A SPIRIT MOVING IN The VVomen-Preachers: OR, CERTAJNE QƲAERES, Vented and put forth unto this affronted, brazen-faced, strange, new Feminine Brood.

Wherein they are proved to be rash, ignorant, ambitious, weake, vaine-glorious, prophane and proud, moved onely by the spirit of errour.

LONDON, Printed for Henry Shepheard, at the Bible in Tower-street, and William Ley, at PAULS Ch [...]ine neere Doctors Commons. 1646.

Certaine Quaeres vented and put forth to the Women-Preachers.

THough perhaps it had been much better and safer for me to have scorned to meddle with these silly frantick creatures, hereafter named, saying un­to them with abominated indignation, as the Prophet Isay 30.22. speaks of the covering of superstitious Images, as unto a m [...]nstruous cloth, g [...] thee hence. Yet lest these insulting, in sh [...]w false Prophetesses (running unsent) should too much insult in their arrogant pride, that no man would, or could ratio­nally encounter their foolish, proud, vain-glorious insolencies in presuming to advance themselves before, and over men, transgressing the rules of Nature, M [...] ­destie, Divinitie, Discretion. Civilitie, &c. in triumphing against Authoritie, contemning Lawes, and all things opposite unto their weak proceedings; I have chosen to encounter with these Syr [...]ns▪ the s [...]aine of women and of Religion, by some Quaeres put forth unto them and the world, to discover their foolishne [...] ▪ weaknesse, pride, indiscretion, insolencie, and vain-glorious frenzie▪ How in stead of acting as the Spirit moves them (as all Sectaries pretend) are rather led by the spirit of darknesse, ignorance, and grosse errour.

When the Devill first adventured to sting the woman, and tempt her as [...] weaker vessell, so by her to sting and undo all man-kind by all likely-hood, he k [...] well what a rare peece he had to deale with, naturally apt unto all mischiefe [...] eff [...]ct all his plots and purposes, to disturb the whole Fabrick of the Creation, and as neere as might be, to bring the whole world unto wofull desolation. Witne [...] his after-work since the fall, having for the most part in all ages used especi [...]lly this silly and weaker Sex, to atchieve and compasse all his greatest plots and de­signes; who in all Kings, Princes, and Noblemens Courts, have been, and yet are his only Engins to effect all his exorbitant desires. For when women beare [...] over men, having catched and bewitched them in their subtill snares, what [...] that they will not do for them? what requests or gifts will they refuse them? what secrets will not these Dalilabs enforce, even from Samsons themselves? So that for the most part, in all Kings, Princes and great mens Courts and houses, they beare rule, and all things must be as they will, or else there is no peace [...] Court nor Countrey, and many times the lesse peace, the more they beare sway and rule. And how extreamly do the most common lascivious sort of them undo men of all sorts and degrees, whilst be witch [...]d with [...]

But of all other, the Jesuites, Priests, and Separatists of our times and Church, have made, and ever do make singular use of these female Creatures: The former, to learne from them all their husbands secrets, to make use of them, both for pre­vention of all designes against them, and advancement of their Kingdome: there­by to insinuate into their husbands favours and estates, to lead them which way they list, to their unlawfull pleasures, having them once catcht in the snares of Confession, to over-awe them one way, and please them the other way with slight and light penances. And our Separatists in this Kingdome are not in this kind to learne to shufflle their Cards, and how to lead captive (as the Apostle speaks, 2 Tim. 3.6, 7.) silly women laden with divers lusts, ever learning, and ne­ver leanred, nor able to come unto the knowledge of the Truth: under colour of long prayers, devouring widdowes houses; that so by them they may attaine unto all their unlawfull secret desires; most of them (for the most part) wearing the bree­ches, and so draw and lead their husbands by the nose, which way they please, by degrees wasting their estates, and furnishing their pretended holy brother of the Separation, or Schisme, with whatsoever he pleases, not displeasing this man of God, as they call him, (though perhaps a wolfe in sheeps cloathing) whose insi­nuation with this Female Sex, hath so prevailed with this poore ignorant sort of Creatures, that puffed up with pride, divers of them have lately advanced them­selves with vain-glorious arrogance, to preach in mixt Congregations of men and women, in an insolent way, so usurping authority over men, and assuming a calling unwarranted by the word of God for women to use: yet all under colour, that they act as the Spirit moves them; wherein they highly wrong and abuse the motions of that blessed Spirit, to make him to be the Author of so much Schisme, disorder, and confusion; they being rather led by the strong delusions of the Prince of darknesse, to contenance their ignorance, pride, and vain-glorie, as Hacket and Iohn a Leyden were, who pretended spirituall revelations for all the villanies they committed, even when they were to give up the ghost, dying in the midst of such blasphemies.

