The true CHRISTIANS Path way to HEAVEN. Wherein is shewed, The great Afflictions which God imposeth upon His Children in this life, and the assurance of their Delivery out of the same. Being very profitable and comfortable for all those who are in any Crosses or Afflictions.

Whereunto is added a Prayer for Morning and Evening, and Graces before and after Meat.

Dedicated to all those that desire to arrive at Mount Sion, the Harbour of peace and joy.


Psal. 34.19.

Many are the troubles of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all.


Good people all, pray lend an ear,
and mark what I shall say:
To Heaven if that you fain would learn
the true and perfect way,
Here is a Book, it is but small,
but doth in it contain,
Through many a crosse and narrow path,
the way to Heaven plain.
The Prophets of the Lord have trod
this path, long time agoe:
And Christ and his Apostles all,
the same way do us show:
The Martyrs next do follow them,
and tread the self-same way,
And in the midst of fiery flames
Christs Banners do display.
Lord, set us in this Path-way then,
that leads us unto thee:
And guide us, Lord: for in these times.
there many by-paths be.

The true Christian's path Way to Heaven.

PSAL. 107.6.

Then they cryed unto the Lord, in their trouble, and be delivered them out of their distresses.

REmember, first of all, Christian Rea­der, that through many afflictions thou must enter into the Kingdome of Heaven: As here in this Psalm, the Prophet David sheweth, how many wayes God doth afflict his Children, that he may bring them unto himself. First, as in the fourth verse, he sheweth, how he afflicteth them. Secondly. whereby they are troubled in Conscience, then they cry'd unto the Lord: And how ready and willing the Lord is to deliver them out of their distresse: Then they cryed unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their di­stresse. From whence we gather this instructi­on, that afflictions sanctified are [...] prepa­ratives to repentance. First [...] proved by Manasseh King of Judah, [...] [...]eing led captive into Babylon, and being cast into prison and in chains, confesseth his sins, and prayeth [Page 4]unto the Lord, and the Lord delivered him out of his distresse. Again, in the prodigal Son, who being in affliction, was fain to eat husks with the swine: then he said, I will rise and go to my Fa­ther, and say unto him, Father, I have sinned against Heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy Son: And his Fa­ther graciously received him. Again, we read in the third Chapter of the Lamentations of Je­remy, the Church of God being in afflictions, saith in the fortieth verse, Come let us search and try our wayes, and turn unto the Lord, and He will be mercifuil unto us. For there is no child of God, but must suffer crosses and afflicti­ons in this life, for in the twelfth of the Heb. and the sixth verse, The Lord chastens every Son whom he receiveth. Here we may plainly see, that if we are not chastned, we are not Sons: For all the Saints of God that have gone before us, have trod this trace. Your common way to the spiritual Canaan, is to passe through the wil­dernesse of afflictions. All the Patriarchs, Pro­phets and Apostles have done this, Christ himself hath begun to you in this Cup, and will ye not pledge Him? Do you think to go to Heaven in a feather-bed [...] at hearts ease? Heaven is a strait gate, and [...] strive hard to enter in: For the strai [...] [...] this gate is afflictions: and there­fore all the Patriarchs and Prophets, and Apo­stles, and all the Saints of God, nay, Christ himself [Page 5]has found harsh and unpleasant. Therefore come down you proud Sons of Zebedee, before you think of sitting in the Throne, first learn to drink of the Cup. Ye must first suffer with Christ be­fore ye can reign with Christ; ye must wear the Crown of thorns, before ye can wear the Crown of glory. But let us know this, that it is not flesh and blood can do these things, but the Almighty power of a strong God, working in a poor, weak and frail man.

