WHosoever shall have monies to let forth upon Interest, may have sufficient security to his desire, and such present and positive directions for the more secure disposing of his monies, so far transcending all manner of Adventure, that the result thereof, may (by many degrees) be more satisfactory and may more advantagiously extend and conduce to his content: see the Discoveries.
Whosoever shall be provided for a purchase of what proportion soever, either of lands in the Countrey or houses here in the City, may have severall particulars presented to his consideration, and full satisfaction to his desire.
Whosoever hath occasion to sell lands, houses upon Lease, &c. or to borrow monies upon lands, houses, leases, rents, &c. may be timously supplied to his desire from 50 l. to 50000 l.
Whosoever shall desire to encrease the talent, Divine Justice hath put into his hands, and will deposite monies upon present Annuities or for estates in reversion, that shall appear to the eye of judgement exceeding advantageous, may have satisfactory compliancy to the full accomplishment of his expectation; or whosoever will give reasonable satisfaction for monies during life, may have considerable sums seasonably parted with, upon honest and conscionable terms.
Whosoever hath occasion for a necessary house, or shall desire to be provided with convenient lodgings, furnished or otherwise, or shall be minded to be dieted, either wholly or at meals, as an Ordinary, of what condition or degree soever, they may have full information and satisfaction, with as much content as may be expected or desired; Or whosoever shall desire to take a convenient Mansion neer London, or within twenty miles thereof, or part of an house or lodgings, with their diet or otherwise: they may have such Information and Intelligence, as cannot but abundantly correspond with their expectations; Or whosoever shall have an inclination to take a convenient House or Farme in the Countrey, by lease for yeares or lives, [Page 2] whereby they might continue to themselves a convenient competency for their support and livelihood; they may (in pursuance of their desires) have plenary Intelligence from most part of England or Ireland, and may further (according to their capacities) be directed and furthered to more fructiferous imployments under some eminent neighbouring Gentleman, that may (by vertue of their relation and recourse) happily become their Landlord, &c. or whosoever shall be willing to part with such habitation or place of residence, of what proportion soever, or in what part of England or Ireland soever by hinting their pleasures, all industry will not be wanting, at least so much as may occasion them inheritors of their desires.
Whosoever shall be minded to buy any goods that London doth afford, either for apparell or otherwise, may be furnished at the first and best hand, at equitable rates, with all clarity and serenity, and with forbearance of their monies for the present or otherwise, or shall desire to have their wants supplied with any kind of houshold-stuffe, at the first or second hand, as linnen, pewter, brasse, all sorts of hangings, or other requisites, appertaining to houshold affairs, they may have their choice either by parcels as they have need, or the full furniture of an house from executors, or from such as have occasion to give up house-keeping, &c. and constant information where, with whom, and upon what conditions they may be had. Or whosoever shall have commodities to sell, or what vendible commodities soever shall come from beyond the Seas, or out of the Country, either in great parcels or otherwise, upon information thereof at my Lodgings, they may have divers make addresse unto them, and may instantly vend whatsoever they shall have remaining by them.
Whosoever shall lose any Papers, Books of Accompt, or any other considerable thing, whereas the finder may desire restitution to the owner, by leaving notice thereof at my Lodgings, there may happen a reciprocall accommodation between them. Or whosoever shall have goods stoln, as horses, or any other cattell, may by describing the marks, &c. with other necessary explanatory observations, have such an expeditious course taken, by posting of bils throughout the City, the Market Townes and Faires, within a considerable distance, and by all other Scrutinies for suspicious persons about the City, together with such other probable and imaginable expedients, effectually prosecuted and pursued, as may consequently render responsible inferences of discovery, how to recover their goods again.
Whosoever shall desire to be entertained as a Gentlemans Chaplain, Tutor, Secretary, Steward, &c. or shall be capable of preferment, especially youth of what degree soever, may have such directions and furtherance as [Page 3] may very much tend to their advancement; Or whosoever shall need any such servant, either for Clerks or Apprentices with sufficient summes of monies, or any other servant of what quality or condition soever, or any that would be set a work in their faculties, &c. they may be sufficiently accommodated to their desires; Or if they need any that are expert and excellent in teaching Musick, Short-writing, &c. or any Artist whatsoever, or Masters of bodily exercise, as Dancing, Fencing, &c. they may have such that will (according to the dispensations God hath conferred upon them) endevour to ingratiate themselves to their esteems, and some of the same qualifications that will occasionally evidence their willingnes by their industrious observancy to conform themselves as domestick, that are men of known Trust, Government and Integrity.