Wherefore that the vanitie, weaknesse, ignorance, pride, ambition, and vain-glorie of these poore Creatures may be discovered, and that they may see upon what sandie foundations they build their Babels of confusion in their pretended Congregations, and may repent, and reforme themselves for the time to come, I have hereafter provided from the Word some few Quaeres for them, to shew both to the world and themselves, how far they are from any lawfull authoritie of preaching unto others, who themselves are so short of knowledge being grosse­ly ignorant, disabled either by precept, rule, or example of holy Scripture, so proudly, grossely, and ignorantly to behave themselves: after which (God wil­ling) I will encounter, if the paper faile me not, with their Fort-Royall, to over­throw it, shewing that their actions are not regulated and ruled by a right, but by a deluding spirit.

But ere we come to our Quaeres, let us first state the condition and nature of that [Page 4]Sex we are to intreat of; what they are by Creation, and what they are by Dege­neration. 1 By Creation, we find her equall unto the man, a helper meet for him, Gen. 2.18. 2 By Degeneration, we find her his inferiour, the weaker vessell, as the Apostle speaks, 1 Pet. 3.7. made subject unto mans government, her will for over subjected unto his will, he to beare rule over her, Gen. 3.16. she becoming therwith ignorant, shallow, proud, ambitious, fantastike, inconstant, passionate, and vaine-glorious, indiscreet, easily led into extreames, either in good, or evill: which drew Solomons choice to be so as to choose any malice, save the malice of a woman. In which subjected estate, she was no more to weare her haire down along, as in the Creation, but to weare it tyed up for a covering, 1 Cor. 11.15. only in one case of jealousie, accused by her husband, when she was to drinke the bitter water of her Triall, the Priest then for that time of her accusation was to uncover her head, and stand during that storme, with her haire downe as his equall, whereby it ap­pears, that all her life time, she is ever to be in subj [...]ction unto the man, and not to advance her selfe, by dis-honouring mankinde, in the presence of men to put her selfe before men, as these women Preachers, we are now in pursuit of have done, unto whom we present these ensuing Quaeres.

Quaere 1.

Why these sillie weake women, without calling, example, or precept dare un­dertake to usurp the Office of Preaching in a mixed Congregation of men and wo­men, seeing the Scriptures never speake of any womens teaching of men, but of being taught by men, or els to be silent; as it is Tit. 2.3. The aged women like­wise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holinesse, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things, that they may teach the younger women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chast, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed. Where we see that those who in those dayes were permitted to teach, were of the ancienter, graver, and approved sort, not everie upstart youngster as now [...] This permission was only to teach women, not men.

Quaere 2.

Seeing as it is said, 1 Cor. 14.22. The spirits of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets: (not Prophetesses) they having no warrant or right Spirit to be ruled by in this grand action, save by a seeming spirit of errour, why yet they will in­trude themselves in this grand office of Preaching, the weight whereof made the Apostle Paul the best Preacher, (next, our blessed Saviour) cry out, O who is suffici­ent for these things? sure not weak, ignorant silly women. But, who is so bold as blind bayard? saith the Proverb, It must needs be a silly flock where the Ewe bears the Bell.

Quaere 3.

Seeing women are commanded to keep silence in the Churches not being permit­ted to speak there, but to be under obedience, and if they would learn any thing, [Page 5]to aske at their husbands at home, as it is, 1 Cor. 14 34, 35. Let your women keep silence in your Churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speake, but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the Law: and if they will learn any thing, let them aske their husbands at home, for it is a shame for women to speake in the Church. By what discretion, modesty therefore, or shamelesse im­pudence, dare they be thus contumaciously insolent thus to abuse Religion, raise and foment Schismes and Errours in the Church, to undertake to teach and preach in a mixt Congregation of men and women. For to preach unto a mixt Congrega­tion in a House and in the Church is all one in effect, Churches being then by the Apostle thought to be the fittest and most decent places for preaching of the Word in those dayes, though all sorts of Sectaries do now strive to discredit the same, by House-Preaching by all appearance, having such lights (as Christ told the Scribes and Pharisees) because their deeds were evill

Quaere 4.