The Reasons, why God doth afflict his Chil­dren in this life, are, 1. Because He may hear from them: For he knoweth our nature, he is well acquainted with our dispofition; He knoweth we will not come unto him, but when we stand in need of Him. But when we come into any trouble or affliction, then he is sure to hear of us, as he saith by the Prophet, Hos 5.15. In their afflictions they will seek me early. Again, by His Prophet, Isa. 26.16. Lord, in trouble have they visited Thee: they poured out their prayer, when Thy chastening was upon them. A second reason is, because it is good for them, as the Prophet David saith, Psal. 119.71. It is good for me that It was afflicted, that I might learn the statutes, Here he sheweth by his afflictions, [...] had lear­ned a great deal, and was become a good Schol­lar in Gods books, and well seen in his Statutes and Lawes, and grown to a great deal of wise­dom and judgement by his chastisements, and all [Page 6]things turned about in Gods merciful providence to his everlasting comfort. For I say again and again, that all things turn to the best for Gods chosen people: And therefore what state soever God would have his Children to be in, it is the best for them, whether it be sicknesse or health, povertie or plentie, Prosperity or adversity: For sometimes sickness is better than health for Gods children poverty then plenty. Are Gods children therefore sick? it is the best for them: Are they poor? it is the best for them: Are they in many troubles? it is the best for them, because their heavenly Father will turn it to the best. He will cut us short of our lusts and desires, because he knoweth we will love our lusts He like a loving Father, will take the knife from us, lest we should hurt our selves with it. He will not give us too much ease nor prosperity in this life, because we will be the worse for them. He will not give us continuall rest, like standing ponds: He knoweth then we will gather scum and filth. He dealeth most fatherly and mercifully with us in al things. And, in a word when we think he doth us most hurt, then he doth us most good.

A third Reason is, Further tryal of our faith and patience. For faith doth not shew it self most glorious, when we have most sight or feel­ing of it, but rather when we feed and discern to the contrary, For when Job felt nothing but Gods wrath against him, even then he shewed a [Page 7]most victorious faith, Job 13.15. who said, Al­though thou slay me, yet will I trust in Thee. We read the same of Jacob, in his tedious conflict with the Angel, Gen. 31.24. who said, I will not let Thee go, except thou blesse me. And we read, Mat. 15. of the woman of Canaan, who though she had many repulses and denials, yet continued her sute, and was commended for her faith by Christ, who was the Author and Giver of her faith, Therefore, for the better strengthening you in these trials, consider I beseech you, they are but for a moment: What is a moment of affli­ctions to an eternall weight of glory? It is but as it were a harsh break fast, as one of the holy Martyrs said, being burning at the stake, after which saith he there will follow the most dainty and delicious dinner that ever was, even the full fruition of the joyes of Heaven. If we did but feel the torments of hell, and the joyes of hea­ven, what trials would we not undergo, that we might escape the one, to enjoy the other? Be not therefore too much cast down in your trials, but, as St. Peter sayes, 1 Pet. 4.13. Rejoice, in as much as ye are partakers of Christs sufferings, that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad with exceeding great joy.

Object. Some may object and say, that it out afflictions and crosses did come only from God, it were some what: But oftentimes they come from men, which bear us no good will: And [Page 8]therefore it is no marvel, though they make us impatient in our afflictions.

Ans. To it I answer, Those men are but in­struments, wherewith God doth inflict His ju­stice upon his Children: An example we have in Joseph, who knew well enough the bad dealings of his Brethren with him, yet he looked not so much unto them, but to a further cause, name­ly unto the Lord, as himself sayes, as you may read, Gen. 45.5. It was not you, but the Lord that sent me hither before, for your preservation. Then they cryed unto the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them out of their distresse.

Here follows the Ʋse of Encouragement to all the Children of God, who though they suffer many afflictions, yet they are sure of their de­livery in His appointed time.

