Saints and Servants of God that are in the Town or Neighbourhood wherein ye inhabit, and there try your best skill, and use your utmost en­deavour, that as the other Disciple did out-run Peter; So do thou use diligence, and put forth all thy strength if thou canst out-run such an one in the Christian-race; for if thou wouldst not upon a false Imagination or vain Hopes, (which are like the Dream of one that eateth, and he awaketh and his Soul is empty,) but upon rational and assured grounds have God do more for thee in this World and in the World to come, as to have a Benjamin's Mess or a double Por­tion of his Spirit, or to be brought out of Trouble; for so is the Promise to the Righteous, when the Wicked are left therein, then thou must exceed them also in Godliness (which hath the promise of this Life, and of that which is to come) and in righteousness and holi­ness. It is very well worth our while to strive to be utmost herein; because that the future recompence of God will be proportioned out, and it will be infinitely so much beyond all the Pain, Uncouthness, Labour, Backwardness, which was ever in any Act or Instance of well-doing.

Obey them that have the Rule over you, and submit your selves, for they watch for your Souls as they that must give account. Heb. 13.17. These last words, As they that must give account, do not belong only to Magistrates, Ministers, and Preachers; for it extends to all the People also, for it should be a constant Rule which they should al­ways bear in mind, and have recourse unto in whatever they take in hand, or in whatever their hands finds them to do, To do it as ye that must give account. And because this Judgment of God will reach to Thoughts and Words also; therefore the same Rule should be exprest yet a little more comprehensively on this wise, So think, speak, and do as ye that must give accovnt, according to what is writ­ten and commanded by the Spirit, So speak ye, and so do, as they that must be judged by the Law of Liebrty. Jam. 2.12. As one saith, Remember the End, (that is the last end of Things) and thou shalt never do amiss: So in thy Walking, keep the Judgment of God al­ways in thine eye, and thou shalt never go much astray. We know [Page 12]and are assured of it beforehand, That when the Great Day of his Judgment is come we may have no Excuse or Plea; that of this and of every day of our Life, after we are come to the years of Discretion, and to the Knowledge of Good and Evil, we are not only in danger, but we shall certainly be called to an account.