Whosoever shall have suits in Law to commence, or shall happen into any kinde of litigious controversies, discordancies and competitions of what nature soever, or shall be prisoners, &c. they may have their doubts explained, matter of fact stated, substantially proposed, and methodically disgested with seasonable directions upon easie tearms, without Retardings or Remoraes, and with the contribution of the concurrent opinions and free advice of the most candid and ingenious judgements that will stand by them in their just rights, and may happily addresse them unto some that shall (without partiality) resume the pursuit of the businesse for them by right, or else make an amiable and an amicable composition and transaction of the matter for their best advantage with their Adversary in their behalf. And may have some always in a readinesse to serve as Amanences or Transcribers, and to draw and engrosse all sorts of Conveyances, Bils of Chancery, and such like, with all manner of Bonds, Petitions, and whatsoever else may relate to such that are Masters of their Pen.
Whosoever shall have debtors that skulk and are latent in any part of England, Ireland, &c. they may have such reall and pertinent courses observed and peracted for their discovery, and for recovery of their debts, whereby they may be made willing (if able) for all conscionable performances, &c.
Whosoever shall need an Agent or Solicitor, and shall desire the common Intelligence of Publique State-affaires, and other communicable occurrences, may have all honest and faithfull services performed, with what respective credentials and considerable obligements, shall bee necessarily required in reference and order to such employments.
Whosoever shall be minded to undertake an office, or place of present benefit, and shall desire to be negotiated in any such condition, may be severally [Page 4] advertised very much tending to their future content and satisfaction. And such that will part with an office or place of benefit for present profit, they may finde (by addresse) how to compasse their desires; and those that shall bee able to give. Intelligence of any such office, &c. which may happen by the sicknesse or death of any officer, or by misdemeanours, being themselves not capable to execute the same, upon their discovery they may be sufficiently considered and rewarded therefore. Or if any man living remote shall be able to discover any materiall thing obvious to his observation, which may be advantageous to the Publique, or to himself, not being able to repair to London, to advance his designe, upon intimation thereof by Letters or otherwise, he may have all prevalent advantages effectually pursued to promote the execution thereof, without putting himself to the charge of a great journey at adventure, and a condigne recompence procured out of the benefit which thence may accrew to the publique or otherwise, with as much reality and sincerity, as if hee himselfe were present and able to prosecute the same.
Whosoever shall be so instrumentall to their own happinesse and future content, to avoid the pernicious effects of ignorance in their children, and to endeavour the right framing of their studies to the ready attainment of vertue and knowledge during their flexibility (according to the order of duty, and the talent committed to them, whereof they must be accountable) may (in case of such concernment) have such excellent designes illustrated unto them, that those parents that are truly generous and carefull of their childrens good, cannot but exceedingly approve thereof, and very much incline thereunto: see pag. 11, 12.
Whosoever shall be inclinable to travell into any part beyond the Seas, may happily (by addresse) enjoy the blessings of such unanimous consotiation, as may most neerly be consistent with his disposition, so that by a candid and a symphaticall participation and complacency in all occurrences, and by the entercourse of mutuall friendship and correspondency, there affections may be so firmely tied together in the bonds of unity, and so entirely woven within one another, that they may rationate, consult and co-operate jointly in their travels, and the one may by their amicable coherency and combination meliorate improve and be helpfull unto the other in their abilities; and may further by men of worth, knowledge and experience, be respectively intelligenced, instructed and advertised of the manner and condition of travelling into what part soever, how to steere his course with cautelousnesse and circumspection, and to order and deport himselfe in his Peregrinations for matter of expences and compliancy, and to discover and [Page 5] decline all false representat himselfe with such sort of people as he shall obviate and be converfant with, and may be furnished with Gold for Silver upon all occasions, and be recruted and supplyed with all conveniences wheresoever he shall come.