WE read in the thirteenth of Luke, how the Daughter of Abraham was 18, years bound by Satan, and loosed by our Saviour Christ: And we read in the fifth of John, of a man that was diseased 38. yeares, who was cured by Christ. As Saint Peter sayes, 2 Peter 2.6. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the Godly out of temptation: As if he should say, that he were so experienced in it, that he could do it without any trouble at all. And again, Joseph being in [Page 9]prison, when his appointed time was come, the counsel of the Lord had tryed him, the King sent and loosed him, and the Ruler of the people de­livered him, Psal. 105 19, 30. Again, Psal. 33.17. The Righteous cry, and the Lord hear­eth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The Angel of the Lord tarrieth about them that fear him, and delivereth them. And again, Psa. 19. the Lord saith concerning the Righteous man, Because he had loved me, I will deliver him: I will exalt him, because he hath known my Name. He shall call upon me in his trouble, and I will be with him, and I will deliver and glorifie him. And again we read, Job. 5.19. Eliphaz the Temanite said to Job, In the sixth trouble he will deliver thee, and the seventh evil shall not touch thee. Many more proofs may be alledged for the proof of this, but this may suf­fice. Here you may plainly see, that as sure as there be troubles and afflictions for the Children of God, so sure is their deliverance out of the same; for as we may write of the one to be as sure as the coat is to our back, so may we in God's good time write of the other, to be as sure as the Lord is true: For Abrabam was in trouble but yet delivered: Job in trouble, but yet delivered: David In trouble, but yet deli­vered; Jonas in the Whales belly, but yet deli­livered; Daniel in the Lyons den, but yet deli­vered: the three Children in the fiery furnace, [Page 10]but yet delivered: Paul was in innumerable sorts of troubles, but yet delivered out of all. These things being true that have been said, it follows, that Gods Children are chastened only for their good, and evermore sure of their deli­verance, in his appointed time: And therefore there is no reason, why Gods Children should be too much cast down in their afflictions. Can a Father forget his Children, or a King his Sub­jects, or a Master his Servants, or a Shep-herd his Sheep? Doth not God Himself say that he will never leave us, nor forsake us? Heb. 13.5. Doth not our heavenly Father know, that we have need of all these things? Hath he not said, we shall want no out ward things? Hath he not said, they shall all be cast upon us? Why then should we hang down our heads? Why should we not pluck up our hearts and rejoice? God is our heavenly Father, He is our best Friend, He is our daily Benefactor, He keeps us all at his own cost and charges, He thinks nothing too much for us, He is most chary and tender over us, He will not suffer the wind to blow upon us, to hurt us: He hath promised, we shall lack nothing that is good for us, so long as we live. Why then should we not pluck up our hearts, and re­joice? Heaven is ours, the earth is ours, God is ours, and Christ is ours: And, as the Apostle saith, 1 Cor. 3.22.23. All are yours, you are Christs, and Christ is Gods. The World clap­peth [Page 11]their hands, and croweth long before it is day, and saith, All is theirs. But the Children of God may say, and say truely. All is theirs, For they have a true title through Christ to all the creatures: Many are their priviledges, and great are their prerogatives: They are free of Heaven, free of Earth, they are the only free Denizens of the World. Christ hath purchased their freedome for them, therefore they are free indeed: Free from sin, free from hell, free from damnation: They are young Princes, Angels fel­lows, descending from the highest house of the Blood Royal of Heaven: they are Stars of Pa­radice, Heirs apparent to the immortall Crown: Therefore God hath commanded His Angels to guard them, being such young Princes as they are: He hath given a very strict charge to all His Creatures, to look unto them, and to see unto them, that they take no harm, for jealous. so chary, so tender He is over them, The Angel must comfort Jacob, the Whale must receive Jonas, the Raven must feed Elias, the Sun and Moon must stay for Joshua, the sea must divide it self for Moses, that his people may passe through: The fire must not burn the three Chil­dren; The Lyons must not devour Daniel; All the Creatures must change their nature, rather then Gods people shall be unholpen, and unde­livered. O then I how great is the happinesse of Gods Children? Who can utter it? Who can [Page 12]express it? They see not their own happiness, it is hidden from them: afflictions do over-cloud it, crosses do dim it, troubles do shadow it; there is an interposition of the earth between the sight and it. But this is most certainly true, all the best is behind, the sweetest is to come, their happinesse doth not appear in this life, it is hid­den with God in Christ: When Christ appears, then shall they also appear with him in Glory. It doth not yet appear what they shall be, but when he cometh, they shall be made like unto him; their names are already taken, and entred in the Book of life, and one day they shall be crowned, one day it shall be said to them, Come ye blessed of my Father, receive the Kingdome, prepared for you, from the beginning of the World. One day they shall enjoy his presence, where is fulness of joy, and at whose right hand there are pleasures for evermore: well then, let all God's secret ones rejoyce and be merry, how­ever in this world they be troden underfoot, and walk like shadowes, and counted the very racts and abjects of the world; yet the time wil come when their happinesse and felicity shall be such as never could enter into the heart of man, for it shall be endlesse, unspeakable, and inconceiv­able: and therefore there is no cause, why Gods Children should be too much cast down in their afflictions; for, though they be not free from all afflictions, yet they are free from hurtfull af­flictions; [Page 13]for there is no rod, no crosse, nor no chastisement, but all in the end hath a blessed and happy issue: for this is most certain and true, there is no crosse nor affliction, which God im­poseth upon his Children in this life but if they endure it quietly, and trust in his mercy firmly, and tarry his good leasure obediently, it all com­eth to a comfortable and blessed end: and there­fore God's Children may rejoyce in the midst of their afflictions, and patiently kiss his holy rod, seeing it is his good pleasere. I am willing withall, seeing he will have it so: I am well con­tent, as old Eli said: 1 Sam. 3.18. It is the Lord, let him do with me what he will, and as David said in a certain case, 2 Sam 15.26. Behold here I am, do with me, as seemeth best in thine own eyes, And again David said in Psal. 39.9. Behold, I was dumb and opened not my mouth, for thou Lord hast done it. Behold here the patience of God's Children, and their humble submission to his most holy Will: they know all shall end well and therefore they are glad of it. To conclude this point. Gods children are happy, in what state soever they are in, happy in trouble, happy out of trouble; blessed in sicknesse, blessed in health, blessed at home, and blessed abroad, and every where blessed.

