THE SENTENCE OF THE COVNCELL OF WARRE, PRONOVNCED AGAINST THE LORD MOVNTNORRIS, IN JRELAND THE Twelfth of December, 1635. VVith the Lord Mountnorris Petition to the Parliament concerning his Iniuries and wrongs sustayned by the Lord DEPVTY deceased.
Printed in the yeare, 1641.
BY THE LORD DEPVTIE WENTWORTH and Generall of the Armie and Councell of VVarre.
Whereas the Kings most excellent majestie by his highnes letters of the one and thirtieth of July last directed to vs the Lord deputie, hath beene graciously pleased to signifie that as he shall ever expect that all due reverence shall be given by his subjects to the person whome he appointeth to be his deputie, and generall of his Armie within this his Kingdome of Jreland; So on the contrary, hee shall hold them blame-worthie, especially being persons who have received their dignities from him, or hold their places of honor and trust under his governement. And yet shall forget there dueties that way in their words, or actions, to the ill example of others: And taking notice of the carriage of the Lord Mountnorris his Majesties Vice-treasurer, and Treasurer at Warrs here (whoe holdes a Captaines place in his Majesties Armie) by uttering [Page 4] some speeches, inciting a revenge vpon vs the Lord deputie and generall, from, a Liuetenant of this Armie, for performing the duties of our place, with modesty and good reason, in the time of excercising our troope, which his Majestie in his said letters declares to be an offence, much unbeseeming the grauitie of a priuie Counceller to vs the Lord deputie, and the dutie of a Captaine to his generall, and not to be suffered in any well governed Armie where good discipline must be the rule and square of euery mans actions.
And therefore being very sensible of the honor of Vs, his deputie, and generall of his Armie; which may suffer herein, and be of ill consequence in the future, he hath by his said letters willed and commanded Vs the Lord deputie and generall upon receipt of those his letters to call a councell of warre, and after a due examination, and proofe of those speeches by the Lord Mountnorris, his Majesties expresse will and pleasure is, that hee should under goe and be liable to such censure as the said councell should impose upon him, for the full reparation of Vs his deputie and generall in that poynt, and that there be no fayling in putting the same in due and speedy execution.
In obedience to which his Majesties command, Wee the Lord deputie called a councell of warre, whoe being this day assembled, Wee the Lord deputie in the presence of the said Lord Mountnorris did charge him with this offence, that within 3. or 4. daies or thereabouts, after the end of the Parliament, it being mentioned at the Lord Chancellors Table, that after Wee the Lord deputie had dissolved the Parliament, [Page 5] being sitting downe in the presence Chamber, one of Our servants in mooving a stoole happend to hurt our foot, then indisposed through an accession of the gout, that one then present at the Lord Chancellors table, then said to the Lord Mountnorris being there likewise, that it was Ansley his Lordships kinsman, and one of our Lord deputie and generalls gentlemen-vshers that had done it, whereupon the Lord Mountnorris then publikely, and in a scornefull contemptuous manner, answered perhapps it was done in revenge of that publique affront which my Lord deputie had done him formerly, But he hath a brother that would not take such a revenge, which Charge being so laid, the Lord Mountnorris was required by this councell of warre, to make answer thereunto, who going about to answer it, and yet neither confessing nor denying them; This councell (after some time spent therein) required him to answer the said charge, either negatively or affermatively, yet would not confesse or deny them. Wherevpon the witnesses vouched for profe thereof, were called, namely persons who though they were not the orginall relators of his Lordships, said discourse to Vs the Lord deputie, yet being present when the words were so spoken, were conceive to be able to give testimony therein: And therfore were called to be interrogated with all, thereupon, who being examined before this councell upon oath, ministered unto them by the Clarke of the councell before Vs by commandement of Vs the Lord deputie and their depositions then reduced to writing, and subscribed by them in our presence and in the presence also of the said L. Mountnorris, who heard them affirme the same. It thereby appeareth that the [Page 6] said Lord Mountnorris vttered and spoke the said words, in manner and forme, and at the time and place aforesaid; The charge laid against him standing then fully proved, the said Lord Mountnorris at last submitted himselfe to the Iudgement of this councell, protesting that what interpretation soever his words might have put vpon them, he intended noe prejudice or hurt to the person of Vs the deputie and generall, affirming that by these words, but he hath a brother that would not take such a revenge his Lordship meant onely that he the said brother would dye, before he would give Vs the deputie and generall occasion to give him such a rebuke.
