A Copy of a Letter sent to the Hague, about the latter end of May, 1691. with a Book inclosed, (hereafter mentioned) and sealed up, and superscribed after the following Manner.
These for Him that is commonly stiled, William King of Great Brittain, France, and Ireland, wheresoever he now inhabits in Holland, or in the other parts beyond the Sea, to be opened by himself only; with all carefulness and speed. This is desired and required in the Name of the Great and Almighty God, whese Truth it is.

To the present King William, Richard Stafford, a Scribe of Jesus Christ, desireth Temporal Preservation, and Eternal Salvation.

IN Order to that, You are desired and required (by the Duty which you owe unto God, and by that concern thou hast for the welfare of thine Immortal Soul, in the suc­ceeding and eternal state) to read these Words of his Law, and these Statutes of the Lord thy God, which are here gathered together in this short inclosed printed testimony of Truth, entituled, Things plain and weighty, &c. Which I have published forth unto the World, and have taken this method to send it unto thy self, that thou mayest know the things which so greatly and immediately belong unto thee. Thou mayest in less than half a minute cast thine Eye upon the lowermost Paragraph of Page 6. and then turn over to Page 12, wherein if it did so happen unto thee, as was expressed in the Publick Gazett, when thou wentest forth in the Ireland Expedition, that sign may in like manner signify, as the renting of the Skirt of a Mantle to one of old, 1 Sam. 15.27, 28. That the Kingdom shall be removed from thee, (but thy Body shall not be hurt nor injured) and restored back to a Neighbour of thine, who had both the [...]ight and Possession, before thou tookest the last away from him by false Accusation. It was an effect of God's infinite Mercy, that when thou hadst taken Possession, and afterwards didst go forth to kill, 1 Kings 21.19. and thou didst appear in an Open and Hostile manner against thy Uncle and Father in Law, that thou also didst not fall at Ramoth-Gilead, 1 Kings 22.20, by a like Judgment which came upon Ahab, as is there recorded. Thou didst not throughly consider, that whosoever hateth his Brother, is a Murderer: and ye know that no Murderer hath eternal life abiding in him, 1 John 3.15. and thou mayest for this be Judged by God, as one of those Murderers of Fathers, and Manslayers, 1 Tim 1.9. (against which the Law of God is made, and will take hold of thee, notwithstanding thou art now above any Law of Man) although he fled for his Life, and escaped thine Hands; for God knows the Heart, and whither it was in thy mind to kill and slay, and deal with him as an Enemy. As also his Subjects will be pronounced Perjured Porsons, verse 10. and are therefore liable to the future Vengeance of God, though now by reason of their multitude, they escape all present Punishment. Except ye repent, ye shall all suffer for these things. And if thou wilt go on in thy Disobedience and Transgression and Contempt of the Law of thy God; If thou wilt hold fast that Kingdom thou hast gotten by Violence and Wrong, *Behold herein the height and depth of sin, that a Worm of five or six foot long should all against and con­trary to the Will and Command­ment of the great God who fills Hea­ven and Earth with his Presence; and consequently it involves the Creatures in a proportionableness and eternity of Punishment and Misery. any Law or Ordinance of God to the contrary notwith­standing: If thou wilt still try and endeavour to keep that which God hath determined to take from thee, he will nevertheless be too strong for thee. For, as the Lord liveth, the Lord shall smite him, or his day shall come to die, or he shall descend into Battle and perish, 1 Sam. 26.10. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell (which there signifies the Grave) to the sides of the Pit, Isa. 14.15. And then the Kingdom will be removed from thee to thine eternal loss. Then thou shalt remember, that Richard Stafford was the best Friend which thou hadst in this [Page 2]World; for he did long ago counsel and admonish K. William, seeing he is so desirous of a Kingdom, that he take heed, least by endeavouring to keep a tottering moveable Kingdom here on Earth, he lose that Eternal Kingdom above, which cannot be shaken; which counsel at that time, viz. January 4. 1689. was not taken and received; but then there will be worse and longer Indignation and Anguish, that thou didst not in the days of thy Tryal, comply therewith. (Mark this) ‘God can turn the Hearts of our Lords, and Counsellors, and wise Men, that they may perceive their sin and error: And they may undoe that by the words of Truth and Righteousness, which was transacted by a little more than the greater number of those who were misled by Ignorance, sinful and Ungodly Principles, or Thoughts of Iniquity. So that if thou wilt not do it of thy own accord, and free mind, God will do it either by way of Judgment or Mercy. It is by way of Mercy, as long as there shall not be the least harm done to thy outward Person; but only thou art to be Gently, Isa. 40.11. (for so is God's method) put down one step lower into that station thou were in before. Herein no wrong will be done unto thee; For, Cannot Princes be contented; except they be altogether Kings? What a Confusion and Disturbance would this make throughout the whole Creation, if every Man, wherein God hath placed him, would not therein abide; but he would step out or above his Rank, whither by Right or Wrong, Violence or Cunning? Thou sensibly, and by experience, knowest that Ambition is rest­less and uneasie, and thou art wearied in the greatness of thy way: So that if thou dost come down from what thou art now climbed up, and to what thou wert before, thou wilt live more happy and contented here on Earth, and be in the true and ready way to Heaven, which is, in keeping tha Commandments of God, and not going aside; but to remain in that calling or condition, in that rank and Degree, wherein the Creator of Mankind did place and appoint thee. However, Think or do whatever thou wilt, it is most wicked, and provoking to attempt it; but it is vain and impossible to resist God. For though the Ungodly and Rebellious may seek and endeavour to do it for a while, yet he cannot long cont;nue to act contrary to what God hath purposed. There is no Wisdom, nor Ʋnderstand­ing, nor Counsel against the Lord.