The next is a use of reproof.

First of all, it reproves those, that when any crosse or affliction befalls them, they fall to cur­sing and swearing; and therefore I beseech you [Page 14]consider, how is it possible that any cursing or cursed person should be a Member of that blessed Head Christ Jesus, who hath expresly forbid us to curse? As in Mat. 5. Luk. 6. Rom. 10. where he saith, Bless them that curse you, pray for them that despitfully use you. It is said of all them that accustom themselves to cursing, Psal. 109.17. They delighted in cursing, therefore it shall hap­pen to them: They loved not blessing, and there­fore it shall be far from them. It is said, Ecclesi­asticus 23.13. The plague shall never depart from the house of the swearer. And therefore, if ever ye desire to be partakers of the Kingdom of Heaven, give your selves to blessing and prayer a and then ye shall have that blessed welcom, Mat. 25.34. Come ye blessed of my Father, receive the Kingdom. It serves to reprove all those who, being in afflictions, do make great protestations they will become new creatures: And yet, so soon as their affliction is over, they become as hard hearted and miserable as before: Like as the 9. Lepers who, being cleansed, returned to their old Byas again: And as St. Peter saith, The dog that vomited, is returned to his vomit again: The sow that was washed is wallowed in the mire again. Therefore let all such know, these are but whips and lashes wherewith God doth whip and lain wicked and ungodly men. And therefore in con­clusion, let all those to whom any crosses or af­flictions do befall, for Gods sake, for their own sake, and for their souls sake, Labour to make [Page 15]their calling and election sure: 2 Pet. 1.10. and then they shall never fall. And that we may all so do, I commend you to GOD, and to the word of his Grace who is able to build you up further, and to give you an everlasting inheritance among them that are sanctified. Now the GOD of mer­cy and the Father of all consolation prosper and sanctifie you and that which I have written un­to you: To Him be all praise, honour and glory, now and for evermore, Amen.

YOu that have read or heard this Book,
either, old or young, I pray
That seriously you would in it look,
and learn this heavenly way:
Delay no time, for to be sure,
now in these latter dayes
The Devil lurketh up and down
in many by-path wyaes.
For like an Angel now of light
transform'd he doth appear;
And many in this Land are led
by him too much, I fear.
Lord give us strength for to resist
his power and force so strong.
That in this heavenly path we may
most safely walk along.
In all these changes of these times,
and trouble eke to [...]
There's no protests [...],
O Lord, is [...]

An Exhortation to Prayer.

Job 33.25.

HE shall pray unto the Lord, and he will be favourable unto him, he shall see his face with joy, and he will ren­der unto him his righteousnesse.

Isa. 65.24.

Before they ask, I will answer, saith the Lord, and while they pray, I will hear.

Jer. 10.25.

A curse is threatned up­on that family that doth not pray unto the Lord.

Then let us not pray coldly with our lips, and our hearts far from God: But pour out our prayers with attentive mind and a carefull heart.

Morning Prayer.

O LDRD prepare our unprepared hearts for the performance of this Duty of Prayer: Gide us the help of thy Holy Spirit, Without which we can do nothing.

O LORD our GOD, and headenly Fa­ther in Iesus Christ we thy poor and unworthy [...] here humble our selves before thy [...] Majesty, to offer up our Morning [...] Prayer and thanks­giving [Page 17]for all thy mercies and savours bestow­ed upon us: acknowledging and confessing that we are miserable and sinfull wretches, con­ceided and born in sin, brought forth in iniqui­ty: And so have continued all our life time, breaking and transgressing of thy holy Com­mandements, in thought, word, and deed: So that in us there is no whole part, from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head, all is polinted with iniquity, sinne, and chil. And therefore we have forfeited thy fabour, and deserved for these sinnes ederlasting dam­nation, and to be utterly thrown from Thy presence.

