To the Reverend the Clergy of the Dioecese of York.
YOU will herewith Receive His Majesties Brief, for the Relief of many Thousands of our Poor Brethren that are in Extreme Want and Misery: Whose Sufferings being wholly occasion'd by their Conscientious Adherence to the Protestant Religion, we thought it would become us to send with it our earnest Desire, that you would, both in publick and private, Stir up the People under your Charge, to a Liberal Contribution.
We cannot but tell you, It is expected from us by all our Protestant Brethren Abroad; who indeed have Set us a noble Example, in the large Contributions they have already made, in their respective Churches and States. And it will appear very strange, if the Church of England, that hath always been Reputed the Pillar of the Protestant Cause, should not Signalize her Zeal for it, on so pressing an Occasion.
We Desire you therefore (as well for the Honour of our Church, as out of a Christian Concern for our Suffering Brethren) to endeavour, both by your Example and Exhortations, that this Gathering be a publick Testimony of our Zeal for the true Religion, and bear some [Page 2]Proportion to the Number and Necessities of those who are now Prosecuted for it. To this End, It will be convenient, That you represent to your several Congregations, the Greatness of this Calamity in all its Circumstances: Of which they will have a more lively Sense and Fellow-feeling, if you put them in mind of their own Terrors and Apprehensions of Misery, while we were in Danger of being brought under the Scourge of that Cruel Religion. And this will naturally lead you to Suggest to them, their Obligations to Comfort those poor Creatures, who now Suffer what we formerly Fear'd with so much Uneasiness. Our Liberality on this Sad Occasion, will be the properest Expression of our Thankfulness for that Deliverance; as well as the most effectual Means of Prevailing with God to Continue to us the quiet Enjoyment of our Religion.
It is at this time, an Opinion industriously Propagated in some of the Popish Countries, that we are here Persecuting their Brethren with the utmost Severity; and the Priests are exceeding diligent in raising Contributions for their Relief. How groundless an Aspersion this is on His Majesties gracious Government, we all know and see: But this Use however we ought to make of it, That if they are thus ready to Support their Brethren, when there is so little Occasion for it; much more Zealous should we be in Relieving Ours, who are actually Groning under a most heavy Persecution; for which their very Enemies pretend no other Reason [Page 3]but their Stedfastness in the Protestant Religion.
These things being Consider'd, and what else will naturally occur to you; we doubt not, you will do your utmost to Stir up the Charity of your People, not only by your Godly Exhortations, but also by giving Liberally your selves, according to your respective Abilities.
We heartily Recommend you, and your Pious Labours, to the Blessing of Almighty God, and Remain