Simples serving for the Head.
Against paines of the Head arising from Cold.
ROotes of Flower-de-luce of Illyria, applyed with Vinegar and Oyle of Roses.
Oyle of wilde Olives Anointed, or layed to any way outwardly. applyed. Oyle of Almonds applyed.
Seed of Agnus Castus applyed like a Poultis.
Bitter Almonds bruised, and applyed like a Poultis on the fore-head, and cheeks, with vinegar, or oyl of roses.
Cramp-fish applyed alive.
New-shorne unwashed Wooll, applyed with vinegar, and oyl of roses.
Sisymbrium, or Water-cresses.Water-minte bruised, and laid to the fore-head and temples.
Juyce of the leaves, or of the berries of Ivie, applyed with vinegar and oyle of roses.
Aloes applyed on the fore-head and cheekes, with vinegar and oyle of roses.
Minte bruised and laid to.
Wild Time boyled, then moystned in vinegar and oyle of roses and applyed.
Leaves of Baccharis. Plow-mans Spikenard bruised, and laid to.
Rue laid to with vinegar, and oyle of roses.
Anise taken in drinke.
Spondilium.Meddow-parsnep laid to with Rue.
Peucedarum.Sow-fennell laid to with vinegar, [Page 3]and oyle of roses.
Nigella Romana of the Apothecaries.Gith laid upon the fore-head, small fleabane laid to.
The tender leaves of Anagyris Beane-Trifoly, the weight of a dram taken in wine.
Rhodiaradix, Rosewort.The roote which smelleth like roses, laid to fresh with a little oyle of roses.
A chaplet of Hippoglossion. Horse-tongue.
Leaves of Chamcedaphne. Periwinckle bruised, and laid to.
Juyce of wild Cowcumbers, dropped into the nose with milke.
Leaves and berries of Kneeholme, drunke in wine.
Scammonie applyed with vinegar, and oyle of roses.
Perfume of Sea-water, received as a stove, the head being covered.
Against paines of the Head, proceeding from heate.
OYle of Wild Olives applyed.
Oyle of roses applyed as a liniment.
Flowers of privet laid to with vinegar.
The infusion of dry Roses well pressed, applyed.
Seed of Agnus Castus laid to.
Purslaine layed to.
Melilot layed to with vinegar, or oyle of roses.
Roots of Water-Lilly drunk, or put to the nostrils.
Rhodia radix.Rose-wort layed on the fore-head, and on the temples, with oyle of roses.
Otherwise Opium.Juyce of Poppy applyed on the fore-head with oyle of roses.
Psyllium.Fleawort layed to with oyle of roses, vinegar, or water.
A chaplet of Horse-tongue.
Great Housleeke layed to with oyle of roses.
Leaves of morell, or Garden Nightshade applyed.
Leaves and branches of Vine layed to. Serpentine Marble worne about the neck, or arme.
To purge the Braine.
IUyce of Cole-wort, of wind-flowre, of Beets, of Celandine, of Cycla [...]eu. Sowbread, or of Onions snuffed up the nose.
Pellitory of Spaine, and Staphisacre chewed long.
Coloquintida in pils.
Dry Grapes chewed with Pepper.
Vitriol snuffed up the nose, and put into the nostrils with Cotton.
To mittigate the Head-ach.
THe sent of oyle of Storax.
Yellow Olives, Acornes, Phenician Dates, or Wall-nuts often eaten.
Arbute berries, and branches of herbe Ferula eaten.
Rootes of Spicknell taken abundantly.
Juyce of Worme-wood drunk.
Against the The drowsie or sleepy evil. Lethargy.
SEed of Agnus Castus layed to with vinegar, and oyle of roses.
Castorium dropped into the nostrils with vinegar and oyle of roses.
Boyled onions eaten.
Mustard layed to, the head first shaved.
Spondilium.Medow Parsnep used in perfume, or applyed on the head with oyle olive.
Sow-fennell layed to with vinegar, and oyle of roses.
To provoke sleepe.
ROote of Flower-de-luce of Illyria drunk.
In place of which the greater Galingall may be taken, saith Fuchsius.Amomum put upon the fore-head.
Bitter Almonds eaten.
Seed of Agnus Castus drunk.
Lettice eaten.
Aloes applyed alone, or with oyle of roses.
The sent of Plow-mans spikenard.
Seed of Aethiopian reed drunk.
Five or six heads of Red poppy growing in Corn. wild Poppy, boyled in three Cyathes of wine to the consumption of halfe, drunk.
Decoction of the heads or leaves of poppy drunk, or applyed.
Seed of Henbane drunk, or layed to.
Rinde of the roote of sleepy Night-shade, the weight of a dram taken in wine.
Decoction of Mandragore roote the measure of a Cyath, drunke with wine.
The smell of Mandragore apples.
Juyce of Mandragore used in the manner of a suppositary.
To cause horrible dreadfull Dreames.
BEanes eaten.
Lentils eaten.
Seed of Pycnocomon: Devils-bit, the weigh of a dram drunk.
Seed of great Convolvulus major. Bind-weed the weight of three oboles drunk, with as much Dorycnium. venemous Tree Tre-foile.
To cause Sneezing.
MVstard-seed bruised, and put to the nose.
The sent of sneezing-wort-flower.
The rootes of Sope-wort, bruised and put to the nose.
Powder of the roots of Ranunculus, called about London Butter-flower. Crow-foot, snuffed up the nose.
Spurge Laurell taken up the nose.
Powder of the roote of white Hellebore, snuffed up the nose.
Against Swimmings and giddinesse of the head. Vertiginosities.
SEed of Baulme drunk.
Sow-fennell layed to with vinegar, and oyle of roses.
The smell of Galbanum.
Briony roote the weight of a dram drunk every day a whole yeare.
The tender branches of Vitis nigra. black Briony boyled and eaten.
Squil wine drunk.
Squil vinegar drunk.
Against the Or dead Palsie. Apoplexie.
BRiony roote the weight of a dram, drunke every day a whole yeare.
Against the Falling-sicknesse.
Cardamomum.GRaines of Paradise drunke with water.
Caueamum.Gum-Lac drunke.
Baulme-seed drunk.
Perfume of Bitumen surnamed Naptha discovereth the Disease.
Seeds of the Aspe Tree taken in dry figgs eaten, vinegar.
The perfume of Ʋnguis odoratus.
Coagulum, that whereby milke is turned and brought into curds. Curd of a Hare drunk.
The outward skin of a Weesils cod; farced with Coriander, dryed and eaten.
The bloud of a Weesil drunk.
Liver of an Asse rosted, eaten fasting.
An Asses hoofe burned, drunk.
The Lichenes. bonie excrescence growing on the Cronet of a Horses hoofe bruised, and drunk in vinegar.
Stones found in the belly of the Swallowes first brood, tyed in a peece of Buck-skin, and worn about the neck
Whey drunk till it have loosed the belly.
Curd of a Sea-calfe drunk.
Gall of a Beare taken like an Electuary.
Gall of a Tortoise put in the nose.
Bloud of a Land Tortoise drunk.
Storkes dung drunk with water.
Plantain boyled with Lentils eaten.
Mustard-seed bruised and put to the nose.
Pepper long chewed.
Squil drunk.
Agarick the weight of a dram taken with A composition made of vinegar, hony, and water. Oxymel.
Root of Eryngium. Sea-holly drunke in water.
Seed of wild Rue drunk.
Roote and seed of mountaine Siler taken in drink.
Sow-fennel laid to the head with vinegar and oyle of roses.
It distils from a certain herbe in Media.Gum Sagapene drunk.
Benzom taken in hony and vinegar.
The smel of A fat clammie matter, a kinde of Cistus. Labdanum.
Gum Issuing from the Cyrenian ferula. Armoniacum taken with hony like an Electuary.
Seed and leaves of Trefoile drunk.
Flea-wort taken in vinegar.
Sea pimpernell after Gerrard.Small Anthyllis taken in Oxymel.
Bettony leaves taken in drink.
Or cinque foile.Five-leaved grasse taken in drinke the space of thirty dayes.
Seed of Spatling-poppie drunke in Aqua mulsa, water mingled with hony. honied water.
Black Hellebore drunk.
Juyce of Thought to be a kinde of Fullers Teasell. Hippophestus, the weight of three oboles drunk.
Briony the weight of a dram drunk every day for a yeare.
Branches of Vi [...]is Nigra. black Briony Boyled and eaten.
Hony mingled with vinegar.Honyed vinegar drunk.
Squil wine, or Squil vinegar drunk.
A stone cleare like glasse.The specular Stone powdered, and drunk.
Found in Eagles Nests.The Eagle Stone in powder, applyed with oyntment of privet, or Oyle comming before the Olives; be thorow prest.Gleucinum, or some other hot oyntment,
A kinde of Whetstone brought from Cyprus.Naxian Stone drunk.
Against the Frensie.
OYle of Saffron sprinkled on the head, put in the nose, or annointed.
Agnus Castus dropped into the nose with oyle of roses and vinegar.
Sparagus drunk in white wine, wild Time layed to with oyle of roses and vinegar.
Perfume of Spondilium. meddow Parsnep, or the herbe layed to the head with oyle.
Peucedanum.Sow-fennell applyed with oyle of roses and vinegar.
Against inflamations of the braine.
PArings of Gourds laid on the fore-part of the head.
Parings of Popon. Pompions layed on the fore part.
Leaves of Heliotropium. Turne foile, layed on the fore-head.
Vinegar applyed on the forehead.
Against Melancholly.
SEed of Basill drunk.
Black Hellebore drunk.
Bettony leaves drunk.
Epithymum,Dodder drunk.
To prevent Drunkennesse.
SAffron taken fasting in Sapa sod wine
Juyce of Pomegranats drunke.
Juyce of Mirtle-berries drunk.
Coleworts eaten after meales,
Wormewood eaten fasting,
Against Catharres and Rheumes discending from the head.
OYle of Flower-deluce put in the Nostrills.
Storax applyed, or the perfume of it.
Perfume of Bitumen.
Cinnamon taken in drinke.
Rootes of Spicknell bruised and taken with hony like an Electuary: especially when the rheumes oppresse the Stomach.
Filbirds rosted, and drunk with a little pepper.
Root of great Draggons rosted in embers, or boiled, eaten.
Gum Dragant taken with hony, like an electuary.
Hysope, figs, rue and hony boyled in water, the decoction drunk.
Helychri sum.Golden mothweed, the weight of three obols drunke in wine and water.
Henbane seed the weight of one obol, drunk with seed of poppy.
To fortifie the brain.
Agallochum.Wood of Aloes.
Against the Scurfe, and Vlcers flowing in the head.
FRankincense and Niter to rub the Ulcers.
Milk of garden and wild fig-tree, applyed with dry Barly steeped in water, dried by a fire and after fryed for phisicall uses. polenta.
Stale urine to wash the Ulcers.
Fenegreek applyed.
Cich pease applyed.
Mallows used as a poultis with mans urine.
Ashes of garlicke incorporated in hony and laid to.
Fomentation with the decoction of Cyclamen Sowbread.
Scalions applied with burned niter.
Melilot applyed with water and earth of Chio, or with wine and galls,
Bramble leaves laid to,
Rootes of Lillies burn'd and applyed with hony.
Maiden-haire boiled in lye
Sharpe brine rubbed on the Ulcers.
Simples serving for the Sinewes.
Against the Shrinking of the Sinewes. Spasme.
ILlyrian Flower deluce drunk in vinegar,
Decoction of sweet-cane drunke.
Graines of Paradise drunke in water.
Root of Squinanthum, camells hay. Squinanth, the weight of a dram, taken certaine dayes with the like weight of Pepper.
Costus taken in wine with wormwood.
Baulme taken in water.
Elicampane taken with hony as an Electuary.
Oyntment of Marjerome used as a poultis.
Oyntment of Galbanum applyed,
A Gum brought from Arabia and India. Bdelium applyed.
Juniper berries drunk.
Fruit of cedar eaten.
Root of Halimus sua Purslaine, the weight of a dram taken in honied water.
Ashes of fig-tree applyed with oyle.
Castorium laid to, and drunk.
Wild time drunk.
Roots of Dragons rosted in embers, or boyled, eaten with hony.
Asphodill rootes the weight of a dram drunk.
CapersFruite of the Caper bush drunke.
Rhyne of the Caper plant drunk.
ArgemoneBastard wild poppy, applyed as a poultis.
Agaricke the weight of three obols [Page 16]taken in honyed wine.
The best Rubarbe brought from Pontus.Rhaponticke taken in drink
Galbanum taken in pills.
Gentian root the weight of a dram drunk.
Round birth wort.Aristolochia rotunda drunk.
Root of Falsly put for the true Rhaponticke in shops. great Centuary drunk in wine.
Seed of white thistle drunk.
Roots of Cotton thistle. Acanthium drunk.
Seed of Suthernwood drunk in water.
Decoction of the root of Leucaeantha. Lady thistle in wine drunk.
Organie eaten with figs.
Rootes of Eryngium. Sea holly drunke with honied water.
Penniroyal drunke with water and vinegar.
Decoction of Calaminte drunk.
Roots of Baccharis Plowmans spiknard boiled in water, drunk.
Hercules Al heale applyed.
Rosemary roots applyed with meale of Darnel, as a poultis.
Peucedanum.Sow-fennel laid to with vinegar and oile of roses.
Clinopodium.Wild Basil taken in drink.
Decoction of Germander drunk.
Benzoin the weight of an obol taken in pils.
Gum Sagapenum.Serapinum drunk.
Galbanum taken in pils.
Bettony leaves a penny weight taken in honyed water.
Roots of stinking Spatula faetida. Gladen drunk in sod wine.
Comfry taken in honyed vinegar.
Flea-wort layed to.
Wild Time drunk, or applyed.
Decoction of Mullein drunk.
Briony eaten with hony as an electuary.
Squil wine drunk.
Germander wine drunk.
Wine of Tragotiganum. Goates organie.
Satirion rootes drunke in strong wine.
Coris.Bastard St-Johns-wort drunk.
Against the Palsie, and resolution of the Sinewes.
SOw-fennel layed to with vinegar and oyle of roses.
Bark of the Caper plant drunk, also the fruit.
Rootes of Madir drunk.
Coloquintida taken in a Glister.
The first shootes of black Briony boyled and eaten.
Squil wine drunk.
Against trembling of the Sinewes.
BRaines of Hares fryed and eaten.
Castorium drunk, and applyed.
Cole-worts eaten.
Decoction of marsh mallowes drunk.
Against Rheumes fallen upon the Sinewes.
VVHeaten meale, incorporated in juyce of Henbane, and applyed.
Barly meale incorporated in vinegar, and layed to.
Against Aches, and weaknesses of the Sinewes.
OYle Made of wild Cowcumber roots and juyce, and oyle. Sycionium applyed.
Oyle of Bayes applyed.
A sweet fat liquor issuing from the trunks of certaine trees in Sytia.Eleomelie applyed.
Oyle of privet.
Oyle comming before the Olives be thorow pressed applyed.
Oyle of Galbanum.
Oyle of great Marjerome.
Bdelium put in a poultis.
Lexive of the ashes of Fig-tree applyed with oyle.
Castorium drunk and applyed.
Hedge-hogs eaten.
Vipers flesh boyled and eaten.
Decoction of Poterium, called by Gallen Neuras. Burnet drunk.
Sow-fennel applyed with vinegar and oyle of roses.
The sap of Laserwort called Benzoin, there is another sort named, Asa foetida.Laser, the weight of an obol taken in pils.
Small centaury taken in drink.
Roots of Lillies rosted in embers, incorporated in hony and applyed.
Satirion root drunk in strong wine.
Roots of marsh mallowes alone, or boyled in wine, or in honied water, and used as a poultis.
Scarlet graine layed to with vinegar, is good for cut sinewes.
Leaves of Ground-sel applyed, is good for the same effect.
Daffodil roots is also profitable.
Juyce of Hyppophestus the weight of three obols taken.
Sea-water fomented.
Squil vinegar drunk.
Wine of Stichas. French Lavender drunk.
Wine of Time drunk. An oyley graine.
Sesaminum layed to.
For cut sinewes.
SNayles bruised and layed to.
Earth-wormes bruised and applyed.
Butter layed to.
Ground-sel leaves applyed as a poultis, with crums of Frankincense.
Leaves of small Dragons applyed.
Roots of Poterion Burnet bruised and applyed.
Lilly rootes incorporated in hony and layed to.
Scarlet graine layed to with vinegar.
Daffodil roots applyed.
To subtilize the Sinewes.
SEsaminum used as a poultis.
Ashes of Vine branches applied with hoggs lard, or oyle.
Simples serving for the Eyes.
To restraine falling of Haire from the Eye-lids.
FOmentation, with the decoction of spikenard.
The moisture that Snails cast being pricked with a needle, laid upon the Eye-lids.
The oylinesse of sheeps wool before it be washed layed to.
Gumme and milk of Chondrilla. Gum Succory applyed.
Bolearmonick layed to.
For sharpnesse of the Eyes, and Eye-lids.
BArke of the Frankincense Tree burned and layed to.
Soote of Burned of purpose in a close por. Pitch applyed.
Lysium.Juyce of Box thorne layed to.
Cutle bone powdered very small, and layed to.
Gall of a A little dark green Fish found in the Marsellian Sea Scorpeno, or sea Urchin applyed.
Gall of a sea Tortoise laid to.
Gall of a Partridge applyed.
Gall of an Eagle applyed.
A white Pullets gall applyed.
Gall of a Hinde, or wilde she Goate applyed.
Powder of Mustard-seed incorporated in hony, and layed to.
Verjuyce applyed.
Scailes of brasse applyed.
Rust of Iron applyed.
A naturall caustick and corrosive Minerall, somewhat resembling brasse, and is full of long & shining [...]eines. Chalcitis layed to.
Bloud-stone incorporated in hony,
Against the inflamations of the Eye-lids.
LEaves of great Marjerome layed to with polenta.
Pimpernel applyed with polenta.
Leaves of Palma Christi bruised, and applyed with polenta, like a poultis.
To make the Eye-lids thin.
AShes of Muskles washed as they wash lead, applyed.
Ashes of Ʋnguis odoratus applyed.
To heale the Itch of the Eye-lids.
IVyce of Qnions layed to with the same weight of The shavings of Ivory, or Hartshorn (is commonly used for it) burned. Spodium.
Aloes applyed.
Milke of Fig-tree layed to.
To take spots and blemishes out of the Eyes.
OPobalsamum layed to, Liquor of the Balsame tree. and dropped into the eyes.
Cancamum.Gum Lac dissolved in wine, applyed.
Myrrhe applyed.
Bitumen named Naptha applyed.
Ashes of Muskles washed, as they wash lead, applyed.
Ashes of Ʋnguis odoratus applyed on the eyes.
Ashes of Snailes shels incorporated in hony applyed.
Gall of a Scorpeno, or sea Hedgehogge dropped into the eyes.
The like may be done with the Galls of a sea Tortoise, of Partridge, of [Page 24]Eagle, of white Henne, or of wild she Goate.
Mansurine boyled in a Copper pot, applyed.
Milke of wild Lettice distilled into the eyes.
Juyce of Dragons applyed.
Juyce of Onions distilled into the eyes.
Ginger applyed.
Juyce of Chamaesyce. Spurge Time applyed with hony.
Leaves of Argemone. Bastard wild Poppy applyed.
Gum Armoniack applyed.
Clary layed to with hony. Orminum
Juyce of Melilot applyed with hony.
Salt applyed.
A brackish foam or [...]m flo [...]ting [...] Lakes Flos salis applyed.
Saphire stone applyed.
Scailes of brasse applyed.
To take skarres out of the eyes.
GUm Lac dissolved in wine, droped into the eye.
Myrrhe applyed.
Bitumen named Naptha applyed.
Rosin of Cedar layed to.
Ashes of Snailes applyed with hony.
Mans urine boyled in a Copper pot, distilled into the eyes.
Oyle of Fenegreeke, applyed with oyle of Mirtle.
Gum sapagene applyed. Serapinum.
Juyce of Chamaesyce. Spurge Time applyed with hony.
Verdigrease applyed.
Wine lees burned applyed.
Powder of Corral put thereon.
Bloud-stone layed thereon.
Saphire applyed.
Snayles burned in their shels, applyed with hony.
Against dimnesse and darknesse of Sight.
IVyce of sweet Cane dropped into the eyes.
Cinamon incorporated in other ocular Medicines, for to lay to the eyes.
Cinamon of the Antients.Cinnamomum put in the eyes.
Gum of Cherry-tree put into the eyes.
Infusion of The seed of an herb growing in Aegypt, much like the seed of Tamarisk. Acacalis put in medicines [Page 26]prescribed to quicken the sight.
Juyce of Or of sloes. Acasia washed, and dropped into the eyes.
Three Pomegranat-flowers (how little soever they be) eaten, preserve one a whole yeare from blear-eyednesse.
Frankincense put in the eye.
Crocomagna.Oyntment or dreggs of oyle of saffron applyed.
Small shavings of Ebonie, infused in good wine, and applyed as a Any liquid medicine. Collyrie.
Juyce of Box-thorne put upon the eye.
Rosin of Cedar applyed.
Plum-tree Gum applyed.
Vipers flesh boyled and eaten.
Swallowes eaten.
Ashes of burned swallowes put in Collyries.
Fish-grease applyed.
Juyce of Fennel dropped into the eyes.
The galls of a Scorpeno, or Hedgehogge of the sea, of Partridge, of Eagle, of white Hen, or of wild she Goat, distilled into the eyes.
Mans urine boyled in a Copper vessel, used as aforesaid.
Milk of wild Lettice used as before.
Juyce of the root of great Dragons.
Juyce of Onion dropped into the eyes.
Juyce of Melilot.
Juyce of Celandine boyled with hony in a copper vessel, applied.
Juyce of Othoma. Chelidony dropped into the eyes.
Juyce of small Centaury.
Rue eaten frequently,
Verjuyce distilled into the eyes.
Hercules All-heale applyed.
Juyce of the roots and leaves of Rosemary dropped into the eyes.
Benzoin applyed with hony.
Juyce of Baulme distilled into the eyes with hony.
Juyce of Hore-hound applyed with hony.
Powder of Pumise-stone put into the eyes.
Flos salis put into the eyes.
Wine-lees burned, put into the eyes.
A minerall that smels like Brimstone the best is pure white like silver.Marchasite-stone put on the eyes,
The stone A greenish stone which steeped in liquor yeelds a white humour. Thyites put on the eye.
The stone A round stone of the colour of rusty Iron, containing within it a yellowish earth. Geodes applyed.
The Saphire stone applyed.
To take a Web out of the Eye.
POwder of Cutle-bone applyed.
Liquoris powder put in the eye.
For hurts and fresh wounds of the Eyes.
VVOmans milke dropped into them with Frankinsence.
Bloud of Ring-doves, of Pidgeons, of Turtle-doves, or of Partridges applyed.
Leaves of Thought of some to be scabious. Stoebe applyed as a Poultis.
Bloud-stone put into the eyes with milke.
For Ʋlcers of the Eyes.
SOote of Burned of purpose in a close pot. Frankinsence, or of Turpentine, or of Butter applyed.
Barke of the frankincense Tree.
Myrrhe cast in the eye.
Ashes of Harts-horne well washed, applyed.
Liniment of Fine Wheat-flower steeped in water, then streined, & let stand till it settle at the bottome, then drained off the water and dryed in the Sun. Amylum, especially when the ulcers are hollow.
Antimonie put in the eye.
The stones Called the milkstone. Galactitus, A whitish stone found among the Samien earth. Samius, also the Saphire distilled into the eyes with milke.
Against Erosions happening in the corners of the Eyes.
FAt or oylinesse of new shorne unwashed wool applied.
Verjuyce dropped into the eye.
Against Fistulaes, and hollow ulcers of the Eyes.
OLd Walnuts bruised and layed to.
Decoction of Mirtle dropped into the eyes.
Raw mallowes chewed, and applyed with a little salt.
Plantaine applyed as a Poultis.
The second kinde of Mouse eare. Auricula muris applyed.
Leaves of Plow-mans Spikenard applyed as a Poultis, at the beginning of the malady.
Cammomel applyed.
Leaves of Garden Nightshade. Morel chopped small applyed; or the juyce layed to with the reddest of a Hens dung.
Haver grasse applied.
Oenanthe.Flowers of wild (Grape-bearing) Vine applied.
Alexandrian Tutie, or A certain yellow minerall substance. Calamine applied.
Scailes of brasse applied.
Powder of Antimonie put into the Fistula.
To retire the eyes standing too farre forth of the head, and to take away spots, or buds that grow in the eyes.
BEane meale incorporated in white of Egges, with roses and frankincense, applied as a Poultis.
Bramble leaves bruised and applied.
Saphire stone applied.
Against Inflamations of the eyes.
AMomum layed to with dry Grapes.
Soote of Frankincense, or of Pitch, applied as a Any thin pyntment. Liniment.
Cyprus apples layed to with Polenta.
Mirtil-berries applyed with Polenta.
Quince-flowers used as a poultis.
Cheese applied.
Sugar distilled into the eyes.
Sesaminum boyled in wine applied.
Purslaine layed to with polenta.
Endive applied alone, or with dry polenta.
Parings of Gourds applied.
Roots of Anemone. Wind-flower applied.
Mouse-eare, applied with polenta like a poultis.
Juyce of Gentian applied.
Sothern-wood boyled with Quinces, or with bread, used as a poultis.
Melilot put in poultisses, prescribed for inflammations.
Leaves of Plow-mans spikenard applyed.
Leaves of Housleeke applied.
Parsley applied with bread, or polenta.
Flowers of the Raspis-bush applied with hony.
Leaves of Burnet applyed with polenta.
Juyce of Poppie incorporated in the yolke of an egge, then rosted in embers, and layed to in saffron.
Seed and leaves of Henbane applied with meale, or polenta.
Fresh leaves of Mandragore applied with polenta. [Page 32]Leaves of Mullein, which beareth yellow flowers layed to.
After Articus.Starre-wort applied.
Sweet Violet leaves applyed.
Leaves of Palma Christi applied with Polenta.
For paines of the Eyes.
YOlke of an Egge rosted in embers, applyed with oyle of roses, and oyle of saffron.
Sesaminum boyled in wine applied.
Juyce of Basill dropped into the eyes.
Wormwood boyled in sod wine, applied.
Rue used as a Poultis with Polenta.
Root of Aconitum, surnamed Pardalianchus put in medicaments prescribed for the eyes.
For persons which are pur-blinde.
GRavie dropping from the Liver of a he, or she Goat, rosted.
Liver of a Wild she Goat, rosted, eaten.
Gall of a wild she Goat applied.
Bloud of Stock-doves, of Pidgeons, [Page 33]of Turtle Doves, or of Partridges applied.
Against the Pinne, or Web in the Eyes.
GAll of a Scorpeno applied on the eyes.
Galen approveth not this remedy.Vipers grease incorporated in rosin of Cedar.
Pure hony and old oyle.
Galls of Sea Tortoises, of Partridges, of Eagles, of white Hens, or of wild she Goats applied.
Beane meale kneaded in wine, applied.
Juyce of Onions dropped into the eyes.
Juyce of Sow-bread used as aforesaid.
Gum Sagapene applyed.
Gum Euphorbium applyed with Annise.
Against weaknesse of sight.
GUm-Lac dissolved in wine, distilled into the eyes.
Pilulae.Little balles found upon Poplartrees when they first begin to bud, bruised and applyed with hony.
Gall of a Scorpeno applyed.
Cole-worts eaten.
Mustard applyed with hony.
Time eaten.
Juyce of Pimpernel taken up at the nose.
Summer savoury eaten with meate.
Worm-wood applyed with hony.
Juyce of Rue boyled in a Pomegranate shel, adding thereto juyce of fennel, and hony, dropped into the eyes.
Juyce of wild Rue distilled into the eye with wine, hony, chickens dung, and juyce of fennel.
Juyce of sleepy Night-shade applyed.
Flos salis applyed.
Against Catarres and Rhumes of the eyes.
SAffron applied with womans milk.
Frankincense applyed with the yolk or white of an egge.
Soote of frankincense applied.
Soote of pitch applied.
The tenderest leaves of Erroniously called, Sycamore. great Maple boyled in wine, applyed.
Shavings of Ebonie, powdered smal [Page 35]applied.
Juyce of the leaves of wild Olivetree distilled into the eyes.
Harts-horne burned, washed, and applyed.
Soote of butter layed to.
Amylum applyed.
Tutie washed and applyed.
Beanes husked, chewed, and layed upon the fore-head.
Two drams of the seed of Water-basill, incorporated in foure drams of hony, applyed as a liniment.
Leaves of Burnet applyed with Polenta.
Scailes of brasse washed, and put in the eye.
Lead washed, applied.
The stones Galactites, A stone wherewith Linnen Drapers use to whiten their cloth Morochthus, and Samius, put in the eye with milke.
Colature of Henbane-seed applied.
A bitter persian Gum.Sarcocall a distilled into the eye.
Allome applyed.