Seeing is it written, That to one is given the Word of wisdome, to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spi­rit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophesie, to another the discerning of spirits, to another divers kinds of tongues, &c. 1 Cor. 12.8, 9, 10. Now seeing the same Spirit is said to worke the same in every man, without mentioning any women for such endowments; By what authority & power then can these fe­male Preachers usurp this office of preaching? contrary to the Spirits intention, to fall a preaching as is said unsent or uncalled.

Quaere 5.

Seeing the Apostle in re [...]koing up the endowments of women in the choice of such appointed for some inferiour services in those daies, makes no mention of preaching amongst the rest, (which surely he would not have forgotten if any such had then been in the Church) saying only, If she have been well reported of, if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the Saints feet, if she have releeved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work; Yet in all these speaks not of preaching or teaching, 1 Tim. 3.16. by what Authority dare those untoward vaineglorious rash indiscreet creatures, pre­sume to preach or teach in mixt Congregations of men, and women: which place they use in Houses in place of the Church.

Quaere 6.

Seeing the Apostle writing to Timothy concerning the imposition of hands, and ordination of preaching Ministers, is wondrous choice and warie in warning of him, To lay hands suddenly upon no man, neither be pertaker of other mens sins; keep thy self pure, 1 Tim. 5.22. therein makes no mention of ordination, or appoint­ing of women, or imposition of hands upon any of them, by what authority dare they be so bold as to be intruders in this sacred worke of preaching the Word pro­per ever only unto those Ministers, who have a lawfull Calling and Ordination?

Quaere 7.

Seeing Christ at his ascension up on high, when he had led Captivitie cap­tive, furnished his Church with all severall offices and endowments for the per­fecting of his Church with severall Ministeriall functions; Ephes. 4.11, 12, 13. And he gave some Apostles, and some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some Pa­stours and Trachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministrie, and for the edifying of the body of the Church, till we all come unto the unity of the of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, into the mea­sure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ, &c. Woman Preachers being here left out and exempted from having any share in this great Ministeriall worke, not no expositor ever having dreamt or thought of this their late bold intruding impu­dence, the Churches fullnesse and perfecting having no need of their publike gifts. By what warrant or authority dare they be such bold intruders, to take upon them to teach or preach unto men, who are commanded by the Apostle, 1 Tim. 2.11. To learne in silence what all subjection?

Quaere 8.

Seeing that it is written, 1 Tim. 2.12. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor usury authoritie over the man; but to be in silence. Seeing then the Apostle unto all the fore-said doth directly forbid their preaching and teaching, commanding their silence: By what authoritie dare they, or can they be so bold, impudent, affronted, and shamelesse, as to take upon them to teach, or preach before men in a Congregation, therein seeming to assume authoritie and superioritie over men, contrarie to the expresse rule of the Apostle.

Quaere 9.

Whether or not these usurping vain-glorious women (all the fore-named rea­sons against them being considered) teaching otherwise, and not consenting to wholsome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, which are according to godlinesse, be not as is there shewed of that prophane rude number, reckoned up, 1 Tim. 6.3, 4. Proud, knowing nothing, but doating about questions, and strifes of Words, whereof cometh envie, strife, railings, evill surmisings, perverse disputings of men corrupt and destitute of the truth, supposing that gaine is godlinesse, from such withdraw your selves: being silly women, ever learning, and yet never learned, nor able to come unto the knowledge of the Truth, 1 Tim. 3.6, 7.


But all the Rabble of Separatists, those and all others, have this shield and buck­ler, wherewith they shroud themselves in all their undertakings, That they only act as the Spirit moves them.


A false and grosly ignorant Objection, a grand untruth, and imputation put up­on the blessed Spirit of Truth, who leade men into all Truth, and countenances no grosse errours of Schismes, or errours in any. But to answer them; 1 Ingene­rall, [Page 7]and then in particular: Certaine it is, that as truly might that grand Impo­stour Mahomet, that counterfeit Christ Hacket, executed in Queene Elizabeths time; that blasphemous Butcher John of Leyden, who proclaimed himselfe King of Righteousnesse, pleading Revelations, Raptures, and Enthusiasmes of the Spi­rits motions for all they did, or said; plead the Spirits Authoritie and Revelati­ons, as these our shallow, weak, ignorant, preaching Sisters may, and all alike. For if this grand Imposture might passe currant, that men might impute all their grosse dreames and fooleries on the Spirits Revelations, what grosse impieties and enormities might they not father on the Spirits Revelations, In infinitum? And so abuse the Spirit, the world, and themselves, under a pretended shew of holi­nesse, and voluntarie counterfeit humilitie, without any warrant from the Word, the rules whereof must be our warrant in all our actions, without which the Spi­rit moves not at all, but as he witnesseth unto the Truth of the Word revealed. Thus much in generall.

