THE Spirituall Madman, OR, A PROPHESIE CONCERNING, The King, the Parliament, London, the Army; of the admirable ful­nesse, and compleatnesse, of the restauration, and satis­faction of all Interests.


Printed in the Year, 1648.


THe Army is a particular part of the King­dome, and that temporary, and occasionall; and is by the bright shining of the Sun of Righteousness, melted into a generall peace and unity; but lying under a particular condem­nation, it shall receive a particular discharge. And we know thy imployment is so irksome and unpleasant to thee, To be the kingdomes Gaoler, to keep War in, and peace out; or to stand in the way to the Tree of life, with a flaming sword; to keep men from the injoyment of their Liberty, KING, Peace; though thou art commanded to it by God (these things being yet forbidden the people,) yet thou wilt be glad to be released from it; that thou and all other may come into the Paradise of God, and feed together upon the fruit of Divine peace and love.

There is under thy assuming power over the Kingdome, King, and Parliament, and all; and in thy maintaining thy Mi [...]i [...]ary power above, and against the Civill; in thy seeking thy owne subsisting, and attempting to be the Kingdomes Lord & restorer: The Lord cloathing himselfe with zeal, as with a garment, in­compassing himselfe about with flames of fire: A Man of War: a Lord of Hosts: Casting away his Fatherly Government, be­cause of the Nations rebellion in all parts against himselfe, and ruling us with a Rod of Iron. God marching before us, out of [Page 2]Egypts slavery, into a Wildernesse; turning us from a Civil Go­vernment into a Wildernesse; & incamping in the midest of us, & administering Lawes to us; as at Sinai: in thundering and light­ning, clouds and darknesse; so rerrible, that makes all tremble: A yoke that neither we, nor our Fathers are able to beare: And so we see Gods severity, under mans iniquities: And because it is the Lords Rod, we kisse the Rod, and love you for it.

Death is proper for this administration: The Lord our Husband, the Law dies; we were bound to honour you so long as you lived in the power and goodnes of God; The whole Kingdom bowed before you; while you led us safely through the Wildernes; But Moses cannot bring us into Canaan; but must only have a view of it, and dye at mount Nebo: This power is weak through the flesh, and cannot do it; if you contend now to effect any thing, it is but the Devil striving for the body of Moses, you are labou­ring to set up an honourable carcasse; or to call back life into a dead body: Christ did come into it, and hath offered it up in his owne body, and naild this power fast to the Tree; you are dead, fixt to the tree of shame, by the curse with your Lord; and by death you shall overcome more then ever you overcame by life; submitting to death, your wils, reasons, lusts; your seeking a worldly Kingdome; your desire of Lording it over others by force of armes, with all your projects, are slaine; and all enmity in you against others, and others against you.

Death hath Disbanded you; easd you of your hellish & wrathful imployment: Reconciled you to all, and all to you; brought you from being Turkish Janisaries, to bee English men: You are dis­solved into a body of love; into GOD: you lye downe in the Eternall.

By this your arreares are paid; you are nothing, you are dead, and you can require nothing; you, and your demands are fallen to the ground; your service is dead, and nothing is due to it, but to be buried, and all your miscarriages, in forgetfulnesse. Who do you require arreares of? The Kingdome is dead; the sword reignes, and therefore the Kingdome is free: if you will be paid; take blood, want, spoile, Confusion, ruin: that's all that is left of the Kingdome; pay your selves of that. Do you expect it of the [Page 3] Parliament? That is dead too. Poore Parliament, you have eat it up your selves in greedinesse of pay, you tore her bowels out; and you can have no more.