Wee fell in the next place to consider as of the nature of the offence, so of the punishement due therevnto. And first for the nature of the offence, Wee conceive it to containe first a calumnie against the person of Vs the deputie and generall of the Armie, insinuating by these words the publike affront or the disgrace which my Lord deputie had done him formerly, that indeede there had beene such an affront, or disgrace put vpon him, by Vs the Lord deputie; whereas in truth it was nothing so, but that which was pretended by the Lord Mountnorris to have been the said disgrace or affront to his kinsman was this, that his said kinsman being one of the horse-troope commanded by Vs the L. deputie in the time of exercising the said troope, was out of order on horse backe to the disturbance of the rest then in exercising, for which the L. deputie in a mild manner reproving him, as soone as Wee returned a side from him, Wee observed him to laugh and geere Vs for Our just reproofe of him, which Wee disliking returned to him, [Page 7] and laying a small Caine (which Wee then carried) on his shoulders (yet without any blow or stroake then given him therewith) told him, that if hee did serve Vs so any more, Wee would laie him over the pate, the truth of which facte appeared vnto Vs by the relation of his Majesties said deputie and our generall, avowed and confirmed by two of vs the Captaines, namely the Lord Kirkudbright, and Sir Frederick Hamilton knight who then saw the manner of it, and now sate as members of this councell, which said act was by this whole councell adjudged to have beene a farr milder proceeding with the said Ansley, then such an insolence and disobedience to any Commander, much more to his gennerall merited.
And therefore it was a speech savouring doubtles of malice, to in sinuate that as an affront or disgrace which was indeed a iustly merrited, but a mild and modest reprehention and admonition.
Secondly Wee conceive the offence to containe an incitement to a revenge in these words but hee has a brother that would not take such a Reuenge, which incitement might have given encouragement to the brother being then and now in this kingdome, and Liuetenant of the said L. Mountnorris his foote companie to the said Ansley himselfe being continually so neere the person of Vs the deputie and generall, or to some other to have taken vp resolutions of dangerous consequence, and the manner of speaking the words doe so farr aggravate them, as there is no place left for any indulgent construction to bee made of them, nor indeede any construction, but such as renders the speaker a delinquent in a high and a transendent manner against the person of his generall, and his Majesties [Page 8] authoritie whence we derive Our power; This councell also tooke it into consideration, that if the like words had beene spoken of the sacred person of our dread Soveraigne Lord the King, they had a mounted to little lesse then high treason, which by some rule of relation apply themselves even to his Majestie, being directed to the person of his deputie and the revenge thus insolently voted to have beene taken vpon him: being done, when Wee the deputie, and generall had that great and high honor which We alwayes esteeme our Selfe in our selfe farre vnworthy of, as to be apparralled and robed with his Majesties owne robe of majestie, and Soveraingnity: We considered likewise the time when these words were spoken when part of the Armie was in motion, and when there were divers companies of foote and troops of horse in the towne, & daily in exercising, and training whereat for the most part, We the deputie were present and the towne full of people from all parts of the kingdome as then vnreturned back to their owne dwellings, from their sitting in Parliament.
