PROPOSALS FOR A Water-Tax, Yearly to be Raised to make Good the Funds; Humbly Offered to the Honourable House of Commons.
FIRST, That every House that is Rated at 3 pounds a Year, shall pay to the KING 1 shill. per Annum for the Ʋse of their Water.
Secondly, That every House of 10 pounds, shall pay 2 shill.
Thirdly, That every House from 15 pounds to 20, 4 shill.
Fourthly, That from 20 to 30 pounds, 6 s. per Annum.
From thirty pounds upwards, 10 shill.
That all Lodgers, or Inmates, paying 5 l. per Annum Rent, 1 shill.
That Lodgers, or Inmates, that shall pay 10 l. per Annum Rent, 2 shill.
For every Common Brew-House, to pay 40 shill. per Annum.
That every Petty Brewer, or Retailer, of Derby, Cheshire, or Nottingham Ale, &c. in London, and parts adjacent, pay 10 s. and that throughout the Kingdom of England, Dominion of VVales, &c shall pay 5 shill.
That all Maulsters, or Wetters of Barley, shall pay 1 pound.
That all Water-Mills for Corn, in England and VVales, &c. shall pay for each Running Stone, 5 shillings for the Ʋse of their Water.
That all Thickers, or Fulling Mills of Woollen, or Worsted, shall pay for the Ʋse of their Water 5 shillings.
That all Paper-Mills shall pay for the Ʋse of their Water 10 shillings.
That all Iron-Works, and Finarys of Iron, shall pay 1 pound.
That all Locks, or Sluces, on Rivers, shall pay 10 shillings.
That all Barges, Lighters, or Boats for Trade, or Carriage, shall pay for the Ʋse of their Water, 5 shillings per Annum.
That all Fishmongers, Bakers, Tanners, Warfengers, Skinners, Hatmakers, Dyers of all sorts, Stainers of Callicoes, or Linnen, shall pay 15 shillings.
That all Carriers, Wagoners, Carmen, Carters, Hackney-Coach-men, Higlers, shall pay for the Ʋse of their Water 5 s. besides the Water-Tax for their Houses.
That all Coffee-Houses pay 6 s. besides their Water-Tax for their Houses.
That all Vintners, Inn-holders, and Livery-stables, shall pay 10 s. besides the Water-Tax for their Houses.
[Page] That all Lodgers, or Inmates, paying 5 l. per Annum Rent, 1 shill.
That Lodgers, or Inmates, that shall pay 10 l. per Annum Rent, 2 shill.
For every Common Brew-House, to pay 40 shill. per Annum.
That every Petty Brewer, or Retailer, of Derby, Cheshire, or Nottingham Ale, &c. in London, and parts adjacent, pay 10 s. and that throughout the Kingdom of England, Dominion of VVales, &c shall pay 5 shill.
That all Maulsters, or Wetters of Barley, shall pay 1 pound.
That all Water-Mills for Corn, in England and VVales, &c. shall pay for each Running Stone, 5 shillings for the Ʋse of their Water.
That all Thickers, or Fulling Mills of Woollen, or Worsted, shall pay for the Ʋse of their Water 5 shillings.
That all Paper-Mills shall pay for the Ʋse of their Water 10 shillings.
That all Iron-Works, and Finarys of Iron, shall pay 1 pound.
That all Locks, or Sluces, on Rivers, shall pay 10 shillings.
That all Barges, Lighters, or Boats for Trade, or Carriage, shall pay for the Ʋse of their Water, 5 shillings per Annum.
That all Fishmongers, Bakers, Tanners, Warfengers, Skinners, Hatmakers, Dyers of all sorts, Stainers of Callicoes, or Linnen, shall pay 15 shillings.
That all Carriers, Wagoners, Carmen, Carters, Hackney-Coach-men, Higlers, shall pay for the Ʋse of their Water 5 s. besides the Water-Tax for their Houses.
That all Coffee-Houses pay 6 s. besides their Water-Tax for their Houses.
That all Vintners, Inn-holders, and Livery-stables, shall pay 10 s. besides the Water-Tax for their Houses.
That every Colledge of the Universitys, Inns of Court, and Chancery, shall Pay for the Ʋse of their Water 5 pound each.
That all Lesser Inns, such as Thavies, Bernards, Furnivals, &c. pay for their Water 3 pounds.
That all Common Halls for Companys, shall pay for the Ʋse of their Water one pound.
That none be exempted from this Tax that keeps Horse or Cow, and is not Chargable to the Parish.
And that no Private Family pay more than 10 s. per Annum, except as before excepted.
To be paid in two equal Half-Yearly Payments; and Collected by the Officers in each Parish or Precinct.