The Souldiers pocket Bible.
A Souldier must not doe wickedly.
Deut. 23.9.
WHen thou goest out with the host against thine enemies, keepe thee then from all wickednesse.
Luke 3.14 The souldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, and what shall we doe? And he said unto them, doe violence to no man, neither accuse any falsly, and be content with your wages.
Levit. 26.27 37. And if you will not for this obey me, you shall not be able to stand before your enemies.
Deut. 28.25. And the Lord shall cause thee to fall before thine enemies, thou shalt come out one way against them, and fly seven wayes before them.
A Souldier must be valiant for Gods Cause.
1 Sam. 18.17.Be valiant and fight the Lords battells.
2 Sam. 10.12. Be strong, and let us be valiant for our people, and for the Cities of our God,
[Page 3]and let the Lord doe that which is good in his eyes.
1 Sam. 17.47. For the battell is the Lords, and hee will give you into our hands.
A Souldier must denie his owne wisedome, his own strength, & all provision for war.
Prov. 3.5. Leane not to thine owne wisedome.
1 Sam. 2.9. In his own might shall no man be strong.
1 Psal. 44.6.I doe not trust in my Bow, neither can my Sword save me.
Psal. 33.16 A King is not saved by the multitude of an Hoste, neither is the mighty man delivered by much strength.
17. Eccle. 8.8. A horse is a vaine helpe, and shall not deliver in the day of battle. Man hath not power over death, nor deliverance in battel.
2 Chro. 20.12. There is no power in us to stand against this great multitude, neither doe we know what to doe, but our eyes are towards thee.
A Souldier must put his confidence in Gods Wisedome and strength.
Ephe. 6.10 Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Iob 12.13 For with him is wisedome and strength, he hath Counsell and understanding.
Psal 68.35. The God of Israel is hee that giveth strength and power unto his people.
Psal. 46.4. God is our hope and strength, and help, in trouble ready to be found.
2 Chro. 25 8. God hath power to helpe, and to cast downe.
Psal. 67.16 I will goe forward in the strength of the Lord.
1 Sam. 17.45. Then
David said unto the Philistine, thou commest to me with a sword, and with a speare, and with a shield, but I come unto thee in the name of the Lord of hoasts, the God of Israel.
A Souldier must pray before he goe to fight.
Neh. 4.9. Then we prayed unto our God, and set Watch-men by them day and night because of them.
Iudg. 16.28. Then
Sampson called unto the Lord, and said, O Lord God, I pray thee thinke upon me, O God, I beseech thee strengthen me at this time, &c.
2 Sam. 15.31. And
David said, O Lord I pray thee turne the Counsell of
Abitophill into foolishnesse.
Iam. 1.5. If any of you lacke wisedome let him aske it of God.
Psa. 119.34 Give me understanding, and I shall keepe thy Law: ye I shall observe it with my whole heart.
Psa. 86.12. Give strength unto thy servant and save the sonne of thine hand-maide.
Psa. 35.12.
Plead thou my cause O Lord with them that strive with me, fight thou against them, that fight against me.
Bring out the speare and stop the way against them.
Iudg. 10.15. And the children of Israel said unto the Lord we have sinned do thou unto us whatsoever please thee, only we pray thee deliver us this day.
A Souldier must consider and beleeve Gods gracious promises.
Chro. 20.20. And when they arose early in the morning they went forth to the wildernes of Tekoa: and as they departed Jehoshaphat stood and said, hear ye me O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, put your trust in the Lord your God, and ye shall be assured; beleeve his prophets and ye shall prosper.
Deut. 20.4 For the Lord your God goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies and to save you.
Exo. 14.14The Lord shall fight for you.
2 Kin. 17.39. Dan. 3.17 Fear the Lord your God and he shall deliver you out of the hands of al your enemies
Dan. 3.17Behold our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the hot fiery furnice, and he will deliver us out of thine hand O King.