Whosoever shall have relation to Virginia, the Barbadoes, New England, or any other Country inhabited with English, or shall have cause to send into any of those places, or would inhabited, or transplant himselfe in those parts, they may have all intelligence and expedients with as much conveniency as maybe; And such here in England that shall have meanes fall unto them in any of these Countries, or any there shall have the like in any part of England, & would have commodities transported from the one unto the other or any other reciprocall negotiation, or entercourse of friendship of what importance soever, and so likewise into any other Country, as France, Spaine, Holland, &c. by their addresse and application according to their particular ends and concernments, they may have all accommodation that may possibly be afforded, and matters of conscientious concernments compleatly expedited, and what equitable offices Christianity and humanity may afford, they may assuredly enjoy withall faithfulnesse and serenity.
IMprimis, to discover a certaintie to raise 2000. li. per Ann. de Claro, with lesse then 200. li. Stock unhazarded, and beyond contradiction, without the least aspersion of Usury, Extortion, Oppression, engrossing, or any unconscionable, monopolizing or dishonourable way whatsoever. This design may be advanced to a farre greater proportion, and exceedingly to the good of the publike.
Item, a certainty with 500. li. stock unhazarded to raise de Claro 1000. per Ann. and upwards, without aspersion, as above, and without the least imaginary, inconvenience or prejudice to any whatsoever, but to a generall good, especially to the poore with the free allowance of all the Country.
Together with a certainty with lesse then 500. l. stock unhazarded, to raise de Claro 1000. lib. and upwards, and so with lesse or greater summes proportionably by honest, faire, and generous courses as above.
Item to discover a credible way without charge more then ordinary expences, whereby an industrious man but of a reasonable capacity and fortune, [Page 6] may contrive to himselfe 500. li. per An. and upwards, without prejudice to any, or dishonour in the least kind whatsoever unto himself.
The like but with small charges more then conveniency of livelyhood, whereby a man of an ingenious and a generous condition, may be compendious, facill, and conscionable waies, gaine 10000. li. per An. and upwards, with as much freedome, sincerity and regularity as with the particulars above written.
Item with lesse then 50. li. stock constantly visible and no way indangered to advance de Claro 10000. li. per An. severall wayes, with all claritude and uprightnesse.
Item to make in all probability with 200. li. in three yeares 400. li. and in three yeares more to make the 400. li. 800. li. and in three yeares more to make the 800. 1600. li. without adventure by sea, and so with lesse or greater summes proportionably, by even honest and charitable wayes.
Item to discover 500. li. per An. during life, which may easily be obtained, being no way disadvantagious to the publike, or to any in particular.
Item severall other feisible designes easie to be injoyed by those that will use the meanes.
Item in all reality, to discover a way to advantage the publike many 1000. li. per an. easily to be put in practise, which will be generally allowable without prejudice to any whatsoever.
Item with 30. li. to raise within the compasse of 18. yeares 10000. li.
Item a late experiment to make Tin here in London or in the Country at 20. for 5. benefit; and to make Steele brasse, and Copper with very great profit: and to make Iron out of Pit-coale, and Sea-coale.
Item to make Salt-peter to serve all the three Nations cheaper then any without digging of houses.
Item a designe with 200. li. charge and two mens labours to raise de Claro 5000. li. per. An. and upwards.
Item wheras Middletons Mines (as it is reported) was never worth 16. li. per An. to discover Mines of 20. li. and 30. li. a Tunne, holding Silver out of Lead Oare, which by art may be advanced a 4 th. part by a new invention.
Item there are Copper Mines within the three Nations, holding as much or rather more then the Queen of Sweathlands doth, and being managed it might save this Common-wealth 100000. li. per An. and set many poore at worke.
Item an undeniable manifestation, whereby every housekeeper within England, Scotland, & Ireland, may for a penny disbursed advantage themselves 8. d. [Page 7] per week or thereabouts throughout the yeare, and so continually by a way easily communicable, and constantly comfortable, as well to the poore as the rich, and to the last at the least a quadrible Emolument.
Item a way(under God) whereby all food of flesh may be constantly under the rate of 2. d. the pound throughout the Common-wealth without imposition of of rates, restraint of the ordinary free use thereof, by a percimonious abstinency, and without injunction of the too much neglected, and the most ingratefully disregarded blessing of fish offered to our endeavour.
Item that Bread-corne (according to the store God hath blessed this Nation with) may be cheaper, and farre more plentifull without restraint of quantity, imposition of rates by course of justice, and without relation to importation, and the too too much suffered abuse of exportation.