But all anger is past, there remaines nothing but love: you are dead, and live with Christ: come forth of your graves; stand up in the resurrection of the Christ, in union and fellowship with Christ. The Lords host; now the Lord is in you; and you pitch your tents about the Lord; and are the arme of God, stretch­ed out for his own defence, and for the punishing of transgres­sors living in the strength and Spirit of the Lord: and now, mighty and powerfull to execute divine pleasure: Now you are under the Captain of our salvation; and at one interested in the salvation of the Nation; and of Christ, our Saviour

Now we can pay you arreares: you never stuck upon arreares till you sunk into the earth, into poor earthly mindes; rise you again into spirit, you will count it your honour to help England freely: Money and a Saviour, cannot subsist together. That Spi­rit of Christ that once acted in you to let go the Prisoners, Eng­lands freedome and justice, without price or reward: that spirit shall revive in you: and then you will scorn to be mercinary.

I know you disdaine to keep Englands wounds open to suck her blood: you have hazarded your lives for justice and freedom, and can't now insist upon pay: you are worthy your selves, and have the worth of all with you: if you desire pay, enter with us into Canaan. and you shall have Vineyards that you planted not; wels that you diged not: A land flowing with milke and honey; such mercies and blessings as you could not expect: The Lord is Judge, he will audite your accompts, and pay all that he owes you: Religion flourishing in the purity of it; peace and righte­ousnesse as Rivers and Seas; the sweet, holy, unmolested enjoy­ment of your own families and estates, in the presence and under the government of the most high: You shall now subsist in our bowels, be dissolved into the Church and Kingdome, which is the beloved of Christ: Terrible as an Army with banners: terrible to the world, and the God of the world: to the Prince of darknesse: and so we shall disband you into spirit and power; the whole Nation shall be Souldiers able to draw the sword of the spirit against [Page 4]all forraign power; amongst our selves wars shall cease from the earth: you must beat your sword into plow shares, an [...] spears into pruming-ho [...]kes: to your honest trades again; there will need no Iron or steely wrath, but to plow up your own hearts, and to cut down enemies within your own brests. All our Towns and Cities are garisoned with a heavenly host, and we have salvation for our walls and bulwarks; we shall lye down in peace, and none make us afraid: while we need force we shall use you, but not in civill wars, you must be removed, and only imployed in service against strangers: if you delight to sit down by the still streames of Englands peace, and feed in our green pastures of eternall love, you shall: if your valour makes you desirous of military acti­ons, we shall find enemies abroad to imploy your swords a­gainst: and when you undertake such expeditions the Lord shall goe with you: you shall have Angels spirits that shall make you invincible where ever you goe.

The Levellers grew out of the Army, and are again shrunk into the Army, and therefore we will now joyne you to the Ar­my, being mingled together. In your endeavour to impose your Democracy, your popular Government upon the Kingdome; over­throwing & overcurning all powers into the People: We hear the voide of one crying in the Wildernesse ( England is become a Wil­dernesse) all flesh is grasse (all power is corrupt) the Spirit of the Lord hath blowne upon it and its withered: This is John Baptist that exalts the vallies and brings down the hils: he brings all into the waters the People; God is in these Levellers casting the Mountains into the depths of the Seas, plunging all into a con­fused People; not suffering one stone to lye upon another.

Thy place is to be in the Wildernesse, and not to come into the City: to expire and dye speedily, to decrease, that he that comes after may increase: Thou art beheaded, thy devices are fallen to the ground, a mushrome, thou wert little, and art nothing. What went you out to see? A reed shaken with the wind: growing out of the mire of the Nation: or a man clothed with soft rayment? People got into Kings houses. In this state thou art vanisht, lost, and raised in the spirit of Christ, the divine and eternall love of God: and in this Kingdom there is a perfect Levell: The People the originall of the Parliament and King, by a free giving [Page 5]up themselves and their Estates to the Parliament and King, are in the King and Parliament, and fully partake of the royalty and power of both; and are leveld with it: The people give honour and glory to the King, and so higher then he, or he their Sub­ject: He that gives, is greater then he that receives: Heer all the people are one with that spirit that is kingly that Anointing that makes Christ King: and so called mine Anointed living all in the liberty of that spirit that makes Kings: and are most perfectly content in the Kings greatnesse, being that which themselves constitute: making it themselves, they live in it and enjoy it: And the King is levelled to the people by his sufferings or humiliati­ons, and by his love taking in every Subject to himself: humbling of himself, to be but the Kingdoms Servant, and wearing his Crown only for the happinesse and good of the people, living together, and brought into one body, head, and member. The e­ternall love is the Leveller, Divine Charity that lifts not up it self, but is lifted up; and being lifted up, drawes all after it.