Powder of Corrall applyed.
Powder of Pumeisestone applyed.
Powder of Bloud-stone.
Against Blear-eyednesse.
PUrslaine and the juyce applied.
Juyce of Plantaine dropped into the eyes.
Leaves of Housleeke applyed.
Powder of Chalcitis, but not without good advise.
Ashes of Sponges applyed, especially when the disease is dry.
Bloud-stone bruised, and applyed with milke.
Against dazeling of the Eyes.
POwder of Germander sprinkled on the eyes, or applyed with oyle.
Juyce of Melilot applyed with hony.
Black Hellebore put in Collyries prescribed for the eyes.
Verdigrease put in the eyes.
Simples serving for the Eares.
Against paines of the Eares.
JUyce of Bay-berries incorporated in old Wine, and oyle of roses.
Juyce of Popler leaves, both this and the former must be dropped into the eares.
Labdanum applyed with wine.
Decoction of dry roses, boyled in wine, distilled into the eares.
Juyce of the leaves and barke of willow boyled with oyle of roses, in a Pomegranate shell, to annoynt the eares.
Juyce of sowre Pomegranats boyled with hony, dropped into the eares.
The hardned juyce of Poppy hea [...]s.Opium applied with oyle of Almonds, myrrhe, and saffron.
Serpents skin boyled in wine dropped into the eares.
Woodlice chopped small, and boyled in oyle of roses in a pomegranate shel, distilled into the eares.
The grease of a Foxes Lungs distilled into the eares.
Greene mineral Chalke boyled in Goose-grease dropped into the eares. Grease of a Goose, or of a Fox, or of Hens, dropped into the eares.
Urine of a Bull, or of a wild Bore, boyled with myrrhe used as aforesaid.
Hony distilled into the eares with minerall salt.
Seed of Sesaminum put in the eares with oyle of roses.
Juyce of Beets used as aforesaid.
Juyce of Plantaine distilled into the eares when the peccant matter is hot.
Juyce of the parings of Gourds distilled into the eares with oyle of roses.
Juyce of great and small Dragons dropped into the eares.
Juyce of Leekes distilled with frankincense, vinegar, and milk.
Juyce or decoction of mustard.
Juyce of Ivie, and of the berries.
Wormwood perfumed, or applied with hony.
Juyce of greene Organie distilled with milk.
Juyce of Mint dropped into the eares.
Juyce of Melilot distilled with sod wine.
Juyce of Rue boyled in a Pomegranate shel.
Juyce of Sow-fennel, dropped into the eares with oyle of roses.
Juyce of A small kinde of Burre. Goose-grease.
Juyce of Hore-hound distilled into the eares with oyle of roses.
Juyce of Hemp.
Juyce of Knot-grasse.
Juyce of wall Pellitory.
Juyce of water Basill distilled with Brimstone and Niter.
Colature of Henbane-seed distilled into the eares.
Juyce of Morell.
Juyce of Pimpernel.
Juyce of the leaves of wild Cowcumbers.
Salt dropped into the eares with vinegar.
Against interiour inflammations of the eares.
SAffron put in the eares.
Sesamininum put in the eares with oyle of roses.
Against Impostumes and swellings which grow behind the eares.
NEw shorne unwashed Wooll applied.
Dung of Goates nourished upon mountaines boyled in wine, or in vinegar applied.
Lin-seed bruised, reduced to a Poultis.
Beane meale applied with hony and fenegreeke.
Herbe patience boyled and applied.
Plantaine applied as a plaister.
Seed of Erysimum Banke Cresses bruised, boyled, and applied.
Perfume of Hisope, also a poultis of the same.
Misseltoe incorporated in the same weight of wax and rosin applied.
Marsh Mallowes boyled, and reduced to a liniment.
Psyllium.Fleawort applied with oyle of roses, water, or vinegar.
Leaves of Morell applied with salt.
Galiopsis.Hedge-nettle applied with vinegar.
Cimolian earth applied.
For eares full of ordure and filth.
MYrrhe incorporated in Opium.
Castorium, and The juyce of an Herb growing in Syria. Glaucium put in the eares.
Frankincense distilled into the eares with sweet wine.
Rosin of the Larch-tree, of the Pitch-tree, of the Firre-tree, or Turpentine put in the eares, with hony, and oyle of olives.
Lycium.Juyce of Box-thorne dropped into the eares.
Decoction of Sumack.
Juyce of mirtill-berries.
Juyce of wild Olive-tree leaves, dropped into the eares with wine.
Gall of a Bull distilled into the eares with milke of a Woman, or of a Goate.
Urine distilled into the eares.
Umbilicus veneris. Wal penniwort.Ladies Navell distilled into the ears with Deers marrow.
Juyce of Asphodil roots alone, or with Frankincense, hony, wine, and myrrhe.
Juyce of Onyons.
Wormwood applied with hony.
Annise distilled into the ears with oile of roses.
Juyce of the flowers of meddow Parsenep dropped into the ears.
Juyce of Knot-grasse.
Decoction of Stoebe.
Juyce of Flea-wort,
Verjuyce distilled with hony.
Allome incorporated in juyce of CoronopusBuckes horne, dropped into the eares.
Flos salis put in the ears.
For eares that are bruised or crushed.
SCalions applyed with dry Polonta.
Brimstone applyed with wine, and hony.
For Vlcers of the eares.
NEw shorne unwashed wool applyed.
Gal of a Hog distilled into the ears.
Against deafnesse of the eares.
DEcoction of Asphodil roots dropped into the eares with oile.
Juyce of Onyons dropped into the eares.
Black Hellebore put in the eares, not removing it for three days.
Juyce of Briony distilled with hony.
The whitest kinde of verdigrease put into the ears through a Tunnel.
The smoak or steam.Perfume of Brimstone, put into the ear by a Tunnell.
Against ticklings and noise of the ears.
ROsin of Cedar put into the ears.
Juyce of Ivy berries distilled with old wine and oile of roses.
Dry figs bruised and incorporated in Mustard seed, with some liquor, and put into the ears.
Buls gall dropped into the ears.
Hony applied with mineral salt brused small.
Juyce of Leeks distilled into the ears with Frankincense, vinegar, and milk.
Juyce of Onyons dropped into the ears.
Mustard bruised and put into the ears with figs.
Perfume of boyling vinegar, put into the ears through a Tunnell.
Against worms in the Eares.
ROsin of Cedar distilled with vinegar.
Mans Urine boiled in a Pomegranat shell, distilled into the ears.
Juice of the roots of the Caper bush, dropped into the ears.
Juice of Calaminte.
Juice of Fleawort.
Vinegar dropped into the ears.
Simples serving for the Nose.
To staunch the bleeding at the Nose.
POwder of Frankincense cast into the nostrils.
Snailes bruised with their shels and applied.
Juice of Leekseed dropped into the nostrils with powder of Frankincense.
Rue bruised, applied,
Leaves of Nettles applied with the juice.
Cummin applied with vinegar.
Pith of Fennel-giant put in the nostrils.
LysimachisYellow Willow herbe put in the nostrils.
Juice of Clymenum water Bettony dropped into the nostrils.
Flowers of stinking dead Netle put in the nostrils.
Juice of Shavegrasse dropped into the nostrils.
Vinegar drunk, and put in the nostrils.
Nose bleed yarrow applied.
Chalcitis distilled with Juice of Leeks.
To cause one to bleed.
DEcoction of the root of Crocodilium. Chamelaeon thistle drunk.
Against Pimples of the Nose, and Noli me tangere.
CYprus apples bruised with figs and applied.
Roots of great Dragons applied.
Benzoin applied with vitriol, or verdigrease, and filed plates of brasse, resolved in vinegar: but first cut the pimples with sizzars.
Verdigrease applied.
Sandaracha, red Arsenick.Red Orpine applied with oile of roses.
Against Cankers and Ʋlcers of the Nose.
ROOt of great Dragons applied, Juice of Ivie dropped on them.
Best red Arsenicke applied with oile of roses.
Against stench of the Nose.
JUice of Ivie dropped into the Nose.
Against dropping and distillations of the Nose.
SEed of Gith bruised, and bound up in a cloth, to smel often.
To purge the Humors of the Braine by the Nose.
IUice of Onyons put in the nostrils.
Juice of both kind of Organie put in the nostrils with oyle of flower-deluce.
Juice of Sowbread dropped into the nose.
To provoke sneesing.
BEaver stones put in the nose.
Seed of Basill, or the juice put in the nose.
Mustard seed, bruised, snuffed up the nose.
Root of Ranunculus Butter flower. Crow-foot, dryed powdered [Page 48]and snuffed up the nose.
Flowers of sneesing-wort snuffed up the nose.
Root of sope-wort put in the nose.
Powder of white Hellebore.
Simples serving for the Mouth and Tongue.
Against Cancers and corrosive Ʋlcers.
POwder of Gallingal roots put in the mouth.
Decoction of Aspalathus an aromatical wood used by perfumers. rosewood, boiled in wine, held in the mouth, with which also the mouth may be washed against maligne ulcers.
Acacia put in the mouth.
Juice of Plantain held in the mouth.
Wash the mouth with the decoction of Capers boiled in vinegar.
Juyce of Liquorice held in the mouth.
Juyce of Organy held in the mouth.
Sweet Violets applyed with hony.
SerapiasFinger Orchis applyed.
Cammomil chewed.
Juyce of Bistorta Britanica. Snake-weed held in the mouth.
Juice of Tribulus. Caltraps taken with hony, like an electuary.
Decoction of Bramble held in the mouth.
The mouth washed with the decoction of Cinkefoile roots.
Wash the mouth with the second kind of verveine and wine.
Staphis acre applyed with hony.
Flowers of Wilde (grape bearing) vine. Labruske in powder, sprinkled upon the ulcers.
Allome applyed with hony,
Burned salt applied with Polenta.
To sweeten the Breath.
MAstick chewed.
Myrrhe chewed.
Citrons chewed.
Anise chewed.
Wild Oates boiled with roses held in the mouth,
For sharpenesse of the Tongue.
THe tongue rubbed with Minte.
Seed of Sumacke and hony used as aforesaid.
Simples serving for the Teeth.
To make the Teeth clean.
POwder of purple fish shel, of the Calamary fish shel, of Muskle shel, of unguis odoratus, and of Snailes shell, used in dentrifices.
Cutlebone, and Harts horn used to rub the teeth.
Decoction of Plantain root to wash the teeth.
Rub the teeth with round Aristolochia.
The fifth kind of A kind of seafoam indurate called also Spuma maris. Halcyonium, the pumeise stone, the A white stone, clear & transparent like glasse, for which (as some say) it was formerly used Arabian stone, [Page 51]and the stone Samius used in dentrifices.
For the Tooth ach.
THe teeth often washed in the decoction of the leaves of pine tree, or of pitch tree.
Rosin of Cedar put in the hollow of the tooth.
Bark of Sycamore boyled in vinegar, wash the mouth in the said decoction.
Wash the mouth in the decoction of Tamarisk boyled in wine.
Lees of oyle boyled in a Copper vessell till it be thick like hony, to wash the mouth therein, with vinegar, wine, or honied wine.
The mouth washed with the decoction of the bark of Mulberry-tree.
Milk of Figge-tree put in the hollow of the tooth with wool.
The mouth washed in the decoction of Serpents skin boyled in vinegar.
The indented prick of the Forke-fish applyed upon the tooth.
The mouth washed in the decoction of Frogs boyled in water and vinegar.
Liver of a Lizard put into the hollow of the tooth.
Earth-worms boyled in oyle, distilled into the opposite ear, on the other side of the diseased tooth.
The mouth washed in the decoction of Sorrell.
Decoction of Sparagus roots held in the mouth.
Juyce of Asphodill roots dropped into the ear, opposite to the affected tooth.
Decoction of heart of Pine, of Garlick, and of frankincense held in the mouth.
Decoction of the root of Called also, Rest barrow. Cammock boyled in water and vinegar, to wash the mouth therein.
Lotion of the mouth, with the decoction of the seed of Capers.
Also the bark of the Caper bush, and the root chewed, is good for the same.
Roots of Lepiddium, Pepper-wort. Dittander hanged about the neck, after the opinion of some.
Roots of Crowfoot applied.
Juyce of Anagallis. Pimpernell, distilled into the opposite ear.
Five kernels of Ivie-berries, boyled in oyle of roses, in a pomgrana te-shel, dropped into the ear, on the other side of the diseased tooth.
Decoction of black Chameleon-thistle held in the mouth.
The mouth washed in the decoction of Bedeguar Spina alba. white Thistle.
Root of our Lady-thistle chewed.
The The steam or vapour. perfume of boyling Wormwood taken at the mouth.
Decoction of Hisope boyled in vinegar held in the mouth.
Hercules All-heale put in the hollow of the affected tooth.
Decoction of Pellitory of Spaine boyled in vinegar held in the mouth.
Juyce of Sow-fennel put in the hollow of the grieved tooth.
Decoction of Gith, boyled in vinegar, with heart of pine, held in the mouth.
Benzoin put in the hollow of the tooth.
Galbanum applyed, and put in the hollow of the tooth.
The mouth washed with the decoction of Baulme.
Decoction of marsh Mallowes boyled in vinegar, held in the mouth.
Decoction of Bettony boyled in wine, or in vinegar.
Periwincle chewed.
Roots of Polemonia, white Ben. Spatling-poppy chewed.
Decoction of Cink-foyle root held in the mouth.
The mouth washed with the decoction of Henbane-roots, boyled in vinegar.
Decoction of sleepy Night-shade held in the mouth.
The mouth washed in the decoction of the roots of Colacum Eph emerum, having dark red roots. wild-meddow saffron.
Lotion of the mouth with decoction of mullein.
Decoction of Cloteburre. Arction boyled in wine held in the mouth.
Decoction of wild Cowcumbers held in the mouth.
Lotion of the mouth, with the decoction of Coloquintida.
Decoction of Staphis acre boyled in vinegar, held in the mouth.
Milk of Spurge, named Caracias, put in the hollow of the tooth, defending [Page 55]it with wax, least the milk fall down into the throat.
Lotion of the mouth with hot vinegar.
A mettall like to Melanteria, but thinner and more spungie.Sory put into the hollow of the diseased tooth.
To cause viciate teeth to fall out.
ROsin of Cedar put into the hollow of the tooth.
Lees of oyle boyled with verjuce till it be thick like hony, applyed on the tooth.
The indented prick found in the taile of the Fork-fish, put in the hollow of the tooth.
Roots of Crow-foot put in the hollow of the tooth.
Roots of black Chameleon-thistle, put in the hollow of the tooth.
To fasten loose teeth.
DEcoction of Mastick-tree held in the mouth.
The mouth washed in the pickle of Olives.
Oyle of wild Olives held in the mouth.
The mouth washed with the decoction of Sory.
Allome dissolved in vinegar, and hony, applied.
For teeth set on edge.
PUrslaine chewed.
To stay watering of the Gums.
POwder of Galingall applyed.
The expression of dry roses boyled in wine, put in Lotions for the mouth.
Pickle of Olives held in the mouth.
Oyle of wild Olives held in the mouth.
Galls applyed in any sort.
Pomegranate-flowers infused in their decoction to wash the mouth.
Decoction of Plum-tree leaves, held in the mouth.
The mouth washed with Asses milk.
Dry Peni-royall burned, reduced to powder, and applied.
Decoction of Bramble held in the mouth.
The mouth washed in the decoction [Page 57]on of Staphis acre.
Verjuyce applyed with hony.
The mouth washed with vinegar.
Rust of Iron applyed.
Allome applyed in any sort.
Burned salt applyed with dry polenta.
Powder of Alablaster, or of A black hard minerall substance, wherewith Ironworke is polished, and precious stones and glasse cut. Emerie applied.
For rotten putrified Gums.
GUm Lac applied, is a singular remedy.
Box-thorn bruised, applyed.
Juyce of Plantaine held in the mouth.
Liniment of Aloes, made with wine, or hony.
Land or water Caltraps, applied with hony.
Ashes of the flower of Labrusk, applied with hony.
The mouth washed with vinegar.
Powder of Chalcitis, or of Allome, or of Pumeise-stone, or of Verdigrease applyed.
Simples serving for the Neck and Throat.
Against the Squinancie.
TArre applied.
Wine of Mulberries boyled in a Copper vessell, and re-boyled in the Sunne, applyed with a little hony.
Wood-lice applied with hony.
Ashes of burned Swallowes, applied as a poultis with hony.
Gall of a Bul applied with hony.
Gall of a Tortoise applied.
Vinegar gargalized.
Hony gargalized.
Juyce of Onions applyed.
Pepper applyed with hony.
Wormwood applied with hony and niter.
Seed of Radish gargalized with vinegar, mingled with hony.
Decoction of Hisope boyled with Figs, gargalized.
Swallows salted and dryed, the weight of a dram taken with water.
Benzoin gargalized with honied water.
Sweet Violets boyled in water drunk.
Juyce of wild Cowcumbers applied with hony, old oyle, or the Gall of a Bull; This is an excellent remedy.
Liniment made of salt, hony, oyle, and vinegar.
Spartium. Spanish Broome steeped in water, then the juyce pressed out, and the weight of an obol is to be drunk.
For inflamation of the jawes.
AShes of burned Swallows applied as a Poultis with hony.
Milk gargalized.
Frogs boyled in oyle, reduced to a liniment, to annoynt Apostumes of the Neck, of the nape of the neck, or Chine.
Hony applyed.
Juyce of green Organy gargalized.
Juyce of wall Pellitory gargalized, [Page 60]and applyed without.
Juyce of both sorts of Nettles gargalized.
Powder of Chalcitis applyed.
Allome applyed.
Burned Salt applyed with hony:
Vinegar gargalized.
Aloes applyed with hony, or wine.
Juyce of Britannica. Snake-weed applyed.
Caltraps applyed with hony.
Juyce of Bramble-berries gargalized.
Decoction of dry Figs gargalized.
To put up and fasten the The palate of the mouth. Ʋvula.
BEnzoin applied with hony.
Decoction of Plum-tree leaves, boyled in wine gargalized.
Verjuyce applyed.
Vinegar gargalized.
Verdigrease in very small powder applyed.
Against Rheumes of the throat.
DEcoction of Poppy-heads, reduced in forme of a A medicine more liquid then an Electuary. Lohoch with hony, this composition must be often taken.
Bdelium dissolved with fasting spittle, applied.
Female Verveine gargalized with wine.
Verjuyce applyed.
Verdigrease powdered very small and applyed.
Allome applyed.
Vinegar gargalized.
Against sharpnesse of the Throat, and passage to the Lungs.
MYrrhe resolved under the tongue.
Barly water gargalized. Amilum reduced to the forme of an Electuary.
Juyce of Mustard gargalized.
Juyce of Lichorice dissolved under the tongue.
Gum Dragant taken with hony as an Electuary.
Benzoin dissolved in water, taken as Lohoch.
Symphitum petreum.Wall-wort chewed.
Decoction of Cinkfoile-roots gargalized.
Aethiopis:Aethiopian mullein taken with hony, as an Electuary.
Milk gargalized.
Juyce of Lycium. Box-thorn bruised, and taken as a Lohoch.
Simples serving for the Breasts and Lungs.
For those which spit, and vomite Bloud.
REere Eggs supped.
Ashes of Harts-horne washed, and drunk with Gum Dragant.
Climenum.Water Bettony drunk Juyce of wild Time the weight of two drams drunk in vinegar.
Dung of a wild she Goat mingled with wine, or water, drunk.
Wheat meale boyled very thicke, taken as an Electuary,
Amilum drunk.
Green pitch of Herb Ferula drunk.
Purslaine well boyled eaten.
Plantaine taken in any sort whatsoever, [Page 63]or the juyce.
Seed of Plantaine drunk.
Leek-seed drunk with the like weight of Mirtill-berries.
Agarick the weight of three obols drunk in honied water.
Rhapontick drunk, as before.
Juyce of Willow Herb drunk, and applyed.
Roots of great Centaury drunk.
Roots of white thistle drunk.
Roots of Arabian thistle drunk.
Aloes the weight of six scruples, taken in fresh water, or in whey.
Juyce of Knot-grasse drunk.
Pills of the juyce of Sage taken with hony.
Wall wort taken with water.
Juyce of Mint taken with vinegar.
Decoction of marsh mallows drunk.
Bettony leaves the weight of three obols taken in wine and water.
Roots of Comfry drunk.
Achillea, noble yarrow.Achilles yarrow drunk.
Ten graines of Tragos. Sea Grape drunk in wine.
Roots of Burre dock drunke with Pine-apples.
Seed of Isopyrum. Columbine drunk.
Mayden-haire drunk.
Juyce of Vine leaves drunk.
Flowers of Labrusk drunk.
Verjuyce drunk moderately.
Powder of Corrall drunk.
Powder of the Bloud-stone, or of the stone Morochthus, or of Samian earth, drunk with the juyce of Pomegranats.
For the Tisick.
PIstachoes, or Pine-apple kernels eaten alone, or with hony.
Turpentine alone, or taken with hony like an Electuary.
Tarre the measure of a Cyath, taken as an Electuary.
Juniper-berries drunk.
Bay-berries bruised, and taken with hony, or sod wine.
Decoction of dry Figs boyled with Hisope drunk.
Boyled river Crabs eaten with their broth.
Womans milk sucked from the Duggs.
Broth of all fat things good to eate.
Plantaine drunk.
Leekes boyled with hony.
Agarick the weight of a dram taken in sod wine.
Roots of banck Ursine drunk.
Leaves of Hore-hound, or the juyce drunk.
Bettony leaves taken with hony.
Myrrhis.Sweet Chervill taken in broth.
The saltish mold. or boare that groweth on that Stone.Flower of the Asian-stone taken as a Lohoch.
For Apostumes of the Lungs,
SEed of the second kinde of Sowbread drunk the space of forty dayes.
The persume of Colts-foot taken at the mouth, breaketh all Apostumes in the body.
For difficulty and shortnesse of breath.
BAy-berries bruised, and taken with hony, or sod wine.
Decoction of dry Figs with Hisope, drunk.
Decoction of old Cocks supped.
Hisope wine drunk.
Plantaine boyled with Lentils, eaten.
Rhapontick drunk.
Honied water drunk.
Round Aristolochia drunk.
Roots of great Centaury drunk.
Decoction of Hisope, Figgs, Hony, and Rue, boyled in water drunk.
Decoction of Stichas. French Lavender boyled in water drunk.
Penniroyall drunk with hony and Aloes.
Squill reduced to an Electuary, the weight of three obols taken.
Decoction of Time boyled in hony, drunk.
Summer Savoury taken as aforesaid.
Decoction of the roots of Plowmans Spikenard drunk.
Rue drunk.
Juyce of Sow-fennell supped in a reere egge.
Gith taken in wine.
Galbanum taken in pills.
Decoction of Hore-hound, or the juyce drunk.
Fever-few taken with Matricaria. Oximel.
Leaves of Anagyris. Beane Trifoly drunk in sod wine.
Seed of Matrifilva. Woodbine drunk with wine.
Decoction of Maiden-haire drunk.
Polytrichum.Black Maiden-haire drunk.
Juyce of wild Cowcumbers is a very good remedy for a short breath.
Juyce of stinking deadly Thapsia. Carrot drunk.
Briony taken with hony as an Electuary.
Red Arsenick taken in pills.
Brimstone used in perfume, or taken in a reere egge.
Agarick the weight of a dram taken.
Gum Lac drunk in water, or in honied wine.
Against a Cough.
ILlyrian Flower-deluce eaten.
Graines of Paradice drunk in water.
Cinamon eaten or drunk.
Perfume of sweet Cane alone, or with Turpentine.
An Electuary made of Elicampane and hony.
Myrrhe the bignesse of a beane taken.
Storax or Bdellium taken in the manner of an Electuary.
Mastick drunk.
Juniper berries drunk.
Cedar berries eaten.
Seed of Paliurus. Christs thorn drunk.
Labdanum mingled in medicines or implaisters.
Gum of Cherry-tree drunk in wine and water.
Bitter Almonds, reduced to an Electuary, with hony and milk.
Gum of bitter Almonds drunk in wine and water.
Filbeards drunk with honyed water.
Dry figs eaten.
Decoction of Germander drunk.
ScordiumWater Germander drunk,
Perfume of Colts foot taken at the mouth:
Perfume of virgins waxe.
Hony eaten.
The decoction of wheat meal, taken as an Electuary, with Mint and butter.
Decoction of Oatemeal eaten.
Linseed taken with hony and pepper.
Beanes eaten.
Boiled Raddish eaten, especially when the Cough is old.
Roots of great Dragons, rosted in the embers, or boiled, eaten.
Asphodill roots the weight of three drams drunk,
Boiled Garlick eaten, is good against old Coughs.
Seed of Erysimum Banke Cresses, taken with hony as an Electuary.
An Electuary of pepper.
An Electuary of Squill, and of hony, when the Cough is inveterate.
Root of great Centaury drunk, when the disease is old.
Electuary of Gum Dragant, and Hony,
Decoction of Hysope, boiled in water, with hony, figs and rue, drunk
French Lavender prepared as the Hisope.
Electuary of Organy and hony.
Tragoriganum.Goates Organy prepared in the same sort.
Decoction of the roots of plowmans spikenard, drunk, when the Cough is of long continuance.
All-heal drunk in sweet wine.
Seed and roots of seselios of Marseilles, drunk.
Roots of Candy Alexanders eaten.
Seed of Daueus. Yellow Carrot drunk, when the Cough is inveterate.
Juice of Sow-fennell taken in a reer egge,
Benzoin taken in the same sort,
Decoction of Horehound, or the Juice, drunk.
Galbanum taken in Pills when the disease is old.
Gum Sagapene eaten, when the Cough lasteth long.
Juice of He xine parietaria Wall Pellitory, the weight of a cyath taken, when the Cough is old.
The hearb and root called Horse-tail drunk.
Decoction of Rushes drunk.
Poppy-heads boiled in water, to the consumption of one half, then add hony sufficient to make it into an Electuary,
Henbane seed drunk.
Decoction of Mullein drunk, when the Cough is inveterat.
Root of Cacalia. mountain horse-foot steeped in wine, eaten
Electuary of Briony and of hony.
The Caro. pulpe of white grapes dryed, eaten.
Honyed water drunk.
Thapsia.Stinking deadly Carrot applyed as a Liniment.
Hisope wine drunk.
Perfume of red minerall Arsenicke, and of Rosin, taken through a Tunnell.
Perfume of Brimstone, or brimston taken in a reer egge.
Against sharpenesse of the breast.
JUyce of Liquorice dissolved under the tongue.
Root of Mountaine Horse-foot steeped in wine, and taken after the manner of an Electuary.
To clear the voice.
MYrrhe dissolved under the tongue.
Electuary of hony, and of gum dragant.
Benzoin resolved in water, and supped.
Electuary of Storax.
Coleworts eaten.
Wine of Hisope drunk.
Against Pleurisies.
HOgs-lard washed in wine applyed.
Juyce of Hercules All-heal drunk.
Gum Sagapene applied as a A poultis cataplasme.
Against paines of the Sides without a Feavor.
DUng of she Goates incorporated in oyle and waxe, applyed as a poultis.
Liniment made of Barly meal boiled with melilot and poppy heads, in honyed wine.
Stems of green Coleworts burned, and incorporated in Hogs Lard, then applyed as a poultis.
Decoction of the roots, of our Lady thistle, boiled in wine drunk.
Asphodil roots the weight of a dram drunk in wine.
Juyce of the roots of Gentian the weight of a dram taken.
Round Aristolochia drunke in water.
Root of great Centaury drunk.
Benzoin taken in broth.
Galbanum applyed.
Leaves of Hore-hound applyed with hony.
Leaves and seed of stinking Trifoly drunke.
Ethiopian mullein drunk.
Decoction of Acorum. sweet cane drunk.
Costus drunk with wormwood and wine.
AgallochūWood of Aloes drunk in water.
Myrrhe the greatnesse of a Bean taken.
Bdellium drunk.
Turpentine applied.
Electuary of Briony, and of hony.
For inflamations of the Lungs.
BAsill applyed with dry polenta.
Electuary of Nettle seed, and of hony.
Electuary of Goats organy and hony.
ChrysocomeGolden tode flax drunk.
Honied water drunk.
For those which spit putrified matter.
ELectuary of Bank cresses and hony.
Bettony leaves the weight of two drams, taken in four Cyathes of honied water.
Rootes of Bur dock with pine apples.
Ethiopian Mullein drunk.
Wine of Hysope.
Red Arsenicke taken in honyed wine. I cannot approve of this Medicine.
Perfume of brimstone, or brimstone taken in a reer egge.
To helpe difficulty of breathing,
BAy berries taken in hony, or in sod wine.
Dry Beanes boyled with Hysope, drunk.
A young childs Urine drunk.
Rue drunk.
Seed of the second kind of Sowbread, drunk.
Roots of great dragons rosted in the embers, or boiled, and reduced to an electuary.
Honied water drunk.
The hearb, or seed of Soendilium meddow parsnep, taken in broth.