In the next place for the punishment due to his offence, We judge it to be an apparent breach and contempt of the 41. Article of the printed lawes and orders of warr established for the good conduct of the service of Ireland, dated the 13. of March 1633. and published in print by Vs the Lord deputie soone after our accesse to this governement in these words of the said article, No man shall give any disgracefull words or commit any act to the disgrace of any person in his Army, or garrison, or any part thereof vpon paine of imprisonment, publique disarming and banishement from the Armie, as men for ever disabled to carrie Armes. And [Page 9] which is more in like breach and contempt of the 13. Article of the said printed lawes and orders of Warre, the words of which Article are these, No man shall offer any violence or contemptuously disobey his Commander, or doe any Act, or speake any words which are like to breede any mutiny in the Army or Garison, or impeach the obeying of the generall or principall officers directions upon paine of death; which Articles are no other then very same Articles, this Army had allwaies been the governed by in the time of the late Lord Faulkland, Lord Willm [...]tt, and other the generalls before them. And therefore this Councell of Warre in conformity to his Majesties gra [...]ious pleasure as aforesaid, and aswell to vindicate the honour of his Majesties deputy, and generall of his Army, from the wrong and contempt, under which we now suffer, to the scandall of this Govenement, and to ill example of others: As also to deliver one to all, which beare office, or are listed as members of the Army under the rule and govenment of us his generall; An example of Justice for them to take warning by, how they presume to offend against the Authority intrusted us by his Majestie doe hereby Adjudge, Order, and Decree, that the said Lord Mountnorris stands justly and deservedly lyable to undergoe the censures, paires and punishments by the said 41. Article and 15. Articles proved against the breakers of all good discipline, and the transgressors against those orders which are by the said 41. Articles imprisonment, publique disarming and banishment from the Army, as a man for [...]ver disable to carry Armes: And by the said 13. Article death, And therefore according to the said Articles, [Page 10] this Councell doe unamimously with one joynt consent, not one of us being of other opinion) adjudged the said Lord Mountnorris for his said high and great offences to bee imprisoned to stand from henceforth deprived of all the places, with the entertainments due thereunto, which he holds now in the Army, to be disarmed, to be banished the Army, and dis-inabled for ever bearing office therein hereafter: And lastly, to be shot to death, or to loose his head, at the pleasure of the Generall: Given at his Majesties Castle of Dublin the 12. day of December, 1635.
- Ʋalentia.
- Tho. Cromwell
- R. Ranelagh.
- R. Dillon.
- Law. Esmond.
- Kirkudbright.
- Iohn Barlasse.
- Charles Coot.
- Tho. Wenman.
- Arthur Terringham.
- Arthur Blundell.
- Faith: Fortescue.
- Ro. Farrar.
- Io. Borlase.
- Tho. Roper.
TO THE HONORABLE ASsembly the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Commons house of
The humble Petition of Sir
Francis Annsley, Knight and Baron.
Mountnorris in the Kingdome of the Realme of
THat whereas your Petitioner for divers yeares hath beene imployed by his Majestie and his late Royall Father in divers Offices and imployments of great trust and eminence within the Realme of Ireland, wherein to the uttermost of his power hee hath Faithfully discharged the trust in him reposed with the publique approbation, and satisfaction both of this, and that State and Realme; in Testimony whereof, his Majestie was pleased to dignifie your Petitioner with the stile he now beares, yet the Right Honorable Thomas Earle of Strafford, Lord Livetenant of the said Realme of Ireland having conceived a causelesse distrust against your Petitioner, and thereupon indeavoring the revenge of some personall neglects, and the undue advancement of his own ends and instruments, by the dishonour and ruine of your Petitioner, his Lordship without any just cause at all, not onely stript and deprived your Petitoner of those honorable imployments [Page 12] with contumely and reproach, but also of his owne private fortunes, and the birthright and liberty of a subject, a short viewe of part, of which your Petitioners sufferings, he humbly presents in these ensuing particulars.