Item that Horses may be kept fat and in hart, & enabled to work and travell as formerly, without Hay, and a good part of the ordinary proportion of Oats usually allotted unto them saved, and so in like manner Swine, and all sorts of Poultry, may be fed fat and kept constantly in good liking, saving one part in three of the usuall proportion of Oates ordinarily given unto them throughout the Common-wealth, and so especially for Hunting-dogs; That Graine having been the chiefest and most comfortable preservation of the poore from perishing, being still for the most part their constant food.
Item divers undeniable wayes to returne constantly 20. for one with lesse then an Acre of Ground, and so accordingly with many Acres, without the labour, toile, and charges, as usually with Corne, and to make 30.40. &, 50. li. an Acre per Annum in severall parts of England, &c.
Item to make 10. li. an Acre per An. of the worst Pasture Ground without plowing or sowing, and so with many Acres in severall parts of England.
Item after seven yeares, and so constantly to make of the worst sort of meadow 10. li. an Acre per Annum, and so with many Acres in severall parts of England without plowing, &c.
Item an Engine to contrive water from 20. yards depth, to drive a Mill constantly, so far as a Levell shall convey the water.
Item to cleanse any Country River of the mudde, though very deep with mudde and water, without diverting the course of the River, or use of Boats, or standing in the water, by which meanes the River may be let down from overflowing, the banks much raised, and the grounds improved thereby. And so to empty Moats and Ponds of the mudde, without casting or letting the water forth, or going into the water, or use of Boats: and so to emptie any Pond or Mote of the water if there be no passage by Sluces, os Ditches, without casting the same, or going into the water.
Item an Engine lately devised, whereby water may be contrived to dry Hillie and stirrill grounds, by which meanes they may be made more fertill, and afford far more profit then formerly.
Item a late rare discovery to prevent the smuttinesse of Corne, there being severall large fields not farre from London, and in many other places where the Corne was constantly spoiled therewith, and after this experiment there was hardly a Corne amisse, being very sound, and farre more fruitfull, and the grounds exceedingly improved thereby.
Item a discovery of conceiled Lands which King Iames and King Charles were couzoned of, worth thousands per Annum.
Item a way to take red or fallow Deere with a baite, as easily as you do Fish, &c.
Item to put in a stock with a sufficient Brewer, the monies secured, and to have halfe the benefit assured, with constant and very great profit.
Item a way lately devised, whereby an active man being accommodated with conveniences of livelyhood, may put himselfe into credible imployment, and gaine thereby a 100. li. per Annum.
Item to discover a Mine of Coales, vety considerably convenient for sale, not known to any but my self, the Ingeneere whom I imployed therein being lately dead, whereby might be raised (all charges borne) at least a thousand pound per annum.
Item Iron, Stone, Mills, Woods, and all other Requisites whereby may be raised (beyond exceptions) at least 1000. li. per annum de Claro, which may be made apparent beyond contradiction.
Item a Mine of Lead easie to become by, lying upon the side of an Hill, whereby may be raised 500. li. per annum de Claro, and without hazard.
Item to make Houses of Office being but halfe full, never to be fuller, and being emptied, never to be full.
Item to discover a way whereby one Horse may draw in a Cart as much as five Horses, and so throughout England; This I have seen performed with an ordinary Horse in the fowlest wayes.
Item an Instrument whereby the halfe part of all seed-corne may be saved throughout the Common-wealth.
Item a way whereby Brewing-vessels may be contrived of wood, to serve in stead of Lead or Copper Vessels, and halfe the Fewell (usually spent) saved thereby.