I rejoyce in the healing thy breaches, oh London, thou honou­rable City: Thy iniquities have been great, there is a righteous one under them that will carry them without the City as a scape Goat into the wildernesse: we see the Lord in thee in thy greatest filth; in thy violent enforcing powers above thee to thy own mind, in constraining the Parliament to thy will, by bold Petitions urged with tumults: we see darkened and shadowed the intercession of the Son of God, who with violence wrests from his Father favour for himself and his people: he comes with boldnesse to take what he asks, and saies, I will; and the power that Saints have in Christ to command God in prayer. In thy si­ding with the Parliament against the King, and thy free powring forth thy self for her: We see the excessive love of Christ to his Church, who is ravisht with love, and for her forgets all things else: In thy ingrossing the riches of the Kingdom into thee; thou are a shadow of Christ, who treasures up wealth and riches of glory in the City of God for ur.

But thy glory is gon, thy true life; the beautifull presence of God hath left thee; and thou art burning in flames of wrath, jea­lousies, envies, divisions: thou art wasted into a sceleton; thy trade obstructed by Sea and Land; thy People filled with rage, thy [Page 6]bowells pained with fierce contests of parties, pulling various wayes; quite restlesse, an unquiet Sea, in continuall agitation. The Lord dyes in thee, the Lords delight; thou wert his spouse: thy glory and greatnesse, it was the Lords; he suffers in thy suffering, and is covered in thy ashes; lyes under the burthen of all thy wants, is pierced with the necessities of the poor: And thou art in the dust of confusion; a ruinous heap, the seat and place of vexa­tion, lying in a thick cloud of darknesse. But his fire purifies thee; in these flames thou losest thy filthy pride, covetousnesse, malice, revenge, &c.

Thou shalt not perish utterly; The voice of God is heard in thee to revive thee: thou shalt be built again: Thy foundation shall be all of precious stones, &c. The glory of God shall shine in thee, thou art now the City of God; a righteous City: this is thy name, The Lord is there: The Lord displaies his glory in the midst of thee: The new Jerusalem in deed, in truth, in spirit, in perfect uni­on with God; a heaven, and so in union amongst your selves; Peace within thy walls, and plentiousnesse in thy palaces: a Ci­ty at unity in it self; there shall not be the least found of discord in thee: Thy nature is love, light and holinesse; The City of the great King: made happy by the presence of the King, and all the state and honour of the Kingdom: Now open thy arms of Divine love, and take into thy imbraces the glory of England, Kings, Princes, Nobility, Gentry, Ministry, Iudges, Lawyers, with all the wisdom, justice, power and excellency of heaven and earth; let all flock together; in one God, one Christ, one spirit, one City, and thousands of thousands of Saints and Angels dwelling in thee. Nothing shall be heard in thee but mirth and joy in the Lord our God; praises of the great King: Open thy gates, thy everlasting doores, that the King of glory, the Lord of Hosts, with all his host of Princely powers, may enter in: And all the riches of the world shall slow into thee in thy trade, naturally, and abundantly: the wealth of both I [...]dies, and all parts, shall seek unto thee, and offer up it self to satisfie thee: thou shalt be crowned with blessings; all contents and pleasures shall continually run down thy streets, and all in the sight and face of the holy God; in the pure River of life.