There is hardly any thing which is a greater Awe and Check to sin, than a lively Faith of this future Judgment, to have it continually before our eyes, and to have our Thoughts and Apprehensions al­ways upon it. Jerom an antient Servant of the Lord did say of himself, Whither I sleep or wake, or whatever I do; Methinks I hear that voice always sounding in my Ears, Arise ye dead, and come forth to judgment. And truly if we did with the eye of Faith, and with the eyes of our understanding being enlighmed, Behold till the Thrones were cast down, and the antient of days did sit, whose Garment was white as Snow, and the Hair of his Head like the pure Wooll; his Throne was like the fiery stream, and his wheels, as burning fire; A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. Thousand thousands ministred un­to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: The judg­ment was set, and the Books were opened. Dan. 7.9, 10. Such a vision the Prophet then had; and also John, when he saw the Dead, small and great stand before God, and the Books were opened, and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life; and the Dead were judg­ed out of those things which are written in the Books according to their works. And the Sea gave up the Dead which were in it, and Death and Hell delivered up the Dead which were in them, and they were judged every Man according to their works. Rev. 20.12, 13. Did we in the midst of Life see those things which we shall see when we are let forth into the Chambers of Death: but yet more especially, as we shall see when the Great day of his Judgment is come, this would influence our whole Life and Conversation into the greatest Awe and Seriousness, fear and trembling, and watchfulness that can be. If even a Sinner and an ungodly Man were to rise from the Dead, and live over his past Life again, he would be another kind of Man, and even he would be perswaded unto God and good Things. No­thing can be a more forcible consideration to make us to please God this little mean while, and to endeavour to the utmost to be reconciled unto him; then the knowledge how that we must cer­tainly come unto and appear before him: It is the very same as to the compreheusiveness and extensiveness of the future Judgment: For then God is Judge himself Selah. Psal. 50.6. And he hath appoint­ed a day in the which he will judge the World in righteousness, by that Man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given Assnrance unto all Men, in that he hath raised him from the Dead. Acts 17.31. When the Apostle Paul professes his Belief of the Resurrection of both the just and unjust; He thereupon immediately adds, Herein do I ex­ercise [Page 13]my self to have a Conscience void of offence towards God and to­wards Man. As Attorneys and Solicitors are now very diligent and industrious to get their Business, Witnesses and Evidence all rea­dy against the day of Assize or Nisi prius: So we should prepare and make all things ready against that Day we shall be judged, know­ing by whom it must be. And so to learn to behave and comport our selves, that we may not be condemned when we shall be judged. Psal. 37.33. Others we read of, who will be condemned when th y shall be judged. Psal. 109.7. It may be we have no Business at those Assizes which are holden twice a year, but at this general Grave delivery, which is kept once for all our dead Bodies shall arise, and every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Rom. 14.12. What a comfort will it then be, as the same should be our care now, to see well to it that our selves be acquitted out of that word whereby we shall be judged at the last Day: And where we see our selves acquitted and cleared out of that same World, there to en­deavour to keep so; keeping your selves in the love of God. It is best not to defile our Garments at first, which I gather from what is written. Thou hast a few names even in Sardis, which have not de­filed their Garments, and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy. Rev. 3.4. But if they have been defiled by additional Sin and Transgression, then what P [...]ul writes unto the Christians of his Time, is here proper and applicable. And such were some of ye, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Cor. 6. [...]1. That is, ye are to get your Garments washed in the Blood of Jesus, and in the sprinkling of the Spirit; and when they are wash­ed and made clean. Isa. 1.16. by the Word which proceeds forth through them, there be sure to keep them clean, We should copy out and follow the Example of Jesus Christ as near as ever we can. Who went about doing good and suffered for us, leaving us an exam­ple that we should follow his steps. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of Judgment, because as he is so are we in this World. 1 John 4.17. And so when as to all those Characters which we find recorded of him, we can find somewhat thereof in our selves even of him that was holy, harmless, undefiled, separated from sinners. And so we read of the meekness and gentleness of Jesus Christ, See well to it that all these and the like Qualities and Dispositions be wrought, inlaid and formed within thee. And so those fruits of the Spirit reckoned up in Gal. 5.22.23. Love, joy, peace, long-suffer­ing, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. And besides this, giving all diligence, add to your Faith virtue, and to Virtue know­ledge, and to Knowledge temperance, and to Temperance patience, and to Patience godliness, and to Godliness Brotherly kindness, Charity. 2 Pe [...]. 1.5, 6, 7. For these also are Graces, Gifts and Fruits of the Spinte [Page 14]and if we have these, this is the earnest of the Spirit, that we are indeed sealed unto the day of Redemption. If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his. So it follows likewise by the same consequence, that if a Man have the Spirit of Chrish, then he is Christ's; and belongs to him, and is one of his Members; So that not only where he is, there shall his Servant be. But where the Head is, there of necessity must be the Members, because it is not whole and compleat without the Members. The Scripture doth often make use of this Comparison. How the people of God are one Body, and Christ is their Head. The Prophet Ezekiel speaks of a Roll of a Book. And he spread it before me, and it was written within and without; and there was written therein Lamentation, and Mourning, and Wo. Ezek. 2.9. So should this same Bible (the Book of the Lord, both as it comprehends the old and New Testament) be to each of us written within and without. Written within, that isi written in our hearts, and engraven in our inward Parts; when we can turn inwards, and see how it is written there, as well as look what is written without in Ink and Paper. And whereas Ezekiel goes on to add, Therein was written lamentation, and mourning, and wo. This is too true as to all the Children of Disobedience, Un­believers, Hypocrites, Sinners. Wicked, Ungodly, and such like. But to the willing and obedient, to those who have begun or are perfecting the good work, the same word speaks comfort, and re­joycing, and blessedness.

Some have called it Quakerism to speak of the Light within, the Spirit within, the Word within. But in this thing, those that are called Quakers have certainly spoken the thing that is right; for as it is noted of the false Prophets, They have not what should confirm the Word; but as an evidence that they are true and right in this Thing (I would to God they were so in all others) we have the Scri­ptures expresly speaking the same. After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their Hearts. Jer. 31.33. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness, and from all your Idols will I cleanse you. (But this that follows is to our present purpose) A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you, and I will take away the stony Heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh, and I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my Statutes, and ye shall keep my Judgments and do them. Ezek. 30.25, 26, 27. That was the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the World. Joh. 1.4. which it doth in his inward parts or within him. Neither shall they say, Lo here, or lo there; for behold the Kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17.21. The Word is very nigh unto thee, even in thy month and in thy heart. Deat. 30.14. Rom. 10.8. Indeed all true Religion is an inward Thing, and an inward [Page 15]Work; for outward Acts of Worship or Bodily Exercise are but the Husk or Shell: for as the Soul is within the Body, so the substance or vital parts of Religion, which is to the saving of the Soul, is in­ward and invisible also. Where any one or any sort of People speak according to the Scriptures of Truth, there Truth from whence­soever it spring up is to be received and embraced. But if it speaks not according to the Word there it is to be rejected and not admit­ted, according to that spiritual Wisdom and Divine method of sepa­rating the Precious from the Vile, and gathering the good Fishes into Vessels, and casting the bad away.