First, whereas his late Majestie King Iames by his Highnesse Letters bearing date the first day of October in he 14. yeare of his Majesties Reigne, did appoint your Petitioner to be one of the principall Secretaries, and of the Councell of State for that Realme; whereupon your Petitioner was sworne and admitted accordingly: and whereas after viz. the eighth day of Iune in the 16. yeare of the said Majesties Raigne, his said late Majestie by his Letters Patents under the great Seale of Ireland, did grant unto your Petitioner aswell a Pension of 200. pound per Annum, for the evercise of the said office, together with the Fees thereunto belonging, as also the office of the Privie Signet, with the incidents thereunto, to bee held by your Petitioner during his life, immediately after the death surrender or forfeiture of Sir Dudley Norton, who had the same office and pension during his life, by force of which premisses as your Petitioner faithfully executed the said office of a Secretary, without fee during the life of the said Sir Dudley Norton, who was then for many yeares infirme and unable to exercise the same, so he ought to hold the said office and pention since his decease or surrender, according to the office of his Majesties said Patent; Yet upon pretense of a discour [...]esie supposed to bee done by your Petitioner to his Lordships brother Sir George [Page 13] Wentworth, his Lordship obtained a surrender to bee made by the said Sir Dudley Norton in or about the 12. day of July in the 10. yeare of his now Majesties Raigne, and contrary to all right and justice procured the said office and Fees to bee conferred upon Sir Phillip Manwareing, who notwithstanding your Petitioners often request and Petitions to his Lordship for releife, still holds the same under protection of the power and greatnesse of his Lordship.
Whereas his Majestie by his Highnesse Letters Patents bearing date the 30. day of May in the first yeare of his Highnesse Raigne, did appoint your Petitioner to be his Uice Treasurer and generall Receiver of his Revenewes within the said Realme of Jreland, during his Majesties pleasure, with the Fees and profits thereunto belonging, and appointed your Petitioner to bee Treasurer of warres in the said Kingdome by his Majesties Letters of the 13. of June 1632. And whereas your Petitioner did refuse at his sollicitation to make a dishonorable sale of the said offices, the said Earle being therewith enraged, and thereupon indeavoring to captivate not onely your Petitioners said offices, but also his honour and life to his Lordships power and pleasure; his Lordship in a time of publique peace and serenity within that Realme the 12. day of December 1635. did call a Councell of warre, and did accuse your Petitioner of some words supposed to be spoken by your Petioner many moneths before, tending in his Lordships strayned constructions to the disturbance of govenment, [Page 14] and without allowing your Petitioner liberty of clearing his innocency in a legall manner, or so much as an houres time, to make his just defence, proceeded to sentence at the same time, and although the said supposed words were no waies criminall, yet his Lordship contrary to all justice, did cause the sentence of death to be procured against your Petitioner being a Peere of that Realme, as by the Copie of the said sentence hereunto annexed may appeare.
Though his Lordship for the further advancing of his owne ends, did partly forbeare the execution of the said sentence, yet by colour thereof his Lordship forthwith disposed of your Petitioners foot company, and committed your Petitioner prisoner to the Castle of Dublin, where he was continued from the said 12. of December 1635. untill the 16 day of Aprill 1637. and within that time your Petitioners papers, Cabinets, Trunkes, and other places of his house were strictly searched by some of his greatest Adversaries by his Lordships direction, and your Petitioner for the space of 20. dayes was kept close prisoner, to the extreame hazard of his life, untill at last he was forced to purchase his liberty by submission to the said unjust and illegall sentence, and by the accepting of a pardon for the same.
His Lordship taking Advantage of your Petitioners condition and indeavouring not onely to justifie [Page 15] his former proceedings, but also to convict your Petitioner, and render him a delinquent without a defence, did issue a Commission to Commissioners of his owne choice and nomination, who during your Petitioners imprisonment examined divers witnesses touching some misdemeanors falsely charged upon your Petitioner in his office of Vice-treasurer, which being returned, and the effects thereof transmitted into this Kingdome, his Lordship by this and other undue practises brought your Petitioner into disgrace with his Majestie, and thereupon procured the said Offices of Vice-treasurer, Generall Receiver, and Treasurer of Warres to be conferred upon Sir Adam Loftus Knight, who had beene formerly one of your Petitioners accusers.