Neverthelesse, we appeal from thy justice, to thy mercy, beseeching thee for Iesus Christ his sake, to be mercifull to us, in the pardon­ing and forgiving all our sins, whether they be known or unknown: good Lord, bldt them out of the book of thy rememberance, that they may never rise up, either in this life to move us to desperation, nor yet in the life to come to bring us to eternall death and condemnati­on: that they be not a wall of separation at this time, to hinder our prayers from ascending up unto Thee, and thy blessing from descenting upon us. Seeing that we cannot do any thing that is good and pleasing in thy sight, we be­seech thee, that thou will so renew and change us, in all the parts and powers of our souls and bodies, that as heretofore we have been instru­ments of ungodlinesse and sin, we may now be instruments of righteousnesse, and true holi­nesse, all the dayes of our lives.

Together with our selves, we beseech shee blesse thy whole Church, wheresoever disperst, or howsoever distrust over the face of the earth: O Lord, fight for them that fight for Thee: Blesse thy friends, and destroy thy foes. Be gracious to this Land where we live, continue thy holy Gospel with us. We beseech thee, Blesse every particular Member thereof, from the highest to the lowest, whether by Sea or Land, or in any crosse or affliction, or suffering for the testimony of a good conscience, or any that do crave the benefite of our Prayers, Lord, thou seest them all, thou knowest were they dwell. Good Father do abundantly for them, more then we are able to ask or crave at thy hands.

Now we are to come to The again for our selves here present, giving Thee hearly thanks, that thou hast kept us this night from all hurt and danger, giving to our bodies sweet and comfortable rest. And as thou hast drought us to the beginning of this day, we beseech Thee, that thou wilt direct us this day by Thy Holy Spirit, keep us from all the temptations of Sa­than, from all kind of sin and wickednesse, that being shadowed under thy wings, we may go on constantly and chearfully to the end of our dayes. Blesse all our true and lawfull endea­vours this day, let us not lack the thing with­out which we cannot serve thee! But that we may have sufficient, and not be chargeable, but rather helpfull unto others.

Great these graces unto us, and whatsoever else thou knowst most needfull for us, and that for Christ Iesus sake, in whose Name and words [Page 19]we do conclude our imperfect Prayers, in that most perfect form which he himself hath taught us, saying, Our Father, &c.

Evening Prayer.

O Gracious God, and loving Father in Iesus Christ, we thy unworthy Children do here how down our selves, to of­fer up unto thee our evening Sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiving, for all thy blessings and be­nefits continued unto us: Acknowledging and confessing, that as we are born and bred in sin, and stained in the Womb, so have we continu­ally brought forth the fruit thereof, both in Thought, Word, and Works: So that if we should go about to reckon up our particular of­fences, we know not where to begin, or where to make an end: they are far more in number then the hairs on your heads, or the sands in the Sea: For, who knoweth how often he offen deth? Our Lord, thou knowest our hearts, thou knowest our sins, nothing is hid from thee. Our conscience doth accuse us of many and grievous evils: We daily feel, by woefull experience, how weak we are unto all good­nesse, and how willing towards all evil: Our minds are full of vanity, our hearts are full of deadnesse, dulnesse, and drusinesse in matters [Page 20]of thy Worship and Service: yea, our Souls are full of spirituall blindnesse, hardnesse, un­profitablenesse, coldnesse, security. So that in very deed, we are a lump of sinne, a masse of all misery, and therefore have forfeited thy favour, and procured thy high displeasure a­gainst us. But we beseech Thee, look not upon us as we are in our selves, but through thy Son Iesus Christ, and for his sake to pardon and forgive us all our sinnes, and accept His death and passion, as a full satisfacton for them all. And we beseech Thee, Seal up the forgivenesse of our sinnes, by the testimony of his blessed Spirit, that when we shall be stripped naked of all out­ward comfort, we may have in us peace of con­science, which passeth all understanding: work in us true repentance, in all particular actions: Fill our souls with joy and peace in believing: Fill us all with inward comfort, and spirituall strength, against all the temptations of the World, the flesh, and the devil. Mortifie in us whatsoever is carnal. Sanctifie us with thy Spirit: write it in our hearts for ever, that we may fear thy name. Renew in us the Image of thy Son Christ Iesus, dally more and more. Never leave us, nor forsake us, till thou hast brought us to thy Heavenly King­dome.