Root or leaves of horse-taile drunk.
Seed of Sothernwood, and seed of Ciprus, bruised, drunk in water.
Decoction of hisope, boiled in water, with figs, hony, and Rue, drunk,
Decoction of Calaminte drunk.
Hysope wine drunk.
Decoction of Time, boiled in hony, drunk.
Summer savory drunke with hony.
Seselios of Marscilles drunk.
Decoction of black maiden-haire drunk.
Cummin drunk in water and vinegar.
Root of Candy Alexanders eaten
Stinking deadly Carrot, applyed.
Gum ammoniacke drunk.
Leaves of Baulme reduced to an electuary.
Perfume of Colts-foot taken through a Tunnell.
Juice of Hippophestus the weight of three obols taken.
Oake of Jerusalem drunk, or reduced to an Electuary.
Seed of Woodbinde drunk.
Decoction of Maiden-hair drunk.
To expell excrements difficult to spit.
ILlyrian Flower-de-luce drunk.
All That part in Beasts (as in Caives) whereof Runnet is made. Curds drunk.
Boyled Raddish eaten.
Leekes boyled with French barly.
Garden Cresses boyled in pottage.
Scallyons rosted in embers eaten.
Gum Ammoniack taken as a Lohoch.
Water Germander drunk.
Liniment of stinking deadly Carrot.
Electuary of Lin-seed.
Three obols of dryed Squil, reduced to an Electuary.
Dry hore-hound drunk, with powder of Flower-de-luce.
Wine of Hisope drunk.
Against Rheumes falling down into the Breast.
SEed of Bank-cresses taken as an Electuary with hony.
Against all maladies of the Breast.
LEekes boyled in hony eaten.
Juyce of Licorice drunk.
Electuary of Time, and Hony.
Electuary of Summer Savoury, and hony.
Electuary of the root of Seselios of Candy, and of hony.
Roots of Rosemary drunk.
Wall-wort boyled in honied wine drunk.
Juyce of Cinkfoile-seed drunk.
Simples serving for the Heart.
For swoundings of the Heart.
THe smell of Cowcumbers.
Penni-royall put to the nose with vinegar.
Buglosse drunk.
For panting and throbbing of the heart.
SUccory applyed alone, or with polenta.
Wormwood boyled in sod wine applied.
Bramble leaves applied.
Against hardnesse of the Mideriffe
RHapontick drunk.
Worm-wood wine drunk.
Against inveterate inflamations of the precordiall parts.
VVAter Germander incorporated in Wax applyed.
Simples serving for the Teats or Duggs.
For inflamations of the Duggs.
LIniment made of Frankincense, of Cimolian earth, and of oyle of roses.
Quinces reduced to a poultis, or liniment.
A poultis of Wall-nuts, of Rue, and of a little hony.
Beane meale applied alone, or with polenta.
Roots and leaves of Asphodills applied with wine.
Seed of bank Cresses applied.
Root of Hemerocallis. Liriconfancie, applied in the manner of a poultis.
Boyled Marsh-mallowes applyed.
Kernells of Grapes applied with salt.
Powder of the stone A precious Stone brittle as a shell, resembling the Agathe, after some. Goraeus saith, it is a kind of Cadmia. Ostracites, applyed with hony.
Powder of the stone Geodes, applyed with water.
Samian earth applyed with oyle of roses, and water.
To draw forth the Duggs of Women lately delivered.
WHeat bran boyled in decoction of Rue, applyed.
Leaves of Plow mans Spikenard, applyed as a poultis.
Epimediam.Leaves of Barren-wort chopped small, applyed with oyle as a poultis.
Henbane-seed bruised, and applyed [Page 80]with wine.
Leaves of Palma Christi applyed.
Kernels of Grapes applyed with salt.
To dissolve and mollifie hardnesse of the Duggs.
MEale of Orobus. bitter Vetch applyed as a poultis.
Ground pine, applyed with hony.
Kernels of Grapes bruised with salt, and applyed.
For ulcerated Duggs.
AShes of Ʋnguis Odoratus applyed. Roots of Asclepias. Swallow-wort applyed.
To resolve Milk curdled, and clottered in the Duggs.
TEn drops of Wax, of the greatnesse of a hirse graine swallowed.
Beane meale applyed alone, or with polenta.
Liniment made of meale of Lentils.
Parsley, and the juyce applied.
To put the Milke away.
HEmlock applyed on the Duggs.
To increase Milk abundantly.
LEaves of Halimus. Sea-purslaine eaten with meat.
Seed of Agnus Castus drunk.
French Barley boyled with fennel-seed, eaten often.
Decoction of Mallowes drunk.
Juyce of Sow-thistle drunk.
Lettice eaten often.
Rocket eaten often.
Wind-flower, and the branches boyled and eaten with French Barley.
Anise drunk.
Dry Dill-seed drunk, or the decoction of the tops.
Fennell eaten.
Gith drunk many dayes.
Seed of Circes. Bind-weed, Night-shade taken in broth.
Periwinckle eaten.
Roots of Echium. Vipers Buglosse taken in broth, or with wine.
A kinde of Cytisus, or milke trefoile.Glaux boyled with oyle, salt, and meale, taken as broth.
Polygala.Milk-wort drunk.
Juyce of Briony boyled with wheat, eaten, but this I doe not allow.
To defend Milk from setling in the Breasts.
MInte applyed with polenta.
Lees of Wine applyed with vinegar.
To keep the Duggs from growing.
HEmlock bruised, and applyed.
Powder of the Naxion stone, applyed.
Simples serving for the Stomack.
Against turnings of the Stomack, and to prevent vomitting.
INfusion of Quinces drunk.
Spikenard, and Celtick Spikenard drunk in water.
Dates eaten.
Date-skinnes in powder, put in cataplasmes for the Stomack.
The inward skin of a Chickens gizerne dryed, powdered, and drunke with wine.
Amber drunk.
Beanes boyled in vinegar and water, eaten.
Twenty graines of Lentils bruised and eaten.
French beanes eaten.
Water-cresses drunk.
Bramble Leaves applyed outwardly.
Lettice eaten unwashed.
Wild Lentils eaten.
Dryed Squil drunk.
Agarick the weight of three drams taken alone without any liquor.
Juyce of Gentian roots drunk with water.
Roots of our Lady-thistle drunk.
Two or three sprigs of Mint, drunk with the juyce of sower Pomegranats.
Peony-seed drunk in strong wine.
Bettony chewed, drinking presently after wine mingled with water.
Juyce of the leaves and branches of
Vine, drunk.
Wine of Mirtle drunk.
Lees of wine applyed.
Squil wine drunk.
Against waterishnesse and rheumes which fall downe into the Stomack.
IUyce of Lycium. Box-thorn drunk, or taken in pils.
Raw Quinces eaten.
Green Mulberries dryed to powder, sprinkled on meat.
Lexive of the ashes of Figtree, the measure of a Cyath taken.
Tamarisk drunk.
Galls bruised, and steeped in wine, or water, applyed.
Seed of Sumack sprinkled on meat.
Mirtle leaves bruised, and applyed with water.
Liniment made of the leaves of wild Olive-tree, and of dry Polenta.
Curd of a Hare, or of a Horse, the weight of three obols taken in wine.
Beanes boyled in water and vinegar eaten.
Meale of Aegyptian beanes, and the decoction of their huskes, taken with [Page 85]honied wine.
Seed of Sorrell drunk in water, or in wine.
Plantaine boyled in vinegar, eaten with salt.
Seed of Jacynth drunk.
Coronopus.Bucks horn boyled, eaten.
Rhapontick drunk.
Roots of white Thistle drunk.
Pith of green Fennellgyant. Ferula drunk.
Juyce of Laserwort taken with kernells of Grapes.
Root of water Lilly dryed, drunk.
Juyce of water Bettony drunk.
Seed of Limonium. water Plantaine, the weight of an Acetabule taken in wine.
Ten graines of Tragos. small Sea-grape taken in wine.
Decoction of Poppy heads, reduced to an Electuary with hony; to make it more effectuall you may adde juyce of Acacia, and of male holly-rose.
Decoction of Grape kernels drunk.
Grape kernels reduced to powder, used instead of polenta.
Water wherein hot Steele hath been quenched drunk.
The stone Morochthus drunk.
Wine of Mirtle drunk.
Maiden-haire drunk in wine.
Black Maiden-haire drunk in wine.
To cause Vomitting.
BAy-leaves drunk.
Snayles which stick to bryers and bushes eaten.
Roots of Pompions dryed, the weight of a dram drunke in honied water.
White Daffodill roots eaten.
Organie confected in the Sun, in a copper vessell, with onions, and seed of Sumack drunk. It must have stood in the Sun all the Dog-dayes, and as many other as amounteth to forty.
Best, true bole.Bole-armonick of the Orient, drunk.
Against paines of the Stomack.
CAmmels hay drunk.
Scalions eaten.
Rhapontick drunk.
Decoction of Worm-wood boyled in sod wine, drunk.
Decoction of Melilot boyled in wine drunk.
The small leaves of Mugwort bruised, and applyed with oyle, in the [Page 87]manner of a poultis.
Roots of water Lilly applyed.
Branches of Groundsell boyled in sod wine, eaten, or drunk.
Powder of Alablaster incorporated in a seare-cloth.
Against gripings of the Stomack.
SPikenard, and Celtick Spikenard drunk in water.
Squinanthum.Cammels hay drunk.
Juyce of Sycamore drunk.
Pine apples eaten.
Womans milk supped.
Juyce of Sow-thistle drunk.
Penni-royall taken with vinegar and water.
Juyce of both kinds of Hawk-weed, drunk.
Water Germander the weight of two drams taken in honied water.
Peony-seed taken in old thick red wine.
Against inflamations of the Stomack.
PUrslaine applyed with dry polenta.
Sow-thistles applyed as a poultis.
Juyce of Ʋmbilicus veneris. Wall Penni-wort applied.
All kinds of Succory eaten in vinegar.
Juyce of Licorice drunk.
Parsley drunk.
Fennell drunk in faire water.
Knot-grasse applyed.
Leaves of Morell applyed.
Leaves of Spurge Laurell drunk.
Leaves and Here, as in all places else, when vine followes, is meant the tendrils wher-with they catch hold of what is next them, to get higher. branches of Vine applyed as a poultis.
Flowers of Labrusk applyed.
Against wind in the Stomack.
ROots of Menm, Bearewort. Spicknell boyled in water, or bruised raw, and drunk.
Spikenard, and Celticke Spikenard drunk in water.
Castorium drunk.
Broth of old Capons.
Worm-wood drunk with Seselios, or Celtick Spikenard.
Seed and roots of Lygusticum. Lovage drunk.
Seed of Candie Alexanders drunk.
Against the Hickop, and Yexing.
SEed of Water-cresses drunke in wine.
Rhapontick drunk.
Round Aristolochia drunk.
Two or three branches of Minte drunk with juyce of sower Pomegranats.
Decoction of the seed and tops of Dill drunk.
Wild Cummin drunk in vinegar.
Madwort drunk, or carried in the hand, or distilled into the nostrils.
Decoction of Ceterach drunk,
Woodbine-seed drunk.
Samphire drunk.
Against sharpe belching.
AGarick the weight of a dram taken.
Goates Organie drunk.
Bettony leaves the greatnesse of a beane taken with clarified hony.
To resolve Milke and Bloud, fixed and clotted in the Stomack.
LExive of the ashes of Figge-tree, drunk.
Curds of Horses, of Hares, of Lambs, of Kids, of Hindes, of Calves, or of Bufles the weight of three obols taken in wine.
Tops of golden Moth-weed, drunk in honied wine.
Benzoin drunk.
Against inflamations of the Stomack.
A Poultis of both kindes of Hawkweed.
A poultis of the leaves and branches of Vine with polenta.
Sweet Violets applyed with polenta.
To procure an appetite.
PEpper eaten.
Vinegar used in sauce.
Worm-wood drunk.
To help Digestion.
ROcket eaten.
All sorts of Pepper eaten.
Ginger eaten.
Squill boyled in hony eaten.
VVorm-wood drunk, or applied on the stomack.
Goates Organie drunk.
Penni-royall drunk.
Roots and seed of Lovage drunk.
Seed of Seselios, of Marseilles drunk in wine.
Carvi.Caraway drunk.
Bettony leaves the greatnesse of a bean, taken after meales, with hony, well clarified.
Wormwood wine drunk.
Against the flowing downe of humours upon the stomacke.
MAiden haire drunk in wine.
Decoction of dry Peaches drunke.
Quinces infused, then pressed, drink the liquor.
Simples serving for the Liver.
Against stoppings and obstructions of the Liver.
SPicknard, and Celtick Spicknard, drunk in faire water.
Bark of the Bay tree, the weight of three obols taken in wine.
Leaves of Pitch tree, the weight of a dram taken in water, or in honied water.
Electuary of bitter Almonds, of milke, and of hony, the bignesse of a small nut taken.
Juice of Gentian rootes, drunk in water.
Agarick drunk.
Rhapontick drunk.
EryngiumSea Holly taken in wine.
Decoction of Cammomill, drunk.
Leaves of ground Pine, drunk seven dayes together in wine.
Buttonie the weight of a dram taken in honied vinegar.
Egrimony, or the seed drunk.
Root of horned poppy drunk.
Rubrica Sinopica, called also Bolearmonick but is not the true right Bole.Red Oker drunk.
Electuary of the juyce of Licorice.
Against the Jaundise.
SPikenard, and Celticke Nard, drunk.
Harts-horne burned, washed, and drunk.
Wood-lice drunk in wine.
Cich Pease boiled with Rosemary, eaten.
Roots of sharp pointed docks boiled in wine, drunk.
Seed of Orange drunke in honyed water.
Decoction of Sparagus roots, boiled with figs, and Cich pease, drunk.
Decoction of Rock Sampire, and of their seed and roots, drunk.
Electuary of Bank cresses.
Electuary of Squill and of hony, the weight of three obols taken.
Celandine root, drunk in wine with Anise.
Root of Meddow Parsenep, drunk.
Agarick the weight of a dram taken.
Rhapontick drunk.
Decoction or infusion of wormwood, three cyaths taken every day,
Alloes the weight of a dram drunk.
The whole body washed in the decoction of Organy.
Calaminte drunk in wine.
Wild fennell drunk.
Rosemary roots, taken in wine with pepper.
Decoction of Rosemary, drunk.
Gith bruised and put into the nose with oyle of flower-deluce.
Benzoin taken with dry figs.
Juice of Hore-hound dropped into the Nose.
Decoction of both kinds of poley drunk.
Leaves and flowers of fleabane drunk.
Decoction of Ceterach drunk.
Liverwort applyed with hony.
Decoction of Maiden-haire drunk.
Decoction of blacke Maiden-haire drunk.
Decoction of Cammomil, drunk.
Buphthalumus.Oxe eie drunke, going out of a Bath.
Peony root drunk.
Seed of Jacynth drunk in wine. Roots of Madir drunk in honied water.
Leaves of ground Pine, drunk, seven days together in wine.
Bettonie leaves taken in water.
Juyce of wild Cowcombers, drunk.
Decoction of the roots of Orkanet drunk.
Juyce of Cinkefoile the weight of 3 Cyaths, taken certain daies together.
Decoction of Osyris. Tode flax, drunk.
A bath made with the decoction of Chrysanthemum. Marigolds.
Squill wine drunk.
Leaves of verveine one dram, fankincense three obols, old wine a hemine, take of this composition fasting, forty daies together.
Boxthorn, boyled in vinegar drunk.
Decoction of Tamariske, drunk.
Baccae HalicacabiWinter cherries drunk.
Leaves of Chamasyce. Spurge Time, the weight of three obols, taken six dayes together in water.
Leaves and berrys of Butchers broom drunke in wine.
Ashes of Harts-horne, two drams drunk.
Brimstone taken in a reer egge.
Against the Dropsie,
A Sarabacka drunk.
Cinnamon drunk.
Decoction of sweet Cane, drunke with the seed of Smallage.
Land Hedge-hogs eaten.
Snailes bruised with their shells, and applied, are good against dropicall tumours.
Lees of oyle applyed as a Poultis with a very hairy skin.
The Patients Urine drunk.
She Goats urine, drunk every day with Spicknard.
Ciches boyled with Rosemary, eaten.
Raddishes applyed as a poultis.
Plantaine boyled with Lentills.
Roots of Walwort boyled in wine, drunk.
Boyled Garlick eaten.
A poultis of Scalions, of hony and of Pepper, in powder.
Squill three obols taken with hony.
Juyce of Pimpernell drunke in wine.
Roots of Carline thistle, drunk in wine.
Broth made of wormwood, of figs, niter, and darnell meale.
Decoction of Maiden-hair, drunk.
Decoction of blacke Maiden-haire drunk.
A poultis of hysope, figs and niter.
Decoction of Oakefearn Polipodie drunk.
Decoction of Organy boyled with figs drunk.
Decoction of Marjerome drunk.
Poultis of Rue and of figs.
Decoction of Rue taken with wine, or the whole body washed therein.
Seed of All-heale drunk.
Annise drunk.
Seed of candy Alexanders, drunk.
Juyce of Laserwort taken with dry figs.
Decoction of Germander drunk.
Decoction of both kinds of Poley drunk.
AndrosaceSea navell-wort the weight of two drams drunk in wine.
Bettony leaves drunk in water.
Juice of wild Cowcumber roots the weight of one obol and a half taken; or the weight of four drams and a halfe, of the rinde of the roots taken.
A Bath of sea water.
Roots of wild vine boiled in water, taken in two cyaths of wine, allayed with sea water.
Squill wine drunk.
Seed of Agnus Castus drunk.
Liniment made of dry figs, boiled in wine with wormwood, salt, and polenta.
The third kind of Hacyonium. Spuma maris.
Sand heated in the Sun, the dropsicall person put in it up to the neck.
To heat the Liver.
SPicknard and celticke Spicknard drunk.
Decoction of Amomum, drunk.
Leaves of Pine tree, or of Pitch tree drunk in water, or in honied wine.
For pains of the Liver.
DEcoction of common sweet cane drunk.
Decoction of Wormwood applyed with sod wine.
Woodbine seed, drunke in wine.
Against hardnesse of the Liver.
GUm ammoniacum applyed, and drunk.
Simples serving for the Spleen.
Against hardnesse of the Spleen.
RAw Quinces applyed in a poultis.
Root of Sycamote drunk and applyed.
Raddishes applyed as a poultis.
Coleworts eaten in vinegar.
Decoction of Germander drunk.
Meale of Lupines applyed.
To open the Spleen.
CEltick nard drunk in wine.
Maiden haire drunk.
Black maiden hair drunk.
Against inflammations of the Spleen.
ILLyrian Flower-deluce drunke in vinegar.
Common sweet Cane drunk.
Celtick Spicknard drunk in wine.
Mountaine Spikenard drunke in wine.
Decoction of Tamariske boyled in wine drunk.
Seed of Agnus Castus drunk.
Against paines of the Spleen.
DIttany drunk, and applyed.
To diminish and extenuate the Spleene.
ILlyrian Flower-de-luce drunk in vinegar.
The false adulterated sweet Cane, a kinde of Corn-flag:Common sweet Cane drunk.
Mountaine Spikenard, and Celtick Spikenard, drunk in wine.
Decoction of Tamarisk boyled in wine drunk.
Seed of Agnus Castus drunk.
Seed of the second kinde of Sowbread, drunk forty dayes together.
Gum Sagapene drunk.
Gum Ammoniacum the weight of a dram taken in vinegar.
Germander drunk in vinegar.
Garden Cresses drunk.
Roots of the Pepper-plant applied.
Decoction of both kinds of Poley [Page 101]drunk in vinegar.
Juyce of Sow-bread applied.
Capers the weight of two drams drunk forty dayes together in wine.
Root of the Caper-bush, the weight of two drams drunk in wine.
Lep idium.Dittander applyed with Elicampane roots.
Ivie leaves boyled in wine, or dryed, incorporated in bread, and applied.
Wild Woad drunk and applied.
Agarick the weight of a dram taken in honied vinegar
Rhapontick drunk.
Roots of Candie Alexanders eaten in a sallad, or otherwise.
Gentian roote the weight of two drams drunk.
Round Aristolochia drunk.
Decoction of the root of Crocodilium. Chameleon-thistle drunk; this is very profitable.
Liniment made of Figgs, of Hisope, and of Niter.
Goates Organie drunk in vinegar.
Penni-royall applied with salt.
Bastardstone parsley after Cordus.Sison drunk.
Juyce of Sow-fennell drunk.
Liniment made of Misseltoe, boyled with Cole-worts, and the stone Goraeus saith, it is jet. Gagates.
TeueriumGreat Germander drunk in water, or vinegar, or applied with Figs.
Roots of Cheiri. Wall-flowers applied with vinegar.
Roots of water Lilly drunk in wine.
Leaves of Ceterach drunk, or the decoction of them drunk forty dayes together with vinegar, or the leaves applied with vinegar.
Seed of Rampions drunk.
Hemionitis.Moon-fearn drunk in vinegar.
Seed of Madir drunk in honied vinegar.
Leaves of the second kind of Lonchicis Spleenwort drunk in vinegar.
Bettony leaves taken in Oximel.
Roots of Spatling-poppy taken in water.
Seed of Woodbinde drunk in wine forty dayes together.
Seed of stinking Gladdon taken in vinegar.
Roots of Orkanet drunk in honied water.
All kinde of Nettles used in seare-clothes.
Black Maiden-haire drunk.
Squill wine drunk often.
Ben drunk with honied water, and meale of bitter vetch.
Briony the weight of three obols drunk in vinegar, every day for thirty dayes, or applyed with Figgs.
Young shoots of black Briony boyled, and eaten.
Roots of male Fearne drunk.
Wine, or water wherein hot Steele hath been quenched drunk.
Third kinde of Halcyonium drunk.
Corrall drunk in water.
Liniment made of Asian Stone, of vinegar, and of unslecked Lime.
Scailes of Iron which fall from the Grind-stone drunk in vinegar.
Simples serving for the Guts.
For the Collick.
ELectuary of bitter Almonds, of milke, and of hony, the greatnesse of a Filbeard taken.
Snailes bruised with their shels, and a little Myrrhe, drunk.
Rosted Larks eaten.
A Hoggs heele burned to powder, drunk, when the disease is windy.
Butter given in a Glister, when the Gut Colon is ulcerated.
Dung of Poultry drunk in wine, or in vinegar.
Decoction of Rue given in a Glister with oyle.
Petroselinum.Garden parsley drunk.
Coloquintida given in a Glister.
Decoction of Carthamum. Bastard Saffron given in a Glister.
For the Belly-ach and wormes.
ILlyrian Flower-de-luce drunk.
Decoction of common sweet Cane drunk.
Roots of Spicknell bruised, and reduced into an Electuary with hony.
Graines of Paradise drunke in water.
Lignum Aloes drunk in water.
Wall-nuts burned with their shels, and applyed on the navell.
Decoction of Figgs and Rue, given in a Glister.
Leaves of Halym [...]. Sea-purslaine the weight of a dram, drunk in honied water.
Saffron drunk.
Seed of Daums. yellow Carrot drunk.
Roots of Rosemary drunk.
Seed of Fenell-gyant drunk.
Juyce of Sow-fennell taken in a reere egge.
Decoction of Baulme Given in a Glister. glisterised.
Castorium drunk.
Butter given in a Glister.
Wild Time drunk.
Decoction of Calaminte drunk.
Sea Holly drunk.
Melted Wax drunk.
A small seed like Cummin but lesse, brought from the Orient.Ammeos taken in wine.
Liniment made of VVheat bran boyled in the decoction of Rue.
Millet heated, and applyed on the belly in a little bagge.
Meale of bitter Vetch steeped in vinegar, applyed.
Seed of VVater-Cresses drunk in wine.
Pepper drunk with Bay leaves.
Electuary made of Squil, and of hony
Rhapontick drunk.
Decoction of Marjerome drunk.
Roots of great Centaury drunk.
Rue boyled with dry Dill, drunk.
All-heale taken in wine.
Decoction of the seed and tops of Dill drunk.
Seed and roots of Lovage drunk.
Decoction of Cummin, given in a Glister with oyle.
Flowers, leaves, and seed of Phalangium. Spiderwort drunk.
Centunculus.Cotten-weed drunk.
Leaves and Flowers of Fleabane drunk.
Root of Peony drunk.
Pseudebunium.VVinter Cresses taken in vinegar.
Fomentation with sea water.
Ground pine drunk.
Decoction of Gramen. Couch-grasse drunk.
Leaves of Spurge Laurell drunk.
Salt heated & applied in little bags.
Niter drunk in honied water with Cummin.
Seed of Seselios of Marseilles drunk.
Roots of Swallow-wort drunk.
Alisma.Beares eare drunk alone, or with the like weight of yellow Carrotseed.
A Hoggs heele burned drunk.
Decoction of Lin-seed given in a Glister.
Agarick the weight of two obols taken.
Against the Bloody Flix, and the A painfull wringing Flix, which breedeth ulcers in the Guts. Dysemerie.
DEcoction of Rose-wood glisterised.
Myrrhe the greatnes of a Bean taken.
Mastick drunk.
Bark of the Pitch-tree drunk.
Bark of An Indian root. Macer drunk.
Leaves and roots of Christs-thorne drunk.
Hawthorn berries eaten, or drunke.
Berries of Rubus Canis. Wild Eglantine eaten.
Leaves and flowers of Cistus. Holly-rose drunk,
Juyce of Male Holly Rose, drunk.
Ladanum drunk in old wine.
Wild rose buds, unblown, drunk.
Juyce of Lycium: Box-thorn drunk.
Juyce of Acacia drunk.
Decoction of Acorn shells drunk.
The inward rinde of Chef-Nuts, drunk.
Unripe Galls, bruised and drunke with wine, or water: or applyed with the same liquors.
Decoction of Sumack leaves given in a glister, or drunk.
Seed of Sumacke used in place of salt.
Decoction of the rinde or skin of Dates glisterised, or drunk.
Kernells of foure Pomegranats, dryed, and drunke; or fomented beneath.
Leaves and seed of Mirtle drunk.
Quinces eaten raw or boiled, or their juyce drunk.
Peares domesticall or wild, eaten.
Medlers eaten.
Berries of the Lote Tree, eaten, or drunk.
Dryed Services taken in any sort.
Sloes eaten.
Carobs eaten.
Snailes rosted in their shells, in the embers, according to Gallen.
Fomentation with the pickle of the fish A fresh water fish like a Sturgeon. Silurus.
Hares blood fryed, eaten.
the pickle or brine of fish or fleshGarum given in a glister.
Harts-horn two drams, drunk.
Waxe taken in broth.
Milke wherein burning flints, have been quenched, glisterised.
Curd of a Hare, or of a Horse, the weight of three obols, drunke in wine.
Garden Sparagus, boiled or rosted in the embers, and eaten.
Roots of It beareth leaves like Kneeholme, and is of a sharpe astringent raste. Idea drunk.
Juyce of Marsh Mallowes boyled, drunk in wine or water.
Roots of Marsh mallowes drunk.
Harts tongue drunk.
Purslain well boiled, eaten.
Plantain given in a glister.
Juyce of Horse taile, drunk.
Goates Suet taken with Sumacke, and polenta, or glisterised.
Baulm drunk.
Tragium.Small Saxifrage boiled, eaten.
Beans dressed with water and vinegar.
Root of Bear eare drunk, with the same weight of the seed of All-heal.
Seed of Sorrell drunke in wine, or in water.
Willow herb drunk.
Ten grains of small Sea-grape drunk in wine.
Leaves of Periwincle drunke in wine.
Decoction of Stoebe glisterised,
Seede of water plantaine drunke in wine.
Herb Speedwell boiled, drunk.
Roots of spatling Poppy taken in wine.
Leaves and seed of Egrimony drunk in wine.
Roots of water Lilly, dryed, and drunk in wine.
Housleek drunk in wine.
Blood of a hee Goat, of a she Goat, [Page 111]of a Hare, of a Hart, fryed and eaten.
Juyce of the leaves and branches of vine, drunk.
Decoction of Grape skins drunk.
Grape kernells reduced to meale, applyed as polenta.
Dry white Grapes eaten alone or with their kernells.
Verjuyce given in a glister.
Wine of the flowers of Labruske drunk.
Wine of Quinces drunk.
Wine of Sumack drunk.
Lemnian Earth drunk.
Brine given in a glister when the guts are ulcerated, through the long continuance of the disease.
Water Germander the weight of two drams drunk in water.
Ivie flowers, so many as you can hold between three fingers, drunk in wine twice a day.
To bind the Belly.
CUrd of a Hare drunk:
Any Milk wherein burning flints have been quenched, drunk.
Cheese boyled, or rosted, eaten.
Dogs dung drunk in water in the canicular dayes.
Crust of wheaten bread eaten.
Liniment made of Barly meal, and of mirtil berries, or of wilde Pears, or of Pomegranat shells and wine.
Broth of Spelt-corn or of Oates or of Millet eaten.