All the works of God are perfect, found out of all them that take pleasure therein: The greatest and highest, are reserved for us, in this later, and great day of God; wherein it pleaseth the Lord to appear in his fullest, and most excellent glory▪ this of Englands salvation is a sweet bud of it; a little taste of that infinite Majesty that is now breaking forth, in the glorious [...]ppearing of God. In this businesse, the Lord satisfieth his own Interest, who is Alphis, and Omega, the first. and the last: and this is the root of our pleasure that thou art pleased, and satisfied.

Thou reignest, thou art King: this is thy due, all power and dominion is thine; tis thy right to have all, all are thine▪ for thee they were created & made, King, Parliament, Lords, Commons, Ministers, People, all sorts, all sides, all parties are the Lords, and thou wilt reign over and in all: from Sea to Sea, from one end of the Earth to the other, as lightening, shining from East to West: so is thy Kingdom; and thy glory is now due to thee, that thou shouldest appear not in weaknesse to serve men, but in thy great Majesty, in thy highest honour thou must now shew forth plain­ly thy self in thy utmost and most enlarged goodnesse, power and wisdom; Nothing now will serve thee but to be all in all: To be all thou art in Heaven, in all the Earth, to bring forth all thy riches to sill every creature, all glory in all things: Thou art all in Earth as well as all in Heaven, all in King, in Parliament, in People, there is nothing but thy self in these, thou art Bishops, Presbyters, Independents, all these, and all in these; all Majesty, power, glory, justice, in the King▪ and all the same in the Parlia­ment, and all that too in the people▪ thou art all the labour, strength, riches, freedom in the People, all this in the Parliament, all the same in the King, all hight and all lownesse: Thou art all Wisdom, Authority, Government in Bishops; all care zeal, labour in Presbyters, all love union, absolutenesse in Independents: and all these in every one; thou art the same in all all in all: All in darknesse all in light, all in weaknesse, all in strength: all that e­very part is all the whol is, all the whol in every part: and all Heaven▪ all Glory, all peace, all quietnesse, all love, all goodnesse in all these parts and whol: Lesse then this generall and near uni­on and mariage will not satisfie thee; being thy self satisfied, thou [Page 8]doest satisfy all; and being pleased, thou pleasest all: thy content, contents every one, because thou art all: art content it self in all.

Thou hast shaken all Nations, and the desire of all Nation is come: We have been shaken into peeces, and every peece shaken out of all order and peace. Thou art good that thou doest but shake only; renders, that thou maist make way for thy self to enter & for all to enter with thee into every part. What we desire, we have: we can desire nothing but the Lord, nothing is desirable but the Lord; the Lord we have, and in the Lord we meet with e­very desirable thing the desire satisfied, which is a tree of life. God was our desire, which is now interpreted; being brought forth into performance and enjoyment: God the bottom and top; the desire, and desired, meeeing in one spirit and Kingdom; God the root in our desires, grown up into the fruit, at­tainment.

The interest of this whole Kingdom, in this restoration, is sathfied; and that consists in; first, PEACE, a sure Peace, a wel-grounded Peace: here you have the richest jewell of peace that heaven hath; the Peace of God: The union and agreement of Father, Son, and Spirit in one; this is our peace, and a wel-grounded peace, setled and sure; that is lasting and durable; a threefold cord that can­not be broken.

We are one with God, reconcil'd to Godf; we dwell together in the same house; he hath married us, one in God, one as God; one amongst our selves, as he is one: All in the Father, the Head, the KING; all in the Son, the Body, the Parliament: All in spi­rit in combination; acting and living together in their just and lawfull rights; and in perfect fruit of righteousnesse, love and peace.

Secondly, The Nation desires SETTLEMENT, after her sha­kings, heres everlasting Settlement, upon sure foundations; The sure mercies of David; upon the rock of ages: he who was, is, and ever will be: those pillars upon which England stood, made clear, and bright; and the Kingdom setled upon them: Now the world is establisht in eternity, so that it cannot be moved.