Together with a Manuscript, whereby any man that can but read may discover his infirmitie of [...]icknesse by the causes, symptomes and other apparances and discourses at large, &c. with the observation of diet before and after, [Page 9] &c. Then a manifestation of the remedies covenient and necessary for all diseases whatsoever, if curable, &c. with the courses of practice, and the experiments of most of the famous Doctors of these later times; Together with the collection (by travelling) of all the rare and excellent receipts of Physick and Chyrurgery: amongst which, foure eccellent and exceeding successefull wayes for the perfect curing of the Kings evill, and neither of them with the seventh childe, & divers others maintainable re-experimented experiments, of Physick and Chyrurgery for all infirmities whatsoever,—☞—part whereof cost neere 1000. li. attested by speculative and practicall confirmations of piously learned and judicious men, with divers other most curious and lucriferous rarities, which could not be attained unto, without extraordinary great care, paines, and expences. Together with severall easie and most excellent wayes to make the Hands, and Face faire, and to take out wrincles, fleckles, marks, spots, sunne-burnings, or any such deformity of the face, and to make them very cleere, &c. with the newest experiments of all necessary distillations that shall be fitting and usefull, and perfect directions for the timely gathering of all sorts of Hearbs, Roots, Fruits, &c. therefore, or for any other purpose, with the true manner of using them, and the plenary discovery of all the effects of simples, &c. all rare and new devices and experiments of Cookery, not any thing omitted, relating to the illustration thereof, with all physicall observations, naturall effects, operations, and co-operations of meats, &c. The excellency or true knowledge whereof, will render an unexpressible delight to the becomming reflections of the most eminent, and make them beautifull in the eyes of all that are blest with vertuous inclinations. Item all kind of Juses, Gellies, Sirrups, Restoratives, Preservatievs, cordials, cawdles, &c. all sorts of gallimauferies, kickshawes, biskets, Wafers, &c. severall excellent wayes, Comfits, Preserves, Conserves, Quiddinies, all manner of Candid, & dried fruits, Marchpaines, &c. and either of these severall exceellent wayes & new inventions and devises. Together with the neatest, compleatest, and most experimentall ways of the due ordering, rectifying, restoring, & refining of all sorts of Wines, and to make very pleasant wines of Grapes here in England. Item Raspassfe wines, &c. divers sorts of Hypocrasse, and excellent good with water, and severall other rare and singular devises belonging unto wines. Item to make Mathegline, Perrie, Sider divers wayes, and severall other excellent and most pleasant drinks; & how to order Ale, & Beere severall wayes with Hearbs & Spices, &c. Together with all sort of rich sanative perfumes, pomanders, with severall printings and impressions thereon, sweet-waters, sweet washing-balls, sweet-bags, sweet-powders, &c. all colours of sealing-wax, perfumed and otherwise, [Page 10] all sorts of Wax-candles, and all the varieties, and rare inventions and secrets that have been devised in these kinds or otherwise whatsoever, with the newest and most excellent experiments thereof discovered, for the most part, and collected by Gentlemen of singular eminent and excellent parts, out of the rarest Repositories, and from the abstracts of the most experienced Ladies, and Gentlewomen throughout the three Nations, and likewise from Gentlemen of great skill, judgement and practise.
These or any of them (although they cannot but relish well to those that have pallets to tast them) being for the most part of that inestimable value and dignitie, that by ordinary judgements they cannot be computed or comprehended, and notwithstanding the observations and attestations of men of honour and worth, and of the most juditious and candid of each respective profession, yet in order to farther satisfaction, so far as they shall relate to health (the most desirable of all earthly blessings) they may be confirmed and illustrated in a full and overflowing measure, by Gentlemen of known integrity and cleerenesse, and by the most eminent and most deserving Practitioners of these times, with their free advice, judgement, and direction.
Item severall other great discoveries, exceeding beneficiall and of very great consequence and importance which will be opportunely and cordially demonstrated with all candor, &c. whereby whosoever shall vouchsafe the perusing of them, notwithstanding the Compilors great losses and extreame sufferings during these sad distempers, the winde, streame and Tide being alwayes against him) may apprehend him capable of doing good to any whatsoever, he having (for want of other imployments) devoted his whole life to these and other publike concernments, not daring to dispaire of all favourable providence therein, &c.
For young Gentlemen.
A Very choice place for conveniencie of Aire, House-roome, Gardens, and walks most compleat, pleasant and healthfull, severall Masters in the house, being absolute, compleat Gentlemen and excellent Scholars; These to teach them Hebrew, Greek, Latine, and French, by incomparably more methodicall, compendious and facill waies then formerly by any: by lessening there former tedium by more then halfe. But above all they are to be taught the explanation of the Scriptures, and the principles of Religion by a devout, a most Religious and a piously learned Minister in the House with them; And shall be taught to write by sufficient Pen-men, and the best and most perfect way of short writing, to take out Sermons, and to be able to convert them into Hebrew, Greek, Latine and French, as some of very tender yeares have lately done; They shall like wise be fully instructed in Heraldry by a deserving Antiquary of very great knowledge therein; And shall have a skilfull and a well experienced Picture drawn to perfect them in that Art, if they shall delight therein: Masters of Musick, and Dancing-Masters constantly to attend them, skilfull Fencers in a gentle and a moderate way to instruct and exercise them (for their Recreation) in that Science, Horsmasters with speciall care and diligence to teach them all manner of Horsemanship, and severall easie and well guided Horses kept for them to those purposes, with all necessarie Rings, and Riding-places provided for them: A Gentleman skilfull in all Military affaires to train them up (for their delight) in the exercise of Armes.