But more particularly a little to assault and batter this their Fort-Royall, let us survey three things touching the Spirit, which will cleare the point, I suppose:

  • 1 Let us survey briefly, The Spirits motions under the Law before Christs Incar­nation.
  • 2 The Spirits mission and offices assigned him by Christ, at his mission from the Father and the Son.
  • 3 The Spirits limitations by Christ, at his mission and sending.

And so we will conclude this short discourse.

First, for the Spirits motions under the Law before Christs Incarnation, wee read of divers motions of the Spirit: First, that in the Creation, The Spirit of God moved upon the waters, Genes. 1.2. Then we read of divers other motions of the Spirit. In Joshuah, full thereof, Deut. 34.9. In Iephthah, Iudg. 11.29. His moving in David, 1 Sam. 16.13. In Saul, 1 Sam. 10.10. On Eliah, running before Ahab unto the entrance of Iezreel, 1 King. 18.16. The spirit of the Lord falling on Ezekiel, Ezek. 11.5. And (in an extraordinarie case) we read of two women Prophetesses; Deborah, who judged Israel, Iudg. 4 4. and of Huldah the Prophetesse, 2 King. 22.14. From which two particular dispensations, for that time to two women, can be no generall deducted for these women-Preachers, a­gainst the warrant and rules of the word of God, as hath been shewed. And we read also of another motion of the Spirit, Isa. 30.21. In a voyce behind us, saying. This is the way, walk in it, &c. which can be no warrant for these foresaid women to preach: for there the Spirits directions for our walking is, in the Way of Holi­nesse, and Divine Rules: not into Schismes, Rents, Deviations, Divisions, and Errours contrarie unto the expresse Rules of the Word, and so I have done with the first thing, The Spirits motions before Christs Incarnation. From whence they can deduct no warrant, or example for their preaching.

The second thing is, The Spirits mission by Christ, with the Offices assigned un­to him by Christ: For his Mission, Hee is sent by the Father in Christs Name, a Spirit of Truth, whom all in the world cannot receive, Joh. 14.17. whose Offices [Page 6] [...] [Page 7] [...] [Page 8]are to comfort us, to dwell and be in us, to teach us all things, to bring unto our remembrance all things taught us by Christ, Joh. 14.26. to testifie of Christ, Joh. 15.26. to guide and lead us in all truth, Joh. 16.13. to shew us things to come, Joh. 16.14. and to convince the World of Sin, of Righteousnesse, and of Judgement. From all which there can be no warrant drawne, for his moving of women to preach; for, his motions are according unto the doctrine of Christ, and the Apo­stles from the Spirit of Christ, who teach us no such Doctrine, but quite contra­rie, as hath been shewed. For this Blessed Spirit of Christ is still the same, which is said to be, A Spirit of Wisdoms and understanding, the Spirit of counsell and might, the Spirit of knowledge, and of the feare of the Lord; Isa. 11.2. A Spirit (as is shewed) leading us into the practice of all known and revealed Truths from Christ, not the dreames, errours, fables, and pretended raptures of these silly abu­sed Sectaries.

The last thing is, The Spirits limitations by Christ: 1 Negative; 2 Affirma­tive. 1 Negative, For he shall not speake of himselfe. 2 Affirmative, but Whatso­ever he shall heare, that he shall speake, and he will shew you things to come; hee shall glorifie me, for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. Intimating, that if the Spirit should guide and lead us other wayes, than in the truths and rules re­ceived by Christ in the Word, the testimony of such a spirit were not to be belee­ved, neither led us in the right way, which should not this way glorifie Christ.

By all which we may gather, that these poore silly women, transgressing (as is shewed) against the rules of the word, delivered by the Spirit of Christ in the Apostle, which he affirmeth to be the Commandements of the Lord, 1 Cor. 14.37. are ignorant, and like to remaine in ignorance, 1 Cor. 14.38. led by the spirit of errour in all their vain-glorious, rash impudencies, whose Syren enchanting songs are carefully to be avoyded of all, following the Apostles rule, Rom. 15.17, 18. Now I beseech you brethren, mark them that cause divisions and offences contrarie to the doctrine which yee have learned, and avoyd them: For they that are such, serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their owne belly; and by good Words and faire speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. For when such like false Intruders, took upon them to be Exorists, and to conjure evill spirits, in the name of the Lord Jesus; the Devill himselfe refused to owne, or know such.

ACTS XIX. XV. ‘Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are yee?’

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