Rice eaten,
Boiled Lentills eaten with their husks, especially if they be boyled in Vinegar, or with other astringent things.
Seed of Sorrell or of sharpe pointed Docke, drunke in wine or in water.
Coleworts well boiled, eaten.
Black Beets boyled with their roots among Lentills, eaten.
Plantain boiled in vinegar, eaten with salt, or given in a glister. The seed also drunke in wine is very good.
Wilde or garden Succory, eaten.
Juyce of Chondrylla. Gum Succory, boyled, and drunk.
Wilde Lentills taken in any sort.
Acynos.Stone Basill drunke.
Annise drunk.
Seed and tops of Dill drunk.
Parsely eaten.
Harts tongue drunk.
Roots of Branke ursine drunk.
Wild Fennell drunk.
Rue drunk or eaten.
Sera [...]ias finger Orchis.Satyrion drunk in wine.
Peony roots boyled in wine drunk,
Decoction of Marsh Mallowes drunk.
Roots of Bears eare drunk.
Juyce of Knot-grasse drunk.
Periwincle drunk in wine.
BagopusHare foot Trefoile taken in wine, or in water, provided the party have no feaver.
Roots of stinking Gladdon taken in honied wine.
Leaves of Orkanet taken in wine,
Decoction of branches of Bramble, drunk.
Decoction of Cinkefoile rootes, drunke.
Phenix.Red Darnell drunk in strong wine.
Roots of Idea drunk.
Seed of Bull-rush, especially of sea Bull-rush, fryed and drunk in wine allayed with water,
Root of Asiragalus Milk vetch, drunk in wine.
Root of Jacynth drunk in wine.
Seed of black Poppy drunk in wine.
Flowers and roots of Mullein, drunk.
Flowers of Labruske Drunk.
Wine of sowre Pomegranats drunk.
Red Oker given in a glister, or taken, in a reer egge.
Lees of wine applyed.
Housleek drunk in wine.
Decoction of Maiden-hair drunk.
Decoction of blacke Maiden-haire drunk.
Vinegar mingled with meale.
Against inveterate Fluxes of the Belly.
BLood of a he Goate, of a she Goate, of a Hare, or of a Hart, fryed in a skin and eaten.
To loosen the Belly.
CHerryes eaten.
Sweet Apples eaten.
Peaches eaten.
Ripe Mulberries eaten.
Ripe figs eaten.
Sea Hedg-hog eaten.
Broth of A smal shel fish. Tellines, Not unlike a cockle, only having a whiter & smoother shell. Flions, Cockles, and other small shell-fish supped with salt.
Cutlefish eaten.
The fish Silurus eaten.
Broth of Gudgeons supped.
Broth of all fish supped alone or with wine.
Broth of old Capons.
Milke supped.
Whey drunk.
New Cheese eaten.
Butter eaten, or supped.
Marrow of bones eaten.
Cich Pease eaten.
Herb Patience, Beets, Mallowes, Orage, White Beets, Sparagus, or Lettice, boiled and eaten.
Coleworts lightly boiled, eaten.
Goates Organy drunk.
Against wind in the Guts.
LIniments made of wheat meal; and of juyce of Henbane.
A Poultis made of Barly meale, of Fenegreek and of Lin-seed.
Seed of Basill drunk.
Rhapontick drunk.
Decoction of the seed and tops of Dill drunk.
Decoction of Cummin, given in a Glister with oyle.
Cummin seed steeped in oyle, and water, reduced to a Liniment with Polenta.
Juyce of Sow-fennell taken in a reer egge.
Decoction of Cammomil drunk.
Against long wormes.
GRaines of Paradise drunk.
Decoction of the root of Pomegranat tree drunk.
Walnuts eaten aboundantly.
Decoction of the barke of the roots of Mulberry tree drunk.
Garlick eaten or drunk.
Roots of Carline thistle, the weight of an acetabule taken in the decoction of Castorium and of Organy.
Roots of Finger fearn, the weight of three drams drunk with hony.
Seed of Gith drunk, or applyed with water upon the Navel.
Vitrioll the weight of a dram taken [Page 117]in the manner of an Electuary with hony.
Sted and Leaves of Heliotropium. Turnsoil, drunk with Hisope, Niter, and garden cresses.
Against round Worms.
MEale of Lupines taken as an Electuary with hony, or drunke with vinegar, pepper, and Rue.
Colewort seed drunk.
Juyce, or seed of Purslain drunk.
Garden cresses drunk.
Worm-seed-wort drunk.
Electuary of Hisope and of hony.
Minte drunk.
Decoction of Calamnite taken with salt and hony.
Time drunk.
Summer Savory drunk.
Decoction of Rue drunk with oile.
Coriander seed taken in sod wine.
Third kind of Orcanet drunk with Hisope and garden Cresses.
Wormewood wine drunk.
Housleek taken in wine.
Roots of Common ordinary Fearn or brake. Fearn the weight of three drams taken in wine, but before you take this medicine you must eate Garlick.
Against Fluxes caused by Laxative Medicines.
GIzernes of old Cocks salted and dryed in the shade, drunk.
Against wounds of the Guts.
LEaves and roots of Horse-taile, drunk in water.
Against Ʋlcers of the Guts.
ALL sorts of Milke wherein burning flints have been quenched, given in Glisters.
Powder of Saphire stone drunk.
Simples serving for the Fundament.
To heale Clefts and Chaps of the Fundament.
LIniment of Tarre.
Lees of oyle boyled in a Copper pot, to the consistence of hony, used as a liniment.
Seed of Agnus Castus applyed with water.
River Crabbs burned and applyed with sod hony.
Roots of Virga pastoris. Teasell boyled in wine, bruised and applyed often.
Wall-flowers incorporated in Wax, applyed as a poultis.
Flowers of Lab [...]ske applyed.
Washed Lead applyed.
For Ʋlcers of the Fundament.
POwder of Frankincense incorporated in milke, applyed upon soft linnen folds.
Juyce of sower Pomegranats boyled with hony, used as a liniment.
Unwashed wooll applyed, to incarnace and mollifie the ulcers.
Washed lead applied.
Against Apostumes of the Fundament.
RAw Quinces applyed as a poultis.
Yolke of an egge rested in the embers, reduced to a liniment with oyle of roses and saffron.
Aloes applyed with sod wine.
Ashes of Dill seed burned, applyed.
Rosemary applied as a poultis.
Leaves of stinking Hore-hound rosted in the embers, applyed.
Bramble leaves applyed,
Wall Pellitory applyed.
Cinkefoile roots applyed.
Ashes of Vine branches, and of Grape-skins applied with vinegar.
Rust of Iron used in a liniment.
Washed lead applied.
Red Arsenick applied with oyle of roses.
Hoggs Lard applied.
Saffron put in Cataplasmes.
Against inflammations of the Fundament.
LIniment made of Melilot, Lentils, Quinces, dry Roses, bark of Pomegranate, and oyle of roses.
Liniment of the juyce of Sow-thistle.
A Poultis made of Melilot, meale of Fenegreek, Linseed, and of sod wine.
Rosemary applyed.
Liniment made of the boyled roots of marsh Mallowes.
Poultis made of the roots of Consolida major. Comfry, with groundsell leaves.
Flowers and leaves of Groundsell, applyed with a little wine.
To resolve Tumours of the Fundament.
TArre layed thereto.
For the falling of the Fundament
LEaves and juyce of the Masticktree applied.
Decoction of Quinces fomented.
Cramp-fish applyed.
Liniment made of the juyce of Sow-bread, boyled till it be as thick as hony.
Flowers of female Pimpernell applied.
Aster Atticus.Star-wort applied.
Liniment or fomentation made with vinegar.
Sharp brine fomented.
For a great desire of going to stoole, without doing any thing.
GListers of sheeps milke, of Goates milke, or of Cowes milke, wherein burning flints have been quenched.
A Glister of the decoction of Fenegreek-seed.
Lin-seed applyed in any sort.
Liniment made of meale of bitter Vetch soaked in wine.
Against Warts growing on the Fundament.
GAll of wild shee Goates applied.
Sheeps dung applyed with vinegar.
Asa Fetida boyled in vinegar in a Pomegranate shell.
Vinegar applyed.
To stay the Bleeding or mattering. Flux of the Emeroids.
ALoes applyed with vinegar.
Rosemary used as a poultis.
Bramble leaves layed to.
Liniment made of Dates.
To heale Emeroids.
SEed of Sumack applyed.
Liniment made of Dates.
Decoction of Rest-harrow drunk according to the opinion of some.
Washed lead applyed.
Liniment of the Goraeus saith, it is white marble. Arabian stone.
Purslaine well boyled applyed.
Simples serving for the Reines.
For paines in the Reines.
GRains of Paradise drunk in wine.
French Spikenard drunk, and applied.
Decoction of Amomum drunk.
Liniment made of the roots of Reed Cane, and of vinegar.
Gum Dragant, dissolved in sod wine, the weight of a dram, with ashes of Hearts-horne washed, and a little of the best Allome; drink this composition.
Juyce of Sow-fennell drunk.
Dry white Grapes eaten.
Third kinde of Spuma Maris drunk.
Decoction of Fenell, bathed and fomented.
Pimpernell drunk.
Agarick the weight of a dram drunk.
Juyce of Licorice drunke in sod wine.
Tordilium.Seselios of Candie drunk.
Authyllus.Sea pimpernell drunk.
Peony roots drunk in wine.
Symphitum retreum.Wall-wort drunk in water.
Decoction of Orkanet boyled in water drunk.
Honied wine drunk.
For the Stone, and gravell of the Reines.
ALL sorts of Spikenard drunk, but Celtick Spikenard is best.
Bay leaves drunk, or the bark of the roote which is much more effectuall.
Gum of Cherry-tree drunk in wine.
Gum of bitter Almond-tree taken in sod wine.
Rinde of the roote of Rest-harrow drunk in wine.
Annise drunk.
Seed of Consolidaregalis. wild Cummin drunk.
Decoction of Mugwort fomented.
Decoction of Cammomill drunk, or used as a Bath.
Leaves of Fever-few drunk.
Decoction of marsh Mallows drunk.
Decoction of Beares eare drunk
Juyce of land, or water Caltraps drunk.
Roote of Bramble drunk.
Decoction of the roote of horned Poppie drunk.
Leaves and roots of wall Penniwort drunk.
Worm-wood wine drunk.
Maiden-haire drunk.
Black Maiden-haire drunk.
Dry white Grapes eaten.
Honied wine often drunk.
Third kind of Spuma maris drunk.
To heale Ʋlcers of the Reines.
ALL sorts of milk drunk.
Leaves and roots of Plantaine drunk in sod wine.
Dry white Grapes eaten.
Honied wine often drunk.
To remove obstructions of the Reines.
RHapontick drunk.
Worm-wood wine drunk.
Honied wine drunk.
Simples serving for the Bladder.
To expell Ʋrine.
DEcoction of common sweet Cane drunk.
Roots of Spicknell boyled in water, or bruised raw, drunk.
All sorts of Spikenard drunk.
Graines of paradise drunk in wine.
Asarabacca drunk.
Dry great Valerian drunk.
Malabathrum.Indian leafe drunk.
Cinamon drunk.
Cinnamomum drunk.
Costus drunk.
Squinanth drunk.
True sweet Cane drunke, with the seed of Couch-grasse, or Parsley.
Decoction of Rose-wood drunk.
Saffron drunk.
Decoction of Elicampane rootes drunke.
CrocomagmaDregs of oyle of Saffron drunk.
Kernels of Pine apples eaten, or drunk in sod wine, with seed of cowcumbers.
Decoction of Mastick-tree drunk.
Berries of the Turpentine-tree eaten.
All kinde of Rosins, especially Turpentine swallowed:
Cyprus leaves taken in sod wine, with a little Myrrhe.
Cedar berries eaten or drunk:
Decoction of Bay leaves fomented.
Bark of Poplar tree, the weight of an ounce drunk.
Decoction of leaves and roots of Christs-thorne drunk.
Leaves of Philly [...]a. Mock-privet drunk.
Ladanum drunk in old wine.
Gum of Aethiopian Olive-tree, and of other Olive-trees drunk.
Acornes drunk.
Decoction of the outward skin of Dates in powder, drunk.
Juyce of sower Pomegnanats drunk.
Gum of Cherry-tree drunk.
Gum of the bitter Almond tree drunk.
Sea Hedge-hoggs eaten.
Land Hedge-hoggs salted and dryed, drunk in honied vinegar.
Earth-wormes bruised and drunk in sod wine.
Hony drunk.
French Barley eaten.
Ale drunk.
Broth of Cich pease supped.
Broth of bitter Vetch supped.
Decoction of Lupine roots drunk.
Boyled Cole-wort stalks eaten.
Radish eaten, and the seed drunk.
Skirrets eaten.
Sparagus lightly boyled.
Great water Parsnep taken in any sort.
Seed of Cowcumbers drunk.
Seed of both kinds of Rocket drunk.
Small Dragons drunk.
Boyled French beanes eaten, with their shels.
Asphodill roots drunk.
White Daffodill roots eaten, or the decoction thereof drunk.
Wild, and Garden Leekes eaten.
Boyled Onions eaten.
Garlick eaten.
Capers drunk forty dayes together.
Juyce of Anagallis. Pimpernell drunk.
Decoction of Calamint drunk.
Decoction of Sage drunk.
Seed of Chamaeleon-thistle drunk.
Decoction of Time drunk.
Decoction of Summer Savoury drunk.
Wild Time drunk.
Rue taken in any sort.
Root of Bedeguar. White-thistle drunk.
Roots of Brank ursine drunk.
Rinde of the root of Rest-harrow drunk in wine.
Roots of Sea-holly drunk.
Worme-wood, or the decoction thereof drunk.
Decoction of Hisope drunk.
Organie drunk.
Decoction of Goats Organy drunk.
Wild Rue applyed on the groine.
Seed and root of Lovage drunk.
Seed of All-heale drunk.
Caraway seeds drunk.
Decoction of the seed and tops of Dill, drunk.
Smallage eaten raw, or boyled,
Petroselinum.Parsley drunk.
Decoction of Fennell drunk.
Gith drunk many dayes together.
Decoction of Poley-mountaine drunk.
Decoction of Mugwort used in fomentation.
Decoction of Cammomill drunk, or used as a Bath.
Gromell taken in white wine.
Root of Madir drunk.
Roots of Spleen-wort drunke in wine.
St. Johns-wort drunk.
Bettony leaves drunk.
Seed of Woodbinde drunk, is an excellent remedy.
Saxifrage drunk,
Roots of stinking Gladdon, the weight of three obols drunk, but the seed is much better.
Seed of Sea Bulrush fryed, and drunk in wine and water.
Perfume of Ageratum. Maudlein with uncut leaves.
Winter Cherries eaten.
Seed of sleepy Night-shade drunk.
Leaves, berries, small stalks, and roots of Kneeholme drunk in wine.
Broome-seeds eaten.
The first spriggs of Briony boyled, and eaten.
Decoction of Cytisus. milke Trifoile drunk.
Seed of yellow Carrots drunk.
Seed of Bastard St. Johns-wort drunk.
Juyce of Horse-taile drunk.
Leaves of Wall Penni-wort eaten with the roots.
Seed of Rampions, and of Pseudobunium. Winter-Cresses drunk.
Roots of Astragalus. Milke vetch taken in wine.
Roots of Jacynth drunk.
Young spriggs of black Briony boyled and eaten.
Juyce of the leaves of Spurge Laurell drunk.
Wine of Quinces, of Hisope, of Squill, or of Wormwood drunk.
Honied water drunk.
For those which pisse with difficulty and paine.
A stinking worm so called.PUnies bruised and surringed up the yard.
Wood-lice drunk in wine.
A kind of great flyes unknown in England.Cigales rosted, and eaten.
Perfume of Grasse-hoppers chiefly for women.
Ashes of Harts-horne well washed two drams.
Decoction of Mallowes bathed.
Purslaine eaten often.
Decoction of Sparagus rootes drunk.
Decoction of the rootes, leaves, and seeds of Samphire boyled in wine, drunk.
Decoction of Sandix, it is made of burned Ceruse. Artificiall Vermillion drunk.
Bastard Parsley eaten as other Garden herbs.
Decoction of great Marjerome drunk.
Decoction of the roots of Plowmans Spikenard drunk.
Seed of Basill drunk.
Roots of Candie Alexanders drunk.
Agarick the weight of a dram taken.
Juyce of Sow-fennell drunk.
Rhapontick drunk.
Juyce of Phalaris. Canary-grasse taken in wine, or in water.
Nettle-tree bruised drunke alone in wine, or in sod wine with seed of Mallowes.
Ground Pine drunk.
Decoction of Carline-thistle drunk.
Seed of Southern-wood bruised, steeped in hot water, and drunk.
Seed of All-heale drunk, or applied on the groine.
Seed of Seselios of Candy drunk.
Roots of spatling Poppy drunk in water.
Seed of Sison. Bastard Stone Parsley drunk.
Ammeos taken in wine.
Parsley-seed drunke.
Galbanum drunk.
Decoction of water Germander boiled in wine, or in water, drunk.
Second kinde of sea Pimpernell, the weight of two drams drunk.
People drunk.
Decoction of marsh Mallows drunk with wine.
Decoction of the roots of Couchgrasse drunk.
Roots of [...]tion. Clote burres boyled with the seed, drunk.
Maiden-haire drunk.
Black Maiden-haire drunk.
Third kind of Spuma maris drunk.
Powder of Blood-stone drunke in wine.
Powder of the Stone Morochthus drunk in water.
Powder of the Stone white stone in forme of an Acorn brought from Syria. Judaicus, the bignesse of a Cich-pease taken in hot water.
Sponge Found in Sponges. Stones taken in wine.
For the Strangury.
DEcoction of common sweet Cane drunk.
Seed of Water-cresses drunke in wine.
Hercules All-heale taken in wine.
Seselios of Marseilles drunk.
Seed of Consolida regalis. wild Cummin drunk.
Seed and root of Smallage, or of Parsley drunk in honied wine.
A shrub having leaves like Organie, many branches, and small black berries.Polycnemon taken in wine.
Wild Basill drunk.
Roots of An herbe with great roots, rising in many round heads, growing among stones. Oenanthe taken in wine.
Leaves and flowers of Flea-bane drunk.
Decoction of Spleenwort drunk.
Onions boyled with Sparagus roots, drunk.
Onobrychis.Red Fetchling drunk.
Juyce of knot-grasse drunk.
Saxifrage boyled in wine drunk.
Roots of stinking Gladdon taken in honied wine.
Juyce, seed, and leaves of Tragium. small Saxifrage drunk.
Leaves, roots, and berries of Butchers Broome drunk.
Roots of Alexandrian bayes the weight of six drams drunk.
Tops of Helichrison. Golden mothweed drunk in wine.
To heale Ʋlcers of the Bladder.
LEaves and berries of mirtle drunk.
All sorts of milke drunk.
Cowcumber-seed drunk in milke, and sod wine.
Dry white Grapes much eaten.
For wounds of the Bladder.
BUtter surringed.
Leaves of Horse-tayle drunk in water.
To void the stone of the Bladder.
THe gizerne of A kind of Eagle so called. Ossifragus drunk at times.
Mice dung taken in honied wine with Frankincense.
Urine of a Boare drunk.
Decoction of the roots of sharpe-pointed dock drunk.
Great water Parsnep boyled, or raw, eaten, or drunk, or the decoction of them drunk.
Seed of Water-cresses drunk.
Decoction of Plow-mans Spikenard drunk.
Seed or rootes of Parsley drunk in wine.
Wild fennell drunk.
Gum Sagapene drunk.
Decoction of Maiden-haire drunk.
Decoction of black Maiden-haire drunk.
Gum issuing out of Vine-stocks drunk in wine.
To breake Stones in the Bladder.
GRaines of Paradise drunk, with a dram of the rinde of the roote of Bayes.
Bdellium drunk.
Gum of Cherry-tree drunk.
Decoction of Spleen-wort drunk.
Milium solis.Gromell drunk in white wine.
Saxifrage drunk.
Decoction of Couch-grasse drunk.
Seed of small Saxifrage drunk.
Roots and berries of Knee-holme drunk.
Powder of the Stone Judaicus, falling there-from, being rubbed against another sharp stone, drunk in hot water.
Sponge Stones drunk.
For those which cannot keep their water.
SEed of wild Rue fryed, and eaten.
Red Darnell drunke in strong wine.
Against the Itch of the Bladder.
HErcules All-heale drunk in honied water, or in wine.
Cepaea.Garden Brook-lime drunk.
For those which pisse small clots of bloud.
SEEd of wild Cummin drunk.
Tops of golden Moth-weed drunk in honied wine.
For persons which pisse bloud by reason of stones broken in the Bladder.
SHarp brine surringed up the yard or passage of the Urine, so soone as it is perceived.
Simples serving for the genitall Members and secret parts.
To cause standing of the Yard.
COstus drunk in honied wine.
Saffron drunk.
Lin-seed taken with hony and pepper.
Boyled Turnips eaten.
Rocket much eaten.
Seed of Rocket drunk.
Roots of great Dragons rosted in embers, or boyled, drunk in wine.
Asphodill roots eaten.
Garden Cresses drunk, or eaten.
Leek seed drunk.
Boyled Scalions eaten.
Garlick bruised with Corianderseeds, eaten.
Nettle-seeds drunk in sod wine.
Roots of Gallium Ladies Bed-straw eaten.
Juyce of Mint drunk.
Roots of All-heale eaten.
Annise drunk.
The rankest roots of Bastard Satyrion eaten, or drunk.
Roots of Satyrion eaten.
Clary drunk.
The first and highest root of Xyphion. Cornflag drunk in wine.
Reines of A kind of small land Chrocodile divers parts whereof are of good use in physick. Skinke, the weight of a dram drunk in wine.
All sorts of Milke supped.
To augment Sperme and naturall Seed.
COriander seed drunk.
Finally all Medicines good to cause standing of the Yard, are propper for this, except those which are excessively hot and dry.
To binder standing of the Yard.
SEEd of Agnus Castus drunk, or the leaves applyed on the Genitalls.
Purslaine eaten, or layed upon the Genitalls.
Seeds of Lettice drunk, defendeth dreaming of love in the night.
Decoction of the seed and tops of Dill frequently drunk.
Rue eaten and drunk often.
The leanest roots of bastard Satyrion drunk.
Hempseed taken frequently.
The second and lowest roote of Cladiolus.Corn-flag drunk.
Hemlock with the tops, applyed on the Genitalls, having first bruised it; this is a very good receipt.
For those which lose their Seed.
ROots of water Lilly drunk.
Roots of Illyrian flower-de-luce drunk in vinegar.
For Ʋlcers of the secret parts.
NEw-shorne unwashed wooll applyed.
Liniment of the powder of Aloes, or the powder it selfe applied.
Juyce of Knot-grasse boyled in wine, and applied with hony.
Allome applied in any sort.
Flos salis, powdered, and sprinkled.
For inflammations of the Genitalls.
CIches boyled with bitter vetches applied.
Beanes boyled in wine, applied as a poultis.
Leaves of Groundsell, and the flowers, used as a poultis.
Liniment of Asphodill leaves and roots.
Cimolian earth applied.
A poultis of Melilot.
Liniment made of the stone Geodes.
Liniment of Rue, and of Bay leaves.
Liniment of Organie, of salt, and of leaven.
A poultis of Cummin, dry Grapes, and Bean-flower, or with wax.
Liniment of Coriander, dry grapes and hony.
A poultis made of Lilly roots cut in chives, with henbane, and wheatemeale.
Liniment of Samian earth, of oyle of roses, and water.
Henbane seed bruised and layed to with wine.
Against itching of the Genitalls.
DEcoction of Sage applied with wine.
All Rosins, especially Turpentine applied.
Against hardnesse of the Genitalls.
SEEd of Erysimum. Bank Cresses layed to.
For those which have no The foreskin, or skin that covereth the nut of the yard. Prepuce
IUyce of stinking deadly Carrot, applyed on the head of the member causeth a tumour, which mollified by fomentation of fat things, serveth in place of a fore-skin.
Hony applied thirty dayes, upon the member after bathing.
For Corrisive Vlcers of the Genitall Members.
GAll of a Bul applyed with hony.
Flowers of Labruske bruised [Page 144]and applied with hony, saffron, Myrrhe, and oyle of roses.
Against Warts growing on the genitall Members.
HEad of a Cackarell-fish salted, burned, and layed to.
Gall of wild she Goates applied.
Sheeps dung layed to with vinegar.
Time applied as a poultis.
Summer Savoury layed to.
Powder of Pepper, Rue; and Niter, used in frication.
Milke of Spurge applyed.
Branches of Chamasyce. Spurge Time bruised, and applyed.
Juyce of Mercury applyed.
Seed of Turne-soile layed to.
Simples serving for the Matrix.
For the suffocation of the Matrix.
ROots of Spicknell bruised, and reduced to an Electuary with hony.
Juniper berries drunk.
Perfume of Ʋnguis odoratus.
Punies put to the nose.
Bitumen smelled unto applied, or perfumed.
Curd of a Seale drunk.
Urine boyled in oyle of privet, given in a Glister, or surringed.
Juyce of Plantaine drunk.
Mustard-seed bruised, and put to the nose.
Agarick the weight of a dram taken.
Liniment of Rue incorporated in hony, applied to the fundament, and secret parts.
Seed of Hercules All heale drunk in wine.
Roote of Mountaine Siler, with the seed, drunk.
Sow-fennell smelled to.
Gum Sagapene applied about the nostrils, to smell to.
Seed and leaves of stinking Tre-foil drunk.
The black berries of Peonie, fifteen in number, drunk.
Roots of Beares eare drunk.
Bettony leaves the weight of a dram drunk.
Perfume of the stone Jet. Gagates.
To provoke Womens monthly Purgations.
ILlyrian Flower-de-luce taken in wine, or used in fomentation, Fomentation and Baths, with the decoction of Spicknell rootes, used beneath.
Decoction of common sweet Cane fomented beneath.
Decoction of Galling all roots fomented.
Roots of Asarabacca, the weight of six drams drunk in water.
Decoction of Valerian drunk.
Cinamon drunk.
Cinamomum drunk, or used with Myrrhe in manner of a Suppositary, or pessarie.
Costus drunk.
Squinanth.Cammels hay drunk.
Sweet Cane drunk, or used in fomentation.
Gum Lac drunk in honied water.
Decoction of Elicampane rootes drunk.
A poultis made of Myrrhe, and Worm-wood incorporated in juyce of Lupines, or in juyce of Rue.
Storax drunk, or applyed.
Bitumen drunk in wine with Castorium.
Cedar berries drunk with pepper.
Decoction of Bay leaves fomented.
Leaves of Phyllirea. Mock-privet drunk.
Seed of Agnus Castus, the weight of a dram drunk.
Gum of Olive tree drunk.
Bitter Almonds applied.
Milk of Fig-tree drunk with bruised Almonds.
Snayles and their shels bruised, put [Page 148]into the naturall place of women.
Castorium the weight of two drams drunk.
Juyce of Onions applyed on the secret parts.
Unwashed wooll used as a pessary.
Liniment made of the grease of a Goose, or of a Hen.
Dung of she Goates nourished on mountaines, drunk with some odorant thing.
Decoction of Lin-seed fomented.
Decoction of Lupines used as a suppositary with myrrhe and hony.
Radishes eaten, or the juyce drunk.
Asphodill roots drunk.
Decoction of sea-Holly drunk.
Decoction of Cole-worts supped, or the juyce applyed with Darnell meale as a suppositary.
Great water Parsnep eaten as other pot-hearbs.
Samphyre eaten, or the decoction drunk.
Roots of great Centaury drunk, or the juyce used as a suppositary.
Gum of Gum Succorie used with myrrhe as a suppositary.
Some think it is Volubilis major, the greater Withiwind.Scandulaceum drunk.
Milk of wild Lettice drunk.
Wild and Garden Leeks eaten.
Decoction of Garlick leaves used as a Bath.
Sow-bread drunk, or used in the manner of a suppositary.
Seed of Southern-wood drunk with water.
Seed and rinde of the Caper plant drunk.
Roots of Wind-flower used in a suppositary.
Ivie berries bruised, and used as a suppositary or pessarie.
Penni-royall drunk.
Agarick the weight of a dram drunk in Oximel.
Organie drunk.
Worm-wood drunk, or applied beneath.
Goates Organie drunk.
Decoction of Sage drunk.
Ammeos drunk in wine.
Decoction of Time, and of Summer Savoury drunk.
Wild Time drunk.
Seed of Candie Alexanders drunk.
Decoction of great Marjerome drunk or applyed on the naturall place of women.
Decoction of the rootes of Plowmans Spikenard drunk.
Wild and garden Rue drunk and applyed beneath.
Hercules All-heale drunk in wine.
Seed and roots of Lovage drunke, and applyed.
Seed of All-heale drunk.
Seed and roots of Seselios of Marseilles drunk.
Seselios of Candie drunk.
Fennell taken in wine.
Bastard stone Sison. Parsley drunk.