It is my proper business to declare unto Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin; even to the King upon the Throne, all one as to the Beggar upon the Dunghil. And therefore I do here use this freedom in words of truth; for, Cursed is that Deceiver, who doth the Work of the Lord deceitfully. But I do really and unfeignedly desire, that thou mayest live out all those days, which God hath appointed to the Life of Man upon Earth. Take heed therefore, because thou hast bern a Man of War, whose sword hath shed much blood: And it being both written, and often experienced, All they that take the Sword, shall perish with the Sword, Mat. 26.52. and their Blood is oftentimes shed on the Earth: Thy own me­mory and knowledge can furnish thee with several Examples of those who have been at last killed in War, after they have fought many Battles, and escaped many near imminent dangers, I say again therefore unto thee, Take great heed unto thy self, least it should happen unto thee after this manner: My hearts desire and prayer unto God is, that thou mayest be eternally saved; but in order to that, it is necessary to tell thee, That it is im­possible f [...]r God to lie, ahd that it is a contradiction in terms, That he (who accepteth not the person of Princes, nor regardeth the rich more than the poor, for they are all the work of his hands) should save any one whatever in the continued breach and transgression and con­tempt of his own Laws. If the King doth indeed desire to live for ever, and would be saved by Christ, and partake of the heavenly Blessing, there is no other way to obtain all this, but by turning himself away from his Iniquities, or In-Equities, viz. by ceasing to do those things which are not equal.

As thou hast any regard to thine own Eternal Happiness or Misery, consider what is here written, and give [...]he glory, as to Obey him in all things. Only in so doing thou shalt.


To the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons of England, at what Time or Place soever, They shall be in Parliament Assembled.

Richard Stafford, a Scribe of Jesus Christ, desireth Temporal Pre­servation, and Eternal Salvation.