1 Chro. 17 10. And I will subdue all thine enemies.
Isa. 41.12.Thou shalt seeke them and shalt not finde them, to wit the men of thy strife; for they shall be as nothing, and the men that warre against thee as a thing of naught.
Isa. 54.17. No weapon made against thee shal prosper.
A Souldier must not feare his enemies.
Dut. 20.1. When thou shalt go forth to War against thine enemies, and shalt see horses and Chariots
[Page 6]moe then thou, be not afraid of them for the Lord thy God is with thee.
Dut. 3.32 Ye shall not fear them, for the Lord your God shall sight for you fear them not for I heve given them into thine hand.
2 Chro. 32 78. Be strong and couragious, fear not, neither be afraid for the king of Ashur, neither for all the multitude that is with him, for there be moe with us then with him, with him is an arme of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God for to helpe us and to fight our battells.
Isa. 7.4. Feare not neither, be faint hearted, for the two tailes of the smoking fire brands.
Mat. 10.28 And fear ye not them which kill the body.
A Souldier must love his enemies as they are his enemies, and hate them as they are gods enemies.
Mat. 5.44. But I say unto you love your enemies.
2 Chro. 19 2. Wouldest thou help the wicked, and love them that hate the Lord.
Psa 139 21.22. Doe not I hate them O Lord that hate thee, and do not I earnestly contend with them that rise up against thee? I hate them with an unfained hatred, as they were mine utter enemies.
A Souldier must crie unto God in his heart in the very instant of the battell.
2 Chro. 13.14. Then Judah looked, and behold the battell
[Page 7]was before and behinde them, and they cryed unto the Lord.
2 Chro. 14 11. And Asa cryed unto the Lord his God, and said, Lord it is nothing with thee to help with many, or with no power.
2 Chro. 18.31. And when the Captaines of the Chariots saw Jehoshaphat, they said, it is the King of Is
[...]ael and they compassed about him to fight but Jehoshaphat cryed, and the Lord helped him and moved them to depart from him.
A Souldier must consider that sometimes Gods people have the worst in battell as well as Gods enemies.
1 Sam 11.25. The sword devoureth one as well as another.
Ecles. 9.2. All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked, to the good and to the cleane, and to the uncleane, to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner: and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.
Ios. 7.4. So there went up thither of the people about three thousand men and they fled before the men of Ai.
Iudg. 6.2. And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel.
1 Sam. 4.10. And the Philistines fought, and Israel was smitten downe, and fled every man into his
[Page 8]Tent, and there was an exceeding great slaughter, for there fell of Israel thirty thousand footmen.
Exo. 17.12. But when Moses let his hand go downe, Amalek prevailed.
Lam 1.16My children are desolate because the enemy prevailed.
Souldiers and all of us must consider that though Gods people have the worst yet it cometh of the Lord.
Esa. 42.24. Who gave Jacob to the spoile and Israel to the Robbers did not I the Lord.
Amos, 3.6 Shall there be evil in a City and the Lord hath not done it.
Iudg. 42. And the Lord sold them into the hands of Jabin king of Canaan.
Lam. 1.14 The Lord hath delivered me into their hands neither am I able to rise up.
Lam. 2.7. The Lord hath forsaken his altar he hath abhorred his Sanctuary he hath given it into the hand of the enemy.
For the iniquities of Gods people are delivevered into the hands of their enemies.
Deut. 29.24.25.
Then shall all nations say, wherefore hath the Lord done this unto this land, how fierce is his great wrath.
And they shall answer because they have forsaken the Covenant of the Lord God of their fathers.
Ios. 7.10.11. And the Lord said unto Joshua get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face?
[Page 9]Israel hath sinned, and they have transgressed my Covenant which I commanded them.
Ier. 40.2.3 The Lord thy God hath pronounced this plague upon this place now the Lord hath brought it and done according as he hath said, because ye have sinned against the Lord.
Ier. 50.6.7 My people have been as lost sheepe, all that found them have devoured them, and their enemies said we offend not, because they have sinned against the Lord.
