WE have in the course of our whole Life, and more particularly by the apparent Hazards both by Sea and Land, to which we have so lately ex­posed our Person, given to the whole World so high and undoubted proofs of our fervent Zeal for the Protest­ant Religion, that we are fully confident no true English­man and good Protestant can entertain the least Suspition of our firme Resolution▪ rather to spend our dearest Blood and perish in the Attempt▪ than not carry on the Blessed & Glorious Design which by the Favour of Heaven we have so succesfully begun, to rescue England, Scotland and Ire­land, from SLAVERY and POPERY. and in a Free Par­liament to establish the Religion, the Laws and the Li­berties of those Kingdoms upon such a sure and lasting Foundation, that it shall not be in the Power of any Prince, for the future, to introduce Popery and Tyrany.

Towards the more easie Compassing this great Design, we have not been hitherto deceived in the just Expecta­tion we had of the Concurrence of the Nobility, Gentry, and People of England, with Us for the Security of their Religion, the Restitution of the Laws, and the Restitution of the Re-establishment of their Liberties and Properties: Great Numbers of all Ranks and Qualities, have joyn­ed themselves to Us; and others at great Distances from Us, have taken up Arms and Declared for Us. And, which we cannot but particularly mention, in that Army which was raised to be the Instrument of SLAVERY and POPERY, many (by the special Providence of God) both Officers and common Souldiers have been touched with such a feeling sense of Religion and Honour, and of true Affection for their Native Country, that they have already deserted the Illegal Services they were in­gaged in, and have come over to Us, and have given us full Assurance from the rest of the Army, that they will certainly follow this Example, assoon as with our Army we shall approach near enough to receive them, without the Hazard of being prevented and betray'd. To which end, and that we may the sooner execute this just and ne­cessary Design we are ingaged in for the publick Safety and Deliverance of these Nations, We are resolved with all possible Diligence to advance forward, that a Free Parliament may be forthwith called, and such Prelimi­naries adjusted with the King, and all things first settled upon such a foot according to Law, as may give Us, and the whole Nation just Reason, to believe the King is dispos'd to make such necessary Condescensions on his part, as will give intire satisfaction and security to all, and make both King and People once more happy.

And that we may effect all this, in the way most agree­able to our Desires, if it be possible without the Effusion of any Blood except of those execrable Criminals who have justly forfeited their Lives for betraying the Religion and Subverting the Laws of their Native Country, We do think fit to declare, that as we will offer no Violence to any but in our own Necessary Defence; so we will not suffer any Injury to be done to the Person even of a Papist, pro­vided he be found in such Place, and in such Condition and Circumstances as the Laws require. So we are resolved and do declare that all Papist, who shall be found in o­pen Armes, or with Armes in their Houses, or about their Persons, or in any Office or Imployment Civil or Military upon any pretence whatsoever contrary to the known Laws of the Land, shall be treated by Us and our Forces not as Souldiers and Gentlemen, but as Robbers, Free-Booters and Banditti; they shall be incapable of Quarter, and intirely delivered up to the Discretion of our Souldiers. And We do further declare that all Persons who shall be found any ways aiding and assisting to them▪ or shall march under their Command, or shall joyn with or submit to them in the Discharge or Execution of their Illegal Commssions or Authority, shall be looked upon as Partakers of their Crimes, Enemies to the Laws, and to their Country.

And whereas we are certainly informed that great Num­bers of armed Papists have of late resorted to London and Westminster, and parts adjacent, where they remain, as we have reason to suspect, not so much for their own Security, as out of a wicked and barbarous Designe to make some desperate Attempt upon the said Cities, and their Inhabi­tants by Fire, or a sudden Massacre, or both; or else to be the more ready to joyn themselves to a Body of French Troops, designed, if it be possible, to land in England, pro­cured of the French King, by the Intrest and Power of the Jesuits in pursuance of the Engagements, which at the Instigation of that pestilent Society, his most Christian Majesty, with one of his Neighbouring Princes of the same Communion, has entred into for the utter Extirpa­tion of the Protestant Religion out of Europe. Though we hope we have taken such effectual care to prevent the one, and secure the other, that by God's Assistance, we can­not doubt but we shall defeat all their wicked Enterprises and Designes.

We cannot however forbear out of the great and tender Concern We have to preserve the People of England, and particularly those great and populous Cities, from the cruel Rage and bloody Revenge of the Papists; to Require and expect from all the Lord-Lievetenants, Deputy-Liev­tenants, and Justices of the Peace, Lord-Majors, Majors, Sherriffs, and all other Majestrates and Officers Civil and Military, of all Counties, Cities and Towns of England, especially of the Countyes of Middlesex, and City of of London and Westminster, and Parts adjacent, that they do immediately disarme and secure, as by Law they may and ought, within their respective Counties, Cities and Juris­dictions, all Papists whatsoever, as persons at all times, but now especially most dangerous to the Peace and Safety of the Government, that so not only all Power of doing mischief may be taken from them; but that the Laws, which are the greatest and best Security, may resume their Force, and be strictly executed.

And We do hereby likewise Declare that We will pro­tect and Defend all those who shall not be afraid to do their Duty in Obedience to these Laws. And that for those Magistrates and others of what condition soever they be, who shall refuse to assist Us, and in obediance to the Laws to Execute vigerously what we have required of them, and suffer themselves at this Juncture to be cajoled or terrified out of their Duty, We will esteem them the most Criminal and Infamous of all Men, Betrayers of their Religion, the Laws, and there Native Country, and shall not fail to treat them accordingly; resolving to expect and require at their hands the Life of every single Protest­ant that shall perish, and every House that shall be burnt or destroyed by there Treachery and Cowardise.

William Henry Prince of Orange.

By His Highness special Command,


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