A SHORT DISCOURSE CONCERNING The WORK of GOD IN THIS NATION, AND The DUTY of all good People, BOTH Governors and Governed, IN This their DAY.

LONDON, Printed by R. W. for Francis Tyton at the Sign of the three Daggers in Fleet-street, 1659.

⟨June. 25⟩

A short discourse concerning the work of God in this Nation, and the duty of all good people, both Gover­nors and Governed, in this their day.

THe various dealings of God with his people in these Nations, have all along, of late years, to some discerning spirits, appeared full of Fatherly love and ten­derness. The Faith of these Watch­men in Israel staggered not at all, not­withstanding the great stumbling-blocks which have by our back-sliding, been cast into the way of Gods work. I hope the Lord is now arising to make good their word; yea, and that the very snares wherein he hath permitted some honest persons to be entangled, and the scourges with which he hath visited us for our Aposta­cies, will be made effectual means of recovering, strengthening, and perfecting a testimony for Liberty, Righteousness and Judgement upon the earth. For though some of them of understanding have fallen, yet this hath been but to try them, to purge and make them white, even to the time of the end, because it is yet for an appointed time, Dan. 11.35.

Certainly it was the admirable wisdom of God, to suffer so many interruptions of his glorious work, as have for these last years sprung up amongst us. He only acted herein the part of a wise Master-builder, who for a time desists from raising his intended Fabrick, till first he hath prepared all materials requisite to the car­rying it on. Now if we impartially search into the de­fects and imperfections of the whole body of good people, which formerly rendred them unfit to proceed in the work of Reformation, and obstructed the establishment of Freedom and Equity in the midst of us, we shall then find good cause to acknowledge, That the Lord in great goodness and wisdom (though also in judgement and displeasure) let some of us run back to­wards Egypt into the Wilderness, and chastened others by the strokes of their own Brethren and familiar friends; that thus he might shew us what was in our hearts, and what folly and falshood is wrapt up in the minds of his children, even of the best of his children, which requires the rod of correction to drive it out. And if it shall please the great God of Heaven, the searcher of all hearts, now at last to sanctifie unto us his chastisements and our stumblings, we shall enjoy a sweet and precious fruit of all. For by what hath be­fallen us these last times, we are well cautioned how to steer our future course, both in publick and personal exigencies, off from those dangerous Rocks which we our selves or others in our observation have split upon, to the prophanation of Gods Temple, and the Ship­wrack of their own good name and conscience.

The intent therefore of this short paper is to discuss a little the grounds, why we stayed so long in the birth, why God hitherto hath so long disappointed our ex­pectations, and made such delay in satisfying our hunger­ing [Page 3]desires after Liberty and Righteousness in the Go­vernment and Frame of these Nations: and withall to awaken all good Persons, Parliament, Army, and all that love the righteous Old Cause, to meet the Lord in the present Overtures which his Providence makes to us with meek and broken hearts, fitted to become the subjects of that blessed and saving work which God hath yet to work out among us.

Only give me leave first to consider with you a while how throughly the tender mercies of God do allure us to the performance of our duty before exprest. No peo­ple in the whole earth have had amongst them more evident footsteps of divine Wisdom, Power and Com­passion, then this sinful Nation; especially those in it who have been honest and faithful, whose hearts and eyes were ready to fail for the salvation of God. Their own souls could not have wisht or expected a more sea­sonable revival of Gods work, nor a more explicit and publique approbation to the Ancient good Cause, then God himself hath been pleased to give in the eyes of our own people, and of all Nations, in calling this Par­liament to the exercise of their just authority after so long an interruption.

As for the seasonableness of this notable turn, the low ebb whereunto the Nation is reduced by male executi­on of Government (to the exhausting of the publique Treasuries, and contracting of debts, to the deadning of Trade both Forraign and Domestick, and giving all our Enemies abroad and within our bowels, advantages against us) doth sufficiently discover that nothing could befall us more agreeable, nor more in season; though indeed of this the Parliament it self must be left to give more full evidence by their future counsels and actions: yet the good condition in which things [Page 4]stood, when by an usurped force the Parliament was interrupted, comparatively unto what they have since declined into, may justly quicken our hopes, of being again, through Gods blessing, recovered into as good, yea a much better condition then ever. For what hath God designed by permitting such disorderly and impe­tuous endeavours of men towards Tyranny and self-exaltation, and that of men obliged to the contrary by all the Obligations that Vows and Conviction could lay upon them, as of late years he hath, unless to shew us all in their examples, what we are, how frail and de­ceiveable in all the zeal and goodly appearance of our own righteousness; and to shew us also how inconsistent a private selfish mind is with righteous rule; which truths once throughly learnt and experienced by our Governours, will admirably fit them for a right dis­charge of those weighty trusts which are committed to them.