Lam 3.39 Wherefore then is the living man sorrowfull; man suffereth for his sinne.
Therefore both Souldiers and all Gods people upon such occasions must search out their sinnes.
Lam. 3.40 Let us search and try our woyes and turne againe unto the Lord.
Jos. 7.13. Up therefore Sanctifie your selves against to morrow, for thus saith the Lord God of Israel, there is an execrable thing amongst you therefore you cannot stand against your enemies untill ye have put the execrable thing from among you.
Especially let Souldiers and all of us upon such occasions search whether we have not put two little confidence in the Arme of the Lord, and too much in the arme of flesh.
Jer. 2.13. For my people have committed two evils, they have forsaken me the fountaine of
[Page 10]living waters, to dig them pits, even broken pits that will hold no water.
Jer. 2.37Therefore saith the Lord they shall goe forth from thence with their hands upon their heads, because the Lord hath rejected their confidence they shall not prosper thereby.
Jer. 17.5. Therefore thus saith the Lord, cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his Arme and withdraweth his heart from the Lord.
And let Souldiers and all of us consider, that to prevent this sin, and for the committing of this sinne the Lord hath ever beene accustomed to give the victory to a few.
Jud. 7.2. And the Lord said unto Gideon the people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midionites into their hands, lest Israel make their vaunt against me, and say, mine hand hath saved me.
Jud. 7.7Then the Lord said unto Gideon by these three hundred men that lapped will I save you and deliver the Midionites into thine handes.
Jud. 20.15. And the children of Benjamin were numbred at that time out of the Cities six and twenty thousand men that drew sword.
Jud. 20.17Also the men of Israel besides Benjamin were numbred four hundred thousand men that drew sword.
Jud. 20.21And the children of Benjamin came out
[Page 11]of Gibeah and slew downe to the ground of the Israelites that day two and twenty thousand men.
Jud. 20.25And the second day Benjamin came forth to meet them out of Gibeah and slew down to the ground of the children of Israel again eighteeen thousand men.
Jud. 20.30And the children of Israel went up against the Children of Benjamin the third day.
Jud. 20.43And compassed the Benjamits about, and chased them at ease, and over ran them, and there were slaine of Benjamines eighteene thousand men.
Jud. 20.44And the Israelites gleaned of them by the way five thousand men, and persued after them unto Gidon and slew two thousand men of them.
Jud. 20.45So that all that were slaine that day of Benjamin, were five and twenty thousand men, that drew sword.
2 Chron. 13.3. And Abijah set the battell in aray with the Army of valiant men of War even four hundred thousand chosen men. J
[...]roboam also set the battell in aray against him with eight hundred thousand chosen men, which were strong and valiant.
2 Chron. 13.4 And Abijah stood upon the mount Zemeraim, and said O Jereboam and all Israel heare ye me.
2 Chron. 13.8 Ye thinke that ye be able to resist against the Kingdome of the Lord which is in the
[Page 12]hands of the Sonnes of David;and ye see a great multitude, and the golden calves are with you, which Jeroboam hath made you for Gods.
2 Chron. 13.10But, we belong to the Lord our God and have not forsaken him,
2 Chron. 13.12And behold this God is with us as a Captaine, O ye children of Israel fight not against the Lord God of your fathers, for ye shall not prosper.
2 Chron. 13.13.But Jeroboam caused an Ambushment to compasse and come behinde them.
2 Chron. 13.14.Then Judah looked and behold the battell was before and behinde them, and they cried unto the Lord.
2 Chron. 13.15.And the men of Judah gave a shout, and as the men of Judah shouted God smote Jeroboam, and also Israel before Abijah and Judah.
2 Chron. 13.17.And Abijah and his people slew a great slaughter of them, so that there fell of them down wounded five hundred thousand chosen men.
2 Chro. 14.8. And Asa had an Army of Judah that bare shields and speares, three hundred thousand, and of Benjamin that bare shields and drew bowes four hundred and fourscore thousand, all these were valiant men of war.