Whilest thus your Petitioner had his office taken from him, his honour and integrity injuriously calumniated, his liberty restrained, his life not onely subject to the mercie of the said Earle, but extremely indangered by a continuall sickenesse caused by his imprisonment by his Lordship; not therewith content, caused an Information to bee preferred against your Petitioner in the Castle Chamber, touching the severall supposed misdemeanors enquired of the said Commissioners, wherein though your Petitioner no way conscious of any guilt, yet finding his counsell awed by his Lordships power, his Judges to be such as were formerly his Inquisitors, the witnesses pre-engaged by an extrajudiciall examination, could expect no lesse than a sentence against him notwithstanding his innocence, your Petitioner was put to this miserable choice, either to suffer continuance [Page 16] and addition to his miseries, or otherwise to make such submission as his Lordship pleased, whereupon your Petitioner was enforced in an ignominious manner to make submission, hoping thereby to purchase his Liberty and goe into England according to his Majesties directions, though by so doing he could not effect the same, but his imprisonment was continued notwithstanding.
Whereas also by the fundamentall lawes of that Realme, as also by his Majesties Declaration published in print upon the returne of a Commission & by the advice of many grave & wise Commissiners sent from hence into Ireland for the examination of the greivances of his Majesties subjects in that Realme, the Lord Deputie & Councell are not to meddle upon Titles of inheritance betweene party and party, or in businesse belonging to the Cognizance of other Courts or to alter possession, yet his Lordship upon a paper petition to him preferred by Richard Rollston against your Petitioner touching the manner of [...]eemore in the said said Realme after 18. yeares quiet possession thereof by your petitioner, hath Decreed the said lands to the said Rollston, and by his owne warrant removed your Petitioner out of possession thereof.
Whereas also by the lawes of that Kingdome, and by the said declaration, proceedings before the Lord Deputy, and Councell for things remediable in [Page 17] other Courts by paper Petitiōs, & the abuses of Habeascorpus within that Realme are prohibited, yet upon a paper Petition preferred to his Lordship and the Councell by, one Walter Peperd touching land of Inheritance in the Petitioners possession, his Lordship hath retained the said cause for his hearing, notwithstanding your Petitioners legal exception thereunto: & upon the like paper Petition preferred to his Lordshop, by Arthur Manwaring, his Lordship hath for divers yeares delayed and frustratethed benefit of an execution which your Petitioner had against him for a debt by bond, & yet there is no end of the said Manwarings vexatious suites before his Lordship, and such other Referrees as his Lordship appoints.
His Lordship rated your Petitioner for the payment of his Majesties Subsidies in one 1000 pound in the Kings bookes, whereas men of farre greater visible and knowne estates are not Charged with halfe that proportion, your Petitioners estate being very meane to supply the condition and honours gratiously conferred upon him by his Majestie and his Royall Father in acceptance of his Faithfull services, and his wife and eleven-children.
Now for asmuch as your Petitioner is no waies guilty of the crimes, under which hee hath suffered, and yet it hath beene the height of his Lordships endeavour, not onely to bereave your Petitioner of his honour and fortunes, but also (as much as in him laie) of his innocencie, by the said extorted submission, and [Page 18] obtruded pardon, he here relinquisheth all advantage by the said pardon, and freely submits the crymes to him imputed to the scrutine and determination of this honorable and impartiall assembly, and for asmuch as the oppressions sustained by your Petitioner, doe not onely in the highest degree concerne your Petitioner in his innocencie, liberty and fortunes, but also tend to the publique abuse and scandall of the lawes, liberties and justice of both Realmes, and to the introducing an Arbitrary forme of goverment, your Petitioner humbly offers the premisses to the consideration of this honorable assembly; and humbly prayes such reperation therein, as to this honorable assembly shall seeme to stand wiih right and Iustice.
And your Petitioner shall daily pray, &c.