This late remarkable passage of Gods Providence in restoring the Parliament of this Common-wealth to the Throne, hath not only been seasonable, but likewise a very express and open an Ownal of the Good Cause formerly engaged for, and that greatly to the honor of them the Grand Engagers therein; as also of them in the Army, whose hearts the Lord moved to earnestly request and make way for their Session. God himself hath honoured you in the sight of all people, and made your cup run over in the presence of your Enemies; God seems willing, that you above others, you who have already heretofore through his blessing, made good progress in his reforming work, should now pro­ceed towards the accomplishing thereof. Some of you he hath refined in the furnace of sufferings. Others of your Number, troublers of Israel, he hath cut off with [Page 5]the stroke of his hand; & some whom he suffer'd to fall back with the torrent of the times, he hath since toucht, I hope, with a deep and godly sense of their fallings: and all this to try and to humble you, that he may do you good in the end. The Lord hath been hewing and polishing you for some more noble use then ever be­fore you were prepared for, and hath now with a high hand, and an out-stretched arm gathered you together to put you yet again upon the proof, whither you will be a willing and obedient people in the day of his power. It greatly therefore concerns you and all the good people, diligently to search out what the holy ac­ceptable and perfect will of God is, which by all his various dispensations he would discover to us, and in­cline our hearts to the obedience of; what the reasons of his carrying us back from the borders of liberty and rest, which once before we were entring into, under the conduct of this Parliament, into a Wilderness of confusion, sufferings and oppressions during the late usurpation; and what his designs in thus mercifully rallying us, in order, if we be not rebellious, to our more compleat entrance into the Land of Rest and Truth, and fuller conquest over all the Canaanites.

The main thing in which all Gods people, generally from the highest to the lowest, have been too unskil­ful, is denying of self, (not corrupt sinful self only, but righteous and holy self) and contemning those allure­ments of gain, which puft up the mind of man with boasting and vainglory. This surely is that which we are call'd to be more fully instructed in; and in the first place those that are Rulers. The Changes and Over­turnings we have had in this corner of the world, do loudly proclaim to us, that which the Rock of Israel said to David, 2 Sam. 23.3. He that ruleth over men [Page 6]must he just, ruling m the fear of the Lord; that is, he must receive the Pattern for his Rule, and the mo­tives to it from Jesus Christ, the Fountain of all just Government, and not seek them in himself, in his own single interest or glory. A self-glorying and self-in­riching spirit is perfectly opposite to the Kingdom of Christ, and to the common advantage of our Neigh­bour. Our Lord himself (though so spotless and righte­ous as he was) saith, I seek not mine own glory. If I ho­nour my self, my honour is nothing. I speak not of my self; and again, Not my will be done: by all which ex­pressions, and others such like, we see plainly, that Christ having, consideration of himself as single and alone in his righteous Manhood, utterly refuses to speak or act in that capacity. I do (saith he) nothing of my self, but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things; he that sent me is with me; the Father hath not left me alone; For I do always those things that please him; Look how Christ in this respect deports him­self in the exercise of his rule towards his Head, the Father, (so ought you most Renowned Patriots, in Parliament and Army) to demean your selves, in the exercise of your Rule, towards Christ, who is your Head; you ought to see an insufficiency in the wisdom and strength of flesh, a weakness in your selves left alone, even in your best estate; and that your safety and force lies in being yoaked to Christ through meek­ness of spirit and submission of will to him in all your enterprises.

Although Popular Government in a Free State, considered in it self, may justly of all others be ac­counted here with us the most natural and adequate medium, whereby to attain and secure the peoples Li­berty and welfare, (which is one great end of Magi­stracy) [Page 7]yet if the persons managing this Government, be slaves to their ambitious lusts, and servants to gain, the Government will be difficultly preserved from cor­rupting. Good rules indeed in its constitution (as fre­quent change of office and residence, and the balan­cing particular mens interests, and setting bounds to their riches and greatness, with the like) may greatly avail to its preservation, and are needful. But we shall never be settled upon the right Basis of good Govern­ment, till Christ reveal himself in our Rulers, as the Corner-stone of the whole building, teaching them to deny themselves, and naturally to take care of the Common-weal, by faithfully and impartially distri­buting to every man his portion of Freedom, Justice and Encouragement in due season, and doing right to all without respect of persons; not siding with part of the good people in neglect of the rest, nor engrossing to themselves the benefits of power and rule, to the unjust exclusion or oppression of any; the discovery of this just upright spirit in our Magistracy, will terrifie their enemies, make glad all honest hearts, and con­vince the dis-affected of the excellency of the Good Cause so long contested for.