Rosemary roots drunk.
Juyce of Sow-fennell drunk.
Parsley drunk.
Yellow Carret drunk.
Gum Ammoniacum drunke.
Gith drunk frequently.
Gum Sagapene drunk.
Benzoin drunk with Pepper and Myrrhe.
Galbanum perfumed, and used as a suppositary.
Clinopodium.Wild Basill drunk.
Decoction of Germander drunk.
Lilly roots burned, and applied beneath with oyle of roses.
Decoction of Baulme used below as a Bath.
Seed and leaves of Trefoile drunk.
Decoction of both kindes of poley drunk.
Juyce of water Germander drunk, or the hearb used as a suppositary.
Decoction of Mugwort used as a Bath.
Myrthis.Sweet Chervill drunk.
Flowers and leaves of Flea-bane drunk.
Roots of yellow Lilly applyed with wooll.
Leaves and berries of Knee-holme taken in wine.
Decoction of Cheiri. Wall-flowers-used as a Bath.
Seed of Wall-flowers the weight of two drams taken in wine.
Decoction of Cammomell drunk, or used as a Bath.
Peonie root the bignesse of an Almond taken.
Roots of Madir applied below,
Decoction of Maiden-haire drunk.
Black Maiden-baire drunk.
Leaves of Anagyris. Bea [...]e Trefoile bruised, and drunk in sod wine.
St. Johns-wort drunk, and applyed beneath.
Seed of bastard St. Johns-wort drunk.
Leaves of all kinde of Nettles bruised, and applied with Myrrhe.
Bettony leaves the weight of a dram, taken in wine.
Seed of Medium. Blew Coventrie bels drunk.
Juyce of Spurge Laurell leaves taken in wine.
The first roote of Gladiolus. Corn-flag applied beneath.
Seed, leaves, and juyce of Tragium. small Saxifrage the weight of a dram drunk.
Chrysocome.Golden Tode-flax taken in Metheglin.
Tops of golden Moth-weed drunk in honied wine.
Juyce of Mandragore, the weight of halfe an obol applied below.
Seed of Mandragore drunk.
Spurge Laurell drunk.
White and black Hellebore applied beneath.
Young shoots of black Briony boyd as Sparagus, eaten.
Turne-sole leaves, applied beneath.
Wine of Squill, or of Worm-wood, or of Hisope drunk.
To restraine great excesse of Womens monthly Purgations.
Mosse of trees used in Baths.
Bark of the Frankincense-tree applied in a pessary.
Hawthorn berries eaten, or drunk.
Hypocistis.Juyce of male Holly-rose drunk, or put into the naturall place of women.
Seed of Sumack drunke, stay the whites of women.
Green Dates eaten.
Date-skins drunk.
Kernells of Pomegranats dryed in the Sun, powdered, and sprinkled on meat, or boyled and eaten.
Galls put in Baths, and fomentations for the lower parts.
The inmost skin of Acornes drunk, or applied beneath.
Mirtill berries used in Baths, or fomentations.
Decoction of Quinces fomented.
Acacia drunk and applied.
Juyce of Lycium. Box-thorne used in manner of a Suppositary.
Decoction of Lote tree drunk, or fomented below.
Leaves of Mastick tree drunk, or applied in a suppositary.
Curd of Hares, of Kids, of Lambs, of Harts, of Calves, or of Hindes drunk, or used in a suppositary.
Harts-horne burned, and washed with some astringent liquor drunk.
Juyce of wild Olive-tree leaves, applied upon the naturall place of women.
Dung of she Goates nourished on mountaines, dryed, powdered, and applied with Frankincense, as a suppositary.
Roots of hearb Patience used as a suppositary.
Plantaine drunk, or fomented.
Juyce of Goates beard taken in wine, or used as a suppositary.
Leaves of Leekes boyled in sea water, and vinegar, bathed below.
Decoction of branches of Bramble, drunk.
Roots of Arabian-thistle eaten.
Wild Darnell drunk in strong wine.
Seed of horned Poppie drunk.
Yarrow used in a suppositary.
Roots of Idea drunk.
Decoction of Bramble drunk.
Leaves of Horse-taile drunk.
Suppositary of Minte.
Seed of sea Bul-rush fryed, and drunk in wine allayed with water.
Wild Basill drunk in wine.
Annise drunke, especially for the Whites.
Cummin used in a Suppositary with vinegar.
Seed and root of the water Lilly, which beareth yellow flowers, drunk with thick strong wine.
Peony berries twelve in number taken in strong wine.
Juyce of Willow herbe applyed in a suppositary.
Moly.Sorcerers Garlick used in a suppositary with Darnell meale.
Juyce of Knotgrasse applied in a suppositary.
Decoction of Symphitum petreum. Wallwort drunk.
Juyce of By some called Saponalia. Clymenum drunk with wine.
Seed of Water Plantain, the weight of an Acetabule taken in wine.
Root of Medium. Blew Coventry bels boiled and made into an Electuary, with hony.
Berries of Tragos. small Sea Grape ten in number taken in wine.
Henbane seed the weight of an obol taken in honyed water.
Juyce of Morel applyed with wool as a suppositary.
A suppositary of Mandragore-seed, of brimstone, and of wine.
Honsleek used in a suppositary with wooll.
Decoction of Grape-skins drunke, and fomented.
Flowers of Labruske used in a pessary.
Verjuyce used in a pessary.
Rust of Iron applied in a suppositary.
Chalcitis used in a pessary with juyce of Leeks.
Lees of wine applyed on the groin, and on the secret parts.
Bloodstone taken in wine.
The stone Morochthus applied with wooll as a pessary.
Powder of the A kind of artificial Cadmia. stone Ostracites, the weight of a dram taken in wine.
Samian earth drunk with the flowers of wild Pomegranat tree.
To expell the after birth.
CA storium the weight of two drams drunk with Penniroyall.
Seed of the second kind of Sowbread drunk.
Decoction of Garlick leaves used in fomentation.
Long Aristolochia drunke with myrrhe and pepper, or used as a Pessary.
Pennyroyall drunk.
Decoction of Time drunk.
Decoction of Summer Savory drunk.
Parsely seed drunk.
Decoction of Hore-hound drunk.
Decoction of Siachis. wilde Hore-hound drunk.
Decoction of Mugwort bathed.
Four pounds of Circea; Bindeweed nightshade, bruised and infused a whole night in seven pounds of sweet wine: drink of this infusion 30 daies together.
Leaves, stalkes, and seed of Oenanthe [Page 158]taken in honyed wine.
Wall-flowers the weight of two mdras taken in wine. Cheiri.
Roots of Madir used in a suppositary.
Leaves of Beane Trefoile drunke in sod wine.
Ground Pine used in a suppositary with hony.
ChrysocomeGolden Tode flax drunk in honyed water.
Black maiden hair drunk.
Briony used in a Suppositary.
Myrrhe drunk.
Juyce of Sow-fennel drunk.
Seed of Rampions drunke.
Seed of Candy Alexanders drunk.
Decoction of Maiden-haire drunk.
To cause abortion.
CAstorium the weight of two drams taken with Penniroyall.
Milke of a Bitches first Litter drunk.
Unwashed wool applyed in a Suppositary.
Dung of wild she Goates taken with some sweet and aromaticall thing.
Perfume of Vultures seathers.
Broth of Cich pease supped.
Decoction of Lupines, fomented with myrthe and hony.
Great water Parseneps used as other Kitchen herbs.
Decoction of great Dragons surringed.
Pepper drunk.
Roots of Sow-bread fastened to the thigh.
Stalkes of Ivy leaves applyed in a Suppositary with hony.
Gentian roote used in a Suppositary.
Rootes of great Centaury used in a Pessary.
Juyce of small Centaury surringed.
Penniroyall drunk.
Dittany drunk, used in a pessary, or perfumed.
Decoction of Time supped.
Decoction of summer Savory drunk.
Root of Plowmans Spicknard fresh gathered, used in a Suppositary.
Root of Hercules All heal cut sharp at the end, put into the naturall place of women.
Seed and root of Mountaine Siler drunk,
Galbanum with myrrhe taken in wine, or perfumed.
Wild Basill drunk.
Decoction of Germander drunk.
Juyce of Scordium. water Germander the weight of a dram drunk.
Decoction of Mugwort fomented beneath.
Flowers and leaves of Fleabane drunk
Seed of Wall-flowers the weight of two drams taken in wine.
Leaves of Onosma. Wild Buglosse taken in wine.
Roots of Madir used in a Suppositary.
Leaves of Beane Trefoile drunke in sod wine; or worne about the necke, but it must be taken away, so soone as the woman is delivered.
Roots of Orkanet applyed.
Juyce of Mandragore surringed.
Sweet Chervill drunk.
Leaves of Turnsole put into the naturall place of Women.
Perfume of Brimston taken below.
Seed of yellow Carrot drunk.
Gum ammoniacum drunk.
Woodbinde seed the weight of a dram taken in wine.
Roote of Alexandrian Bayes the weight of six drams taken in sweet wine.
Allome used in a suppositary.
Jasper stone fastened to the thigh.
The Eagle stone used in the like manner
The Samian stone worne about the neck.
To hinder Conception.
LEaves of Willow taken apart, or with water.
Curd of a Hare, taken three days after the womans monthly purgation.
Menstruall blood applied on the naturall place.
Colewort flowers applyed in a pessary presently after the woman is delivered.
Sparagus rootes worne about the neck.
Pepper put into the naturall place, after a woman hath known a man carnally.
Ivy berries, the weight of a dram taken after their monthly purgation.
Sccuridaca.Hatchet Fitch used in a Suppositary before the carnall knowledge of a man.
Rosin of Cedar applied on the mans member.
Powder of the stone Ostracites the weight of two drams, drunke foure dayes after the monthly purgation.
Scaleferne gathered in the night when the Moone doth not shine, fastned unto the womans belly, with the Milt of a Mule; according to the opinion of some.
Seed and leaves of Wood-bine drunk 36 dayes together,
Leaves of Epimediu Barrenwort, bruised and drunk 5 dayes together, presently after the monthly purgation.
The Lower root of Gladiolus Corne-flagge drunk.
Roots of Brakes drunk.
Turnesole worn about the neck.
Rust of Iron drunk.
Minte applyed on the naturall place [Page 163]of women, before they know men carnally.
To cause Conception.
CUrd of a Hare used in a Suppositary, presently after the womans monthly purgation.
Perfume of darnell meale, myrthe, Frankincense, Bitumen, and Saffron taken beneath.
Seed of All-heale drunk.
To deliver a woman of a dead Child.
DIttany drunk, and applied in a suppositary.
Decoction of Sage drunk.
Galbanum drunk with Myrrhe, and wine.
Decoction of Hore-hound drunk.
Decoction of Coltsfoot drunk.
To preserve the Childe till the limitted time.
THe Eagle stone worn about the left arme.
The Samian stone worne about the neck.
For Women in Labour.
ROOt of Dittany drunk.
Decoction of the Roots of Plowmans Spicknard fomented.
Wild Fennell drunk.
Juyce of Sowfennell drunk.
Dry Peony roots drunk.
Decoction of Marsh Mallowes surringed.
Against loathing of meate of women with Child.
IUyce of the leaves and Tendrels of vine drunk.
Against inflammation of the Matrix.
DEcoction of Spicknard bathed.
Decoction of Squinanth to bath the secret parts.
Decoction of the leaves and seed of Agnus Castus, fomented.
Fresh Butter applyed.
Juyce of Sow-thistle applyed.
Agarick the weight of a dram taken in Oximell.
Decoction of Penniroyal to foment the privy parts.
A Poultis of Melilot, and of sod wine.
Gum of Hercules All-heale put into the naturall place of women with hony.
Decoction of Mugwort used as a bath.
Decoction of Wallflowers applyed in fomentation.
Root of Sea Pimpernell laid to with milk and oyle of Roses.
Decoction of Feverfew bathed.
Decoction of Marsh Mallowes incorporated with Goose-grease; or in Hogs Lard, or in Turpentine, used as a Suppositary.
For Ʋlcers in the naturall places of women.
DEcoction of Rose-wood boyled in wine surringed.
Milke wherein burning flints have been quenched, surringed.
Unwashed wool applyed, both healeth and mollifieth.
Liniment of the Leaves of Fenugreek and vinegar.
Leaves of Swallow wort applyed.
To mollifie bardnesse of the naturall parts of Women.
APoultis of Myrrhe, and Wormwood, made with sap of Lupines, or with Rue.
Liniment of Storax.
Liniment of the grease of a Goose, or of a Hen.
Liniment of Bdellium.
Decoction of Mallowes surringed.
Labdanum used in a pessary.
Hercules All-heale put into Womens naturall places with hony.
Decoction of Elder, and of Wallwort fomented.
Decoction of Fever-few used as a bath.
The expression of Fenugreek steeped in water, incorporated in Goosegrease, and used as a pessary.
Roots of Lillies applied.
Persume of Ageratum. Maudlein with uncut leaves.
Against Wind in the Matrix.
AGlister of Rue boyled in oyle.
Geranium hearb Robert.Herbe Doves foot, and the [Page 167]roots, the weight of a dram drunk.
Against falling and relapsing of the Matrix.
PErfumes, or fomentations made of Cinamon.
Juyce of Mirtill berries fomented.
Decoction of Quinces used in fomentation.
Decoction of Galls used as a Bath.
Acacia in a suppositary.
Juyce of male Holly-rose used in a suppositary.
Leaves of all sorts of Nettles applied.
Vinegar used in fomentation.
Against paines, and gripings of the Matrix.
LIniment of the grease of a Goose, or of a Hen.
Urine boyled with oyle of privet applied.
Decoction of Lin-seed surringed.
Decoction of Mallowes surringed, or used as a Bath.
Decoction of Purslaine surringed; this is a singular receipt against gripings [Page 168]of the Matrix.
Rhapontick drunk.
Roots of great Centaury drunk.
Decoction of Dill used beneath in fomentation.
Verveine leaves incorporated in fresh Hoggs lard, or in oyle of roses used as a suppositary.
Decoction of Henbane-seed surringed.
Juyce of Mandragore applied in a pressary.
Simples serving for the Armes and Leggs.
For the Gout of the Leggs, and Feet.
AMomum applyed.
Roots of Spicknell applied.
Liniment made of Aspen leaves, and of vinegar.
Raw sresh lees of oyle, used in fomentation.
Decoction of the leaves and bark of Willow fomented.
A poultis made of milk of Figtree, vinegar, and meale of fenugreek.
Snayles bruised with their shels.
Liniment made of the ashes of a burned Weesill, with vinegar.
A round spungie excresence of the sea.Sea Lungs chopped small and applied.
Liniment made of womans milk, of opium, and of wax.
Suet of Sheep, of she Goates, or of he Goates, incorporated with the beasts dung from which it was taken, and applied as a liniment.
Menstruall bloud applied.
Dung of wild she Goates applied with their suet.
A poultis made of Barlie meale, and of Quinces.
A poultis made of boyled lentils with polenta.
Decoction of Turnips to foment the diseased part.
A poultis made of Cole worts, of fenugreek, and of vinegar.
Liniment made of Succory alone, or with polenta.
Parings of Gourds applied.
Roots of Aron. Cuckow pinte incorporated in Oxe dung, and applied as a poultis.
Asphodill roots the weight of a dram taken in wine.
Decoction of Sow-bread fomented.
Scalions applied alone, or with hony.
Liniment made of Hercules Allheale, and of dry grapes.
Poultisses of Rosemary, Darnell meale, and vinegar.
Water Germander applyed with water, or vinegar.
Liniment made of Wall-flowers, and of vinegar.
Androsace.Sea Navell-wort applied.
Liniment made of the juyce of Wal-Pellitory, incorporated in wax, and suet of a he Goate.
A poultis made of the seeds and leaves of Henbane, and of polenta.
Housleek applied when the diseaseis accompanied with great heat.
Liniment made of Nettles.
Corraline applied.
Liniment made of wild Cowcumber [Page 171]rootes, and of vinegar.
Juyce of stinking deadly Carrot applied.
Ben applied.
A poultis made of the leaves of Elder, and of Wall-wort, incorporated in suet of a Bull, or of a he Goat.
A poultis of Briony incorporated in she Goates dung.
Liniment of Turne-sole leaves.
Dry Grapes, the kernels taken out, Or Raisins stoned applied with juyce of All-heale.
Stewes made of boyling vinegar, and of brimstone.
Liniment made of the rust of Iron.
Liniment of brimstone, water, and niter.
Salt and vinegar applied.
Liniment of Beane meale, and Asian stone.
Liniment made of Jet.
Bricks very well burned applied.
For the Sciatica.
ROots of Spicknell applied.
Elicampane rootes boyled in wine, applied.
Dicoction of Illyrian Flower-deluce [Page 172]given in a Glister.
Graines of paradise taken in water.
Asarabacca drunk, or glisterised.
Barke of Poplar tree, the weight of an ounce drunk.
Iberis.Sciatica cresses bruised and applied as a poultis.
Pickle of the Fish Silurus given in a Glister.
Pickle of all Fish glisterised.
Seed of Candie Alexanders drunk.
Dung of Ox'n at grasse applied.
A poultis of Darnell meale boyled in honied water.
Liniment of meale of Lupines, and vinegar.
Gum Ammoniacum drunk.
Seed of Asci [...]um. S. Peters-wort taken in water.
Decoction of Sparagus roots drunk.
Decoction of Marsh Mallowes drunk.
Mustard-seed bruised, and applied, with Figgs, letting it remaine till the place looke red.
Garden Cresses given in a Glister.
Seed of Bank Gresses glisterised.
Scalions applied alone, or with hony.
Capers drunk.
A poultis made of the leaves and roots of Lepidium. Dittander, bruited and in corporated with Elicampane roots.
Agarick the weight of three obols, taken in honied vinegar.
Rhapontick drunk.
Seed of Ant [...]rosaemum. Tutsan St. Johns-wort drunk, but you must drink water presently after the Medicine hath done its operation.
Decoction of great Centaurie given in a Glister.
Decoction of our Lady-thistle roots drunk.
Seed of Southern-wood drunke in water.
Roots of Madir drunk.
Penni-royall applied till the place be made red.
Green Calaminte bruised, and applied till the place be red.
A poultis of Time, Mans dung, and Polenta.
Summer Savoury prepared in the like manner.
Seed of wild Rue drunk forty dayes together.
Liniment of Hercules All-heale, and hony.
Liniment of Asa Fetida incorporated in wax, oyle of privet, and oyle of Flower-de-luce.
Euphorbium taken in some Aromaticall potion.
Leontopetalum.Lions leafe given in a Glister.
Seed of St. Johns-wort drunk forty dayes together.
Leaves of ground Pine taken in water forty dayes together.
Bettony leaves drunk in water.
Roots of Spatling Poppy taken with water.
Roots of stinking Gladdon taken in honied wine.
Seed of wild Basill taken in wine, with myrrhe, and Pepper.
Decoction of Cinkfoile rootes drunk.
Tops of golden Moth-weed taken in wine.
Decoction of the roote of horned Poppy drunk.
Decoction of the Aethiopian Mullein drunk.
Arction.Clote-burre drunk in wine, or applied.
Leaves of Spurge Chamaesyce. Time, the weight of three obols, taken in water thirty or forty dayes together.
Fresh Coloquintida glisterised, or used in frication.
Roots of wild Cowcumber, given in a Glister.
Infusion of Broome steeped in Sea water, given in a Glister.
A poultis of Scammonie boyled in vinegar, and barley flower.
Honied vinegar drunk.
Sory given in a Glister with wine.
Brine glisterised.
A salt blackish foame cleaving to reeds, and other marsh hearbs in dry seasons.Adarca applied.
Against the Gout of the hands, and paines of the joynts.
BRoth of old Cocks supped.
Liniment of Cole-worts, fenugreek, and vinegar.
Rue drunk, or used in a poultis.
Agarick the weight of a dram taken in honied vinegar.
Decoction of Cinkfoile roots drunk.
Liniment made of Fleabane, oyle of roses, and vinegar, or water.
Rootes of Mandragory applyed [Page 178]as a poultis with dry polenta.
A poultis of Nettles.
Black Hellebore drunk.
Sea weed applied fresh.
Liniment of the juyce of Thapsia. stinking deadly Carrot.
Daffodill roots bruised and applied with hony.
Honied vinegar drunk.
Honied wine frequently drunk.
For bruised joynts.
LIniment of Vine branches burned to ashes, and incorporated in grease, or in oyle.
Against knobs and nodosities growing on the joynts.
ROots of wild Hemp boyled and applied.
Liniment made of Oker.
To heale Kybes on the heeles.
FRankinsence applied with grease of a Hogge, or of a Goose.
Tarre applied.
Acacia applied.
Decoction of Mirtill berries fomented.
Burned Figgs incorporated in a Cerot, and layed to.
Liniment of the ashes of burned river Crabbs, and hony.
Sea Lungs chopped small, and applied to, fresh.
Ashes of burned Asses hoofe, incorporated in oyle, applyed.
Beares grease annoynted.
Juyce of wall Penni-wort applied.
A plaister made of Lentils, Melilot, dry roses, pomgranate shels, Quinces, and oyle of roses.
Decoction of bitter vetch used in fomentation.
Decoction of Turnips fomented.
Decoction of Beets bathed.
Leaves of great Dragons boyled in wine, applied.
Oyle boyled in the hollow of an Asphodill roote, applied.
Decoction of Sow-bread fomented, or oyle boyled with a little wax, in the hollow of the rootes of Sow-bread.
Burned Squill applied.
Decoction of Crow-foot bathed.
Clote burre applied with wine.
Allome dissolved in water.
Against blisters and inflammations of the feet, caused by the shooes,
LIghts of Lambs, of Beares, or of Hoggs applied.
Soles of old Shooes burned, and applied.
Juyce of Onions incorporated in Hens grease, and applied.
To heale clefts, and chaps of the Feete.
LIniment made of the ashes of river Crabbs, and of sod hony.
Squill boyled in oyle, applied with rosin.
Against Ʋlcers which grow on the ends of the Fingers, and divide the skin from the Nayles.
IUyce of Pomegranats applied.
Mirtill leaves bruised, and applied.
Leaves of wild Olive tree bruised, and layed to.
Powder of Ivorie applied.
Aloes applied with sod wine.
Patonychia, whitelow-grasse.Nayle-wort chopped small, applyed.
Brionie boyled in oyle till it be soft, applied.
Flowers of Labruske, burned and applyed with hony.
Rust of Iron layed to.
Acacia applyed.
Leaves of Sumack applyed with hony, or vinegar.
Leaves of Hore-hound layed to with hony.
Cinke-foyle roots applied.
Milke of male Spurge applyed.
Vinegar applied.
Allome dissolved in water.
Salt applied.
Against Apostumes which grow in the roots of the Nayles.
FRankincense applyed with hony.
Shavings of Ivorie layed to.
Leaves of Nayle-wort applied.
To cause rough Nayles fall off.
TArre applied.
Lin-seed with the like weight of Garden-cresses, and hony.
Cyprus apples applied.
Liniment made of the roots of Herb Patience boyled in vinegar.
Roots and leaves of Crowfoot applied.
Liniment of Scrophularia minor. the lesser Celandine.
Misseltoe applied with powder of Orpine.
Allome sprinkled with water.
Liniment made of Brimstone and Turpentine.
Red Arsenick applied with pitch.
Lees of wine burned, and incorporated in rosin, applied.
To take away loose Nayles.
DRy Grapes applied. Or Raisins.
For bruised Nayles.
SCallions applyed with dry Polenta.
To take away Cornes.
WHeaten leaven applied.
For Veines puffed and swelled with bloud.
ROots of Cirsium. Thistle gentle applied on the diseased place.
Against Kernells and Inflamations of the Groine.
HAre-foot Tre-foile applied.
After Articus.Starre-wort fresh gathered, applyed.
Against burstings, and falling downe of the Guts.
CYprus apples applied.
A poultis of Pomegranate Flowers.
A poultis of wall-wort.
Cinquefoile drunk.
Leaves and rootes of Horse-taile drunk.
A Cataplasme of Aloes.
Against Windy ruptures.
LIniment of the ashes of Vine branches.
Simples serving generally against many Maladies, and first of those which serve against Feavers.
Against Tertian Feavers.
A Spider bruised in a cloth spread upon linnen, and applied on the fore-head, or Temples.
Earth-wormes boyled in Goose-grease, applied.
Three entire Plantaine roots drunk in three cyaths of wine, with as much water.
Three leaves, and as many berries of stinking Trefoile, bruised, and drunk.
St. Johns-wort drunk in wine.
The third knot or joynt (from the ground) of the stalke of female Verveine drunk, with the leaves which are upon it.
Three graines of Turne-sole drunk before the fit.
Juyce of Purslaine supped.
Against Quartane Feavers.
SEven Punies put in beanes made hollow, drunk.
Foure entire Plantaine roots drunk in foure Cyaths of wine, and as much water.
The worms which are found in Fullers Thistle, fastned to the arme, or worne about the neck in a little leather purse.
Wild Rue drunk in wine.
St. Johns-wort taken in wine.
Foure sprigs of Cinkefoile drunk.
The fourth knot or joynt of female Verveine (counting from the roote) drunk, with the leaves found thereon.
Foure graines of Turne-sole taken an houre before the fit.
Against long inveterate Feavers.
BRoth of old Cocks.
Agarick drunk.
Honied wine drunk, when the stomack is very weake.
Against Feavers A kind of Quotidian, in which is felt both heat and cold. Epiales.
THree or foure leaves of Henbane drunk.
Against intermitting Feavers, returning at certaine times.
MUstard-seed sprinkled on meat.
Seed of Candie Alexanders drunk.
Pepper drunk.
Rue drunk.
Gum Sagapene drunk.
Cammomill given in a Glister.
Juyce of knot-grasse drunk an hour before the fit.
Cinkefoile drunke in water, or in wine, with a little pepper.
Against languishing Feavers,
PUrslaine applied on the mouth of the stomack, and on the sides.
Against shaking of Feavers.
PEpper drunk.
Agarick the weight of a dram drunk.
Round Aristolochia drunke before the fit.
Liniment made of Southernwood and oyle.
Decoction of Calaminte drunk.
Hercules All-heale applied.
Seed and roots of Candie Alexanders, drunk in sod wine.
Liniment of wall Pellitory.
Benzoin taken in wine with frankincense and pepper.
Liniment of fleabane and oyle.
Seed of bastard St. Johns-wort drunk with pepper.
Seed and root of Buglosse drunk.
Liniment made of Wood-binde-seed, and oyle.
Against pestilentiall Feavers.
Myrrhis.SWeet Chervill drunk every day, twice or thrice a day.
Simples serving against Apostumes, Swellings and Tumours.
Against inflammations, and rednesse of any diseased part.
FResh Rose leaves, bruised, and applyed.
Liniment of bruised Acornes.
Seed of Sumacke applyed with water.
A poultis of meale of Lupines, dry polenta and water.
Juyce of Wall-penniwort, anointed about the Tumour.
A poultis of Plantaine.
Asphodill roots layed to with dry polenta.
Vinegar applyed with unwashed Wooll, or Spunges.
Rhapontick applyed with vinegar, [Page 189]when the place hath been long inflamed.
Penniroyall applyed with polenta.
Leaves of Colts-foot, bruised, and applyed with hony.
A poultis of Feverfew.
Second kind of Spleen-wort applyed.
A poultis of the roots of wilde Hempe.
Knot grasse applyed.
A poultis of Caltraps.
Roots of stinking Gladon applyed with vinegar.
Achillea.Yarrow applyed.
A poultis of Wall-Pellitory.
Liverwort applyed.
Liniment made of female Verveine leaves, when the place hath been long inflamed.
Leaves and heads of Poppy applyed, or the heads onely with dry polenta.
Leaves and seed of Henbane applyed.
Fresh leaves of Mandragore applyed with Polenta.
Briony root boyled in wine, layed to.
Liniment of the leaves of Wall-wort, or of Elder, and Polenta.
Liniment of Indian leafe, to break apostumes.
Wheaten Bran boyled in good vinegar, applyed.
Wheate flower steeped in oyle and water, or in honyed water used as a Liniment.
A Poultis of Wheaten-bread, boyled in honyed water, with herbs proper for the same effect.
Sesamum applyed.
Against Carbuncles.
LEaves of Privet applyed.
Liniment of Tar, Hony, and dry Grapes, to breake the Carbuncles and remove the skars.
Cyprus leaves bruised and applyed.
Liniment of Savin leaves and wine, to breake the Carbuncles.
Dry ripe Olives applied to take away the skars.
Kernells of old Wall-nuts applyed.
Pidgeons dung incorporated in hony [Page 201]and Lin-seed.
A poultis of meale of bitter Vetch.
A poultis of meal of Lupines and vinegar.
Coleworts applyed with salt to break them.
Garden Cresses applyed.
Leeks applyed with salt.
Liniment of Hercules All-heal.
A poultis of Coriander, Or Raisins. dry grapes and hony.
Liniment of Asa foetida.
Milke of Male spurge applyed.