IN Order to that, I have sent you these three Printed Testimonies of Truth, which God hath been pleased to shew unto me his Servant; to the intent that they may be care­fully laid up against the next Sessions of Parliament, when they shall continue to sit to do Business. Such a great Counsel and Assembly is not to be concerned with every trifle and impertinency; but seeing that it is now come to pass in this Generation and latter days, That they who have so long sate to make Laws for others, God hath now raised up one to set his Laws before themselves; Ye ought not to be still as your Fore-fathers, a Rebellious and Stubborn Generation, who have continually cast away the Law of the Lord of Hosts, and de­spised the Word of the Holy One of Israel, who will not suffer all his Judgments to be before you, but ye do put away his Statutes from you. For the times past may suffice the Nations to have reigned wholly themselves, and to shut out the sence of God with the knowledge and Obligation of his Law; this is hardly suffered to come into their minds, but in no wise to enter into their Consultations. But this know, that God did never give Riches and Honour to any of his Creatures for them to despise him after this manner. Wherefore ye ought to receive and hearken, and attend unto the Words of his Grace and Truth. Whereby, or the like words, The Lord of Hosts hath purposed to Order and Establish Government and Peace, (for both should go together) with Judgment and with Justice, from henceforth even for [...], and to settle Righ [...]eousness in these three Kingdoms, which are united one to ano­ther: And the like way and method (by Obedience unto the Lord, and by doing ac­cording to the Laws, Rules, and Directions he hath given) will be transmitted to all the other Habitable Parts of the Earth. Which now with its Foundations are out of course, and the dark places thereof are full of the habitations of cruelty. But the way is shewed, and the means are left in your power to set them in right order again, and to adjust all things by way of Mercy and Reconciliation.

It will be convenient upon the first day, or at the beginning of your Meeting, to bring forth these Books of Divine Truths in (which there is not one Sentence or Line, without Plain and weighty signification) that they may be read amongst you. For the Word of the Great and Eternal God, should be preferred before the Speech of a little and Dying Man.

I thought it convenient to do thus, and advertise you hereof by this way of writing, or Epistle; because in case of my own Mortality, That ye may be able after my Decease so have these things always in Remembrance, If God, in whose hand my Breath is, should take it away by Sickness, or common Accident; or if the Devil by his Incornate Instru­ments, and by the outward means of Assassination, Poyson, close Imprisonment; (and so dying for want of Air) or by that Judiciary kind of Murther, as in times past, as by slaying the Prophets for setting the Laws of God before the People, and for testifying against their Transgression, and for exhorting to the Observance of [...] Commandments: Yet, if any of these should happen unto me, I shall see again the People of my Ge­neration, [Page 4]and more particularly, those who shall Persecute or Murther me. VVhich God forbid and restrain them from either. I shall also know, and make my Return how ye have received and obeyed this Word. However it was sent unto, and delivered unto you at such a Time, and after such a manner, That ye may nevertheless take this great Matter into Consultation. And if Righteousness and Peace be then throughly and universally established upon sure, firm and lasting Foundations, It will be the most Glorious and Happy Session that hath been in England this last hundred years, or ever since it hath been a Nation and People. For it is both their bounden Duty, and it is necessarily required to their Good, for the whole World, and all things therein to obey the Law of their great Creator. And notwithstanding all foolish, vain or false Ima­ginations, This will be your Wisdom and your Honour in the sight of the other Nations of the World, and all besides that is really excellent and truly desirable.

Which, that ye may all do, I shall not only pray to God after the manner of Formal Clergy-Men, or Mock-Worshippers; But I do herein put you in Mind, That ye both may; and also ye are hereby required to do according as God hath said and commanded in the Bible. And to this the Obligation is as much greater then for any to comply with your Acts, Statutes, Ordinances, Constitutions, as God is great than Man, Heaven higher than Earth, Eternity longer than this short Life, a most perfect and enduring Happiness, and Salvation doth exceed the fading, imperfect, trivial Conveniencies, and the utmost Preservation which can be had in this World.

So witnesseth, Richard Staffard, a Scribe accord­ing to the Promise and sending of Jesus Christ Who all that he spake, did or suffered, was to this great and only end, That he might bring us to God.

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