The wise King of Israel tells us, Eccles. 8.9. there is a time when one man rules over another to his own hurt. And when is that, but at such time as he rules in a self-promoting and self-securing way, contrary to Gods heart, and to the common right: for this corrupts his spirit, mis-leading him from the fear of God, and sets him at defiance with the popular Interest; so that he is exposed to their severe judgement, when they shall recover power and liberty; as also to the wrath­ful displeasure of God, whose powerful arm executes his righteous will everywhere, and upon all persons [Page 8]without controle or limitation; that therefore which next follows in the same Chapter is considerable; And so I saw the wicked buried, who had come and gone from the place of the Holy, and they were forgotten in the City where they had so done; this is also vanity which we have seen too in part fulfilled upon some great men of this last age of the world, that a long time went together with the upright to the House of God, and had a mighty name in the visible Church, the Jerusalem below: But in the generation to come their name shall be blot­ted out, and the memory of them be cut off from the earth, because they were enemies to the Crucifying work of Saving-grace.

It is observable, that God hath suffered some bitter degenerate root or other to grow up & shew it self in so many visible forms of Worship, and sects of Religious Professors successively, from Popery to Episcopacy, and so downward even to these very times: when they have once come to greatness, and increased into a Kingdom, what envy, pride, self-confidence, bitter­ness against dissenting Brethren, and other such fruits of a private self-magnifying spirit, have suddainly sprung forth and obtained deep rooting in the midst of them! It is worth observation also on the other hand, that some gleanings may be found in various and differing forms and sects of persons, who we cannot but in our consciences judge and hope are accepted with God, and faithful in the main: From hence certainly the Lord would instruct us how empty a thing the form of God­liness is without the power of it, and that the power of Godlinese does nevertheless well consist with divers forms. Circumcision is nothing, nor uncircumcision, but the new creature; and the peace of God is upon all those that walk according to this rule. But, alas how? [Page 9]how greatly do we yet deviate from it, whilest every one is apt to measure his Brother from his harmony or dissent in opinion and worldly interest, rather then from the new Birth, and a meek Godly conversation? Such as worship God in Spirit, rejoyce in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in flesh, such are the true circum­cision: they have the end of the Law, and of all Gods Ordinances and Institutions fulfilled in them. Nor doth this consideration slightly concern our Magistrates. Every sort almost of professours is eagerly desirous of your countenance, and too many endeavour to mono­polize it to themselves; nor only so, but they would engage your Authority in suppressing whatsoever is contrary to their way. But I trust the Lord will fully open your eyes to see the falshood and deceipt of this spirit, which is so much the more dangerous, as the form wherein 'tis enthroned is more glorious then others, or the people in whom it rules more zealous, and in ap­pearance holy.

There is but two sorts of Religion in the general, of those who call themselves Christian. The one hath its center in self or nature, (I mean not degenerate and pol­luted nature, as in the Fall; for nothing can dwell there except irreligion, but) renewed through the common light and grace of God, to its primitive lustre and pu­rity (in kinde, though not in measure) wherein man was first created. This sort of Religious persons are clean­sed from the common pollutions of the world through lust, by the knowledge of Christ. They are a knowing enlightened people, forward in serving God, and strict in the obedience of his Ordinances, according to their interpretation of them. But their fear of God is taught them by the precepts of man, tis derived to them in a humane natural spirit and light. Self is indeed the ulti­mate [Page 10]scope of these mens Religion: And therefore they delight to distinguish themselves by somewhat in the formal part or outward circumstances of their Reli­gion, that may serve to embody them in a right under­standing between themselves, and an open distinction from other; and then from their own interest, as thus a simple distinct body, make judgement of all dissent­ing parties, favouring or dis-affecting them, as they do or do not conform to their model and opinions. This kind of Religion wherever it is, will unavoidably har­bour a persecuting spirit, which is the brand of Anti­christ; self-love is the very soul of this Religion. Those that are of it, can follow God so far as some gain ac­crues to their fleshly mind by his service, but no fur­ther; they would have somewhat whereof to glory in the sight of God and before men, and would not glo­ry in God himself only; prosperity detects their filthy­ness, and destroyes their souls. Affliction shakes them off like untimely fruit, but they must and will grow to­gether with the Wheat, until the Lord root them up, and consume them at his coming.