Thirdly, The HONOƲROF THE NATION: honoured in­deed; For glory doth dwell in our Land; our Nation now is the [Page 9]very throne and seat of Divine glory, a Royall Nation; filled with Princely spirits: the Kingdom it self raised from the grave of lusts, luxury, covetuousnesse, oppression, basenesse and beastliness, into the noblenesse and wisdom of the spirit of God: England first brought forth into that excellent and perfect righteousnesse, li­berty, and justice that shall be a copy to other Nations; a Mo­ther, that shall bring forth salvation to all the earth.

Fourthly, The SETLING OF RELIGION; of the true Or­thodox, ancient Protestant Religion; and the rooting out Sects, he­resies, popery: This doth it compleatly and fully. We now shall have sound doctrin, measured by the scripture of truth, the golden line of truth it self: truth derived from the bowells of eternity, and constantly preserved and kept in the worst ages, free from defile­ment; giving testimony of it self successively in the darkest times, and now breaking forth in undeniable; and in disputable autho­rity and evidence: Not peeces but a whole body of Divinity; Di­vinity it self; not in shadow, but the body of it; not maim'd but intire and whole, from the highest head and glory of God, to the lowest part of hell: and all the variety of estates, in Christ, in An­gels, in men; with their fallings and risings, descendings and as­cendings, fully and plainly brought forth. The Sun shall shine so clearly, as shall discipate these mists of error that are amongst us; with such power as shall compose the madnesse and disorder of peoples judgments, into a beautifull Uniformity; by power of the Spirit of God, and in satisfaction to every mind.

Fiftly, Another publick interest is, LIBERTY from all op­pressing powers, this we have here restored; a glorioue liberty, in which all Englishmen shall live under Authority as children, not servants nor slaves; some shall rule as Fathers, others shall obey as Sons: Nothing but love, goodnesse, and gentlenesse in both; both to command and obey, shall be sweet and delightfull: no Laws but the perfect Law of liberty, which the subject shall choose and desire. A KING free and inlarged into the hearts and estates of his people; living in all they are and have, and they pleased to have it all the Kings; every one hating that which will not be the KINGS, and Common-wealths; counting that base and unworthy, that is not every ones as well as his own; and that only to be rich, which is free for all: and so men free to part with, as well as to [Page 10]injoy; estates free as well as persons; and men not slaves to men, nor to their wealth: no, not to propriety; which is the greatest bondage to serve themselves, and their own wealth: That's true wealth, Common wealth.

And the People free, living in the bosome of the King; in his au­thority and greatnesse: they have a true right to it, as they have to any thing; The Court is their Fathers house; the Thro [...] their own home; where every subject dwels, and lives in the Kings honour and presence.

Sixtly, In this we have A right understanding between King and Parliament: The wisdome of God to shew us a way of peace; the true light shining from heaven upon us: the night of our mistakes is past; The princes of darknesse is thrown down; and we are translated out of a kingdom of darknesse, into the Kingdom of God; in which we shall alwaies have the true wisdom to guid us.

Seventhly, Here likewise have we AN ACT OF OB­LIVION, whereby all transgressions are blotted out; all car­ried into the depth of the Sea: where sinne, if it be sought for, it shall not be found: such a fulnesse of pleasure and satisfaction, as will not admit a thought of revenge; if we shall remember past things, it will be with joy and thanks to each other; for in hurting, we have saved one another: wherein we have done evill to any, it is turned to their good; The KING will thank the Parlia­ment for rising against him; and the Parliament thank the KING for leaving of them: There is GOD, and perfect good in all that every party hath suffered.

HAPPINES it selfe; England now hath a confluence of the riches of Heaven and Earth in one blessednesse: England; a glorious Land; the Land of God; abounding in store, trade, justice, peace, amity. We are fallen,, but (as hath been expe­cted) WE RISE AS ONE MAN: England acted by one head, one spirit, is become one man: every one loving ano­ther as himselfe; and rising against the COMMON ENE­MY, the Devill, the Destroyer; who is, and hath been our on­ly enemy; we hate none but him: and by this RISING, we free our selves from him.