They shall further (if their Parents be so pleased) be taught the true experimentall naturall Phylosophy and what is most necessary of the Mathematicks, to wit, Arithmatick, Geometry, Geography, Cosmography, perspective and Architecture, and also whatsoever is most excellent of the practicall Mathematicks, whatsoever belongeth to Fortification, besieging, defending of places, fire-works, ordering of Battalies & marches of Armes, &c. A discreet care to be taken for such wholesome diet, as shall be most convenient for them at all seasons, with a direction of a Doctor of Physick very famous and of exceeding great judgement, constantly in the House to overlook them, and to advise with their Parents and friends for the timely prevention of any infirmity they shall be inclinable unto, or shall happen unto them.
For young Gentlewomen.
A Very choice place for conveniency of aire, with a fair House, Gardens and spacious. Walks, very private, pleasant and compleat, a religious Matron, with the help of other most discreet and skilfull servants to teach them all manner of Needle-works, Imbroidering, &c. together with drawing on cloth for their works, the pourtraitures and fimilitudes of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Flowers &c. and the full art and skill belonging thereunto; a learned and a most devour Minister in the house with them, to frame them rightly to the ready attainment of virtue and knowledge, by Preaching, Explicating and expounding the Scriptures unto them, and to instruct them sufficiently in prayer, and in the Principles of Religion, &c. industrious and most judicious Pen-men, to teach them to write, cypher, and cast accompts, especially the best and most exact way of Short-writing, French women very vitreous, and well approved of, to teach them French, and constantly to bee conversant with them: severall Masters of Musicke, singing and dancing Masters, all choice men, grave, religious, and of excellent skill and governement. They shall likewise have given them to write out at convenient times, and be sufficiently and most effectually instructed therein; all rare and excellent Receipts of Physick and Chyrurgery, so far as shall concerne their own healths, or be convenient for them, and all re-experimented experiments then unto belonging, not to be parallel'd for all infirmities whatsoever, &c.—And so following according to the other particulars set down, pag. 9. at this mark—☞—unto the end of that clause.
There shall likewise bee a discreet care taken for the provision of such wholesome diet as shall bee most convenient for them at all seasons, with Doctors of Physick very famous and of great experience, repute and estimation, to have an influence upon them, and such daily care of their healths that no considerable Punctilio in any circumstance whatsoever, shall (under God) escape their observation.
There shall likewise be a trusty and an able Solicitor in the house, who with the free advice of the most experienced Iudgements that are Councellors, together with the concurrence of the other Superintendents, viz. the Governour, Minister, Physitian, Steward, &c. shall take care of all businesses belonging to the Law, concerning the children that are or shall happen to be Orphants, and to assist and direct them as occasion shall fall our, and to consider with their nearest and dearest friends how to dispose of their estates and means, by more fruitfull and secure ways then by Interest.
For ancient Widows and Maids.