2 Chro. 14.9.And there came out against them Zerah of Ethiopia with an hoste of ten hundred thousand, and three hundred Chariots.
2 Chro. 14.10.Then Asa went out before him and they set the battell in aray in the valley of Zephathah besides Mareshah.
2 Chro. 14.11.And Asa cryed unto the Lord his God, and said, Lord it is nothing with thee to help with many or with no power, helpe us O Lord our God for we rest on thee, and in thy name are we come against this multitude O Lord thou art our God let not man prevaile against thee.
And let Souldiers, and all of us know, that the very nicke of time that God hath promised us helpe, is when we see no helpe in man.
Gen. 22.14In the mount will the Lord be seene.
Exo. 14.13 Then Moses said unto the people, fear ye not stand still and behold the Salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you this day the Lord shall fight for you therefore hold you your peace.
2 Chro. 20 11. O our God wilt thou not judge them, for there is no strength in us to stand against this great multitude, neither doe wee know what to doe, but our eyes are towards thee.
2 Chro. 20.17Ye shall not need to fight in this battell, stand still, move not, and behold the salvation of the Lord towards you.
Deut. 32.35, 36. Vengeance and recompence are mine, their feet shall slide in due time for the day of their calamities is at hand, and all things
[Page 14]that shall come upon you make haste.
Deut. 32.36. For the Lord shall judge his people, and repent towards his servants; when he seeth that their power is gone and none shut up in hold or left abroad.
2 Cor. 12.11. For my power is made perfect through weaknesse.
Zack. 4.6. For neither by an Army, nor strength but by my spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts.
Psa 12.5. Now for the opression of the needy and for the sighes of the poor, I will up saith the Lord I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him.
Esa. 33.10. Now will I arise saith the Lord, now will I be exalted, now will I lift up my selfe.
Wherefore if our Forces be weakned, and the enemy strengthened, then let Souldiers and all of as know that now we have a promise of Gods helpe which we had not when we were strongers, and therefore let us pray more confidently.
Esa. 33.2. O Lord have mercie on us, wee have waited for thee, be thou which was their arme in the morning, our helpe also in time of trouble.
Deut. 33.7 Heare, O Lord the voyce of
Judah, and bring him unto his people, his hands shall be sufficient for him if thou help him against his enemies.
Psa. 142.45. I looked upon my right hand and beheld, but there was none that would know me, all
[Page 15]refuge failed mee▪ and none cared for my soule, then cried I unto the Lord, and said, thou art my hope.
Psa. 22.11. Be no
[...] farre from me, because trouble is neare, and there is none to helpe.
Psa 97.8. Remember not against us our former iniquities, but make hast, and let thy tender mercies prevent us, for we are brought very low.
Psa 35.2. Lay hand upon the sword and bucklen, and stand up for my helpe.
Psa. 79 9. Helpe us O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name.
And let Souldiers, and all of us know, that if we obtaine any victory over our enemies, it is our dutie to give all the glory to the Lord, and say
Exo. 15.3. The Lord is a man of warre, his name is
Exo. 15.6.Thy right hand, O Lord is glorious in power, thy right hand O Lord hath bruised the enemies.
Exo. 15.7.And in thy great glory, thou hast overthrowne them that rose up against thee.
Psa. 118.23. This was the Lords doing; and it is marvellous in our eyes.
Iosha. 10.14.For the Lord fought for Israel.
Mica. 7.7Therefore will we looke unto the Lord.
2 Cor. 1.10.Who delivered us from so great a death.
1 Cor. 29.15.Now therefore our God we thanke thee, and praise thy glorious name.
Esra. 9.13.14. And seeing that thou our God hast stain us from being beneath for our iniquities, and hast given us such a deliverance, should wee returne to breake thy Commandements.
Psa 116.9. I will walke before the Lord in the Land of the living.
Psa. 119 109. I have vowed, and I will performe it, that I will keepe thy righteous judgements.