As this satisfies the publick, so every particular interest, or all interests are here satisfied, and brought into one interest, which [Page 11]is the true nature of an interest; to be in others a joynt, or com­mon subsistence: every part made cleane and right, and so inter­weaved into one intire garment; which is the excellency of Di­vine works, they are large and save all; that's a humane and de­villish designe, that saves one by the ruine of another; but that is Gods way to save all so, as the salvation of one is the salvation of another: Now here you see all contented.

The KING (as all have sworn and prayed) advanced in­to honour and greatnesse; freed from prison, from chaines of darknesse wherein he hath been held; brought out of a low dun­geon of wrath and heavie affliction, to the highest Throre of Ma­jesty: Person, and Office restored from blacknesse and foulnesse, to splendor and brighenesse, into the Majestie of God; and that performed which the Parliament often promised, A GLO­RIOUS KING; a KING in the glory of God; or the glorious God; the Immortall KING Reigning in man, and over men: Sir, this is your true Interest; its your life and soule; I know tis your heart, though yet lying his: Tis the Key will un­lock your spirit, and bring it cut into the light and liberty of God; unlock your understanding, after seven times have passed over you, you shall returne to your Threne, and true Majesty shall be given to you; and your Nobles and Kingdomes shall ho­nour you; all shall freely bow to you; and you shall command & Reigne againe, to the terrour of your adversaries, and joy of your friends: now the Prison doores stand open to you, and you shall returne to your Royall Parliament and City after seven yeares banishment.

We have now a King in whom we can confide, as in God; now the LORD lives in him, tis impiety and wickednesse to have a thought of distrust concerning him; the sure justice and righ­teousnesse of God in habits in the Throne, as its propet place.

We have a King according to our own hearts; he lives in our hearts; arises out of our hearts; and our hearts give him his do­minion: he hath all we have, and hath not too much, because he hath us too; and nothing but what we freely give: one high­er by the head then all the People: having the wisdome of the whole in him; of the largest understanding, and therefore King because he doth in true worth excell any in the Nation, and is [Page 12]of all men fittest to reign: fitted by his great suffering, and Gods fulnesse dwelling in him.

This is the QƲEENS interest she may return to the King, there is no feare now, she cannot hurt either Parliament or Religion, both being in such a condition as cannot be hurt: besides living in this light, of all she shall most love the Parliament; It being the same with her self the Kings Consort, & she being the same with it, concurting together in severall wayes to help, and ho­nour the King: if she should attempt any thing against it it would be against the King and her selfe.

The Parliament administring about the affaires of the King­dome, that the King may enjoy his Queen and Family with grea­test plenty, honour, ease and pleasure: and the Queen admini­string in the domesticall affaires of the King about his Person, that the King may enjoy his Parliament and people in greatest con­tent and freedom: The Parliament in businesse of State, a Queen lying in the bosome of the King; and the Queen in private and personall affaires a Parliament: and so Parliament and Queen interested, ioyn'd in one interest; And for her religion we are now so far from being afraid of it, that we rejoyce in it, and in her great interest in the Papacie: For as the Papists had by her designs upon us: so now (the stream being turned) we shall by her design upon them, and over-run the whole Papacie with light and truth, she shall be the doore by which we shall enter into all the riches and honours of the Papacie, and without injurie to them, we shall spoile them of all their glory, or rather bring a glorious fire amongst them, that shall out shine theirs; and burn up theirs in­to it self.

The Prince his Interest is here satisfied, he is indeed one with the Parliament; they and he are brethren descended both from the loyns of the King, and are one in various forms: each being the glory of the King, ane the staffe of his age, Christened at the same Font the Spirit of Christ: both the hope and joy of England, both being the glory of the King, propagated unto eternity, a never failing off spring, and flourishing in the vigour and youth­fulnesse of the Son of God: both interested into Christ, or the interest of Christ, and so of each other.