We beseech Thee to be mercifull to Thy whole Church, call home thy ancient people of the Iews, bring in the sulnesse of the Gentiles. Blesse this Land wherein we live, be thou still our God, and give us Grace to [Page 12]be thy people: Romove far from us all those plagues and punishments, which we for our sins have justly deserved. We beseech thee to prevent Popery, and continue thy Word and Gospel unto us and our posterity, to the end of the world. Confound all plots and de­vices of all those which do secretly or openly seek to hinder the same: Blesse, O LORD, all those that truely seek thy Honour and Glo­ry, and the happy peace of this sad and distra­cted Nation: LORD, uphold them that up­hold thy truth, unite our hearts all as one, if it be thy holy wil, that we may al serve thee in truth and holinesse of life, and keep us from the foul errours of these latter times. Blesse al the Ministers of thy Word and Sacraments; The Harvest is great, and the Labourers are few. O LORD, we beseech Thee to encrease faithful and painful Labourers in thy Har­vest, and double thy Spirit upon them, for the discharge of so great and weighty a duetie. Blesse al our Brethren that are at Sea, keep them from al storms and tempests, defend them from all their enemies, give good successe to all their lawfull endeavours, prosper their voy­ages, and in good time bring them home in peace and safety.

O LORD, be merciful to all that Thou hast laid Thy hand of affliction upon, whether inwardly in soul, or outwardly in body, or for the testimonie of a good consciences; O Lord, sanctifie all their afflictions unto them, and in Thy good time, give a happy and joyfull deli­derance.

Now we are to return to thee again for our selves here present, giving the heartie thanks, that thou hast kept us this day from all hurt and dangers both body and soul: That thou hast given us food and raiment, and all things needfull for this life, and hast blest our labours for this day, beseeching thee to continue thy fa­vour to us this night. Give unto our bodies sweet and comfortable rest this night, that our minds be not drawn aside by the temptations of Satan, nor by unquiet dreams: But that we may fear thee, and rest in thee, that when the light of the day shall spring forth and appear, we bring in perfect health, may joyfully rise up, and walk forth in our severall callings, to the glory of thy Name, and the benefit of our brethren

Hear these our petitions for thy Church sake, and thy Church for us, and Iesus Christ for us all: In whose name and words we further call upon thee, as he hath taught us in his holy Gos­pil, saying, Our Father, &c.

Learn these prayers in your hearts,
and print them in your mind:
Using them morning and evening,
great comfort you shall find.

Grace before meat,

O Lord, we beseech Thee Blesse and Sanctifie these thy good Creatures, which of thy great mercy Thou hast pro­vided for us: Give us Grace to receive them thankfully, and use them soberly, to the glory of thy Blessed Name, AMEN.

Grace after meat.

BLessed be Thy Great and Glorious Name, O Lord our God, for refre­shing us at this time, with these thy good Creatures of Meat and Drink. O Lord, we beseech Thee, that thou wilt make us truely thankfull to thee, in all holy obedi­ence, according to thy blessed will. And, good Father, Sanctifie us more and more both in souls and bodies, to do thine own service, and that for Christ Jesus his sake, our Blessed Saviour and Redeemer.

O Lord, increase our Faith, forgive us our sins, continue thy holy Gospel with us, send us peace in our conscience, that we may do uprightly & justly in thy sight through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN.

Grace before meat.

O Gracious God, and loving Father that hast kept us by thy good Pro­vidence untill this time, by nourishing us with thy good Creatures, and hast not likewise, far beyond our deserts, bestowe them on us again, according to thy won­ted mercy: We beseech thee to blesse them, and give us grace to be thankfull unto thee for them, without murmuring, Grant us these Graces for thy Son Jesus Christ his sake, Amen.

Grace after meat.

O Most gracious God, and heavenly Father, we give thee humble and heartie thanks, for refreshing our bodie at this time will thy good Creatures. We beseech thee to feed our souls wit thy heavenly Grace, that we may live eternally, through thy Son our only Saviour, Amen.


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