Raisins stoned.Dry Grapes cleansed from their kernels applyed with Rue.
Against fellons, and small Apostumes.
WHeaten Leaven applyed.
Wall-pellitory applyed.
A poultis made of salt, dry grapes, and Hogs Lard, or hony.
Asphodill roots boyled in wine lees, applyed.
Leaves of Colchicum Ephemerum. Meddow Saffron boiled in wine, applyed.
Liniment made of Nettle leaves.
Roots of Leontopadium. Lyons Cudweed worne about the neck.
Wild Cowcumber roots applyed with Turpentine.
Liniment made of the juyce of Scammony, hony and oyle.
Gum of Mulberry tree rootes, applyed.
Liniment of the juyce of stinking deadly Carrot, and hony.
Leaves of Pycuotomum. Devills bit applyed.
Red Arsenick applyed with grease.
Liniment made of Asian stone, incorporated in Tar, or Turpentine.
Liniment of Cimolian earth, incorporated in vinegar.
To prevent Gangrenaes, and releive diseased parts, tending to St. Anthonies fire.
LEaves of Sumack applyed with hony and vinegar.
Juyce of Pomegranats applyed.
Old Wallnuts applyed.
Lye made of the ashes of Fig tree applyed with Spunges.
A poultis of Raddishes, salt, and darnell meale.
Meale of Ciches applyed with Barly and hony.
Liniment made of Lentils, Melilot, oyle of Roses, dry Roses, Pomegranat shel, and salt water,
Meale of bitter Vetch applyed.
Coleworts boyled, used as a Cataplasme with hony.
Scalions applyed alone, or with hony.
Asa fetida applyed, having first scarified the place.
Leaves of stincking Nettle, with the seed, Juyce, and stalkes thereof, applyed with vinegar.
Leaves of Mullein which beareth yellow flowers, applyed.
Milke of Male spurge applyed.
Liniment made of the root, Berryes and leaves of Briony, with salt.
Or Raisons stoned.Dry Grapes the Kernells taken out applyed with salt.
Against the Holy fire, burning sharpe Inflammations, and St. Anthonies fire.
LIniment made of Saffron, mingled with refringarative things.
Cyprus leaves applyed alone, or with polenta.
Leaves of Ramne thorne applyed.
Leaves of Privet applyed.
Roses layd to.
Juyce of Acacia laid to.
Leaves of Wild Olive tree bruised, and laid to.
Liniment made of Mirtell leaves, oyle of green Olives, and a little oyle of roses or wine.
Menstruall blood applyed.
Wild she goats dung, boyled in wine, or vinegar, applyed.
Settlings of the parties Urine applyed.
A poultis made of Lentils, Melilot, dry roses, oyle of Roses, and Pomegranat shells.
Liniment made of Mallowes boyled in oyle.
A poultis of Coleworts chopped and incorporated in polenta.
A poultis of Purslaine and Polenta.
Liniment made of Plantain, Cimolian earth, and Ceruse.
Leaves and roots of Succory applyed with polenta,
Liniment made of the leaves of Garden Woad.
A poultis of Acynos. Stone Basill.
Liniment made of the juyce of Rue, Vinegar, Ceruse, and oyle of roses.
Liniment made of Coriander, bread, and dry polenta.
Liniment made of Lilly leaves; and vinegar,
Leaves of Colts-foot, bruised and applyed with hony.
A poultis made of the herb and flowers of Feverfew.
Knot grasse applyed.
Roots of Orcanet applyed with polenta.
The root of Lycopsis Wild Buglosse applyed with polenta.
Raspis flowers applyed.
Wal-Pellitory laid to.
A poultis of boyled Cinkefoile roots.
Liniment made of Male Verveine and vinegar.
Poppy heads cut in peeces applyed with polenta.
Liniment made of the juyce of Morell, or of the leaves, incorporated in polenta.
Liniment made of Mandragore roots and vinegar.
Juyce of Hemlock applyed.
Juyce of Wall-Pennywort applyed.
Liniment made of Fleabane, or of its Mucilages.
Ducks meat applied.
Liniment made of the leaves of Palma Christi, and vinegar.
Housleek applyed.
Yarrow applyed.
Vinegar applyed.
Rust of Iron applyed.
Chalcitis applyed.
Liniment made of Salt and Vinegar or of Hisope.
Against the Shingles.
JUyce of Acacia applyed.
Mirtill leaves applyed with oyle of green Olives, or with a little oyle of roses, and wine.
Leaves of wild Olive tree, bruised, and laid to.
Liniment made of Wild she Goats dung, boyled in wine or vinegar.
A poultis made of Lentills, Melilot, oyle of roses, dry roses, and Pomegranat shels.
Liniment made of the juyce of Wal-Pellitory [Page 205]and Ceruse.
Plantaine applyed.
Liniment of Cellandine and wine.
Bramble leaves applyed.
Liniment made of the juyce of Morell, Ceruse, oyle of Roses, and Lithargy.
Against Wheales, Pushes and red Spots.
LIniment made of the dung of she Goates, or of Sheepe, and vinegar,
Coleworts chopped small, applyed with Polenta.
Plantaine applyed in any sort.
Cowcumber leaves applyed with hony.
A poultis made of the leaves of Leeks and the seed of Sumack.
Liniment made of Wormwood and water.
Coriander seed applyed with Or Raisins. dry graps and hony.
Misletoe applyed on soft linnen folds.
Seed of Turnesole applyed.
Raisins stoned.Dry Grapes, the Kernells taken out [Page 208]laid to with Rue.
For the Kings Evill.
ILlyrian Flower-de-luce boyled and applyed.
Liniment made of Tar, and Barly meale, boyled in a young childs Urine.
Dry figs boyled and applied.
The first figs which being too forward do not thrive.Early figs boiled and applied
Boiled Vipers flesh, eaten.
Weesills blood applyed.
Ashes of Asses hoofes steeped in oile, applyed,
Dung, of Oxen at grasse applyed.
A poultis of Barlie meale, and pitch, incorporated in a young childs urine.
A Poultis made of Darnell meale, and Pidgeons dung boyled in wine.
Liniment of Beane-flower, hony, and Fenugreek.
Liniment made of Lentills boyled in vinegar with Melilot.
Meale of Lupines applyed with vinegar.
Herbe Patience boyled, applyed.
Plantain applyed with salt, or the roots worne about the neck.
Liniment made of Brimstone and Mustard.
Garden Cresses applied with Brine.
Pepper applyed with Pitch.
Coriander seed applyed with Beane flower.
Galbanum applied.
Goose grasse applied.
Leaves of Baulme applyed with salt, as a poultis.
Marsh Mallowes boiled in wine, or in honied water, applied.
Cinkefoile roots boiled, or chopped small, and applied.
Liniment made of Benzoin and waxe.
Juice of Wall Penniwort applied.
Fresh leaves of Mandragore applied with polenta.
The third kind of Housleek applyed.
Leaves, stalkes, feed, and juice of stinking Nettle used in a poultis.
Four sprigs of Winter Cresses drunk with water, or applied.
Maiden-haire, applied.
Liniment made of Tiles, powdered and incorporated in a Sear-cloth.
Leaves and roots of the Caper-bush, bruised and applyed.
Against flat Apostumes, called in Greek Panos.
LIniment made of the leaves of wild Olive tree, and hony.
Dry figs, boiled and applyed.
Dung of Oxen at Pasture, applyed.
Meale of Lupines applyed with vinegar.
Orage raw, and boyled applied.
Plantain laid to with salt.
Liniment made of Scallions boiled with polenta, and Hogs Lard.
Leaves of Garden Woad applyed.
Sea Holly worn about the neck.
Liniment made of Southernewood, or of Barly meale, incorporated in oile and water.
Stone Basill laid to.
Seed and flowers of Esculapius Allheal used as a poultis.
Coriander seed applied with Bean meal.
Gum Ammoniacum applied.
Onobrychis.Red Fet [...]ling chopped small, applied.
Liniment made of the uppermost root of Gladiolus Corne-flag, of Darnel meale and fresh water.
Fleawort applyed with oyle of roses, or water, or Vinegar.
Leaves of Mandragore new gathered, applyed.
Liniment made of the leaves, seede, stalkes, and juyce of stinking Nettle.
Roots of Clote burre applyed on the leaf with grease.
Pycnocomon.Devills bit applyed.
Fleawort used in a poultis.
Wine Lees applyed.
To resolve all Apostumes and Tumours.
RIver Crabs applyed.
Lin-seed applied.
Meale of Fenugreeke used in a Poultis.
Leaves and roots of the Caper bush, bruised, and applyed.
Roote of Candy Alexanders applied.
Gum Ammoniacum applied.
Leaves and flowers of Buphthalmum. Oxe-eye, incorporated in wax, applied.
Liniment made of fresh Mandragore leaves and polenta.
A poultis made of the juyce, leaves, stalkes, and seeds of stinking nettle.
Aigilops.Havergrasse applied.
Dyphriges.Drosse of brasse applied with Turpentine, or wax.
Marcasite stone applied.
Alablaster burned, and incorporated in rosin, or in pitch.
Liniment made of Fullers earth.
Against hard, or almost unsensible swellings between the flesh and the skin, called Scirrhus.
BLoud of a Bull applied with polenta.
Liniment made of the dung of Oxen, at grasse, and vinegar.
Darnell meale boyled in wine, with Pidgeons dung.
Lin-seed boyled with niter and lye, of the ashes of Fig-tree.
Hydropiper.Arse-smart applied.
Roots of wild Hemp applied.
For Cankers.
LIniment made of the ashes of river Crabbs boyled in hony.
Seed of bank Cresses bruised, and applyed.
All sorts of Nettles applied.
Leaves, juyce, seed, and stalkes of stinking nettle applied.
To dissolve all swellings.
HOggs Lard applied.
Cole-worts chopped small, and applied with polenta.
Gourds applied.
Seed of Loppamin. small Clote burre.
Liniment made of Scalions boyled with polenta and Hoggs grease.
Lin-seed used in a poultis.
Liniment of fenugreek seed
Onions boyled, and applied with figgs, and dry grapes.
Daffodill roots applied.
Briony rootes boyled in wine applied.
Leaves of Garden-woad applied.
Roote of Candie Alexanders applied.
Goates Organie applied with polenta.
Minte applied in a poultis with polenta.
Liniment made of the leaves of great Marjerome incorporated in Wax.
Yellow Carrot applied.
Rosemary roots used as a poultis.
Gith applied with vinegar.
Hormigum.Common Clary applied with water.
Flowers of Oxe-eye, incorporated in wax.
Boyled marsh Mallowes applied.
Roote of wild Hempe used in a poultis.
Liniment made of the leaves of beane Trefoile.
Knot-grasse used in a poultis.
Liniment made of the roots of stinking Gladon and vinegar.
Wall pellitory applied.
Cinkfoile roots boyled, and used as a poultis.
Leaves of female Verveine applied.
Liniment made of oyle of roses, vinegar, and water.
Leaves of meddow Saffron boyled in wine, applied.
Leaves of Cytisus. Milk Trefoile applied with bread.
Roote of wild Cowcumber applied with polenta.
Branches of Spurge Time bruised. and applied.
Seed of Devils-bit applied with polenta.
Indian leafe applied.
Wine lees, crude, applied alone, or with mirtle.
Against Steatomata. Apostumes which yeeld an oiley fat matter.
MArigold-flowers Chrysanthemum. bruised, incorporated in wax, and applied.
Against Melicerides. Apostumes which yeeld matter like Hony.
LIniment made of herbe Patience, oyle of roses, and saffron.
Melilot applied with water.
Raisins stoned, and applied with Rue.
Against swellings caused by Blowes.
COleworts chopped small, applied with Polenta.
Liniment made of Gourds applied.
Arse-smart applied.
Liniment made of Time, or of Summer Savoury.
Against bruises, and prints of strokes.
NEw Cheefe applied.
Unwashed Wooll steeped in oyle, and vinegar.
Beane-flower applied with hony, and fenugreek.
Meale of Lupines applied.
Raddish applied with hony.
Ashes of Garlick layed to with hony.
Mustard applied.
Arse-smart applied.
Sneesingwort, and the flowers applyed.
Scalions applied alone, or with the yolke of an egge.
Rhapontick applied with vinegar.
Aloes applied with hony.
Asa fetida applied.
Worm-wood applied with hony.
Hot sea water fomented.
Hisope with hot water.
Calaminte with wine.
Leaves of great Marjerome dryed, applied with hony.
Wild Cummin chewed, and layed to with hony and raisins.
Ammeos with hony.
Vinegar and hony.
Juyce and roots of stinking deadly Carrot incorporated in the like weight of frankinsence and wax, applied as a poultis; it must remaine only two houres on the part offended, which must be often fomented with Seawater.
Briony roote boyled in oyle till it be soft, applied.
Liniment of salt and hony.
Simples serving for Wounds.
To heale Wounds.
CYprus leaves bruised.
Elme leaves, especially the rinde or skin of the Barke, used instead of a swath.
Gum of Sycamore applied.
Liniment made of the lees of oyles boyled in a copper vessell.
Greene Dates applied.
Leaves and seed of Agnus Castus applied.
Pomegranate flowers applied.
Frankinsence sprinkled on the Wounds.
Ashes of burned wooll applied.
Leaves of wild Cole-worts applied.
Bastard Argemone. wild poppy applied.
Juyce of Licorice layed to.
Fresh rootes of great Centaury applied.
Leaves of small Centaurie bruised, and applied.
Yarrow applied.
Roots of Burnet bruised, applied.
Roots of Candie Alexanders applied.
Aloes in powder sprinkled.
A bitter Gum brought from Persia.Sarcocalla applied.
Polionemon applied with water.
Poley used as a poultis.
Water Germander applied.
Horse-tayle leaves layed to.
Leaves of Spleen-wort applied.
Marsh Mallowes boyled in wine, or in water and hony, applied.
Leaves of Sideritis. Iron-wort applied.
Ground Pine layed to with hony.
Second kinde of Iron-wort applied.
Knot-grasse used in a poultis.
Solomons Seale used as a poultis.
Wall-wort applied.
A poultis made of Comfry.
Juyce of Clymenum applied.
All sorts of Iron-worts applied.
Roots of Lycopsis. wild Buglosse applied in a poultis.
Seed of Basill applied
Roots of Couch-grasse bruised, and applied
Flea-wort applied.
Cinkfoile applied.
Scarlet graine powdered, and sprinkled on the wounds.
Verveine applied.
Leaves and flowers of Groundsell, applied with crums of frankinsence.
Leaves of Mullein applied with vinegar.
Fresh Sponges applied with water, and vinegar, without any grease.
Unwashed wooll steeped in vinegar, and in oyle.
Leaves of Dragons boyled in wine.
Leaves of Garden-woad applyed.
Yarrow applied.
Powder of the stone Morochthus, sprinkled.
To stench bleeding of a Wound.
IUyce of wild Olive-tree leaves applied.
Galls burned, and quenched in vinegar, or in brine, sprinkled.
Pomegranate flowers applied.
Dry leaves of Called Persian Plum-tree Persea applied.
Cyprus leaves and nuts bruised, and applied.
Frankinsence sprinkled.
Ashes of burned Froggs applyed.
Cobwebs applyed.
Dung of wild she Goates applied with vinegar.
Asses dung crude, or burned, and applyed with vinegar.
Leaves of Scabions applied.
Purslaine applied.
Plantaine applied.
Roots of Idea applied.
Leaves of Garden-woad applied.
Sage applied.
Flowers of Gallium Ladies Bed-straw, put in the wound.
Leaves of Tutsan St. Johns-wort layed to.
Cinkfoile applied.
Wild Darnell fastned to the body with red wooll.
Liverwort applied.
Roots of milke vetch put in the wound.
Henbane-seed the weight of an obol drunk in honied water.
Yarrow applied.
Cinnaber, and Dragons bloud put in the wound.
Allome applied.
Brimstone applied.
Plaster applied.
Fresh Spunges applied alone, without any other thing.
Ashes of burned spunges applied with Pitch.
Eretrian earth sprinkled.
Powder of Antimonie sprinkled.
To stench bloud descending from the Braine.
CHickens braines drunk in wine.
Antimonie powdered, and sprinkled.
To resolve clotted Bloud.
TIme put in the wound.
Summer Savoury applied.
To heale wounds caused by venemous shot.
IUyce of Dittanie drunk, and dropped into the wound.
To re-incarnate Bones destitute of Flesh.
ILlyrian Flower-de-luce applied.
Roots of Hercules All-heale applied.
Liniment made of Myrrhe, and Snayles without their shels.
To heale Wounds in the pellicles of the Braine.
BUtter applyed.
Against the inflammations of Wounds.
NEw dung of Oxen at grasse, enveloped in leaves, heated upon embers, and often applyed and changed.
Liniment made of the leaves of Pine, and of pitch tree, bruised.
Beane flower used in a poultis.
Meale of Lupines applied.
Yarrow applied.
Flowers of Labruske put in Cataplasmes.
Verdigrease applied.
To draw out Splinters, or other things which stick in wounds.
SNailes with their shels, bruised and applied.
Flesh of a salted Silurus applied.
A Lizards head cleft, and applied.
Scalions used in Cataplasmes.
Clarie applied with water.
Pimpernell applied.
Daffodill roots applied with meale of Darnell.
Round Aristolochia applied.
Dittany applied.
The first root of Corn-flag applyed with wine and frankincense.
Roots of stinking Gladdon applyed.
Leaves, seed, and juyce of Tragium. small Saxifrage applyed.
Seed of Pycnocomum. Devils bit layed to with polenta.
Root of Hawthorne applyed.
Roots of Reed-cane applyed.
Mustard-seed layed to.
To take away all superfluous flesh.
GAlles bruised and sprinkled.
Date stones burned, washed, and applied.
Ashes of a sea Hedge-hoggs skin, applied.
Ashes of burned Purple shel-fish, applied.
Liniment made of the Ashes of Ʋnguis odoratus, applied.
Head of a Cackarell fish burned, applied.
Ashes of burned wooll applied.
Powder of water Germander.
Burned brasse or Verdigrease applied.
Washed Lead, Antimonie, Lithargy, Ceruse, Borax, Oker, drosse of Brasse, Arsenick, Punice stone, Corall, flower of the Asian stone, dryed, powdered, and put upon the excressence in any sort whatsoever.
Marcasite stone applyed with Rosin.
To Cicatrise a Wound.
CAdmia washed, and applyed.
Washed lead applyed.
Simples serving against Vlcers.
Against corrosive Ʋlcers.
BArk of Pine, or of pitchtree bruised, and applied in a liniment with beaten Vitrioll.
Decoction of Mastick tree fomented.
Cyprus leaves bruised, and applyed.
Leaves of both kinds of Savine bruised, and applyed.
Leaves of all sorts of Ramne-thorne applyed.
Flowers of Cistus. Holly-rose applyed.
Leaves of wild Olive-tree, bruised and applyed.
Rotten wood layed to.
Ripe Olives burned, and layed to.
Date skins in powder applyed.
Mirtle leaves bruised, and applyed with oyle of green Olives, or with a little oyle of roses, and wine.
Bitter Almonds applied with wine.
Head of a Cackarell fish burned, bruised, and layed to.
Pickle of fish applyed.
Gall of a Tortoise layed to.
Liniment made of Darnell meale, Radishes, and salt.
Lin-seed boyled in wine.
Meale of bitter vetch applied.
Radishes bruised, and applied.
Leaves of Beets applied.
Plantaine applied in any sort.
Roots of great Dragons bruised, and applied with hony, and brionie.
Leaves and roots of Asphodill applyed with wine.
Pimpernell bruised, and applied.
Ivie leaves boyled in wine applyed.
Roots of Celandine applied with wine.
Leaves of Garden woad applied.
Round Aristolochia applied.
Root of black Chamelian thistle used in a poultis.
Green Penni-royall applyed.
Marum.Herbe Mastick applied.
Seed and flowers of Esculapius Allheale applied.
Leaves of All-heale bruised, and applied with hony.
Liniment made of Coriander, bread, and Polenta.
Leaves of Hore-hound applied with hony.
Milk of male spurge applied.
Verjuyee applyed with vinegar.
Juyce of Hemlock applied.
Housleek applied.
Meddow Parsnep applied with Rue.
Knotgrasse applied.
Verveine applied with vinegar.
Leaves of Morell applyed with Polenta.
Vinegar fomented.
Sharp brine fomented.
Petasitis.Butter burre applied.
Scailes of brasse sprinkled.
Verdigrease applied.
Burned salt applied with Polenta.
Chalcitis applied.
Drosse of Brasse applied.
Powder of Asian stone applied with vinegar.
Liniment made of Allome, with the like quantity of galls, and lees of vinegar.
Against old inveterate Ʋlcers.
FLowers of Holly Rose applied.
Smal Centaury applied.
A Tent made of the root of Esculapius All-heal.
Liniment made of Misletoe and Frankin sence.
Germander applyed with hony?
Juice of the leaves of Lillies; boiled in a brasse pot, applyed with hony, and vinegar.
Water Germander bruised, and applied with hony.
Root of Astragalus. Milk vetch applied.
Root of Talichrum. Silver weed applied.
Leaves of Clot bur applied.
Vernish laid to with vinegar.
Fresh Spunges laid to without any other thing.
Flower of Asian stone applied.
Against maligne Ʋlcers.
PLantain applyed in any sort.
Rootes of Dragons, chopped small, applyed with hony and Briony.
Butter Bur applyed.
Fleawort bruised and applyed with hony.
Leaves, berries, and roots of Briony applyed with salt.
Roots of Brakes bruised and applyed.
Powder of Cadmia sprinkled.
Flos salis applyed.
Flower of Asian stone applyed with hony.
Powder of the stone Ostracites, applyed with hony.
Against hollow Fistulaes and Ʋlcers.
DEcoction of Illyrian Flower-deluce surringed.
Hogs grease surringed.
Hony dropped into them.
Juyce of Plantaine dropped into the Ulcers,
Juyce of the roots of great dragons, applyed with hony.
Round Aristolochia, applyed with hony, and roots of Flower-de-luce.
Parings of meddow Parseneps, applyed and fastned about Fistulaes, consumes their hardnesses, and callocities.
Cinkefoile applyed with salt and hony.
Yarrow surringed.
Milk of male Spurge, dropped into the Ulcers.
Vinegar and verjuyce surringed.
Chalcitis surringed.
Cadmia applyed, being first made liquid.
Fresh Spunges soaked in hony applied.
Gentian applyed in any sort.
Against the bardnesse and Callocities of Ʋlcers.
DRyed rootes of Caper bush, applyed
Verdigrease applyed with Gum ammoniacum, as a Collyrie.
Dry Spunges tyed with thread, and used as a Tent.
Against Ʋlcers caused by corrosive things.
LIniment made of all sorts of milk, especially of Cowes milk.
Against filthy salt Ʋlcers.
LEaves of wild olive tree, bruised and applied with hony.
Illyrian flower-de-luce applied with hony.
Pickled Olives bruised and applyed.
Turpentine applied.
Tar applyed with hony.
Skin of a Sea Urchin, burned and applyed.
Ashes of purple shell fish burned, applied.
Ashes of Ʋnguis odoratus, sprinkled on the Ulcers.
Meale of red vetch applyed.
Liniment made of Coleworts, Fenugreek, and vinegar.
Roots and leaves of Asphodills applied.
Barke of the Caper bush, dryed, and applied.
Root of Passe-flower applyed.
Ivy leaves boyled in wine.
Celandine applied with grease.
Round Aristolochia applyed.
Dry roots of Rosemary, applied with honie.
Stinking Horehound applyed with honie.
Leaves of white Hore-hound applied with hony.
Leaves of female Verveine applyed.
Daffodill roots applyed with hony, and meal of bitter vetch.
Roots and berries of Briony applied with salt.
Verdigrease boiled in hony, applyed.
Burned brasse sprinkled on the Ulcers,
All sorts of Nettles, bruised and applied.
Root of Sowfennel bruised.
Cadmia applied.
Hony applied.
True Tuty applied.
Brine applied.
Allome used in any sort.
Flower of Asian stone, dried and applyed.
Against Burnings.
BErries of Sycamore, incorporated in grease, applied.
Decoction of the leaves of Privet fomented.
Flowers of Holly rose applyed with waxe.
Gum of Acacia dissolved in an egge, preventeth bladdering.
Mirtle leaves, crude, or burned, incorporated in wax.
Mulberry leaves, bruised and applyed with vinegar.
Frankincense incorporated in the grease of a Hog, or of a Goose.
Ashes of Cutle fish applied.
Ashes of burned Musles applied.
Ashes of Vnguis odoratus applied.
Ashes of burned old shoes applyed.
Hogs grease applyed.
Sheeps dung incorporated in wax, and oile of roses.
Dung of Pidgeons, or of Hens, incorporated in oile with Lin-seed.
Sesamum with oile of roses.
Mallowes boiled in oile.
Green leaves of Beets applied.
Ashes of Coleworts incorporated in the white of an egge.
Milke of wild Lettice applied with womans milk.
Flowers of Ivy incorporated in wax, and the leaves boiled in wine.
Roots of Brank Ursine applied.
Seed and leaves of wild Rue applied.
Birdlime dissolved in hot water, and applyed, preventeth bladdering.
Flower of Tiph-wheat incorporated in old Hogs Lard wel washed.
Roots of Hemerocallis. Lyriconfancy, applied.
Leaves of marsh Mallowes applyed with a little oyle.
Leaves and seed of St. Johns wort applied.
Leaves and seed of Ascyron. St. Peters wort applied.
Leaves of Tutsan St. Johns wort, applyed.
Roots of Orkanet, boiled in oile, and incorporated in wax.
Wall Pellitory applyed.
Leaves of horned Poppy, applyed with oile.
Leaves of wild Mullein applyed in a poultis.
Powder of Antimony incorporated in fresh grease, applied; preventeth bladdering.
Allome applyed with water.
Salt with oyle, or Fullers earth alone, preventeth bladdering.
Phrigian stone incorporated in wax, applyed.
Inke applyed with water.
Cinnaber and Dragons bloud applyed.
Flowers of Gallium. Ladies Bed-straw, applyed.
Burned roots of Lillies incorporated in oyle of roses, or the leaves, applyed.
Leaves of Hounds-tongue incorporated in old Hoggs-grease.
Young Elder leaves applied.
Daffodill roots applied with a little hony.
Oyle boyled in the hollowed roote of an Asphodil, applyed.
Against Ʋlcers dropping matter like Hony.
ROots of Pompions applyed with hony.
Garden cresses applyed.
Against Scabs, or red Sores growing in the Fundament.
SCalions rosted in embers applied with the ashes of a Cackarell-fish, head burned.
Against gallings which happen by chafing betweene the Thighes, or else-where.
POwder of old Shooes burned, applied.
Against inflammations of Ʋlcers.
CObwebs applyed.
To incarnate hollow Ʋlcers.
FRankincense put in them.
Tarre applyed with hony.
Pitch applyed.
Marrow of the bones of all foure-footed beasts applied.
Hony dropped into them.
Cadmia sprinkled.
Corrall put in them.
Flower of the Asian stone applyed with hony.
Eretrian earth applied.
Pumice-stone sprinkled.
To cicatrise Ʋlcers.
AShes of burned Purple-fish.
Ashes of Muskles, and of Ʋnguis odoratus applyed.
Aloes applyed.
Leaves of Agrimonie choppoed smal, and incorporated in Hoggs-grease, applyed.
Powder of the rootes of Brakes sprinkled on them.
Cadmia applyed.
Burned brasse applied.
Scailes of Brasse sprinkled.
Verdigrease incorporated in oyle and wax.
Antimonie, Lead Ore, Lithargie, Ceruse, Chalcitis, Pumice stone, winelees burned, lime washed, corrall, flower of the Asian stone, or Tiles well baked, applied in any sort whatsoever.
Simples serving for Ruptures, and Dislocations.
For members out of joynt.
ROots of Rose-bushes applied with vinegar.
Rootes of Clote burre, bruised and applyed, to ease the paines of the wrinch.
Decoction of Acacia fomented.
Leaves and seed of Agnus Castus used as a poultis.
She Goates dung incorporated in wax, and oyle of roses applyed.
Sparagus roots applyed with wine, or vinegar.
Decoction of Sow-bread fomented.
Decoction of Scalions fomented.
Roots of brank Ursine applied.
Leaves of sweet Marjerome incorporated in wax, applyed.
A poultis made of the leaves of Orkanet, hony, and meale.
All sorts of nettles applyed.
Daffodill roots bruised, and incorporated with hony layed to.
Leaves of black Brionie applied with wine.
Polipodie applied.
Liniment made of Turnsole leaves.
Liniment made of the ashes of Vine branches, and Grape skins burned, incorporated in vinegar.
Salt, meale, and hony applied.
For broken Bones.
DEcoction of Mirtill leaves used in fomentation.
Unwashed wooll dipped in oyle, wine, and rose vinegar applied.
Decoction of Mullein drunk.
Painters soote incorporated in wax, applied.