The second kind of Religion hath its foundation and center in the love of God, and unity of Spirit with Christ who is the Head of the Church. Such as are of this Religion, love Christ for himself, and all his mem­bers for the love of him. They judge of the members by their proportion and Symmetry with their Head; not by comparing others to themselves. They would have none follow them further then they follow Christ. Nor do they comply with any implicitly, having mens persons in admiration for advantage, but receive and cherish the truth wherever they meet it, for the love of it self. They fight against errour with spiritual weapons; and their faith stands not in the wisdom nor [Page 11]strength of man, but in the power and free grace of God. The Kingdom of God in which they are, is not in meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. He that in these things serves Christ, is acceptable to God, and approved of them; so far as bodily exercise may profit themselves or their Brother in the best things, they are willing to use it, but Godliness is the thing they chiefly intend, which hath the promises of this life, and of the life to come. The variety of forms cannot so disguise the true Saint, as to deter these from acknowledging him; nor so beautifie the natural man or carnal professor, as to induce these to magnifie and exalt him. Fulness cannot utterly ali­enate their hearts from God; sufferings can never separate them from the love of Christ, or a faithful pa­tience in well-doing. Gods out-goings in the midst of us, have clearly discovered this distinction in Religion; he now expects, that the former of them, which is out­ward in the letter and form only, should not suffice us, and the latter which is inward in the power and spirit, should take place in us.

I know no greater sign of Christs hastning to set up his righteous Rule openly in the world, then the em­bodying of all his Saints in a free fellowship with, and hearty owning of one another in the substance of true Religion, which is to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. For when Zion, the Moun­tain of the Lord, his holy City, shall once be raised out of the dust, her King will soon shew himself in the midst of her, in the apparent exercise of his glorious Dominion upon the earth: Now the constitution of this Holy City the New Jerusalem is such as is descri­bed, Rev. 20. at the end.

First it is comprehensive of all Saints, so as to re­ceive, [Page 12]and gather into the Unity of the Spirit, all god­ly and righteous ones every where, whom God acknow­ledges to be his Beloved Seed, though their measures be divers, their haltings and blemishes great. The Na­tions if them that are saved shall walk in the light of the glory of God and the Lamb which lightens this City. And the Rings of the Earth do bring their glory and ho­nour into it. And the Gates of it shall not be shut at all by day; for there shall be no night there: and they shall bring the glory and honour of the Nations into it. All the chil­dren of light must have free admittance into this New Jerusalem; they are by the New birth made free of this City. None may upon any pretence, deny them free commerce in it: Those Societies therefore, that have not this largeness of heart, to receive into the bonds of Brotherhood all the members of Christ, (from the most honourable to the most abject and the out-cast) are not to be thought the Heavenly Zion, or Holy City of God, wherein God shall tabernacle with men, as is promised, in order to subject the King­doms of the world to his Scepter. 'Tis true, such Soci­eties may have many in them that are precious to God, and actually Saints, but they lie yet among the pots, scattered abroad in the rubbish of Babel: they are not framed together, and built up in the visible frame and constitution proper to Zion. This Holy City when she shall once manifestly appear in her beauty, will send forth a collective influence, able to attract and knit to­gether the hearts of all Gods dear children, out of every tongue, Nation, Language and people.

Secondly, This New Jerusalem from above, hath also in its constitution an exclusive power, by which all the wicked and hypocritical are kept out of her, vers. 27. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing [Page 13]that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lambs Book of Life. That very light and glory of Zion, which unites and gathers into one profest Body her own children, shall be as a thick cloud and gloomy darkness to all her enemies: And this by reason of the opposition between Zions constitution, (which is publique, large and capacious for the receipt and en­tertainment of all the meek subjects of her King) and the constitution of the worldly Church, which is private, and restrained within the compass of self glo­rying principles.

The Lord I hope hath begun this great work of uniting his Saints, and embodying them, to the view of all, in the Spirit of holiness, and in that love which is the Bond of perfectness: the speedy progress where­of all the godly ought to endeavour. As the defection of the Churches from their Primitive simplicity, came through their cleaving to the persons, opinions, Mi­nistry or Interests of men (though good men) saying every one, I am of Paul, I am of Apollo, and I of Ce­phas, and I of Christ: so their return to the same sim­plicity will be by ceasing to glory in men, and cleaving entirely to their Head Christ Jesus. In so doing they shall have a sanctified use of all things. All is theirs, they are Christs, Christ is Gods.

Happy are we, if after all the shaking work that God hath wrought in these Nations, we can be brought to sit looser from whatsoever may be shaken and removed, that so an entrance may be given us into the Kingdom of Christ that cannot be moved. But if upon the proof which the Lord is now bringing the good people of the Nation to, they start aside from him, and cor­rupt through prosperity and power; if they apply not [Page 14]themselves, with self denyal and singleness of heart, to the advancement of liberty, common good, the power of godliness, and the unity of all Saints, we may well expect that God will yet proceed to shake us more terribly then ever.


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