A SOLENM LEAGUE AND COVENANT, For REFORMATION, And Defence of Religion, The Honour & Happiness of the King, and the Peace and Safetie of the three Kingdoms of Scotland, England, and Ireland.
WEE, Noblemen, Barons, Knights, Gentlemen, Citizens, Burges, Ministers of the Gospell, and Commons of all sorts in the Kingdoms of Scotland, England, and Ireland, by the Providence of GOD, living vnder one King; and beeing of one reformed Religion; Having before our eyes the Glorie of GOD, and the advancement of the Kingdom of our Lord & Saviour Iesus Christ, the Honour and Happiness of the Kings [Page 10]Majestie, and his Posteritie, and the true publicke Libertie, Safetie, and Peace of the Kingdomes; wherein everie ones private condition is included; And calling to mynd the treacherous and bloodie Plots, conspiracies, attempts, and practices of the enemies of GOD, against the true Religion, and Professours thereof in all places, especiallie in these three Kingdomes ever since the Reformation of Religion, & how much their rage, power and presumption are of late, and at this tyme increased and exercised; whereof the deplorable state of the Church and Kingdome of Ireland, the distressed estate of the Church and Kingdome of England, and the dangerous estate of the Church and Kingdome of Scotland are present & publick testimonies; Wee haue now at last (after other means of Supplicaton, Remonstrance, Protestations and Sufferings) for the preservation of our selves and our Religion from vtter ruine and destruction, according to the commendable practice of these Kingdomes in former times, and the example of GODS people, in other Nations, After mature deliberation, resolved and determined to enter into a mutuall and solemne League and Covenant; Wherein wee all subscribe, and each one of vs for himself, with our hands lifted vp to the most high GOD do Swear:
I. THat wee shall sincerelie, reallie, and constantlie through the Grace of GOD, endevour in our severall places and callings, the preservation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government, against our common Enemies, The Reformation [Page 11]of Religion in the Kingdomes of England and Ireland, in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government, according to the Word of GOD, and the example of the best Reformed Churches; And shall endeavour to bring the Churches of GOD in the three Kingdomes, to the nearest conjunction and Uniformitie in Religion, Confession of Faith, Form of Church-government, Directory for Worship and Catechizing; That wee and our posteritie after vs, may as Brethren, liue in Faith and Loue, and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of vs.
2. That wee shall in like manner, without respect of persons, endeavour the Extirpation of poperie, prelacie (that is, Church Governement, by Arch-bishops, Bishops, their Chancellours, and Commissaries, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Arch-deacons, and all other Ecclesiastical Officers depending on that Hierarchy) Superstition, Heresie, Schism, Prophanenesse, and whatsoever shall bee found to bee contrarie to sound Doctrine, & the power of Godlinesse; Lest wee pertake in other mens sinns, & thereby bee in danger to receaue of their plagues; And that the Lord may bee one, and his Name one in the three Kingdomes.
3. Wee shall with the same sinceritie, realitie, & constancie, in our severall vocations endeavour with our estates and liues mutuallie to preserue the Rights and Priviledges of the Parliaments, and the Liberties of the Kingdomes, And to preserue and defend the Kings Majesties Person and Authority, in the preservation and defence of the true Religion, and Liberties of the [Page 12]Kingdomes; That the world may bear witnesse with our consciences of our Loyaltie, and that wee haue no thoughts or intentions to diminish his Majesties just power and greatnesse.
4. Wee shal also with all faithfulnesse endeavour the discoverie of al such as haue been, or shal bee Incendiaries, Malignants, or evil instruments, by hindering the Reformation of Religion, dividing the King from his people, or one of the Kingdomes from another, or making any faction, or parties amongst the people contrarie to this League and Covenant, That they may bee brought to publick triall, and receaue condign punishment, as the degree of their offences shall require or deserue, or the supream Iudicatories of both Kingdomes respectively, or others having power from them for that effect, shall judge convenient.
5. And whereas the happinesse of a blessed Peace between these Kingdomes, denyed in former tymes to our Progenitors, is by the good Providence of GOD granted vnto vs, and hath been latelie concluded, and setled by both Parliaments, Wee shall each one of vs, according to our place & interest, endeavour that they may remain conjoyned in a firm Peace and Union to all Posteritie, And that Iustice may bee done vpon the wilfull Opposers thereof, in manner expressed in the precedent Article.
6. Wee shall also according to our places & callings in this Common cause of Religion, Libertie, and Peace of the Kingdomes, assist and defend all those that enter [Page 13]into this League and Covenant, in the maintaining and persuing thereof: And shall not suffer our selues directlie or indirectlie by whatsoever combination, perswasion or terrour, to bee divided and withdrawn from this blessed Union and conjunction, whither to make defection to the contrarie part, or to giue our selues to a detestable indifferencie, or neutralitie in this cause, which so much concerneth the glorie of God, the good of the Kingdoms, and honour of the King; But shall all the dayes of our liues zealouslie and constantlie continue therein, against all opposition, and promote the same according to our power, against all Lets and Impediments whatsoever; And, what wee are not able our selues to suppresse or overcome, wee shall reveale and make known, that it may bee timelie prevented or removed: All which wee shall do as in the sight of GOD.
And, because these Kingdomes are guiltie of manie sinnes, and provocations against GOD, & his Son Iesus Christ, as is too manifest by our present distresses and dangers, the fruits thereof, Wee professe & declare before GOD and the world, our vnfeygned desyre to bee humbled for our own sins, & for the sins of these Kingdoms: especiallie, that wee haue not, as wee ought, valued the inesteemable benefit of the Gospell, that wee haue not laboured for the Puritie and power thereof: and that wee haue not endeavoured to receaue Christ in our hearts; nor to walk worthie of him in our lyues, which are the causes of other sinnes and transgressions so much abounding amongst vs. And our true and vnfeygned purpose, desyre, and endeavour for our selues, and all others vnder our power and charge, both in publick [Page 14]and in privitie in all dueties wee ow to GOD and Man, to amend our lyues, and each man to go before another in the example of a reall Reformation: That the LORD may turn away his wrath, and heavie indignation, and establish these Churches and Kingdoms, in Trueth and Peace. And this COVENANT wee make in the presence of ALL-MIGHTIE GOD, the Searcher of all hearts; with a true intention to perform the same; As wee shall answer at that Great Day, when the secrets of all hearts shall bee disclosed; Most humblie beseeching the LORD, to strengthen vs by His Holie Spirit, for this end; And to bless our desyres, and proceedings, with such success, as may bee deliverance and safetie to his People, and encowragement to other Christian Churches groaning vnder, or in danger of the yoak of Antichristian Tyrannie, to joyn in the same, or lyke Association and Covenant; To the Glorie of GOD, the inlargement of the Kingdome of IESUS CHRIST, and the Peace and Tranquillitie of Christian Kingdoms, and Common Wealths.