Liniment made of the decoction of Elme leaves, or of the decoction of the barke of the roots.
To draw out broken Bones,
ROund Aristolochia used in a poultis.
Powder of the root of Sow-sennell, put in the wound.
Euphorbium put in the wound.
Roots of stinking Gladon, applied with Verdigrease.
Brionie bruised, and applied.
Root of black Brionie.
For persons which have had great falls.
IUyce of Gentian roots, the weight of a dram drunk.
Decoction of the roote of Plowmans Spikenard drunk.
Yarrow drunk with water and salt.
A Lexive made of the ashes of Vine branches, with vinegar, salt, and hony.
For persons which are bursten.
DEcoction of Common sweet Cane drunk.
Graines of Paradise drunk in water.
Decoction of true sweet Cane drunk, with seed of Couch-grasse, or of Parsley.
Electuary made of Elicampane root and hony.
Bdellium drunk.
Juniper berries drunk.
Cedar berries eaten.
Root of Halymus. Sea Purslaine, the weight of a dram taken in honied water.
Root of great Dragons rosted in embers, or boyled, taken with hony.
Asphodill roots the weight of a dram taken in wine.
Scalions boyled in vinegar eaten.
Pills of Agarick, the weight of three obols taken with honied wine.
Juyce of Gentian roots, the weight of a dram drunk.
Round Aristolochia drunk.
Wild Time drunk.
Roote of great Centaury taken in wine.
Roots of brank Ursine drunk.
Roots of Candie Alexanders eaten, or drunk.
Decoction of our Lady-thistle roots boyled in wine, drunk.
Seed of Southernwood taken in water.
Organie eaten with figgs.
Leaves and roots of Horse-tayle drunk.
Decoction of Calaminte drunk.
Decoction of the rootes of Plowmans Spikenard drunk.
Rosemary roots drunk.
Gum sagapene drunk.
Benzoin taken with some lye.
Galbanum taken in pills.
Polycnemon drunk in wine.
Water Germander eaten with Garden cresses, hony, and rosin.
Decoction of marsh Mallows drunk.
Roots of marsh Mallowes drunk in wine, or in water.
Bettony leaves the weight of a dram drunk in cleare water.
Wall-wort drunk in honied vinegar.
Comfry roots drunk.
Roote of stinking Gladdon drunk in honied wine.
Tops of Helychrisum. golden Moth-weed drunk in wine.
Decoction of Mullein drunk.
Electuary made of Briony roots and hony.
Powder of the stone Schistos drunk.
Simples serving against venome and poysons, and also against the biting and stinging of venemous Beasts.
Against the stinging and biting of venemous Beasts.
ROots of Illyrian Flower-de-luce taken in vinegar.
Graines of Paradise taken in wine.
Celtick Spikenard, taken with decoction of Wormwood.
Valerian put in preservatives prescribed against venemous bitings.
Cinnamomum drunk.
Cinamon drunk.
Decoction of Elicampane rootes drunk.
Bdellium drunk.
Sycomore berries drunk.
Leaves and flowers of Heath drunk.
Seed of Agnus Castus drunk.
Acornes eaten.
Wall-nuts eaten.
Rosin of Sycomore applied.
Milk of Fig-tree put in the wound.
Liniment made of Tarre, and of salt.
Decoction of the leaves and rootes of Christs-thorne drunk.
Chickens braines taken in wine.
Caterpillars applyed with oyle.
Curd of Hares, of Lambs, of Calves, of Hindes, of Bores, of Harts, of Buffles, of Kids, or of fallow Deere, the weight of three obols taken in wine.
Bloud of a sea Tortoise drunk with Cummin, and the curd of a Hare.
Hony drunk with oyle of roses made hot.
Wheat meale applied with wine, and vinegar.
Juyce of Leeks taken with hony, or a liniment made of the leaves.
Wild Leekes eaten.
Pepper taken in any sort.
Sea holly taken in wine.
Toucrium.Great Germander applyed with vinegar.
Bastard wild Poppy taken in wine.
Agarick the weight of three obols taken in wine.
Rhapontick drunk.
Germander drunk.
Gentian roote the weight of a dram taken in wine with Rue, and Pepper.
Long Aristolochia, the weight of a dram drunk, or applied on the wound.
Decoction of Organie drunk.
Leucas.Poley mountaine drunk in wine, or used in a poultis.
Penni-royall taken in wine.
Juyce of Dittany taken in wine.
Roots of Plow-mans Spikenard taken in wine.
Seed of Hercules All-heale taken with Aristolochia.
Seeds and roots of Lovage drunk.
Seed of All-heale drunk.
Annise drunk.
Roots of Swallow-wort drunke in wine.
Cummin taken in wine.
Ammeos drunk in wine.
Thought to be wild Larkes spur.Delphinium applied on the wound.
Benzoin drunk and applyed.
Galbanum applyed is very good.
Wild Basill drunk.
Leaves of stinking Tresoile taken with Oximel.
Decoction of Poley drunk.
Bettony leaves the weight of three drams taken in nine ounces of wine, or applyed on the wound.
Juyce of Knot-grasse drunk.
Liniment made of Periwinckle.
Root of Sparganium. Burre reed taken in wine.
Strong brine dropped into the wound.
Lemnian earth drunk.
Liniment made of Organie, salt, hony, and hisope.
Against the bitings of Vipers.
COstus the weight of halfe an ounce drunk.
Cinamon drunk.
Tarre applved.
Leaves of Juniper, and juyce of the said leaves drunk.
Leaves of Ash, or the juyce of the leaves drunk.
Bay leaves applyed.
Southernwood applyed.
Galbanum applyed instead of the [Page 248]linnen folds usually laid next above the plaister.
Green Organie put in the wound.
Chickens cleft alive, and applyed on the wound.
A poultis made of bruised Cammomill, barley meale, and honied vinegar, before you lay it to, foment the Wound often with hot honied vinegar.
Bramble leaves applyed with wine.
Juyce of Leekes drunk in a hemine of pure wine.
Juyce of Baulme drunk in wine.
Curd of a Hare drunk.
Omotarichus.The salted flesh of a Tunie eaten, but you must drink presently after, or you may apply it on the wound.
Powder of Harts-horne taken in wine.
The Patients owne urine drunk.
Wheat bran boyled in the decoction of Rue, applyed.
Liniment made of the meale of bitter vetch, steeped in wine.
Raddish applyed.
Juyce of Cole-worts drunke with niter, and the root of Flower-de-luce.
Gum Succory eaten.
Garlick taken in wine, or applied.
Squil boyled in vinegar applied.
Juyce of Pimpernell taken in wine.
Pith of Fennell Gyant taken in wine.
Juyce of Clote burre taken in wine.
Juyce of the roots of Madir drunk, with the leaves.
Juyce of Land Caltraps the weight of a dram taken, or applyed on the wound.
Leaves and roots of the first kinde of Orkanet eaten, drunk, or worne about the neck.
Seed of wild Basill drunk in wine.
Roots of Elder, or of Wall-wort, boyled in wine, drunk.
Brionie roote the weight of two drams drunk.
Ashes of Vine branches applied with vinegar.
Against the bitings of Serpents, and Aspes.
RIver Crabbs bruised, and drunke with Asses milk.
The stones of A beast living in Nilus. River Horses drunk.
Castorium drunk.
Powder of Weesils salted, and dryed in the shadow, the weight of two drams taken in wine.
Froggs boyled in oyle, eaten with salt.
Gudgeons eaten.
Seven punies taken in any sort.
A Bores liver dryed, and taken in wine.
Hens cleft alive and laid upon the wound, letting them remaine so long as they are hot, then laying to others.
Butter applied.
Wild Goates dung boyled in wine, or in vinegar, and applyed.
Hony drunk with oyle of roses.
Asphodill rootes the weight of three drams drunk, or used with the leaves and flowers in a poultis.
Garden cresses drunk.
Seed of white Thistle drunk.
Southernwood taken in wine.
A poultis made of Hisope bruised with hony, salt, and cummin.
Nepeta.Feild Calaminte drunk, or used in a poultis.
Seed and flowers of Esculapius Allheale drunk, or applyed.
It beares a leaf like sweet Marjerome, a yellow flower, and hath a small roote.Panaces de Chiron drunk, or applyed.
Juyce of Hawk-weed taken in wine.
Seed of Elapphoboscum. Wild Parsnep drunk.
Incision made in the Patients head unto the bone, Euphorbium put therein, and the wound re-closed.
Leontopetalon.Lions leafe drunk, taketh away the paine.
Lilly leaves applyed.
Baul me drunk in wine, and applied on the wound.
Leaves of Hore-hound drunk.
Wild Time drunk, and applyed.
Rue eaten with Wall-nuts, and dry Figgs.
Dry water Germander taken in wine.
Harts-tongue taken in wine.
Roots of Candie Alexanders applyed.
Fennell taken in wine.
Gum Sagapene taken in wine.
Rosemary roots taken in wine.
Fleawort applyed.
Periwinckle taken in vinegar.
Roote of Echium. Vipers Buglosse taken in wine, also whosoever drinketh the roots, leaves, or seed of Vipers Buglosse, shall be preserved from being bitten by Serpents.
Seed of wild Basill drunk.
Seed and leaves of Agrimonie taken in wine.
Sprigs of golden Moth-weed taken in wine.
Roots and leaves of female Verveint taken in wine, or applyed.
Mandragore roots applied with hony, or oyle.
Roots of Oleander taken in wine.
Fomentation with hot vinegar, if the poyson be cold, otherwise if the poyson be hot, use cold vinegar.
Decoction of Maiden-haire drunk.
Sea water fomented.
Liniment made of salt, organie, hony, and hisope.
Ashes of Vine branches applyed with vinegar.
Samian earth drunk in water.
Serpentine marble worne about the neck.
Against the bitings of the Serpents called Emourrous.
GArlick drunk, and applyed.
Pure wine drunk abundantly.
A poultis made of Vine leaves, boyled, and incorporated in hony.
Against the bitings of horned Serpents, called Cerastes.
SEsamum applyed with oyle of roses.
Seed of Radishes drunk in wine.
Liniment made of salt, incorporated in rosin of Cedar, or in pitch, or in hony.
Against the bitings of A venemous worme having many leggs. Scolopendra.
SEEd and rootes of Asphodill taken in wine.
Salt with hony, and vinegar.
Wild Rue applyed, or drunk in wine.
Strong brine fomented.
Aristolochia taken in wine.
Wild Time taken in wine.
Calaminte taken in pure wine.
Against the bitings of the Serpent called A most venomous stinking scailie Snake, broad headed, and of a darke rawny colour. Dryinus.
ARistolochia taken in wine.
Leaves of stinking Trefoile drunk.
Asphodill roots drunk.
Acornes drunk.
Roots of Holme Oake bruised, and applyed on the wound.
Against the bitings of a water Adder.
ORganie bruised, incorporated in water, and applyed with oyle, or lye.
Liniment made of the rinde of Aristolochia chopped small, with roots of oake, barley meale, and hony.
Aristolochia the weight of two drams taken in water, and vinegar.
Juyce of Hore-hound taken in wine.
New Hony-combe taken with vinegar.
Against the bitings of the Serpent called A Serpent covered with greene scailes, and spots resembling Milletseed. Genchrus.
LIniment made of the seeds of Lettice, and wine.
Summer Savoury taken in wine, with wild Rue, wild Time, and Asphodill roots.
Gentian drunk.
Graines of paradise eaten.
Against the bitings of shrew Mice:
THe shrew Mice themselves cut in peeces, and applyed on the wound.
Liniment made of Garlick, Fig-tree leaves, and Cummin.
Worm-wood taken in wine.
Roots of Chrisogonum. Tormentill chopped smal, and applyed with vinegar.
Galbanum applyed on soft linnen folds.
Liniment made of barley meale, and honied vinegar.
Kernels of sweet Pomegranats boyled, and applyed.
Bruised leekes applyed.
Decoction of Southernwood drunk in wine.
Wild Time taken in wine.
Rocket taken in wine.
Cyprus apples taken with vinegar.
Sow-bread taken in honied vincgar.
Pellitory of Spaine drunke in wine.
Roote of Carline Thistle drunk.
Against the stinging of the Fork fish, sea Scorpion, and sea Dragon.
DEcoction of Sage drunk.
All simples good against the bitings of Vipers.
Decoction of Wormwood, or of Brimstone boyled in vinegar.
The Beasts themselves which stung the Party, cut in peeces, and applied on the wound.
Great sea Barbell cleft, and applied.
Basil applyed with polenta, and vinegar.
Lead rubbed on the wound.
Brimstone applyed.
Against the bitings of Weesils.
ROcket eaten, but you must drinke good wine presently after.
Against the bitings of Cockatrices.
CAstorium the weight of a dram taken in wine.
Opium drunk.
Against the biting of A broad headed sharp mouthed Serpent of many coulors. Lizards.
PUrslain well boiled.
Against the bitings of mad Dogs.
Lycium.IUice of Box thorn taken in pills, or drunk in water.
Ashes of river Crabs drunk the weight of two drams in wine of Gentian roots, three dayes together.
Salted Cackarell fish eaten.
Omotarichus.The salted flesh of a Tuny applied.
Pickle of all fish fomented.
The Liver of a mad dog rosted and eaten taketh away all feare of water.
Blood of a dog drunk.
Urine of a dog drunk.
Hony drunk with hot oyle of roses.
Wheat chewed and applied.
Onyons incorporated in rue, salt, and hony applyed.
Garlick drunk in wine, or used in a poultis.
Hercules All-heal incorporated in pitch, used as a poultis.
Fennell roots chopped small applied with hony.
Asa fetida applied.
Stinking Hore-hound applied with salt.
Mad-wort eaten.
Crow Garlick eaten and applied.
Salt things applied.
Against the bitings of Dogs.
BItter Almonds incorporated in hony applied.
Muskles flesh eaten.
Gudgeons applied.
Meale of bitter Vetch steeped in wine applied.
Plantain used as a poultis.
Cowcumber leaves applied.
A poultis made of Scallions, hony, and powder of Pepper.
Minte applied.
All sorts of Nettles applyed withsalt.
Leaves and roots of Hounds tongue incorporated in old Hogs grease, applyed.
Liniment made of the leaves of Elder and of Wall-wort.
Ashes of vine branches applyed with vinegar.
Against the stinging of the Spider called A most venemous Spider, having a perilous and deadly sting. Phalangium.
BErries of Tamarisk, drunk.
Mirtill drunk in pure wine.
Juyce of Mulberry leaves, the weight of a Cyath, drunk.
Lexive of the ashes of figtree drunk withwine and white salt.
River Crabs, bruised, boiled, and drunk with Asses milk.
Great Sea Barbell, cleft and applyed.
Decoction of mallowes applied.
Sweet Chervil taken in wine.
Decoction of Sparagus roots drunk in wine.
Wild Lettice drunk.
Seed of Coris, bastard, St Johns wort drunk in wine.
Juyce of Ivy taken in vinegar.
Southern wood drunk in wine.
Seed of Yellow Carrot taken in wine.
Gith the weight of a dram drunk in water.
Clavers drunk in wine.
Baulme drunk in wine or applyed in a poultis.
Leaves, flowers and seed of Phalangium. Spiderwort drunk.
Tender leaves growing near the bottom of Sea Rushes, applyed.
Roots of Jacynth applyed.
Housleek drunk.
Sea water fomented.
Rootes of wilde Pomegranat tree powdered very small, or Aristolochia incorporated in Barly flower; and vinegar, applyed.
Decoction of Baulm, or of the leaves fomented.
Seeds of Southernwood, of Annise, of Ethiopian Cummin, and of wild Ciches, the weight of two drams of any of them taken in an Hemin of wine.
Fruit of the Cedar bruised, applyed on the wound, or drunk.
Bark of Sycomore drunk.
Decoction of green Cyprus apples drunk with wine.
Decoction of ground Pine drunk.
Seed of Tresoile drunk.
Against the bitings of the Lizard called Stellio.
SEsamum applyed with oile of roses.
Against the bitings of all four footed beasts.
A Boares Liver fresh or dry drunk.
Against the stinging of Scorpions.
GAlingall applyed.
Graines of Paradise taken in wine.
Amomum applyed with Basill.
Bay berries drunk in wine.
Juyce of Mirtill taken in pure wine.
Milk of domesticall fig-tree dropped into the wound.
River Crabs bruised, boyled, and drunk with Asses milk.
Scorpions bruised, and applyed, or rosted and eaten.
Delphinium.Wild Larks spur applyed.
Great Sea Barbell opened and applyed.
Salted Cackarell fish applyed.
Lizards opened, and applyed take away the paine.
Mice opened, and applyed.
Dung of Asses, or of Horses at grasse mingled with wine, drunk.
Mans urine, drunk
Wheat meal applyed with wine and vinegar,
Seed of Lychnis. Rose Campion drunk in wine.
Seed of sharp pointed dock, or of Sorrell drunk in win, or in water.
Juyce of Sow-thistles eaten, or applyed in a poultis.
Succory laid to as a poultis.
Spider wort drunk.
Wild Lettice drunk.
Basill applyed with Polenta.
Seed and flowers of Asphodills drunk in wine.
Southern-wood taken in wine.
Sweet Marjerome applyed with salt and vinegar.
Both kinds of Hawkweed applyed in a poultis.
Benzoin dissolved in oyle applyed.
Colus agrestis.Wild bastard thistle drunk in wine with Pepper, or carryed in the hand, asswageth the pain,
Leaves of Baùlme applied.
Roots of spatling Poppy woorne about the neck.
Black-berries, and their flowers.
Leaves of Mullein bearing yellow flowers applied.
Juyce of Spurge Time applied.
Scorpions grasse applyed.
Turnesole drunke in wine, and applyed.
Sea water fomented.
Sulpher viv.Naturall Brimstone incorporated in Turpentine applyed.
Bruised Calaminte applyed, or fomented with water and vinegar.
Galbanum applyed as a bolster.
Barley meale mingled with wine.
Decoction of Rue fomented.
Bruised Trefoile put in the wound.
Cyprus applyed with wine, and Rue.
Juyce of Sow-fennell drunk.
Decoction of Penni-royall, or of Gentian drunk.
Rinde of Aristolochia the weight of two drams taken.
Salt with Lin-seed.
Saphire stone applyed.
Against the stinging of Waspes, and Bees.
BAy leaves bruised, and applyed.
Mallowes chopped small, applied with oyle.
Leaves of Water-cresses.
Decoction of marsh Mallowes drunk in water and vinegar.
Salt applyed with Calves grease.
To drive away all venomous Beasts.
PErfume of the Juniper plant.
Cedar berries incorporated in the sat of Venison, or in Deeres marrow; anoynt all the body over with this composition.
Perfume of the leaves of Agnus Castus, or strew them in the place whence you would drive the venomous Beasts.
River Crabbs bruised, boyled with Basill, and given to Scorpions.
Perfume of Harts-horne.
Liniment made of the suet of red Deere, and of Elephants, to anoynt the body.
Decres marrow to annoynt the body.
Perfume of Garden Cresses.
Southernwood strewed, or perfumed.
Leaves of Organie put under the Pillowes and Matteresses where men lye.
The savour of Dittanie killeth all venemous beasts.
Perfume of Calaminte.
Perfume of Sow-fennell.
Perfume of Willow-herb chaseth away all serpents and flies.
Perfume of Gith.
Perfume of Galbanum.
Perfume of both kinds of Poley, or strew them about the place.
Perfume of Fleabanc.
Perfume of Jet.
Against all sorts of Poysons.
VAlerian put in preservatives.
Cinamon drunk.
Tarre made into a Lohoch with hony, the weight of cyath taken.
Cedar berries put in preservatives.
Wall-nuts eaten fasting with Rue, and dry Figs.
Juyce of Cinksoile roots drunk.
Curd of a Hare drunk.
Epipactis.Wild white Hellebore drunk.
Castorium drunk.
Calamint drunk as a defensative.
Powder of Weesils salted, and dryed in the shadow taken in wine.
The cod-skin, or ventricle of a Weesill stuffed with Corianders, dryed, and taken in wine.
Milke of a Bitches first Litter drunke.
Sea Holly taken in wine.
Oyle of olives, or butter, drunk.
Bloud of Geese, Drakes, and Kids, put in preservatives.
The Patients urine drunk.
Turnep-seed drunk.
Rue-seed the weight of five drams drunk in wine.
Seed of Navew gentle drunk.
Decoction of Mallowes, and the roots, often drunk and vomited.
Cole-wort seed put in preservatives.
Seed of bank Cresses drunk.
Laser picium.Laser-wort drunk.
Agarick the weight of a dram taken with wine and water.
Roots of Carlisle thistle drunk in wine.
Bedeguar.White Thistle worne about the neck.
Seed of Southerne-wood drunk in wine.
Decoction of Parsley drunk.
Leaves of Hore-hound drunk.
Bettony leaves the weight of a dram taken in wine.
Roots of spatling Poppie taken in wine.
Juyce of Land Caltraps drunke in wine.
Berries of Hederaspinoco. Sharp pricking Ivie taken as a preservative.
Luke warm vinegar drunk.
Lemnian earth drunk in water.
Samian earth taken in water.
Against the poyson of the Sea Hare.
ROsin of Cedar dissolved in wine, drunk.
River Crabs boyled, and eaten with their broth.
Asses milk, or sod wine, drunk continually.
Decoction of the rootes of Mallows drunk.
Roote of Sow-bread drunke in wine.
Black Hellebore, or juyce of Scammonie, the weight of a dram taken with honied water, and kernels of Pomegranats.
Warme Goose bloud supped.
Alisma.Beares eare, the weight of one or two drams drunk in wine.
Against the Venomes and Poysons of Toades and greene Froggs.
BLoud of a sea Tortoise drunke, with the curd of a Hare, and Cummin.
Roote of Beares eare the weight of one or two drams taken in wine.
Wine abundantly drunke, and vomited.
Roots of Rose bushes, or of Galingall, the weight of two drams drunk.
Against A venemous black fly. Long-leggs, and Caterpillars that breed upon Pine Trees.
OYle of Flower-de-luce, or of Quinces drunk.
Dry Figgs eaten, or the decoction of them boyled in wine, drunk.
Thebane Dates eaten, or bruised and drunk in honied wine, or in milk.
All sorts of Peares eaten.
Womans milk drunk abundantly.
All Simples good against Cantharides, are good against these.
For persons which have swallowed Horse-Leeches.
BRine drunk.
Benzoin drunk.
Leaves of Laser-wort taken in vinegar, or their juyce gargarized with vinegar.
Leaves of Beets taken with vinegar.
Snow taken with water and vinegar.
Punies drunk in wine, or in vinegar.
Vinegar with salt drunk.
Niter and water gargarized.
Vitriol dissolved in water, gargarized.
For those which have drunk Venemousgreen flyes, breeding in the tops of Ash, and olive-treesCantharides.
DEcoction of Furmentie, of Rice, of small Saxifrage, of Mallowes, of Lin-seed, of Fenugreek, or of marsh [Page 270]Mallowes, given in a Glister.
Niter drunk in honied water.
Kernells of Pine-apples taken in wine.
Seed of Cowcumbers bruised, and taken in honied wine, or in milk.
Goose-grease drunk in sod wine.
Milk supped.
Sweet wine drunk plentifully.
Bark of the Frankincense-tree taken in sod wine.
Samian earth drunk in sod wine.
Penni-royall bruised, and drunk in water.
Oyle of roses, and of Flower-deluce taken in decoction of Rue.
Tendrells of Vine bruised, and taken in sod wine.
Broth of all fat things.
For Persons which have drunke Salamander.
ROsin of Pine-tree taken in an Electuary.
Galbanum taken with hony.
Pine-apple kernels bruised, and drunk in decoction of ground pine.
Nettles boyled with Lillies in oyle, drunk.
Eggs of Land and Sea Tortoises eaten.
Decoction of Froggs, and Sea Holly drunk.
To dissolve milke and bloud clottered and co-agulated in the stomach.
CUrd of a Hare drunk.
Warme vinegar drunk and vomitted.
Early Figgs having their milke in them, taken in water and vinegar.
Niter drunk.
All kinde of Curds taken with vinegar, and roote of Laserwort, or with Benzoin.
Seed of Coleworts drunk in Lye, made of the ashes of Fig-tree.
Seeds of Flea-wort drunk with pepper and vinegar.
Juyce of bramble drunk in vinegar.
Liniment made of Barly-meale, and of honied water, to annoynt the mouth of the stomach, and the belly.
Time drunk in wine.
Dry leaves of Calaminte drunk.
Against the malignity of Colchicum the Apothecaries Hermodastylus. Meddow Saffron.
ORganie drunk in sod wine, or in oximel.
Cowes milke drunk, or Asses milke taken in great quantity,
Decoction of Acornes, or of Oakeleaves drunk.
Pomegranate shell drunk.
Wild Time boyled in milk drunk.
Juyce of Coronopus. Bucks-horne drunk.
Juyce of the Tendrels of Vine drunk.
Juyce of bramble drunk.
Pith of Fennell gyant taken in wine.
Myrtill-berries drunk in water.
The inward skin of Chesnuts powdered, and drunk with juyce of Buckshorne.
Organie drunk with Lye.
All Simples good against Tad-stooles, are proper against this.
Against sleepy Night-shade,
HOnied water much drunk.
Milke of Goates, or of Asses drunke.
Sweet wine drunk warme with Annise.
Bitter Almonds eaten.
All beasts having shels, eaten raw, or rosted.
Sea Crevices, Those which have undivided cleyes, and prickles on their backs Lobsters, and river Crevices eaten, and their broth supped.
Against Henbane.
BArke of Mulberry-tree drunk.
Honied Water drunke abundantly.
Any kinde of milke drunke, especially Asses milke.
Decoction of dry Figgs drunk.
Pine-apple kernels eaten.
Seeds of Cowcumber drunke in sod wine.
Brackish wine drunk with sod wine, and fresh Hogs-grease.
Nettle-seeds drunk in water.
Niter drunk in water.
Succorie eaten.
Mustard taken in any sort.
Garden-cresses, Radishes, Garlick, or Onions taken in wine.
Against Of which there is two sorts, Libbards bane, and Wolfes bane. Aconitum.
CUrds of Hares, of Kids, or of Calves drunk in wine.
Decoction of Ground pine drunk.
Drosse of Iron taken in honied vinegar.
Decoction of Organie, of Rue, of Hore-hound, and of worme-wood, taken with wormwood wine.
Housleek, southernwood, Groundpine, and Chameloa. widdow-waile, taken in wormwood wine.
Baulme the weight of a dram, milke, or hony, castorium, pepper, and rue, of each a like quantity; the whole to be taken in wine.
Wine wherein gold or silver, or iron, red hot hath been quenched drunk.
Broth of Hens mingled with lye, and wine, drunk.
Decoction of fat things taken with wine.
Against Yew.
HOt vinegar drunk, and vomited.
All Simples serving against Hemlock are proper against this.
An addition to the Simples serving against poysons.
BLoud of Hee Goates, She Goates, of Hares, of Harts, or of Doggs, fryed, and eaten.
Galbanum drunk with myrrhe.
Cinkfoile roots drunk.
Roots of oake, of beech, or of holme oake powdered and taken in milke.
Quinces eaten, or drunk with penni-royall and water.
Amomum, or Carpobalsamum. fruite of the Balsam-tree taken in wine.
Against the Opium. juyce of black Poppy, and of horned Poppy.
HOny drunke with hot oyle of roses.
Organie drunk with sod wine, or with oximel.
Root of Beares-eare, the weight of two drams taken in wine.
Vinegar drunk and vomited.
Salt taken in Oximel.
Pure wine drunk with wormwood, and cinamon.
Niter drunk in water.
Organie drunk with Lye, or sod wine.
Seed of wilde Rue taken in wine, with pepper, and All-heale.
Pepper with Castorium drunke in [Page 276]wine, and honied vinegar, or decoction of Summer savoury, or of organie.
Decoction of fat things supped in wine, or in sod wine.
Marrow of bones drunk with oyle.
Against Hemlock.
VVOrmwood drunk in wine.
Organy drunk in sod wine, or in oximel.
Vinegar drunk and vomited.
Pure wine a great quantity drunk at times.
Milk of Cows, or of Asses drunk.
Castorium taken in wine with rue, and minte.
Amomum, graines of Paradise, or storax drunk respectively the weight of an ounce.
Pepper taken in wine with seeds of nettles.
Bay leaves drunk.
Benzoin taken in oyle, or in sod wine.
Sod wine drunk abundantly.
Against the Gum of Carline Thistle.
VVOrmwood drunk in wine.
Organie taken in wine.
Vinegar drunk and vomited,
Seeds of wilde rue drunk.
Roots of Laserwort drunk.
Decoction of Goates organie drunk.
Turpentine swallowed.
Spikenard drunk.
Castorium and Laserwort the weight of an obol taken.
Wall-nuts, rue, rosin, and castorium, of each a dram; bruise all together, and drink them in wine.
Juyce of widdow-waile, of stinking deadly Carrot, or of worm-wood, the weight of a quarter of an ounce of any of them, taken in honied water.