When we see our selves already acquitted and cleared out of that Word whereby we must be judged at the last Day, this must be a mighty Comfort and Assurance. And that same Word having pro­mised and annexed a Crown of Life unto Faithfulness to the Death. Rev. 2.10. Therefore my beloved Brethren, Be ye stedfast, unmovea­ble, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your Labour is not in vain in the Lord, 1 Cor. 15.58. From all this put together will appear the Necessity of Persevering and con­tinuing in the work of the Lord, in order to have a well grounded hope, evidence and assurance, Right and Title to have this Crown of Life, and to have our Labour in the Lord recompenced: Ac­cording as himself hath promised, For thy works shall be rewarded, saith the Lord. Jer. 31.16. There is no Point in Divinity more clear and certain, and of more undoubted Truth than the necessity of Perseverance, in order unto Salvation. As also nothing is more put in mind of, repeated, and inculcated over and over in common Preaching, for the abundant care and safety of Souls. The same is also understood by common People, whether learned o [...] unlearned, He that knows any thing of God and Religion, knows this also, That if we would be saved, it is necessary in order thereto, to con­tinue unto our Lives end in the Worship and Service of God, in doing his Will, and finishing his Work: For He and he only that endures unto the End, shall be saved. Whosoever once puts his hand to this Plow and looks back, he is not worthy of the King­dom of God. In those Scriptures which are given to make wise un­to Salvation, there are abundance of Truths and Affirmations to this purpose; so that there is no need to cite or rehearse any more. But yet there are several people, who are for serving God for a spurt and for a season, and they come to the Place of Hearing his Word for once and away. I have told ye often this will not do, A fit of Holiness for a season will not bring any one to Heaven. But God who cannot lye, hath promised to them who by patient continu­ance in well doing seek for Glory, Honour, and Immortality. Eternal Life. Rom. 2.7. Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. But that is such holiness as is ingrafted, fixed, constant and universal. [Page 16]The Souldiers of the antient Roman Empire, according to the Laws and Constitutions thereof, were disbanded and dismissed from any further Service in the Military Employment after the fiftieth Year. But the Souldiers of Jesus Christ are never disbanded or dismissed from his Service; and if any should desert, dismiss or disband them­selves from his Service, they lose their Crown, and they become liable unto punishment. We read of Mnason an old Disciple, and those that be planted in the House of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God, they shall still bring forth fruit in old Age; they shall be fat and flourishing. Psal. 92.13, 14. As long as any of us have the know­ledge of Good and Evil remaining with us, we are to do the Good and eschew the Evil. As long as any one hath all his senses left, (as there is none who lives out all his five senses) to discern be­tween Good and Evil, he is to do the first and leave the last undone, according as he hath Power of Action. The Soul thinks as long as ever it is in the Body, and as long as one thinks his thoughts are to be bent and lifted up towards God, and Goodness, and Truth, and not to admit of, but cast out all such Evil and Vanity, which would lodge or lurk there. And this it signified and required by that great and Indispensable command. Thou shalt love the Lord with all thy heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind. Bless the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me, Bless his holy name. Psal. 103. [...]. So by all that is within us, and to our very utmost, God is to be served and obeyed, and also to the utmost Period and Du­ration of time. As our Souls in their creation and making have a beginning in time, but they are without end of days, they being Properly Immortal. Even such an obedience and service doth the Lord our Creator require of us, which did and doth once begin and never end, until our service here is crowned and consummated with Glory hereafter.

What remains? But that ye who shall hear or read this, be in the visions of God, as Daniel and John was, to see the dead small and great stand before God, and seeing that they were judged out of those things which were written in the Books according to their Works, therefore in every thing, so think speak, and do as ye that must give Account. The word of Instruction which arises hence is this, that each of us severally do order our Life and Conversation in this short Time and mean while as near as ever we can according to all the words which are Written in those Books, which are the Books of Scripture, and the Book of Conscience. That is, to live up and according to all those Thoughts of Good and Truth, which Conscience doth suggest unto Man.


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