The Lords who have lost their Nobility, sunck in disgrace, scat­tered, [Page 13]and almost buried in dishonour; by this shall be restored, not to airy empty Titles, but to true Nobility: The Lord doth appear Lord of Lords, your Lord, owning Lordlinesse, and filling of it with himself, as well as King of Kings, and as he sets a Crown of pure gold upon the head of the King: so Coronets of pure gold upon yours, you shall shine as stars in this Firmament, in wisdom, holinesse, justice and goodnesse, and be in affinity to the King the head; ennobled with heavenly Majesty, fit to be about the Throne, and advanced to be the shoulders and brest of the Nation, next the head.

The Kings party are here fully satisfyed: to see their King re­stored to the honour and greatnesse of his Ancestors, his Proge­nitors: which is into the glory of God the great King, the Kings true Father: They that contend for known Lawes, by this the Laws are known by God, brought out of the dust of the earth, in which they were trampled upon, and restored into the bright­nesse and life of God: And now we shall see the whole body of the English Lawes interpreted and opened to us by the wisdom of God, and all drawn forth into life and power by the spirit of God, as we see the fundamentall Law of King and Parliament, written in the face of God and Christ by the Spirit.

You shall have Religion in the old way, in the good old way, Divine service; wherein every part of it shall be irradiated with the Beames of Divinity, and in every thing you shall see the face of God, and have fellowship with the Divine nature: Reli­gion shall be adorned with solemnity, State, Pomp, Glory, Ease, Musick, all Heavenly and Earthly together, such as may allure and please the minds of men, and there shall be nothing harsh or rude in it: yea, rudenesse it self shall have its comlinesse. You shall have your sports, pleasures, we will fing together in the hight of Zion: young men and maids dannce together without offence or in­iquity, all in the innocency, holinesse and joy of God: your whol life a course of pleasure; all things, yea labour and pains shall be recreations: God recreating all things, or making all things new, they shall be sweet and delightfull: you shall have yout Holy­dayes, yea, your whole life shall be spent in Holy-dayes, a conti­nuall rest, the great Jubile.

You the more civill and solid of that party, that sinck into a retired condition in these tempestious times, that lye quietly and patiently in your graves of your own and the Kingdoms suffer­ings; your resurrection is come, and you shall revive, and in a new spirit act for, and in the prosperity of the Nation.

And you mad Lads shall sweare: Now the Lord lives in truth, righteousnesse, and judgement, and know him present with you; sweare by the eternall God, the spirit filling every Oath with truth: you shall curse your enemy the Devill with all plagues to the pit of hell, and so dam him and ram him in, that he shall no more come forth to trouble you: you shall eat and drink freely, and forget your selves and your sorrow, and in it be filled with the spirit of the Lord: be raised into high mirth and jollity, drink so freely of this new wine of the Kingdom, till you are drunk out of your own wits into the Princely spirit of God, and then ever speak and act things of love, worth, bravery, and excellency: This is the KINGS HEALTH, his saving health, his union with God, God with him, drink of this health freely: and the whole Kingdom shall PLEDGE; be bound to fill it again, and drink down this heavenly liquor of the Majesty of God in the King into them: and the whole people shall say, and see it performed, GOD SAVE THE KING: The King is saved in God; and God the salvation of the King.

This restoration fully satisfies the Parliaments Interest, gives her higher Priviledges: She is called to an honourable state to live in the Lord Christ, to sit with Christ in heavenly places, to be one with the Son, the body of God: to be Jer [...]salem above the mother of us all; and therefore f [...]ee, free with God, and in God with the King: freedom to enter into his heart and bosome, to lye there continually: The King shall greatly desire they beauty; Thou now hast power as wel as liberty, to make righteous Laws in perfect Righteousness that shall stand for ever: such a King and such a Parliament as we have long beg'd to agree together in just things: and in both we shall reap the fruit of our prayers: which though they were sowed in weakness, and now seem dead and rot­ting in the earth, yet shall rise in power.


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