Against Coriander.
PVre wine drunke alone, or with wormwood.
Oyle swallowed.
Eggs dressed with oyle, eaten, or drunk in brine.
Decoction of Hens, and of Geese, drunk with good store of salt.
Sod wine drunk with Lye.
Against Psyllium. Flea-bane.
ALL Simples prescribed against coriander, are proper for this.
Against Some think it to be a kind of Crowfoot. Apium risus.
HOnied water drunk much.
Milk drunk in great quantity.
Fomentation with hot water.
Against Mandragore.
HOnied water drunk largely.
Niter taken in sweet wine, or in sod wine with wormwood.
Vinegar and oyle of roses, sprinkled on the head.
Agrimony, pepper, mustard, castorium, or rue; any of them bruised with vinegar, and applyed to the nose to smell to.
The odour of Lamps extinguished.
Against Tad-stooles.
HEns dung drunk in vinegar.
Hony drunk in hot oyle of roses.
Radishes eaten, or drunk.
Wormwood taken with vinegar.
Leaves of baulme drunk with niter.
Lexive made of the ashes of vine branches drunk.
Decoction of Summer savory drunk.
Decoction of Organy drunk.
Hot Vinegar drunk and vomited.
Vitrioll drunk with water.
Salt drunk with Oximel.
Leaves of wild pear-tree, drunk and eaten.
Hens eggs eaten in water and vinegar with a dram of Aristolochia.
Seed and roots of All-heal drunk in wine.
Wine Lees burned, and drunk in water.
Mustard drunk.
Garden Cresses eaten.
Against Plaster.
ORgany drunk with sod wine, or Oximell.
Decoction of Mallowes drunk, also wash all the body therewith.
Oyle drunk.
Honyed water drunk.
Decoction of dry figs, drunk.
Lie made of the ashes of vine branches or of fig tree, taken with a good quantity of wine.
Organy taken in lye, or vinegar, or sod wine.
Time taken as aforesaid.
All Simples serving against Tadstools, used for this.
Against Ceruse.
OYle of great Marjerome, or of flower-de-luce, drunk.
Juyce of Elme leaves drunk.
Kernells of Peach stones drunk in barly water.
Decoction of dry figs, or of Mallowes drunk.
Milk drunk luke warm.
Sesamum bruised and taken in wine.
Lye of the ashes of vine branches drunk.
Pidgeons eggs supped with Frankensence.
Against Lithargy.
SEEds of wild Clary drunk.
Myrrhe, Wormwood, Hysope, Parsely seed, Pepper and flowers of Priver, any of them taken with wine.
Dryed dung of Stock Doves drunk in wine with Spicknard.
Against Quick-silver.
MIlk drunk in great quantity and vomited.
Also all Simples serving against Lithargy.
Against unslecked Lime, red Arsenicke, and Orpine.
MIlk with honied water drunk and vomited.
Decoction of fat things supped.
Decoction of Mallowes, and of marsh-Mallowes boiled till it be very thick, drunk.
Seedes of Tragos. small Sea Grapes drunke.
Decoction of Linseed drunk.
Decoction of Rice supped.
Simples serving to Embellish the Body.
Against the shedding of Haire.
LIniment made of Myrrhe, Labdanum, and Myrtill wine.
Ashes of the rind of Canes applyed with vinegar.
A Poultis made of Labdanum, wine, Myrrhe, and oyle of Myrtill.
Juyce of Myrtil berryes applyed.
Ashes of Wallnut-shells powdered, and applyed.
Liniment made of the ashes of burned Filbeards incorporated in grease of Bears.
Ashes of a land Hedge-hog skin applyed with Tarre.
Ashes of a burned Hares head, incorporated in Bears grease.
Ashes of burned Frogs incorporated in Tar.
Ashes of Rats dung applyed with vinegar.
Bears grease applyed.
Dung of she Goats applied with vinegar.
Raddishes bruised and applyed with Darnell meale.
Coleworts used in frication with salt.
Fresh leaves of Beets applyed raw.
Ashes of Asphodill roots applyed.
Onions used in frication.
Ashes of Garlicke applyed with hony.
Mustard applyed.
Rub the place with Garden Cresses.
Juyce of Sow-bread applyed.
Leaves and roots of Crowfoot applied: but it must be soon removed.
Alloes and wine applyed.
Ashes of Southernwood incorporated in juyce of Raddishes, or in oyle of Palma Christi.
Juyce of Laserwort applyed with pepper, and vinegar.
Roots of water-Lilly applyed with pitch.
Leaves of Hounds-Tongue incorporated [Page 284]in old Hogs grease.
Maiden-haire applyed with oyle of Lillyes, or oyle of Myrtill, or with wine, or Hysope.
Juyce of stinking deadly carrot applyed.
Rust of Iron applyed.
Red Arsenicke applyed with Rosin.
Third kind of Spuma Maris, burned, and applyed.
Naxian stone applyed.
Ashes of burned Sea horses, incorporated in pitch, in grease, or in oyle of great Marjerome.
Ashes of she Goates hoofes, applyed with vinegar.
To cause shedding of the Hair.
TUrmerick applyed.
Oyle wherein a Scolopendra hath been boyled, anointed.
Sea Hare applyed alone, or with Sea-Nettle, having first bruised it.
Ashes of a Salamander with oyle.
Gum of Ivy Tree applyed.
Roots of Oake fearn bruised, and applyed; after the person hath been made to sweat.
Water which issueth out of green vine branches, when they are burned, applyed.
Arsenick applyed.
Babilonish Galingall, applyed.
To cleanse the head from Dandriffe and Scurfe.
DEcoction of the leaves and Bark of Willow, to wash the head,
Juyce of Myrtill berries applyed.
Liniment made of Oxe gall, Niter, and Fullers earth.
Stale mans urine used in Lotion.
Maiden hair put in Lye.
Fenugreek put in Lye, then wash the head therein.
Mallowes with mans urine.
Decoction of Beets applyed.
Ashes of Garlick with hony.
Burned Lilly roots with hony.
Liniment made of Scallions, and burned Niter.
Allome with bitter Vetches and pitch.
To colour haire yellow.
PRivet leaves bruised and infused in juyce of Sopewort, to reduce them to a Liniment.
Lycium.Juyce of Boxthorn applyed.
Wash the head in the decoction of Lote Tree.
Burned Lees of wine incorporated in oyle of Mastick, applyed on the head the space of one night.
To colour hair black.
CYprus leaves bruised and applyed with vinegar.
Decoction of Sumack applyed.
Mulberry leaves bruised and applyed with vinegar.
Galls in fused in vinegar, or in water applyed.
Decoction of the bark of Date trees often applyed.
Decoction of Myrtill leaves, put to some lye.
Juyce of Acacia applyed.
Rinde of the roots of Holme oake, boyled in water till it become soft, applyed a whole night.
Ivy berries applyed.
Decoction of Sage often used.
Bramble leaves applyed.
Sory applyed.
To kill Lice and Nits.
ROsin of Cedar applyed.
Wash the head with the decoction of Tamarisk.
Hony applyed on the head.
Decoction of Beets used.
Garlick drunk in the decoction of Organy.
Gum of Ivy tree applyed.
Staphis acre applyed.
Red Arsenick applyed with oyle.
Allome applyed with water.
Against Sun-burne.
WHites of Egges, applyed.
Juyce of Sow-bread, applyed.
To make the Face smooth, and to give it a luster.
LIquor growing in certaine purser upon Elmes.
Mastick applyed.
Meal of Lupines applyed.
Seeds of wild Turnips applyed.
Liniment made of juyce of Pompions dryed in the sun, with their seeds, and flower.
Solomons seale applyed.
Ben applyed with urine.
Seed of Palma Christi applyed.
Berries of wild vine applyed.
Lithargy washed and applyed.
First and second kind of Spuma Maris applyed.
Earth of Chio applyed.
Dung of Land Crocadiles applyed.
To cause a good colour.
CIch pease much eaten.
Agarick the weight of a dram drunk.
Hysope drunk and eaten.
Earth of Chio applyed.
Gum of Cherry-trees applyed.
Dry figs eaten.
To take wrinckles out of the Face.
BErries of Cacalia. Mountain Horse-foot incorporated in wax and used as a Liniment.
Liniment made of Briony roots, of bitter Vetches, of earth of Chio, and of Fenugreek.
Earth of Chio applyed.
To take Moles out of the face.
THe face washed in the decoction of Savine.
Ashes of Ʋnguis odoratus applyed.
Ben bruised and incorporated in urine.
Ashes of River Crabs.
Daffodill roots with nettle seeds and vinegar.
Berrys of wild vine applyed.
Cinamon with hony.
Roots of Costus applyed with water, or hony.
Briony roots applyed alone, or with bitter Vetches, earth of Chio, and Fenugreek.
First and second kind of Spuma Maris, applyed.
To rase Pocke-holes and Scars out of the Face.
MYrrhe applyed with hony, and Cinamon.
Leaves of Leeks, and seed of Sumack applyed.
Juyce of Onyons applyed with salt.
Scallyons applyed alone, or with the yolk of an egge.
Penniroyall incorporated in wax.
Sory applyed with water.
First and second kind of Spuma Maris applyed.
To take blemishes and red pimples (caused by the Sun) out of the face.
ROOts of Illyrian flower-de-luce applyed with Hellebore.
Cinnamon with hony.
Roots of Costus applyed with water or hony.
Decoction of the bruised roots of bitter Almond tree, applyed.
Milk of fig-tree applyed.
Snails and their shells burned to ashes, [Page 291]and applied with hony.
Blood of Hares applyed.
Ashes of burned Cuttle fishes applyed.
Linseed applyed.
Meale of bitter vetches applyed.
Water-Cresses applyed.
Burned Scallions applyed with Spuma Maris.
Decoction of Ivy leaves boiled in wine.
Roots of black Chameleon thistle applyed.
Madwort chopped small, and applied with hony.
The earth of an Isle called Melia, it is of like vertue as Allome.Melian earth applyed.
Juyce of Sow-bread, applyed.
To take away Freckles.
ILlyrian Flower-de-luce applied with white Hellebore.
Liniment of Cinamon and Hony.
Costus applied with water and hony.
Blood of Hares applyed hot.
Wheat flower applyed with honyed vinegar.
Radishes applyed with Darnel meal.
Seeds of Coleworts powdered, and sprinkled on them.
Water Cresses bruised and applyed.
Ashes of Garlick applyed with hony.
Roots of great Dragons applied with hony.
Scallions applyed with hony and vinegar.
Gith rubbed on them.
Galbanum with vinegar.
Madwort chopped small and applyed with hony.
Daffodill roots applyed with nettle seed and vinegar.
Seeds of Palma Christi applyed.
Liniment made of the berryes of wild vine.
Briony roots applyed with bitter vetches, fenugreek and earth of Chio.
Adarca applyed.
To rase out Moles naturally printed in the Body.
SVma Maris applyed.
To keep the body faire.
MAstick sprinkled.
Liquor growing in purses upon Elms, applyed.
Butter applyed.
Dung of Land Crocodiles applied.
Juyce of Pompions dryed in the Sun, applyed with their seeds, and water.
Briony roots applyed.
Juyce of Sow-bread applyed.
To take away Scarres.
ASses grease applyed.
Beane-flower used in a poultis.
Leaves and rootes of Crowfoot applyed.
Calaminte boyled in wine applied.
Roots of wilde Cowcumber bruised, and applyed.
Ben boyled in vinegar, and applyed with niter.
A Poultis made of briony rootes, bitter vetches, earth of chio, and fenugreeke.
Borax applyed.
First and second kinde of Spuma maris applyed.
Against the Leprosie, and St. Anthonies fire.
SNayle shels burned, and applied.
Bloud of Hares applied.
Ashes of burned Cuttle-fishes applied.
Beane flower applied.
Meale of Lupines applied.
Raw leaves of Beets applied.
Leaves and rootes of Gum succory, bruised, and incorporated in hony, niter, and water.
Rootes of great Dragons applied with hony.
Juyce of Asphodill rootes applyed, first well chafing the skin of the offended part in the Sun.
Juyce of Onions applyed in the Sunne.
Ashes of Garlick with hony.
Pepper applyed with niter.
Roots of Caper-bush bruised, and applyed with vinegar.
Bastard wild Poppie dryed, bruised, and applyed with niter, wine, and brimstone.
Leaves of Telephium. Spanish Opium applyed [Page 295]with Barley meale, oyle, and water, but it must remaine but six houres.
Juyce of Gentian roots applyed.
Roote of black Chameleon-thistle applyed with brimstone.
Rue used in frication with wine, pepper and niter.
Seeds of Rosemary with strong vinegar.
Burned Lilly-roots applyed with hony.
Rootes of water Lillies applied with water.
Roots of madir with vinegar.
Seeds of marsh mallowes, fresh or dry, bruised, and applied in the Sun.
Roots of Orkanet with vinegar.
Daffodill roots, and nettle-seeds applied with vinegar.
Liniment made of briony, bitter vetches, earth of chio, and fenugreek.
Ben boyled in vinegar, applied with niter.
Roots of wilde Cowcumbers bruised, and applied.
Seeds of Palma Christi applied.
Black Hellebore applied with vinegar.
Brimstone applied in any sort whatsoever.
First and second kind of Spuma maris applied.
Against Tetters, and Ring-worms.
BArke of the Pine, and of the Pitch-trees applyed.
Decoction of the leaves of mastick-tree fomented.
Liniment made of Cyprus leaves, and dry polenta.
Leaves of Rhamne-thorne applied.
Rotten wood sprinkled.
Seeds of Garden cresses applied.
Rhapontick applied with vinegar.
Black Hellebore applied with vinegar.
Ben applied with urine.
Gum of vine-stocks applied with niter, having first well chafed the place.
Brimstone with Turpentine.
The place rubbed with salt, oyle, and vinegar.
First and second kinde of Spuma maris applied.
Adarca applied.
Tarre applied.
Frankincense sprinkled.
Gum of Aethiopian Olive-tree applied.
Plum-tree gum applyed.
Milk of Fig-tree applied with Polenta.
Liniment made of hony, boyled with allome.
Virgins wax applyed.
New wheaten bread applyed with brine.
Ciches and barly with hony.
Roots of sharp-pointed Docks boyled in vinegar, applyed; having first well chafed the place, and rubbed it with niter.
Garden-cresses applyed with hony.
Liniment made of the ashes of Garlick, and hony.
Liniment made of mustard and vinegar.
Roote of black Chameleon-thistle boyled in vinegar, applyed.
Rue with allome and hony.
Benzoin, or Asa fetida applyed with vinegar.
Birdlime dissolved in vinegar, applyed.
Roots of wilde Cowcumbers, bruised, and applyed.
Milk of male spurge applied.
Liniment made of briony roots, of bitter vetches, earth of chio, and fenugreek.
Sea-water fomented.
Against Blisters, Wheales, and Heat Pushes.
ANy kinde of raw milke, drunke with hony, water, and a little salt.
Whey drunk.
Vinegar applied.
Butter applyed.
Stale mans urine.
Meale of Lupines applyed.
Juyce of Sow-bread applyed.
Lotion with the decoction of Penniroyall.
A poultis made of rue, wax, and oyle of myrtil.
Staphis-acre applyed.
Liniment made of Ben and urine.
Rust of Iron applyed.
Allome with hony.
Cinnaber, or Dragons bloud applied.
Tiles calcined in a Furnace applyed.
Against Alphos. Morphew, and other blemishes of the face.
LIniment made of the juyce of stinking deadly Carrot.
Liniment made of Ben, and urine.
Daffodill rootes applyed with nettle-seeds, and vinegar.
Lote-tree applyed with hony.
Powder of wilde cowcumber rootes applyed.
Seeds of Palma Christi applyed.
Liniment made of the berries of wilde vine.
Liniment made of briony, bitter vetches, earth of chio, and fenugreek.
Against the Psora. wilde Scab.
LIniment made of Staphis-acre bruised, and oyle.
Seeds of briony applyed.
Sea water fomented.
Ben boyled in vinegar.
Salt applyed.
Against the Scurfe.
LIniment made of Cardamomes and vinegar.
Liniment made of the sap, or liquor issuing out of green olive-trees when they are burned.
Milk of figge-tree applyed.
Skin of a Sea Hedge-hogge raw, or burned, applyed among other medicines, prescribed to mundifie the scurfe.
The head annointed with liniments made of the ashes of burned Sea-Horses, incorporated in Tarre, or grease, or in oyntment of great Marjerome.
Stale urine applyed.
Whey drunk.
Ciches with barley and hony.
Meale of Lupines.
Bastard wild Poppy dryed, bruised, and used in frication with niter in a bath.
The lesser Celandine rubbed on the scurfe.
Liniment made of the roots of black Chameleon-thistle, with a little vitriol, rosin, cedar, grease, brimstone, and allome.
Liniment made of ben, and urine.
Lotion with the decoction of Organy
Liniment made of boyled Cinkfoile roots.
Potamogeiton.Pondweed applied for the Itch.
Lote-tree applied with hony.
Liniment made of black hell ibore, wax, pitch, and oyle of cedar.
Antimony incorporated in wax, with a little ceruse.
Allome sprinckled, or dissolved in water, is good for the Itch.
Against the Scurfe, and scabbinesse, tending to the wild scab.
OXe Gall, with niter, and fullers earth.
Mans urine and niter fomented.
Barke of the Juniper plant burned, and applyed with water.
Bark of the Ash-tree burned, and applyed with water.
Elme leaves chopped small, and applyed with vinegar.
Gum of Ethiopian Olive-tree applyed.
Liniment made of turpentine, or of the rosins of Larch-tree, or of Firre-tree, with verdigrease, vitriol, and niter.
Milk of Figge-tree applyed with dry polenta.
Wheat bran boyled, and incorporated in strong vinegar.
Barly meale applyed with strong vinegar, oyle, and water.
Darnell meale, brimstone, vinegar, and wine applyed.
Roots of sharp-pointed Docks applyed, having first chafed the place, and rubbed it with niter.
Coleworts chopped small, and applyed with polenta.
Black Hellebore with vinegar.
Ashes of Garlick with hony.
Mustard with vinegar.
Briony seeds applyed.
Garden-cresses with hony.
Roots of orkanet with vinegar.
Roots and leaves of Crow-foot applyed.
Gith applyed.
Roots of Cowcumber powdered, and applyed.
Ben boyled in vinegar, applyed with niter.
Juyce of stinking deadly Carrot applyed.
Liniment made of Scammony boyled in vinegar.
Gum of Vine-stocks applyed, rubing the place first with niter.
Verdigrease and niter incorporated in turpentine.
Allome boyled with Cole-worts and hony applyed.
Brimstone incorporated in turpentine and vinegar.
Salt, oyle, and vinegar boyled together.
First and second kind of Spuma maris applyed.
Adarca applyed.
Melian earth applyed.
Against the Itch.
MIlk of Fig-tree applyed with polenta.
Brimstone and niter.
Frication with salt, oyle, and vinegar.
Allome applyed with water.
Against the Leprofie.
LAnd Hedge-hoggs dryed, and frequently eaten.
Rosin of Cedar applyed.
Liniment made of the ashes of snailes.
Salamander put among other medicines prescribed for the same effect.
Whey drunk.
Liniment made of the galls of Hee or Shee Goates.
Calaminte eaten with Whey.
Tamariske much eaten.
Against hardnesse of the skinne, and Warts.
LIniment made of ashes of the barke of willow, and vinegar.
The salt head of the Cackarell-fish burned, applyed.
A Lizards head cleft and applyed.
Sheeps dung applyed with vinegar.
Hony boyled with allome.
At the new of the Moone, take as many cich pease as you have warts, and with every pease touch one wart, then binde the said pease in a linnen cloth, and cast them behinde you.
Seeds of Turnesole applyed.
Burned squill applyed.
Leaves and roots of Crow-foot.
Roots of Teasell boyled in wine, bruised and applyed.
Gith applyed with stale urine, having first chafed the place.
Benzoin or Asa fetida mingled with was applyed, having first scarified the place.
Wild basill drunke certaine dayes together.
Branches of spurge time bruised, and applyed.
Water issuing out of green vine branches, when they are burned, applyed.
Verdigrease applyed.
Against Cornes.
WIne of Pomegranats applyed.
Milk of figge-tree incorporated in grease, applyed all about the place where the Corne is.
Liniment made of frankincense, vinegar, and pitch.
Frication with rue, pepper, wine, and niter.
Ciches with barly and hony.
Leaves and roots of crow-foot.
Rootes of Teasell boyled in wine, [Page 306]bruised and applyed.
Liniment made of the juyce and milk of male spurge.
Branches of spurge time bruised and applyed.
Seeds of Turnesole applyed.
Small Turnesole applyed.
Water issuing out of greene vine branches burned, applyed.
Oyntment made of Calves grease, and salt.
Against the stench of the Armc-holes.
LIniment made of myrrhe, and liquid allome.
Powder of dry myrtill leaves cast into the Arme-pits.
A poultis made of the roots of cardoones.
Allome applyed.
Against clefts and chaps in the Lips.
OYntment made of Hens-grease, or of Goose-grease.
Juyce of boxe-thorne applyed.
To provoke sweat.
SEedes of fennell giant applyed with oyle.
Red fetchlin applied with oyle.
Heraclian hony eaten.
Ripe figges eaten.
Mustard eaten.
To binder sweating.
SCalions eaten.
Frication with sulpher.
Plaster, the Stone Morochthus, or samian earth applyed.
To make the skinne thin.
LIniment made of the rootes of Sow-bread.
Simples serving to evacuate Humours, either upward, or downward.
To purge Choller.
ILlyrian flower-de-luce, the weight of seven drams taken in honied water.
Seed of Thlaspi. Triacle mustard drunke.
Aloes drunk.
Wormwood drunk.
Decoction of Goates organy drunk.
Seed of wild rose campion, the weight of two drams drunk.
Seed of Tutsan St. Johns-wort, the weight of two drams drunk.
Black Hellebore taken alone, or with scammonie, and one dram of salt.
Roots of Pycnocnmum. Devils-bit, the weight of two drams taken in honied water.
Small Centaury eaten.
Dry fever-few taken with salt, or in honied vinegar.
Milke of Thapsia. stinking deadly Carrot taken in honied water.
Seed of withiwind bruised and drunk.
Bastard-woad bruised and drunk.
Juyce of wild Cowcumber roots, and their rinde, the weight of one obol and a halfe drunk.
Juyce of Teasell, the weight of an obol taken.
Thirty graines of Palma Christi bruised, and drunk.
Juyce of all sorts of spurge, the weight of two obols taken in water and vinegar.
Juyce of mercury supped.
Sixe or seven graines of spurge, taken in pills, with figgs, or dates.
Esula rotunda.Petty spurge taken in a cyath of honied water.
Juyce of scammonie the weight of a dram, or of foure obols taken in faire water, or in honied water.
One part of the leaves of Chamelaea. widdow-waile incorporated in two parts of [Page 310]wormwood, and made into pills with honied water.
The inward part of Thymelea spurge flax, the weight of twenty graines drunk.
Leaves of elder, and of wall-wort, eaten in pottage.
The lowest part of the root of Apios eaten.
Empetrum.Samphire taken in honied water, or in some broth.
Powder of dry Polipodie taken in honied water.
Decoction of Cynocrambe. Dogs mercury drunk.
Decoction of Turne-sole taken with water.
One or two drams of Agarick drunk in honied water.
Roots of spurge the weight of two drams taken in honied water, or a dram of the seeds taken, or the juyce thereof made into pills, with meale, the weight of a dram taken.
To purge Phlegme.
ILlyrian Flower-de-luce, the weight of seven drams taken in honied water.
Juyce of mandragore the weight of [Page 311]two obols taken.
Black Hellebore taken alone or with Scammony and a dram of salt.
Seed of box-thorn, the weight of a cyath taken.
Elme bark the weight of an ounce taken in wine, or in clear water.
Broth of old Capons, prepared after Dioscorides his manner.
Roots of Sow-bread taken in honied water.
Squil boiled in hony drunk.
Hysope boiled in water with hony and Rue, drunk.
Time drunk with salt, and vinegar.
Seeds of meddow Parsenep drunk.
Gum Armoniack, the weight of a dram drunk.
Dry or green leaves of spurge Laurell drunk.
Juyce of Hyppophastus, the weight of three obols, taken.
Dodder growing about Time, drunk with hony.
Juyce of Briony taken in honyed water.
Juyce of the seed of Carthamū bastard Saffron [Page 312]taken in Capons broth, or in honyed wine.
Powder of Load-stones, the weight of three obols, taken in honyed water.
Decoction of small Centaury drunk.
Dry Feverfew taken in honied vinegar, or with salt.
Seeds of Withiwind bruised, and drunk.
Bastard woad bruised and taken.
Juyce of wild Cowcomber roots, and their bark the weight of an oboll and a halfe, taken.
Juyce of Teasell the weight of an obol taken.
Thirty graines of Palma Christi, drunk.
Juyce of all kinds of Spurge, the weight of two obols, taken in water, and vinegar.
Six or seven graines of Spurge taken in pills with figs, or dates.
Petty Spurge taken in a cyath of honied water.
Juyce of Scammony, the weight of a dram, or of four obols, taken in clear water, or honyed water.
One part of the leaves of Widdow-waile incorporated in two parts of Wormewood, and made into pills with honyed water.
Pith of Spurge flaxe, the weight of twenty grains, drunk.
Leaves af Elder, and Walwort eaten as other pot hearbs.
The lowest part of the root of Apios eaten.
Samphiere taken in broth, or in honied water.
Powder of dry Polipodi, taken in honied water.
Decoction of wild Mercury drunk.
Decoction of Turnsole, boyled in water, drunk.
One or two drams of agarick, taken in honyed water.
Roots of Spurge, two drams taken in honyed water, or a dram of the seeds taken, or the juyce thereof made into Pills with meale, the weight of a dram, taken.
To Purge Melancholy.
IUyce of Mandragore, the weight of two obols, taken in honied wine.
Broth of old Capons, prepared after Dioscorides his order.
Dodder growing about Time, taken with hony.
Whey drunk.
Dry Organy the weight of an acetabule, taken in honied water.
Peniroyall drunk.
Black Hellebore, drunk.
Broom, drunk.
White Turbith, Epithyme, Salt, and Vinegar, of each a like quantity, taken.
To cause vomiting.
TRiacle Mustard seed drunk, expelleth red choller.
Mandragore drunk expelleth Melancholy.
Milk of stinking deadly Carrot drunk in honied water.
Juyce of Spurge the weight of two obols taken in honied water.
The uppermost part of the root of Apios eaten.
Flowers and seeds of Spanish Broom drunk in honyed water.
Seeds of stinking bean Trefoile, chewed.
Bettony roots taken in honied water expell Flegme.
Seeds of Spatling Poppy, the weight of an Acetabule, taken in honied water.
Five grains of Staphis acre, taken in honied water.
Roots of Sylibum a dram drunk.
Ben taken in honied water.
Boyled Daffodil roots, either eaten, or drunk.
Thirty grains of Palma Christi, drunk.
Rind of Radish, drunk in honied water.
Juyce of all kind of Spurge drunk,
Burned brasse taken in honied water.
For the Dropsie, and to expell water being between the skin and the flesh.
ROOts of Sow-bread taken in honied water.
Decoction of Poley drunk.
Juyce of Hyppophestus, the weight of three obols, taken.
Juyce of Hyppophae the weight of an obol taken.
Thirty grains of Palma Christi, drunk.
Six or seven grains of any kind of Spurges, taken in pills, with figs or Dates.
Leaves of elder, and of wall-wort eaten in Pottage.
Samphire taken in broth, or in honied water.
Decoction of wilde mercury drunk.
Asarabacca drunk.
Juyce of wild Lettice taken in honied vinegar.
Roots of Trefoile, the weight of two drams taken in wine.
Juyce of spurge drunk.
Pith of spurge flax, the weight of twenty graines drunk.
Roots of wild vine boyled in water, taken in two cyaths of wine, allayed with sea water.
Scailes of brasse taken in honied water.
Decoction of mercury supped.
To loosen the Belly.
CHerries new gathered eaten.
Prunes eaten.
Carob beanes eaten.
Ripe figs eaten.
Milk of fig-tree supped.
Decoction of Cockles, or of great sea muscles.
Ʋnguis Odoratus drunk.
Radish eaten.
White beets eaten.
Blites eaten.
Decoction of sorrell, and also the hearb eaten.
Mallowes eaten,
Orage eaten.
Coleworts lightly boyled eaten.
Decoction of husked lentills.
Sparagus eaten.
Juyce of gourds boyled entire drunk
Ginger taken in any sort whatsoever.
Sow-fennell drunk.
One or two drams of dry squill taken fasting.
Seeds of Tutsan St. Johns-wort bruised, and drunk.
Juyce of wall Pellitory drunk.
Seeds of wild poppy the weight of an Acetabule taken in honied water.
Decoction of Hounds-tongue drunk.
Boyled sprigs of spurge time eaten.
Young tender shoots of briony, boyled and eaten.