VVHereas there are divers reall and single-hearted Ladies and Gentlewomen, of virtuous and Christianly disposed mindes, captivated to the obedience of Christ, and hoping to have his Spirit to inhabite and possesse them, whose affections are raised from the things of this earth, and are set on those things that are above, they being blest with freedome, and with the happinesse of their own dispose, having unanimously declared their resolutions, with constancy and serenity, so to continue firmly to the end, and to make themselves (by the directing Spirit of Grace) amiable Lovers, amicable Partners, and examplary Patterns of godly works, by abandoning and deserting (as true Penitentiaries) the base earthlinesse of their affections, the swelling pride of their hearts, the perverse frowardnesse of their wils, and avoiding all alurements that might withdraw them, and all oppositions that might provoke them from the duty of their vocation, by becomming indeed and in truth impartiall lovers of righteousnesse, they not taking pleasure in the ordinary way of living, as those whose unbridled appetites are their whole Religion, or seeking themselves, but the glory of the great Disposer of all humane actions, in all their ways, still re-minding the great account they have to passe at the last Audit, when the dearest beloved, the chiefe Favourites, the fancy-feeding and flattering pleasures of this world, shall shrink from us, and nothing but our own deeds and deserts shall accompany us before the Iudgement Seat of God, making Christs Precepts the rule of their practice, and knowing that life is but a vapour, that appeareth but a little time and so vanisheth away. Doe therefore during their sojourning here fully determine, to keep themselves in the knowledge and love of God, with an eager pursuit and delight thereof, looking for mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ unto everlasting glory and eternall life, and holding fast their integrity, without wavering or falling from their steadfastnesse, doe cast themselves upon the divine Providence, that is able to keep them from falling, and to preserve them faultlesse before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, being such as the world (being shut up with gloomy darknesse) cannot comprehend, nor give unto them or take away from them, making themselves ready to saile towards the Haven of perfection, upon all opportunities of stronger Gailes, with full assurance, that when God is minded to bring his purpose to passe, he doth according to his good pleasure, as seemeth good in the eyes of his heavenly wisdome, put a rectified frame upon our wils, to perform those things that are pleasing in his sight, and [Page 14] ordaines means, whereby he doth offer himself unto us, and whereby wee are fitted to come unto him, in all holy conversation and godlinesse. And for the present establishing, perseveration and advancement of these their serious, truly vertuous and gracious determinations (whereunto all true hearted Christians are one way or another, if not engaged, yet concerned) there is a most compleat house and harbour of repose intended for them, and such that are impartiall lovers of virtue, truth and righteousnesse, with all accommodation their hearts can wish or desire, neere adjoining to the place where the young children (before mentioned) are to reside; from whom (besides the mutuall tranquillity, and almost unspeakable harmonious consolation, they may most assuredly receive (under God) from each other) they may likewise enjoy all the content, and comfort that may possible be afforded, by their virtuous breeding, and all the regards, observancy and attendance that may bee conceived or imagined conducible to such a select and blessed community, viz. a Minister, a Doctor of Physick, a Steward, &c. men of worth, credit and esteem, and of singular, eminent, gracious and naturall parts, together with all other necessary officers, which for goodnesse of life, religion, conversation, and all other abilities, are hardly to bee parallel'd, with all respective and considerable attendance of women servants allowed likewise by the house, that shall be beyond exceptions, besides such servants as they (if they please) may keep of their own, they allowing but a reasonable proportion for their diets; And it is further so contrived, that all requisites and needfull concernments shall bee provided for them at the best hand, and at the cheapest rates, both of Merchants and others; here in the City, and from all parts of England. And whatsoever is desired extraordinary, exceeding their constant competency of diet, shall bee ordered at all times in the discreetest manner, and shall be always in a readinesse provided for them at their chambers, or otherwise, by the cooks, and other officers at command, with all diligence and respect, and with all content that may possible be expected, without the least exaction of fees, &c. but the full allowance of every particular, at the rates they were provided, whereunto there shall be always a diligent care and circumspection evidenced by the Steward and such as are subordinate unto him, no servant being to be admitted into the house without letters of credency and sufficient obligements for their behaviour, and to be dismist upon the least mis-behaviour whatsoever. There shall likewise be a learned and an eminent Councellour and Solicitour always at hand, able men of unquestionable trust and uprightnesse, constantly to take speciall care of their estates, and with the furtherance, assistance, and concurrence of the superiour officers, to secure the Gentlewomen from all [Page 15] worldly troubles, and to endeavour to dispose of what shall belong unto them with such security and advantage, that may assuredly acquit them from all disturbance and unquietnesse whatsoever. Which happy conjuncture, sweet concordancy and conformity, may (with the blessing of the most High) who worketh all things after the counsell of his owne will, make them beautifull in the eyes of the faithfull; and by their gracious motives and incitations of encouragement, to render a great improvement and advancement for the Plantation of piety, and to a further propagation of Christs Kingdome, and will be no small comfort (in these evill times) unto faithfull souls, whose hearts arc filled with the joyes of the Spirit, and are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation, they looking for the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Iesus Christ, who gave himselfe for us, that hee might redeem us from all iniquity, and purifie unto himselfe a peculiar people zealous of good works, who receiving the end of their faith, even the salvation of their souls, shall always rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory.